Val's Cafe



  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 15. Apr 2020, 13:09

    Daily Poem

    LaVay (by Kath)

    Over the garden gate

    her tiny hand raised to wave

    “Hello, hello” she called 

    her two year old lisp sounded brave.

    Her coy smile, chocolate smeared

    from the Easter Egg she’d enjoyed,

    and the curly head so endeared

    LaVay, the Loved one, appeared

    You remember the poem we all wrote together (Esm smiled) wel her is Esme's baby sister, LaVay Holly carried her over and stood by the gate, the poem tells the story. I don't have a photo of her, but this little one is very similar.

    Holly is fine, she went to the shop and he's fine.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 15. Apr 2020, 13:10
    Hello all..sorry I missed yesterday but out net is up and down so I gave up
    It's a lively day here so keep pottering in the garden
    Chris..we used to be in Lancashire till they move the borders..I still out lancashire

    in my address..we are just outside of Bolton..we will be bionic..I always thin about the poie people that suffered before joint replacements.. xx
    Toni it's awful when you cant sleep.. hopefully it will get better for you.very soon ((())).the only thing that helps me are the amy's...thankyou for breakfast love pancakes...:) brother is a mystery he never knows what he us was chemo and tablets at home now an infusion at Christie's and more tablets once every 2 weeks...I hope you are all safe and well. And thankyou we are all ok here.. xx
    Joan we are all doing ok thankyou..I think this nice weather least we can potter in the garden..take care.(((())))
    Kath I do get the poem and I think when you are going through something like breast cancer it must help to write things down..I do hope you don't have a fracture..(((()))).and hopefully you spot Holly very soon..xx
    They are resurfing our cant get out for a walk..cant even get food delivered from our pub.. but we wint starve...,:)
    Better move take care everyone
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Mint sauce Joan. That's supposed to go with lamb! Does it go well with chicken too then?!! Glad you have sunshine and each other 🙂 ((()))

    Hi Chris8 It was lovely in Staffs yesterday and looks promising for today as well. Young Sleek (cat) came in to wake me at 5:30am again this morning! But I didn't get out of bed until 6. Just had a though i once had a boyfriend from Bolton I did rather like his accent. We have two accents here in Staffs. One is a bit Brummie (Mine less so as i started out in Bournemouth, then Kent then Essex) and the other is what we would call 'Stokey' (a bit disrespectful!) sounds a tad Liverpudlian! My husband's is Warwickshire a bit 'country'. Have you always lived in Lancs? and how was your night?

    Kath I love the LaVay Poem. I love the way her name is spelled too! That pic is rather like I pictured her😍 I bet it was lovely seeing them. I am glad Holly is still around, but expect Esmé is wondering why she can't play on the swings and slides at the park😕

    Barbara I think people just became immobile before joint replacements don't you? What a waste and some would have been very young. Imagine Lucy limping on her hip and with her arm stuck at 18/19!

    I am trying to stop taking the amtitrips honestly, but I resort to the odd one when I am desperate. I think I've go used to not much sleep now 🙄 I've also weaned myself off the patches and back on to codeine when necessary. I took tow last night so it was ok. Lack of sleep is almost the worst isn't it?

    Infusion sounds like chemo to me and the tablets could either be dexamathasone or another eh?! Time will tell anyway whatever it is he is doing brilliantly. Imagine - he wasn't supposed to see Christmas!

    Something for breakfast.....let me think.....

    Something a bit different this morning. be careful it's hot!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    . Kath lovely picture of a pretty little girl((((())) How are you have your bruises come out ((((())) love to Chris (((())) Anita (((())) and your Dad (((()))

    Barbara i'm sorry your road is being tarmacked what if a Ambulance was needed love to you and Mr B (((())) and your brother (((()))

    Toni I could not walk before I had my knee done the pain went down to my foot. I use lavender spray to help with sleep. love to you Paul ((())) cut ((())) Tia ((())) Charley ((()))

    . love to Carol ((())) Mig ((())) Chris8 ((())) Bill and Mandy ((())) Yvonne ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • chris8
    chris8 Member Posts: 57
    Good morning all hope you're all well,
    Hi @barbara12 cool your near Bolton I used to visit Bury somewhat regularly for shopping as the Market there is second to none!
    Yes @frogmorton I've got a bit of an accent haha broad Lancashirian I think they call it haha, guess you've got a few accents with the places you mentioned lol :) my night was ok thanks, sleeping slightly better now with reading the kindle at night, something I didn't do as much of before... Awesome breakfast pic you posted to!
    Hi @dachshund hope you're well and it's nice in Sunny Swindon! :)
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 16. Apr 2020, 12:28

    Daily Poem



    W.H. Auden

    This is the Night Mail crossing the Border, 
    Bringing the cheque and the postal order,
    Letters for the rich, letters for the poor, 
    The shop at the corner, the girl next door.
    Pulling up Beattock, a steady climb:
    The gradient's against her, but she's on time.
    Past cotton-grass and moorland boulder, 
    Shovelling white steam over her shoulder,
    Snorting noisily, she passes 
    Silent miles of wind-bent grasses.
    Birds turn their heads as she approaches, 
    Stare from bushes at her blank-faced coaches.
    Sheep-dogs cannot turn her course; 
    They slumber on with paws across.
    In the farm she passes no one wakes, 
    But a jug in a bedroom gently shakes.
    Dawn freshens. Her climb is done. 
    Down towards Glasgow she descends, 
    Towards the steam tugs yelping down a glade of cranes,
    Towards the fields of apparatus, the furnaces 
    Set on the dark plain like gigantic chessmen. 
    All Scotland waits for her: 
    In dark glens, beside pale-green lochs, 
    Men long for news.
    Letters of thanks, letters from banks,
    Letters of joy from girl and boy,
    Receipted bills and invitations
    To inspect new stock or to visit relations,
    And applications for situations,
    And timid lovers' declarations,
    And gossip, gossip from all the nations,
    News circumstantial, news financial,
    Letters with holiday snaps to enlarge in,
    Letters with faces scrawled on the margin,
    Letters from uncles, cousins and aunts,
    Letters to Scotland from the South of France,
    Letters of condolence to Highlands and Lowlands,
    Written on paper of every hue,
    The pink, the violet, the white and the blue,
    The chatty, the catty, the boring, the adoring, 
    The cold and official and the heart's outpouring, 
    Clever, stupid, short and long, 
    The typed and the printed and the spelt all wrong.
    Thousands are still asleep,
    Dreaming of terrifying monsters
    Or a friendly tea beside the band in Cranston's or Crawford's: 
    Asleep in working Glasgow, asleep in well-set Edinburgh,
    Asleep in granite Aberdeen, 
    They continue their dreams, 
    But shall wake soon and hope for letters, 
    And none will hear the postman's knock 
    Without a quickening of the heart. 
    For who can bear to feel himself forgotten?

    Joan, the only bruise I got was my knee, which went the same day. Although my hips, spine and ribs are very painful, there were never any visible bruises. The pain goes down into my thigh bone. 😫

    Toni, thank you for the yummy breakfast, it has spuds in it I see. Are they fried spuds? My mouth is watering, slurp. Yes, LaVay and Esme are both very pretty and so sweet. I donated to Captain Tom's fundraiser yesterday, I think he is amazing.

    Barbara, I'm sorry you have problems with your internet, it's so frustrating. But I'm glad your brother is getting some treatment. Let's hope it works.

    Chris, I'm pleased you are becoming one of our regulars, it must be our lovely grub.

    Filipino Vegan Corned Beef Hash

    Filipino Vegan corned beef hash is an easy breakfast meal made with onions, potatoes, and vegetarian meat that’s flavored like traditional Filipino corned beef!  

    What is the difference between Mexican Saffron spice and saffron?

    Mexican saffron or safflower is a milder version of the saffron itself. Both come from completely different plants, but they have a similar trait – that is, to give a natural coloring to food.

    What is Annatto Powder?

    Annato powder is derived from the famous seeds of atsuete. It grows well in places where it has tropical weather. When annato seeds or annato powder is mixed with food, oil, or water, it gives a reddish-yellowish color.

    he reddish color is extracted from the waxy covering of each Annatto seed. It also has a very slight peppery flavor and aroma.

    Annato powder, when mixed to any food gives out a really sumptuous look to it and an extra kick of nuttiness and spice.

    Tips on How to Make Filipino Vegan Corned Beef Hash:

    • If you are avoiding salt, you can use mushroom seasoning. You can find this at your local Asian market or Trader Joes
    • If there is too much sticking, you can add a little more oil to the pan. 
    • You can add sliced cabbage leaves to this dish for added texture and freshness in every bite.
    • Some love vegan corned beef hash with coconut milk so feel free to add even just half a cup of creamy, coconut milk and simmer until it leaves a thick, creamy sauce.
    • When sauteing the ingredients, you may use olive oil. Just be careful to saute quickly since olive oil tends to burn quickly than other kinds of oils.
    • If you are a cheese lover, complete your delicious experience by grating some vegan cheese on top of the vegan corned beef hash before serving

    How to Make Filipino Vegan Corned Beef Hash:

    These are the ingredients that you will need:

    In a pan over medium heat, preheat oil and add garlic, onions and saute until translucent:

    Add vegetarian ground meat, potatoes and mix until combined, then spread out evenly over the pan and cover with a lid until potatoes are soft when pricked using a fork:

    Mix thoroughly:

    Add salt:

    Then add the coriander powder:

    Then add pepper:

    Then, the cinnamon powder:

    Next, add Allura red or annatto powder and saffron spice:

    Mix thoroughly until all the spices are well incorporated:

    Best served with steamed rice. Simply Bakers, this is really a filling and healthy breakfast!

    Feel free to add sides like sliced tomatoes, cucumbers, or green mangoes. Yum!

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Evening all..anothet lovely day..but coukdnt fet out..not till the road is finished.. they said a week so suppose it will be monday..:)
    Chris we used to go most weeks to Bury Market..but haven't been for a gets so busy...xx
    Joan I love the pics of Pepi and least they can get out bless ..we are all fine keep safe...xx
    Kath I am very interested in the phipino corn beef hash..I make the none vegan one regular so I will try yours..and the poem it's so sad that letter writing us dying really is..I hope the pains ease very take care.((((())))
    Toni thankyou for the amazing breakfast...I know you have a mixture if accents..I thought west country..wonder if that's picked up of Paul...I am the same with meds..I hate taking them so wean myself off them ..then take when needed they seem to work better that way....trying now with the pregabalin...very slowly...xx
    Better go just froze again I am scared of losing the post
    Love to all
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Kath I LOVE Auden's poem! I always loved Auden must read some more....the pace of that one is perfect for the postal service :) Thank you as ever.

    I hope you haven't got another fracture our Kath ((())) oh yes the spuds were fried and why not? This is the one place we can stuff ourselves silly and it doesn't count!!

    I GOT ANOTHER ONLINE SHOP that's one for 24th April one for 7th May. Stayed up until midnight again at least i'll sleep tonight!

    I thought I saw one of Clarence and Florence's friends yesterday.... best explain to Chris8 about them!!

    Hi Chris8 yes we do have lots of accents here I suppose in the Midlands. We have so many counties here. I just don't like mine very much. People from here think I'm posh, but people from Essex for instance (where I did my training) think I am a Brummie! How very rude!!

    The Lancashire accent is lovely I think. I have heard Barbara's voice on the phone when I took advice for my youngest's shoulder operation. I got her into Wrightington she was spoilt to death being only 19! When she was in hospital then and with her hip and with her cancer treatment I read my kindle ALL the time. They are great don't annoy anyone and lull you off quite well.

    Joan I hope all is well with you and Sue. You should be out today it's Friday! Such a good thing you had your knee done and that they can help us nowadays isn't it? We have a lot to be thankful for ((()))

    Where is Barbara have I lost her?

    Breakfast casserole Aidan used to do us these. Reminds me time to message Bill methinks....🤔

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Chris8 how are you feeling today ((((()))) I have 'nt got a kindle I have my I pad and play solitaire while watching TV in the evenings.

    Kath know you can have small bones that break and they heal on there own and take a long time ((((())))

    Barbara I hope you have a good day ((((()))) love to everyone (((())))

    Toni yes we would be going shopping today now we have to have it on line. I hope everyone is as well as they can be (((())))

    Love to Mig Carol Yvonne Bill. ((((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem

    Autumn Song

    Another one of the ‘Twelve Songs’ along with the more famous ‘Stop all the clocks’, this is a fine lyric about the brevity of youth and life’s disappointments. Auden wrote two different versions of the final stanza, although the tone of the poem remains largely the same in both. The poem helps to show how, as well as engaging with the specific events and political climate of the 1930s, Auden also captured a timeless sense of disappointment and sadness in much of his finest work.

      Now the leaves are falling fast,

      Nurse's flowers will not last;

      Nurses to the graves are gone,

      And the prams go rolling on.

      Whispering neighbours, left and right,

      Pluck us from the real delight;

      And the active hands must freeze

      Lonely on the separate knees.

      Dead in hundreds at the back

      Follow wooden in our track,

      Arms raised stiffly to reprove

      In false attitudes of love.

      Starving through the leafless wood

      Trolls run scolding for their food;

      And the nightingale is dumb,

      And the angel will not come.

      Cold, impossible, ahead

      Lifts the mountain's lovely head

      Whose white waterfall could bless

      Travellers in their last distress.

    Toni, Another W. H. Auden poem for you. The photo taken when he was a young man. It looks as though most of his work is sad, as is mine. 🤔 I'm drooling over that casserole, thank you. HOW DARE THEY CALL YOU A BRUMMIE???? What irritates me is that when they say MIDLANDS, they usually mean Brum There is an East Midlands people, and it's amazing. Nottingham (mine and dear Aidan's youthful stomping ground, is amazing and has such history.

    Barbara, Toni lost you but I found you, thank goodness. We can't have you disappearing into the ether that is Val's Cafe. Take care.

    Chris, may I ask if you are on Facebook, if so, I would like to invite you to join our (very small, secret and private)RA group. But I would need your FB profile name which you could send me in a message.

    This keeps freezing so I'm off to MM to post a recipe.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Morning all..yes it's me early..
    Toni I am above you...:)..
    Wow breakfast casserole looks so good..our Aidan would be proud...
    My late mum had a proper Lancashire accent and used to sing for charity..and the old people homes...she wrote a monologue about never losing you Lancashire accent...
    Talking of Lucy I hope all is well with her..I really do..she us so brave (((())))
    And how is your back doing ..hopefully it has had some rest...(((()))
    Kath I hope you are recovering..I have never heard W Audens poems..its a shame they are mostly sad, maybe he didn't have a good childhood...hope you have seen Holly..the pic of the little girl is beautiful ..:)xx
    Joan hope you are all ok...we cant get out yet due to this tarmacking bit at least we will have a smooth rd......((((())))
    Love to all
  • chris8
    chris8 Member Posts: 57
    Good afternoon all, thanks for the posts to reply back to! :) I'm well thank you all, been listening to Spotify (Music app) more than the Telly nowadays, bit of 80's, 90's, chilled, easy listening Music mainly oh and some Jimi Hendrix haha :)
    @kathleenT hi hope you're well, lovely coming on to see another fantastic poem and Recipe even if my culinary skills aren't as good as yours and others on here haha :) Oh PS I'm not on FB, deleted my account Years ago otherwise I'd have loved to have joined the RA group.
    @barbara12 Hi, yes Bury market can/usually is very busy due to the popularity of the market, nice town though I think. Not been Bolton for years, never frequently visited but did years ago and then it was good for shopping also!
    @frogmorton hey! How's things? There's nothing wrong with a posh accent haha :) I used to work in sales so i can turn on a semi posh Lancashire accent haha well try anyway haha, funny you mentioned Wrightington as I had quite a big op there a few Years ago, was well regarded then too and also had an overall good experience all things considered obviously lol
    @dachshund Good afternoon, I'm feeling ok thank you, just trying to be as constructive as I can, think I've tidied up everyday for weeks to pass the time Haha iPads and Solitaire are good! Not really a card person, if my mates was playing Poker I'd try and play Snap haha but Solitaire is good i agree :)
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Afternoon all

    We have had trouble with internet in the area and it seems to come a go. Lots of people are having the problem, never mind I am in now it seems to be better today. So it looks as if they have sorted the problem well I hope they have anyway. I will catch up on the posts later.

    Mr T and myself are fine have the down moments but then I am sure that everyone is having those at the moment in this strange time, and I for one will be so glad when it all over. And I am impressed with myself that I have managed 32 days self isolation without killing a certain Mr T. Have had lots of telephone calls and video calls from family which have kept me going. A lots of pictures of the little peoples.

    hope everyone is managing ok With this isolating, and managing to get their shopping deliveries. I am doing ok with mine. They keep changing things but I am getting slots. I now have 3 slots booked in advance the first one is on Wednesday next. The only thing I seem not to be able to get is short grain pudding rice and I do love my homemade rice pudding.

    seems I cannot post any pictures at the moment I will tray again later

    love and sparkles to you all ❤️❤️🌈🌈

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • chris8
    chris8 Member Posts: 57
    Hi @Turbogran hope you're well, it made me laugh the 32 days isolation without harming Mr T Haha glad your had regular touch with family and video calls and pictures, thank goodness we have them facilities/options nowadays hey :) the online shopping is hit and miss personally as some slots appear then it's a 10 day- 2 weeks wait, so kind of tricky ordering enough without going overboard or stock piling... At least you seem to be getting yours seemingly more frequently :) Wish you all on here a lovely weekend and hope we get as equally lovely weather... :)
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Hi all it’s me again wow Twice in one day

    Hi Chris8 think I had better explain about mr t he can be a bit moody at times 😆😆 and all on here know this hence the comment although I will add we have been married for 50 years in July. So we must be doing something right. Yes my family are very good we ha 2 daughters 3 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren.see pictures below..

    here are the pictures I promised earlier. First Graycie feeding her face as usual second one of Ashley on the green outside where they live.

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Sorry you have an extra picture. Picture of Rubie that you have already seen I don’t know how that got there but cannot remove it and the last one is .Lillie on her bike.

    love and sparkles to all ❤️❤️🌈🌈

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Joan never mind so long as you are getting your shopping and staying well at the moment that's all that matters isn't it?

    Carol I love the pictures the children (GGrandies) look to be coping better with this confinement that we are! Bless them 🙂 Peekaboo Ashley! Lovely to get all the calls and vieocalls too.

    Good idea to explain to Chris8 that you and Mr T do love each other very much and have been married 50 years😁 Thing is you yourself do have a lot of hobbies normally you are very busy out an about with coffees with friends - your knitting group etc...

    Did you hear the new version of 'Jolene'? 'Please come take my man!' don't know if this will work hehehe


    I stayed up till midnight Thursday night after choir practice (online) and got another slot for Tesco for 7th May so that's two now one 24th april and the one I just booked. @chris8 that's how I get mine. I think Carol got registered as over 70 with Ocado early doors didn't you Carol?

    Chris8 a friend recommended absolute 80s to me i have been playing on my Alexa!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Sorry posted quick half finsished the site or my lap top really is freezing. It's not just the auto save feature.

    Chris8 I was saying... I'm not at all posh! But yes we must put on telephone voice when needed.

    @barbara12 do I sound Brummie? I bet she says I do!!!

    The Lancs accent is lovely as is East Midlands @kathleenT totally love the Notts accent too. I agree the Midlands isnt just Brum. Oh yes and when someone 'dies' a Brummie accent is abysmal!!

    Wrightington was great wasnt it? It had the reputation for being super clean too. I wonder how everyone is there now bless them all.

    Kath thank you so much for posting me more Auden. Autumn such a lovely poem a bit sad though....good to have the interpretation too!!

    I hope all is well with Dad and Anita ((())) how are your bumps? Are you still in (extra) pain after the fall?

    Barbara thank you for asking I am doing ok back is holding up but have had extra pain meds lately my own fault for coming off the pain patches.

    Lucy is doing ok we are video calling lots and both miss each other very much. I have decided to start writing to her because she keeps asking for things to be posted up I think because it's from 'home's. Bless her. How is Niamh? Is she coping better not seeing you both??

    So glad I found you! That was a worry!!

    Will try to ho back on my lap top now to post some food!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    That was for @YvonneH or @Brynmor to see how the café/forum is 'sticking' not the normal auto save. Well for me anyway.

    Some breakfast for everyone

    coffee first

  • YvonneH
    YvonneH Member Posts: 1,075

    Hi Toni and all my cafe followers,

    You call and here I am, come to enjoy my morning cuppa in the cafe :)

    Thank you for grabbing the response, I managed to get a red box yesterday saying 1 character was too few when I was trying to post a comprehensive reply to a member. I followed my usual 'tablet' routine of saving before posting even though I was on a laptop! The post I’d tried to post did post however which was good. I’m collecting all the glitches - Bryn talks to the tech guys, he knows the language and there are still old ones waiting to be ticked. I thought yesterday the online community site was running slower the other sites I was using so maybe they were doing something in the background.

    on a a Bryn is brilliant note what do you think of the back to top button he made? I love it,

    Otherwise it’s great to see you all and read your posts, I got to see some happy faces when they got the board game Jumanji delivered to them. The 2 older have seen the film with me. I’ve been trying to buy a little something for each family to arrive every 2 weeks. When I was shopping yesterday I saw Easter eggs reduced, Some to 50p so I bought a couple - not sure how to get them delivered safely though.

    I think you are right re Lucy missing home and needing little things. Get her to send you a little something too Scarlett always leaves a toy here and takes a toy home so she knows she can come back I think x

    Does it glitch on you Toni when you write a long post? It’s doing it now to me so I was wondering if that’s important.

    Have a great weekend to everyone

    Yvonne x

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Kath Captain Tom has raised 21 m. now very good (((())) how are you feeling today.(((()))). Love to. Chris ((())) and Anita (((()))) and your Dad (((())))

    Chris8 I hope you Have a good weekend ((()))

    Carol lovely photo's children are good to take. Photos of ((((()))) love to you and Mr T (((()))

    Barbara. it's good you have food in ((((()))) love to Mr B ((((())))and your brother (((()))

    . Toni have a good weekend ((((()))) Lucy (((())) Charley ((())) Tia (((()))and Paul (((()))

    Bill thinking of you ((())) and Mig (((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem

    At The Atrium

    She sits in the Atrium, drinking hot chocolate 

    Where no one can notice her sad little face. 

    She looks up at Prince Charles, gazing down from his portrait 

    which hangs on the wall in a prominent place.

    She watches the people come in and go out. 

    She was one of those people this time last year. 

    Some are relaxed, while many seem scared 

    stomachs all twisted and knotted with fear.

    Today she is scared again, waiting for test results. 

    Could there still be some cancer? Invisible flecks 

    deep in her lymph nodes unseen and unknown, 

    hiding away, were there micro mets?

    But now it's the moment, the doctor is smiling, 

    giving good news as she brushes a tear. 

    She's NED* ! No evidence, how she rejoices. 

    But one thing she's sure of - she'll be back next year!

    *NED No Evidence Detected

    Joan, I am so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open. I had Neuralgia all night. I rang dad this morning, he was expecting Anita to deliver some shopping. They are both quite well. Have you heard Captain Tom's duet with Michael Ball, singing "you'll never walk alone"?

    Yvonne, Bryn's back to top button is very useful' Well done Bryn. 🤤

    I'm fed up of this freezing every few mins. It really slows you down. I'm off to Matrons Munchies.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 18. Apr 2020, 17:15
    Afternoon all ..nearly evening has Aidan would say 6 o'clock it starts..:)
    Yvonne what would we do without you and Bryn and the rest if the crew ..thankyou..i hope you can get the easter off to your family..if not you could enjoy
    Chris we used to shop alit on bolton ..but the parking us hard work..oh doesn't like probably haven't see the underground eaterys at the large market hall very swish they are....
    I had both my hips replaced at Wrightingtin..has well has spine injections..I'm so glad we have keep
    Joan glad you are all safe and well..I know you just get on with things..are Sues carers ok..(((())))
    Kath another good poem thankyou..its rotten when you cant sleep.. I really feel for you..anf hope tonight is better for you (((((())))
    Toni thankyou for breakfast and coffee has well :)
    I'm glad Lucy is in constant touch..I wouldnt expect anything less from her have both been through so much..its nice to write letter and send thing..this is what I do for our eldest gd...:).. please take care if your back..(((())))
    Carol glad you haven't murdered Mr T..I am amazed I haven't with Mr B...its surprising how we can occupy ourselves..the forum has just froze and taken me back to the openingpage of the forum
    Better go before I lose this
  • chris8
    chris8 Member Posts: 57
    Happy Sunday all, hope it's a 'Sun day' as I post this at 1am haha that damn insomnia and getting absorbed into a Book I'll blame... :)
    Lots to reply to, so many thanks! Here goes! :)
    @Turbogran Wow congrats of coming up to 50 Years of marriage! That's some achievement! I knew you was joking about the proclaimed isolution squabbles with Mr T lol :) glad you're all ok and awesome pics of your beautiful family!
    Hey @frogmorton my apparent (reading on here) brummie sounding new mate :) Haha hows things? Glad you got your shopping slots all booked in ready and sorted! I've got one of those Alexa show (Same thing but with a screen, looks like a docked Screen) things coming later today so yes, Absolute 80's and 90's will be on there too :) TuneIn Radio is a good music app also, if you haven't heard of it, it's basically a Radio app, for Phone, Computer, even Alexa I think.Wherever your located, you can listen to any UK radio station, local or national. It's free too, well I dont pay anything like a subscription or anything so would recommend that to anyone who likes Music or Radio on :) Hope you're back is ok too oh and awesome pics of Coffee's you posted, even though my tipple is Yorkshire Tea mostly Haha :)