Val's Cafe
Good morning everyone
. Carol you and Mr T are keeping busy it keeps your mind off worrying (((((())))
Kath sue has her card sorted she can order things now ((((((())))
Toni I did the clap at 8 00 I was in my recliner, how is everyone is Charley any better I expect it,s slow (((((()))))
. Barbara sue phoned the doctor's yesterday to ask if we could go. out she said no if we caught it it would be worse. I hope all he well with you ((((((()))))
. Bill (((((())) Mig Yvonne (((((()))))
take care
joan xx0 -
Toni, thank you. I've had the lot and some is in the 'fridge so I can share it with Chris later.
I'm embarrassed to admit we were asleep in bed at 8pm last night. 😲 I woke up to all my neighbours clapping and cheering - Chris slept through it all. 🙄
Carol, well done Mr T, you must be proud of him. What a lovely thing to do.
Chris found this on FB, so thought I'd share it on her. Talk about history repeating itself. Just look at the date!
Carol, did the hand gel contain alcohol? Because that can cause sore itchy hands.
I don't know if anyone noticed my post in Matron's Munchies? Yesterday a note was pushed through our letterbox. It was from our newish neighbours who we have never met yet. Dale is going shopping tomorrow, if there's anything you need, let me know. Then their mobile number. Dale and Rebecca. I sent a text bac to say they are very kind. So we have a Rebecca on either side of us.
For the waffles:
- 1 1/2 cups white spelt flour all-purpose flour works, too
- 1 1/2 Tablespoons baking powder
- 1/8 teaspoon salt
- 3 Tablespoons sugar
- 2 1/2 Tablespoons lemon juice
- 1/2 teaspoon lemon zest
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 3 Tablespoons organic canola oil
- 1 cup water
For the blueberry sauce:
- 1 1/2 cups blueberries fresh or frozen
- 1 1/2 Tablespoons sugar or other sweetener of your choice
- Preheat your waffle iron.
- Whisk together the spelt flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, and lemon zest.
- Add the organic canola oil, water, vanilla extract, and lemon juice.
- Let the batter sit for a couple of minutes while it rises.
- Spoon batter into your waffle iron and cook according to your waffle iron's instructions.
Make the blueberry sauce:
- Place the blueberries into a small pan and add the sugar or other sweetener. (If the blueberries are super sweet, you may not need much).
- Heat over medium low heat until the blueberries are soft and release their juices. Taste and add more sweetener if needed.
- Serve waffles with vegan buttery spread and blueberry sauce.
Recipe Notes
The number of waffles you get from this recipe will depend on the size and style of your waffle iron. This recipe is easily doubled if necessary.
You can refrigerate leftover waffles for 2-3 days, although they are best eaten fresh.
You can freeze these waffles in a ziploc freezer bag for up to 3 months. Reheat in a toaster or a toaster oven.
Everybody keep safe as you can and may you all get the much needed delivery slots and food to fill your baskets.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hello all
Another lovely day here..I hope you all have nice weather
Joan we cant go to the doctors now,if you get poorly ring 111..and they will advise..just stay safe both of you.xx
Carol how lovely of mr t playing the music for other to listen to..I will certainly have a look on facebook.i was clapping at the bedroom window.. it was lively to hear everyone.. .you are organised..we need to have a clear out..but mot the charity shops are closed..will have to stay safe xx
Kath another good meughbours it so nice to see this ..I honestly thought it was lost...I saw the price on facebook..just goes to show all that time ago...xx
Toni thankyou for the lovely breakfast spread.. and I am glad you got a walk in..and saw your neighbour..I am enjoying our little walks only we have to drive to them because we dont have a pavement on our side of the rd..the chariot is in the boot when needed..
I haven't had a letter yet..suppose they will arrive soon..:(..
I was thinking about when this I'd all will be so strange...hopefully very soon
I had better do I have a delivery of compost seeds and plants that will keep us busy
Love to all
Barbara0 -
Evening all
Hi Toni do you regularly order from Ocado and usually have a reserved slot same day and time every week. And because there have been a couple of hiccups with them taking the site down every so often to help the flow, while I have been editing and then not being able to get back into it in time to edit it. I sent them a couple of emails on their site, saying each time we are both Over 70 and I had Asthma. and I then received an email last Sunday saying I could I was now recognised me as a vulnerable customer giving me a link. Did have a problem trying to edit next weeks order today as I was advised got to checkout and couldn’t checkout have managed to do so now. After a few choice words and getting annoyed with it and mr T. And spending 2 and a half hours in a priority virtual queue. Yes the hand clap was lovely’s we were standing at our window.
Joan I think it’s more it needs doing and with nothing else to do . I am not going out and mr T is not having to prepare anything for the church. Neither of us has much to do . So doing the clear out is keeping us busy. 😀😀
Kath yes it is good what Mr t is doing and as I said above I am sure he won’t mind if I share them on Facebook as he has already given youngest the ok to share them. And yes I am proud of him. I think that the Hand gel and wipes did have alcohol in them however with the E45 lotion I received yesterday they are a lot better.
Barbara I have been told by my local council that they are being sent out by the 29th. We will see. We are only organised due to boredom. But the place dose need it. So this is as good a time as any. We are going to have relaxing days tomorrow and Sunday.
love hugs and sparkles to you all ❤️❤️🤗🤗🌈🌈
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Carol its Ocado I shop with yes :( Monthly usually not weekly though. I shall email them then thatnks for the advice.
We will do a bit in the garden this weekend and go for our walks but try to make it 'feel like' a weekend by chilling a bit. Monday to Friday must remain structured I think. I agree with you else we will struggle. Did you have your 'lunch out' at the table together?
I rang my Aunty Linda last night on her birthday bless her in on her own on her birthday. Good job she has two cats isn't it?
Barbara Paul picked me up compost before lockdown luckily. We are going to clean the village cart this weekend so it can go out soon 🙂 I hope that will cheer us all up a bit.
You clapped form in the bedroom why not it was the clapping which counted. Saw neighbour again yesterday they were in their garden, but we called to each other. She still is well and so are all their carers.
The chariot is there and you must use it rather than not get out at all. Gosh this is all so incredible isn't it? No letter for me yet still.
Hi Kath I am so pleased you know who your neighbours are! Another Rebecca! and offering to shop too that is great and might be useful👍️
You can be asleep when they clapped I'm glad you heard it though it was amazing!
This is like the plague Samuel Pepys' words ring true today don't they?!
Oh thank you for the blueberry pancakes I'll have one or seven😉
Joan the Drs are quite right don't go out unless it's essential safety first. You clapped from your recliner then? That's good. Charley and her GF are much better and have permission to return to work although they are definitely weaker. Thanks and you two stay well ((()))
Pancakes with maple syrup and one of our 5 a day too!
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Good morning everyone
. Kath that is good you have neighbours to help you ((((()))) you have to smile every day they say love to everyone
. Carol yes it's a good time to have a clear out ()))((((((()))
Barbara I'm looking on Facebook I found you Toni Carol. Love to everyone (((((()))))
Toni that's good Charley and her girl friend can go back to work ((((()))) love to everyone.
Bill thinking of you ((((()))) Mig Yvonne (((((()))))
. have a good weekend we change the clock's tonight
take care
joan xx0 -
Morning all well it will be afternoon when I finish this quite a cold wind today..
Joan I have spiotted you on facebook..and added you..its so nice to be able to keep in touch with our cafe and fb..
Toni thankyou for the pancakes..very yummy..I am so pleased Charley and her gf are recovering.. but it will leave them weak..bless maybe they need a tonic now...I sound like my late mum...
Glad Paul got your compost mine arrived yesterday he left ours and the bulbs on the we were gloves to pick it up and then wiped it down..cant be to carful..we also wipes the bins down before bring them in..
Nice to have a gentle walk and then relax..I keep thinking what things will be like when it's all over....
Carol I enjoyed listening to Mr Ts playing ....especially bridge over troubled water it's one off my favourite.. and delilah was my mums...
Hope everyone is keeping well..dont forget the clocks go forward this weekend
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Hui everyone,
I was out yesterday as a carer for my Mum, she doesn’t see anyone else, we have 2 shopping trips, so far our worst empty shelf was tea bags but they were in on Friday for my 2 shops. Luckily where we are there hasn’t been much COVID activity. If it gets worse Bryn will become shopper for us and Mum and drop off food, trying to get Mum to answer Facebook on her own,, work in progress 😏
That’s a breakfast and a half Toni, I will help myself p, thanks. Carol, this cat is quite a character, definitely a supervisor cat! Mind you it’s lovely when we’re in the garden she can’t work out who needs her skills the most, Bryn or me. Kath I can see you are great at ordering, but Tesco is full. We are avoiding because we can shop and leaving that for the shield group. Glad your carers are great, they really should get better pay and conditions Joan
Love to everyone,
Yvonne x
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Daily Poem
Coronavirus by Kathleen
It started in China - so they say,
The numbers are added to - every day.
Italy, Spain, and good old Blighty
it’s even spread to the US of A.
Families are parted, can’t kiss or cuddle,
and any one poorly, or any great age
are anxious at all the rules and the muddle.
Self isolating and social distancing
these are the watchwords today.
But I won’t be scared
as I’ve heard it said
that come Easter it’ll all go away.
Afternoon all, First the good news. I rang dad and he's had lots of help. Anita has filled his freezer, the Friday club are taking bags of sandwiches and cake to all the members, as they can't hold meetings any more. None of the members are under 80 anyway. Dad's 89. Anita had the markers inserted and is now taking Letrozole to try and shrink her tumours.
We had a full Tesco delivery order yesterday. They didn't have choc ices, so replaced them with 3 x 2 litre tubs of choc chip ice cream which we sadly had to send back as there was no room for them in our freezer. Rebecca and Dale went to Asda this morning and pushed 2 boxes of Ibuprofen and 1 of Paracetamol through our letterbox. People are so kind. The Tesco man apologized because he couldn't come in to help us unpack I said "It's not your fault, you're doing a damn good job".He went all coy and said thank you.
- 1 medium sized butternut squash
- 3 carrots
- 1 leek
- 2 small garlic cloves
- Small knob of ginger – grated finely
- 1 tsp dried lemon grass
- 2 tsp ground coriander
- 2 tsp ground cumin
- 2 tsp ground turmeric
- 1 tsp cayenne pepper
- Handful of fresh coriander
- Chilli flakes
- 8 1/2 cups (2l) vegetable stock (roughly)
- 2 2/3 cups (350g) The Coconut Collaborative yogurt
- ¼ - ½ lime - juiced
- Salt and pepper to taste
To serve
- Fresh coriander
- Cumin seeds
- Rice of choice – allow ½ cup per person
- Pre heat your oven to around 190°c. Slice your butternut squash in half (length ways), de-seed and then place flat onto a baking sheet; insides down. Put into the oven and roast for around 35-40 minutes.
- Put your rice on as rice takes a little longer to cook; follow packet instructions for correct water to rice ratio.
- Chop up your leeks and carrots. Sauté in some water with the garlic and ginger until a little softer. Add the ground coriander, cumin, turmeric, cayenne pepper, lemon grass and chilli. Continue to fry, adding a little more water if it starts to dry up.
- Once this is fragrant and the carrots and leeks soft, add in your vegetable stock. Bring to the boil then allow to simmer for around 10 minutes; season with salt and pepper to taste.
- Once your squash is done, remove from the oven and let it cool for a few moments. Scoop out the insides. They should be very soft so will easily come away from the skin.
- Put into the pot with the stock and mix. Bring back to the boil and then add a squeeze of lime and the fresh coriander, season to taste.
- Using a hand held blender, blitz your soup until thick and creamy. Add the coconut yoghurt and stir well.
- To serve, ladle a good serving of the soup into a bowl, adding rice if desired. Top with some fresh coriander and any other seasonings. You could also add another dollop of coconut yoghurt on at the end to make it extra creamy!
There is a picture but I can't get it on.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Kath that soup sounds lovely (I bet it looks fab too) all veggie too thank you.
That's very reassuring news about your Dad being taken care of. I take it he's in for the 12 weeks? That's week 1 almost done anyway we are all doing well .
NIce neighbours nice Tesco delivery man lots of things to smile about while all this is going on 😊 and to be grateful for too.
Very good COVID poem well done.
Yvonne I am so pleased your Mum has you to look after her and Bryn ready as 'plan B' Is she coping with it all?
Paul doesn't like shopping at the best of times, but with my lungs he is going to have to. No luck so far getting an online slot 🙄 I wish others were saving them for the shielding group and not just thinking of themselves.
On the upside I ordered more seeds from Thompson and morgan yesterday 🤗
Barbara I am glad your compost has arrived and your bulbs too. Reminded me Kari gave me some I must have a look at those.....
I love Bridge over troubled water too!
I think Charley and her GF could do with a tonic yes! Totally agree with you and your Mum! Not a gin and tonic!!!😃
Probably a recession once it's all over but we'll all be in it together so we'll manage. The freedom will be great!!!
Not sure what to do for breakfast yet today...….
Joan you are on facebook now?! I will have to go and find you 😺 Hope you and the dogs are doing ok? ((())
Anyone heard from mig? I hope she's ok. Carol too though I think she is still in cupboards cleaning out with Mr T!!
I messaged BILL yesterday he is doing ok staying in as per and has his new larger car for his antiques business. He is having coffee chats over the fence with Mandy, but can't see his brothers due to lockdown.
Kath will be in the queue for these!
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Good morning everyone
. Barbara it's strange not being able to go to the shops isn't it (((((())))) how is Niamh and your brother ((((()))))
Yvonne I hope all is well with you (((((((())))))
Kathleen I hope you and Chris Anita and your Dad are coping with it all the best way you can ((((()))))
. Toni how did you get on cleaning the cart ((((((((((())))) yes Charley and her friend need a tonic (((((())) love to Paul Tia Lucy and Kari (((((()))). I saw on Facebook Carol and Mr T are spending a fortnight behind the fridge because that's where Carols dart landed when she looked on the map (((((())))
Bill and Mandy take care (((((()))) love to Mig Carol (((((())))
. Take care all xx
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem by Kath
When you have a disease
that makes you cough,
people look at you strange.
A look of panic spreads over their face
and they run away as if they’re deranged.
You can’t catch it I call after them,
it isn't Coronavirus!
But all to no avail.
Their frown says it all,
and judgemental expression
it’s all beyond the pale.
Joan, I will look out for you on FaceBook. I've rejoined tha February Valentines, my chemotherapy group. I got a message from one of them who has secondary cancer. It had spread to her bones and now to her liver. Because of Coronavirus her treatment has been cancelled. 😔
No Toni, I'm not in the queue for those luscious eggs,I AM the queue. Step away from the eggs peeps, they're MINE. Selfish, aren't I. 😛
Sending love and distant hugs to Barbara, Carol, Yvonne, Sue, Bill and Mandy, and Kari.Now, let's see if I can get a recipe with a picture that works.
Garlic mushrooms on ciabatta
Category: Snack/side dish, Starter/snack | Serves: 2
Prep time: 10 minutes, plus 20 minutes’ infusing time | Cooking time: 10 minutes
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 clove garlic, crushed
2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
1/2 teaspoons finely grated lemon zest
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
4 portabello or field mushrooms (250-280g/9-10oz total weight)
2 good-sized slices of ciabatta bread
Additional chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley, to garnish (optional)
- Combine 2 tablespoons olive oil with the garlic, parsley, lemon zest and black pepper in a small bowl; set aside to infuse for 20 minutes.
- Preheat grill to medium-high. Lightly brush base of mushrooms with remaining oil; grill, gill-side down, for 5 minutes.
- Turn mushrooms gill-side up. Brush with garlic oil mixture; grill for 3-4 minutes or until mushrooms are tender and sizzling. Meanwhile, toast ciabatta slices in toaster.
- Serve mushrooms on top of ciabatta toast; drizzle with any escaped juices. Garnish with parsley, if desired.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Joan that is so funny! Carol and Mr T behind the fridge! I can actually imagine it too! Charley's GF's work are saying she can't go in and must do the 12 weeks at home due to her asthma! to find out if she is entitled to any pay at all now 😕 A tonic would be really helpful. Do Drs still do them? ((())) for you and Sue.
Kath I kept (haven't been out for over a week) saying to people 'don't worry I have a lung condition' due to my cough! Your poem is perfect for us 'lungies' Kari will appreciate it too 🙂
Hahahaha! 'Step away from the eggs'! They are yours!!!! Made Paul a lovely egg and tomato buttie for his lunch yesterday - did an extra just for you😘
Gosh I am so very sorry to hear about your dear Chemo friend's treatment 🙏 for her and I know Aidan would be sending them too ((())) for you.
Barbara I hope all is well with you two and the ABs are doing their job and not making you feel queasy. Hope Niamh and your bro and his GF are ok?
Carol get out from behind the fridge with Mr T! How long have you two been married?!😂 Seriously I hope all is well with you both and you are coping with this isolating business. I have worked out that the 12 weeks end on 14th June.
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Good morning everyone
. Kathleen I'm so sorry about your friend (((((()))) I don't know what to say our neighbour has it in his bones his wife has it as well.
Sue says thank you. you and Chris take care ((((()))) and Anita and your Dad ((((())))
Toni they say the virus will last 6 months I hope not. No the Doctor would not give us a tonic we used to get Sanatagen tonic wine. I'm sorry Charley's friend cannot go back to work yet (((((()))) love to everyone ((((())))
Barbara I hope everything is alright with you and your family ((((()))) love to you all (((((())))
Yvonne you take care ((((())))
Bill thinking of you ((((()))))
take care
joan xx0 -
Morning all sorry about not getting in thing and another.i have been trying to book a phone call from the gps but nothing showing..on line and cant get through on the phone.. the ABs have finished now but I have kidney pain fir the first time ever...oh well.. its uncertain times
Yvonne I am so glad to hear your mum us safe and in good hands with you and Bryn..i can just imagine the pussykins trying to get cuddles off you both...:)
Joan you are funny ..Mr T behind the fridge..hahaha xx
Glad Sue's card is sorted and you can shop in line..Niam is ok and doing the school work they get on line ((((())))
Kath sorry but I had to laugh at the icecream.. we were only reading yesterday about some of the things the exchange for...
Glad to hear dad us ok..but so sorry to hear of your friend ((()))..
Thankyou for the poems and the livly recipes..especially the garlic mushrooms xx
Toni poor Charlets gf..has you know our gd is on zero hours contract..and so scared if being off should be like this.
So is Paul doing ok shopping...:) Bless least you are keeping good we have the really is
Right that's me for now
Love to everyone stay safe
Barbara0 -
Daily Poem (To give us courage during the global nightmare)
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!
Toni, how lovely, more eggs, thank you. Aidan is never far from our thoughts is he, I still expect him to come in the cafe with tales of Tosca (good title for a poem, I'll see what I can do.) Holly popped over last night and left a pack of 60 Paracetamol on the doorstep for us. After she'd gone I went out to fetch it in. She's such a good girl.
Joan, Have you ever tried Wincarnis Tonic Wine? It is rich in vitamins, especially energy-giving Vitamin B complex, and can have beneficial effects on the circulation system and blood pressure. It contains 20% alcohol. It's still available, but I don't know where from.
Barbara, w also laughed at the ice cream, but I would have loved to have kept it. Please keep save and I hope Niamh and your brother are too.
Carol, I enjoyed Mr T playing the piano on FB.
Love to everyone. and now for FOOD:
Pasta with creamy mushroom sauce
Many are convinced that pasta invariably contains eggs and, although it is true that a few traditional Italian pasta dishes are made with egg pasta, the standard pasta that the Italians eat every single day is, in fact, egg-free. To enjoy this great vegan recipe by The Vegan Corner, pick up some dry pasta in your local supermarket: the vast majority will be eggless!
- 1 cup (140g / 5 oz) onions, diced
- 1 1/4 cups (140g / 5 oz) mushrooms, diced
- 1 1/4 cups (240g / 8.5 oz) tomatoes, diced
- 10 sage leaves, chopped
- 1/2 cup (120ml) soy milk
- black pepper
- 2 tbsp (30g) vegan cream
- 1 cup (200g / 7 oz) pasta, uncooked
- salt
- To begin with, place a non-stick pan onto a medium heat, and tip in the onions, the mushrooms, the tomatoes, the sage, the milk and the black pepper, stir, and cook the ingredients for about 3 minutes.
- To complete the sauce, add in the vegan cream, stir it in, and add salt to taste. If you see that the sauce is getting dry, add in some extra milk or water as needed.
- Cook the pasta as instructed on the packet, and as soon as it is ready, drain it, add it into the pan with the sauce, and stir the ingredients together to obtain the final dish.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Oooh Kath thank you I love pasta it's my absolute favourite - not Paul's though sadly🙄
Tonic wine? That would be lovely yes please sounds rather boozy though at 20%😮
I LOVE the Tosca poem I need to copy it for Bill. I think he'd be so pleased too.
I still ex[ect Aidan to appear and for a long time struggled to even come in the café. That's a bit better, but I do miss him so much.
Well done Holly 60! She did well for you there.
The Rudyard Kipling poem is so apt well-done for thinking of it and thank you.
Barbara it's so wrong these zero hours contracts isn't it? Well the good news is Charey's GF's Dr sais that she can go to work and she's been allowed in! Such a relief. We would have to have found their rent money for them wouldn't we? She is going to try to get my soya milk today from ASDA too.
I am so sorry about your kidney pain. I would say drink plenty (Call me Aidan!) but are you on restricted fluids?
I hope Niamh and your bro are doing ok and all the other Gkids ((()))
Hi Joan I like your new facebook photo. Which doggie is jumping up for a kiss? I rather think that tonic that Kath suggests might go down well with charley and her GF! but not if is she is driving!!!
Hi to Mig and Carol hope all is well with you and your families and no-one is ill ((()))
Hmmmm. …. breakfast
Vegan cooked! Eggs and mushrooms Kath!!!
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Good morning everyone
Barbara sorry about your pain (((((())))) have you tried ringing the Doctor's after 12 00 not so many ring then ((((())) be to your brother ((((())))) and Niamh (((((()))))
Kath I had the tonic wine years ago I was not on pain tan's then. how are your pains I hope they are not too bad (((((())))) love to everyone ((((())))
. Toni the photo on Facebook is lexi . Yes I miss Aidan I wonder what he would make of all this going on.
love to everyone ((((((())))
. Bill you take care (((((())))
Yvonne hope everything is going alright ((((()))) love to Mig Carol (((((()))))
take care
joan xx0 -
Toni, here's a new and better version for Bill
Tales Of Tosca
The Russian Grand Duchess Tosca,
a most regal feline,
dressed in lace, stern of face,
her whiskers long,
her tail elegant and wavy.
She sipped on her Mackerel Latte,
turned her nose up at Liver Pate,
watched in disdain as a mouse scurried by
and unsheathed her long claws when unhappy.
She showed off her diamante collar
and changed into her best Tiara
when Count Orloff paid her a visit
from the sands of the Sahara.
While alone in the night,
she would purr with delight
curled snugly and warm
in the magic glow of the firelight.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all..waited all day for our dinners to be delivered from the pub..they do two days a week we just have one...well it dudnt she say will tomorrw do..yes please
Toni I am not on restricted fluids...but I di drink lots if water and have cranberry juice..I have a nurse ringing on the 3rd..but dont think they will do my bloods with all that's going on...never mind...
I am so glad Charleys gf is fit for work ..bless its such a worry for them and you....
. Joan I book online but there are no doctors at the min not even for phone calls.. but at least the nurse us ringing...Biamh keeps sending us videos of herself but they are to long to put on here..will try keep safe
Kath I love the Rudyard Kipling poem we use to have it hung on the wall..
Thankyou for the poem about Tosca it is so good and sure Bill will love it
Now I do like pasta but Mr B doesn't ..
so Toni and I will have to share..
Right better finish my jacket potatoe...with cheese and beans
Love to all
Barbara0 -
Perfect Barbara Mr B is as bad as Paul I will do us the pasta and they can sort themselves out!! I had a jacket spud and salad for my tea last night too 😁
They might do your bloods given your kidneys are a bit iffy. If you aren't on restricted fluids I think you are doing right drinking especially the cranberry.
Charley will be back to work tonight after 3 weeks off still weak and on ABs, but at least she'll be in.
Kath I am going to copy the Tosca poem for bill thank you I know he will love it - remember he used one of yours for Aidan's funeral.
I hope you are both well and not short of anything that the neighbours expecially Holly and the girls are all well
Have you heard from Anita and your dad? ((()))
Joan Aidan would shake his head over all this that's going on, but I think he would keep us calm and have lots of tips for us all to keep safe.
The pic is Lexi and Sue smiling in the background 😊
Something to eat?
Pastries today. Help yourselves
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Good morning everyone
Kathleen how are you and Chris ((((())))) love to your Dad ((((())) is Anita in a lot of pain ((((())))
. Barbara how is your kidney pain ((((((())))))) love to Mr B ((((())) and your brother ((((((())))) I hope your meal arrives today.
. Toni Do you think it will be 12weeks I was told 6 months' that's good (((((())))) Charley's friend can go back to work (((((())) love to Paul ((((())) Tia ((((())) Lucy ((((()))) Kari ((((())))
That's lexi on my lap. It will be strange to go out and about.
. love to Carol (((((()))) Mig ((((()))) Yvonne ((((((())))and Bill (((((()))))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem (sorry if you've already seen this)
Your Daily Dose Of Debt (by Kath)
Tired of all those credit cards
and loans that you can get
to help you cope with all your bills?
Your daily dose of debt.
Do you have a store card?
Or did you say "No - blow it!"
Are you sick of people asking
"What's in your wallet?"
When you take the dog out
for a visit to the vet
and he later sends the bill -
that's your daily dose of debt.
Have you planned a holiday
but don't know which is best?
Just stop awhile and think about
your mortgage interest.
Did you take out more insurance
for your personal protection?
It's just one more brown envelope
to add to your collection.
While wading through the junk mail,
how could we forget
that every day the postman brings
our daily dose of debt.
First my news, The District nurse did my blood test this morning, no - not Martin, a new one. Ten I had the Government letter to register myself as an at risk person. Holly and my other lovely neighbours are still taking care of us. Holly has set herself a mission to keep our Paracetamol supply well stocked. and judging by the dire lack of delivery slots at Tesco, we shall soon need help from Jackie and Ray, and Rebecca and Dale.
Toni, thank you for the pastries, they look yummy. Yes, Aidan would be gowned up, mask and gloves on, pushing his trolley of pills and potions, making sure we were all as safe as can be. Bless him. 😥 I'll be blubbing soon. Much as we all miss him, at least he is safe in God's memory (and ours).
Joan, I'm glad you and Sue are staying safe with Lexi and Pepper. When the weather improves, you will be able to sit out in the garden with them an watch them dash about.
Babs, I hope the pub managed to deliver your dinner today. If not, I've posted a delicious sausage casserole in Matron's Munchies that you might enjoy.
Carol, I look forward to watching Mr T and his piano every day. Shame he can't boost church funds by putting them on a CD and selling them.
Right, time for cake methinks.
420 g
Cake flour (bleached), plus more for dusting
820 g
Sugar, granulated, divided
280 g
Dutch-process cocoa powder, divided
25 g
Salt, divided
15 g
15 g
11 g
Glycerol monostearate, optional
340 g
340 g
150 g
Eggs, about 3 large
55 g
Vanilla extract, pure, divided
440 g
Water, divided
50 g
Vodka, or other spirit with 35%–40% ABV
900 g
450 g
Butter, room temperature
110 g
Chocolate shavings or sprinkles, as needed
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all
Just an quick update we are both ok. Glad my face book comment a few days ago about being behind the fridge made you laugh. Don’t think we could get behind our fridge freezer if we tried.🤣🤣🤣. Well I didn’t receive any letter from gp or the government so rang my dr today had a telephone consultation. And she tells me. I am not under the extremely vulnerable category. Took a lot of questions to get there. But that because we are both over 70 neither of us should go out. Except into the garden, the stupid thing is we actually. Have to go out our front door to get into the garden, we don’t have access directly from the flat. And when I said this she said well the choice is yours. But make sure you wash your hands when you come back in. I told her mr t has had to go to the shop at the top of our road. To get odd bits of shopping if we Run out, because my online shopping sometimes comes without things as not in stock. Got asked then if I had filled in the gov. Uk form and registered with them I said I had tried but one of the questions was my asthma severe as stated on the list and, she tells me she dose not class my asthma as severe which was my original question. 🤔🙄. It has taken me 2days on and off to sort this out.
Thank you all from both of us to your comments on mr t’s daily music. Believe it or not he is self taught never had a lesson in his life. I have shared another one today. We have been having a good turn out of hoarded up bit and pieces that we are re never going to use. We have been really ruthless. And we have done most of that now. Mind you I have found things that I didn’t know I still had. We have been doing this 2-3 afternoons a week. Hope you are all doing ok and keeping yourself busy. At least I have got to day 17 of isolation and I am not really bored I will try to get in tomorrow and post more updates, Kath just before I go that chocolate cake looks Devine.
love and sparkles to you all and hugs ❤️❤️🌈🌈🤗🤗 watch this space for more updates from here.
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Evening all
Joan our food arrived at 11 this morning she was so apologetic bless..they are not used to deliveries...we are all well thankyou..the nurse us ringing tomorrow......can you not have a little ride through the park or are there to many people keep safe..(((())))
Toni thankyou for an amazing breakfast.. I bet Charley feels weak..its a shame she has to go to work..but suppose she will get there..bless ((()))...the nurse is ringing tomorrow I just want my wee tested again to see if the ABs works keep busy and safe...xx
Kath thankyou for the sausage casserole...we were starving...who made the chocolate cake was that you...:)...
How good that the nurse cane to do your bloods..they should be paid much more than they get...I do remember the poem but good to read it again..keep safe both of you.xx
Carol I am enjoying Mr Ts music ..he is so clever teaching himself to play like that..I havnt had a letter off the doctors but we are staying in anyway..Mr B went for a couple if things yesterday and said it was really well done.. just a few people let in at keep safe..xx
Put some meadow seeds down today and the Robin thought I was feeding it...sat on the fence right near us and kept jumping down to pinch the seeds ..
Take care everyone
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