Val's Cafe



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all ..went to the dentist today to have the crown fitted..and it had been cancelled but I hadn't got the its next week now
    Toni I am so very pleased to hear that all is well with Lucy, you must get so worried both of understatement I think t4591 t4591
    Poor Paul is busy I hope he can get some time off soon at least he got into the shed..I am there now with the sisters wont be long ..just getting the vocals oiled..
    Mig its great to know you are getting on with life and doing keep up the good work t4591
    Kath I hope dad is doing ok.. t4591 does Anita live near to him... :?: and thankyou for the soup recipe its certainly the weather for it
    Joan you should have told us what you were seeing the hospital for ..then we can be here for you..hope they can sort it for you. t4591
    Aidan thankyou for the Skillet sized Cookies, with Nuts, Fruit, Yoghurt and Fudge did you say one each or was that Toni..and I adore the cosy room takes me back to home with the fire going.. :D
    so glad you got to Skipton and had a nice time.. :D you both deserve it..and thankyou for the love and sparkly heart... :D t4591
    My brother is in a better frame of mind after his chat at Christies..he says he felt like his head wasn't his..and his legs were going from under him .. they said this is normal with what he is on..and it will decrease in a week or so..
    Niamh is going to the Lakes for a few days so like you say we can rest..missing her though..
    Right will make a move..
    love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Finally - a little sit down. It is absolutely t111055 t111055 t111055 t111055 t111055 and the weather warnings are for Friday and Saturday with high risk of flooding :shock: :shock: :? :? Every time BIL and SIL from London, come up, they bring the most extremes of weather :roll: :roll: t111055 t111055

    Anyway, where was I. Hi to everyone again. There seems to be a lot to catch up on, so bear with....................

    Hi Toni - yes, the cloak was very busy today, one visit with you and Lucy and one with Bill and Bill Senior
    Very pleased to hear that Lucy's results were all fine, that is very good indeed.

    I think I mentioned everything about Dads visit. He needs his anticoagulants, they are super important, given the events of this year :? :?
    B said he was ok, lots of bravado, but the GP can see through that and knows what is what, from sharing knowing glances with B.

    Mother was shrieking about the salamanders tail, so so pleased that it was offered to them, as soon as they reached the Appalachian Mountains, (which took 25 seconds) :shock: :shock: :? :? don't ask, I just agree with Hogwarts Physics now, it is WAY over my head.

    Quite rude, thinking that our modes of transport are so crude and outdated :o:o :shock: :shock: I said we have wifi and flat screens and all manner of gizmo's, but, she said it was "old hat", but one day hoomans might catch up a little.
    Sleek does love Gok and Mother is taking to him now, she likes his glasses and says he is very endearing and makes peeples feel special, like David does. t4591 t4591 High praise indeed

    I don't think there will be much flying, even with wet weather gear, mind you, Sleek is more of a dare devil than Mother, so she expects her to come squelching through the gate :lol::lol::lol:

    The next thing required for the spell, is lichen, from the Church tower walls. Sleek will be on with that one............... t115006 t115006

    Boiler next, gosh, it has been quite an ordeal................ :shock: :shock: all done for Christmas though, which is perfect timing. Paul has gone back to Plymouth :roll: :? Must be a long drive, goodness, hours of it................At least he managed to come back and have a little down time, in the shed :) t4591

    I know, no more Unicorns, :o don't worry, I can soon sneak one or two in, as long as they are not HUGE :lol::lol::lol:

    Good job that Bill swept up all the leaves, now that the rains have come, it turns leaves to mush, very slippy mush. I was as subtle as possible with the immaculising of the kitchen tops etc. Keeping Dad busy with his fish and then coffee :)

    Ah, vanishing veins, that is very common. Even mine can go into hiding on admission to hospital. All gone :? :roll: :roll: At least you can show that your heart rate is normal, with your fit bit. I might have the pulse of an athlete, but that is where it stops :shock: :lol::lol:

    I am coming along with my cake decorations - thank you kindly :wink::wink:

    Now then Mig, I found this Cauldron - I hope it is the right one XX


    Kath - the pho dish sounds delightful, lots of tasty ingredients in there :)

    I hope Dad is comfortable and feeling a lot better - hopefully coming home next week, t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    Ah, the little birdie was right then Toni - the wonders of modern technology - don't tell Sleek, she will think it is so outdated :roll: :roll:
    Very pleased that Lucy is doing so so well t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    Nero's sent us both a bit squiffy today, siesta was a total waste of time, just nodding, knock at the door - did you order a take away NO WE DID NOT - :roll: :roll:
    Then something else clattered and made a racket, no idea what that was.
    I think a wee bit too much caffeine for all of us - :? :? As for my blood sugar, I have no idea, doesn't happen at GC, T room, Costa - very very strange :roll: :roll:

    I hope choir practice went very well, lots of singing of traditional hymns. I do hope the Sisters were not OTT :? :? or pickled :o:o:lol::lol:

    Hi Barbara - you will be having very similar weather to us, so, time to get the wellies out I think t111055 t111055 :roll: :roll:

    What a pain, a wasted visit to the dentist, can they not ring people to let them know ?? Texts can and do get lost in the ether...........

    Oh yes, the skillet sized cookies, one each, without a doubt, we need the carbs, slow release :? :? :D:D with a hint :? of sugar too :lol::lol:
    You like the cosy rooms with the fire all aglow - let me go find you another one t4591 We could all stay here at once :)


    We had a nice time in Skipton - Hilde is filthy dirty, it is that kind of weather - next week she can have a bath, after the monsoons. We went to the crystal shop and had a nice chat with the lady we know in there.
    Then to B & M, a little nosy about, wanted all the Unicorns, but I am banned :lol::lol:

    Very good to hear that your Brother was feeling a deal better - having felt somewhat detached and off his legs, with the chemo drugs. They do do that, I know they try and minimise the side effects. Extra (((()))) and prayers as always t4591 t4591

    I hope Niamh and Mum have packed their wet weather gear for the Lakes, still, they are beautiful no matter what the weather - moody and magnificent, used to love holidays in the Lakes. I am sure you are missing her and vice versa t4591 t4591

    Hi Carol - how is your me time going, apart from the busy bits. Hope you have managed to have a chill out and relax as well t4591 t4591

    Hi Crinkly - trust you and yours are doing ok - when will you hear the final results of your dissertation?

    Hi to everyone else in and about t4591 t4591

    into town this morning, pop into the T room, have a little brunch with Dad.

    Well, I had best be doing some more pottering :) The rain has stopped, for now.

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXXXX Aidan

    Apple Tart, just right for breakfast and one of our five a day too :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all :)

    Barbara you sang well at choir as did the sisters you stopped them at just the right time and for once they weren't too tiddly juts 'merry'.

    I am very glad to hear your bro was reassured by Christies that the odd feelings were normal. Does he drive I wonder? and does his GF? Just thinking practically if he doesn't feel great :?

    Ah the Lakes! Niamh will love them! I think Sleek might take Mother up to have a look in the side car if she can talk her into it. Might not though Tosca is not a fan of t111055

    Naughty dentist not warning you! I am shocked :shock: Lucy and I have our check-up this morning too and got the text reminder.

    Sounds like we all had too much caffeine as you know I am decaff all the way, but I forgot to say so in Costa :?

    Nero's is lovely though. We have a crystal shop too it's in the GC and the lady is lovely and very knowledgeable :)

    You'll get one or two very small unicorns in I'm sure t115006 t115006

    I think it's when they are so kind like David and Gok that Sleek takes to them you know. Tosca is mostly giving her opinions on the dresses and how vile the families can be...Sleek fully intends to come over in her Mackintosh Sou'wester and galoshes whatever the weather so get the airer out ready with some buckets underneath :roll:

    Ah the GP can't risk reducing his anticoagulants then :( Poor Dad I think the GP has him sussed and trust B's little 'looks' to know what is really going on.

    I see you found the cauldron what will Sleek and Mother use for their spell? Can't have the salamander's tail going to waste after all that effort - all of 25 minutes :roll: There is much lichen here in one of my best bowls :shock: Sleek!

    A take-away? How infuriating :x

    Right must get on dentist for Lucy and me - I must get my teeth cleaned extra well :)

    A quick hello to Sue and Joan I hope this is NOT your last dial-a-ride trip ((())) and Joan we will be with you for that endoscopy t4591 t4591

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone
    Joan is just off walking the dogs
    Today is our last time on Dial A Ride
    We have at last got the O T coming to see if she can help with a few things
    Joan will let you know
    Love Sue
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Sue. Apart from the loss of a valuable service that you need, I expect you have made friends with some of the other users who travel with you. Such a sad day for all of you, t4591 t4591

    Aidan, you have a lovely picture of our living room. :wink: She said wishfully. :lol: I don't know what tests dad has had apart from blood tests and probably wee samples. Anita was at work yesterday and again today. But will probably visit him tomorrow and get an update. She will have to ask his nurse though because whatever he's been told has probably been lost in the mists of time (like father like daughter). :roll:
    I spy with my solitary eye, APPLE TART Luvverley mi duck, ta muchly. Will go and raid Toni's never ending supply of cream. (slurp).

    Barbara, Anita lives a fairly short drive from dad, (Thorneywood Aidan) and the same distance for her to drive to the hospial. I mentioned where she lives to Aidan, because being a Nottm lad I'm sure he knows it well. :D I hope your brother will continue in good spirits. Having his GF and yourself will help him no end. t4591 I'm giving sunshine freely as even though it's not raining here, It's as dull as ditchwater out there. :?

    Toni, I'm so pleased that Lucy got on well at Dr Tim's clinic. I can't imagine how bad dad would be if he didn't have umpteen cuppas a day. But I'm sure he will be encouraged to drink plain water too.
    Don't know if you noticed the Vegan pho can be used as a cold cure. Better have it bottled. :lol:

    mig, glad the cauldron has been found, just in time for your Halloween concoction.

    Carol, I expect Mr T. is counting down the days until his visit to the little ones (and slightly bigger ones). t115006 t115006 t115006

    Vegan Gin & Tonic Pancakes
    Ingredients for the pancakes
    -250g of plain flour (I use gluten-free)
    -1 & 1/2 tablespoons of baking powder
    -1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
    -2 tablespoons of golden caster sugar
    -1/4 teaspoon of salt
    -300ml dairy-free milk (such as unsweetened almond milk)
    -3 tablespoons of oil (light olive oil)

    Ingredients for the drizzle
    -200ml of orange juice
    -Zest of 2 large oranges (optional)
    -140ml of Valencian orange tonic water (I use Fentimans)
    -1 tablespoon of pure gin
    -200g of golden caster sugar
    -4 & 1/2 tablespoons of corn starch
    -Pinch of salt
    -Coconut whip

    To make the drizzle
    Step 1- Place the orange juice, orange zest, tonic water, gin, sugar, corn starch and salt into a saucepan.

    Step 2- Heat over medium/high until boiling, stirring constantly.
    This will take around 5-8 minutes.

    Step 3- Bring to the boil. Keep stirring, it will thicken and turn clear.

    Step 4- Remove the thick curd from the heat and place into a heatproof bowl.

    Set aside to cool then place into the fridge.
    It will thicken as it cools.

    Store in the fridge.

    To make the pancakes
    Step 1- Add the flour, baking powder, ground cinnamon, sugar and salt into a bowl and mix.

    Step 2- Pour in the dairy-free milk and oil and combine until smooth.
    Set aside for 5 minutes.

    Step 3- Heat a tablespoon of oil in a frying pan.

    Step 4- Spoon the batter into the pan, about 2 tablespoons at a time.
    Allow the edges of the pancake to turn golden then flip.

    Step 5- Once both sides are golden in colour, serve.

    Best enjoyed fresh and warm.

    TIP- Before serving the orange drizzle, mix with more orange juice to get the required consistency.

    serve pancakes with some homemade coconut whip.

    Don't fall off your stool Toni and Barbara. :lol:n045.gifn045.gif

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all t4591 t4591 on a super t111055 t111055 t111055 day. Pendle has vanished into the mists and rain and it is not due to stop pouring until tomorrow afternoon :shock: :roll: :roll:

    No, you are right Toni, Mother is no fan of getting wet at ALL. She is keeping a very close guard on her radiator at the moment :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    They do both like Gok and David, Mother is more than happy to give opinions on the rest of the family who come in with the bride to be - she does not mince her words at all :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    The airer is out, obviously Sleekness has been, there is a puddle in the hall underneath the airer :lol::lol: :roll: :roll: Mother said Sleek looked like a North Sea Fisher puskin :lol::lol:

    Hope all goes well at the Dentist, we need to go, cannot remember when we went last time - oh the shame........... :oops: :oops: :? :?

    We must have had too much caffeine yesterday, it must be the blend at Nero's, as I have super strong extra shots in mine at Costa and GC, T room and they don't bother me at all. :? :?

    Crystal shops are wonderful - Bill bought me a green man :shock: here is a picture of him, he is rather nice. :D:D t4591

    Right, I am going to post this and then write again later, replying to my other friends and guests alike :) time is eluding me at the moment.

    Hoping for a successful siesta today - back is screeching something wicked :roll: :roll: grrrrrrr

    It is still chuckin it darn Kath mi duck :roll:


    Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 See you later
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Well Mr headed off about 9 am yesterday on his little break to see family and will be back later this evening. So I had quite a relaxed morning after he left and ,then after lunch I had a nice little chill out with coffee in my favourite place.
    Then I treated youngest daughter a lovely meal out in a Wetherspoons pub in my local high street near the river.
    We had our meal with a glass of wine for me and a Brandy and coke for her, and after the meal a coffee well actually 2 coffee, as they do free unlimited refills after you have purchased the first one We had a lovely long chat and then suddenly realised we had spent
    Spent 3hours there. By this time it was 10.30pm so instead of daughter taking about an hour to get home she came back and spent the night with me. And of course this afternoon I met my friend for coffee and knitting. So as well as being quite a relaxed couple of days it has also been quite busy.

    Kath yes mr T has had his visit to Ramsgate to visit Family and meet Little Kian for the first time. He went off yesterday And I would guess he is probably on his way home now. I am expecting him home around 9 to 9.30. Hmm gin and tonic pancakes sound yummy.

    Hi Sue nice to see you hope you and Joan enjoy your last dial a ride trip. Hopefully the OT can help.

    Toni hope the dentist goes well for you and Lucy.

    I must now do a little potter and tidy away my tea things. And do a couple of other little jobs before mr t returns.

    Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 .
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all t4591 Back again - :) Yep, it is still t111055 t111055

    Mother has sourced a new cauldron Toni, she went into her Ottoman and was gone a while........................


    Small, but perfectly formed, ideal for puskin spells :animal_busy: t115006 t115006 The Unicorn hair and salamander tail have already been added - mother is just sifting through the lichen.

    Dad is a bit confused with all the plans for the week end. BIL SIL and two teenagers are at the bungalow already. We will meet them all in the T room this morning (table booked).

    Sunday we will go over to the bungalow they have hired (they stayed there last year, it is very nice, very swish and modern). B's other Brother and SIL are coming over as well as our Nephew, wife and two kiddies...........I think I am confused, so I can feel for Dad :? :?
    We will keep him suitably guided through it all. Veering off the norm, is quite unsettling for him.

    How did the dentist visit go, "no fillings today Mum" - gosh, that advert seems a very long time ago............. :shock:

    Has Paul finished his awkward working week, some down time at home I hope t4591 t115006

    Is Tia still enjoying her new job? I bet she is loving it. Looking forward to seeing some gorgeous wedding pics :) t4591

    Hi Joan and Sue - sorry that Friday was your last dial a ride journey. What will you do now, as Toni said, is there an adapted taxi that you can pre book, most places have one that is easily accessible.
    Hope you managed to get all you needed and didn't get too wet.

    Excellent news that the OT is coming out to assess for any aids and adaptations for you. They do a very good job, more than people realise. ((((()))))

    Hi Kath, y'or right mi duck. That living room is gorgeous isn't it. Up in Beaver Creek, Colorado, perfect for lovely snow and beautiful mountain vistas. Dream on Aidan :roll: :roll: We didn't win the Euromillions, - maybe tomorrow's lottery.

    Hope Dad is ok, there should be most if not all results of bloods and wee samples back by now. Best to speak to the nurse in charge, as you say, things get lost in the mists of time. I know Dad was always the same, "what did the Dr say" - "haven't seen one" :shock: :? :?
    Sending him and all of you extra (((()))) t4591 t4591

    Glad you enjoyed the apple tart with cream, of course. Toni has it delivered by the vat. :lol::lol:

    I do remember Thorneywood mi duck. The old market at Sneinton, then a bit further into town to the owd ice rink, as it was. It has all been upgraded now.

    Ta for making the Gin and Tonic Pancakes, wow. I will have them with alcohol free Gin, but they sound amazing t4591 t4591

    Hi Carol - Glad Mr T went off on his family visit ok. You have had some down time and plenty of social time too, which is nice.

    Coffee at your favourite cafe bar, lovely :) Then a lovely meal out with your Daughter, by the river. Even more lovely :)

    Nice glass of wine and then endless coffee - don't take me there, I will be on the ceiling if it is never ending :shock: :shock: :shock:
    I had a thought, it would be nice if your Daughter could stop over, lo and behold, after the time had flown by, she did just that. t4591 t4591

    More coffee with your friend on Friday - you are as bad as us for your coffee's - lady after my own heart :D:D:lol::lol:

    I hope Mr T arrived home safely, after meeting Kian for the first time, plus the rest of the family t4591 t4591

    Hi Barbara - hope you and yours are ok. I bet Niamh and Mum are having a wet adventure up in the Lakes t111055 t111055 :shock:
    Trusting that your Brother is doing ok and feeling not too bad t4591 (((()))) Positive thoughts forever coming his way t115006 t4591

    Talking of lakes, here is your Autumn water picture, I know you like them ((()))


    Hi to Crinkly, Mig, Mell, DD, SW, Toady, Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth and all. t4591 t4591

    Siesta was a bit more successful, :) A relaxing evening, golf on in the background, B busy away with his creations and me doing my bits and bats, fussing and pottering, in between writing.

    Time to move about a bit. So, I will love and leave you for now. Lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXX Aidan

    Lemon and Cream Cheese Pastry

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Noo-noo! Where are you?! Are there he is! that lemon pastry was to die for Aidan, but rather flaky!!

    Paul got back about 1/4 to 8 last night just in time to see the end of Corrie - a bit sad :cry:

    Today we are off up to Northumberland to our friend's caravan (we will be in B&B nearby) in Newbiggin :) We haven't even been once this year (wedding :roll: ) so looking forward to it :D Back tomorrow morning after a curry out at their 'usual' curry house.

    Sleek will be looked after ably by Charley. We also will have Charley's cat 'back' very soon as her ex is moving out of the house they had shared and Charley had rented somewhere nearer to us.

    I see you all have a very confusing weekend ahead of you :? no wonder Dad was confused so was I! I do remember the bungalow someone stayed in last time though so it might come back to him. Still he trusts you and B so should be ok with being taken here and there. Lucky he is an amiable chap!

    Glad today's siesta was ok and you both had a restful evening - the lull before the storm eh?!

    STILL no wedding pics :roll: Tia is LOVING her job more than you can imagine :D Sleek is not impressed neither are Oreo and Jessie they all muttered 'wot's wrong wiv cat's protekshun'

    Sleek says the new cauldron Mother located is better than the big one it was hard work stirring that pot up. They have a spurtle from Mrs Darcey.

    Sorry about the puddle under the airer, but it works her North sea fisher outfit! She was bone dry and roaste-toastie inside :animal_busy:

    Is the green man some sort of father earth? He looks very spiritual.

    Kath I hope Anita has some good news to report after she visits your Dear Dad. Yes always best to speak to a nurse!! They are probably testing to ensure his kidneys are ok and that eh si recovering from the infection.

    Bottle my pho?! Maybe I don't want a cold at all :shock: Sleek and Tosca have taken a sample to an a liez.

    Gin and tonic pancakes? Well I never Kari will love those :D

    Joan I hope all goes or had gone well with the OT. I hope you can find a local taxi firm adapted for wheelchairs so you can still get out :?

    Love to all

    Toni xxx

    Oh yes 'no fillings today' for either of us :D

    Aw Carol how lovely enjoying your meal out and time with your daughter so much that you spent 3 hours nattering!! That is so nice to read t4591

    Best thing her staying with you the night don't want her travelling at night if it's avoidable.

    Knit and natter was good too - I rather think a bit of 'me' time is what you needed :)

    Thank you dentist went really well as usual we're all done and dusted for another 6 months :roll:

    I hope Mr T has had a good visit.
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone I hope the weekend is good for everyone. We have Dial a ride for a mother month.
    . Toni that's good Lucy's blood is good((((((())))) glad the dentist is over(((((((())))))
    . Aidan I hope everything is not too bad for you do you feel better(((((())))) love to B and Dad you have it all under control has usual (((((()))))
    . Kathleen how are you feeling (((((())))) and your Dad((((()))))
    . Carol you had a nice time with your daughter(((((((())))
    . take care love Mig(((((()))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Joan and Sue, thank you for asking but I'm having a bit of a wobble today. Dad's still in hospital but no longer on a drip. Anita is visiting him later and will hopefully be told when he will be home. They will put a care package in place for him as he obviously can't look after himself and Anita can't be there 24/7 bless her. She is doing a marvellous job. But as an 89 year old, he definitely needs help. I know Aidan will understand what I mean. a045.gif

    Aidan, I didn't know Mother had an ottoman. So do I but it's contents are much more 'every day' than the exciting and magical belongings of Her Esteemed Lady Glitter chops. :lol:
    According to Anita, and I have no reason to disbelieve her, but when dad has chicken portions he cooks them form frozen and cuts a piece off to eat. When Anita has found the remaining piece it's still frozen in the middle. :? I'm so glad he will have a care package put in place. I hope he will get meals on wheels too, although I know it will be ready meals to microwave. But surely safer.

    Toni, Carol and Barbara, I hope you have a good weekend in spite of the weather. It's been chucking it down all day here.

    t111055 t111055 t111055 t111055 t111055 t111055

    Sweet and sour aubergines
    Succulent and savoury.

    Serves 4

    1 tsp salt
    8 baby aubergines, quartered lengthways
    3 tbsp gram (chickpea) flour
    2 tsp cumin seeds
    2 tsp coriander seeds
    1 tbsp finely grated fresh ginger
    2 cloves of garlic, crushed
    1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
    1 tsp paprika
    Handful of fresh coriander leaves, chopped
    3 tbsp coconut or vegetable oil
    Juice of 1/2 a lemon
    3 tsp brown sugar
    Rub ½ tsp salt into the aubergines and leave them to drain in a colander for 30 minutes.
    Put the chickpea flour, cumin seeds and coriander seeds into a heavy frying pan and toast on a medium heat until the seeds pop and the flour becomes darker. Scoop out into a pestle and mortar and roughly crush the seeds. Add the ginger, garlic, cayenne, paprika, fresh coriander, ½ tsp salt and bash into a thick, sticky paste.
    Pat the aubergines dry with kitchen paper, then rub the paste into them.
    Put the oil in a large frying pan. When it is hot add the aubergines and begin to fry, browning them on all sides for 3 or 4 minutes. Add 3 tbsp water. Pop a lid on the pan and leave to simmer for around 15 minutes.
    Whisk the lemon and sugar together and pour over the aubergines. Continue to cook for a few minutes, turning them once, until there is a thick sauce and the aubergines are almost falling apart. Serve warm, topped with chopped coriander.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all still raining..will it ever stop.. :shock:
    Kath its good that Anita lives near dad..I hope all his test are ok bless him t4591 thankyou for the sunshine..I am sure it will land very soon.. :) gin and tonic pancakes wow..must give them a try..
    Carol glad to hear Mr T is seeing your New GGS Kian ..and you have had some nice me time and daughter and mum time :D I dont have daughters or sisters..would have loved them bu all out GDs are girls :D
    Toni you enjoy your break away..I did try and drag the sisters out of the shed..but they ignored me I gave up and joined them..we did sing well didnt we.. :lol: hope all was well at your dentist..
    my brother or his GF dont drive..they are planning there wedding ..its so unreal has my eldest brother got married when he was poorly..must say corrie was very sad but realy well done :(
    Joan and Sue I am glad to hear you have your transport for another month..just hope something will take its place..and I hope OT can help with different aids...some things you would never think of..xx
    Aidan I want to live in the log cabin with the roaring looks wonderful..could sit there with my lemon and cheese pastry :D so you were hypo both of you..but only when you go to costa was it.. :roll: what a shame you were woke from your siesta..there is nothing worse than getting a jolt like that.. :roll:
    The little green man that B bought you is lovely ..I am so glad you had some time it today that Family are there and going to the GC..sorry mi brains gone :? anyway have a lovely time.. sending hugs for dad t4591 we had facetime with Niamh ..they are in a cabin but best of all there is an indoor pool so she is happy :D
    Think I had better move or I will set
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t111055
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all t4591 finally it has stopped raining and we have some watery m0150 m0150
    The river is up over the higher banks, not quite to the road level, yet........ :shock: :?

    Nu nu was busy, it came round here, the mess, all that flaky pastry Toni, never seen the likes :lol::lol: well worth it though

    I did see a write up about the end of last nights Corrie, I don't follow it, last time I watched it, Bette Lynch was running the Rovers :shock: :shock:
    It seemed all very sad though, lots of people saying they were bawling their eyes out. :cry::cry: At least Paul got home safely, not too late, late enough though :roll:

    Off up to Newbiggin, by the sea, some ozone for your airways, that will be nice :)
    I hope you have a lovely curry night with your friends and a safe journey both ways.

    Sleek was telling Mother that Mummy and Daddy were gowing tu the see syde for a kurri :shock: :lol::lol:

    Charley's puskin will be moving in too, does Miss Slimkins know about it ? Mother does, but has not whispered a word, just in case. :? :? :?

    The week end has gone ok so far. Round to Dads, made sure he was all ready and off we went into town to the T room, BIL SIL Nephew and Niece all arrived and we were all spoiled rotten by the lovely staff, they really do take care of their customers.

    Dad sat at one end, Matron at the other, give Pete a chance to catch up and chat to Dad, while we nattered to Julie. Bill and I had cheese and mushroom toasties with chips of course and everyone, including Dad, had full breakfasts - We did warn them that you get everything plus a loaf and a half of bread, orange, coffee, tea preserves etc.
    Just about everything was devoured, even Dad ate all his :shock: :shock: which we never thought he would. Go Dad :D:D

    I had to have a choccy brownie and nephew had fruit pie and custard, but his eyes were bigger than his belly, so niece helped him out :lol::lol:

    They have taken Dad back to the bungalow for a few hours, change of scenery. He will likely fall asleep, but that's ok. They notice a big change in Dad since their last trip north. :cry:

    That is that for today, we can straight home, I did the pressing, sorted a bit of washing, now just kicking back a little - and breathe.

    Off again tomorrow, to the Bungalow, with Dad, to meet up with everyone, other nephew wide and kiddies and Bills other Brother, who is peters twin (you would never guess in a million years). It isn't far to where they are stopping, only 20 mins or so.

    It did seem odd, Dad being in their car today and waving us off in the car park - like "where is Dad going, why are they taking him" - very strange feeling, I guess we are so used to him being with us.

    Oooo I am rambling, sorry :oops: :oops:

    So glad that Tia is loving her job - Mother said that dogz have to be looked after too, as well as Katz - even though we don't like them :shock: :? :lol::lol:

    They are both very pleased with the mini cauldron and the new spurtle is perfect for stirring the pot :) Mrs Darcey was most pleased to donate it to the spell pot t115006 t115006 Bless her t4591

    We could mop the water up, as long as Sleek was dry and warm :lol:
    Good weather for a few days now, sunshiny days and frosty nights - perfect for spid--s web gathering :? :? t115006 t115006

    mother has put the pho in her ottoman, for analysis later, when Sleek comes over - she is bringing all the path lab equipment :o :shock: :shock:

    The green man has a lot of different meanings, some pagan in origin, with springtime and seasons changing, rebirth etc. He is a handsome chappy

    Good, no fillings needed :) Big smiles all round.......... (((())))

    Hi Joan and Sue - that is good news, to keep dial a ride for another month - I have written to Swindon council and said what is going on, when there are disabled people who rely on this essential service. Sorry, I could not resist saying something to them. I said it nicely of course :D

    Thank you for the hugs ((((())))), you are both very kind. We are ok, enjoying a bit of time off this afternoon. Oh yes, we have everything organised :) We have to have a plan............... t4591 t4591

    Hi Kath- I do understand what you mean about Dad. There comes a time when a package of care has to be put in place, difficult as it is, to come to terms with. (((())))
    Don't worry about having a wobble, we all have them mi duck.

    Good to hear that Dad is off the IV and hopefully Anita will find out when he can come home.
    No, she cannot be there 24/7, no one would expect that of her and don't you be feeling anxious, you have enough health problems of your own to contend with.

    Dad definitely needs meals on wheels, or whatever they are called now. He will make himself very poorly if he is cooking things like Chicken from frozen, then eating a bit at a time :o :shock:
    Ready meals are already cooked thoroughly, which is one good thing, so re heating them is far more simple and less worry for you all.

    Mother Glitter Chops does like her ottoman, she is often furtling about in there, clattering and banging in one of the rooms :shock: :?

    Sweet and Sour Aubergines, sounds lovely. Cannot wait to try them :) Ta muchly.

    Hi Barbara - it has stopped raining here, so hopefully you will get some dry weather too :? :? it has poured for about 36 hours.

    We do need to have that Big log cabin / mansion - as a winter get away, it looked amazing.
    Glad you enjoyed the pastries by the fire :):)

    It was Nero's that sent me hypo, which happens just about every time we go. No probs with Costa or T room or GC, strange though.

    The green man symbolises rebirth and changes of seasons, all sorts of meanings in the mists of time - he is well lovely :) Keeping an eye on us

    So your Bro and GF are planning their wedding, that is lovely. It will remind you of your late elder Brother though (((()))) They feel that it is the right thing to do, which is admirable. t4591 t4591 (((())))

    Bro and SIL plus their teenagers met us at the T rooms, then tomorrow it is the three of us all meeting up at the bungalow they rent when they come up here. There will be 13 of us tomorrow

    Right, time is racing along, so I had better post, then make T and have a lay down, much needed siesta today

    Coffee and Canape's, by the fire I think


    Big hi to everyone, in and about. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all, t4591 t115006 t115006
    Will be back later on. Take Care XXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all t4591 It is very clear and very chilly out, best stop in by the fire :)


    Quiet evening here, siesta was very welcome. Kath / Carol, if you can send Rosie and Clarence over please, there was an errant spid-- in the hall earlier on..... :shock: :shock: .....needed evicting by B.

    I hope you enjoyed your curry with friends up in the North East - I googled Newbiggin, quite interesting, with a big bronze statue out in the sea, called The Couple.
    The bay looks very nice - Northumberland is a wonderful part of the world, it can blow mighty chilly on that coastline, but it is beautiful.

    Safe journey back home. Sleek said Mummy and Daddy are not away long. No dramatics in Mothers ear :roll: :lol::lol:

    Hi Barbara - hope you are ok, I bet it is quiet, with Niamh being away. I forgot to mention her earlier, how ride I bet she is having a wonderful time, if there is an indoor pool. I am sure she will tell you all about it t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    Hi Carol - how was Mr T's visit to see Kian and the family? I hope he had a lovely time and the journey was not too arduous. t4591 t4591

    Kath, sending lots of love and extra (((()))) to you all, with loads of sparkles for Dad too. We all know what these difficult times are like. A wobble is fine, I had a bit of a one earlier, for some reason, not quite sure why :shock: :? :roll:

    Hi Crinkly - hope you and yours are ok, not too ouchy t4591

    It is a while since we had some sparkles - they really should be Autumnal :)


    On that dazzling note, I will go and potter some more. I doubt I will get chance to write this afternoon, I am sure Kath will serve up something totally delicious to keep everyone going and I will catch up again this evening.

    Lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take care, keep warm XXXXX Aidan

    Waffles, we need waffles, a must, in chilly weather :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone I hope you have a good day
    . Aidan Thank you for writing that's nice of you(((((())))) that's good you having a nice time with the relations ((()))) and Dad enjoyed himself has well(((())))
    . Barbara how is your brother(((((()))) what does Niamh think of her sister(((())))
    . Kathleen everyone has a wobble at times yes I know about care sue has care 3times a day except for Fri so has we can go shopping.
    sue cannot walk so she is lifted by hoist on her scooter in the mornings then into the wheelchair after dinner then later lifted in to bed I cannot do it I move the hoist from room to room and get the water I cannot sit and watch. Sorry to go on(((())))
    . take care love to Toni Carol Mig (((((()))))
    . Joan xxx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Joan, you do NOT go on, it's interesting to hear about your lives. I'm sure you both help one another as much as you can. Your sisterly love shines through both your posts.

    Aidan, Clarence is on his way and will pick up Florence and the Beefy Boys on the way.
    Dad is off the drip YAY but he has to has to have laxatives to give him a thorough clear out as that is also affecting his bladder. He has a catheter in too. Anita is hoping it won't be too long for him to come home. She is visiting again later, but she is anxious that he's not getting no stimulation as there' no TV or radio (he loves his radio) on the ward and the other patients are virtually non compos mentis, so nobody to chat to. He likes a bit of a chin wag too. None of which is good for his memory or mental state. Anita doesn't rate the ward staff to well either. They don't even talk to her! We need MATRON to pay them a stern visit. a045.gif
    Thank you for the waffles and gorgeous pictures. :D

    Toni, we have sunshine today, very pleasant but freezing. I don't know what I'll do when winter arrives. r020.gif

    Carol, I hope Mr T enjoyed his visit to Kian and co. Has Florence been picked up for a recce at Aidan's?

    Barbara, I trust our brother is feeling fairly good well still in good spirits. You are always in our thoughts, and Niamh will be back soon.

    Vegan Orange Cauliflower

    1 head cauliflower , medium-size
    1 cup orange cauliflower sauce , see below
    Crispy Coating:
    3/4 cup cornmeal
    3/4 cup bread crumbs , gluten-free if needed
    6 tbsp hemp seeds or almond flour , grind the hemp seeds for best results (see notes)
    2 teaspoons sea salt
    2 cups almond flour
    1 cup cashew or almond milk
    1 cup sparkling soda water
    2 tsp baking powder
    drizzle oil , optional (see notes)
    To Serve (optional):
    Brown rice
    Cauliflower rice , for a low carb option
    Sliced green onions
    Crushed red pepper
    Any other veggies you want
    Orange Cauliflower Sauce:
    1 cup veggie broth
    ¾ cup maple syrup
    ½ cup Sumo Citrus mandarin juice , see note
    2 teaspoons zest from citrus
    ½ cup Tamari or soy sauce
    ½ cup rice wine vinegar
    2 teaspoons freshly grated garlic , about 4 cloves (use zester you used for the citrus zest)
    4 teaspoons cornstarch
    ¼ cup warm water
    US Customary - Metric
    Preheat the oven to 450°F/ 232°C.
    Slice the cauliflower into large bite-size pieces. Or cut into nugget size if making for kids.
    Make the crispy coating by mixing together the cornmeal, bread crumbs, ground hemp seeds (or almond flour), and salt, then place it in a shallow baking dish.
    You can also put it into a large plastic bag for the shake and bake option.
    Make the batter by combining the almond flour, milk, water and baking powder in a bowl until fully mixed. Add a drizzle of oil if you’d like.
    Using one hand for the batter and one for the coating (this helps avoid clumping of the coating), dip each cauliflower piece in the batter then place in the coating dish and cover with coating.
    Place each piece on a parchment-lined cookie sheet. Make sure to evenly spread out the pieces.
    If using the plastic bag, simply place the batter coated cauliflower into the bag and shake to coat in the topping. It should all fit but do it in parts if need be, just make sure to only use half of the coating so that it doesn't all get wet.
    Bake for about 25 minutes.
    While baking, make the sauce by whisking all ingredients, except the cornstarch and water, in a small bowl.

    Add to a pot and cook on medium until it begins to bubble.
    Combine the cornstarch and water until dissolved.
    Pour into the pot and whisk well. Simmer until it thickens, about 5-7 minutes. It will reduce by about half.
    Remove the cookie sheet from the oven and drizzle about ¼ cup sauce on top of the cauliflower pieces, trying to coat the top sides well. Using a pastry brush can help.
    Flip them over and drizzle another ¼ cup of sauce on top of the other sides, trying to coat them well. You can use more of the sauce to coat here and then have less to drizzle on top when you eat, it’s up to you at what stage you want to use the sauce.
    Put them back in the oven and bake for 10 minutes until they’re crispy.
    Serve immediately over rice with optional toppings!
    Recipe Notes
    You can use almond flour instead of hemp seeds to make is easier, but I like the final texture the hemp seeds give because of their natural oils.
    You can add a small drizzle of oil to the batter if you want. It is definitely not needed but can add an extra crispness to the final product.
    If you do not have Sumo Citrus, use a mandarin or orange to gain similar results.
    Sauce makes about 1 cup.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A VERY quick pop-in late back from Northumberland visiting our friends.

    We had a lovely time and a miracle happened! This morning I looked at my phone and all of my photographs are back :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    I have absolutely no idea why, but thank whoever got them back for me. Some special ones of when Lucy was so ill.

    The other reason I am here is to wish our beloved Aidan AKA Bubbles AKA B's husband AKA Daddy2

    a VERY HAPPY BELATED birthday


    and a cake for you too


    I hope you had a lovely day with the family and ate FAR too much!

    Rest up now

    Love from me and all of you café friends XXXX t4591 t69044 t115006
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all ..who forgot to put the clocks ..not that we were going least my phone remembered..
    Aidan thankyou for the Coffee and Canape's and the waffles so nice with lots of butter.. :D I see it was Neros that gibe you an hypo..we dont go in coffee houses so dont know the differnce :? but at least you are aware.. :) so glad you all had a good time at the T rooms ..and dad eating a full breakfast bless him t4591
    Thankyou for another Autumn sparkly pic it cheers me up :D
    And today you are meeting up 13 of you ar the bungalow wow is there room and will there be lots of cake :D you are not at all rude not to mention Niamh I do enough of it for all of us..she is home now ready for school tomorrow so no doubt she will be here Tues or Weds :D and I forgot to mention the cauldron bubbling
    I hope Toni and Paul are having a good time and have a safe journey home.. :)
    Joan you do not go on at all..and I know you dont like sitting around watching ..I am sure Sue is so grateful for what you do ..there is 7 years in Niamh and her sister so they do there own thing..but they love one another xx
    Kath thankyou and I am glad to hear dad is off the IV ..your sister cant be there all the time..I know I tired it with my mum and dad..and my health really suffered.. :( she can only do her best..x
    Better move
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
    Toni just spotted you there..Aidan kept that quiet thankyou for letting us know and I am so very pleased your photos are back... :D Karma..x
    Happy Birthday to our lovey Aidan,, more cake I hope and you have had a lovey day you deserve it.. t69044 t69044 t69044
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all t4591 t4591 Goodness, it has been a bit of a crazy week end - and breathe..................................

    Thank you very much indeed, for the Birthday Wishes and of course CAKE t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 :D:D:D:D

    We have had a lovely time with family, both Sat and Sunday, not staying out all day, but enough time to enjoy and have a good natter. It has been very nice to catch up and see family that we have not seen for what seems for ever.

    I had lovely cards, two with Unicorns on :) t115006 t115006 BIL and SIL put on an amazing spread on Sunday, at the bungalow they stay in.
    It was a collective gathering as it was our other SIL Birthday, then Bill's, then mine, so a mass singing of Happy Birthday to the three of us, with countless candles on the big cake :shock: :lol::lol: we had to open the patio doors, with all the smoke after blowing them out :lol::lol::lol:

    Anyway, a good time had and now we are shattered, housework has gone to pot, washing sat sitting there - never mind, it will get done in the week.

    Today we hit the ground running, Dad has his follow up appointment with the Consultant, after his brain MRI scan and memory testings :? :? :? Some cloak duties would be appreciated. That will take up the morning and well into the afternoon by the time we get home - shopping, lunch etc.

    Hi Joan and Sue - the last thing you ever do, is go on, at all. You do a wonderful job assisting in the care of your Sister. It is not easy when someone is unable to walk at all and if you could do it all, you would, I know. Having the help three times a day is very important as is your unwavering love and input into Sues care. (((((())))))

    Thank you, we have all had a very busy, but lovely week end t4591 t4591

    Hi Kath - thanks for sending in the big spid--s, to remove unwanted guests. :shock: :shock:

    Good that Dad is off his IV's but now has to make sure he is not constipated, as that will certainly have a knock on effect on his bladder.
    No tv, no radio, no interaction, staff who pass you by and don't speak - huh, :? I wish I could be on the ward, just for a few days, to get things running how they should be.
    I worked in elderly care for a long time and it is essential to have rest times and times where there is plenty going on - wards should be busy and chatty and staff who wear a smile.
    It costs nothing to have a little natter, as you are doing other jobs.

    I know that meal times are a bit of a joke, the housekeeper gives out meals now and if someone leaves it, they just take it away :shock:
    Meal times were very important, Sister did the main course, with the rest of the staff supervising and assisting any patients who needed help.
    Bring back the old training syllabus, give student nurses a salary, not student loans and bring back Matron, who was kind, but ruled her wards like clockwork.
    Let's hope Dad is home very soon and has the care he needs in his own home. t4591 t4591
    I have come across staff that can hardly make eye contact with you, let alone speak. I follow them, with a very loud, EXCUSE ME :) I would be grateful for an update on my (whoever ) and the plan of care :) If they say I will ask the nurse who is looking after your (whoever) and they don't appear, I go off again and ask the same thing. The penny drops eventually. :? :? :roll:

    Glad you like the pics and the goodies, most welcome and yes, it is bloomin chilly tonight. :shock: :shock:

    Ta for the vegan orange Cauliflower, perfect, love love love Cauliflower t4591 t4591 t4591

    Hi Toni, Good to know that you are safely home from your trip up to Northumberland

    WOW, your pictures, that were of great importance, appeared back in your gallery. Miracles certainly do happen, when we least expect them t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 I cannot think how they would appear, after this amount of time, since the phone was nicked.
    Mother said it is Divine Inspiration t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 and I totally agree with her.

    Thank you for the balloons and the cake t4591 t4591 t4591
    We did have a lovely time and yes, I ate FAR too much, especially when the cakes and trifles appeared :shock: :shock: :shock: :D:D:D

    Rest, right, ok :shock: , at some point this week, we will have a little rest, I promise :? :? :roll: :roll:

    Hi Barbara - Ooops, :o you forgot to alter the clocks - not to worry, everything was in order I am sure. At least the phone and computers know what is going on. We would be lost without mine, with all the info on appointments etc.

    You are welcome to the goodies.

    We have had a lovely week end, with family, two get together's. Tiring though, we are shattered, but, we have to dust off and carry on this week, as normal.

    The Autumn pictures are lovely, I enjoy putting them on.

    The fire is lit, so you can warm your tootsies :)


    Niamh is home and will be at school by now, hope they had a lovely time in the Lakes, despite the weather t111055 t111055 She will have enjoyed the pool :)

    Oh the Cauldron, Mother and Sleek are keeping a close eye on it, the ingredients have to be carefully added, or we all end up wearing green slime :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    I have put spare cakes and trifles and cheesecakes etc etc, in the kitchen, in the cloak, ready for off this morning. :)

    Well, time is going up for 1am, so I guess I had better move. I am pretty much chair shaped as it is :roll: :roll:

    Hi to Carol Mig Crinkly and all our friends. I hope to have a better catch up later on today. Bear with, if I don't get on before evening time.

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan

    Pumpkin Cheesecake Swirl Muffins

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good morning well good very frosty morning!

    I am so glad to hear what a lovely time you had on your birthday and two unicorn cards t4591


    3 birthdays to celebrate in one weekend how lovely I bet it was noisy! I hope the bungalow is detached :wink:

    The cloak is all ready and aired for you all today we will all be with you. It will be tomorrow night until you can get your own house in order.

    Off to do Charley's cat in a bit then letting the decorator (our wedding present to them!) in to do some decorating for Tia.

    Ah yes Mother might well be right about the photos - the only thing I really was upset about. Maybe karma too like Barbara said t115006 I am very happy.

    I lit the real fire the second we got in!! Bloomin freezing :roll:

    Kath I am very pleased to hear your Dad is off his IV maybe he can have some regular laxatives :?

    Aidan is quite right about talking to the patients the staff can still smile and say hello even if they are (I'm sure they are) extremely busy.

    Oh I think winter HAS arrived :roll:

    Barbara Karma yes maybe. Charley wondered if the phone thief had managed to unlock the phone or something she's not one to believe in anything she can't actually see.

    You forgot to do the clocks?! I am convinced that's why they do it on a Saturday! so no-one has the excuse for work on Monday!

    Our schools are on half term this week :?

    Joan you are a lovely sister to your lovely sister :) I bet you would do it all if you could. So long as you have nice carers that's what's important((())) Did you say you 'go on'?!! Never!

    Love to Carol, mig and Crinkly

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone I hope you all have a good day.
    . Toni that's good you having the photo's back they are special ((((((())))
    . Aidan I'm pleased you had a good day(((((()))). All the best to your Dad today(((((()))))))
    . Barbara never mind about the clock you have a lot to think about(((((()))))
    . Kathleen that's good your Dad took of the drip(((((()))) and to you ((((((())))))
    . take care. love to Carol Mig(((((()))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan, thank you for the hugs. I expect you have been asked by just about everyone, do you have any plans for replacing D.A.R. to go to the shops, or will you start shopping online? Would either of Sue's carers go for you? Just call me Beaky. 8)

    Toni, yes dad is having a powder laxative. I rang the hospital this morning and the nurse told me the doctor was with him and he is all right. I rang Anita after and she is popping over to the hospital later to find out when the doctor will let him home. But his blood tests indicate his kidneys aren't working as they should be yet. But Anita has just rung me to say he's coming home today, she has to fetch him. So hopefully there will be an update tomorrow.

    Aidan, I'm sure the cloak is primed and ready to collect us whether we are ready or not. :lol: Of course we will all be there for dad's appointments. Another lovely WARM room with a view thank you. Pumpkin Cheesecake Swirl Muffins, yummy. BTW, Anita says all the staff are African and don't speak very good English and dad can't understand them. One young chap asked dad to count backwards from 20 to 13. But it sounded like count backwards from 22 13, so dad kept getting it wrong. :roll:

    Barbara, forgetting to alter the clocks is quite normal, you did it as soon as you remembered. Most of ours do it by themselves, or they'd never get done as we have so many. :shock: There's 7 years between me and Anita too, and 16 years between me and my brother Stuart. (((()))) for you and your family. m0150 m0150

    Vegetable gyoza dumpling stir-fry
    1 tsp vegetable oil
    5 frozen vegetable gyoza (see tip)
    ½ carrot, peeled into ribbons
    ½ courgette, peeled into ribbons
    100g sugar snap peas, halved
    1 tsp toasted sesame oil
    1 tsp soy sauce, plus extra for drizzling
    ¼ tsp nigella seeds
    2 spring onions, finely sliced
    25g roasted salted peanuts, crushed or chopped

    Heat the vegetable oil in a non-stick pan over a medium heat. Add the frozen gyoza and cook for 8-10 minutes, turning, until crisp and cooked through. Transfer to a plate and keep warm.
    Put the carrot, courgette and sugar snaps in the pan and cook for 2-3 minutes until starting to soften. Toss with the sesame oil, 1 tsp soy sauce and the nigella seeds, then remove the pan from the heat.
    Transfer the veg to a serving bowl, top with the gyoza, then sprinkle over the spring onions and peanuts. Serve drizzled with extra soy sauce, if you like.
    delicious. tips
    Try Itsu Vegetable Fusion Gyoza from Tesco, Morrisons, Waitrose and Ocado (in the frozen section).

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591

    Thank you all for being under the cloak today, it was very much appreciated and wasn't the Dr just SO nice and kind and immaculately turned out.
    Dad has a confirmed diagnosis of Alz. Dad was ok and seemed more relieved than anything else, it must have been playing on his mind.

    He is to start on medication to help with his short term memory, as much as medication can do. So, all in all things are ok at the moment.

    Hi Toni - I know two Unicorn cards, plus a gorgeous picture of Silver, with sparkles and butterflies, thank you kindly t4591 t4591

    We all had a lovely week end, a bit tiring, but we will get over it.

    It did get a bit noisy, but fortunately the bungalow next door was not rented out this past week end. :lol::lol:

    It will be Tuesday afternoon evening, before we are sorted out a bit more. I am not fussing like a demon today, just making sure the washing is up to date.

    How lovely, to have the decorator come in for Tia and Mikey, a perfect wedding present, better than another toaster :shock: :shock:

    Hope Charley's cat is ok, bless XXX

    Magic, Angels and Karma came together, to send your photo's back t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Now then Charley, there are more things that are unseen, than seen, we just are not always aware of them t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 But, I know where you are coming from, if it is there, in front of you, it is fact and real.

    I bet you did light the fire, it was a thick frost this morning, Hildegard was horrified :shock: :shock: :? :?

    Your half term is this week, ours have just gone back today. They stagger the weeks a bit, up and down the country

    Mother is none plus at the moment, just had her claws trimmed, she doesn't scratch them, to shed them now. Sleek will have heard about it by now, on the crystal ball. :roll: :roll: :roll:

    Hi Joan and Sue, thank you for your kindest thoughts and well wishes. You will see Dads diagnosis, I think we all feel a bit of relief now that we know what is what. Just the bladder diagnosis to go at some point soon.
    Sending you both lots of love and (((())))

    Hi Kath, thank you for being under the cloak, there was no snoring, it has been a glorious day, but it is SO cold now the sun has vanished. :shock: :shock:
    So dads renal functions are not up to par, that can be age related, but I guess they will check for everything they can. I see he is coming home, which is good news.

    I can totally understand the problems with communication and where medical matters are concerned, then total fluency and diction is super important. Errors can be very costly. I don't mean that to the detriment of the nursing staff, but, where people's lives are in others hands, then clarity and understanding are paramount.

    Thank you for the lovely Veg Gyoza dumpling stir fry, sounds very interesting and tasty. Ta mi duck. t4591 t4591

    Hi Barbara - hope you are all ok. Thank you for being under the cloak, it was nice and warm and no crumbs were dropped. The mental health unit was lovely, set in its own grounds and all very relaxed. Knowing where we stand, is better than not knowing. We knew that it was going to be a likely diagnosis for Dad. He is ok, we went straight to Costa and ate toasties and cake and drank far too much coffee :lol::lol::lol:

    Running out of time, so I will leave lots of love and sparkles to everyone, in and about. t4591 t115006 t115006 I will pop back later on XXXX Aidan

    Soft Pumpkin Cookies with Brown Butter Glaze

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening allp0121.gif

    Ah Aidan a confirmed diagnosis poor you all. Luckily he is a good age already, but still I am sorry. It was no problem being there with you all. the cloak was warmer than anywhere else in this country ATM :roll:

    I hope the medication such as it is helps a little. The diagnosis will help you to help him. He is a nice chap anyway, but it will be easier to leave notes for him now I should think ((()))

    Silver said he would pose with butterflies since it was your birthday!!! Good job the next bungalow was vacant with you all celebrating :lol:

    Tia and Mikey were chuffed to have the decorator as their wedding present made a change from all the picture frames and mr and mrs mugs they got :lol::lol::lol: The job will take all week but it will transform their hall stairs and landing - the worst bit to do!

    I believe something happened for those photos to just be THERE?!! Charley's pusskin is so happy to see me twice a day and Charley came over today (not easy for her to go back into the house) and Rosie knew her it was lovely :) She's waiting for me n the windowsill again like she used to. I stay and hour or more with her so she's not lonely and leave my radio on when I go. Two feliway plugs in as well.

    I heard about Tosca's claws Sleek was a bit worried about the future when she gets older now :shock: :? Mummy I don't want my nails cut she said....Tia will be cutting Rosie's and Auntie Kari does Darcey's I said.....

    Gorgeous frosted mists and webs collected this morning (Sleek on her own - Mother said The wetha is a tad parky for me!

    Those soft pumpkin coookes were to die for thank you had with a large builders b025.gif:)

    Kath perhaps Dad's kidneys aren't 100% but not so bad that he needs any treatment? maybe just cut down on his salt (ready meals) etc??? ((())) fingers crossed he gets home very soon.

    Powder laxatives - sounds like a plan bless him.

    Older people often struggle with different accents the poor man soonest he's home the better.

    Vegetable gyoza dumpling stir-fry - well I never! That gyoza is a new one on me I will see if Kari has heard of it.

    Joan I was thrilled to bits to find my photos back on my phone just like that!! It really felt like a miracle. Al those pictures of Lucy t4591 I hope you and Sue are both doing ok?

    I hope all is well with Barbara and bro ((()))

    Love to Carol - bet she's been busy with MR T back from his trip.

    Love to everyone else

    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..cold but sunny today thank goodness..
    Aidan I am sorry to hear about dad, but hopefully the meds will keep it at bay for quite a while t4591 t4591 no wounder you are both tired ..but glad you had a lovely time with nice of SIL to put on a nice spread for you all and candles and cake..for 3 Birthdays.. :D and thankyou for the pumpkin muffins and cookies..never eaten anything with pumpkin in
    I bagsy the rocking chair next to the looks so welcoming... :D
    I will go and see what is left of the cake ..hope Toni didnt get there first.. :roll: now please try and rst if only for a day..and I do agree they need you back in the hospitals to show them how they should be run..
    Toni ..what a lovely wedding present ..having the decorators in Tias and her new husband...sorry I have forgotten his name :? who knows why the photos came back but so glad they did..I want to come round and sit in front of your real fire... :)
    Joan we are doing ok thankyou..will hopefully see Niamh tomorrow..I hope you Sue and the doggies re ok and keeping warm xx
    Kath so dad is coming home ..I hope he gets all the help he needs ..thats a big gap in your sister you and especially your brother..just 3 years between me and my eldest and 3 between me and my youngest..thankyou for the sitrfry..forgot what it was called but enjoyed it.. :lol:
    they have cancelled my dentist appointment again for tomorrow..the crown hasn't come back yet..gosh knows were its coming from :o
    will leave you for now keep warm
    love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591