Val's Cafe



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Ooh Kath I have never tried making butter..we could do with a churn.. :)its so good of your neighbour to give you some parecetamol..there are some really nice people..:)
    Mig what a beautiful photo of your lovely great niece Evie...
    So you had a good walk his your OHs was it his hip...getting on..the walking will help..
  • YvonneH
    YvonneH Member Posts: 1,075

    Hi everyone,

    Kath I think you are right, the poem is done, a good one for all our little ones, Mig, I have a baby Evelyn (Evie) too, she will be 2 weeks on Wednesday. I have had a cuddle and I see her via Skype most days.

    sleek is brilliant Toni, so much reminds me of Lynx, I will get a photo organised

    Up a bit late for me, off to get my beauty sleep ready for work tomorrow

    love to everyone

    Yvonne x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Good icy morning everyone!

    Yvonne yes I'd/we'd love to see a pic of Lynx although she sounds rather more dignified than Sleek!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Barbara I hope your penny is to corsing you any pain (((((())) Good luck love to Mr B Niamh (((()))and your brother (((()))

    Kath I'm glad you got some paracetamol nice neighbour (((((())) love to Chris Anita ((((())) and Dawn (((((((())))) and your Dad ((((())))

    Mig lovely photo how many grandchildren have you got. I hope everything is going well with you ((((()))))

    Bill you and Mandy take care ((((()))

    Toni I hope everything is well with you and your family ((((()))love to all ((((()))))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Phew, you haven't fallen out with me for being BOSSY about our Esme poem. I think it's a beauty.

    Good news, I'm using a lot less Paracetamol, just 2 in the middle of the night and no more. We haven't seen anything of Holly since last Tuesday, with Esme not being at school for now, she doesn't go out. I think she's being sensible and following the governments advice, good girl Holly. Jackie is at work today, as her branch is a franchise so isn't closed like the rest of the Clarke's branches.

    I rang my pharmacy this morning to request a repeat prescription. I thanked them for their collect and delivery service and told them to keep well. I NEED MY PHARMACY.

    Yvonne. two weeks already! My, how time flies. I hope you manage to have a good nights sleep and wake refreshed in the morning.

    Barbara, ahhh so you're missing Niamh. I bet she's missing her nanna too, well certainly the roast dinners she loves any way. 😘

    Toni, I'm tucking into that breakfast, but leaving the they aggravate my IBS. I'm also going to pinch that cute ducks on the pond pic.

    Joan, I'm sorry I couldn't find the line you wrote for our poem. Maybe next time we do a joint poem you will write a line for it. I hope Sue is getting her carers every day. I hate to think of her stuck in bed all day. At least she can still go out in the garden with Pepper as long as she wraps up warm.

    Now for dinner or lunch.

    Courgette and Broccoli with pine nuts.


    2 courgettes (zucchini)

    1 head of broccoli

    1 garlic clove

    juice of 1 lemon

    1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

    1 small handful of coriander (cilantro) leaf

    1 tablespoon pine nuts


    • Cut the courgettes on the diagonal, brush with oil, griddle on a high heat
    • If you do not have a griddle pan you can grill the courgette
    • Steam the broccoli until only just cooked
    • Purée the garlic using a pestle and mortar, add the lemon juice, oil and salt to taste
    • Finely chop the coriander
    • Toast the pine nuts in a dry frying pan on a medium heat
    • Mix the broccoli, courgette and dressing well

    I couldn't get the text off. 😕

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Morning all..

    we have facetimed Niamh , but its upsetting her so will cut them down for will make everything more special when this is all over..

    Yvonne you little GD 2 weeks already ...😊I would love to see a photo of Lynx..xx

    Joan thankyou... my penny is fine..think it might be my kidneys but wont know till the results come back..I hope you are all keeping ok .xx

    Toni Miss sleek was so tiny bless...thankyou for breakfast..hope all is well with you all..xx

    Kath Its good Holly is staying put , unlike some people near us..masses walking by yesterday .thankyou for the .Courgette and Broccoli with pine nuts....xx

    love to everyone


  • YvonneH
    YvonneH Member Posts: 1,075
    edited 24. Mar 2020, 14:14


    What a lovely lunch, without the garlic for me thanks, I think I was a vampire in an earlier life, I am very intolerant to garlic. Well someone had to be! I shall have to be a day behind and have this for lunch tomorrow!

    I've only had the one cuddle with Evelyn but I am saving the others up for when we are allowed out, poor Bryn has only had the briefest cuddle.

    I shall have to take a photo of our pride of cats, we have 4, 3 are siblings - we planned to pick up 2 but that would have left Sam with no-one so we just had to take him too. Lynx was the cat that washed and cared for the Christmas kittens, she even went to inspect their basket when we went to collect them. A few months after we were all settled the PDSA lady rang up and asked if we would take Lynx because she had to move into a smaller home and she knew we had hit it off. Lynx came in, Sam immediately went for a face lick, Princess was fine but Bandit was all straight legs walking round. Eventually Lynx got fed up pounced on her and gave her a good wash and all was well!

    Love to everyone

    Yvonne x

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening all

    Sort of missed yesterday I just had one of those down days which are bound to happen I suppose when you are in the situation we find ourself in. And to make it worse it was of course Mother’s Day. It’s funny really how that affected me I never usually spend the day with the the girls as the only the youngest is in London, and she is usually doing duties with St John Ambulance. But she is self isolating too. But I did get a video call from them. The one thing that brightened my day was a face book video from my GS’s GF of Faye Ashley and Kian sitting on the sofa and the older 2 shouting out Happy Nanny’s Day. It made me really tear up it was so sweet

    Yvonne little Evelyn is gorgeous cuddles with her will be be so special when this all over. Would love to see your photo of your pride

    Barbara Poor Niamh it is so difficult for them to understand how old is she. Our Lillie was the other way she is 8 and wanted mum to do a video call to us so that she could see we were alright for herself.

    hope you are all doing ok with staying at homeWe were a bit naughty today and took a little walk to where we used to take our Snowie And doing the social distancing bit and ket well away from others. I had to laugh I stood on the step outside our flat and said out loud hello outside world and wonderful fresh air, even had mr t smiling. One week out of 12 gone now.

    Has anyone had the letter all vulnerable people are supposed to be getting or just the most vulnerable anyway. I am a bit confused as to what they class as severe Asthma.

    its time to say goodnight to you all hope you all get a good nights sleep 😌unlike me last night I just could not get warm and had to keep getting up to go to the loo because I was so cold.

    love ❤️❤️Sparkles 🌈🌈and hugs🤗🤗 to you all

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    I was cold the night before too Carol!  Paul is a duvet thief!  You are allowed  a walk every day so long as you keep your 2m distance in fact I think once a day is what we've more or less been told to do. More walks might prevent more 'down days'? ((()))

    It was a tough Mother's day wasn't it? Thank God for video-calling.  Bless them all I hope some of yours are allowed out of self-isolating soon. Charley and her GF both managed an hour in their back garden yesterday which means they felt a bit better.  They were exhausted come bedtime though!

    I haven't had my letter yet  though I think I might get one.  You might well too you you know....not sure how many on here will get them due to our DMARDs for inflammatory arthritides🤔

    Did the system edit your word for pusskins Yvonne?  Have a look at your post. Lynx sounds to be a wonderful motherly cat unlike Aidan's Tosca who 'mothered; for the minimum time according to Aidan! Well done her asserting her Mother of the pride role :)

    Evie will get to know her gorgeous Nanny in time and the 12 weeks will fly by I'm sure.

    A picture of your GKids would be fabulous to see when you have time. 

    Barbara you saw the pic of Sleek on facebook?!  Wasn't she the most adorable little thing?! I wish I'd shown that one to Aidan when we still had him :(

    Poor Niamh missing you so much. Let her contact whenever she wants to even if it upsets her it's good for her to know you are still ok and love her very much ((())) for you.

    I suspect your poor kidneys too I hope it's an infection easily sorted when will you know?

    Kath I popped onto the BLF and spotted our poem!  Doesn't it look good and all those lovely comments!

    Well done keeping the pain relief as low as possible then you have something in the bag if needed.   Sleek has been and checked you over and your cupboard is fully stocked with potions 🐈️

    I loved the smilie too! Help yourself!

    I hope Hollie is ok - have you telephoned her? I'm sure she'd like that. and yes VERY good of you to praise up your pharmacy we should all to that for our health professionals supporting us.

    Thank you for the courgette and broccoli with pine nuts YUM I loved it😋

    Joan I hope all is still ok with you all and the carers? We are all doing ok so far and Charley and her GF even felt well enough to sit outside in their back garden for an hour yesterday.  Mind they knew they had done it!

    nO beans today Kath!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Kath I hope you and Chris are coping as best as you can ((((())) love to your Dad and Anita (((((())))and anyone else ((((()))) my line was a smile lit up her face.

    Barbara Sue puts facetime on so I can see lexi having a run. I hope you and your family are doing alright (((((())))) how is your brother and his girlfriend (((((())))and Niamh ((((())))

    Toni I was worried yesterday because I did not see you on here ((((())))love to Paul (((()))Charley and her girlfriend ((((())))Tia ((((())) and Lucy (((((())))) I hope you are able to get what you want at the shops.

    I had to go to the back of the chemist to pick up my tablets the queue was down the street at the door.

    Bill how are you I hope all is well ((((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (already in the poetry thread. A bit rude, but I hope it makes you laugh)

    The Tena Lady

    She would always dread parties or theatre trips, 

    how can you go there with a bladder that drips? 

    On days out shopping oh what a to do, 

    finding a route that includes every loo! 

    Her handbag contained six pairs of clean knickers, 

    but opening it up would give her the jitters! 

    But then she found something that saved her sanity 

    and helped her preserve a little vanity. 

    She now keeps a package so tiny and neat 

    a pretty silk bag, small and discreet. 

    It holds Tena Lady with odour control 

    so she now visits friends, achieves every goal. 

    She goes to the pictures, to picnics, to parties. 

    She mixes with folk who are real arty fartys. 

    She also plays hockey and netball and tennis, 

    and has plans to travel to Rome and to Venice. 

    So dear ladies, don't stay home crying, 

    it's Tena Lady you should be buying


    Joan, oh that was a lovely line, I wish I'd put it in. I'll make a note of it and try to start a new poem with it. Wouldn't the chemist deliver your medicine for you? Perhaps you should ask under the circumstances. 😘

    Toni, I gave Holly my number but I don't have hers. But I know she's OK because she knocked on my door and stood by the gate. I gave her some money and she fetched our Radio Times. Not an urgent thing I know, but I knew she wouldn't be able to pick any tablets up, and I needed to be able to give her some spending money. She shoved it through the letter box.

    Carol, so Lillie wanted to see for herself that you were both alright. How sweet. Staying home isn't a problem for me any more, we're used to it. It just seems odd knowing the entire world is (or should be) doing the same.

    Barbara, poor Niamh. but I'm sure she was happy to see you over Facetime instead of not at all.

    Love to all the cafe dwellers, families and pets.

    Easy Vegan Ratatouille Recipe



    1. Cut ends off eggplant, cut into cubes and place in a large colander. Toss with sea salt and set aside for 20 minutes to drain.
    2. Heat olive oil in a large saucepan on medium heat. Add onion and cook until softened, about 4 minutes. Stir in garlic , bell peppers and cook for 2 minutes.
    3. Stir in tomatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, eggplant, basil, thyme, oregano, rosemary, tomato paste, vegetable broth and cook until vegetables simmering, about 10 minutes.
    4. Reduce heat and cook covered until vegetables are tender about 10 more minutes. Season with salt to taste.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • YvonneH
    YvonneH Member Posts: 1,075

    Hello café friends,

    Toni - I did use a bad word 🙄 think of one puss, many ****

    I didn't even realise! Oh dear - I've changed it now x

    Joan - A smile lit up her face, a lovely line, good idea Kath, building a poem around one line. Sometimes I wish we still had coloured text, there are times it could be useful.

    It has been cold at night, I've thought it too Carol, I even closed the window which is usually open all through winter.

    Here is Lynx

    Sitting on the seeds I was sorting

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Hello Lynx, you gorgeous puss cat. I can see why he's called Lynx with those pretty ears.

    New poem, courtesy of Joan's brilliant line. Thank you Joan, it's about my mum who passed away aged 80 in 2010. 😕


    She wore a collar of lace,

    a smile lit up her face,

    she was the sweetest lady,

    my dear mother Grace.

    She loved to knit and sew,

    how quickly her hands would go,

    she made all of my clothes,

    as year by year I’d grow.

    She loved to feed the birds,

    as in her garden they sang,

    but her pet cat Smokey would chase them away,

    so she brought him a bell that rang.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all..we had a drive to the park this morning for a walk and sit..thank goodness for this nice weather

    Carol It is so hard but like you say facetime is brilliant..I hope your mood can lift soon ..we can all get through this together xx

    Kath the tena lady poem is brilliant...😂the picture of your mum is so nice and a lovely poem to remember her by...and thankyou for the Ratatouille recipe..I hope you are all sorted with meds..xx.

    Yvonne what a beautiful cat Lynx is and sound like she is proper motherly how nice to have a pride of them..they certainly have a good home bless.xx

    Toni I get all mixed up has to were I have seen photos..😂..honestly what am I like..I have to wait not for the results fingers crossed..xx

    Joan hoe lovey to facetime Sue when you are must make such a brother and fiance are staying safe thankyou..but stilll has to vist hospital for the all take care xx

    Oh gosh this is so big sorry but our GD asked me to post it ..she is asthmatic and a carer and begging people to stay inside then she and others can continue there job...I am so proud of her

    love to everyone


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Ah Barbara Your GD and her fiancée? It doesn't matter if it's big you can tell her all of us in the café are staying put apart from our walks if we can manage. Of course you must be proud of her that job she does is underpaid and undervalued except by those for whom it's a lifeline like my neighbour....Joan's Sue etc...

    Thank God for that trial giving your brother all this time with his new gf even if a lot of it is trapped inside🙄

    I hope you and Mr B are doing ok and coping well inside? ((()))

    Kath I LOVE the new poem!   You are a sharp tack producing that so fast.  Joan's line now has a lovely place.  I can certainly see you in your Mum she looks lovely ❤️

    At least you've 'seen' Hollie that's good and bless her she got the radio times! I know you like to support her on her own with the two littlies. Bless her she'll be able to track down paracetamols soon things will settle.  Some people must have enough for the next 10 years🙄

    Thank you for the ratatouille yum-meeeee!  and the tena poem made me laugh. It felt like a bit ironical because I always think those adverts are a bit far fetched.  Like we average ladies do all those things🤣

    Yvonne that is exactly what I thought you must have typed in!  It's a shame that word is now rude 😕

    Lynx looks dignified indeed....very Egyptian.

    I would like colours too and gosh I wish the techies could slow the frequency of the 'saving' a bit.  It's doing my head in now and puts me off posting to be honest.

    Maybe @kathleenT  we could write our next joint poem lines in italics? and bold so they show?

    Like this

    Joan I am absolutely fine thank you.  Yesterday was Paul's and my 15 year wedding anniversary! I cooked us a meal and we had a glass of wine with it!🍸️Lovely idea facetiming so you can see the dogs enjoying their exercise :)

    Breakfast anyone?


  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    . Yvonne lovely puss he looks fun. Thank you for the forum (((((())))

    Kath thank you for putting my line in (((((()))) how is Anita ((((()))) love to everyone ((((())). We live 5 mind from the chemist and the co-op.

    Barbara lovely photo of your granddaughter that's a job not appreciated by some people I know sue is very grateful (((((())))) love to your brother ((((()))) and Mr B (((((())))

    Toni congratulations how is Charley and her friend ((((()))) Tia (((()))) Lucy ((((()))

    Bill (((((())))

    . Carol (((((())) Mig ((((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 25. Mar 2020, 12:02
    Morning all..just..we are pottering in the garden..I am so grateful we have it..I really am
    Joan thankyou..I know how much you and Sue must appreciate carers..they get looked down on bu some NHS workers..but they do a brilliant job..I hope you Sue and the doggies are doing ok and have this lively weather..xxxx
    Tony many congratulations to you and Paul..15 years bless..and you cooked a lovely meal for you both...:):)wish I could do emogie on my phone..I would do you a nice cake..
    I am glad to hear you are all well..I hope Charley and her gf are recovering well..
    Yes my brother is so very grateful to the NHS..gosh what would we do without them..
    Everyone take care we will come though this
    Love to all
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 25. Mar 2020, 14:30

    Joan, Well, I'm so glad I was able to include your beautiful line in a poem about my mum. it was just perfect. My daughter Emily's friend Alex is the manager of a care company. She is working so hard for her customers. She has been a care herself, and if I could have her as MY care I would be thrilled. I'm sure that Sue's carers are excellent.

    I tried to post a recipe in Matron's Munchies yesterday but the picture didn't work, so let's try it here.

    Chocolate and salted caramel cake recipe 


    For the sponges

    • 250g unsalted butter, at room temperature
    • 150g golden caster sugar
    • 100g light brown sugar
    • 4 large eggs, beaten (weigh the eggs to ensure you have the same weight as the butter: 250g)
    • 200g self-raising flour
    • 1 tsp baking powder
    • 50g cocoa powder
    • 40ml whole milk

    For the salted caramel

    • 50g caster sugar
    • 100ml water
    • 150ml double cream
    • 15g unsalted butter
    • ½ vanilla bean paste
    • Pinch of sea salt

    For the Swiss meringue buttercream

    • 115ml egg whites
    • 200g golden caster sugar
    • 250g unsalted butter, chilled but removed from the fridge 30 minutes before using and cubed
    • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
    • 200g dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids), melted

    For the decoration

    • 30g chocolate malt balls


    1. Preheat the oven to 190C/170C fan/Gas 5.
    2. Grease and line the base and sides of two 20cm round cake tins.
    3. To make the sponges, place the butter and sugars in a large bowl and beat together until light and fluffy. Add the beaten eggs a little at a time until fully incorporated.
    4. Sift the flour, baking powder and cocoa together and fold into the cake mixture. Stir in the milk.
    5. Divide the batter equally between the prepared tins and level the surface with the back of a spoon. Bake for 20 minutes until the cakes are baked, beginning to shrink away from the sides of the tins and spring back when pressed gently.
    6. Remove from the oven and transfer to a wire rack. Leave the cakes to cool in the tins for five minutes before turning out to cool completely.
    7. To make the salted caramel for the meringue buttercream, place the sugar and water together in a heavy-based non-stick frying pan. Heat until the sugar has dissolved and continue until the liquid is a dark amber. The bubbles will get larger, stickier and slower.
    8. With caution, add half of the cream and whisk into the sugar. Reduce the heat. Simmer for two minutes.
    9. Add the remaining cream, butter, vanilla and salt and simmer until the caramel has thickened and is no longer cloudy. This may take five to 10 minutes. It suddenly will appear clearer and shiny – this is the point you’re looking for! Pour into a clean bowl or jug and leave to cool. Taste and add more salt if necessary.
    10. Place the egg whites and sugar in a large, clean heatproof bowl and place over a pan of gently simmering water. Whisk with a hand balloon whisk and monitor the temperature until it reaches 61-70C. This will take about 10 minutes.
    11. Remove from the heat and to a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. Whisk the meringue until it has thickened, tripled in size and cooled to room temperature.
    12. Change the attachment to the beater and add the butter in small batches until fully incorporated and thickened. Whisk in the vanilla extract. Pour in the melted chocolate and 200g salted caramel and mix until combined and smooth.
    13. Assemble the cake by placing one sponge layer on a cake stand. Spread generously with the buttercream and top with the second layer. Spoon the remaining buttercream on top and smooth with a palette knife.
    14. Sprinkle with the chocolate malt balls and serve. This cake will keep at room temperature for three to five days.
    15. Suitable for freezing if stored in a suitable container with a lid.

    Oh yes, I got my letter from the government telling me I'm at risk. 😲

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Will post properly in a mo, but I am in a virtual shopping queue atm.... Joan thank you it was certainly a different anniversary, but not to worry next year we'll make up for it. Great the Co-op and chemist are practically on your doorstep😊

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 26. Mar 2020, 07:31

    Kath that is a cake for AIDAN!  he loved chocolate best according to Bill 😋

    I have to agree with Joan Hear hear for our undervalued carers especially at this scary time.  They are soldiering on come what may

    and as Barbara said are looked down on by 'trained NHS staff' sometimes which is a bit mad really given the pressure they take off them!

    Thank you for wanting to send Paul and me a cake! we would have loved it and are grateful for the thought XXX

    Guess who trimmed her own fringe yesterday?!!  It's ok I only did a tiny bit - no-one else can help can they?!😂

    Hoping Carol is ok and mig too. Miss Sleek is sat on the chair next to me bless her she's just back from her rounds.  Kath's, Bill's, Kari's ,Mandy's and Charley and her GF's.


    What about that?!  It has the lot in it!

    4 minutes until I see if I have got a shopping slot....wish me luck!


    All slots gone by the time I got there, but filled my basket ready incase I should get on tomorrow 🤞

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    . Barbara we are staying in now because of our age. We have friends to help us.

    I hope you and your family are coping with it alright (((((()))) our neighbour went to the co-op he said they are stocking up on compost and soil that would fill us up (((((()))

    Kath I hope you are all doing alright ((((((()))) are you getting your deliveries alright sue has a problem getting her card in there are so many people trying the same((((())))

    Toni I hope everything is alright there ((((((()))) it will be so nice to have it back to normal won't it ((((())))) how is your lovely neighbour ((((((()))). Charley and her friend (((((()))))

    Bill thinking of you (((((())))

    Love to Carol and Mig Yvonne ((((((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Joan, oh NORMAL, I've forgotten what that is. We've been practicing self isolation for 4 years now, anyone would thing we knew what was to come. We have booked slots in advance, and have them 3 weeks in advance. just keep checking what changes need to be made. Chris does it in his sleep. But at the moment there are no slots available on Tesco. So we have a basket ready and I'll pop it in as soon as slots become available. Problem is, some people are online 24/7, we only get online around 12.30pm, so a lot of any available slots have already gone. 😠😠


    Thank you for those breakfasts. I thought about having one of each, but that would make me as bad as all those peeps who stockpiled!!!! 😠😡😡 naughty.

    Sending hugs for Carol, Barbara, mig and our Yvonne.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Evening all..what a lovely day we have had we drove to a park and walked a little and sat..there we were on our own...OH went to the bank..mask and gloves..they let one in at a time..mind you only 3 there and stood a way off each other
    . Joan I am so glad you have help,it is bringing the best out if people..((((()))))
    Kath oh chocolate cake with salted caramel.Aidan would be gleaming ..its good of Alex to put extra hours in to help people get there goods ..everyone's pulling together this us so nice to see..xx
    Toni was in a virtual queue just to amend my order..only to find out half is out of stock....never mind we will see what arrives..we have many delivering cooked meals around is the pub we used to go it pays there wages and helps us..ooh sorry thankyou for the breakfast
    Will go and put the kettle on
    Love to all

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening all

    All is good here about 20 minutes ago we stood at our open window and clapped 👏👏👏👏for all the health workers and all the other key workers who are making all our lives that bit better. And when you think of it that’s a lot of people. quite a few of our neighbours were at there windows or doorstep doing it it was good to see. We have been busy most afternoons going through all the things that one stores up saying that may come in handy sometime and we never use them. A good few bin bags have been thrown away. Mr T has started playing a song a day on his keyboards and up loading them on Facebook. Family and friends have even asked him for requests which he is doing it he knows them or has the sheet music. I think it’s keeping him in good spirits as well as others So if you are on Facebook do look out for him. I think I am allergic to antibacterial hand gel which I was using when I was out and about, it has caused me to have what looks like contact dermatitis hands are very dry and red and itchy. I am using soap now and some E45 lotion and that seems to be working. Hopefully all or most of my shopping delivery will arrive tomorrow. Ocado are now after an email I sent to them last week are recognising me as a vulnerable customer and they send me an email when I can go in and edit my reserved slot and I have a quick link bypassing the virtual queue. So we have not been too bad. Hopefully now that everyone is only supposed going out just once a day for essential shopping or exercise and other shops should be closed the shops and online sites will have more stock available🤞. I haven’t had the email about being high risk yet from my doctor. Seem to spend most of my mornings making or receiveing phone calls and on fb keeping in contact with family and friends. but I don’t mind it keeps me busy.

    Toni hope Charley and her Gf are going on ok. It must have been a odd wedding anniversary. Our 50th in July that’s what our cruise was for. We were also to have a party for it done by the girls but we have told them to cancel that. We will have them both when this is all over.

    Kath I love the poem Tena lady I can relate to that very well. 😀😀

    Yvonne your puss is gorgeous.

    sending you all love bucket loads of hugs as Aidan would say and sparkles ❤️❤️❤️🤗🤗🤗🌈🌈🌈

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Good morning!

    Joan I saw my lovely neighbour the day before yesterday on our walk.  She was in very good spirits all her carers are doing ok so far and last night we had VIRTUAL CHOIR PRACTISE! so I saw her and her husband online! That was fun - didn't get much singing done just getting us all online and sang Shalom which has the lines: 'Till we meet again till we meet again Shalom, Sha-a-lom'

    How about you and Sue?  All ok I hope? ((()))

    Kath like me your online shopping basket it full and ready. I will run out of UHT soya milk but apart from the we are ok so far.  You are the experts in social distancing and I should think amongst the few who are probably safe from this evil virus.

    You can have two breakfasts because during these times it is important not to waste food.

    I love the poster! :)

    If it's Tesco I think the slots become available at 11.30pm.

    Barbara well done getting out I expect that was nice and flat for your chariot ride and did you the world of good.

    My basket is ready too  🤞

    What did you think of virtual choir then?! it really happened Was a bit of a shambles at first except for me who was the first o have a go on Tues and then Joan the other 'young' one who joined us on Weds. We wanted to be able to help the older people if they didn't know what to do.

    We also all stopped to do our NHS clap.  SOOOOOO emotional!

    Carol how do we prove to Ocado that we are vulnerable? I can't do it on age yet... 😕

    No golden ticket  either so far....although not sure I want one as then my walks will be banned too!

    I am using E45 hand wash (in the shower too), E45 lotion and  gloves so reduced soapy handwash down to a safe minimum ((()))

    Well done Mr T for doing his music - as you know I am not the most frequent Facebook visitor, but will certainly look out for him.  Wasn't the hand clap lovely just lovely last night? 🙂

    Breakfast anyone?

    Kath have as much as you like remember we must not waste food!