Val's Cafe
I love the Daily dose of debt poem Kath! I think everyone should hear it. Al the kids before they get into debt. I love the speed of it and it's totally whet I think too 🙂
Great news that your bloods were done even if it wasn't the lovely Nurse - can't win them all. I was feeling very sad about our Aidan yesterday too that we don't have him here any more, but you are so right he is safe now and will always been in our hearts and memories.
Go Holly she is a good girl. I hope you can carry on getting your Tesco deliveries. Kari told me we have to go on at midnight! I am asleep long before that! ::)
Ta for the cake very much it looks YUMMY!!
Barbara you might need a second does of ABs are you still in any pain? At least you have your apt tomorrow albeit over the phone. Some people need a lower does of ABs for a longer period of time could easily be you with your kidneys.
Charley did her first shift and must have been very busy as she didn't snap me on her break. She will sleep for England today I should think!
Is Mr B being good? Was the food delivery nice?
Carol I am pleased to see you. Mr T seems to be behaving very well under these unique circumstances. Imagine him helping you to clear out! Imagine him being self taught! That is totally impressive.
Finally you know whether you are in the extra risk group! To be honest I think just do your very best you are doing well staying in and that's what you must do. Your Drs advice was good. I am doing the same having COPD.
How are the family? the Grandchildren Great Grandchildren? I know none of them are near enough to help shopping wise but they are a good bunch.
Joan sadly no I think it will go on far longer than 12 weeks but hope some things will return to normal after that. 6 months? Maybe....I'm not going to worry we just must all take care for now and do our best.
I found this for you!
How adorable is he?
Now some breakfast....
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Good morning everyone
Carol did you say Mr T plays for the church that must please him he good ((((((()))) thank you
I hope all your family are well (((((()))))
. Barbara was your dinner worth the wait (((((((()))))) how is your brother and his girlfriend doing ((((((())))))
Have you still got your pain ((((((()))
. Kath lovely poem (((((()))) that's good you have people to help you (((((()))) how is Anita (((((()))) and your Dad (((((())))
Bill thinking of you ((((()))) love to Mig Yvonne ((((((((()))))
. Toni I hope all is alright ((((((())))
We need something happy not all bad news right (((((())))
take care
joan xx0 -
Morning all
Joan yes Mr T has been church organist and music leader for many years. He dose love playing when we were given the word to self isolate, he went straight down to the church to get his keyboards that are usually kept there, he said he would go completely cuckoo without them. The family are all well we have had lots of video calls from them. Hope you Sue and Lexi and Pepper are doing ok.
Toni yes Mr t has been really good he can be when it is necessary. In situations like we are all in at them moment he always comes up trumps. When we are tidying up he is the one who does the most getting everything out and putting back what we are going to keep, I just sit there and sort them out . But then again I do all the cooking and most of the cups of tea each day. As you say we have to do as we are told so I will go into the garden or just around our small block of flats which takes all of 1-2 mins but I do it twice. So only out about 5 mins. When it gets a bit warmer will sit in the garden. The family are all ok 👍🏼As you say they are a good bunch we have had lots of video calls even group ones with 4-5 of us a the same time. We have had 2 like that. They can get a bi hectic as everyone seems to talk at once especially when eldest GD and the girls are with her they never stop. And I am getting regular pictures. On face book. Here is one of Faye and Ashley!Ap-NGQQQB9hfn1_6jgDpAK8oygpm
Love and sparkles to all ❤️❤️🌈🌈 and of course hugs 🤗🤗
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hello everyone,Just checking in to see if all are ok the mig household are all well and so are our wider family.
crocheting like mad,watched some dodgy tv ,have done some quizes ,cleaned all the windows contemplating painting now but still got some ironing to do.
Hope you all stay safe and well. God bless Mig.
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Daily Poem
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud (well at least he's practicing social distancing 🤣)
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.
Carol, Chris edits our Tesco order every day, it drives him up the wall, because you have to go through the checkout for the changes to register! But there are still one or two things missing on the day. As long as we get bread and milk and a couple of ready meals, we get by. Did you see on the news abut Eddie Large? Very sad.
Twins, sending you both love and virtual hugs. 💖💝
Babs, cheeky Robin, but they are such a delight to see and hear. I hope he left a few seeds to put out shoots later.
Mig, I hope you are keeping safe and well and are managing to get help with shopping.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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1. Basmati rice which is gluten free, made separately
2. Fry onion first, add a teaspoon of turmeric, then after a few minutes add the piece of chicken with added salt
3. Put the lid on and let it simmer for 10 mins
4. Add Dahl and green lentils (small amount) and stir it a couple of times put the lid back for a couple of more mins
5. Finally add some boiled water, Leave it on medium heat for half an hour or until lentils are soft, You can adjust the heat by looking at the pan and how the dish is doing
You can choose any vegetables you like
By Painny from the Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation on HU
and Toni, it's Vegan.
If anyone makes it, could you post a photo so I can show her.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hello all.waited for my phone call off the came at 4 30..and she talked to the doctor so she has sent more ABs different ones... to the all was good.till Mr B queued for them to be told they cant get hold of any and will try tomorrow...I suppose its something we have to get used to for a while..
Carol glad you are all well ...sadly I couldn't open the photo..but will look on facebook..and thank Mr T for the music xx
Joan it is odd not being able to shop..I am missing our garden center..but we will get there..we did enjoy the food...I am getting used to this...not cooking...:) keep safe ((((())))
Mig it's good to hear from you..the crocheting is keeping you busy..and that is good ..glad you are all well xx
Toni I just have mild kidney pain for now.. it's just a worry thing are moving on...apparently it's the e coli again that has shown up.. very strange...
Poor you say she would have slept well ys her gf getting on is she any better....xx
Kath I have always loved we wondered lonely has a cloud...:).and thankyou for the recipe. I remember basmati rice....:)
Hope you are all keeping is Anita getting on with all this...I hope she has her appointments.. xx
My house has never been has that is one good thing...
Love to all
Barbara0 -
Morning Joan Good news is what we need there is just a little to much COVID news on TV. I clapped again last night, but in my mind I added the carers and the food delivery people and bin-men well.
Mig I am so glad to see you! I am going to knit blankies for pusskins I saw the RSPCA were asking for them. I might just crochet one....hmmm???
Kath great poem and just in time we have a lovely display opposite on the Church wall, but mine are past their best sadly 😕
I GOT a my Tesco order!! I did what Kari said and stayed up until midnight gosh I will be in bed early tonight. I had my basket full ready. It's not until 23rd April. but at least independence will be mine once more!!!! I will have serious editing to do tell Chris I am with him!
Thank you for the yummy food I hope you enjoy the scrambled eggs yesterday.
How is everyone? Doing ok I hope?
Barbara Kari told me I must order meds early because there are shortages a lot come from India and they are suffering badly. I hope you get your ABs today go away ecoli and you ((())) feel better soon.🌈
I clapped for the carers as well last night they totally deserve our thoughts too. Charley is ok and her GF was allowed back into work in the end so she is happier.
Yes my house is tidy too😁 immaculised as Aidan would say.
Did you see I stayed up until midnight and got my Tesco order for 23rd :)
Carol Faye and Ashley look so sweet and still so little ❤️ You have a lovely family I know you are quite rightly very proud.
Oh just a thought is your friend keeping in touch by telephone?
Mr T is being such a good boy helping you clear out. As you say when the chips are down.....😏 I bet you are glad he rescued his keyboard before lockdown too.
Right some breakfast:
Should be something for everyone there!
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For all of us but especially Joan🤗
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Morning everyone
Carol your grandchildren are lovely ((((()))) it will be nice when you can see them again ((((()) take care.
Mig you and yours take care (((((())))
Barbara I read you must not do. any gardening or D I y in case you go to hospital you could just has well fall down the stairs ((((()))) how is your brother ((((())))you look after yourself and Mr B ((((())))
Kath I hope you get what you ordered this week (((((()))) love to Chris and Anita ((((()))) and your Dad (((((())))
Toni I dld the clapping last night as well. I hope all is well with. You and Paul ((((()))) Charley ((((()))and her friend (((((())))Tia ((((())) Lucy ((((()))) Kari (((((()))). and your lovely neighbour (((((()))))
thank you for the pups (((())))
Bill thinking of you ((((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
I haven't had any time to write any new poems, so must search for suitable ones by other people.
“Hope” is the thing with feathers
“Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all -
And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -
And sore must be the storm -
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm -
I’ve heard it in the chillest land -
And on the strangest Sea -
Yet - never - in Extremity,
It asked a crumb - of me.
Aww Toni,that is one cute little doggy, Joan and Sue will love it.You sat up until midnight, mind you I was still awake then. Must try to stay awake tonight and try to grab a slot for Friday 24th. MMM, breakfast, EGGS yes they'll be mine then. I do hope someone cooks Painnys' recipe, it looks lovely.
Nobody on our court went out to clap last night. I was in bed by 7pm, but awake until 12.30, so I was as bad. 🙄😴
I haven't heard from Anita since Monday, but I sent her a message this morning. No reply yet !! I will ring dad tomorrow. Jonathan was 37 yesterday, he's my youngest. My eldest, Marie Claire is 50 soon.
I won't tell you about our house. we are unable to clean properly so it's like something out of 'Life of grime'. As Chris has OCD, it's driving him barmy. My worst bit is not being able to vacuum. Oh well.
Our Tesco delivery is due in on and a half hours, it's just a gamble as to what we will, or won't get. I passed your message on to Chris, he grimaced, as he's currently editing our next weeks order. We have a slot for that and for the one on 17th. Think of me at midnight on my phone, no, don't, catch up on your sleep.
Love to everyone, I'm off to Matron's Munchies to see if I can find something tasty.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Joan I am glad you liked the puppies they are adorable.
Did I tell you my friend with the yorkie with the poorly back (had two ops) died recently she is going to have 2 more in November!!
We re all well here thanks how about you two and the carers?
Kath just go on about 5 to 12 start filling a few bits in the basket and then book a slot they'll queue you then you'll get 24th :)
I finished my scarecrow this morning. It's Bessie Bott the maid from the Hall opposite. She lived in the land next to our house which was given to her by her boss.
No idea if she looked like that though!!!
37! Gosh your baby is 37! Shocking how time flies once you have kids isn't it? Marie Clair what a pretty name. So how old is Emily?
I hope Anta is well and Dad when you get hold of them.
I am making curry for tea instead of our usual take-away.....
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Evening all late again
Joan I never thought about accidents in the garden..blimey I must not fall...says me...I would hate to put the nhs staff out at this time..thankyou my brother is plodding on .. he had his trial drug yesterday at hospital ..he cant take his gd with him now..because if the take care ((((()))))
Toni thankyou for another brilliant you feel in charge now..but if I waited up till midnight goodness knows what food I would order...but a good idea if Kari...
I love the Bessie Bott..and you should be really proud of it..:) xx
Kath .my late mum used to say the housework will be there when you are gone...but then she would have a day for everything..
Thankyou for the poem. feathers..Aidan always mentioned white ones...:) keep safe...xx
Today we had meals delivered again.frim the pub....cottage pie..but I forgot I had ordered it and made chicken will have that tomorrow..
Rught will leave you for now
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Barbara you only need to order a few bits at midnight once you have your slot you can go back and edit as often as you like 😉
It's a shame your bro's GF can't go with him to outpatients now, but gosh he is doing well! Imagine it's April and he wasn't expected to see Christmas! Aidan would be thrilled I know he would!
How lovely cottage pie delivered to your door and chicken stew ready for tonight! Nice to enjoy your food especially at the moment. I hope you have started your new ABs and they will work soon ((()))
Good morning to Kath I wonder whether you got your slot.....and Chris didn't grimace too much🤔
This is a real learning curve for me having Paul home so much🙄 still he has to go on site on Weds to fix something. It's at the place where they maintain and repair ambulances, police vehicles and small fire vehicles so essential.
Don't bring me any germs back please Paul!!
Hi to Joan and Sue I hope all is well more puppies for you
Love of course to Carol and to Mig I hope everyone is ok in your families ((()))
Breakfast anyone?
Croissants Aidan's Saturday treat!
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Good morning everyone
. Kath I hope you have everything you ordered ((((())))I hope Anita and your Dad are alright ((((())))
Barbara in hope the cottage pie is delivered earlier than last time (((((()))) your brother's going so well (((((())))
Toni thank you for the pups ((((())) it's good of Paul to still be working ((((()))) no you don't need any more problems ((((()))
. Bill I hope you are alright ((((()))). love to Carol ((((()))) Mig (((((()))) Yvonne ((((())))
take care
joan xx0 -
Afternoon all..think we are in for some warm weather...
Toni..thankyou fir breakfast...:(... yes of course I forgot you can amend orders..I hope all you order is delivered.. I know my niece got everything she ordered.. So Paul Is on site..i am sure he will be extra carful..and what a good job keeping our emergency vehicles on the rd..
I havnt taken the ABs yet..i might wait till tuesday when the doctor are right Audan would be so pleased to hear my brother is doing well..he really was so
Joan thankyou..we never know when the food will arrive.. but she is getting the hang of it..I must ring you this look after yourselves...maybe a little ride on your scooter.if its quiet...(((((()))))
Love to everyone and keep safe
Barbara0 -
Daily Poem (a bit daft, but a new one).
Exercise during lock down.
I’m walking to the wheelie bin alone,
I have to be careful not to stand on a stone.
Because if I fell, and I just might,
no-one would come and put me right,
in fact they would probably think I was tight!
Time to turn and go back to the house,
this time I almost stepped on a mouse!
The wildlife round here fills me with fear
but I’ve nowhere to sit and shed a tear
so I’ll lean on the bin and catch my breath
while the birds in the trees scare me half to death!
Now where is that moggy that lives with me?
Curled up by the fire is where he’ll be,
won’t even have made me a cup of tea.
Who’d be a woman with wonky legs
I really ought to rest my pegs
if I ever get back from my wheelie bin walk,
I’ll just sit on the sofa and phone someone to talk.
Toni, I stayed awake until 11pm last night, intending to stay awake until the slots appeared. Then I suddenly woke up and it was FIVE MINUTES PAST ONE and all the slots had gone. 😪
BUT, I have registered with Gov.UK and on our local county council website. They can provide food parcels to vulnerable people. It could be something for you all to consider.Well, we have 2 weeks and the slot situation might have improved by then she said hopefully.
Barbara, I always associate white feathers with the WW1, girls would give them to young men who hadn't joined up, they were accusing them of being cowards. I'm so pleased your brother is doing well, but sad he has to go alone because of the virus threat. Anita and my dad are keeping well. Anita is still working on a Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Joan, it's lovely to see you and Sue on FaceBook, and the photos of Lexi and Pepper are a delight
Carol, Sending you and Mr T hugs and I'll soon visit FB for the latest musical delight.
Right, now to MMs for something tasty. Thank you for all the goodies you give us. 🧡
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Morning everyone :)
It's going to be a lovely day!🌝
So I filled the pool!
Will have a BBQ on later if anyone is interested?
Hi Joan How are you both doing? are you still getting out with the dogs? and are the carers still ok? I heard from Bill he is doing well decorating inside and going to start the garden today - he can natter over the fence to Mandy then.
Barbara be brave take your ABs they will help you I hope you aren't too uncomfortable ((())) I know you are being good and drinking your cranberry juice!
Has Niamh facetimed you lately? I hope s and your son are doing ok as well as all the other 'girls'?
Your niece sounds to be on the ball as far as online shopping is concerned. I bet she doesn't get yum for delivered from the pub though!
I heard from Bill yesterday he is doing ok decorating inside and about to start the garden. Still having cuppas over the fence with Mandy. Aidan was such a lovely man😔
Kath that grumpy old lady is NOT our smiley gentle faced Kathleen! I enjoyed the poem though I was excellent!
Bill LOVED the Tosca poem and asked me to thank you very much bless him. He is doing ok he's decorated the whole house and is planning on starting the garden today too. He will have acuppa with Mandy over their fence too☕️
You did well staying up even till 11l hope the food parcels will be enough for you. Maybe you can try to stay up another night or even set an alarm?
Anita is probably right to keep working her mental health is just as important as physical bless her ((()))
Love to Carol and mig I hope both are well and your families too sending ((())) and
Now what shall we all eat?
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Good morning everyone
. Barbara we are not going out the Doctor said because of our age we could catch it easy.
how did your brother get on at the hospital (((((()))) how is your pain ((((()))
. Kath I'm pleased Anita is doing all right ((((()))) and your Dad (((())). they say there will be a lot of divorce 's because of people being together all the time. love to you and Chris (((((())))
. Toni how is Charley and her friend now still weak ((((((())))) love to Tia ((((())) Lucy (((((())))) and you and Paul ((((()))) and Kari ((((())))
. Bill and Mandy ((((()))). Carol (((())) and Mig ((((()))) and Yvonne ((((())))
take care
joan xx0 -
Morning everyone,beautiful start to the day we will go for our walk later,been making cheese sauce it will go into the freezer in ice cube trays to be taken out as needed.doing veg pasta bake I’m loath to throw anything out so it will be into a tomato base sauce all the trimmings will go into soup which we call “all sorts’
Our anniversary river cruise was cancelled so was two theatre trips that were Christmas gifts and my daughter and myself good food show trip but most of them were postponed so we will still be able to go at a later date and money back on those that were cancelled.
Tuesday I have a phone appointment with my haematologist I had bloods done last week ,usually the journey to and from haematology takes about an hour depending on traffic my daughter took me but she waited in the car (she still lives at home)the nurses were so well protected so I had no qualms about having bloods taken ,we were there and back within 45 mins.
Take care everyone and stay safe and well. X
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Afternoon sunshine yet but it's trying...
Kath the white feathers in war time were horrible..must have been awful to get one..I have a very sad story about them . Will share one day..I try to think if them had a sighn someone is looking over me...:)
Love the poem...but dont you dare go falling..I know that stones make you foot roll...:(
Joan I am glad you are staying safe..are the doggies doing ok..I bet they are missing the route in.. but at least you have your garden..(((())))
Mig I am glad you had your bloods done safely.. I hope the results are good...waste not want now us my motto..:)you will have your river cruise to look forward to xx
Toni thankyou for breakfast..very yummy...I need to talk to the doctor about these meds they are not good for kidney disease..mind you nither is an infection...oh well I will get there..
Yes we are all ok...thank god...
So glad to hear Bill is doing ok..I know he likes to be busy..hopefully after all this he can get his antiques off the ground xx
Right I will have to water my mini meadow and my pots
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Daily Poem
Hope by Emily Bronte
Hope Was but a timid friend;
She sat without the grated den,
Watching how my fate would tend,
Even as selfish-hearted men.
She was cruel in her fear;
Through the bars one dreary day,
I looked out to see her there,
And she turned her face away!
Like a false guard, false watch keeping,
Still, in strife, she whispered peace;
She would sing while I was weeping;
If I listened, she would cease.
False she was, and unrelenting;
When my last joys strewed the ground,
Even Sorrow saw, repenting,
Those sad relics scattered round;
Hope, whose whisper would have given
Balm to all my frenzied pain,
Stretched her wings, and soared to heaven,
Went, and ne’er returned again!
I went to bed last night (Saturday) aware that I needed to be awake at midnight to be able to book a delivery slot with Tesco. So I prayed to Jehovah for Holy Spirit, then settled down to sleep. I woke up at 11pm, and at 11.30 I switched my phone on. At 5 mins to 12, just as you said Toni, I clicked book a slot. A message popped up telling me I was in a queue. At 2 mins after 12 the slots appeared, so I chose the one I wanted and clicked. Next I was at the check out. But I forgot to put the 3 digit number in so when I clicked confirm booking, it failed. But I was put back to where I could add my number and clicked confirm order again. This time it went through. So with God's help we now have a delivery slot booked for Saturday 26th April between 12pm and 1pm. 😀
Toni, I'll have a barbie by he pool with you, I'll bring some nice juicy sausages and bacon, while you do someting Vegan. Perhaps we could tempt Mike to join us. 😏
mig, that's a lot of trips to miss out on. Let's hope that when this is all over you can rebook more.
Joan, I'm expecting for a lot of suicides because of peoplesuffering depression too. We've already heard of one 34 year old man ending his life. So sad. ☹️
Any way, my back is agony sitting here, so I'm taking a litte stroll to Matron's Munchies to leave something tasty.
Love to all. 💖
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Aw Kath well DONE!!! God will see to it you get your delivery you worked hard for it - not at all easy for those of us who go to sleep so early is it?🙂
My back has also been very cross not sure why I have been doing all I can and should ((())) for yours 🌈. Little Miss Sleek is threatening (promising) to teach Tia's cats how to catch mice Tia isn't happy! Apparently Jessie only brings her feathers which is fine just fine!
If you do sausages I reckon Mike might just join us he likes a juicy banger!
That poem is beautifully written - as you'd expect given the author, but not very happy is it?!!! Hehe!
Mig Lucy is due for her bloods in a week or so, but I am hoping we won't have to go for a bit maybe....? Maybe. I'm certain yours will come back just fine. The journey sounded blissful as it should be there are far too many people on the roads..
I am sorry about the anniversary trip and the theatre trips too😕but just happy you are safe and well that is ALL that matters. I should have been on teh Orient Express the end of the month for my birthday and we should have been to Goodwood, a jazz (I know me - JAZZ????) concert this Saturday gone....none of it matters.
Paul is being good and happy to eat 'concoctions' with leftovers which I used to eat when he was at work before. Like you I am loathe to waste a thing.
Ah Barbara I get it now! If kidney disease is a contra-indicator for the ABs I understand your fear. When will you speak to a DR?
I am glad to hear you are all well I was thinking about them all esp the GD and her fiancée who are carers ((()))
Of course Bill has his new business to look forward to, but so hard for those who are bereaved to have to be alone when they need people around them.
Hi Joan I bet there will be a few divorces after thsi is over solicitors will make a mint! Imagine being stuck inside with someone you really don't like?! Charley still isn't right, but i will know more later and report back to you all.
My scarecrow for this year is UP!
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Good morning everyone
. Mig that's good you could get your blood done I hope it's alright (((((()))) you have your trip's to look forward to (((())))
Barbara how is your pain ((((()))) how is your brother and his girlfriend ((((((())))) your granddaughter is doing a brilliant job (((((()))) love to you and Mr B ((((((())))) and Niamh ((((())))
Kath how is Anita and your Dad doing (((((()))) that's good you got a slot to order ((((())) love to you. and Chris ((((())))
. Toni I'm sorry Charley still has a problem ((((())))) how is her friend doing ((((()))) I hope you Paul Lucy and Tia ((((())) are coping with it (((((())) and Kari is she feeling better (((((())))
. Bill (((())) and Mandy thinking of you (((((())))
Can anyone tell me why on Facebook I keep having people want to be friends with me when they have died one is Aidan one is Sue's carer and the other is my friend they all died last year.
love to Bill (((())) Andy (((((()))) Carol.((((())) Yvonne ((((())))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem (If you understand this, please explain it to me)
Last Moments
B Kath
Softly she whispers
But he no longer hears,
Surrounded as he is by their ebbing love.
Their youth - cradled in memories -
Calls longingly to them.
A hand brushes his brow, he looks up.
Her shadow beckons and willingly he follows
Turning briefly for one final look
At withered faces with blank staring eyes.
Now he hears the whisper,
Long forgotten unfulfilled promises of past years.
Invitingly the shadow dances.
He reaches out, fingertips touch
And he is shadow too.
They race towards their unknown future
In ignorance of pain that's sure to come.
Joan, Anita and my dad are both well thank you. As for people asking to be a friend, Chris thinks it might be a scam. Ignore them. There must be someone using the person's profile to ask for friends. Don't have anything to do with them, You can delete friends requests even if the person is still alive, but you don't want them. You can also refuse their request. Only accept friends request if it is someone you KNOW is alive, and you already know them from elsewhere and you feel safe with them. Take care online.
This Vegan Strawberry Trifle is so easy to make and just as delicious as the traditional version: layers of fruity strawberry jelly, creamy custard and fluffy coconut whipped cream topped with fresh strawberries!
For the jelly:
- 300 g (10.5 oz) strawberries , hulled and cut into small pieces (or sub any other fruit)
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- 4 tablespoons maple syrup (or sub any other sweetener)
- Sherry to taste (optional)
- 400 ml (1 2/3 cup) water
- 1 teaspoon agar (check instructions on packet as quantities needed can vary between brands)
For the custard:
- 710 ml (3 cups) unsweetened cashew milk (or sub unsweetened almond milk or unsweetened oat milk for a nut-free version)
- 3 tablespoons custard powder (ensure vegan/gluten-free if necessary)
- 4 tablespoons maple syrup (or sub any other sweetener)
For the coconut whipped cream*:
- 400 g (14 oz) tin of full-fat coconut milk
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 2 tablespoons maple syrup (or sub any other sweetener)
To decorate (optional):
- Fresh berries
- Pistachio nuts , roughly chopped
For the jelly:
- Place the strawberries in a pan with the lemon juice, maple syrup, sherry and water, and cook on a low heat for around 10 minutes, until the strawberries have softened
- Use a spoon, fork or wooden spoon to gently mash the strawberries against the side of the pan
- Making sure the mixture is simmering, add the agar and mix well
- Heat for a further couple of minutes, stirring frequently, until the agar has melted
- Pour the jelly mixture into a large trifle dish and leave the jelly to cool and set
For the custard:
- Measure out the milk in a jug and pour most of it into a pan, leaving behind a small amount of milk
- Place the custard powder into this milk in the jug and mix well until completely dissolved
- Once the milk in the saucepan is steaming, add a little of the hot milk to the dissolved custard powder mixture in the jug, mix well and transfer the whole lot back to the saucepan with the hot milk
- Add the maple syrup, mix well and keep heating, stirring frequently, on a low heat for a few minutes until thickened. If it's looking too thick, add a little extra milk
- Making sure that the jelly has set completely, pour the custard mixture on top of the jelly mixture and leave to cool so that the custard will set
For the coconut whipped cream:
- You'll need to keep your tin of coconut milk in the fridge overnight for the rich creamy bit to separate from the watery bit at the bottom. Make sure it is full fat coconut milk, otherwise this separation won't happen and you won't be able to make this cream!
- Open the tin upside down - the coconut cream will be at the bottom and you can just pour off the watery liquid (save this for adding to smoothies)
- Place the thick, creamy part into a bowl with around 3 tablespoons of the water
- Add the maple syrup and vanilla extract
- Use an electric whisk (or a manual one and a lot of elbow grease) to whip up the coconut cream until light and fluffy
- Ensuring that the custard has cooled down and set completely, carefully spoon the coconut whipped cream on top of the custard
To decorate:
- Decorate with fresh berries and chopped pistachios, if desired
- Best served after having been kept in the fridge for a few hours
- Keeps covered in the fridge for up to a few days
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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