Val's Cafe



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Morning all..yes it's me early...hahaha and the sun is shining :)
    Toni I hope Pom will feel better very soon...will be thinking if her..x
    Thankyou for the egg I had one yesterday with burned toast..again.. .I hate not being able to use smileys in my phone..wonder why we cant..
    :( o:) that's how they come up now..
    Tummy still sore and I have an of those between your eyes so I think it's some bug and not what I have eaten..oh well see what today brings...prunes will be left in the cupboard for now..hahaha..
    Joan I did think it was something I had eaten ..but we all had the same and it only me with the funny tummy...thankyou I am sure it will be better are your carers doing..our gd has 2 patience with the make me so scared for her..xx
    Right I will make a move
    Love to everyone especially those that are missing...xxxxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (about cancer, but funny)

    Being Bald

    By Kath

    The party was a good one,

    with lots of party food,

    sandwiches, sausage rolls,

    and chocolate bars we chewed.

    We had a competition

    who had the baldest head,

    there were several men there

    with bald spots which had spread.

    I sat there with my hat on,

    never said a word,

    then went and sat among them,

    it really was absurd.

    They looked at me and smirked

    at my little chemo cap,

    "show us all right now

    what you're hiding under that!"

    So I smiled most benignly

    and whipped my cap off quick,

    and every one of them agreed

    I was the baldest chick.

    So if you are a bald bird

    who is full of flair,

    don't be scared to show the world

    you don't have any hair.

    My bald bonce. 🤣

    I got a box, different to the usual one. It was better. We had Sugar Puffs, Ready-brek. 2 litres UHT milk, 1 litre of fresh orange juice, a carton of instant custard, bag of spuds, ditto carrots, and apples. Also oranges, loaf of bread, some dry noodles, 3 tins of Tuna in brine. 4 toilet rolls, Lynx shower gel, bar of Dove soap, T-bags, coffee, 2 jars of cook in sauce, 2 packets biscuits, giant tin of mixed salad beans, oh, loads more. So I took a bag to Holly. She has given me her email address and I sent her the poems about Esme and LaVay. She loves them and said they brought a tear to her eye. It's lovely to be able to contact her when I need to. I rang dad this morning, he was moaning he couldn't do the overgrown garden, join the club dad!

    Joan, I'm pleased that Sue and the carers are well, and you too of course.

    Barbara, still suffering with your tummy. Does sucking mints help?

    Toni, yes I loves me eggs. I'm glad you enjoyed the Bubbles poem. How could I not post it?

    Root Vegetable Bhuna

    I always roast up too many vegetables to go with Sunday lunch. Sometimes accidentally, sometimes intentionally; either way, they make a perfect addition to this simple and spicy bhuna.


    • 1 tbsp sunflower oil
    • 1 onion, peeled and finely chopped
    • 1 red pepper, finely sliced
    • 2 cloves of garlic, peeled and crushed
    • 1 tsp ground cumin
    • 1 tsp ground turmeric
    • ½ tsp dried chilli flakes
    • 1 tbsp medium (vegan) curry paste 
    • 400g (14oz) can chopped tomatoes
    • 2 handfuls of fresh or frozen spinach
    • ½ roasting tray of leftover roasted root vegetables, including carrots, parsnips, red onion and butternut squash, roughly chopped
    • Juice of ½ unwaxed lemon
    • Pinch of sea salt flakes


    1. Heat the oil in a saucepan over a medium–high heat and cook the onion and red pepper for 2 minutes until softened.
    2. Add the garlic, cumin, turmeric, and chilli flakes and cook for a further 1 minute.
    3. Stir in the curry paste and chopped tomatoes, then reduce the heat to medium. Simmer for 8–9 minutes, then stir in the spinach and cook for a further 2 minutes.
    4. Stir in the leftover roasted root vegetables and squeeze over the lemon juice. Season with sea salt.
    5. For the perfect roasted root vegetables, drizzle sunflower oil over peeled carrots, parsnips, quartered red onions, and butternut squash, then roast at 200°C/Gas mark 6 for 35–40 minutes, turning once. Allow the leftovers to cool fully, then refrigerate for use the following day.
    6. Suitable for freezing.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    A wet start to the day but it had better picks up I am going to visit friends today my lovely neighbours and Pom's husband too. Maybe not Pom her daughter is going to visit and you won't believe it but move here to the village. She is so poorly it is necessary😕

    Joan thank you for your kind wishes for Pom. I hope YOU and Sue are well and none of the carers catch this virus. I keep looking out for the Rev so I can see how the puppy is growing! ((()))

    Kath no way could you NOT post the poem for Bubbles. Bless him forever..sniff. I loved the baldy poem! Funny how quickly you get used to having no hair after the initial upset. It suits you and suited most people we just aren't used to it. Lucy was totally cool about it at home and of course at the QE, The main thing she hated was the Hickman line. The Picc was alright until it failed, but the hick she hated.

    That was a good food box😮 how MUCH food!! That lynx deodorant is so expensive too! I am so glad Holly is in touch now and has read her poems for the girls. You might have to have a go at doing something for her foster child as well🤔

    Dad needs to moan I suppose🙄 I think as you get older especially if you live alone some people do get like that. Bless him I think he does well to do half what he does.

    I am very glad you liked the egg I thought you might😉I liked the bhuna too thank you very much 😘

    Barbara you are still feeling rough? Anyone else got it/had it? Ah I see you told Joan it was only youa nd you all ate the same....This isn't good at all. If it's not better today you will need to check your temperature to see if you might need to speak to a Dr.🤔

    Burnt toast with an egg😁 bless them at least they fed you!!!

    I was going to do a fry up for us all this morning, but you had better have another egg, Kath can join you if she wants or have the fry up.

    Those eggs do rather look perfect don't they?

    Sending strength to your GD and her poor people who have the virus ((()))🌈🌈🌈 XXXXXX

    Right for the rest of us a full-english!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223


  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Barbara I'm so sorry you still have a sore tummy (((())) are you drinking enough water to wash it out.

    . Love to Mr B (((())) and your brother and his girl friend (((()))

    Kath your bald head looked lovely it showed how brave you have been I bet you felt it every day for the feel of little hairs how long did it take to grow back (((())) that's nice you have Holly to talk to ((())) love to Anita (((()))

    and your Dad ((())) and Chris ((()))

    Toni ((()))I'm sorry Pom is so poorly ((())) love to Charley (((())) and her friend (((())) Paul ((())) Tia ((())) Lucy (((())) and Kari ((()))

    . Love to Bill ((()) Mig (((())) Carol ((((())) Chris ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (For P 😪)

    The Destroyer

    Cancer is greedy,

    destroys our life,

    cuts through our senses

    just like a knife.

    Cancer is thirsty

    it drinks our brain

    sucks everything out

    and leaves us drained.

    Cancer is hungry

    it gobbles us up

    takes everything from us,

    empties our cup.

    Cancer is evil,

    plunders our souls,

    fills us with pain,

    cancer controls.

    Cancer is cruel,

    destroys our joy,

    hurts our families,

    tries every ploy.

    Joan, yes it's such a joy to be able to just send her an email. She really loved the poems about Esme and Vay. My hair grew back too quickly, I liked the freedom of having no hair.

    Toni, devastating news for dear P, sorry, but it HAD to be a cancer poem.

    Poached eggs, every time, they look gorgeous. The breakfast looks nice too, but th beans put me off. Perhaps I'll just take some bacon and a sausage to have with the poached eggs.

    Barbara, oh dear, still suffering with your tum? Have you tried mint, or ginger tea? yes of course you have.

    Maybe some pea and mint soup would help.

    Pea & Mint Soup

    Super healthy, amazing colours and a real crowd pleaser. The vegan buttermilk gives a lovely, creamy quality and depth of flavour. Enjoy :)


    • 1 bunch spring onions, trimmed and roughly chopped
    • 1 medium potato, peeled and diced
    • 1 garlic clove, crushed
    • 850ml/3½ cups vegetable stock
    • 900g/2lbs young peas in the pod OR 250g/1⅓ cups frozen peas – remove 3 tbsp and set aside
    • 4 tbsp chopped fresh mint
    • Large pinch caster sugar
    • 1 tbsp fresh lemon or lime juice

    Vegan buttermilk. In a jug, mix:

    • 150ml/½ cup + 2 tbsp unsweetened soya or other plant milk 
    • 2 tsp of ONE of these: lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, or white vinegar
    • Stir with a fork or whisk


    1. Make the buttermilk and set aside.
    2. Put the spring onions into a large pan with the potato, garlic and stock. Bring to the boil, turn down the heat and simmer for 15 minutes or until the potato is very soft.
    3. For the garnish, cook 3 tbsp of the peas for 2-3 minutes. Drain, put in a bowl of cold water and set aside.
    4. Add the remaining peas to the soup base and simmer for about 3-4 minutes. Don’t overcook. 
    5. Stir in the mint, sugar and lemon or lime juice, cool slightly then blend to the consistency you prefer. Stir in half the buttermilk mixture and season with salt and pepper.
    6. To serve the soup cold, cool quickly, and then chill. If you want it warm, reheat without boiling (the buttermilk will curdle otherwise). 
    7. Serve the soup in bowls, garnished with the remaining buttermilk and the drained peas.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Hello all..its very hot and we have just had a tiny storm..did anyone see the sky lighting up last thunder just an electrical storm
    Joan thankyou.. I do drinks lots of water is better fingers crossed..I bet you are all nice and warm are the doggies sleeping more..xx
    Kath the first poem is so funny and the second ones reminds us how cruel cancer can be..l think most people look younger with bald heads..women I mean..
    What a good parcel that was..and to give some to Holly is very will be so much easier for you..
    I like the sound of the buna.. . but I think I will try and make the pea and mint soup .
    Now I must have heard neighbour gave me some root ginger today..being Indian she always has it made tea..and its working:)xx
    Toni the eggs were just right and I can see they were free range..tummy a bit better thankyou ..I totally forgot about ginger tea and I have had it before..I am pleased that Poms..daughter will be moving to the village..I am sure she will be a big help...
    I remember well Lucy hating the line..but she was so brave and cane through it bless her
    Thankyou for the strength for our gd and the people she nurses..I really wish this was over..xx
    Love to everyone
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening everyone

    So glad we had decent weather yesterday the washing part of the machine seems ok and I was able to put the clothes on the clothes horse out in the garden and managed to get it all dry.

    Also youngest daughter managed to get a visit in and we sat in the garden social distancing of course.

    Picture taken on Mr T iPad on a small table on a 10 second delay allowing him to get in place too.

    Barbara Kath and Joan Mr T says thank you for the comments on his daily songs. His music is his happy place his keyboards are normally kept down at our church, but when we first started to isolate he went and got them and brought them home So he had something to while away the time. My only problem is that he spends more time in our spare room than he dose with me. 🙄🙄 and he isn’t even having to do his sermons and bible studies for the church. Even when he is in the same room conversation in our house Is very little.

    Barbara yes the jigsaws are an online thing but it also has a section where I can create my own puzzles from my own pictures which is fun. I have Done lots of those. And you can choose the amount of pieces the highest be 252 lowest I think is 8 pieces. It also times how long it takes you to do it. My fastest time was a picture of Lillie which took me 1hr 12mins and 28 seconds. The longest was one of the apps own puzzles and that took me 3hrs 36mins and 23 seconds.

    Toni that’s so right about Aidan I always thought he was female to start with but soon came to realise the true Aidan he is so missed. In the forum. But there are so many things that we see and do that remind us of him. My ending to my post love and sparkles to all was something that he used to say and I adopted it too. Glad Lucy is doing well.

    Kath love the poem about the bubbles I Like the picture too My daughters GC and GGC have loved bubbles.

    Today we should have been sitting here with suitcase packed ready to go off to Southampton tomorrow to spend the night in hotel there before sailing of on our 50th anniversary cruise on Tuesday. Instead Mr T has ordered a meal to be delivered from the restaurant we used to use on our church meals, It will be prepared An delivered by them, but will have to to be cooked at home, but at least I get a day off of preparing the dinner And only just have to put it in the oven. Looking forward to that. We will have to work something else Out for our actual anniversary Which is on the 4th of July.

    Daughters GC and GGC are all fine as are we. My Sister is also ok She had a rheumatology appointment a while ago, they say she has fibromyalgia and maybe RA also. Begging to think Arthritis un in the family.

    just some pictures of the little peoples

    And this one I cannot believe how Rubie has grown she is 2 in a couple of months.

    And 4 days before her birthday Kian will be a year old where has time gone. He his also now walking.

    Love and Sparkles to you all ❤️❤️🌈🌈

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Hi everyone 🙂

    Foggy start to the day so i hope promising for some sunshine later. Yesterday afternoon we sat in my lovely neighbours back garden (chairs placed 2m apart ready!) for a cuppa (brought our own). P's husband came round for a bit for a quick drink and some support. The rain left us alone 🌝

    Carol lovely photo clever Mr T! Probably no bad thing him keeping busy. We are not used to 24 hours a day 7 days a week in each others' company are we? If there was some decent telly on I'm sure you would join each other for that, but there isn't 🙄 and now sport is coming back on....woe is me!

    Gorgeous children i just can't believe how they have grown! You must feel so blessed. Kian walking?! Wow! Rubie on a sand dune ❤️

    Oh yes imagine us all thinking Aidan was a lady! Funny now looking back. I's good that we can smile a little now and not feel quite so sad😕. I notice you do an 'Aidan' when you sign off which i think is rather lovely.

    Keep up the puzzles a lot of us love our puzzles in here don't we? Fun making your own! I am going to include you in a PM so watch out for it.

    Kath thank you a lovely poem for P. Let's hope it turns out to be easily treated. I saw her daughter yesterday which was lovely she and her family will be renting a for sale house from this Saturday for the duration.

    Glad you liked the eggs yes dodge the beans if they make you shudder!! hehehe!

    I love pea soup and make it in my instant pot quite often. Paul and I like my homemade soups with a roll 🙂

    It's weird when the hair tries to grow back and then more chemo zaps it isn't it? But it's like baby hair isn't it? the last place to grow back was the hairline on Lucy's forehead were you the same?

    Barbara's belly is finally settling so no need to speak to the Dr this morning that's good. Hey do you remember kaolin and morphine? That used to stop it in it's tracks. Then i think the druggies started necking back the morphine part🙄

    Hoping your GD is doing ok and those poorly people ((()))

    P will do ok I hope 🤞 she has to she is essential in the village her daughter is here and moves into the rental properly on Saturday. It is 50 yrds from P's front door.

    Joan thank you everyone here is doing well. Tia brought me some vegan butter yesterday and Charley borrowed an adjustable wrench as they had to get a new washing machine yesterday. they made the misrake of putting it on while they were asleep after a night duty and came down to a BIIIIIG puddle! I have sent you a PM.

    Whipped up a quick omelette!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath how long did the big C take to go I know you have to have checks every so often ((())) love to Chris ((())) Anita ((()) and your Dad ((()))

    Carol nice photo ipads take good photos (((())) lovely ones of the grand children as well (((()))love to Mr T ((()))

    Barbara that's good your tummy is getting back to normal (((())) love to your brother and his girlfriend ((()))

    and Mr B ((())) the dogs still run around on a walk.

    Toni I'm sorry about Pom I wish her all the best ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend (((()))

    Tia (((())) Lucy (((()))

    love to Bill (((())) Mig (((())) Chris ((())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Afternoon all

    I am in a bit early today because our meal Mr T ordered because our cruise was cancelled has just arrived and it looks yummy, a starter , a main meal and a desert And of course a bottle of wine. we will be absolutely stuffed later and It will take about 20 minutes to cook as it is really like a ready meal and Just needs to be heated through. We even got a little extra item to enjoy a fruit yoghurt pot we can have that tomorrow. We usually have our dinner on our laps but Tonight will be special because we are going to use the table which only usually comes out on special occasions.

    Toni Mr T and me have very different tastes on television programs the only thing we will watch together is the speedway racing and of course that is not on at the moment. That is the only sport we watch really. And of course it is him who has control of the remote during the evening when he is in the same room. I have to laugh really because he puts a program on that he likes then either sits there with his head in the laptop and not watching, or he falls asleep. And usually with the remote in his hand. Mind you if he falls asleep after our meal tonight I wont complain as we were up early as they said the meal could be delivered any time between 7 this morning and 6 this evening it arrived just after 3pm. And he was out creasoting the garden fence at twenty mins to 9 this morning. I think Rubie is sitting on a wall not a sand dune. But yep they have all grown so much, and Kian has been walking for about 3 weeks now. And he was only 10 months 8 days ago. Glad you like my continued tribute to the lovely Aidan, I wondered wether to change it when he went 😕but then I realised it would always remind us of him and the pusskins. How is Bill lately have you heard from him. and no need to thank me for prayers for P. I am so glad her daughter And family are coming to be close by.

    Joan thank you for your comments on the photos I must admit the Great Grandchildren are all very photogenic. hope you and Sue and the doggies are all well.

    this photo makes me laugh this is our Lillie when she is grumpy

    Talk about with attitude. MInd you it never lasts long. GD always says she is angel child the other 2are the devil child she says . But they are all funny with it too.

    love and sparkles to you all ❤️❤️🌈🌈

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Evening all..what a storm we had ..there were many rds closed because of flooding and our shopping center in the next town was flooded and on the first day open.. now its boiling..
    Carol I tell you again Mr T and Mr B could be twins.. the only thing we watch together is antique shows ...and conversation is nearly nil I sit in the shed in my lovely to have your anniversary meal delivered.. I am sure you will get on a cruise soon..
    The photos of the little ones are beautiful..they really are shooting up..and a nice photo if you Mr T and daughter in your garden..Happy Anniversary.xx
    Joan I wish I had the energy your doggies have I can't stay awake in this heat maybe I need 4 to all of you xx
    Toni it must have felt nice to be able to sit out with a cuppa..and I am sure P will be joining you soon xx...thank you for the omelett something I forget to make and I love them..
    How long will it be till Charley and gf move into there new home..they must be so excited xx
    Niamh had her first day back at school today for 3 months..and she was so excited ..and can't wait for tomorrow..
    I have been sat in the garden before and after the storm
    Love to everyone
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening all again

    The meal was delicious we are now suitably fed and watered And we really enjoyed it. In fact when we opened up the box it came in we realise that each main meal was for 2people not one so we have put lotion the freezer for another day. I only have one small problem my built up tooth is now completely cracked and gone. it has been loose since just after the start of lockdown and it has held on along with the help of my partial dentures. So now it is just a small bit of the original tooth left. Trouble is I need to get it seen to as soon as possible. as it is the tooth next to the front one And All of the others that side have gone except one. So hoping I can get it done soon. Just looked on their website and it says they can only do certain things at the moment so might have to wait so I think I might have a little problem eating unless they can do even a temporary repair. If not it will be all soft foods for a while. Oh well will have to call them tomorrow and see.

    Barbara our Anniversary is not until the 4th of July which would have been the last night of the cruise arriving back the next morning. But well hey ho we have booked Another cruise for next April so we have that to look forward to and it can be belated anniversary cruise. The GGC are growing very quickly indeed too quickly for my liking. It certainly sounds as if mr B and mr T could be twins mind you I think all men are the same. Usually it’s not too bad because I am out most afternoons so I don’t notice it , but with. Lockdown it’s different we are not used to being together for 24hrs 7 days a week. And yes the visit from our youngest daughter was lovely we had not seen her since possibly late February

    love and sparkles to you all ❤️❤️🌈🌈

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    No Kath?😮🤔😯 That worries me a bit......if she does not appear I will have to use other sleuthing means.....

    Carol the meal sounded amazing!!! Eating at the table makes it an occasion. 2 meals for the price of one and only heating up required! There's a treat in the freezer maybe for the 4th July? I'm so glad the cruise is re-booked for April and pray all will be well be then and safe for you to go.

    Ooops a wall not a sand dune! Yes it is a wall I can see now, Lillie in a goik! That's something I didn't expect to see bless her we all feel like that sometimes. I can see from her face normally that any moods will be short-lived bless her!

    Paul is the same on his phone or sometimes nodding off. We have the remote in between us so we can both reach it. MY RULES!!! men are obsessed with having it and I will not allow it. We watch dramas together usually one if possible about 9PM and Coronation street. He likes to watch all the car programs so I have ordered an amazon fire TV stick so we can both be happy 🙂

    Thank you for your kind wishes about P 🤞all might be well and yes her only child uprooting the whole family for her is lovely.

    The dentist will help you I think yours is exactly what they should be doing let us know how it goes ((())) Of course you must keep up your 'Aidanism' it's a tribute to his memory.

    Barbara I bet Niamh is the happiest girl ever back at school 🙂 she's a sociable soul isn't she Bless her.

    Charley rang last night for a natter. The survey is next on the list to be done, though I am certain the house is worth the money it's such good value.

    I know though this heat does make you tired doesn't it? Aidan used to struggle he would have been in this weather it's so close. I love storms! We had one mega one on Saturday then two passing close by that we could see in the distance one Sunday and one yesterday. I love them 🤗 I bet the shoppers didn't mind one bit! I am not shopping yet give the silly people a chance to spend their money and take risks. I am not a risk taker.

    I take it your bro is ok and the girls? No news being good news.

    Joan thank you for your kind wishes for P I am very much hoping there will be treatment options available for her when they have done the biopsy. You are right about IPADS they take fabulous photos. Having said that I can't cope with typing on them i like my keyboard

    Right breakfast...

    One of Aidan's faves...

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Carol that's good you enjoyed the meal (((()))) our neighbour broke a tooth 3weeks ago the dentist won't see him they have not got the right equipment the lady said he had to go up the hospital ((())) Good luck to you. Love to Mr T (((()))

    Barbara is your tummy better now (((())) I hope you have a fine day today love to Mr B ((())) and your brother and his girlfriend (((()))

    Toni I'm typing this on my tablet I'm sat in the recliner with my legs up before going on my scooter I cannot sit with a computer on my lap love to Pom ((())) Charley ((())Paul ((())) Tia ((())). Lucy ((()))

    . love to Kath (((())) Mig ((()) Chris (((()))Bill (((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (Feeling a bit warm? This should cool you down. 🤣)

    Contemplating A Snowy Morning

    Our garden's covered over white

    with snow that fell throughout the night

    and now a pair of hungry Dunnocks

    in their search for food are flummoxed!

    Hopping hither, thither, yon,

    where have all the breadcrumbs gone?

    Sorry I didn't turn up yesterday. I didn't bother with my laptop because we had a delivery from George at Asda, and then cleared our cupboards out to make space for our new stuff. So we are both nicely kitted out. Holly popped over this morning wearing her dressing gown and nothing on her feet. She's dyed her hair orange and it looks amazing.

    Carol, gorgous little peeples photos. I'm glad Mt T has something to keep him occupied and from under your feet. Chris and I very often don't have a conversation.

    Barbara, I hope your tummy is better now.

    Joan, dad and Anita are both well thank you.

    Toni, thank you for the continental breakfast.

    Cashew Cheese Wrapped in Seaweed Flakes

    A pretty instant and creamy cashew cheese with a sophisticated twist - rolled in dried seaweed flakes or fresh herbs if you prefer! 


    • 240g/2 cups raw cashews
    • 2 garlic cloves, minced 
    • ½ tsp garlic powder plus more to taste
    • Zest of 1 lemon 
    • Juice of 2 lemons 
    • 180ml/¾ cups water
    • 2 tbsp nutritional yeast
    • ½ tsp sea salt
    • 2 tbsp olive oil
    • 2 tbsp dried seaweed flakes


    1. Place cashews in a bowl and cover with cool water. Cover and soak overnight.  
    2. Once soaked, drain cashews thoroughly and add to food processor. 
    3. Add garlic, garlic powder, lemon zest, lemon juice, water, nutritional yeast, salt and olive oil.
    4. Process until very creamy and smooth, scraping down sides as needed. Then taste and adjust the seasonings if needed.
    5. Place a sieve over a large mixing bowl and lay down two layers of cheesecloth.
    6. Use a spatula to scoop all cheese over the cheesecloth, then gather the corners and twist the top gently to form the cheese round.
    7. Place in refrigerator to set for at least 6 hours so it can set.
    8. To serve, unwrap from cheesecloth and gently invert onto a serving platter. 
    9. Reform with hands or cheesecloth as needed, then coat with the seaweed flakes. Serve with lemon slices (optional).

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Afternoon everyone

    Good day today washing machine dryer fixed in minutes now ok. Engineer rang as I was told about about half an hour before arriving to check if Anyone had Covid-19 told him no. He was very good at social distancing, it was a blocked vent to the dryer That had got blocked causing mechanism to cut the heat. My dentist is not dealing with nhs patients at the moment but will give me an emergency appointment if I need it. But I will be contacted as soon as they are taking nhs patients again.

    Toni your right about Lillie that’s not her usual look however like all children she has her moments. I had a laugh yesterday Gd put on face book not just on ,crying they all are , when asked what was wrong she replied Rubie was already crying when Lillie decided to shout at Graycie So Graycie slapped her, making Lillie cry. because Gracie got told off my mum She also started to cry. Kids what are they like. Croissants yummy

    JoanSorry about your friends tooth but I think it’s because they can only use certain low powered equipment at the moment, if they have to use the high powered stuff the room then has to be sealed off for an hour before they can use it again.

    I will you the biggest laugh of the day This morning at 10 Mins past 6 our telephone rang we were still in bed mr t has the bedroom extension his side of the bed so he answers it and it cuts off. Well I got up then. So locked at the number on the call log. The numbers was then phone code for Thant the area were our little family are so checks my mobile address book no body’s number matched it. So though well if it was urgent they would have rung again. Any way rang the number back myself no reply. Later on GS sends me a message It turns out he he left Kian in the living room while he nipped in the loo and came out to find him chewing the phone well he thought no more about it. But then realised a bit later a call had been made this morning to our number. He said in a phone call later it seems Kian wanted to talk to is great nan and geat grandad 😂😂. My reply was we can you please tell him next time to make it a bit later please. 😂😂 then of course Faye and Ashley wanted to talk to me.

    I must have a little potter around another Aidanisum and do some dinner

    Love and Sparkles To you all ❤️❤️🌈🌈

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Evening all..another thunder storm hope its the last..
    Carol I agree men of a certain glad you enjoyed your meal ..and how nice to have some left fir another day...its good to have your cruise to look forward to.. not long now till your proper anniversary...:)
    Glad your washer is all fixed and hopefully your tooth will follow very Joan says if things get to bad hospital are doing them
    Your ggs hahaha..Next he will be facetimeing....xx
    Kath thankyou for the poem it really cooled me down.. hahahaha...glad all is OK and you were just busy...Holly sounds like our eldest gd her hair has been all colours.. wish I could have done that when young..just black brown and tummy is OK now thankyou..
    The recipe sounds so good.. must look out for seaweed flakes.. xc
    Joan tummy is back to normal ..if there is such a thing...did you have any storms..i hope you got out with the doggies xx
    Toni its lovely of Ps daughter to move there family and all..i am sure it will help knowing she is close...still saying prayers here....
    So you have the remote between OH sits with it pointing at the TV.. even when it's not in use....hahahaha..we have a fire stick it in his TV in his room....bless .....
    Oh thankyou for the croissants..yes Aiden had them every morning unless going to the gc..
    Fingers crossed all goes smoothly for Charley and her gf house..not long now..xx
    Right thats my eyes done
    Love to everyone
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Eeeeh! what a storm last night!! it was great.

    P is having bloods today at the hospital and a biopsy next week. so staging should be possible by the end of next week 🤞 Thank you all for thoughts and prayers,

    Kath so long as you are ok that is ALL that matters. If you hadn't appeared today i would have been sleuthing....

    New clobber then?! That's good. Should have got some slippers for Holly! I love it when young 'uns colour their hair 😊 while you are young you jolly well should enjoy yourself.

    Love the birdie poem and really loved the picture I could look at them for hours....sigh

    Now that recipe looks fab....rather posh I think I am rather tempted. Will be ordering some cashews today as they have been in two recent recipes so worth it. Tesco coming tomorrow.

    Any news on Anita is she doing ok?

    Joan your poor friend no dentist I hope she is not in pain. Maybe I would adjust to an ipad then do you think? they really do take great photos. ((())) to you and Sue xxx

    Carol I am very pleased to hear the washer/dryer is fixed and easily solved hope it didn't cost too much? Back in action and with all this rain the dryer part is rather essential isn't it?

    Imagine that Kian ringing his GNan himself. You must have been the last number dialed. Lucy rang 999 twice when she was little got me in trouble she did🙄

    Imagine that ALL the girls bawling😮I can see exactly how it happened though having had 3 girls too with Tia they do tend to set each other off. Probably boys are the same. Barbara can answer that one😉

    I might have to do an Adan later if we get another storm like yesterday/rain and do some immaculising

    Have you done your roses yet from flamingo? I have done a lot of the leaves/feathers in my kits but not braved the sloth yet...

    Hi Barbara what an amazing storm that was! WOW! I loved it and so did Miss Sleek we watched it together 🙂🐱😺

    Certainly due more rain not sure about storms, but gosh it has been muggy Aidan would have needed this...

    Aidan loved his croissants from his days in France. Bill's Dad used to come over and have them too...sigh bless them all., but Bill most of all.

    My ex used to hog the telly controller too, but Paul isn't like that - well he actually can't work it very well😁

    I resume no news is good news with your bro? Did i tell you mine has got a KITTEN!! a fluffy ginger Tom called Paprika 😻

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath that's good you had a delivery (((()))) love to Chris (((())) Anita ((())) and your Dad ((())) and Holly ((()))

    Carol children are funny you cannot always laugh at them because they have done wrong (((())) love to Mr T ((())) thank you explaining about the dentist ((()))

    Barbara we had our first storm yesterday afternoon I was sat by the back door watching till I got wet love to your brother ((())) and Mr B ((()))

    Toni love to Pom ((())) what do you think about Maddie McCann I have followed that from when it happened.

    Love to Paul ((())) Lucy ((()))Tia ((())) Charley and.her girlfriend ((()))

    . Love to Bill (((())) Mig ((())) Chris ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem

    Poetry Blues by Kath.T

    I’m giving up this poetry lark,

    it’s becoming quite a bore,

    when I sit with pen in hand

    all I do is snore!

    and then I write just shopping lists,

    so difficult to rhyme,

    washing powder, biscuits,

    it happens all the time. 

    Yes I’m giving up this poetry lark 

    I'll have to have a think

    of what to do instead of write

    about rubbish, 

    and stuff that stinks!

    Hello everyone, I rang Anita last night. She might need to go to the hospital on Thursday to sign consent forms, and have markers inserted for the radiotherapy. She mentioned that her grandson Alex turns a year old soon. We recorded the drama about the Salisbury poisonings. It was in 3 parts (Sun, Mon and Tues). and it was fantastic. f you didn't catch it, look out for it on the BBC i-Player. We also had a storm through the night, it kept Chris awake.

    Carol, so pleased your washer has been fixed.

    Toni, that Mushroom omelette looks luscious. what a great name for a ginger Tom, Paprika.

    Barbara, I hope Niamh is coping.

    Joan, I think it was wrong of the German police to declare that Maddie is dead. Her parents believe she is still alive, and without a body, who can say she isn't just because someone says otherwise?

    Walnut & Miso Cheese

    A very tangy and speedy nut cheese that has the flavour depth of being fermented - perfect for impressing dinner guests new to nut cheeses especially! 


    • 1 cup walnuts, soaked in water overnight
    • 2 tbsp olive oil
    • 3 tbsp nutritional yeast flakes
    • 1 tbsp lemon juice
    • 1 tsp dark miso
    • Sea salt
    • Smoked paprika and walnut oil to finish


    1. Blend all ingredients together in a processor. Scoop onto parchment paper, then roll into a sausage shape. Sprinkle with smoked paprika   
    2. Refrigerate to harden. Cut into slices to serve and drizzle with walnut oil.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Evening all more starts here and its just gone very dark again.
    Is there only me scared of it...not the bangs but the lightening I once saw it tear a roof off..
    Joan you are brave..tell you I would hide under the stairs if it want full of the doggies not bother either.. i feel a proper wimp..hahaha..xx
    Kath noooo don't give up writing your poetry I live them..i will have everything crossed that all goes well for Anita..she must be so least you have been there and can advise ...
    Nutty cheese..sounds good but if its strong I can't eat my eldest

    brother love the smelly ones ..oops not sure what happen there.. xx
    Toni the waiting is the is Ps husband taking it..not easy on him bless..a week will seem like a year...fingers crossed for them ..

    you are another that watched the storm...i have never known one after another this is our 3rd day if them...
    Oh nealy forgot that is a proper omelett nice and fluffy..thankyou
    We had the air ambulance land nearby yesterday..a young man on an off Rd bike hit a car...just like that bless him..:(
    Love to everyone
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Another storm last night...that was the 6th day in a row! Luckily all later on in the day and all very welcome

    Sorry you are scared Barbara bless you. I hope your husband is kind to you and doesn't leave you alone. I can understand if you saw damage done by lightening ((()))

    Paul is going to try to see P's husband while I am at choir practice this evening. He is coping as he does....he drinks I'm afraid a little too much always has. Paul will offer a cup of tea! It might help him to have an hour away from thinking about it all we hope.

    Did the lad on the bike hit the car or the other way around??? I do hope he is ok 😕

    I think the cream cheeses Kath is posting will al be just as strong as you want to make them. We shall see eh?

    Kath was having a 'block' there? Unable to write? If it was during this pandemic I would lists is about all we've had to do!!!

    That's good that Anita is on to the next stage. In Stoke hospital they have had good results doing longer radio over less days.

    Imagine her little GS being 1! Has she been able to see him at all during this pandemic? Alex is a cute name 🤗

    I haven't seen the Salisbury poisoning serial, but intend to binge watch it over the weekend. Glad to hear it was good.

    Hi Joan I think it's desperately sad that a German prisoner might have been responsible for Maddie's death. As Kath says awful that her parents don't want to hear it. It is a story l have followed as my girls were young at the time. It made me extra vigilant with them especially on holiday.

    I have a Tesco order this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yippee!!

    Need breakfast so i have the strength to antibac wipe it all then put it away 🙄


  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath wish Anita all the best ((())) Anita is in safe hands you've been through it all so you know ((())) love to your Dad ((())

    Barbara I hope you have a fine day today (((())) I don't like lighting you don't know what it's going to strike. love to Mr B (((())) and your brother ((()))

    Toni Iove to Pom ((()))) and her family ((())) I hope you had everything in your order (((())) love to Charley and her girlfriend (((())) and Paul ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia (((()))

    A neighbour was told a fortnight ago had weeks to live he died this morning of Cancer.

    love to Bill ((())) Carol ((())) Mig ((())) Chris (((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (a very apt one).

    The Rain

    by Ruby Archer

    He is coming the gentle Rain,

    Riding his steed, the wind;

    And over the dusty plain

    Where grasses thirstily pined

    Floats a sigh—

    "He is nigh!"

    And the thunder grumbles his name

    To the lightning's questioning glance;

    While the air, like a restless flame,

    Quivers and glows and pants

    With the cry—

    "He is nigh!"

    Thank you for sending good wishes to Anita, she really appreciates it. I didn't actually have radiotherapy, because of my gammy lungs. I don't want pulmonary fibrosis thank you very much. I have problems breathing as it is!!!

    Barbara, I was really scared during the storm yesterday. We switched our laptops off. We nearly switched the TV off because we couldn't hear a thing as the rain was pounding against the window. I'm not normally scared of thunder and lightning, but that rain. I thought the window would break.

    Joan, how sad about your neighbour. They can't always tell how long cancer will take. 😪

    Toni, those pancakes were YUM, thank you. Now what for supper?.

    Fast & Healthy Burgers

    Quick, healthy and very tasty... perfect for a hearty meal on the go! 


    • Oil for frying
    • 1 x tin (400g) black or kidney beans, drained and rinsed
    • 250g/1¼ cups pre-cooked brown rice (use instant rice if short of time)
    • ½ tsp chilli powder
    • 1 tsp smoked paprika
    • 1 tbsp soya sauce
    • 1 tbsp olive oil
    • Salt and pepper, to taste
    • 1 tbsp Dijon or tomato purée (optional)
    • Handful fresh herbs, roughly chopped (optional)

    Serving suggestions: avocado, baked potato (sweet or regular), lettuce, mustard, red onion, steamed veg, sweet potato fries, tomato, tomato ketchup or relish, vegan mayo, wholemeal bun


    1. In a large bowl, partly mash the beans.
    2. Add the rice and mash them together, leaving some texture.
    3. Stir in all of the other ingredients thoroughly. 
    4. Ideally leave the mixture to chill for 30 minutes. 
    5. Form into burger shapes and fry on either side, on medium heat, until golden. 

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein