Val's Cafe
Hi to all t4591 t4591
Another chilly night, frosty by 10pm. Hildegard did say that they have much colder winters in Germany, where she comes from, so a bit of frost is no problem
Hi Toni - Many thanks for the cloak duties. XX Not a diagnosis anyone wanted to hear, but, we knew and Dad knows that there are problems and seemed quite ok with what the Consultant said to him.
I am sure the medication will help where it canIt has to be taken late evening, so B will go round morning and night. We need to make sure he is taking his evening meds anyway, as we find them the morning after sometimes :?
As soon as we had left the Unit, Dad was ready for lunch and coffeeAs where we all.
It was a good job the next bungalow was not occupied at the week end, the younger kiddies were having a great time with the teenagers, throwing all my happy birthday balloons around the place :shock: :shock: :roll:
Silver posed perfectly (one would expect nothing less) for the Birthday picture, butterflies in attendance too t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
Oh hall stairs and landing, the worst places to decorate, as we all know too well - hanging over the banisters with a long roller - :shock: :shock: shudders with vertigoWay better than another set of Mr & Mrs gifts, although all sentiment greatly appreciated, there is a limit to the amount of mugs you can fit in a cupboard
Awww, Rosie waiting for you on the windowsill and Charley went back too, oh, bless. t4591 t4591 She will treasure the company and the feliway will give out an air of calm.
Mother was all set to turn my ears into broccoli, :shock: :?but she realised that her nail clippings could be used to add to the magic potion, the third ingredient t115006 t115006 so into the mini cauldron they went, with lots of bubbling :shock:
She did explain the need, as puskins get older, they cannot claw at things like they did when younger. I think she understood and is pondering it, overnight.
I expect there will be another trip to gather frosted webs and frosted heather, from Pendle top. Mother said she will watch on the crystal ball - from her boudoir:animal_busy:
Glad you liked the cookies, perfect with a builders.
Hi Barbara - it has been a beautiful sunny day, but chilly, the kind of day I love - much better than melting
I hope the new meds will help Dad too. They don't work miracles, but anything that can helpWe will nip into the surgery to get the prescription this morning. They don't stock the meds, they have to order them in.
We are pretty shattered to be honest, but you keep going. It was a busy week end, lovely to see everyone and SIL did a wonderful buffet for the trio of Birthdays t115006 t115006
Oh you need to have some pumpkin pie, every time I went to the States, pumpkin pie was a must have, as well as pecan pie and Mississippi mud pie t4591 t4591 t4591
You can have the rocking chair next to the fire, with pleasure. The slippers are warming.
Who is that, reading by the fireside ?? Is it you Kath, reading poetry to us t4591 t4591
Apart from nipping into town, there and back, we will be at home and catching up a bit. Fussing is relaxing to me and B will be busy with his jewellery making.
Matron Bubbles, back on duty, by all means
Niamh will be there this evening, you will have missed her. She will have lots to tell you about her trip to the Lakes.
Cancelled your dental appt again - is the crown coming from Australia :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:
How is your Brother feeling this week? Thoughts and prayers continue t4591 t115006
Hi Kath - I hope Dad arrived home safely and there is a suitable package of care in place. t4591 t4591 Keep warm mi duck, its cowd out
Hi Carol - hope you are both ok. I am sure Mr T enjoyed his trip to see the family
Time I was moving again. Lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t4591 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan
Snickerdoodle Apple Bread - pass the butter please ToniXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone
I suspect another bright but chilly day today.
Today I will go and see Rosiecat first thing and then back here ready for the kitchen bar stools (all pink!) to arrive after 10am from Arighi Bianci
Barbara I have missed hearing Niamh's escapades bless her you all must have missed her very much. I hope she loved her trip to the Lakes.
That is a tad annoying about your crown - what are they doing at the crown-making place :? Sleek thought maybe they were making a CROWN for the Queen :animal_busy: bless.
You are welcome to come over and sit on the windowseat with the fire warm and cosy looking at the Church t4591
Aidan pass the applebread! I have the president beurre! Now this needs a caramel macchiato
Oooh that went down well ta very much
Sleek was off up to Pendle early doors she is just back she apparently made two trips and the nymphs are very, very pleased spinning away like mad something for Hogwarts I believe...something special.... Tosca watched on the crystal ball pendent.
She told me that Mother's nail clippings went into the pot and it is now fizzing away rather nicely :shock: I hope it's not too noisy for you all?
Rosie-cat is looking forward to getting outside as her new house has a safe garden and no main road outside the front door. Mrs Darcey says Rosie was getting ag ra fobyc but this can be sorted easily enuff.
Like the fireside pic. I didn't light ours last night it not being good for our lungs and the heating had done the jobI think that was Kath reading to us all.
I also like Key lime pie don't forget that one t4591
Good idea B just checking in on Dad for meds last thing. An extra job for you both, but I know you won't mind a bit. ((()))
I hope you can recover yourselves now over the next few days at home.
Woo-oo! to Joan I hope all is well with you two? Did you and Sue watch the Long Lost Family last night all about twins? It was so interesting.
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hello everyone I hope you all have a good day.
. Kathleen dial a ride are going for a mother month good. Sue's carer's would not have the time they are kept busy all day going to help people. Our neighbour would get us anything but sue likes getting out.
. That's good your Dad coming home(((((()))))and you and Chris(((((())))))
. Toni I'm thankful to the person that sent the photo's back to you(((((()))))
. Aidan sorry your Dad has Alz at least you know what it is and he can be treated .our friend has it ((((((()))))
. Barbara is your crown made of gold ((((()))))
. take care. love to Carol Mig (((())))
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Joan, I'm very glad to hear you have a month of Dial A Ride. It's lovely and sunny here but I'm so cold even though I have plenty of layers on. :shock:
Toni, I would only read short pieces in between putting eye drops in, so don't expect War And Peace.How about some amusing cat tales?
Aidan, I hope dad's diagnosis won't stop him from enjoying his trips to the GC for his coffee and cake. I didn't realise there were meds for Altz. Superduper Snickerdoodle Apple Bread with thickly spread butter, just right for me bones mi duck. Eaten in front of the blazing fire. Ta muchly. t4591
Barbara, mum had a miscarriage and a baby born at 20 weeks who died within minutes in between Anita and Stuart, but she always wanted a large family which sadly never happened. Fibroids and problems which were spoken of in hushed tones as {wimmins problems}. :? She had an hysterectomy shortly after Stuart was born. She was just 40. They've cancelled your dentist app - AGAIN.How very dare they!
Yes, dad is back home and I rang him this morning. He had the radio on and Anita is trying to implement a care package. It could take 28 days!!! Meanwhile he needs a blood test every Monday and he still has the catheter in too. Anita will have to take time off work for a few weeks. She only does 2 and a half days a week. His last blood tests yesterday had improved a little.
Holly took Vay to the shop this morning for us. Esme stayed home with her daddy who had come to visit her.
Vegan Banh Xeo (Vietnamese Crepes)
For the crepes
1 cup rice flour
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup coconut milk
1 cup water
The stalks of 2 green onions, chopped (optional)
For the filling
(Just a guideline, use whatever veggies you like)
1 teaspoon oil
150 grams (5.3 oz) fresh shiitake mushrooms, sliced
2 shallots or half a small onion, diced
4 asparagus, cut into 3 pieces
200 grams (7 oz) bean sprouts
1 red pepper, sliced
1 cucumber, julienned
1 carrot, julienned
3 -4 radishes, thinly sliced
A handful of fresh mint
A handful of cilantro
Lettuce leaves
For the dipping sauce
1/2 cup soy sauce
1 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup lime juice
4 cloves of garlic, minced
2 teaspoons chili paste or chili flakes or 1 fresh red chili, diced
Mix together all the crepe ingredients in a bowl and let rest for at least 30 minutes. You can also mix it the night before and leave it in the fridge. Just be sure to warm it to room temperature before using.
Mix together all the dipping sauce ingredients and stir well to dissolve the sugar. Set aside for the flavours to meld.
In a small pan over medium heat add the 1 teaspoon of oil and gently fry the shiitakes and shallots or onion until beginning to brown. Add the asparagus, if using, and continue frying until the asparagus is crisp-tender and the shiitakes are lightly browned.
Combine the shiitakes, shallots or onion, asparagus, red pepper, carrot, cucumber and radishes in a bowl and dress with 2 – 3 tablespoons of the dipping sauce.
In a small- or medium-sized pan heat about a quarter teaspoon of oil over medium-high heat. Ladle a very small amount of the crepe batter into the pan and tilt the pan in a circular motion in order to coat the surface evenly. The crepe should be very thin and bubble up when it hits the pan. It’s ok if there are some holes in it. Sprinkle some bean sprouts over one half of the crepe and cover the pan with a lid. Allow to cook for about a minute or until the bottom begins to turn golden brown. Fold the crepe closed over the bean sprouts and remove to a plate.
Continue making the crepes until you have enough for your meal. It’s better to eat them as soon as possible out of the pan when they are still crisp so only make as many as you need for the moment.
Stuff each crepe with the veggie mixture and serve the crepes with lettuce leaves and herbs. You can stuff some herbs inside or cut the crepe into pieces and wrap in a lettuce leaf along with the herbs. Serve with the dipping sauce on the side."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all t4591 t4591 A frosty start to Tuesday, soon melted by the sunshine m0150 m0150
I hope Rosiecat was happy to see you Toni, I am sure she was. Mother and Sleek are keeping an eye on her, along with Mrs Darcey t4591
Oooo, I bet the bar stools are gorgeous, nice and comfy, perfect height for eating cake and supping coffee
I will have an Americano, with extra shot, with the snickerdoodle and lashings of butterTa muchly. Oo, the seats are comfy, perfect for perching
There was frozen everything on top of Pendle, mists, heather, spiders webs, magical peat moss - ( a new one on me). The Nymphs were super happy and are very busy with their weaving, ready for a special presentation this week ssssshhhhhh t115006 t115006
Tosca was shouting the odds about the progress of the weaving, from silly o clock :roll: :roll: She is quite excited by the forthcoming event that we know nothing about :?t115006
The cauldron is in the ottoman - the lid rises occasionally, to let gases out from the potionquite sulphurous to say the least.
I hope Rosie will enjoy her new garden, a safe place is essential for puskins, especially if they are a little skittish about the wider world. t4591 Bless her.
Apparently Mrs Darcey is doing afternoon T later on, so Sleek, Mother, Tommy et al, are all attending, under the cloak so I gather. Must be puskin matters to discuss.
The fireside pic was lovely, I am sure it was Kath, reading poems to us all
Will be having the heating on again later, as soon as T time arrives, the temperature drops like a stone at the moment.
Oh yes, Key Lime Pie, that is very good too.
No, we don't mind, I say we, the Royal we, aka Bill doesn't mind popping round with the new pills early evening, before our siesta. I can take them round, it just takes me ages to do the very short walk :roll: :roll:
More of a relaxing day, well, de dustification and washing / drying. fussing and the like, but, that is therapeutic for moi. B went to fetch the starter pack for Dads new medication.
Hi Joan and Sue - good that Dial a Ride is carrying on for another month. I hope they have a re think and keep it going.
Your neighbour sounds lovely, if they would help with shopping etc. But I cannot blame Sue for wanting to get out and about t4591
Thank you for the hugs, I hope the medications helps Dad as much as it can. It will take a while to notice any improvement in short term memory.
(((()))) to you both and to the doggies as well t4591 t4591
Hi Kath - you cold mi duck, can hardly see you for layers of this and that and t'other :shock: :shock: Let me pop the kettle on, we can have a cuppa with the snickerdoodle and slabs of butter, for us bones
Cat Tales by the fireside would be perfect t4591 t4591 :animal_busy: :animal_busy:
Oh no, we will keep up our normal daily things with Dad, he loves the T rooms and GC, it is all familiar to him and he has got to know the staff and some of the clientele as well.
Yes, the main drug used for Alzheimers is Aricept, but as Dad has abnormal hearth rhythms he cannot take that, so he is on mematodine.
They do help, my late Aunt was on Aricept for many years and it did help her and the family, to cope, for longer.
Nice that you could ring Dad now that he is back home. Anita was there, making sure he was ok. I assume the D Nurses will come and keep an eye on his catheter?
28 days for a care package, :shock: :shock: that is crackers. The aim of a care package is to have one in place, for when the patient is discharged - well, it was in my day and is the most obvious of choices :roll: :roll: :roll:
I hope Anita can sort it out for as short a time as possible.
Glad his bloods have improved a bit now, that is good.
Holly has been to the shops for you, bless her, she is a lovely young lady.
I hope any ouchies are not too troublesome, for both of you, extra (((()))) and t4591 t4591
Vietnamese Crepes, they sound amazing. Ta mi darlin xx
Hi Barbara - Did Niamh appear and tell you all about her holiday to the Lakes and how she enjoyed the swimming pool ? t4591 t4591
I bet you could not wait to see her.
How is your Brother feeling? Sending extra thoughts and prayers t4591 t115006
Hi Carol - hope you had a more relaxing day on Monday - before the start of another fairly busy week. (((()))) to both t4591 t4591
Have you another knitting project on the go, for Christmas presents?
Hi Crinkly - hope you are and yours are as ok as possible and enjoying some time out, after your hard works with the dissertation. Any results yet ? I am sure it will be very favourable
I had better not forget my Autumn picture. Have missed a few over the past manic days
Time I was doing a little more pottering before cup of tea. Will call back later.
Lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 take care XXXX Aidan
Sticky Toffee Pear Pudding - we might need some cream please Toni - taXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hi to all t4591 t4591
Just wanted to say hello and make sure everyone is as ok as can be.
We have had a more relaxing day, which was very much needed.
Enjoyed the tennis masters 1000 from Paris. It will soon be the year end final at the O2 Arena, would love to go, but it is SO expensive if you want a seat where you can actually see the ball :roll: :roll:
Into town today, a visit to the T room is in orderDad will enjoy some brunch, as will we all. They do look after us so well.
Our Autumn picture
I won't dally, I need to keep the bones moving, so pottering is essential :?
Loads of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006
Take care XXXXX Aidan
Baked Parmesan Mushrooms - stand by, Kath is on her wayXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone much milder outside today no ice to scrape
I'll just grab me a small quantity of the mushrooms save most for Kath - thanks Aidan and also for the sparkles and autumnal pic lovely leaves on water
You sound to be still a bit sore after the hectic weekend you had? Mother told Sleek as much ((())) t115006 t4591
You'll enjoy the Tea rooms very much today not been for a while and you can keep Dad well-fed too.
Oh the new stools yes perfect height for perching and eating cake - Kari came to see them with her DIL....
There they are for everyone to see - sofas still waiting....about 9th Dec we are told.
No wonder Sleek did two journeys yesterday with all that to collect and that was with her trailer! Oh yes Tosca is over-exited Sleek told me but she has no idea why -of course we don't either
Mrs D took the chance to do afternoon Tea while Kari was here I think they are going to get Rosiecat outside :shock: apparently she lost her confidence when she was kicked out of her previous home with-kitten. I don't know if you all remember but she only manged to deliver 1 and I had to take her to the vets (my ex SIL had taken her in but is allergic) where they delivered one then another in the end she had emergency surgery at night including sterilization bless her. Cost me a bob or two I can tell you!
I am sure you will take Dad's pills round if ever B is unable to even if you have to start off half an hour early!
Do a busy day cleaning then? and then some relaxing - I find cleaning relaxing too oddly :?
I left plenty of cream for us all with our sticky toffee cream pud - YUM!!! ta t4591
Kath yes please amusing cat tales will be ideal :animal_busy: Was that you who left a side plate with some jammie dodger crumbs on the window seat here?
Your poor Mum had a tough time didn't she. Women's problems mmmm…. not good bless her.
Sounds as though Anita has it all in hand for your Dad bless him. I am glad his bloods are gradually improving. She did right to bring him home without his care package as they often ship oldies off into care homes if it takes too long :shock:
Holly was right to leave Esme with her Dad and take Vay out to the shops. A bit for you too and a chat will have given them enough time
Those Vietnamese crepes look YUM seriously YUM! Ta v muchly
Joan of course you and Sue must get out blimey! It's not the same as having stuff brought to you (Kath knows all about that). I am so glad you have Dial a ride a little while longer.
Love to Barbara who no doubt has Niamh ATM and no access to her laptop! I hope your bro is doing ok ((()))
Also to Carol is everything ok in the Turbo-household?
Thinking of Mig and Crinkly1
Toni xxx0 -
Morning everyone I hope you have a good day
. Kathleen I'm pleased you have Holly to help with your shopping that's good your Dad is home(((((())))
. Aidan how is your Dad getting on with his tablets e will be alright under your watchful eye's((((()))) we have had deliveries from Sainsburys. How are you((((())))
. Toni nice stool's not the perching one's I thought((((((()))))
. take care love to Barbara Carol Mig ((((()))))
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..a lovely sunny one but very cold.. m0150
Aidan thankyou for the apple cakeand the sticky toffee pear I need some right now yes I agree that is Kath reading poetry to us by the fire ..lovely and snug...I am so glad you all had a good time with your family ..
I know what you mean fussing is a way of relaxing I dont like sitting around..never did.. :roll: think I do to much these days..
I do hope the meds help dad like you say you will both keep up his routine t4591 t4591 and thankyou again for all the love and brother goes tomorrow for more bloods then home on his meds and back next week for chemo..he is struggling but his GF is amazing so very caring..
Niamh was very queit ab out her holiday ..normal for young ones really ..but I know she can now swim on her back..
Toni I bet Rosie cat loves you..the poor little thing being thrown out..and with her kittens..but between you I am sure she will get her confidence back the stools they are lovely and it all coming together for you..
Yes Niamh is back but she didnt sleep last night ..she will be back friday..oh Crown is this Thursday so they say
Kath your poor mum..having the miscarriage at such a late time..but glad she was able to have the family she wanted even if it was smaller..sending love to dad and hope Anita can get that package ..she will probable have to jump through hoops.. :roll:
Joan and Sue you are both so caring..I think you might be right my crown will be gold..
Right I need to go running my brother to get his phone fixed so I will go for the ride..
Love to everyone
m0150 t4591 m0150Love
Barbara0 -
yes I must be reading you all my favourite poem, The Lady Of Shallott by Alfred Lord Tennyson. Here's my favourite verse.
"She left the web, she left the loom
She made three paces thro' the room
She saw the water-flower bloom,
She saw the helmet and the plume,
She look'd down to Camelot.
Out flew the web and floated wide;
The mirror crack'd from side to side;
'The curse is come upon me,' cried
The Lady of Shalott."
You can read the whole poem here -
Barbara, Sending more hugs for your brother and I'm sure the cloak is all prepared to pick us up so we can be there to support him. Here are some flowers for GF.
I've got a gold crown, but it's right at the back where it can't easily be seen.
Joan, yes we're very glad dad is home, but he needs proper care which my sister can't do alone. But finding help is proving difficult. :roll:
Toni, how sweet, you saved me a huge helping of mushrooms. thank you. The stools look so glamorous and comfy. :oops: I wondered what had happened to the plate of jammie dodgers. Oh well, I'm sure the bush babies will get them.
Aidan, the new picture is so restful, thank you. And for the Baked Parmesan Mushrooms too. my ouchies are really growling today. Not sure if it's Sciatica or another Vertebra fractured! I've been crying with pain, it's fair taken my breath away.
Nobody seems interested in helping dad and Anita. It's a good job Anita is able to do his catheter but she can't be there to do it every day. :? OOO Sticky Toffee Pear Pudding, smashing mi duck.
Chickpea and Cauliflower Curry (gluten-free)
For 8 serving(s).
Chickpea and Cauliflower CurryIngredients
3 tbsp canola oil
1 small onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 tbsp curry powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1 bay leaf
1/2 tsp granulated sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 19 oz can of chickpeas, rinsed and drained
1 small cauliflower, cut into bite-sized pieces
1 cup frozen green peas
3/4 cup low sodium vegetable broth
3/4 cup coconut milk
10 sprigs cilantro, chopped
In a large skillet, heat canola oil. Add onion and garlic and sauté until they start to brown. Stir in curry powder, cinnamon, paprika, cayenne pepper, bay leaf, ginger, sugar, and salt. Stir until fragrant, about 2 minutes.
Add chickpeas, cauliflower, and peas. Stir in broth and coconut milk. Bring to a boil then reduce heat to simmer for 20-25 minutes, or until cauliflower is tender. Remove from heat.
Remove bay leaf. Garnish with cilantro and serve."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
No, no ice this morning Toni - it was frosty at 1am, when we were having some "fresh air" at the back door - :? :?
I only had a small amount of mushrooms on some ciabatta, dripping in butter - I know, but we need the calcium
I think we are getting over the week end and now the week starts again. Drs has just rung, his GP wants to see him face to face, this afternoon :? :? :shock: not sure if it results of the bladder biopsies, or the bladder and kidney CT scans...........or if his bloods are causing concern. B will take him.
Dad didn't want anything cooked at the T rooms, so he had one of their home made eccles cakes, well, they are the size of tea plates and two inches thick - so a meal in their own right.
B and I had the veggie marathon breakfast :shock: which is at least three meals in one :shock:
The new stools are just gorgeous, I love them, nice back on them, for extra plumptiousness. Beautiful t4591 t4591
Waving to Auntie Kari too
Tosca is a little more calm today. I was allowed to take a lug to give to the Nymphs, for their frantic weaving. t115006 t115006
Of course we know nothing about Halloween and awards t115006
The tea party was enjoyed by all puskins and Mother, Sleek and Mrs Darcey are keeping close eyes on Rosie. What a terrible time she had, bless her little paws. t4591 t4591 t4591 It would have cost a lot, but you would not have had it any other way, I know that 100%. Your saved her t4591 t4591
I would have to set off early, to get Dads pill to him. I would not wait until 5, I would go while there was some daylight left. The park is not the best lit, in fact some areas are pitch black at night. :shock: :shock:
Cleaning is officially our "therapy" for getting through things.
Ta for the cream, just perfect
I think I sat on the jammie dodgers
Hi Joan and Sue, yes, we are keeping a close eye on Dad, he has an appointment today, they have just rung, to say come in. I think there are results from his admission and biopsies................ :? :? :shock:
Hugs to both of you ((((())))) I see Sainsbury's have been to deliver some groceries, that's good. They keep sending me offers to have shopping delivered, with an £18 voucher.
Hi Barbara - You are more than welcome to the bountiful supply of cakes and savoury dishes. We are spoilt and then some.
Sitting about just drives me batty. I can sit for short periods, then I have to be up, usually due to pain in my back etc. Pottering is much better. Any resting is best done lying down :animal_busy: :animal_busy:
Dad was ok and now they are off to the Drs again, having been called in, an hour ago.......................
In fact, I might be better finishing this later - I am on pins wanting to know what the Dr has to say. :? :? :?
Kath, some extra hugs and prayers for those horrible ouches t4591 t4591
Catch everyone later will never know I was goneXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
See, I was never away
Dr wanted to see Dad as his full blood count is dropping - after all he is still bleeding, not a huge amount, but enough to send his bloods iffy.
Started on Iron Sulfate three times a day - but, I can see a blood transfusion on the horizon (just me being nursey).
B told him about his Alz diagnosis - the letters have not come back from the Consultant yet.
So, we carry on
Where was I - nattering to Barbara about cakes and goodies and cleaning, all essential things
The new pills will take some time to show any improvements - hopefully they will help. Keeping some routine is important, as is mental stimulation.
Keeping those thoughts and prayers going for you and yours. Bloods, then carry on with pills and more chemo next week. Lots of strength to his GF, who sounds like she is doing an amazing job in her care and support t4591 t115006
Hope you enjoyed the ride out while your Brother got his phone fixed
So Niamh was fairly quiet about her holiday, but can swim on her back, which is good to hear
Ah, the Crown will arrive, ready for Thursday - hoorah, at lastt4591
Hi Kath - The Lady of Shallot - my Dad likes that poem and I remember he referred to it in one of his sermon's.
Thank you for reading to us, even though you are really ouching. I really hope it is not another fracture, damned osteoporosis. Sending as much love and hugs and anti ouchies as I possibly can
No, Anita cannot be there 24/7, even with the best intentions. I do hope they can sort out a package of care. Has Dad been allocated a Social Worker, or case worker / discharge planner ? ?
I sat on the jammy dodgers, on Toni's window seat :oops: :oops: I have put some more out for the Bush Babies who are en route, along with the Possums and two Meerkatst4591 t4591
Glad you enjoyed the sticky toffee pudding, now, what have we here. Cauli and Chickpea Curry, just wonderful mi duck, ta loads.
Hi Carol - hope you are all ok and your week is not too hectic. It has certainly been chilly the past few nights, don't get cold if you are out and about t115006
Hope everyone else is as ok as can be. t4591
Sainsb had had a major malfunction with all of their fridges and freezers, they were all 99% empty :shock: the store was like the Marie Celeste
Fortunately we didn't need much in the way of cold or frozen, which was a good job. They were just starting to re stock - their takings will be through the floor.
Hildegard might well have a bath today, at the jet and soft brush wash. Then Dad will have three visits, with his pills, morning, early afternoon and evening. Has to be done. Good job we are so close.
We need our Autumnal theme, as today is halloween and things will turn all spooky and mystical - not forgetting the "do" at Hogwarts that we know nothing about of course :? :? :animal_busy: :animal_busy:
Mother wanted to post this one - I did say it was morning, but she insisted it was good night :roll: :roll:
Time to potter a little. So, I will leave lots of love and sparkles to everyone. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 Take lots of care XXXX Aidan
Marzipan Waffles with Poached ApplesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning Everyone
it's chilly here again brrr…
Marzipan waffles and apple lovely Aidan the cream is available to all who need some
Poor Dad yet more tablets I hope his blood count picks up otherwise you'll be right, but transfusion = immediate results! I'm glad the GP is up to date now on his diagnosis.
It is going to be hard on you both visiting 3xs a day, but it could be really worth it fingers crossed. The Eccles cake sounds perfect and filling enough for him
We went to Cousins to see where we are at with our sofas....due 9th Dec now it's the 11thStill apparently it could be any day. we really went to go to their café for lunch double egg and chips :oops: Nearly joined you with a veggie breakfast but knew that wasn't a go-er :roll:
Ah you sat on the Jammie dodgers! No problem at all Bush-babies passing by ate them anyway t4591 I think they were en route to Kath's.
Ah Tosca it's a little kitten SleekSleek has admitted that she is off to a party at Hogwarts tonight (she had to al her clothes were all over the place) she said it's a Hallowe'en 'do'. I know no more
She knows nothing about her award yet bless her! I think I might be woken up at some point :animal_busy:
She's been to Pendle on her own took the 'lug' which was greeted with many oohs and aaahs by the nymphs. Maceral lattes brought back
She took one to Charley's Rosie too and Darcey visited her yesterday afternoon. Hermione has popped a gate in! Rosiecat will be just fine and of course I would NEVER ever see an animal suffer.
Kath Aidan says he sat on the jammie dodgers but the bush-babies on their way to you polished them off so no problem.
Of course I will always save you mushies you love them so much
I hope the care package gets sorted soon for Anita's sake t69044 for her and you t69044 I would ask the GP to send a community nurse for help with his catheter then maybe things might get speeded up :shock:
I love the Lady of Shallot! Great poem so readableThank you t4591
Chickpea curry! bliss.....
Barbara I am so glad your bro has his GF by his side. Bloods to check he is fit enough for the next does of chemo then. Bless him (((()))) for you t4591 Hope the phone got fixed :roll:
Finally your tooth will be fixed today - will you be fit for choir? Or is it next Thursday?
Niamh was tight-lipped about her holiday? Kids eh? Swimming on her back? Go Niamh
Rosiecat will be just fine. Charley gets the leys to the new house on Monday and they will all move over the week then Rosie will move in next weekend
Joan the stools are fab, but I need a little step up as does KariNot so Charley or Kari's DIL!!! I hope all is well with you and Sue ((()))
Carol - I hope everything is ok in The Turbo household and all girls and Gkids are well. What are you knitting now then?
Love to mig and Crinkly
Toni xx0 -
Morning all,Aiden that looks like our cauldron but if it hasn’t been cleaned since last year the brew much be really toxic be interesting to hear it’s effects.
So yesterday I was at haematology for a check up ,4 weeks ago I had a scan and bloods done I saw my oncologist and he said there are NO signs of any active disease and all my blood levels are within normal range YEAH ME,also said as I took part in a drug trial I will be seen every 3 months for a good few years the length of time will depend on the drug company,also said there was no need for me to have the flu jab .
I noticed a picture of baked mushrooms is there a basic recipe.
Have a safe and happy Halloween. Mig0 -
Morning everyone I hope you all have a good day with not too much pain and no problem's.
we have had no heating since wed he's coming tomorrow even thou the parts in to day.
Mig i'm pleased everything is going well(((((())))))
Kathleen i'm sorry you have more ouchies ((((((())))) would the OT help getting your Dad carer's (((())))
Aidan i'm sorry your Dad still has the bleeding((((())))) I hope everything is going alright for you and B((((()))))
Barbara your Brother (((((())))) are you getting your teeth today ((((()))
Toni I hope all is going has best as it can for you and your family ((((())))
take care love to Carol (((()))))
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
A friend of Sleek and Tosca no doubt. :?
Macavity's a Mystery Cat: he's called the Hidden Paw—
For he's the master criminal who can defy the Law.
He's the bafflement of Scotland Yard, the Flying Squad's despair:
For when they reach the scene of crime—Macavity's not there!
Macavity, Macavity, there's no one like Macavity,
He's broken every human law, he breaks the law of gravity.
His powers of levitation would make a fakir stare,
And when you reach the scene of crime—Macavity's not there!
You may seek him in the basement, you may look up in the air—
But I tell you once and once again, Macavity's not there!
Macavity's a ginger cat, he's very tall and thin;
You would know him if you saw him, for his eyes are sunken in.
His brow is deeply lined with thought, his head is highly domed;
His coat is dusty from neglect, his whiskers are uncombed.
He sways his head from side to side, with movements like a snake;
And when you think he's half asleep, he's always wide awake.
Macavity, Macavity, there's no one like Macavity,
For he's a fiend in feline shape, a monster of depravity.
You may meet him in a by-street, you may see him in the square—
But when a crime's discovered, then Macavity's not there!
He's outwardly respectable. (They say he cheats at cards.)
And his footprints are not found in any file of Scotland Yard's
And when the larder's looted, or the jewel-case is rifled,
Or when the milk is missing, or another Peke's been stifled,
Or the greenhouse glass is broken, and the trellis past repair
Ay, there's the wonder of the thing! Macavity's not there!
And when the Foreign Office find a Treaty's gone astray,
Or the Admiralty lose some plans and drawings by the way,
There may be a scrap of paper in the hall or on the stair—
But it's useless to investigate—Macavity's not there!
And when the loss has been disclosed, the Secret Service say:
It must have been Macavity!'—but he's a mile away.
You'll be sure to find him resting, or a-licking of his thumb;
Or engaged in doing complicated long division sums.
Macavity, Macavity, there's no one like Macavity,
There never was a Cat of such deceitfulness and suavity.
He always has an alibi, and one or two to spare:
At whatever time the deed took place—MACAVITY WASN'T THERE !
And they say that all the Cats whose wicked deeds are widely known
(I might mention Mungojerrie, I might mention Griddlebone)
Are nothing more than agents for the Cat who all the time
Just controls their operations: the Napoleon of Crime!
Oh Joan, it's cold weather again and already your heating is playing up! I think it's time something was done to fix it for good!!!! (mutter, mutter, mutter).
Hi mig, you don't need a flu jab? You are now officially Superwoman and a more worthy person there couldn't be. YEAH YOU indeed.
Toni, I know, what's he like that Aidan. :roll: Maybe the Bush Babies should sit on HIM! Only thing is he probably wouldn't mind.
Aidan, oh my days, poor dad. My dad had a lady come to help with his catheter yesterday and a parcel arrived today in preparation for further catheter changes. Anita went home last night as she needed to be ready for work today, but she's "norappyduck" and dad is definitely "avinagrump" Meanwhile I've got my appointment to whittle about. Transport aranged to get me to QMC at 11.15 on Tuesday. I know the cloak will be ready. t4591 Marzipan waffles woo woo.
Barbara, how is your brother today? And Carol, hope all is well there too. I'm chilled right through to my bones. Some soup I think.
Creamy Vegan Sweet Potato Soup is gluten-free and ready in just 30 minutes. Made with minimal ingredients and warming spices for a spicy sweet soup.
3 medium sweet potatoes cooked
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 onion diced
2 cloves minced garlic
3 cups vegetable broth
1 tablespoon maple syrup
1/8 teaspoon ground ginger
1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk (or other non-dairy milk)
Optional toppings
1/4 cup raw hazelnuts toasted and chopped
1/4 cup raw pistachios toasted and chopped
drizzle of maple syrup or olive oil
Prepare your sweet potatoes first. Pierce your sweet potatoes with a fork and cook on the appropriate potato setting for your microwave. You'll want the potatoes cooked soft enough for them to be easily mashed with a fork.
While the potatoes are cooking, chop your onions and prep your other ingredients.
In a Dutch oven or large saucepan, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the diced onions and cook, stirring occasionally, until soft and tender, about 6-8 minutes. Add your garlic and cook for 1 minute. Scoop out your cooked sweet potatoes and add them to the pot, followed by the maple syrup, ginger, cinnamon, cayenne, salt, and pepper. Stir to combine.
Add the vegetable broth and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and allow to simmer for 5-8 minutes.
Using an immersion blender, blend until smooth. If you don't have an immersion blender, carefully transfer mixture to a blender, blend until smooth, and return to pot.
Stir in almond milk and allow to heat for 1 to 2 more minutes. If you want a thinner consistency, just add a little more almond milk until desired consistency is reached.
Serve hot and top with nuts, olive oil, or maple syrup if desired."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Mother is ready for the Halloween "Party", all her pumpkins gathered togethert115006 t115006
It was very chilly last night Toni, heating was on 21, which was just right
Thanks for the cream, went perfectly with the waffles
Dad seems to go with the flow, with pills, he trusts us both and trusts the Drs and nurses (that included Matron Bubbles). We are glad the Dr is up to speed and hope the ferrous sulfate does the trick. I will soon know if he is going "off his legs" or is super tired - no hesitation, it will be off to Blackburn Hosp.
I think we have the right times, to deliver all the necessary meds, 10 / 3 and 9. That works round if we want to go out, just us two, like on Saturday when we meet my friend and her hubby.
Also sits ok round us having a doze in the evening. All in all, it sounds like a plan.
So the sofa's could be any day, but are expected on the 11th December, right, hope they don't expect you to be in every day, between now and then, just in case :shock: :shock:
Ah, there was double egg and chips on their menu, I see, ulterior motives
You could have popped over for a veggie breakfast
Good job the bush babies don't mind squished jammy dodgers :roll: :roll:
I am guessing you will be woken up at some point, or she will make you jump with the shrieking -
Mother was non too pleased when I tried this hat on her :shock: :? :?
Oh the Nymphs were over the moon and back again, with the large lug, well, large for them. The weaving is finished and ready for tonight :shock: :? t115006
I knew there was a whiff of mackerel -not sure where she has put her re usable mug :roll: :roll:
Good, I am glad there is a gate in, for them all to visit Rosiecat t4591 t4591
Good when Charley getst the new house and Rosie can move in once things are settledSleek and Mother will supervise all the proceedings, I am sure.
A little step up required for your new stools, bless, we can all give you a hutch up, Kari tooone, two, three................ :shock:
Hi Mig, lovely to see you. Well, the potion is apparently ok, it is the gas, that is the big worry, after last years explosion :shock: :shock:
I lifted the lid and let the gas out of the windowpoooo Lordy, it was lifting.............
That is wonderful news, really wonderful to hear. No signs of active disease and all bloods normal GO MIG t4591 t4591 t4591
Good that you will be seen every three months, something they will do as you were part of the new drug trials.
Baked Mushrooms, let me go see if I can get one for you............
1 1/2 pounds chestnut mushrooms, thinly sliced
3 tablespoons olive oil
1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
Zest of 1 lemon
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 teaspoons dried thyme
1/4 cup grated Parmesan
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Lightly oil a baking sheet or coat with nonstick spray.
Place mushrooms in a single layer onto the prepared baking sheet. Add olive oil, lemon juice, lemon zest, garlic, thyme and Parmesan; season with salt and pepper, to taste. Gently toss to combine.
Place into oven and bake for 12-15 minutes, or until browned and tender, tossing occasionally.
Serve immediately.
How's that mi duck
Hi Joan and Sue - no heating since Wednesday and not coming out until tomorrow. That's not cricket, at all. Super cross with them. :x :x
Mother said she might turn the powers that be, into toads, for 12 hours :shock: :shock: t115006 t115006
Dad was ok today, he was sorting out his breakfast when B went round this morningThank you as always for the kind thoughts and hugs (((()))) t4591 t4591
I hope you can mange to keep at least one or two rooms warm.
Oh is it a long time since I read that poem Kath, ta mi duck for sharing Macavity's Mystery Cat AKA the Hidden Paw, TS Eliot I do recall.
Mother knows him well apparently - an old scholar of Hogwarts, not always one to abide by the rules of the land. One on his own, said Mother, a little wayward, but tracking him down, was always a challenge, even for the most skilled of wizards. :shock: t115006
I think we need to go sort out the people that are in charge of ensuring that disabled people being warm, in their own homes. Toni will get the bus and we will gather, en mass. Poor Joan and Sue, it aint on.
Finally someone came out to sort Dads catheter and new supplies have arrived, well, small steps, but it might well be the next stage in carers and nurses, actually coming in to help.
I am sure Anita's norappyduck, neither would I be. Dad avinagrump is fine too.
Now, don't you be whittled about your appt on Tuesday. We would take you, without question. t4591 Transport all booked. We will all be there under the cloak, I might have to nip off and see mi old wards and nursing school, once we know you are ok. t4591 t4591
I hope the ouches are less today, been sending lots of hugs (((()))) and well wishes, for them to ease. t4591 t4591
Ta for the gorgeous soup, perfect with crusty Tiger bread and some butter.
Hi Barbara - now, is the Crown arriving today, sounds very regal doesn't itIf so, I hope all is well. If not, I still hope all is well
t4591 t4591
I think we have rain on the way, t111055 it was warm in the sunshine, now it is cloudy and chilly.
Hi Carol - hope you are both ok and the family too. Do you get many children trick or treating ? We don't get any on the park, which is fine. I could not share treats anyway
Hi to Crinkly and to everyone else in and about t4591 t4591
I guess it should be halloween theme for today
Time I was pottering - I will catch up again later. Lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
A Spooky, Batty, Cake............XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
Evening all crown fitted but its not gold but silver..good job its at the back.. :shock:
Our two eldest GDs Grandad on there mums side has had an heart attack..early this morning out eldest GD is coming from London to see about things coming in threes..
Aidan I love all the Halloween pics we have so many sweets here and no one has called..will bring them in the cafe..and thankyou for the marzipan waffles with apple I do like Maripan
Sorry that dad bloods are low but between you and his Doctor he is in good hands..and he did eat a very large Eccles cake..that should keep him going..bless ..what ever he fancies..
Thankyou again for all the love and sparkles... t4591 t4591
Toni I am sure Rosie will love her new home..I hope your settee comes soon ..I suppose they will be busy for Christmas..and know all about the treatment.. t4591
Mig to say I am pleased for you is an must apreciate life now more than go girl.. t4591
Joan I am fuming you dont have heat..I really am they had better come tomorrow..they know how you are fixed so should prioritize you... t4591
Kath thankyou for all the love and the same back for your dad..I just hope they get there act together and get him proper help..sure they will..I loved you reading the poem. it sent me to sleep by the fire..and Macavity is so naughty..I had the soup with crusty bread..
right better move
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
A silver crown Barbara
- goodness, after making you wait, you would think at least a gold one :? :roll: :roll: Glad it is done though and is nicely tucked away at the back
Sorry to hear about Granddad having had a heart attack, he has my total sympathies. I pray he is doing ok and they managed to get the right intervention asap.
I hope your GD has a safe journey from London, so see him. I am sure you will meet up while she is up here. Extra thoughts and prayers for all t4591 t4591
Glad you like all the halloween picsOne has to try to keep to the season
Ooo, sweeties and no one to eat them, they will be fine in the cafe, ta very much
We don't have anyone with young children here, so no trick or treat callers. I did buy some bags of mini chocolate selection one year and ended up eating them all myself :oops: :oops: :shock:
Dad will be ok, I know it is another step up for B, to keep going round with his pills, but at least we can check on him three times a day, the other times, he is with us for the morning and lunchtimes.
Well, I hope the shrieking didn't disturb anyone, apart from Toni and us two. Yes, Mother and Sleek are back from the "party" at Hogwarts.
Sleek had no idea, the great hall was full of ghosts and ghouls of all descriptions, with floating candles and all tutors assembled at the far end. Every member of her feline family and beyond, were assembled near the Tutors - Tommy Thumb was quite in awe
Minerva, was in her feline form
t115006 t115006
and was given the honour of welcoming Sleek into the Order of Grand Wizard Puskins
Sleek did swoon, but Mother, ever prepared, had her smelling salts, which soon revived her
Grand Wizard Sleekness was presented with the most revered book of spells t115006 t115006
The statue of Pepe Longstockings Apollo Ragamews, was given due pause, for thought and reflection t4591 t4591
Sleek just soaked up the atmosphere, bristling with magic, totally overwhelmed
Then the party started and pumpkins were flying left right and centre. Foods of all descriptions to suit all tastes. They spent a few hours mingling, then Hermione opened the gates and home they were, with only 30 seconds past in our time. t115006 :shock:
Needless to say, the new book of spells has been given pride of place in Sleeks ickle house - she was going through things in minute detail..................Mother smiled and returned to her bed, to siesta with Daddy. :animal_busy:
Ooo I am exhausted
Needless to say Toni, that Sleek will probably be up to all sorts, with her new book of spells, a new orb, two new wands and her choice of new broomsticks. :shock: :shock:
Now, to earthly events. I hope choir practice went well. Biscuits and Tea, at the interval. Rumour had it that the Sisters were in full Vegas outfits
To allow any more mystical and beautiful pictures, I will have to post this and carry on, back in a tic XXXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Only me.
Hi Carol - I hope you are both ok, today will be lunch and then coffee with your friend and a bit more knitting. I am assuming you have projects on the go. t4591 t4591 Did all the GC go trick or treating around their neighbourhood?
After all the excitement, we need a peaceful autumn sceneTo welcome us into November t4591 t4591
A quiet evening here, caught up on some golf, on in the background. Tennis has been really good too, from Paris. Just noticed it is raining t111055 t111055 hopefully not like it has done the past couple of weeks :? :?
Off to the GC with Dad today, some brunch no doubt. It seems an age since were there, can only be a week. Time is fleeting to say the very least. :shock: :shock:
I guess I should have another potter. As one does.
Leaving lots of love and sparkles to everyone, in and about. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXXXX Aidan
Cranberry Cream Cheese French ToastXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone. Feels slightly warmer here this morning no frost even on my car
. Rain but not tooooo much I think :? I am thinking our heating is set to BST so must get that sorted now :roll:
Morning Aidan nice autumnal scene thereDad will enjoy the GC and you'll be with him then for his pills at lunchtime
hope he has a Beth's special to fill him up. Your tables timings sound spot on for him and you two so you can get a bit of a life too t4591 v important as you know when you are 'caring' for someone.
I have had maple syrup and cream on my breakie ta v much t4591
No trick or treaters here either so Paul will eat all the sweeties! Such a helpful boy he is
It was choir practise last night we had cupcakes mine had bats on top! (not in the league of yours!! WOW!!! well done you!!) Barbara made it too before tea break. We did well and the sisters lent me a habit for the evening :shock: they were indeed totally blinged up in some of the (many) vegas outfits!!!
I was woken up by Grand Wizard Sleekness to shrieking of the greatest volume!! She is just so proud her chest is puffed out and she can hardly explain it all. Tommy Oreo and Jessie were there to see it. She keeps leaving her new spell book here and there so we all see it!! Bless her.
What a night - good job Tosca had her smelling salts with her wasn't it? Everyone has some of their magic potion to take home with them apparently it does several things dependent on what the user wants it to do :? Hmmmm :? Did you know all those pumpkins Tosca had were full of cat sweets for the kittens what a time they had! and you had the audacity to put THAT hat on herDignity Aidan!!!
Sleek told me that everyone bowed to Pepe Longstockings Apollo Ragamews' statue and a tear came to her eye. She thought it moved - just a wink of the eye????
Gosh Barbara :shock: I am so sorry your poor two GDs will you see your eldest GD and can her fiancé come with her?
Unfortunately like Kath I know too much about chemo :roll: I can't stop thinking about your bro and candle are lit for him to do well ((())) for you t69044 t4591
Finally you can chew again you did well to get o choir after dental treatment
Kath! I LOVE Macavity! Sleek has it printed on a wall in her ickle house too
I know Aidan sat on the jammie dodgersthe Bush babies do not mind at all they all go down the same way!
Ah good so Dad's catheter will be sorted by 'the lady' hopefully some sort of nurse! poor Anita must be dead on her feet, but work and normality will do her good.
Tuesday 11.15 QMC in the Cloak's diary.
We love sweet potato soup it's so lovely Kari has taken extra and put some in her thermos:)
Joan our boiler is going to be replaced early December when the heating engineer can fit us in, but he came and got it so it will last until then for us the other day!! It's really bad you have no heating again I am very very CROSS!!!
Mig that is great news! I am over the moon for youLucy had her check up last Thursday and is now on 6 monthly. She does however have the flu jab :shock:
The cauldron wasn't cleaned :shock: oh dear me :shock: That sounds a tad dangerous :?
Carol I hope all is well with you all. I have plenty of sweets here for trick or treating Gkids!
sending love to the Turbo household.
Toni xx0 -
Dad update. The reason he couldn't connect the catheter bag on, the ****** hospital had sent the wrong size!!! :roll: His package contained lots of replacement bags of the right size, Anita has taught him to change it himself, and he can. YAY DAD. The lady (a DN) is coming back on Monday after he's been to GP for his blood test, although why she couldn't do the blood test I don't know. Any way, in the parcel that arrived yesterday, there was a stand for his catheter bag, and incontinence pads too. So he's more or less set up now - apart from carers that is. Anita has done a marvelous job and she won't sit back on her laurels. She'll keep pushing until she gets everything dad needs. I'm so proud of my baby sister. t4591
The Look
Strephon kissed me in the spring,
Robin in the fall,
But Colin only looked at me
And never kissed at all.
Strephon's kiss was lost in jest,
Robin's lost in play,
But the kiss in Colin's eyes
Haunts me night and day.
I hope you don't mind having a daily poem. Got to live up to my reputation, even if they aren't my own scribbles.
Toni, yes, we really feel for our Barbara and her bro. Chemo leaves you with such mixed feelings and memories. When mine finished (25/05/2012) I was scared stiff as I wasn't being protected any more, in spite of 5 years of aromatase Inhibitors which I finished early this year. 6 years cancer treatment is no fun.
Aidan, it's taking me ages to do this as it's so dark I can hardly see the keyboard. :? So apologies for any typos. :roll: Oh my goodness, just look at that lovely scene.Thank you for the Cranberry Cream Cheese French Toast.
Barbara, a silver crown I prefer silver to gold, I trust it's a strong one, don't want it cracking. I sent you to sleep by the fire, you must have needed the nap, all the worry about your brother, and now your GD's granddad! I'm so sorry. We're getting there with dad - or should I say Anita is.
Kale and Mushroom Toasted Quinoa Pilaf
120g (4.2oz) quinoa
600ml (1.05 pint) hot chicken or vegetable stock
200g (7oz) sliced mushrooms
2 large handfuls of kale (woody stems torn out)
1tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 clove garlic, crushed (or you can use dried garlic granules or ready made paste)
To season:
1tbsp lemon juice
2tbsp parmesan cheese (or for a diary free version, try nutritional yeast)
Black pepper to taste
Recipe Summary
Here’s a warming, super healthy, arthritis friendly dish to start your New Year with. Quinoa (pronounced keen-wa) is a small seed that is cooked and served like rice or couscous. It is gluten free with a nutty, mild flavour and is unusual in that it is a complete plant protein source, containing all 9 amino acids. It’s quite widely available in supermarkets and health food stores nowadays. I find the flavour best if it’s lightly toasted first in the pan before you add any fluid. If you struggle to find it or want a substitute this recipe will also work well with brown rice but you will need to adjust the cooking times accordingly.
Enjoy vegetables at their seasonal best. Kale is available in abundance in the winter and is a wonderful source of vitamin K which some studies suggest can slow cartilage deterioration in osteoarthritis. It also contains sulphurous compounds that have an anti-inflammatory effect. Mushrooms add a good dose of healthy fibre and folate.
A good tip for using lemon juice when you have arthritis in your fingers, is to pop the lemon in the microwave for 10 seconds before cutting open to squeeze. This makes it much easier to extract the juice. If you don’t have a microwave you can also just roll it on a board firmly a few times before slicing.
Put the quinoa in a pan over a medium heat. Let it sit and toast until it begins to pop, then remove from the heat and stir in the olive oil, garlic, hot stock, mushrooms and kale.
Cover the pan and simmer until all the stock has been absorbed and the little white edge of the quinoa seed has separated from the grain.
Fluff up the quinoa and season with the lemon juice, parmesan and pepper. Serve immediately or allow cooling at room temperature. Enjoy as a warm salad."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hello everyone Sue's gone on dial a ride to do the shopping i'm waiting for the gas man to come anytime from 12 00.
Kathleen that's good new your Dad getting what he need's (((())))) and for all your aches and pain's ((((((())))))
Aidan is your Dad still bleeding that can wear him down cant it sorry (((((()))) and to you and B ((((((())))))
Barbara sorry about your grand dad I hope he's not too bad (((((()))) and your brother ((((((()))) and you ((((((()))))))
Toni I hope everything is well for you you will soon have your new heating ((((())))
take care all the gas man has come the part is not in he's going to see what he can do
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Hi to all t4591
It is warmer today Toni, no frosts here either. Plenty of mist and rain overnight and this morning. t111055 t111055
Dad had just had his breakfast when we picked him up, so he just had caramel apple pie, then two scoops of rum and raisin ice cream - he said he didn't want much :shock:
We enjoyed our Beth specials - talking of whom, we have not seen her for weeks and weeks. Didn't like to say anything :? :?
The timings for Dads pills will be ok, as you say, we need some us time.
Halloween cupcakes at break time at Choir. Very nice, even if you did get a batty one :shock:
I knew the Sisters would be blinged up, they were trying out a new range of outfits, kind of them to lend you an ensemble t115006 t115006 t115006
So, there is magic potion about, I have not seen any about. Mother will have hidden it in her ottoman.
No, nothing was said about pumpkins full of sweets, I might have guessed :roll: :roll:
Mother is still not happy, with me putting that hat on her :? :? :shock:
It was noted, that everyone paused and took a bow at Pepe's statue, he holds a red diamond rose now, in memory of Cookie. t4591 t4591
Sleek thought there was a wink of an eye, from Pepe. Silver does allow little messages over rainbow bridge t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
More candles lit here too, the more prayers, the better, for all t4591
Good that you will have a new boiler in by Christmas and the gas fitter has remedied the old one to keep it ticking over for now (((())))
Mother is resting up today, the excitement of yesterday, has left her a wee bit sleepy. :animal_busy: :animal_busy:
Hi Kath, our resident poet LaureateHooray, a DN has been out and Dad is sorted with his catheters, even though they sent him out with the wrong connectors - see, I knew I was needed on that ward.
I am sure the DN could have taken his bloods, but, ours is not to reason why :roll: :roll:
Go Dad, for being able to change his catheter bags and connect it up to the night bag, with the new stand t4591 You go Anita, it seems, that if we shout loud enough, then we are heard. Good for her, not resting until things are sorted. We like determination and of course you are super proud of your baby Sister t4591 t4591
Loving the poem, very deep and meaningfult4591 t4591 A log lost love that could have been
A daily poem is just perfect, all additions, to our daily lives, are good for us, every day's a school day
It's been proper dark ere too mi duck, 4pm and nearly black as pitch, drizzle and thick cloud not helping.
Hope those ouchies are not too bad, sending extra ((((())))) to you both t4591 t4591
Ta for the Kale and Mushroom, just lovely
Talking of lovely scenes, this house is rather nice
Must win the lottery tonight :roll: :roll: :? :? we keep trying
Hi Joan and Sue. Hope Sue has managed to gather all the shopping along with Dial a Ride.
Now, is the boiler fixed for you, or do we need to come and form a protest at the boss's officesI really hope he has fixed things for you. We want you all to be warm and cosy t4591 t4591
Dad hasn't mentioned any bleeding for the past couple of days - it seems to go in phases. The sooner we get the results of the biopsies the better. GP is chasing the out patient appointment up, with the Consultant urologist.
Thank you for the hugs, as always ((((())))) t4591 t4591
Hi Barbara - thinking of you and yours, how is Gdad doing? I guess your GD will be up from London by now, will she stop with you.
Hope your Brother is feeling not too bad. thoughts and prayers for all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
Niamh will be there tonight as well, you are going to be busy busy - some extra sparkles are in order t115006 t115006
Hi Carol, how has your week been? Hope you are both ok. I see we are in for stormy winds and rain, to welcome November in and blow all the leaves about. t111055 t111055
Hi to everyone else, in and about t4591 t4591
Time I was pottering a little. I will call back later. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan
THE best Pecan Caramel Cheesecake EVER - might need the boothXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
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