Val's Cafe
Don't overdo it Yvonne! I love sheds painted pretty colours 😊 Sleek says she knows who Lynx is and in fact Tosca had told her about her and that she might make a good cat-idate for magic! Send her on over or Sleek can come to you. She is not obligated to practice social distancing 😏
You seem to have sussed our KathleenT perfectly there! She says it so well.
Barbara thought she had posted😁hehehe! we've all done that! It's a shame about your eyes I think you are best just using your phone and no stressing about the smileys. We KNOW you are a smiley person. If i am on my hols and using my phone i usually just add things like !!! or ?! or ;) so people have some idea of what I mean.
Yes get a new Alexa the dot is only about £30 if not less if you time it right. Then you can program her to answer a question about Niamh! She'd love that :)
Chris8 I am sorry to say that i think my curly (Madonaesque???!!!) perm was really not at all cool😄 looking at the photos I think perms are rather ageing😉 I thought I was the bees knees too
I have located the book and might get it on audio then i can listen while I am outside....
Talking of which did you manage to pink panther out yesterday at all?
Kath I did get the poem. Such tough times they will have been of course I understand. I still think you looked gorgeous then ((())). I am so glad they hahve resumed cancer treatment now I cannot imagine ho scary it must have been for those being delayed. Knocks me sick thinking about it.
Now it is hard to do an upbeat poem ATM shall we do our own again? Yvonne (or Brynmor?) any ideas how we can make sure we don't miss anyone's line?
Chickpeas are so good for us aren't they? I might try that. Need to add dark chocolate (choc cake in Matron's Munchies) and some lemon juice... If i ever get an online shop. I tried at 6am today no luck. Not your fault i feel like they don't have any firm 'rules' about slots😕
Joan Lucy should achieve her 5 years this MAY!!!!!!!!!!!! how exiting is that :) and how quick has it gone too? I was going to say the same as Barbara will you walk the dogs with Sue? Do you do videocalls to your friends? ((()))
I am hoping all is well with Carol. That Mr T is behaving himself and still being a good boy! I am sure she's been keeping in touch with all those Grand and Great Grandchildren. If you get in Carol can we still order from flamingo?
porridge again to keep us full for longer and prevent some of the excess snacking I for one have been doing!!!
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My phone just told me I should be leaving for Italy today to join the Orient express! My Christmas present from Paul!
I would have been there for my birthday 😕
Ah well such is life! safety first.
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Good morning everyone
Kath that's a good photo it shows all your going through ((((()))) you are brave putting it on I'm sorry you have so many problem's (((())) love to everyone ((()))
Barbara yes I'm going for a walk with Sue and pepper and Lexi. It's good you had your delivery ((((())) love to everyone ((()))
Yvonne you have got a good day for painting the shed (((()))) love to everyone ((((())))
Love to Bill (((()))Toni (((()))Mig (((())) Carol (((()))Chris8 (((())))
take care
joan xx0 -
Morning all better get on early..then I dint forget
Yvonne the problem us I wasnt busy...hahaha..its my age..we gave a blue and cream shed come little summer house..I love take care...and thankyou again for all your hard work xxxxx
Chris like Toni I had a tight perm but it was short..turned out an afro..have you managed to sneak into the garden without being spotted.. I try and do the same then I dont have to chat over the fence...hahaha...xx
Joan I bet you all feel better getting out for a little walk or ride.. I can imagine the excitement if the little doggies...:) :) xxxx
Toni what a shame about the orient express..but something to look forward to when this is over...:).you will gave to learn me more ??:))..I have had two bowls of porridge one here and one in the cafe..yours was
I to hope caroline and family are doing
Today there will be more potting ...:);)
Love to all
Barbara0 -
Daily Poem (A happy one for Toni)
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I’m telling lies.
I say,
It’s in the reach of my arms,
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.
I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It’s the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can’t touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them,
They say they still can’t see.
I say,
It’s in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.
Now you understand
Just why my head’s not bowed.
I don’t shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing,
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It’s in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
the palm of my hand,
The need for my care.
’Cause I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.
Yvonne, it's always lovely to hear from you, I'm trying to write a poem about life in lock down. It's not going very well! 😕
I notice the lovely weather is beginning to deteriorate. Never mind, dad got his weeding done and Anita has stocked his cupboards again.
I don't know if any of you ever shop at Birds, but they have begun a delivery service in the Notts/Debys area so here's the link n case anyone can access it.
My older son Richard sent me a new photo, taken whilst on his daily exercise during lock down. So I thought I'd share it with you. He's losing his hair a bit, but the beard is thriving, ☺️
Vegan pizza Margherita
For the pizza dough
- 500g strong white bread flour, plus extra for dusting
- 1 tsp dried yeast
- 1 tsp caster sugar
- 1 ½ tbsp olive oil
- , plus extra
For the tomato sauce
- 100ml passata
- 1 tbsp fresh basil
- , chopped (or ½ tsp dried oregano)
- 1 garlic clove, crushed
For the topping
- 200g vegan mozzarella-style cheese, grated
- 2 tomatoes, thinly sliced
- Fresh basil
- or oregano leaves, chilli oil and vegan parmesan to serve (optional)
- Put the flour, yeast and sugar in a large bowl. Measure 150ml of cold water and 150ml boiling water into a jug and mix them together – this will mean your water is a good temperature for the yeast. Add the oil and 1 tsp salt to the warm water then pour it over the flour. Stir well with a spoon then start to knead the mixture together in the bowl until it forms a soft and slightly sticky dough. If it’s too dry add a splash of cold water.
- Dust a little flour on the work surface and knead the dough for 10 mins. Put it back in the mixing bowl and cover with cling film greased with a few drops of olive oil. Leave to rise in a warm place for 1 hr or until doubled in size.
- Heat oven to 220C/200C/gas 9 and put a baking sheet or pizza stone on the top shelf to heat up. Once the dough has risen, knock it back by punching it a couple of times with your fist then kneading it again on a floured surface. It should be springy and a lot less sticky. Set aside while you prepare the sauce.
- Put all the ingredients for the tomato sauce together in a bowl, season with salt, pepper and a pinch of sugar if you like and mix well. Set aside until needed.
- Divide the dough into 2 or 4 pieces (depending on whether you want to make large or small pizzas), shape into balls and flatten each piece out as thin as you can get it with a rolling pin or using your hands. Make sure the dough is well dusted with flour to stop it sticking. Dust another baking sheet with flour then put a pizza base on top – spread 4-5 tbsp of the tomato sauce on top and add some sliced tomatoes and grated vegan cheese. Drizzle with a little olive oil and bake in the oven on top of your preheated baking tray for 10-12 mins or until the base is puffed up and the vegan cheese has melted and is bubbling and golden in patches.
- Repeat with the rest of the dough and topping. Serve the pizzas with fresh basil leaves or chilli oil if you like and sprinkle over vegan parmesan just after baking.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hey people hope your ok this overcast here Sunday! Cant complain though, least we've not had 'April showers' yet.
@kathleenT Hey Kath no you're pic didnt scare me at all, it's a lovely pic and your a strong lady, hope you're well!
Hi @barbara12 very much doubt your Driving pass was a sympathy one lol you learnt and earnt it :) Hopw you're ok and enjoy your Alexa with the 60's era on repeat :) Good choice :)
Hi @YvonneH thanks for the message to reply back to, totally agree with Porridge and also Greek yogurt and fruit is the one also :) usually put a few Blueberries in my cereal or porridge, something I never really used to do ages ago. Hope the patio and shed both coming on well :)0 -
Evening all
We are fine here we are both well sorry I haven’t been on but I have spent the last 3 days sorting out shopping deliveries, and for the last 3 days I have been trying to sort out a birthday message for a cousins son who is 18 in a few days. He was supposed to be having a big party, but of course with this evil virus it had to be cancelled. So to make it the day special we have all been asked to send a video message another family member whose husband will put them all into a continuous video to be played on the day. I took me 3 days to work out how to do it managed to do it this afternoon.
Suprisingly I haven’t done any knitting 🧶 but will get back to it.
Toni yes mr T is behaving albeit a bit moody I think the boredom (we arein ourand the concern this virus gives us all is getting to him and he is very quite. But I am not loosing my cool with him as I don’t want any arguments at this somewhat difficult time. Will post again tomorrow as I am having problems with this post and only have 5 mins to edit it will post again tomorrow
love And sparkles to all ❤️❤️🌈🌈✨✨
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Ok my iPad kicked me out and had to log back in here ar some pictures of the kids
Kian is first now8 months old.
next Rubie who is getting very grown up now
next ls our Lillie on her bike quite the young lady now.
and lastly all all of GDs girls.
Will do a bigger update tomorrow
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Carol lovely to see you and the little people too my gosh they grow so fast. These times are tough for mums and Dads with no school, but almost far tougher for Grandies and Great Grandies who can't see them 😔
The girls look as though they are having a great time on their bikes.
Of course anxiety about this dreadful virus (almost doesn't feel real) is there and Mr T is usually very busy. Not surprised he is a tad moody, but you are wise to hold your counsel as they say. See you soon I hope ((()))💕
Kath that was a lovely pom totally totally that is us women all of us....provided you show some confidence and sass! Made me smile first thing on a darker Monday morning too 🙄
Your boy is a very good looking chap indeed and i can see his Mum in in him. Slightly thinning hair is still a thing for men so long as they keep it short like he does.
No luck with online shopping again all day yesterday😕
Ta for the pizza I could do with a pizza. Mind having beyond meat burgers tonight our fave!
Hi Joan how is Sue doing? is she coping with all this and nothing on telly? Glad you are also getting out with the dogs 🙂
Hi Chris8 I hope you are well this overcast morning...I cut the front grass ready for rain yesterday and it didn't hap[en and it's not due today either 🙄 now it will go all dry and manky 🙄
Any Pink panthering gone on your way?
We have been very lucky with the weather so far for April you re quite right!
Hi Barbara eat both bowls of porridge they are good for you. Oooh! Just remembered I have real fruit arriving today c/o Pom who has ordered from the farm shop and included me in her order ☺️
Same for me at the front people stopping to chat so I get nothing done. I expect sometimes you just want to sit near your lovely summerhouse ALONE!!!
Oh dear me a super curly perm for you - I remember them. Don't you think they were aging?
Ah well better get on!
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Nearly forgot breakfast!
JOAN did you see i messaged that i have spoken to Bill? He is doing ok still having a coffee one side of the fence Mandy on the other (2m distant) and still busy in the garden. One wisteria is ready to flower the other had a serious 'haircut' this year as he put it!
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Good morning everyone
. Carol lovely photo's you have a lot of memories with them ((((())) thank Mr T for his playing has he played westlife's flying without wings ((((())))
Kath I hope you get your order soon ((((())) have a good day love to everyone (((())))
Barbara how is your brother doing ((()))) yes it's nice going out
Chris have a good day (((())))
Toni that's good Lucy's 5 years in May ((((())))how is Charley and her friend (((())) I sit in my recliner watching TV with my iPad on my lap and Lexi playing cards. Love to you Paul Tia (((()))
Thank you for ringing Bill (((())))
love to Bill and Mandy (((())) Yvonne (((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem (a new one by Kathleen T.)
Our lives have changed so much
each day we seem to lose touch
with the reality we used to know
as the strange rules we have to live by grow.
The sun is shining out on the field
but I’m stuck inside, I have to shield,
and once a week we stand and clap
the NHS, whilst keeping safe distance, a two metre gap.
Toni, I'm glad you enjoyed yesterday's poem. Maya Angelou was a very strong writer. As for my so Richard, it's his birthday today (27th) he's 46, so hardly surprising he's losing his hair. My younger son Jonathan (37) is also starting to get a bit thin in top. They both had good thick hair when younger. Here's a photo of them together.
Jon in his 20s, Rich 30s taken about 15 years ago.
How nice of Pom to include you in her farm shop order. And thank you for the breakfast, delicious AND HEALTHY.
Carol, those photos are such a delight. especially the one of the girls and the bicycle. As for Kian, he is such a little poppet. ❤️
Joan, you made it sound as though you were playing cards with Lexi. 😉
Chris, I hope you are well and coping with being in lockdown.
Vegetable biryani
Category: Main meal | Serves: 6
Prep time: 10 minutes | Cooking time: 25-30 minutes
1 small carrot
1 medium potato
25g/1oz green and red pepper (about ¼ pepper), diced
25g/1oz French beans, finely chopped
50g/2oz frozen peas
1 teaspoon tomato purée
½ teaspoon crushed green chillies
1 teaspoon garam masala
¼ teaspoon turmeric powder
225g/8oz cooked basmati rice
1 small onion, finely chopped
4 roasted cashew nuts, chopped
½ teaspoon cumin seeds, roasted
½ teaspoon red chilli powder
- Pre-heat the oven to gas mark 3, 170°C (325°F).
- Peel the carrot and potato and cut them into small cubes.
- Cook the carrot, potato, peppers, French beans and peas in a pan of boiling water for 3-4 minutes or until tender. Drain and return to the pan.
- Add the tomato purée, green chillies, garam masala and turmeric to the vegetables and mix well.
- Place half the rice at the bottom of an ovenproof dish, spread the vegetable mixture on top, and then place the rest of the rice on top, spreading it evenly.
- Sprinkle the top layer of rice with the chopped onions, cashew nuts and roasted cumin seeds, and red chilli powder.
- Cover with foil and put in oven for 15 minutes. Alternatively the rice can be mixed with the cooked vegetables just before serving.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Vegetable biryani
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all...another lovely day..I have never seen so many birds in the garden back and front.
All the baby sparrows running wood pigeons.. and more..
Chris you are very kind....I was so shocked I passed my driving test...a bit of luck...hope you are keeping safe and well..xx
Joan I think our weather is changing tomorrow...but summer will be back.
My brother us doing ok thankyou...just struggling to eat but he gets around it with fizzy drinks..hope you are all well..xx
Carol why did my typing come up has Caroline...anyway you know who I mean..the photos of the girls are really lovely and cheered me up.:)...and thank mr T for the lovely music...xx
Kath I like the we are women poem..I think we down ourselves to much..and yours about isolation is very good.. the photos of your sons are nice...must say they shouldn't worry about losing hair..its very Manly in my book ...thankyou for the recipes might just try the pizza take care xx
Toni thankyou for breakfast..I am glad to hear Bill is doing ok I don't like to keep texting him you can keep us to par..give him my love...
They are doing so many deliveries now ..I just hope its kept up after the virus leaves..we have had fruit and veg delivered..and of course meals..steak and stilton pie on Friday;) I am spoiled....
Right keep safe everyone
Barbara0 -
Joan yes it will be lovely to actually feel that 5 years has passed. Going to ring the QE today about Lucy's apt on Thursday for bloods. Apart from her being in Scotland i wouldn't risk taking her there anyway, Lots of COVID there in Brum.😮
It was good to hear from Bill he messaged again yesterday said he is shopping today the highlight of his week, and Mandy says hello!
Online cards good idea! Do you still do your online jigsaws?
Kath great poem well done you knocked that up pretty quickly! It is bang on! Thank you🙂 Your boys BOTH look like you! So who in the previous generation lost their hair? Your Dad or their Dad's Dad? (How many Dads did I just type😁
I'm glad you enjoyed the breakfast - I love the look of that biryani I might make it this week. We are having curry once a week anyway and I have been ringing the changes and making my own lovely flatbread.naan. The stand mixer does the job so long as Paul lifts it up for me!
I set my alarm when I went to bed last night. Got up at 11:45 and went on tesco. Didn't look like I got a slot was in the virtual queue and got kicked out. Went on Ocado and then Asda no luck back to Tesco and got a click and collect for THURSDAY this THURSDAY!!!
Will share with Pom and my lovely neighbours Kari too because my real order comes on May7th I was after one for 18th May really but no way could I turn it down!
No @chris8 ??? Oh dear i very much hope all is well ((()))
Hi Barbara Good to hear you had a lovely day (all those birds!!) so did Bill we did NOT it was COLD and overcast and finally this morning we have the rain we needed.⛈️
Of course i will send Bill you love and i always tell him the cafe crew all think of him.
Am i right in thinking your brother is still about the same? Still holding his own no worse?
Lovely to get that food delivered for us and you too. I don't know if you remember but when Lucy was really ill our local pub at the old house did take-away she had it at least 3xs a week. Not that most of it stayed down of course!
Carol I am with Joan please can Mr T do that song my Mum used to love it by Westlife!
Some breakfast:
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Good morning everyone
Kath your brothers look like you what are they doing now ((((()))) how is Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara you enjoy your meals they sound nice ((()))we have mash with Broccoli and cheese all mixed in.
I'm sorry your brother has a job to eat (((()) love to Mr B ((((()))
Toni Lucy has done so well ((())) love to Paul (((())) Charley and her friend (((()))Tia (())) yes I still do the jigsaws. thank you for keeping in touch with Bill ((()))
love. to Carol Mig Chris8 Bill Yvonne ((((()))))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem (one to makeyou smile and Sleek will love it).
The Owl and the ****-Cat
Edward Lear - 1812-1888
The Owl and the ****-Cat went to sea
In a beautiful pea-green boat:
They took some honey, and plenty of money
Wrapped up in a five-pound note.
The Owl looked up to the stars above,
And sang to a small guitar,
"O lovely ****, O ****, my love,
What a beautiful **** you are,
You are,
You are!
What a beautiful **** you are!"
**** said to the Owl, "You elegant fowl,
How charmingly sweet you sing!
Oh! let us be married; too long we have tarried,
But what shall we do for a ring?"
They sailed away, for a year and a day,
To the land where the bong-tree grows;
And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood,
With a ring at the end of his nose,
His nose,
His nose,
With a ring at the end of his nose.
"Dear Pig, are you willing to sell for one shilling
Your ring?" Said the Piggy, "I will."
So they took it away, and were married next day
By the turkey who lives on the hill.
They dined on mince and slices of quince,
Which they ate with a runcible spoon;
And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand,
They danced by the light of the moon,
The moon,
The moon,
They danced by the light of the moon.
Toni, when I looked at Tesco this morning at 6am, there were lots of hourly slots and there were also priority slots. But that might just be in my area. I had a phone call this morning from the housing association to check we are safe. But we still haven't had our food parcel from the council though. 🙄
Yes, you must keep Lucy Locket safe when she has her blood test. Pleased to hear that Bill and Mandy are safe and well. BREAKFAST whohoo.
Richard's dad hasn't lost much hair, Jonathan's dad (Chris) has very thin hair. My dad has a good head of pure white hair. But it has started to thin a bit. Well he is 89. 😏
Joan, the photos were my sons, not my brothers. I only have one brother and no photo of him. Rchard is on furlough at the moment, Jonathan works at Asda so is a key worker.
Cheesy Linguine
150g (5.3oz) of linguine
2 tbs olive oil
1 – 2 lemons (To remove the zest from the fruit, use a vegetable peeler)
1 tbs garlic and 1 onion chopped
2 tbs chopped parsley
1 tsp any other fresh herb on hand (thyme, rosemary, basil, fennel, dill)
A handful of grated parmesan cheese
Basil leaves (optional)
Recipe Summary
An easy to prepare dish designed for somebody who would like a ‘fast food’ (cooking time ~20mins). It is noticeable that this recipe uses a fair amount of cheese. Cheese, in fact is rather useful if one would like to have a meat free meal. This dairy product is packed with protein and calcium, not to mention Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, phosphorous and magnesium. Unlike in North America, we do not fortify our milk with Vitamin D.
The recipe itself has a heavy Mediterranean influence, much like our Conquest Diet. It is our first ever Recipe of the Month and our CEO is rather fond of it.
Bring water to boil, add in olive oil and then the linguine. Cook as directed by the packet. Add a handful of fresh herbs, a generous squeeze of lemon juice and zest. Lightly brown the garlic and onion on a frying pan.
Once the linguine is done, remove it from the boiling water. Drain well and transfer the cooked pasta directly into the frying pan with the garlic and onion. Add remaining fresh herbs. Mix well, after a few minutes add the grated parmesan cheese and a generous sprinkling of olive oil on top. Add a few basils leaves on top of the linguine as a finishing decoration.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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After everyone
Hope you are all well. It has been raining ☔️☔️here since we got up this morning and it looks real gloomy out, after all the sun we have been having ☀️☀️.
Joan no mr t has not played flying without wings but will try to learn it he has the music. I think he is doing ok because these days he mainly plays hymns and relay songs regularly, because his keyboards are kept at the church. They are only at home at the moment because he went and got them from the church on the first day we started to to self isolate. He is quite enjoying doing his daily Facebook songs.
Toni I said to Joan mr t will try to play flying without wings. Yes you can still order the flamingo 🦩 cards they are still taking orders delivery may be a bit delayed but not by much. Just to remind you the link to my website for ordering is :
for anyone else who is interested in buying or just browsing the range of absolutely beautiful greetings cards exclusive to Flamingo. Please feel free to click the link above And take a peak. Proceeds of these card are sent to various charities large ands all. I will add Here I think some of you may know that my eldest great granddaughter Lillie-Rose was diagnosed at 11 days old, as having a genetic enzyme condition call phenylketonuria called PKU for short She has to be on a special diet for life. And cutting a long story short flamingo have given donation to the National pku charity, which was the reason I got involved with the sales of these cards.
Kath glad You are enjoying the photos and Mr Ts music Yes Kath Kian is a little sweetie believe it or not he is nearly 9 months old and he is standing up on his own already.
Barbara glad our girls photos cheered you up I know what you mean I always cheer up when’s I see their little faces in pictures.yesterday GD
Mr T says he is having a few problems with flying without wings but it is on his list of requests and he will do his best for you. So watch my face book shares each day. he had a request from great granddaughters to play baby shark so having no music and me giving him an idea of the tune today he attempted it as a children’s song not 💯 Percent perfect but they recognised it and GD sent him a picture of the girls and added they said thank you. Lillie is hiding behind the other 2 but she is there 😀😀.
And received this one on Facebook this morning Our Faye feeding Kian his breakfast.
Love and sparkles to you all ❤️❤️🌈🌈
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Good afternoon all, hope you're all well, I've been sidetracked doing things at Home, mainly realtering my living room lol
Hey @frogmorton nice you cut the Garden before the apparent Rain comes in, always Pink panthering with neighbour lol
Hi @kathleenT I think and hoping I'm getting on with this Lockdown situation ok lol been doing plenty of Reading and now realtering the living room about so anything just to keep occupied :) hope you're ok yourself
Hi also to @dachshund @barbara12 @Turbogran and anyone else I might have missed out :)0 -
Evening all..late again but at least I didnt forget..
Toni 5 years for Lucy..did any of you keep a diary..its strange how they can help when you read them back tears later and see how far Lucy has come.....I hope something can be sorted with her bloods but best to be safe for now..maybe in Scotland..we have many click and collects at asda..but would rather they deliver.. oh well we won't starve.....its good if you to share with pom and your sister.. my brother us struggling a little more eating ..but he gets there..
So glad Bill us doing ok...xx
Chris like you I don't know were the time is going..I thought it would drag being stuck in ..but carry on rearanging.things...:) xx
Joan I love flying without wings one if westlife best..did you know they are getting back together.. or already take care..xx
Carol more lovely
pics if the children I heard the sing Mr T played for his ggc..I bet they were thrilled to bits..xx
Kath I really like the poem and remember it from school..:)..gosh that was a long time ago..thankyou for the Linguine recipe..I have yet to try it.xx
I'm off to bed now, today has been so cold and after burning my feet sat in the garden yesterday.. very strange...
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Kath Sleek LOVES that Lear poem it's her favourite :) She wants it embroidered for her ickle house... (BTW did you see her she was over last night?).
I must get a pic up for Sleek's ickle house fro Chris8 to see.
So no-one is bald out of the men then? Hmm..what about your own maternal Grandad my mum used to say genes for lads can cum from that side of the family. She had some funny ideas, but God I miss her 😓
Plenty of slots then? That is good I am pleased after all I can send Paul for ours if I want to take pot luck of course😄 I did my order (stuff for Pom, Kari and my lovely neighbours too so at least I can do something for our community) so all in hand!
Don't worry i will keep Lucy well away from any danger. definitely!
Have you seen Holly recently?
Joan I am keeping in touch with Bill for all of us because we all miss Aidan so much he was a very special man wasn't he? I still can't believe he isn't here. Glad you are still doing your puzzles. With that and your cards you must be quite busy!
Carol thanks for that I will do my order then now I know you can process it ok. no rush and no pressure from me. Just didn't want to be annoying if you can't process it.
I LOVE baby shark! Only problem is it gets stuck in your head ALL day🙄
Thanks Mr T for trying to do flying without wings for us all bless him. I can't wait. It will remind me of my Mum. Once i had it on in the car and she loved it from then on.
Just reminded me i have practicing to do for choir....
Chris8 well done for moving the room around that is a good idea. now you are in a different house! With that and Pink panthering you have been rather busy too! Did you have loud music on while you were working?
Would you believe we had a leak from our roof yesterday? Well we did and within half an hour the roofer came and had a look. It was of all things just muck collecting. He's cleaned it all out and fingers crossed been ok since....phew!
Barbara you are quite right I don't think any of us will starve, but maybe not have our favourites?? That is not the biggest danger is it?
Scotland isn't great., but Lucy can get on the Iceland site - she has priority up there so food isn't her problem. Just boredom for her bless her. She's been watching some films (why does everyone call them movies nowadays?) from my Amazon account.
When does your bro see his consultant next? I am sure he is being closely monitored ((())) for you and him🌈🌈🌈 Fizzy drinks help push the food down I take it?
I was glad to shop for a few of us I think everyone should do the same. Better for the delivery drivers :)
Breakfast anyone?
Just remembered Barbara do you remember Chris7? I used to like her she was a nice lady.😕
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Good morning everyone
Kath I'm sorry getting mixed up with your son's.(((()))) I hope you have a good day (((()))
Carol thank you for asking Mr T to play flying without wings I have all Westlife Cd DVD's (((())). Your little one's our lovely (((()))
Barbara I'm sorry your brother as a eating problem (((())) it's worrying when you have a problem swallowing ((((())) have a good day (((()))
Chris8 I hope you have a good day with not more pain after moving the furniture ((((())))
. Toni thank you for keeping in touch with Bill (((())) I still look for Aidan wondering where he is. love to everyone (((())))
love to Mig Bill (((()))Yvonne (((())))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem
The Duck and the Kangaroo
Said the Duck to the Kangaroo,
‘Good gracious! how you hop!
Over the fields and the water too,
As if you never would stop!
My life is a bore in this nasty pond,
And I long to go out in the world beyond!
I wish I could hop like you!’
Said the Duck to the Kangaroo.
‘Please give me a ride on your back!’
Said the Duck to the Kangaroo.
‘I would sit quite still, and say nothing but “Quack,”
The whole of the long day through!
And we’d go to the Dee, and the Jelly Bo Lee,
Over the land, and over the sea;—
Please take me a ride! O do!’
Said the Duck to the Kangaroo.
Said the Kangaroo to the Duck,
‘This requires some little reflection;
Perhaps on the whole it might bring me luck,
And there seems but one objection,
Which is, if you’ll let me speak so bold,
Your feet are unpleasantly wet and cold,
And would probably give me the roo-
Matiz!’ said the Kangaroo.
Said the Duck, ‘As I sate on the rocks,
I have thought over that completely,
And I bought four pairs of worsted socks
Which fit my web-feet neatly.
And to keep out the cold I’ve bought a cloak,
And every day a cigar I’ll smoke,
All to follow my own dear true
Love of a Kangaroo!’
Said the Kangaroo, ‘I’m ready!
All in the moonlight pale;
But to balance me well, dear Duck, sit steady!
And quite at the end of my tail!’
So away they went with a hop and a bound,
And they hopped the whole world three times round;
And who so happy,—O who,
As the Duck and the Kangaroo?.
Toni, Sleek told me a bedtime story as I was having trouble sleeping. It was all about her adventures on Pendle with dear Tosca in her sidecar. Lovely. I had an email from Iceland yesterday, offering me priority slots, so we are going to give hem a go. Pah Tesco. 😛
Joan, don't worry about getting mixed up, I do it all the time. I used to mix the children's names up so much, I ended up calling them all jointly MARICHELEMJON (Marie, Helen, Richard, Emily, Jonathan) LOL.
Barbara, Anita rang me to tell me her anti-cancer tablets are causing headaches and pains in her bones. Nasty. I hope the fizzy pop is helping your brother swallow.
Asian Garlic Tofu
1 package super firm tofu
1/4 cup Hoisin sauce
- 2 tablespoons soy sauce
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 teaspoon sesame oil
- green onions for garnish
- rice for serving
- Remove tofu from packaging. Place about 4 paper towels on a plate. Set tofu on top of plate and cover with more paper towels. Place a cast iron pan or something else that is heavy on top. Let sit 30 minutes.
- In a medium bowl, stir together Hoisin sauce, soy sauce, sugar, ginger, garlic, and red pepper flakes.
- Cut tofu into bite-sized pieces. Place in bowl with sauce and toss to coat. Let sit 30 minutes.
- Heat olive oil in a medium cast iron pan over medium-high heat. Once really hot, add tofu. Once nicely seared on the bottom, flip over. Continue to cook until seared on bottom.
- Drizzle with sesame oil and remove from heat.
- Sprinkle with green onions and serve with rice.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Afternoon all after a wet day the sun has just come out...saves watering the garden
Toni you do muster up some lovely breakfast.. Aidan taught you well..:)..I am glad Lucy is ok for shopping .. boredom is so hard to deal with ..bless her..doi you facetime one another..I don't like seeing my face in the corner of the screen.. but needs must.....
We did click and collect..fist time really.. OH was fumming how long he had to wait eh......I used to email Chris 7..she was so lovely and like Joan she was a twin..not heard off her for a long while brother goes every fortnight for this trial he is day I will get the name....xx
Joan I like the sound of the brocollie with cheese and mash..had it with cheese before...I need to eat many greens to help these I buy frozen brocollie and green beans.. hope you are all well xx
Kath didnt Edward Lear write some strange poems..but they are good to read..I made your pizza yesterday and it was really good..poor Anita..these drugs are so powerful bless..has you know..sending live and hugs to her and you of course..((((()))))
Chris I hope you have now finished sorting things out..its surprising how we can always find jobs ..I have stopped looking
Carol the children are so lovely..and how nice to see kirans sister feeding have I got the name right...xx
Not done much today and that makes me tired..I have never been one for sitting around..
Thats me for now
Take care everyone
Barbara0 -
Good evening all, hope everyone is ok and getting shopping ok. Think I better stop doing the Rain dance as we got a bit today, at least it will do the Gardens and wildlife some good...
@barbara12 Yes always trying to keep occupied even thinking I'm an interior designer now milling about rearranging furniture haha hope your feeling a bit warmer today as opposed to yesterday :)
@frogmorton hahaha always Pink Panthering haha but more Rice Krispies though instead of sneaking about, always Snap, Crackle and Pop with my Knees lol I always have Music on fairly low as I'm not a raver no more :) certainly no Baby Shark on tho lol not had TV on in ages well unless I'm going through my backlog on Netflix of things to watch lol wow cant believe you had a leak on your Roof. Hope all sorted now and there's no inter0
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