Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    . Kath I'm so sorry you fell over you know you are going and you cannot stop yourself (((((()))))

    Love to Chris and Anita ((((())))ke

    Barbara are the anti's working I hope so ((((()))). I bet the fish and chips were lovely yes love to your brother and his girlfriend (((((())))

    Toni Tia's husband did a good job that pleased a lot of people ((((()))))) love to everyone (((())))


    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem

    In The Eye Of The Beholder?

    By Kath

    Whenever you look in the mirror

    are you bothered by what you can see?

    A pimple, a blemish, or even dry skin -

    or do you look flawless, maybe?

    There are so many rules about beauty,

    should we care about what people say?

    Is it wrong to wear day cream at night?

    Or even wear night cream by day?

    Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize

    the gurus all advocate this.

    They think you have time by the hour,

    I think there’s something amiss.

    So as we get older dear ladies,

    oh, don't forget gentlemen too,

    must we, in order to keep looking good,

    cover our bodies with goo?

    Barbara, it freezes on my laptop too. which is why I gave up the other day. I just don't have the time for faffing. We managed to ger a slot again last night AT MIDNIGHT Grrrr. Went my usual walk to the wheelie bin again this morning. My next door neighbour was out there chatting to her neighbour. Next door has Agarophobia and isn't on the list of those needing to be shielded. She can't get any supermarket slots either. But someone does fetch her shopping for her. The other neighbour Jackie, is the one who helps us.Still in a lot of pain, and I'm exhausted.

    Rang dad this morning, he's fine. The lady from the Friday club brought his tea yesterday. It's the food they would have had at the club and it's paid for, so during lockdown they have it delivered.

    Now, I've had my chucky egg thanks to Toni,so as the forum is freezing again, I'll pop over to Matron's Munchies to pa recipe.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Evening all..its so nice to have the sunshine..with all that's going on..
    Kath so the forum freezes for you..its so strange..I restarted my phone but it did it again..
    Poor you in pain I am not surprised..I do feel for you...and relying on people is so hard..((((())))
    So the neighbours were chatting ..the poor lady with Agarophobia..gosh life throws some things at us.. you be extra careful...
    I love your poem..I have used moisturizer since I was 14...all that goo.....hahaha.xx
    Joan I think the ABs are working ..fingers crossed..I hope you are all doing did you get your priority shopping..((((()))))
    Tony thankyou for the breakfast..I do like an egg..its a good job in this house...
    How nice if Tias husband doing the parcel for people...apparently we had a phone call from our DRs OH answered , I was in the shower..they asked were we ok for food ..yes..and she gave us a number to ring if taken poorly..very good of them to ring..
    You need to take care with that back..its not at all happy...((((())))
    Now I will rest my eyes
    Love to all..keep safe
  • chris8
    chris8 Member Posts: 57
    Hi all, seeing as I'm posting here in the early hours, what time does this cafe close?? Haha, new here so just thought I'd say hi, hope you're all ok
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Yyonne you can check online when you're allowed to retire for me it's about 68 for Paul it's 67.

    Thank you for your reassuring comment about retirement and coping with him being at home all day EVERY day😮Whyever shouldn't you still be in bed? rest is good for us sometimes! Very kind of you to help that lady, but gosh it's wrong she has no support at all 😕

    Hi Joan yes Mikey likes doing the food parcels he has to drive to Liverpool to fetch them first. You're right about falling it-s like it happens in slow motion. I bumped my head on Monday and still have an egg on it! Not an Easter egg sadly 😃

    No Kath we do NOT have to cover our bodies in goo! E45 will do nicely!!!! Loved the poem very funny.

    I bet you're still suffering it takes ages to get over a fall and it will be pulled muscles too that you can see ((()))🌈 Sleek has been over with jammie dodgers for the bush babies.

    Are you sure the 'freezing' isn't the system saving our posts? I am going to have to type mine on word first it's just too annoyingly frequent.

    Of course agoraphobia I hadn't even thought of people with that - good job a neighbour is helping at least. Good to hear Dad is ok and his Friday club food was delivered bless him.

    Glad you enjoyed your egg - you must nip into munchies I did the  the day before and posted you a pic!

    Barbara how lovely of the Drs to ring! I think your kidneys do put you at risk you know,  Glad the ABs are working I bet even more today ((()))

    I'm sure the freezing of the forum is it CONSTANLY saving our posts 🙄 it saves even before I have typed a whole sentence and as you know I talk a LOT!!!

    Sunshine is exactly what we need at these times.  So glad this didn't start in November that would have been depressing to say the least.

    How is Niamh? I hope you will be able to have the pool out for her before the summer is out.

    CHRIS8 Welcome to the café  It's good to meet you. The café is open 24 hours a day all food is calorie free and very tasty.

    Would it help if we told you a bit about ourselves?

    The café was started in about 2009 (ish) by a member who sadly died of cancer in 2013 Valval was her username.

    I am Toni and have a cat whose real name is Daisy, but has many nick names.  the main ones in the café are Sleek or Miss Slimkins as the vets told me to keep an eye on her weight! this is her:

    Not at all fat!

    Do you have any pets?

    I have 2 adult girls Charley who lives with her GF and cat Rosie. Tia who married Mikey last year and Lucy who had leukaemia at 16. This forum was so very very supportive of us during two and  a half years chemo and subsequent joint surgeries.

    I live in a small village in Staffordshire.

    Sadly on 11th December last year one of our regular's Bubbles (AKA Aidan/Matron - a retired nurse) died suddenly at 58 hence Matron's muncies where we post recipes - feel free to add any or indeed cook any! We all ADORED him and miss him very much.

    Sorry if that's too much information, but we'd love it if you'd like to join us anytime for a natter.

    Breakfast anyone?

    vegan/veg sausages available and 'bacon' too!

    Pom's scarecrow!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    . Kath I'm sorry you have pain (((((()))) I hope it will feel better when the bruising comes out. I believe it's not what you look like it's how you behave. Have you seen the lady on Facebook who's spending the night in her garden with her husband her name is Pam Holley she's our cousin

    That's good your Dad ((((())) having a meal delivered ((())) love to Anita (((())) and Chris ((((())))

    . Barbara I bet your fish and chip's tasted lovely ((((((())))) love to Mr B and your brother and Niamh ((((()))

    For the priority booking sue went to the council website and filled the form in that asks what your age is and if you are isolating I hope you get it.

    Toni love to everyone thank you Paul for the parcel deliveries ((((()))) Toni how is your neighbour ((((()))

    Chris8 nice to meet you this forum the people are kind and helpful ((((())))

    Love to Bill Mandy Carol Mr T Mig Mr M Yvonne and family (((((()))))

    Happy Easter everyone

    take care
    joan xx
  • chris8
    chris8 Member Posts: 57
    Good morning Frogmorton (Toni) and Dachhund, thank you both for the kind messages, I'm in my 30's with RA, no pets but always get the urge to change that :) it seems an awesome community and forum and with the joint surgeries you mentioned, that sounds reassuring as I'll probably be needing them myself at some point in the near future... Happy easter also to you all on here, and hope you say hi! :)
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 12. Apr 2020, 14:07

    Afternoon all

    Happy Easter everyone hope you are all doing well.

    The freezing of the forum is definitely when it saves your post but it seems to be a bit delayed sometimes.

    Kath sorry to hear about your fall hope you are not in too much pain and as usual your poems are great keep them coming and the recipes.

    Chris8 Nice to meet you. You are very welcome to the cafe we are all quite friendly. just a little about me too I’m Carol l live in London we have 2 daughters, 3 grandchildren 2girls1 boy all grown up. And 6 great grandchildren 4girls 3 boys, namely Lillie, Faye, Graycie, and Rubie Ashley and Kian. That’s enough about me. Hope to see you on here again. Happy Easter to you too.

    Joan thank you for the ((())) I am sending some right back to you and Sue. And I hope you are getting your shopping deliveries. My next one is tomorrow at believe it or not between 9.30 and 10.30 pm. yes that is right pm

    Toni that breakfast was scrummy hope all is well with you hope Charley and Gf a a lot better now, and that Lucy is ok. Well done To Tias husband doing the parcels

    just a couple of pictures of the kids . 1st one Kian cannot believe how big he is now he’s 8 months now. 2nd one Rubie who is now 1 year 8 months.

    Love an Sparkles to you all I will add a couple more pictures tomorrow.❤️❤️🌈🌈

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • chris8
    chris8 Member Posts: 57
    Hi Turbogran (Carol) happy easter to you! Awesome pics, everyone on here does seem quite friendly and welcoming as are you so thank you :)
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Evening all
    And hello and welcome to chris8...has you will have noticed I am Barbara we have two sons and 3 gc...all girls..and at the min we cant hug them especially the youngest Niamh...who is Toni says the cafe is always open and you dont have to mention us all..just chat away...xx
    Carol I cant believe how big Kian is and Rubie..they are so lovely...:)..thsnkyou for the pics..xx
    Joan I must look for your friend in good ti sleep under the stars in a tent that is..thankyou for the info on the shopping I will have a look..(((())))
    Toni another lovely breakfast thankyou.. it's really hard not having Niamh here.. but we are bot on our own..hopefully we will have the pool our before the end if summer:) xx
    I hope Kath is not in to much pain after her fall..(((((()))))
    Think I had better go.. before it freezes...
    Love to all
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Morning everyone!

    Barbara I hope you do have the pool out. Niamh will be missing you both very very much bless her 😕 Glad she's ok and am sure you are face-timing her. How are the ABs working now and how many days left? I bet they are making your belly gurgle!

    The wind has got up here overnight really bad and it's chilly maybe there will be less people out walking today....🤔

    Joan your friend is certainly making the most of her time in lockdown! I can't imagine Paul agreeing to that and what if the cows got in our garden again😁 My neighbour is doing really well honestly so far she has the carers like Sue.

    Did you see the little Dachs on Britains got talent?

    Carol good to see you and lovely to see the pics of the babies! Kian looks so big now! Wow! and Rubie. they look as though they are making the most of the weather. It's windy today but so far still sunny we had a shower yesterday did you?

    All my kids are ok hope yours and Gkids too? Daughter Gdaugter and husband how are they doing? I bet work is missing them all🙄

    I got 9-10am! Mind you as you know I was on first at midnight and was dead on my feet the next day! I hope most things are in stock.

    No Kath? I hope she's ok after that fall we do NOT want any hospital admissions just now ANY of us!!!!

    Chris8 you've met most of the café regulars now I hope you'll pop in anytime....if you're in in the small hours (I was awake and suffering at 4 but o-kish now) do leave us a post 😊

    Going to check Matron's Munchies see if Kath was in there after I pop some breakfast on....

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    . Chris8 I hope your aching is not too bad (((())) I don't know about Ra I have oa and cerebral palsy I live with my twin sister and our Dachshunds.

    Carol lovely photos ((((()))) love to you and Mr T ((((())) thank him for the music (((()))

    Barbara it's our cousin in the garden How's your brother and his girl friend ((((()))) love to you and Mr B ((((()))

    Kath you don't want to live outside with the bin do you ((((())))

    Toni how is Lucy ((((()))) love to Charley and her friend ((((()))Tia and her husband (((((()))) you and Paul ((((())))

    . Bill and Mandy ((((())) Yvonne ((((())) Mig ((((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • chris8
    chris8 Member Posts: 57
    Good morning all, hope you're all well
    @barbara12 - Thanks for the welcoming message the other day, was lovely of you! Bet you looking forward to the GC hugs :-)
    @frogmorton hey how's things? :) I wished I had have posted last night as I was actually awake about the same time as you! Hope you're feeling somewhat better now.
    @dachhund good morning hows things? I'm not aching as bad as I thought I would be but just started last few days so we'll see :-( lol
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem

    How Sweet Is Sleek by Kath

    how sweet of Sleek 

    holding onto my paw.

    with Pilchard lattes

    Just make to make sure

    that she won’t have a turn

    at the thought of plugs.

    Almost as bad as Tosca’s lugs.

    And She of course, 

    with smelling salts handy

    will also ply Kath with glasses of Shandy.

    So off to Pendle we’ll fly away

    To collect mists galore on this glorious day.

    Hi gang, After all those lovely photos, I felt I wanted to re-post this poem. So glad I never had the punctal plugs (cover sleek's ears)

    Hi Chris, I'm Kath, other forums know me as Poemsgalore, and I'm the resident poet apparently. 🙃

    I'm 68, and have RA with Sjogren's Syndrome,diagnosed 32 ears ago. OA, Osteoporosis, I have 4 vertebral fractures, Vasculitis, Bronchiectasis, high BP, and I'm also a cancer survivor. I have 5 adult children and 7 adult grandchildren. Toni is right, we all adored Aidan and still miss him so much. 😥 It's lovely to meet you, and hope you will join us regularly in our virtual cafe for fun and friendship.

    Toni, thank you for the yummy breakfast. My aches and pains ease a little after a rest. It's mainly my spine, hips and ribs. Hope it's not another flipping fracture. 😕

    Carol, such delightful photos of your GGC - Kian is growing so much and looks adorable.

    Joan, no I don't want to live outside with the wheelie bin. It's just that I can't walk beyond that point. I'm sared of falling again and cling onto the bin when I reach it.

    Barbara, how is your brother doing now he's had his chemo stopped because of Covid19. My friend Amanda has also had her treatment for secondary cancer ended. Anita wasn't having chemo, but she's quite happy on th tablets they've given her to shrink her tumours. She can still have surgery afterwards. Right, no freezing today so I will find something to eat.

    Vegan Cauliflower Cheese Gratin

    yield: SERVES 4 prep time: 30 MINUTES cook time: 5 MINUTES total time: 35 MINUTES

    A super creamy & tangy vegan 'cheddar cheese' sauce coating steamed cauliflower and tenderstem broccoli, with a crispy breadcrumb topping.


    For the vegan 'cheese' sauce:

    • 60ml (1/4 cup) extra virgin olive oil
    • 1 white onion, finely sliced
    • 120g (~3/4 cup) peeled, cubed potato
    • 130g (1 cup) cashews
    • 375g (1 1/2 cups) water
    • 1 tsp smoked paprika
    • 1 tsp garlic granules
    • 3 tbsp nutritional yeast
    • 1 tbsp marmite, soy sauce or miso (my fave is marmite)
    • 1 tbsp yellow mustard
    • 2 tsp apple cider vinegar or lemon juice
    • Salt
    • Black pepper

    For the gratin:

    • 1 medium head cauliflower, cut into medium florets
    • 150g (5.4 ounces) tenderstem broccoli (optional)
    • 3 tbsp breadcrumbs
    • 1/2 tbsp olive oil

    Get IngredientsPowered by Chicory


    For the 'cheese' sauce:

    1. Heat 4 tbsp of the olive oil in a large pot over a
    2. medium-low heat. Add the onion to the pot and saute until it starts to brown
    3. slightly – about 10 minutes. Add the potato, cashews, water, smoked paprika,
    4. garlic granules, nutritional yeast, soy sauce/miso, and mustard to the pot.
    5. Bring to the boil and turn down to simmer – leave for 15
    6. minutes so that the potatoes and cashews can soften.
    7. Pour the contents of the pot into the jug of a high-speed
    8. blender along with the apple cider vinegar and blitz until completely smooth,
    9. adding more water as needed to get the right sauce texture (I added about 250ml/1 cup to get it thin enough). Taste and season
    10. with salt and black pepper.

    For the gratin:

    1. Preheat your oven grill to a medium heat and place an oven rack in the top third of the oven.
    2. Pour a few cm (1-2 inch) depth of water into a large pot and set over a high heat on the stove. Once the water is boiling, add the cauliflower and broccoli to the pot. Cover with a lid, turn down the heat to low, and let the veg steam for 4 minutes until tender but still with firmness to it.
    3. Drain the veg and add to a roasting dish. Pour over the 'cheese' sauce and stir to coat. Mix the breadcrumbs and oil in a small bowl until coated then scatter this over the vegetables.
    4. Place under the grill in the oven and watch carefully. You want the breadcrumbs to toast and the sauce to brown slightly. This should take around 5 minutes but will depend on your grill.
    5. Once finished, remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly before serving.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • YvonneH
    YvonneH Member Posts: 1,075

    Hi Everyone,

    Well, Bryn was upset, we'd decided to just have a bar of chocolate - so went into Aldi - chocolate bars sold out!!!! Ooops, should have stocked up early :) I did find some different chocolate that seems to be acceptable

    How lovely to have someone new to chat to. Hi Chris, I'm Yvonne, I did a piece for the website -

    I have been a volunteer moderator for years, and so has my husband Bryn though we kept quiet, then we both got a joint job share working for Versus Arthritis! It's great to be able to work to keep the forum in best condition for everyone, and I love my chats on here, this is THE place to go if you are a bit fed up or 'off' you can't help smiling.

    The stalling is the save feature, it's on Bryn's list as a snag and he is trying to get it sorted, he has a few things outstanding.

    Toni I think we are ahead of you, Bryn will be 67 and me 66, got a while to go yet. Please everyone no falling, not even a trip to outpatients, we can't do that, how about if I clean out the petting zoo, no nasty C bugs there and all the little ones need a snuggle, almost as good as grandchildren, I've got one of the koala's, she is being very good keeping her long claws away from my jumper.

    The garden is calling,

    Love to you all

    Yvonne x

  • chris8
    chris8 Member Posts: 57
    Hello @kathleenT hope you're well, you're post before was lovely and an wow one as you and so many on here are so inspirational people with inspiration, motivational stories. Many thanks for sharing and being an all round star! :) Hello too @YvonneH awesome work you're doing and thank you also for the very warm welcome :) glad you found some Chocolate, I'm a bit of a Chocoholic so it's nice that I'm not on my own there too haha :)
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Evening all..nice and sunny today but the wind was cold...still we had a little walk...
    Chris sorry forgot to say I am 69..70 next month..and have both hips replaced..dicky kidneys and eyes..but still like to smile at everyone...:)I'm glad to hear your aches are slightly better ((((()))) and Bryn have been busy for the forum..I am so grateful I found it many years ago now...thank Bryn for sorting it out for us......and the pic of you and you gc is so lovely xx
    Joan right so it was your cousin in the garden..I hope they were warm and enjoyed it..hope you are all ok ((()))
    Kath you really are a good keep them coming :)I bet the bruises are out now..can you not use a crutch when you go to the bin or for a walk..I couldn't do without brothers chemo came to an end ..
    now he is in the trial..not a clue what it is...fingers crossed that Anita will be fine on the take care..xx
    Toni thankyou for the scrambled eggs..I put brown sauce on mine...I think I have 2 ABs left not sure if they have worked.. its hard to tell...
    I hope you are all keeping well..xx
    Better go I'm off to bed early
    Love to all
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Joan I bet your cousin was inside last night - well I hope so it is FROSTY out there! Love and ((())) to you and Sue Peppa and Lexi.

    Chris8 I had a better night still awake on and off but not enough to move out of bed! I hope yours was ok?

    The poem Kath did is of my cat known here as Sleek. We used to say that she and Aidan's cats (all since deceased) could fly broomsticks and visited each other's houses. Sleek is the only cat still alive and when Kath's dry eyes were particularly bad the Dr suggested 'plugs' in her tear ducts Sleek felt quite faint at the idea, but still went to outpatients with Kath and held her hand - at least in our minds.

    Did I ask whether you have any animals?

    Barbara your bro is taking tablets at home isn't he? For some reason I've got that in my head🤔 It might be a low-dose chemo maybe??? Will you need another 'specimen' when you've finsihed the ABs maybe to see if they have worked?

    We are keeping fine here thanks I hope the girls are all ok? Glad you enjoyed breakfast Paul does brown sauce on eggs too!

    Yvonne lovely to see you and the link to the article was really helpful - fame at last! We all so appreciate what you are doing on the forum.

    Thanks Bryn for trying to sort out the 'save' feature - it's great just a little but over enthusiastic!!

    Imagine there being a chocolate shortage in Aldi! as Aidan would have said 'Heaven's to Betsy'!!! I hope the replacement will pass muster!

    Kath aw thank you for posting Sleek's poem again she was really touched and only winced at the mention of the 'plugs' 🤢 She has a copy of it in her ickle house...must find a pic of Sleek's ickle house for Chris8 to see🤔

    I was thinking the same about another fracture, but I expect now is not a time when you want to find out????

    Yvonne is right please take care - did you see she has a tame Koala?!

    Thank you for the broccoli gratin vegan style :)

    Glad Anita is happy enough with her treatment just now and your friend too I hope she does ok without her treatment for now - 'they' must know the risk is worth taking ((()))

    Some breakfast anyone?

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    . Chris8 where do you live. we live in Swindon Wiltshire. I hope you have a good night tonight (((((()))))

    Yvonne thank you for the forum what Arthritis do you have ((((()))))

    . Kath it's nice to see you I thought you had fallen again ((((()))) I walk out side with a walker ((((())) love to you Chris Anita and your Dad (((()))

    Barbara how's your pain now (((()))) love to Mr B and your brother ((((())))) we have sun.

    Toni I like brown sauce and mint sauce on chicken love to everyone ((((())))I hope they are all well. ((((())))

    love to Bill Mandy (((())) Carol and Mr T ((((())) Mig and Mr Mig ((((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • chris8
    chris8 Member Posts: 57
    Good sunny morning all! Those who asked I'm 35 and from Costa del Lancashire :)
    Hi @barbara12 best way to be full of smiles, good on you :) I'm at some point whenever it may be will need Knee replacements so with your Hip replacements we'll be part of the bionic brigade :) glad you had a nice if not chilly little walk yesterday.

    @frogmorton Your sleep sounds like mine haha, slightly better but not enough to move out of bed until fully woke up haha been up since about 7am but think that's the chirping of Birds and Sun shining through :)
    @dachshund Hey cool your from Swindon, I visited Salisbury years ago, that was the closest I've been :) was a lovely place there though and quite fascinating the River/Stream that passes through the City Centre :)
    Hope the Weather is warm and lovely for you all too today!
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Joan brown sauce on Chicken?! Does it taste nice?! everyone is well here.

    Chris8 yes rubbish sleep, but i keep trying!🙄 Lancashire! Aha! I am from Staffordshire myself. I have lived in 24 different places over the years (and I'm not 90!) never Lancs though...

    Those birds were making a racket at 5:45 this morning bless them it's a lovely sound, but it makes my cat think it's time to get up.🐱

    It's a fabulous day here today will be braving my walk soon....

    Leaving us all a cuppa!

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem

    From the Waiting Room To The Car Park And Beyond

    By Kath

    Many others trod this way

    and many more will come.

    All started in the waiting room,

    all feeling very glum.

    Waiting around for appointments

    then waiting to have their tests.

    Waiting to get the results back

    and find out what's in their breasts.

    Is it benign or is it cancer?

    Could it be invasive?

    Is it treatable, has it spread

    Oh please don’t say it’s pervasive!

    Then when the results are in at last

    and a treatment plan is in place,

    a calmness sets in and you breathe again

    and a smile returns to your face.

    You will need an op, and might need rads

    and some of you will need chemo,

    it seems the roundabout never ends

    that your life's led in a casino!

    Place your bets and spin the wheel

    let's see if your number comes up,

    you wait and see, what will be, will be,

    you know you'll drink from that cup.

    Each cycle passes with added worries

    of what the next one might bring.

    Sickness, diarrhoea, or constipation

    you take them all on the chin.

    Then suddenly, the last one arrives

    you can see the car park at last,

    you look and see your friends all waiting

    the ones who helped the time pass.

    Beyond the car park, another world,

    with fields and meadows of flowers.

    A world in which you move forward

    and regain your previous powers.

    And so to the future you finally look

    with confidence and hope

    but whatever this future holds for you

    you know now that you WILL cope.

    Are you having Herceptin? Or hormone tablets

    to keep the monster away?

    You continue on, as you did before,

    taking things day by day.

    But on your journey you made many friends

    who you never will forget,

    friends who will always stand by you

    even though you may never have met.

    Hello everyone, we are waiting for Holly to pop to the shops for us, she's late today. I hope she's OK. Her bedroom windows and main front door to her flat are open, but there's no sign of anyone outside. 😕

    Sorry it's such a miserable poem today, I'll try and find a more cheerful one tomorrow.

    Joan, I do have a walker but it's such a long time since I've used it, I don't think I can any more. Any way it isn't worth getting it out just to pop to the wheelie bin as I can reach it from the door.

    Chris, at 35 you are younger than my youngest, who is 37. His sisters are 42, 49 and 50 and his older brother is 46

    Did anyone find the cake I put in Matron's Munchies? It's definitely one our Aidan would approve of. Going to see what I can find to post in there today. TTFN.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 15. Apr 2020, 07:16

    Kath I get the poem i know Lucy's leukaemia wasn't the same as breast cancer, but so much of it rings bells for me. If you read it through it's not totally sad in fact it speaks to me of a future which Lucy you and mig all have now thanks to the 'waiting room then the car-park and finally beyond'.🙂

    I'm sure i saw the cake was it a chocolaty one? If not i shall look after this.....

    I see you can reach the bin from the door....who puts your bin out for the binmen for you?

    Fancy a go on the sea-saw?

    Going to wave to Joan hope all is well in Swindon and it's sunny!

    Now I'd better get us all some breakfast...

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone yes it's sunny here.

    Chris8 how are you feeling today. That's a lovely place to live we've been to Blackpool a lot.

    I have a hip replacement that's 24 years old and a knee that's 17 years old as well as triple fusion on my foot.((((())))

    Kathleen I use a walking frame to walk around the garden. I hope Holly's alright (((()))love to you and Chris (((((())) and your Dad ((())) and Anita ((((()))

    Toni I have mint sauce on chicken no I would not fancy brown sauce on that. I hope everyone is coping with all this (((())) love to Lucy ((((()))) Charley ((())) Tia((((()))) you and Paul (((()))

    love to Yvonne (((((())) and Barbara ((((())) Mig (((())) Bill ((((())) ((((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • chris8
    chris8 Member Posts: 57
    Morning all hope your well and the Sun is shining where you are.
    Hey @frogmorton hows things? Hope it's nice in Staffs today :) Cool about the 24 places you've lived and that the early birds wake your Cat up too :)

    Hi @kathleenT too :)