Val's Cafe
Evening all..sorry I'm late..had facetime with Niamh..she give me an hug and a big kiss on the screen..then our gd in london facetime us while on her lunch...she is so worried about passing this virus on...
Joan I get people asking to be friends.. most I have never heard of..I agree with Kath maybe someone is playing games...we are all fine keep safe..((((()))))
Kath we visited the Bronte's house in was lovely to see were they did there writing...glad you got there with your food order..well done..and thankyou for the trifle...I am covered in it.:)....oh and you poem is so scary....xx
Toni the eggs were delicious. Thankyou..and how clever you are making such a good looks brilliant in front of your lovely house..
The doctor is ringing tomorrow so not long now..and it my doctor this time..
I had better rest these eyes
Love to everyone stay safe
Barbara0 -
Joan I think facebook suggest people who are friends of your friends. Decline the requests and they should go away.
Charley's GF is doing ok thank you and Charley still went into work last night in spite of the COVID being there and one death already 😕 she loves the residents too much.
Kath it's someone's Dad dying....the kids around him....his love calling him to the other side - hopefully his wife! Then the kids leave and he wants to warn them that there are bad things in life too, but he is already gone. Well that's my opinion anyway. Rather lovely I thought?
Thank you very much for the trifle! That looks amazing 🙂 I am going to make the vegan haggis you posted the recipe for ages ago. Tia is picking me up some mushies and red kidney beans ready :)
I say we had a quiet day yesterday didn't we?
Love to Carol and to mig and hope all is well with Barbara too
I am worried they have COVID at Charley's nursing home and goggles and only cheap you all know she never had a test as the GOVt had stopped doing them😕
More cheerful subject!
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good morning everyone
Kath we are on our own I hope everyone is alright ((((((())))) thank you for Chris and your help yesterday (((((())))) and your Dad ((((()))) and Anita (((((())))
Barbara (((((())))) and Mr B (((((()))) Toni and family ((((()))) Carol and Mr T (((((())) Mig and family ((((())))
Yvonne and family ((((((()))) Bill and Mandy ((((((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily poem (written 5 mins ago)
Pepe Long Stockings
by Kath
Now Tosca had a furry friend called Pepe
who really knew just how to wind her up.
He would stretch his back legs out
just as she passed him by
and then the cheeky monkey tripped her up.
Holly has just been and is taking the girl's for a picnic and fresh air. She's dressed up all summery bless.
Toni, almost right, a man whose wife has died and it also represents the death of love itself. Where did you get the kids from? Talking of which, I'm not surprised you are worried about Charlie. Can't you lock her in her room and not let her out until this is over?? Emily is due to start work soon. The children she will be teaching have parents who are key workers such as Charlie.
Joan, have you registered yourselves on Gov.UK? I have and I've been told I should get a food parcel every 2 weeks. Anita will register dad on there too.
Carol, I didn't listen to Mr T yesterday. He was playing Elvis songs and I don't like Elvis. I haven't been to look at today's.
Barbara, I'm glad you will get a telephone consultation with your own doctor soon. I hope you hear good news.
Smoky Vegan Carrot Dogs
- 6-8 Carrots peeled
- 1/4 cup Soy Sauce low sodium
- 1/4 cup Apple Cider Vinegar Braggs
- 1/4 cup Vegetable Broth low sodium
- 2 Tbs Maple Syrup
- 1 Tbs Liquid Smoke
- 1 tsp Yellow Mustard
- 1 tsp Fresh Garlic minced
- 1 tsp Pickled Jalapeno Juice
- 1/2 tsp Onion Powder
- Cut and peel carrots to make them "bun length'.
- Boil carrots in water until just fork tender. About 10-15 minutes.
- Drain carrots, rinse with cold water, and drain again. Place carrots in a ziplock freezer bag.
- Whisk all marinade ingredients together and pour into bag with carrots.
- Marinate for 4-6 hrs.
- Grill carrots on an open grill, basting occasionally.
- Grill to heat all the way through and to get some blackened grill marks on each side.
- Add cut carrots and marinade to Instant Pot. Attach and seal lid, then cook on MANUAL for 3 minutes. After doing a Quick Release you can then leave the carrots in the pot until you are ready to grill.
- I would marinate the carrots after the pressure has been released for at least 1 hour. If not grilling soon - remove carrots and marinade and transfer to a container you can store in the fridge.
Recipe Notes
Garnish with your favorite Hot Dog toppings. Goes great with my Vegan BBQ Beans, Vegan Potato Salad, or Vegan Pasta Salad.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Oh my goodness Kath! I love those carrot hot dogs! (just cooked the vegan haggis ready for tonight's dinner one of your recipes :)🙂 I have and use my instant pot a LOT and there is the extra bit for that method too! Thank you.
Holly looks all summery how nice is that I hope she meets a lovely man who will love her and her kiddies in time🤗
Fingers crossed Charley stays safe (well everyone really) and Emily ((()))
I'm glad I got the meaning of the poem almost right I rather liked it.
Now Pepe Longstockings! Tosca was his Mum (she was also called 'Mother' if you remember?) That is Pepe! His long legs sticking out as he rolled in pleasure. He was a happy boy. GREAT poem!
I hope either Barbara either knows it's safe to start the ABs or has some different ones.
I took our repeats today first time I left the house apart from my walks for over 2 weeks. Waited in the car until no-one was there then popped the repeats into the propped open letter box. Spoke to the NICE receptionist through the window and thanked them for all their help.
Hi to Joan and Sue how are you both coping? Are the carers still coming in and are they well? Are you getting your shopping ok?
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Evening all
Toni I did get on yesterday ..honestly..,:)
Charley bless is so good going in..its just not fair for them not to have the right mask..the poor you are having the haggis..not to myself must make it..Dr rang and she said the ABs will help with this infection and any kidney infection but make sure I take the stomach protectors...(((()))))
Joan it's been lovely today so I had a sit in the garden...not be long now till we can all get out and about and our cottage pie came today before dinner..:).((((())))
Kath wow smokey vegan dog sounds amazing but wonder what liquid smoke is..or did I read it wrong
How lovely to see Holly and her children all dressed up for must brighten your day and hers...:) the pic of the cat all stretch out and the poem...((((())))
.I hope all that are missing are doing ok..
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Evening all, sound like Dixon of Dock Green,hands up those who remember him.
Had phone appointment with haematologist said bloods were good he asked me questions about general health anyway will get another appointment in 3 months.
Made potato soup for tomorrow we will have it with crusty bread and cheese.
A friend from knit and natter face timed me today, (it was good to chat) but she's nearly 80 and didn't know how to turn it off I had to keep shouting till she heard me and then talk her through it.🤣
Stay safe and well everyone, love to Bill. Mig
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Barbara I am so glad you can take the ABs sometimes it's the lesser of two evils.....isn't it?
Liquid smoke (very often used in vegan cooking) is: "Liquid smoke is a water-soluble yellow to red liquid used for flavoring. It is used as a substitute for cooking with wood smoke while retaining a similar flavor. It can be used to flavor any meat or vegetable. It is generally made by condensing the smoke from wood, but can contain any number of food additives."
But it might be harmful so I use smoke paprika instead.
I expect your GD would be the same with her service users taking risks because she loves them. You can't take the 'care' out of a good carer.
Mig it's lovely to see you 🙂 I am very glad to hear your bloods are good - did they tell you your figures? How are your neutrophils? We always like to know that. 3 months is good they are happy with you.
Bless the lady from knit and natter - I admire her for facetiming at ALL at nearly 80. Not a lot can cope with that can they much younger! I hope she does it again soon.
Enjoy your soup.
A quick wave to Joan and Sue ((()))
\I do hope Carol is well and the rest of the family too ((()))
Now for something for us to eat.....
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Good morning everyone
Kath I'm pleased you have the food parcels.(((((()))) sue would not have them let someone have them who needs them we have friends and a priority booking with Sainsbury's. Thank you. I hope Holly and her children had a good time ((((()))) love to everyone ((((())))
Barbara that's good you had the phone call I hope it all works well ((((((()))))) love to everyone ((((()))
Toni I'm sorry it must be worrying about Charley ((((())))) yes the carers are still coming they are good we always thank them. Love to everyone (((((()))))
. Mig you are doing so well ((((()))))
. Bill and Mandy thinking of you (((((()))). Carol Yvonne (((((()))))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem
Pam Ayres
You know this world is complicated, imperfect and oppressed And it's not hard to feel timid, apprehensive and depressed. It seems that all around us tides of questions ebb and flow And people want solutions but they don’t know where to go. Opinions abound but who is wrong and who is right. People need a prophet, a diffuser of the light. Someone they can turn to as the crises rage and swirl. Someone with the remedy, the wisdom, and the pearl. Well, they should have asked my ‘usband, He’d have told’em then and there. His thoughts on immigration, teenage mothers, Tony Blair, The future of the monarchy, house prices in the south The wait for hip replacements, BSE and foot and mouth. Yes, they should have asked my husband He can sort out any mess He can rejuvenate the railways he can cure the NHS So any little niggle, anything you want to know Just run it past my husband, wind him up and let him go. Congestion on the motorways, free holidays for thugs The damage to the ozone layer, refugees and drugs. These may defeat the brain of any politician bloke But present it to my husband and he’ll solve it at a stroke. He'll clarify the situation; he will make it crystal clear You'll feel the glazing of your eyeballs, and the bending of your ear. Corruption at the top, he’s an authority on that And the Mafia, Gadafia and Yasser Arafat. Upon these areas he brings his intellect to shine In a great compelling voice that’s twice as loud as yours or mine. I often wonder what it must be like to be so strong, Infallible, articulate, self-confident... and wrong. When it comes to tolerance – he hasn’t got a lot Joyriders should be guillotined and muggers should be shot. The sound of his own voice becomes like music to his ears And he hasn’t got an inkling that he’s boring us to tears. My friends don’t call so often, they have busy lives I know But its not everyday you want to hear a windbag suck and blow. Encyclopaedias, on them we never have to call Why clutter up the bookshelf when my husband knows it all!
Toni, chucky eggs and soldiers, and the eggs are soft so I can dip the soldiers in, wonderful, thank you. I hope you enjoy the Vegan hot dogs and vegan haggis too.
mig, potato soup, where's mine then? We get Batchelor's cuppa soups, Potato is one of my favourites.
Barbara, I'm so glad you can take the abs safely. That must be such a relief.
Joan, if only others thought as you did, you are so unselfish and thoughtful of others. Not like the idiots that take all the things that others need. Keep safe and well.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all
Not been in for a bit I am having problems with my broadband it keeps dropping out every now and then. So I have got fed up with it. It appears to be a problem that sky are having at the moment. So others in the area have said, so we have to put up with it because they are not coming out.
hope you are all coping with the isolation bit I am getting a bit fed up now. After 3 weeks.but I know I have to do it. You know me I love to be out every day. We are both ok and no I haven’t committed any murders yet mr T is still about 🤪🤪 we are both spending time together but also time apart in different rooms doing our own thing. This week we have not done any clearing out we have done that now so I think that’s why it’s a bit boring now. But I am surprised that I have been ok with staying in for so long and yes I know it’s still for r a while longer. I have my up and down moments. I don’t know about you all but I seem to be all the time on the look out for shopping delivery slots. It is drive me mad. Our eldest daughter had a temperature a couple of days ago and was told not to work and to self isolate. Of course that means everyone in the house needs to self isolate for 14 days she only needs to isolate for 7 days. she and my youngest GD both work in the same shop as, dose the GD Boyfriend. who has been staying with them. So the shop have three of them isolating. Daughter. Is ok though spoke to her today and temperature is ok now. And she isn’t unwell so thinking the temperature was just one of those things.
Those of you who are on Facebook have you been tuning in to mr t’s musical interludes ooh that sounded posh. Our GGDs told thief mum they wanted to go out to eat a lunch time so she out a blanket on the floor in the garden and Rubies high chair and gave them there lunch outside. 🤣 will post a couple of pictures of little peoples tomorrow. This broadband is driving me crazy so l will love and leave you as they say. And I will try again tomorrow.
love and sparkles and hugs to you all ❤️❤️🌈🌈🤗🤗
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Evening all even later for me
Carol we are with talktalk and had no trouble up to today.. its really slow but saying that a lot of people are now working from home it's not surprising.. I am really enjoying Mr Ts music..I might forget to say so .. but thank him from murders here yet.. I think it is getting most people down now..but we will get there xx
Kath I used to love Pam Ayres accent..:)..yes I can takes the ABs started this morning..not good on the tummy..I hope you are all doing ok..must sat I like cppa soups but not suppose to have them cause of the salt.. xx
Toni there are some lovely carers..just wish my gd would get into nursing but they cant afford it..even with the burser they are giving those boiled eggs were just perfect..I actually had one today.. :) xx
Joan I agree with and Sue are so caring..and always think if others..and I'm glad to hear you have your shopping slot..(((((()))))
Right better get to sleep
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Joan absolutely saying thank you is the right thing to do, but as Kath says not everyone does 😕 have the manners I think it makes a difference to how people think.
Kath the flowers you gave Joan were lovely.
Pam Ayres! I remember her form my dim and distant childhood. That man is like my ex 😂 thanks that was worth a smile!
I hope all is well with your family every one of them especially Dad and Anita. Is she feeling ok on her new tablets?
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Forgot to add that the porridge is for Barbara I hope she's coping ok on her new ABs I had them for something I think pleurisy and they are STRONG!
Hope you're doing ok Barbara.
Love also to Carol. Thinking of you and Mr T hope he is still coping with lockdown well. I hope also that all the children and Grandchildren are doing well and coping indoors ((()))
Might have some of mg's soup if she left any for my lunch...??
Kari is doing some art
and Charley's face shields have arrive from the Dr up the road who is making them if her work will let them use them of course🙄
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Good morning everyone.
My app for check up because it was borderline has been cancelled they are keeping it open till 2024
Kath thank you for the flowers they are lovely((((((())))) I remember Pam Ayres I wish I'd looked after my teeth.
how is Anita (((())))and your Dad ((((())) love to you and Chris ((((())
Barbara yes you can taste the salt in them. How are your Antibiotic doing I hope they are working (((((())) love to you and Mr B (((((())))c
Carol sorry about. Your Broadband connection ((((()))) love to everyone (((())))
Toni I hope Charley (((())))is feeling a bit better love to everyone ((((()))
Bill (((())) Mandy (((((()) Yvonne (((()))) Mig ((((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem (sorry if you've seen it before). Picture of dad alongside an old family grave . Tomlin was my maiden name. The little dog is Marley, Anita's Shih Tzu.
What dust lies still, encased in stone
inscribed with reverential word?
Men who rose to heights unknown,
whose voices are no longer heard.
Their marble image still remains.
In effigy, they lie at rest.
Yet once, warm blood flowed through their veins,
a heart beat strong within their breast.
But time diminishes their power,
as others strive to take their place
and then in that one shining hour,
reach the pinnacle of Grace.
Joan, I'm so pleased you liked the flowers. You certainly deserve them. 2024, that's a long time to wait. 😕
Carol, I'm sorry your broadband is playing up. I have really been enjoying Mr T's musical interludes. He is a star.
Oh, my laptop has started playing up, so I'll try and post a recipe before it collapses completely.
Potato Rösti
Serves 4
- 2 lb (907g) potatoes, peeled
- 1 large yellow onion, very finely chopped
- 2 tsp sea salt
- 1/2 tsp black pepper
- 4 1/2 tbsp olive oil
- 3 tbsp chopped fresh chives
- 2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
- Bring a saucepan of water to a boil, add the potatoes and parboil for 4 minutes.
- Immediately remove the potatoes and place in cold water to cool. Once cool enough to handle, roughly shred them into a bowl. Add the onion, salt, pepper, 3 tablespoons of the oil, chives, and parsley.
- Heat the remaining oil in a nonstick skillet over a high heat. When it is very hot, add the potato mixture, pressing down firmly with the palm of your hand. Reduce the heat slightly, then cook until golden brown, about 7 minutes.
- Ease a spatula under the rösti to release, then invert the rösti onto a plate. Slip the rösti back into the pan to cook the second side. If preferred, the second side can be cooked under a preheated broiler.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all..its been lovely and sat outside tidied the garden a littleire with ohs help
Toni thankyou for the porridge.i do like it with fruit and. it fills me for most of the day..I was on last night but quite late..the abs are playing havoc with my tummy..but will persevere..I hope they let Charly use the shields.. they need all the help they can must be so nice to be able to paint like Kari..ideal when you have to stay home..send is a pic if she dosent mind...xx
Joan thankyou..the abs are giving me tummy pain..but will keep on with them..apart from that we are all well..I hope you Sue and the doggies are ok..((((()))))
Kath a really deep poem..and very good..thst is such a nice monument to your family..can you imagine the cost to them..and a nice pic of your dad..xx
Thankyou for the potatoe rosti recipe..
Right better go my phone keep freezing
Love to all
Barbara0 -
Morning everyone!
Thank you Joan Charley is just fine ATM apart from a little back pain due to being short staffed. 2024! That is AGES!!😮
Kath thank you for the potato Rosti recipe I will definitely do those because we have run out of oven chips🙄
The photo came up HUGE so I couldn't see Dad 😕 I hope your lap top is behaving better today. The poem was lovely though quite emotional
Carol I missed you yesterday! I am so glad the high temp turned out to be nothing, but that proves how much we need testing doesn't it? 3 staff off from work for nothing!!
Please do post some pics I'd love to see some of the little people I miss seeing them. I bet you are missing going visits planned. A picnic outside is a lovely idea we used to do that with ours. Eating out was a bigger treat anyway when mine were little we didn't have the money!
Glad to hear Mr T is still alive and well😆 No more clearing out to do? I suggested a game of monopoly to Paul….nah he wasn't keen 🙄
Barbara I thought the ABs will be playing havoc with your stomach ((()))🌈 they really are super strong ones! eat plenty of carbs with them.
I agree your GD needs to get trained and out of the caring profession so they are valued and protected more. It does cost though that's the problem.
Well done doing that gardening. I have done some pottering too :)
Breakfast anyone?
For Barbara
For Kath!
0 -
Good morning everyone
. Kath your Dad looks a lovely man ((((())))) just like you I don't mean your a man I mean your kind and helpful ((((()))). Love to everyone ((((())))
Barbara. sorry you have a pain in your tummy (((()))) did you read the police stopped 494 parties love to everyone (((((()))
. Toni I clapped last night. Charley and her friend work so hard and they are not well ((((())))) love to all of you ((((())))
Bill Carol Mig ((((())))) and Yvonne ((((())) have a good weekend
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem ( Thinking of all those lonely people unable to be with their loved ones due to isolation).
Eleanor Rigby
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Eleanor Rigby
Picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been
Lives in a dream
Waits at the window
Wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door
Who is it for?
All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?
Father McKenzie
Writing the words of a sermon that no one will hear
No one comes near
Look at him working
Darning his socks in the night when there's nobody there
What does he care?
All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?
Toni, I only have problems on this site, all the others work fine. Thank you for my daily egg.I'm in even more pain than ever today, as I fell while outside yesterday. I had to crawl on my hand and knees to get to the fence and pull myself up!!! To top it all, the skin on my big toe and the fleshy bit above it, is so dry it's split right open and is really sore. Nothing to do with the fall, I think it's Vasculitis as my rash is flaring. 🤮
Joan, yes I have always looked just like my dad while Anita looks just like our mum. Hope the doggies are well, I've read that pet owners should keep their animals away from others as they can catch the virus from each other. But I don't think we can catch it from them. So they must also be kept safe too.
Barbara, I hope your brother is still doing well.
Sri Lankan braised roots stew & coconut dhal dumplings
Method To make the curry powder: In a dry frying pan, toast the rice until it’s browning, then add all the spices and toast for 3-5 mins until darkish brown but not burned. Blitz it all in a spice grinder, or crush with a pestle and mortar, then pass through a sieve into a jar or airtight container. Will keep for 2-3 weeks.
Heat the oil in a wok. Scatter in the mustard seeds and curry leaves. When they sizzle, add the onion, leek, garlic, chilli, celery and a pinch of salt, and cook, stirring, for 8-10 mins until the onion starts to colour. Add the curry powder and cook for 1 min more, then add the tomatoes, veg, coconut milk, a tsp of salt and 200ml water. Bring to the boil, cover and simmer for 10-15 mins until the veg are tender.
For the dumplings, boil the lentils in a pan of water until just cooked, then drain. Melt the coconut oil in a pan, then add the mustard seeds and curry leaves and cook until sizzling. Remove from the heat and allow to cool slightly. Put the lentils, flour, chilli, onion, spices, desiccated coconut, lime juice and 1 tsp salt in a bowl. Mix with your hands until combined, then add the coconut oil and aromatics and mix to a dough. Form into 12 dumplings, then put on top of the stew, cover with a lid and cook on low for 5 mins. Top with pepper, coriander and spring onion to serve.
Ingredients 1 tbsp coconut oil 1 tsp mustard seeds 6 curry leaves 1 onion
, finely sliced 1 leek
, finely sliced 3 garlic cloves, 1 sliced, 2 minced 2 chillies
, deseeded and finely chopped 2 celery stalk, diced 1 tbsp roasted curry powder (see below) 400ml can chopped tomatoes
2 raw beetroot
, peeled and cut into batons 3 parsnips
, sliced 3 carrots
sliced 400ml can coconut milkFor the dumplings 100g split red lentils 1½ tbsp coconut oil 1 tsp mustard seeds 1 tbsp curry leaves 75g self-raising flour ½ green chilli, finely chopped ½ red onion, finely chopped 1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp red chilli powder 80g desiccated coconut ½ lime
, juiced For the Sri Lankan curry powder 10g basmati rice 20g coriander seeds 15g cumin seeds 10g black peppercorns 5g fenugreek seeds 3g cloves seeds from 3g cardamom pods To serve sliced spring onionfresh coriander leaves
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Good Friday to everyone..its a lovely day..
Kath I am sorry you fell..gosh it shakes you up ..apart from the's some very gentle hugs..(((((()))))
I have always like the Elenor Rigby song..its my era....
Joan people some people are not listening..we have some next door but one..they have quite a lot of people visiting..:( look after yourselves..(((((())))))
Toni thankyou for the breakfast..I had a bit of both..... these ABs are not good but needs must...
Our GD has just text to say she feels like a celebratory.. people are shouting thanking and the buses are letting them on free.
Every little helps..
I hope that Charley is doing ok and her girlfriend..xx
Better go we are having fish and chips between us..nit delivered but you stand outside and they put them on a shelf outside the door..xx
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Think there might be something wrong with the freezes..I did think it was my phone but it only on this site xxLove
Barbara0 -
Gosh Joan that many parties? Now those they should break up but the other morning Charley as stopped on her way to work in her uniform! She didn't mind though.
Thank you for clapping it's something small we can all do.
Tia's husband delivered 46 emergency foo parcels yesterday.
Kath that song is a very good choice. It must be awful to be isolating on your own 😕
Thank you for the Sri Lankan braised roots stew & coconut dhal dumplings perfect vegan food!
Now you are in a pickle Sleek told me so she said 'Mummy Arnty Kaff has hurts erself. I am gowing to c her wiv sum bush baybeez' She took some of Tosca's potions with her too so I hope you are on the mend. 🌈 ((()))
Do you take your mobile phone with you when you go outside?
Barbara the site freezing is it when it 'saves' your posts for you (every minute!!!! grrrrr!)
It really annoys and slows me down😡 My back does not want me sitting in this position this LONG!!!! I wonder if it's putting anyone else off?
How lovely for your GD to be cheered so deserved made me well-up.😍
How were the fish and chips? I bet they were YUM! it was Friday after all :)
Well done for persevering with the ABs ((()))
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Good morning cafe dwellers, it’s lovely to get to have a chat.
I confess I’ve had tea in bed this morning and I’m still there! It’s been a treat to read through all the posts I’d missed.
The poem a day is great, revisiting old friends and new poems too, Kath your last one, I’m not sure about the meaning but I saw hope and loss there, maybe this lockdown had an influence?
Well done those of you getting slots for shopping, I helped one lady yesterday in Asda car park- we all kept our distance, she couldn’t lift her shopper into the car, mind I only just managed. She doesn’t have internet, family live away and no offers of help from neighbours. I suggested she ring her gp to see if the had a list of volunteers. Made me feel very blessed.
Toni it is a whole different affair having your Paul with you all the time, I’m glad it’s good for you, bodes well for when you get to retire! I know years away. I’m in the group that’s had to wait years for my pension, well I still don’t qualify, I wonder if, as I get nearer, the gvt will say they are adding another year on!
Love to everyone, off to read some more posts
Yvonne x ((((()))))
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