Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Morning everyone!

    Another overcast chilly day methinks.....🙄

    Kath yes I did not cope at all with both you and Joan missing in one day that's very rare. I was all discombobulated!

    Is the poem about a friend or a sister? It could be wither don't you think? It could be Kari for definite for me or a friend I know.....even a partner of someone who has dementia. I think it could be used in all sots of settings and its lovely 🙂

    I love Pesto thank you very much indeed although i am unlikely to forage for my garlic more likley to use the Tesco variety! (Other supermarkets are available although not so easily during global pandemics)>

    I will Whatsapp Bill Joan's poem he will definitely see it and reply to it reliably.

    Joan that's annoying I had that sign a lot when we were having trouble posting when this new site was first up. If it happens again i should ask one of the admins for help. So long as you are ok that's all that matters ((()))

    Will copy your poem to Bill I know he'll be really touched.

    Barbara I think I do remember you mentioning the posh restaurant before. You know you jolly well should treat yourself!

    I ADORE Lavender and have some P gave to me last year for my birthday and some I bought myself. Imagine walking through a field of it! I will look at Lavender world on line I think.

    It was lovely getting out yes and having a coffee too. Small pleasures we are appreciating far more now aren't we? That does us good we have had as a race far too much.

    Guess what? Paul has hired us a Moto-rhome for a week in August so I do not have to go out, but can have a holiday this year! I just don't want airports and people. France in the van necessitates overnight hotel stays on the way so I will be much happier in the UK just touring. Cooking for ourselves and seeing different places.

    We are allowed up to Scotland for the first time this week so will drive up on Sunday sit in Lucy's garden for an hour and drive back! I just need to see her.

    Love as always to Carol I hope all is well with you and with all the family.

    I nice hot bowl of good healthy stuff!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath that's kind of you and Toni to do all you are with my little bit thank you (((()))) love to Chris ((((()))) and Anita ((((()))) love to your Dad((((())))

    Barbara that's good you enjoyed the meal (((()))) is Niamh back at school yet (((()))) love to your brother ((((()))) and his girlfriend (((()))) and Mr B ((((())))

    Love to Toni (((())) Paul ((())) Lucy (((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend (((())) Tia (((()))

    . Bill ((())) Mig (((()))) Carol (((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (Another one of my daft ones)

    The heir's hair

    The hair of the heir

    just isn’t there!

    But I’m sure it was

    in the beginning.

    I know some are born

    with hair thick as a lawn

    but in other’s it’s certainly thinning.

    When grandfather’s head

    has hair that has fled

    and his son is following suit.

    But what about baby,

    who’s as bald as a coot?

    If he ever gets curls

    or moustache that twirls?

    He’ll certainly win all the girls.

    So if there’s an heir

    without any hair

    don’t think that the future is grim.

    Just give him a hat,

    or the nattiest cap

    and make sure it has a large brim.

    Wll, does the weather know what to do? Holly has popped to the shop, who knows when she'll be back? Not me. No sign of the girls today, perhaps they are at their grandmas. Eliane (Holly's 14 year old sister) came over, She's a delight too.

    Toni, I hope you are well and P too. Love to Joan, Carol, mig, Bill and anyone else I've forgotten.

    Courgette & Chickpea Filo Pie

    A super-simple pie full of colour and richness – it tastes so good with a big dollop of houmous on the side.


    • 2 tbsp olive oil
    • 2 red onions, cut into 8 wedges
    • 3 garlic cloves, finely sliced
    • 3 courgettes, sliced
    • A pinch of dried chilli flakes
    • A small bunch of rosemary, leaves picked and chopped
    • A small bunch of thyme, leaves picked and chopped
    • 400g can of chickpeas, drained
    • 200g or 1.5 cups cherry tomatoes, cut in half
    • 3 tbsp balsamic vinegar
    • 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
    • 10 sheets of filo pastry
    • Olive oil for brushing


    1. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan, add the onions and cook for 3–4 minutes, until softened.
    2. Add the garlic and courgettes and cook until the vegetables are just tender and lightly coloured.
    3. Stir in the chilli, rosemary and thyme.
    4. Remove from the heat and stir in the chickpeas, cherry tomatoes, balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil.
    5. Transfer the mixture to an ovenproof dish.
    6. Heat the oven to 160°C/320°F/Gas Mark 3.
    7. Lay out a sheet of filo pastry on a work surface and brush with olive oil, then scrunch it up loosely so it looks like a rose. Drop it on top of the filling and repeat with the remaining filo to cover the dish.
    8. Cover with foil and bake for 15 minutes or until the filling is thoroughly heated through.
    9. Remove the foil and bake for about 5 minutes longer, until the pastry is golden.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Afternoon all

    The wanderer returns still having a few frustrating days after the engineer coming 4 times altogether To see the dryer part of the washer dryer it appears he cannot get the parts anymore. We are now due to have a new washer dryer from British Gas, delivered and fitted tomorrow at a 30% discount. We have had it for 10years now so I suppose it isn’t surprising that they now cannot get the part they need. So hopefully by tomorrow I will have a new one. I must confess I was so fed up on Sunday that I decided I needed to treat myself to to a bit if online shopping therapy. So I treated myself to an e-reader a present to me from me to celebrate managing 15 weeks staying mostly indoors and not going completely crazy.🤪😜 It’s not been easy I can tell you that. Now we see that Leicester is back under localised lockdown due to a rise in new cases. And I don’t suppose it will be the last area.

    hope you are all ok and as well as can be. My sister has now been told she has Fybromyalgia and not having it easy at the moment. Now that hotels are allowed to reopen on 4th of July we are hoping to go down and see the family in Kent for a few days we are booked but of course that’s if there are no more lockdowns and we have to cancel.

    Mr t should have his laptop back on Saturday as daughter managed to get it into shop and it was sorted out. At the moment he is very moody it’s a wonder I have not completely flipped. I am wondering how on Saturday we have got through 50 years without strangling one another🤔🤔😄😄. Still we have got a meal to be delivered from the same place as before so we can celebrate our golden wedding anniversary at home.

    our Ashley is 3 tomorrow. Transferred some money to grandson’s bank and he has brought him a present tomorrow I hope to get a picture of him playing with it when it is all set up. My grandson is so good he has even got him a card and will write it from us saving me having to post One. One good Lad there .

    Joan your poem about Aidan I very good

    its time for a little potter around don’t want to get chair shaped another Aidanisum there

    love and sparkles to you all ❤️❤️🌈🌈

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Evening all..a bit dryer today..but not much
    Carol what a good idea a present from you to you..i think us ladies deserve one..Mr T dosent no how lucky he is you didn't flip..hahaha
    Glad you have a new washer dryer coming.. you deserve it after all.the waiting for it to be you we have a restaurant nearby..and twice now we have had a treat.. and why not xx
    Kath the poem made me laugh..thankyou I needed that...hahahaha ..i wonder if hollys children are at our Niamh
    And thankyou for the
    Courgette & Chickpea Filo looks so tasty...:) xx
    Joan i like not cooking..think i have dont enough over the 50 years..hahaha..i like a treat but also good old jacket potatoes.. i hope you are doing your pain meds help you..xx
    Toni thankyou for the porridge ..Guess what I had the other day readybreck..remember that..
    What a brilliant idea hiring a camper van can go anywhere.. just map out all the sites you can park up on..and seeing Lucy will be so nice for you there room for me please...:) in fact we could all come...
    Yes Lavender is so lovely ..i have put it by the patio doors so can smell it when i go out..
    I hope that P is not in to much pain bless her...hopefully not long before she can start treatment..xx
    Love to everyone
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Barbara I agree no present for Mr T nor Paul for being moody!! I think they both need holidays! hah! Naughty boys.

    P was a bit more up yesterday very much hoping her results come back soon now it was a week today the biopsy.

    There's a book I've ordered which had 100 free sites (mostly pub carparks) where you park up legally and free just use their venue buy a pint of milk etc - I will send Paul in to use their facilities. EVERYONE can and must come with us I will post every day too.

    I used to LOVE readybrek!! I glowed all day!!😁

    Putting the lavender by the door is a great idea you shall smell it as you go in or out!

    See my post to Joan for update on Bill.

    Carol hello wanderer! Good to see you. I see frustrating times have been occurring 🙄so you had to buy new in the end. Typical if it isn't one thing it's another. Still it will be lovely when it comes and is all set up.

    Mr T needs a holiday and a break is booked I hope and am sure you should get there as you said barring any local lockdowns 🤞

    Ashley is 3! When did that happen? I hope we will see some pics son of your present. Good they are sorting it all out for you, but a shame you can't choose it yourself as you would normally. the main things that Ashley gets something from you both.

    An e-reader eh? How great I have a kindle though often don't have time to read it atm. It saved my sanity when Lucy was ill.

    You WILL make the 50 years for definite and that meal will be lovely a real treat.

    See my post to Joan for update on Bill.

    Joan I whatsapped your poem to Bill who said it was really lovely and would I please thank you very much. He isn't doing too badly one of his brothers has been to see him which is good and of course Mandy is always next door for a natter except when she is fishing!

    Kath great poem (the dafter the better!) and great pics to go with too where did they get that hair!!! 🙂

    Loving the chickpea pie a large slice with mash and veg gravy please!

    See my reply to Joan for a Bill update. I suspect going on Aidan's facebook is very difficult for him. If it was me I'd be on all the time.

    I hope Holly's sister is a good girl for Holly - she has a lot on and is such a great girl. 14 can be a tricky age hope she has good and sensible schoolfriends.

    Fingers crossed P gets her results soon eh? She seems more upbeat again ATM though so that's good.

    Love and ((())) to everyone!

    Fruit skewers! I actually do these in real life :) YUM

  • CatLady1
    CatLady1 Member Posts: 64
    Morning to all the lovely members on here. I've been one of those who come on read everything but never post. Today I thought why not do a post. It's taken me a lot of courage to do this. Guess what my first attempt vanished into the big black hole. Thanks for the fruit skewers. A lovely healthy breakfast for once. Take care and stay safe. Gentle hugs to all.
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    . Kath how is your aches and pain's I expect they are just as bad (((()))) love to Chris ((((()))) Anita (((()))) and your Dad ((())) and Holly ((())) and her sister ((()))

    Carol sorry about your dryer I don't have to long (((()))) love to everyone (((()))

    Barbara yes thank you my tablets are working as long as I rest my legs through the day. how is your pain (((())) love to Mr B (((()))) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend (((())))

    Toni (((())) thank you for all you've done for Bill with my post. Love to Paul (((()))) Lucy (((())) Charley (((())) and her girlfriend ((((()))) Tia (((()))) and Pom (((()))) yes a camper van would be good.

    . love to Bill ((())) Mandy (((()))) Mig (((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (I think this is about Daisy Car, don't you Toni?)



    Winter. Time to eat fat

    and watch hockey. In the pewter mornings, the cat,

    a black fur sausage with yellow

    Houdini eyes, jumps up on the bed and tries

    to get onto my head. It’s his

    way of telling whether or not I’m dead.

    If I’m not, he wants to be scratched; if I am

    He’ll think of something. He settles

    on my chest, breathing his breath

    of burped-up meat and musty sofas,

    purring like a washboard. Some other tomcat,

    not yet a capon, has been spraying our front door,

    declaring war. It’s all about sex and territory,

    which are what will finish us off

    in the long run. Some cat owners around here

    should snip a few testicles. If we wise

    hominids were sensible, we’d do that too,

    or eat our young, like sharks.

    But it’s love that does us in. Over and over

    again, He shoots, he scores! and famine

    crouches in the bedsheets, ambushing the pulsing

    eiderdown, and the windchill factor hits

    thirty below, and pollution pours

    out of our chimneys to keep us warm.

    February, month of despair,

    with a skewered heart in the centre.

    I think dire thoughts, and lust for French fries

    with a splash of vinegar.

    Cat, enough of your greedy whining

    and your small pink bumhole.

    Off my face! You’re the life principle,

    more or less, so get going

    on a little optimism around here.

    Get rid of death. Celebrate increase. Make it be spring.

    CatLady1, Hello, you are very welcome here because although we love all animals, we adore cats. Please don't walk on by, pop in for regular visits. Do you have a pet cat - any pets? We would love to know more. You have no doubt wondered what kind of crazy people we are, if you look on FaceBook, you will find us under the title CRAZY CREAKIES. If you are on FB you are welcome to join us.

    Joan, my aches and pains aren't too bad today, but I am very tired. No time for a nap, as we are expecting a parcel from Amazon and I'm tracking it. Dad and Anita are both well thank you, I hope you, Sue, Lexi and Pepper are well.

    Barbara, Esme starts back at school on Friday, and LaVay starts nursery in September. I think Holly is feeling broody and would like a baby boy. She's had 3 girls. Esme, Vay and one which she sadly miscarried. 😪😥

    Carol, how posh are you? A new washer dryer. That will be handy in winter. No washing hanging out in your new designer garden.

    Toni, Fruit skewers, I'm dribbling. Eliane (Holly's sister) is lovely, she always has a smile and a wave for me, if I could I'd adopt them both. Remember how I used to feel sad because Esme never spoke to me - well now she is a proper little chatterbox and it's lovely. Holly Couldn't get me any paracetamol on Tuesday, but granddad is getting me a box of 100. He has them on prescription and doesn't mind me having some.

    Bao Buns with Sticky Tofu

    This dish needs little introduction... light fluffy Chinese boa buns packed full of crunchy veg and sticky tofu! Perfect as a starter or eat as a main. You can also cheat with this dish and buy the boa buns ready-made... not as much fun though! 


    Bao buns

    (follow this recipe or buy frozen from Asian supermarkets... check they're vegan)

    • 350g/2½ cups plain flour
    • 3 tbsp sugar
    • 1½ tsp dried active yeast
    • 50ml/¼ cup soya milk
    • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
    • 200ml/¾ cup warm water
    • 1½ tsp baking powder

    Sticky tofu 

    • 800g firm tofu, drained and patted dry
    • 2 onions, finely diced
    • 3 fresh red chilli, finely sliced
    • 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
    • 3 tbsp ginger, peeled and grated
    • 100ml/½ cup soya sauce
    • 2 tbsp sugar or vegan syrup (eg agave) 
    • Juice of half lime

    Optional decoration/filling: fresh coriander, fresh chilli, finely sliced raddish, chopped peanuts, slices of cucumber and carrot, red cabbage, sweet chilli sauce


    Bao Buns

    1. In a large mixing bowl add the flour and salt (don't add the baking powder at this stage as this comes later on in the method). 
    2. In a jug, mix the oil, water, yeast, soya milk and sugar and set aside for a couple of minutes. 
    3. Pour the liquids in the jug into the flour and mix together. Scoop everything together with your hands and then form into a ball. 
    4. On a floured surface knead for around 10 minutes until you have a smooth, soft dough. You might need to add a little more flour or water depending on how sticky or dry your dough is. 
    5. Put the dough back in the bowl, cover with a tea towel and leave to rise until it has doubled in size (between 1-2 hours). 
    6. When risen, tip it onto a flowered surface, flatten it out and then sprinkle over the baking powder. Knead it in until fully incorporated. 
    7. Divide the dough into around 12 small balls and then roll into ovals around 0.5cm thick (you can use a pastry cutter if they're really wonky).
    8. Fold each dough circle in half over a chopstick or wooden skewer and then remove the stick. 
    9. Cut out a piece of baking parchment to fit each bun. Place two circles at a time into a steamer basket (or two on each layer if you have a multi-layer steamer) and steam for around 8 minutes. 
    10. Repeat until all the buns are steamed. 

    Sticky Tofu

    1. Cut the tofu into 12 slices (around 0.5cm thick) and then fry in oil until golden on both sides and has a thin crust. Set aside until later. 
    2. Fry the onion, ginger and chilli until soft and golden. Add the garlic and cook for a further couple of minutes. 
    3. Add the soya sauce, sugar and lime juice and stir through. 
    4. Add the tofu back to the pan and thoroughly cover in the sauce. 


    1. Put a slice of sticky tofu into each bun and then fill with other optional extras. 
    2. Serve with sweet chilli sauce and enjoy. 

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Evening all..its been a nice day so did some pottering and sitting in our shed...
    Toni.thankyou for contacting Bill..i am so glad one of his brothers have been to see him..i know they were a big help after our Aidan went to be an angel..he did love them..
    Thankyou for the fruit skewers..i have eaten lots of melon lately..
    Yes Rb kept us all aglow haha..
    You are very organised with the parking when you are on the Rd.. i didn't know pub carparks were included good.sending positive vibes for P.xx
    Hello and welcome to the cafe catlady.. help yourself to cake its all calorie free and yes we are a bit mad...hope to hear from you again.. and you don't need to answer all we write..we do go on a bit.xx
    Joan i am doing ok you say when you can sit and rest that helps.. love to all of you xx
    Kath how nice is the name LaVay..bless so its nursery for that one and school for Esme..i think this is why Holly is broody..i remember the feeling......a very unusual clever..
    And thankyou for the Bao Buns..never heard if them but they sound good xx
    .right im off
    Love to all
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening all

    just typed a post and lost it will post again tomorrow.

    love and sparkles.❤️❤️🌈🌈

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Carol!🙄what are you like?!! Not to worry i know you'll try again soon!

    @CatLady1 you are very very welcome to join us lot I am so glad you chose the café for your first post 🙂New people are always welcome here and I am guessing you love cats too as do I and most of the people who call in here. Joan has two doggies though Dachshunds 😊but we'll forgive her because she's lovely!

    Barbara yes It's always good to know Bill is ok he has had the most awful 6 months hasn't he? He is very close to his family though I can't remember if it's his twin who has been or the other one🤔

    I really hope P has her results soon it was a week yesterday😕

    Readybreak did keep us all warm. It probably actually did a bit too! I have also been eating a fair bit of melon and mango as well.

    Anything naughty in your shed? 🍾

    Hi Joan I It was a pleasure to share your poem with Bill and lovely to know he liked it as much as we all did. Bad news here though....the house purchase has fallen through! Poor Charley and her GF!

    Hi Kath my lovely how are you? Very happy I think with Esmé chattering away to you. I think you may already be an adopted Grandma/ Nanna to the whole family!

    Gosh that poem! It is indeed my Daisycat (AKA Sleek/Miss Slimkins) it's love;y thank upi so much as is the cartoon of me with her on me at 4am saying 'Mum....get up'!!!

    Yes please to the Bao Buns with Sticky Tofu I will have me some of them! They look yum. I shall take one for Kari too so maybe should visit today.....???

    What shall we have for breakfast today?

    Aidan would have been so proud of me!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath it's nice you have Holly to get shopping for you (((())) how are you (((())) Love to Chris (((())) and Anita I hope she hears soon (((()))) and your Dad (((())))

    Carol sorry you lost your post ((())) love to Mr T (((())))

    . Barbara love to you (((()))) how is your pond love to Mr B (((()))) and your brother (((())) and his girlfriend (((())))

    Toni I'm so sorry Charley (((()))) and her girlfriend ((())) lost the house (((())) they need good luck I hope they find the next one soon. Love to Paul (((())) Tia (((())) Lucy ((()))

    Hello cat lady I hope this forum is some help to you ((()))

    . Love to Bill (((())) Mig ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Morning every one

    We now have the new Washing machine and all working fine. Now to work out how the different cycles work. It’s the same make machine but controls excetra are all different, our old one was10 yrs old so That is no surprise.

    Barbara I think mr is is aware of how lucky he is because it scares him when I really loose my cool. He is the quick tempered one whereas I don’t loose my temper as quickly I sort of smoulder i suppose, and when I do loose it completely he instantly goes quite And treads very carefully for a few days. Oops 🙊.

    Toni yes Ashley sort of grew very quickly like they all do.

    His present from us

    And one of him playing with it

    To be honest I normally just transfer money over to relevant parents on birthdays if I am not going to be around visiting at the time so it was really no different than usual. But my Grandson did well there in his choice, and it saved us the transporting it to them. Grandson is a good boy really he would do any thing for anybody. Mr T has treated himself as well and I cant complain after all. He did pay out for new washing machine without any complaints, and he was the one who payed out for the garden to be done so that at least I could go out there, and he has also payed for 2 expensive meal this month one of which will be delivered on Saturday for our anniversary. He is a good one really always has been. I just wish he was a bit more open with the things that bother him instead of keeping it to himself and getting moody with me. You are right we do both need a holiday that’s for sure. I think most people are the same.

    Catlady1 hello welcome to our little cafe. Hope to see more of you.

    Joan New washing machine was delivered yesterday and all working very nicely. Hope you and Sue and you little doggies are ok.

    Kath I love the cat poem that is so like a cat it made me laugh. Animals are strange creatures sometimes.

    Well it’s time to potter

    love and sparkles to all ❤️❤️🌈🌈

    ps Toni glad to hear Bill is doing ok And that he loves Joans Poem. It is a kindle that I have too just a basic one not the all singing all dancing type.

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (One for the dogs today)

    Our Imperfect Dog

    © Cynthia C. Naspinski 

    Published: February 3, 2020

    We love our dog with all our hearts,

    But not so much her stinky farts.

    Her doggy breath is less than fresh,

    Yet we hug her nonetheless.

    From barking she will not restrain.

    The house and yard are her domain.

    Park on the street or walk on past,

    And you will likely cop a blast.

    Meter readers, couriers,

    Serve to make her furious.

    Possums, lizards, neighbour's cat,

    Will not be shown the welcome mat.

    In the name of crime prevention,

    Airspace gets the same attention.

    We feel safe, it must be said,

    From birds that dare fly overhead.

    She wages war with the lawn mower,

    Outdoor sweeper and leaf blower.

    And switching on the vacuum cleaner

    Won't bring out her best demeanour.

    This causes some embarrassment,

    This doggy form of harassment,

    But she does provide protection,

    And for that we feel affection.

    Once introductions make the rounds,

    Her friendliness, it knows no bounds.

    Though not all guests are fully rapt

    With thirty kilos on their lap.

    Should you leave your nice warm chair,

    On your return you'll find her there.

    And when she's urged to please vacate,

    She'll turn into a limp, dead weight.

    To baths she has a strong aversion,

    Desperate to avoid immersion.

    Yet she'll display her dive technique

    In any muddy pond or creek!

    We give her scratches, make her smile.

    Give an inch, she'll take a mile.

    Stop and she'll demand still more,

    Prodding you with paw and claw.

    "She's got character!" we all say.

    At times it's just a nicer way

    Of saying she's our problem child,

    Kinda crazy, kinda wild.

    For all her faults we love her dearly

    And in turn she loves us clearly.

    She's our funny, gorgeous girl.

    We wouldn't trade for all the world.


    Hello my creaky friends, I've given up on the smartwatch. I only wanted it so I could keep check on my BP. But it works through the phone, using Bluetooth and my stupid phone's blue tooth won't stay turned on. 🙄

    Joan, Anita begins her treatment on July 13th (a Monday) I think I know that you (like me) will be thinking of her.

    Joan, aw just look at little Ashley busy with his work bench, and those cute little tootsies.I bet you can't waitto hug him.

    Toni, Aidan would certainly have been VERY proud of you, as we all are. He would have devoured that super fruity cake in one huge munch. He would have eaten it in the booth and left everywhere sparkling clean. 😎

    Jackballs With Sofrito Sauce & Vegan Parmesan

    These jackballs are super versatile - they can be eaten as starter, combined with spaghetti or served with salad for a main meal. They provide a light yet hearty & rich flavour... yum! 


    Sofrito sauce

    •  2 small carrots, roughly chopped
    •  1 onion, roughly chopped
    •  3 garlic cloves, chopped
    •  2 celery sticks, roughly chopped
    •  1 x 400g tin chopped tomatoes
    •  2 tsp thyme, fresh or dried
    •  2 tsp oregano, fresh or dried
    •  1½ tsp sweet paprika
    •  6 tbsp oil
    • Salt and pepper


    • 2 x 400g tins jackfruit in brine
    •  3 tbsp gram flour
    •  1 tsp garam masala
    •  1 tsp paprika
    •  2 tbsp coriander, finely chopped
    •  1 tbsp dried oregano
    •  2 garlic cloves, crushed (or 2 tsp powdered garlic)
    •  1 tbsp ginger, grated (or 1 tsp ground ginger)
    • Pinch salt and pepper 
    •  Vegetable oil (for deep frying)


    •  Vegan Parmesan (Violife Prosociano is particularly good)
    •  Pinch fresh parsley, finely chopped
    •  Pinch fresh basil, finely chopped



    Sofrito sauce 

    1. Make the sofrito sauce by placing the carrot, onion, garlic and celery in a food processor and pulse until finely chopped. Add the tinned tomatoes and pulse until combined.
    2. Put a little oil in a saucepan over a medium heat, and add the mix and herbs. Simmer on a low heat for 30 minutes until the acidity of the tomatoes has mellowed and the herbs have released their aromas. Add water if the sauce becomes too thick then season.


    1. Empty the tins of jackfruit into a pan, add water until covered and bring to the boil. Simmer for 10 minutes then drain and leave to cool in a colander (if the jackfruit is particularly tender when you decant from the tin, you can skip this step).
    2. When the jackfruit is cool, crush the segments with your fingers to divide the fibres (get rid of any hard bits or seeds which you can't easily break up with your finger tips).
    3. Place into a bowl and add the flour, spices, herbs, garlic, ginger, salt, pepper and then mix well. Add more gram flour if needed as the mixture should bind easily. 
    4. With oiled hands, roll the mixture into ping pong sized balls.
    5. In a deep pan pour enough vegetable oil in to submerge the balls (no more than half full) and heat to 170ºC.
    6. Deep fry the balls for 4 minutes where the outside should be golden brown and the inside still tender. Remove the balls from the fryer and place in a small bowl.
    7. Heap the hot sofrito on top.


    1. Using the finest side of the grater, grate over a generous sprinkling of the Parmesan. If you don’t wish to use a processed vegan cheese you may use sesame seeds finely ground with sea salt and sprinkle those on top instead.
    2. Add the parsley, basil and a pinch of pepper. 

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 2. Jul 2020, 19:44

    Evening all


    I just love the look of concentration on Ashley’s face in the picture. I was rather pleased with what Gs had got for him. We always have to go for fairly small presents if we buy them because on getting them down there. And really it was not to expensive I sent GS the same amount of money that we give or spend on all the little one birthdays and the present was 1 penny less. He ordered it from amazon. I just want to see them all now. Although I would normally probably go a good few months without seeing them. I think with this virus an not being able to go and see them even if we wanted too makes it seem a lot longer. We last saw them back in February when we went down for youngest GD 18th Birthday, and she is desperate for us to go down there to meet her Boyfriend who she has been with since her Birthday and we have not met him properly yet. Love the doggie poem .

    love and sparkles ❤️❤️🌈🌈

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 3. Jul 2020, 06:20

    Morning everyone

    I must be very quick my laptop is really on it's way out this keeps chucking me off the internet. I was doing the choir quiz last night on zoom so had to borrow my Sis in Laws. If I hadn't been doing the quiz I would have not gone this week

    Going to quickly post this while I can in case it does it again before i finish so you all know I am ok.

    Joan Charley and her GF are looking again and have seen some more online to view in real life. I will see them later they are coming over and will sit outside in the summer house which has more that 2m space in it and can be open all sides except the back. The best news is they test them for COVID ever Friday so i will know she's as clear as can be today.

    I hope you and Sue are ok? It's 'Suesday' today and I hope it soon will be again.

    Carol I know you love Mr T to bits - letting off steam to us lot is ideal he doesn't know and it helps a bit doesn't it? So you are a slow burner until you explode then he behaves for a bit. Whatever it works well has done for 50 years tomorrow🙂

    He is very generous with his money and paid out for lots during Lockdown (Hope Paul will cough up for a new lap top for me!)I'm glad the new washer is lovely. Don't new ones wash our clothes cleaner?🤔why is that?

    Just in case I can't get back in Happy Anniversary to you both a wonderful achievement for a couple who 'wouldn't last'!!

    Your Grandson made a great choice for Ashley a tool station! It's is a fun toy but also very very good for him physically and developmentally too.

    Kath i loved the doggie poem! very funny - she has dogs down to a tee! Not all of them attack the mower, but a lot do the dopey darlings! As for their 'dog breath' and other smells....well! Least said😂

    Is it radio for Anita Kath? A week on Monday we will all be thinking of her you know that. I just know she will do very well ((())) those ((())) are for you.

    Jack fruit is a fabulous vegetable I use it in curries already - it's texture is very like cooked salmon as t the colour. Never though to do 'meat balls' with it, but will definitely give them a go. Brought my old Tupperware tub to take some for later. Thank you😘

    The fruit cake was a bit sticky so the booth was vital yesterday! - For the benefit of @CatLady1 we lost a café member just over 6 months ago he was called Aidan and was an ex-Matron. We all adored him and miss him very much (hence 'Matron's munchies?) he was only 58 so we didn't expect it, but he was the sweetest funniest man. He made this café into a fantasy place with all sorts going on from a booth to clean yourself in after you get covered in cake to flying cats to an animal sanctuary! Never a dull moment when he was around! His husband Bill has had to contend with worse since Aidan's death - his dad died and then to top it all his and Aidan's last cat Tosca. We keep in touch with him to see how he is doing. I will sometimes post an update.

    Right signing off quickly while I can. Might need to get me a new laptop oh dear me that sounds pricey 😕

    Kath yours doesn't have avocado!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath thank you for the poem's. Yes I will be thinking of Anita ((())) I have a dentist ap next day so I won't forget (((())) how are you (((()))) love to Anita ((())) Chris (((())) and your Dad (((()))

    Carol (((())) that's good a new washer (((())) Happy Anniversary to both of you (((())) love and understanding you have both (((()))

    Toni (((()))) sorry about your computer you and Charley need some good luck (((())) love to Paul (((()))) Charley (((())) and her girlfriend (((()))) Tia (((())) Lucy (((()))) and Kari (((()))

    Love to Catlady (((()))) Barbara (((()))) Bill (((())) Mig (((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (It's a rabbit today).

    The Rabbit & The Cat

    Upon a hill hopped a rabbit,

    Little to knowledge of talking

    He eventually picked up the habit

    And finally learnt how to speak.

    His first words were to a cat,

    'Miss, might I say you're beautiful?'

    He asked looking for a little chat.

    'It's fine by me' replied with slight purrs.

    'Do you mind if i sit next to you?'

    Asking once again to the purring cat,

    'I just want more orange, less blue'

    The rabbit said with a little sigh.

    'I know some don't carrot all-

    And it hurts my little feelings

    Because though I'm not tall

    I have a heart as big as my chest'

    The rabbit looked in her direction

    'You sure have a large meowth' cat said,

    'You sure have perfect complexion'

    The rabbit replied with cocksure glee.

    'You've got to be kitten me' cat snickered

    Cats eyes gleamed under the light of beauty

    'At least I'm not a hare in your burger' rabbit bickered-

    Back and forth till their smiles shone bright.

    'May I say one more thing?' bunny asked

    'Yes purr sure you may' cat replied.

    'No star can leave a light like your cast-

    Because you are the brightest and most beautiful

    star to ever lived on this Earth'.


    Star Gazer

    Esme is off to school today, Looking very pretty in the silver suit her grandma brought her. I hope she stays safe. No box today, but I'm not bothered, they are ending all that soon any way. I've booked a Tesco slot for July 30th. We have 4 more pre-booked before that.

    Toni, yes it's radio for Anita. I think she'll be fine, as none of her lymph nodes have been affected and her surgery left clear margins. I know you understand what I'm rabbiting on about.

    I loved your little eulogy about our darling Aidan, we need to keep his memory fresh in everyone's mind. He will for ever in ours.

    I hope the girls are more successful with the next house. Sending sparkles to them. Meanwhile, I am all over that egg me duck.

    Carol, like all your GC/GGCs little Ashley is a treasure. I'm sure you will be able to vist or be visited soon.

    I wonder how Joan, Sue and Barbara are? Safe and well I hope.

    Mediterranean Vegetable & 'Feta' Tart

    This is a delicious dish which is a great addition to a barbecue, picnic, summer lunch or well anytime really :) 



    320g/1 sheet ready-made shortcrust pastry (eg Jus-Rol or some supermarket own-brands. Use gluten-free if necessary eg Genius)


    • 2 onion, finely sliced
    • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 
    • 1 courgette, cut into 3cm chunks
    • 1 aubergine, cut into 4cm chunks 
    • 1 sweet potato, cut into 3cm chunks
    • 2 red pepper (or 1 red, 1 yellow), roughly sliced 
    • 2 tbsp thyme leaves 


    • 400g/1¾ cups firm tofu
    • 225g/2 cups plus 1 tbsp savoury vegan cream cheese (eg Sheese, Tofutti, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Koko, Violife)
    • 125ml/½ cup unsweetened plant milk (eg soya, almond or oat)
    • 1 tsp fresh thyme leaves
    • 1 tbsp Dijon mustard
    • 1-2 tsp lemon juice (fresh or bottled)
    • 3 tbsp nutritional yeast
    • 1 tsp vegan syrup eg maple or agave
    • ¼-½ tsp turmeric
    • 1 tbsp cornflour
    • 1½ tsp salt (or add more to taste)
    • Pinch of black pepper


    • 200g Greek-style/'feta' cheese (we used Violife but you can also use Green Vie, Bute Island Sheese, supermarket own-brand)
    • 10 cherry tomatoes, halved


    1. Preheat oven to 180ºC/350ºF/Gas Mark 4. 


    1. Roll out the pastry block to fit a large flan dish (diameter about 25-28 cm/10-11 inch). Spread around evenly with your thumb and fingers.
    2. Refrigerate while you prepare the filling.


    1. On a couple of oiled baking trays place the courgette, aubergine, sweet potato and pepper (keep them in sections as you might need to remove one vegetable before the rest), sprinkle with a little salt and the thyme leaves. 
    2. Check them every 15 minutes, turning once and remove from the oven when golden. Remove each different vegetable when it's ready and set aside. 
    3. Fry the onion slices in a little oil for 20-25 minutes or until soft and caramelised. 
    4. Add the garlic to the onion a couple of minutes before the end of cooking time. 
    5. Add all the other roasted vegetables to the pan (off the heat) and mix them together.


    1. Combine all ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth. 


    1. Remove the pastry case from the fridge and spoon a bit of the vegetable mixture onto the bottom. Crumble a bit of the 'feta' over the base. Add half of the sauce until evenly spread. Repeat this stage again until all of the mixed vegetables, sauce and cheese have been used up. Make sure you crumble some of the cheese and layer some of the veg on the top of the quiche.
    2. Finish off with the cherry tomato halves, seed side facing up. 
    3. Serve with a fresh salad and garlic bread. 


    Note: the tart will harden as it cools so don't worry if it's quite soft when it comes out of the oven.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • CatLady1
    CatLady1 Member Posts: 64

    Good morning

    Thank you all for your welcomes. I enjoy reading all the posts on here . It is great seeing everyone on here so positive and happy even though we have got this b...... Virus. There are people in this complex, who I see on my daily walk around the building, are forever moaning and groaning about everything. I just pass by with a quick Hi.

    I love cats, I had two tabby brothers before I moved into my flat here. The housing authority do not allow any pets. I miss them still. Love to hear about the cats on here especially when Aiden was here. I have followed this page for several years. Pleased now that I decided to do a post.

    Would like to say special thanks to Toni, Joan, Carol, Barbara and Kath for their welcomes. (((()))) To all.


  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Afternoon all..could get on thunder but an awful storms..not sure what the net is up and down
    Toni a lovely fruits breakfast then eggs for today thankyou...i have everything crossed for P I really
    Kath that was our dig in the poem..did you see me in my mini skirt...hahaha..didn't really have the legs for it..little Esme all dressed up for school bless.i love to watch and luten to the little ones..xx
    Carol he will spend many an hour on his Birthday present...bless him
    I hope you get to see your family soon especially your gd and boyfriend..have you seen photos of him already..
    I think we all need a pat on the back for doing so well in this lockdown...hahaha..good on Mr T paying for your lovely patio..we have more rain here.. hope the sun comes back soon xx
    Catlady what a shame you can't have pets in your flat..i can understand dogs but cats use there trays and don't make much noise.....i am a dog person mostly but love all animals..we don't have any now apart from the 3 cats next door..hahahaxx
    Love to Joan and pond is now looking good with alk the plants..i will try and get on my laptop and post a pic.. xx
    Sorry its shortish but the net keeps dropping
    Love to all
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening all

    I took My first ride on a bus today Since lock down 15 weeks ago, I had to go to the bank to sort something out. Had my face mask on and I have discovered I can manage them ok. Didn’t know if I could bing asthma.but I had my exemption card on my phone in case I couldn’t but it was ok so where i can I will wear it I think everyone had them on on the bus except one person on the way home. I was a bit worried to start with but was ok once on the bus.

    Toni yes your right there despite all his faults and at times feeling I would like to strangle the man I do love Mr T, and I know that goes both ways. We were pleased with what Gs brought for Ashley. Mr T is not overly generous with his money but he is careful with his money so when things need doing the money is usually available. I think as far as the garden was concerned Covid put that to the forefront as it was unusable previously. Thank you for the anniversary greeting. Hopefully we will get to see youngest daughter Again tomorrow if she can make it.

    Kath yes sparkling new washer/dryer It’s lovely has many more programs and options than our last one. Loving the doggie poem. I have been told Ashley loves his present.

    Joan thank you our anniversary is tomorrow.

    Barbara I think your right Ashley love tools, car and motorbikes. We did see Gd boyfriend when we left her birthday party she was standing outside the pub but the relationship Was only just starting then So we didn’t talk to him. But the relationship has blossomed from there so when we hopefully go down there at the end of the month we will get to meet him properly. Too true we all need a pat on the back coping with this virus.

    love and sparkles to all ❤️❤️🌈🌈

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Morning everyone 🙂

    Carol Paul is turning out like Mr T he also has the money ready and today I should be getting a new laptop, (it is a bit urgent as it keeps chucking me off the internet and I do so much on here), then my brother will see what he can do with this one - it's as old as your washer was!

    Then I need to spend forever taking everything off this one🙄

    Mr T has proven himself to be a very good husband and Grandad for sure and you both deserve our most hearty congratulations today

    50 years married let's all raise a glass to Mr and Mrs Turbo!

    Hope youngest can see you both on your special day and that the meal is as lovely as it can be!

    Catlady It's lovely to see you again. I am pleased that you have been following the forum for some years so you 'knew' our Aidan because we all miss him very very much. Good that you have finally joined us too.

    Such a shame you can't have a cat - as Barbara said they aren't any trouble are they? Lucy my youngest is up in Scotland in a rented with her friend and they have got one. Not sure that's allowed either, but i expect you'd need to be careful in case any nosey neighbours reported you?

    Joan yes we do need some luck don't we?!!! More so Charley really a laptop is a luxury I would at least be able to let you know I am ok on my phone if I had to. Your dentist apt is getting closer.....

    Kath I LOVED the poem. Very very clever indeed I thought. 'Purr-fectly' delightful! A sweet photo too. Isn't it lovely on this new forum to be able to post them so easily?

    A silver dress? Esmé must look very glamorous indeed!

    Those boxes were a Godsend. but must have cost an awful lot. Well done for getting your slots in place with Tesco. You should be fine now. The tart looks fabulosu thank you very much. Ok more egg for you!

    You know when I wrote that about our Aidan it felt ok I didn't bawl like I used to so it's getting easier. (I just did then talking to you about him though!) we will NEVER forget him

    Anita will do just fine the radio will just make certain. Belt and Braces. ((()))

    Hi Barbara as I am typing I have one eye on the internet symbol. It was that i could get it back rebooting now it might be the next day before I get it back 🙄 I do everything on here banking shopping coming in here...

    So you are also having internet trouble? Might be the weather? We get that too sometimes...but then the telly and our phones are affected as well when that happens.

    Listening to little children is wonderful isn't it? Especially when they aren't your sole responsibility!!!

    Rightho breakfast....

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath that's good you have a Tesco delivery (((()))) lovely poem love to Anita she's doing well (((())) Chris (((())) and your Dad((()))

    Chris ( catlady )I'm sorry you can't have a cat now do you have photo's ((()))

    Carol you were good going on the bus (((())) Happy Anniversary for tomorrow ((())) love to Mr T (((())

    Barbara I hope you have better weather today (((())) love to Mr B (((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((()))it must be 3rd time lucky for Charley ((())) and her girlfriend (((())) love to Paul (((())) and Kari ((()))

    love to Bill ((())) and Mig ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 4. Jul 2020, 09:49

    Hi just a quick thank you to Toni for your greeting on our very special day. I remember being told our marriage wouldn’t last I think we have Proved that person very very wrong. We still are very much together despite wanting to kill each other at times. And we have a very close knit little family too. Despite all but one living in Ramsgate. Glad Paul is getting you a new laptop perhaps mr Ts actions have magically rub off on him 😃😃 hope you enjoy your new laptop. a photo of us on our wedding day

    My sister is the first one on the left as you look at the picture. The others are 2 of my cousins and mr t 4 nieces. All the bridesmaids dresses I made myself the older 4 were a lilac colour and the 3 younger ones were Lemon.

    Joan the only way I could get to the bank To sort out my internet banking problem was to go by bus to far to walk there and back for me.

    I may be in again later we will see if not see you tomorrow.

    love and sparkles ❤️❤️🌈🌈

    Stay positive always👍xx