Val's Cafe



  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening all

    well dryer supposedly repair Tuesday did a wash yesterday and went to dry it and guess what the dryer fails to heat up again so not repair at all rang them back last night because we have a contract for kitchen appliances cover. Can’t have a appointment till 29th June so 11 days to go but after an argument with the call taker last night was rude and unhelpful I rang again this morning still can’t have appointment until 29th but I am now on the priority list and they will call me if they are able to fit me in earlier they don’t count a fault with the dryer as an emergency. Then of course it rains today so have had to have washing indoors to dry. And then this afternoon I go to give give Mr T a cup of tea in his office as we call it and he is having trouble with his laptop and he was moaning at me saying that he would have to take it into pc world for repair. And of course because it is something of his disphim not wanting to travel by bus at the moment he will do it possibly tomorrow sometime. Wouldn’t mind but he has a ipad and a spare Laptop. But he must have the one that is not working. But that’s men for you. 🙄🙄😖😖 I just want to scream. We now have the missing part to the shed the gardener brought it today. Apparently he is coming tomorrow to lay the slabs that the the shed will be screwed to and then they will erect the shed on Sunday. So fingers crossed 🤞 by next week the garden will be complete.

    Toni no it should not cost us at all for the dryer because we have a kitchen appliance cover with British Gas which I pay for monthly. No have not attempted the roses yet but I still cannot get motivated to do my crafts and I really don’t know why.

    Barbara as you can see above the dryer supposedly repaired wasn’t. Yes Kian rang his great nanny the little beast. But that wouldn’t the first time we have been called at odd hours by GC. and GGC. And yep all girl crying together. I think Lillie’s problem is she isn’t back at school yet and of course she cannot go to her baton twirling, beavers and a swimming so is missing all her friends. she desperately wants to go back to these things. It. It’s bad enough for us let alone the little ones.

    Joan yes children are funny creatures but the so are we sometimes. Hope you and Sue are doing ok.

    Kath the supposedly repaired dry wasn’t as you can see .. it’s driving me mad 😡 22 years with a contract with them and you get treated like I did last night. Call taker was very rude and patronising.

    well it is time for a little potter. Another Aidanism

    love and Sparkles to all ❤️❤️🌈🌈

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Morning i's dry so far, but for how long??

    Waiting for news on my Niece in law who was rushed to hospital with suspected appendicitis last night.

    Joan I am very sorry to hear about your neighbour. I hate cancer I really hate it. At least with COVID you can avoid it. Cancer can get anyone even kids as we know 😕

    Perfect stormy poem there Kath thank you and the picture was totally as it was. Our food has leaked AGAIN so roofer on his way today🙄 I have buckets and bowls out.....

    That rain was pretty phenomenal. My parents used to unplug everything and we do when we go to France if there's a storm.

    Good to hear you didn't need radio with your lungs I wouldn't be queuing up for it either. Nope.

    That burger looks so simple and tasty i have to give it a go. Trouble is getting the buns these days isn't it?

    Oh dear me Carol you can dry and I can't stay dry!

    Glad you have cover although 29th seems a long way off i do understand, but it's raining and your house must be like wishy washy's (as Aidan would say). Still goes to show the cover is worth having. I hope they squeeze you in sooner 🤞

    Will Mr T really go to PC world? I wouldn't, but as you say that's men for you🙄 Best let him get on with it - anything for a quiet life. He'd better wear his mask though tell him. Then stand well back😁

    Hoorah the shed part has arrived! and will all be erected by Sunday I expect weather permitting? Then a garden party! Well your daughter can come over at least.

    It is hard to motivate yourself when you have too much time on your hands I understand totally.

    Hope all is well with Barbara I expect her eyes are playing up. Sending love and ((()))🌈

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Crumpets with Aidan's best french butter....oh how I miss that!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good Morning everyone

    Kath it seems we are on our own at the moment ((())) it must be reassuring to Anita you have been through it ((())) Good luck for her appointment ((((())) and Chris ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    love to Barbara ((()))Toni ((())Carol (((()))Bill (((()))

    . have a good weekend xx

    take care
    joan xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Morning all

    Very fine rain today in patches and very cloudy.

    Toni hope all goes well with your niece. Yes it is like wish washy in this house I wouldn’t mind but long term it would not do my asthma much good so I too am hoping they can fit us in earlier. oh yes mr T is that stubborn he probably will go however I told him yesterday he can’t go today as the gardener is supposed to be coming to lay the slabs for the shed and I can’t deal with the gate at the moment as it needs a bit shaved off the bottom since the Slabs were Put down mr t can lift it slightly I can’t. Mind you Gardner was supposed to be here at 10 am it’s now 10.40 and he is still not here. Ok mr t has just told me that he doesn’t have to go to PC world youngest daughter is going to pick it up tomorrow and she will take it into pc world for him it’s under their Knowhow cover so she just needs his cover details. Ohh crumpets love them haven’t had one for ages.

    hope Barbara’s ok too

    hi Joan

    love and sparkles to you all ❤️❤️🌈🌈

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (John Betjeman didn't like Slough)


    John Betjeman

    Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough!

    It isn't fit for humans now,

    There isn't grass to graze a cow.

    Swarm over, Death!

    Come, bombs and blow to smithereens

    Those air -conditioned, bright canteens,

    Tinned fruit, tinned meat, tinned milk, tinned beans,

    Tinned minds, tinned breath.

    Mess up the mess they call a town-

    A house for ninety-seven down

    And once a week a half a crown

    For twenty years.

    And get that man with double chin

    Who'll always cheat and always win,

    Who washes his repulsive skin

    In women's tears:

    And smash his desk of polished oak

    And smash his hands so used to stroke

    And stop his boring dirty joke

    And make him yell


    But spare the bald young clerks who add

    The profits of the stinking cad;

    It's not their fault that they are mad,

    They've tasted Hell.

    It's not their fault they do not know

    The birdsong from the radio,

    It's not their fault they often go

    To Maidenhead

    And talk of sport and makes of cars

    In various bogus-Tudor bars

    And daren't look up and see the stars

    But belch instead.

    In labour-saving homes, with care

    Their wives frizz out peroxide hair

    And dry it in synthetic air

    And paint their nails.

    Come, friendly bombs and fall on Slough

    To get it ready for the plough.

    The cabbages are coming now;

    The earth exhales.

    Sir John Betjeman statue at St Pancras railway station

    I can hardly keep my eyes open. I had toothache and a sore mouth all night, so hardly slept. 🤒

    Our box arrived at 7:30am

    Carol, we rent our washer so repairs come free for us too. We rent from Box Clever.

    Joan, I hope you and Sue had a good night.

    Toni, those crumpets (pyclets) and butter look scrumptious.

    Barbara, I hope you are well.

    One Pot Pad Thai

    One pot, lots of yummy ingredients, ready in 10 minutes... need we say more!? 


    • Oil for frying (ideally sesame but any fine)
    • 1 packet stir fry vegetables of your choice
    • 1 packet ‘straight to wok’ ribbon noodles (approx. 150g)
    • 2 handfuls marinated tofu pieces (eg Cauldron)
    • 1 handful peanuts, roughly chopped
    • 1-2 tbsp peanut butter
    • 3 tbsp soya sauce
    • 3 tbsp sweet chilli sauce
    • Juice of ½ lime


    Optional extras: fresh chilli, fresh coriander, Thai crackers (Sainsbury’s do a vegan version), vegetable spring rolls (most are vegan but check the packet)


    1. Heat a little oil in a wok or large frying pan and empty the stir fry veg into the pan.
    2. Fry for a few minutes before adding all of the other ingredients. 
    3. Stir frequently for a few minutes to ensure that the noodles are cooked and the peanut butter has softened and is evenly distributed. 
    4. Serve immediately. 

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Morning all its pouring down again..i miss not being able to potter in the garden..
    Sorry about yesterday the Internet went down not sure if it the water or the thunder..
    Toni thankyou for breakfast.crumpets with French butter Audan will be drooling bless.. .i am glad thar Paul will get to see Ps husband ..its a shame he drinks more than he should and this will not eldest brother was the same..and then gave it and smoking up fir 5 years..till he became poorly..
    I hope the girls are doing OK..i think Lycy is having the best of the weather up in Scotland xx
    Joan more rain I'm afraid..its sad about your neighbour.. i am sure they could fund a cure iff like the virus alk the country's come together.. xx
    Carol my Oh isn't tech minded so dident really bother with the comp apart from Google..he is still trying to get the hang of his phone
    I hope the garden comes and Kate the base..then your shed can go are in for some hit weather next week think iy said 30s..xx
    Karh what an apt poem ..its not stopped raining here.. kath we use to rent our washing machine..and so did my late mum..its a good idea..and we use to have a TV with a box that you put money in..
    Thankyou again for all the recipes.. i am going to try the burger..xx
    Right s that's me for now
    Love to everyone
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 20. Jun 2020, 05:52

    Woke up to this!

    My bro rents his washer and when all our kids were young and money tight (as it is) I so used to envy him when they broke down. Sometimes they even got a new one I had to scrap about for the money to pay for our repair

    Joan I was here before you yesterday i don't know why you couldn't see me! I hope you and Sue are ok? I just said I woke up to sunshine at 05:52 today so feeling much happier after all that rain.

    Kath poor Slough that was a bit harsh! I do rather like the poem, but would change it slightly for other areas I haven't liked during my life 😉Yes we also call crumpets pikelets over here aren't they yum? I bought some the other week and Paul and I loved them.

    Poor you - toothache 😕has it gone off? Is there anything you can do? My dad used to put a clove on his (he hated the dentist), but some are working you may need to take some advice ((()))

    I'll have some pad thai yes please! Looks lovely i love stir fries.

    Carol I wonder did the gardeners turn up? I hope so, but f was raining like it was here could they actually do anything???

    I am so glad your daughter is sorting Mr T's precious laptop for him. I hope he has calmed down now and is coping without in the meantime?

    My niece is doing ok but they found her abdomen full of - sorry - puss! So they are treating with IV ABs asap and have drained most of it off via CT scan and drainy things! They think the appendix may have already burst. Worst is no-one can visit not even my nephew 😕

    Barbara I am so glad to see you, but I can see those poor eyes aren't great ATM ((())) A telly with a slot for money?! Great idea how much did it cost? and how long did it last? Mind you i would be livid if it went off in the middle of Coronation street.

    My internet wasn't connected to the laptop when I signed in this morning I do think it's the weather that causes it.

    Drinking too much is pretty dreadful for the family isn't it? Though i'm not sure I blame anyone once they get a terminal diagnosis. P was very down yesterday I chatted a lot of the day and helped where I could not much use. We joked about starting smoking again!! But neither of us would. I so wanted to hug her 😔She is getting her affairs in order I hope prematurely.

    Today you can potter in the garden!!!

    what shall we have for our breakfast this morning?

    Jamie Oliver's chickpea flour omelettes....he made them specially for us! honest😏

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Carol I hope everything is working has it should now ((((()))) love to Mr T ((((())))

    Kath I'm sorry you have toothache ((((()))) I hope you can get some thing done (((())) love to Anita (((())) and your Dad ((((()))) and Chris (((())))

    Barbara hope you have a good weekend (((()))) love to your brother (((()))) and is girlfriend (((())) and Mr B (((())))

    Toni I hope your niece is not in to much pain (((())) love to Pom (((())) I 'm thinking about her(((())) love to Paul (((())) Lucy (((()))Charley (((())) and her friend (((())))) and Tia (((())) years a go we had a TV you had to put a fifty pence in the back it lasted a few hours every month a man from telebank would come and empty it and take his payment and we would have the rest back to put in again.

    love to Bill ((())) Mig (((())) Chris (((())))


    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Morning all
    No sun here Toni..and it said Saturday would be nice.. maybe mini meadow needs sun...thankyou fir the chickpea omelette wonder what they taste like....
    The Tv was like the gas would go off any time...hahaha
    I am sorry to hear about your does sound like its burst if she has drains..the poor thing but she is in the right place thank goodness..xx
    I am still saying prayers for P..gosh its awful..i am sure you managed to take her mind off things for a while.. xx
    Joan thankyou...
    So you had the same TV that you put money in..yes they would empty it and take out the rental and give you back what was over.. it was like a savings bank...hahahaha love to all of you xx
    Hi to Karh you can ring 111 and they can get you an emergency dentist..especially while you are not well or disabled...the cloves that Toni mentioned do work but taste horrible..but numbs the pain...xx
    Right think we are having a ride idea were..
    Love to all
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 20. Jun 2020, 13:48

    Daily Poem (I couldn't resist this one).

    One Warm, Sunny Day

    A Nonsense Poem for Kids

    One warm, sunny day

    on a cold, snowy night,

    the inky-black darkness

    was sunny and bright.

    The evening that morning–

    that midnight at noon–

    was late in December,

    one April in June.

    I stood where I sat

    as I ran, lying still,

    deep down in a valley

    on top of a hill.

    The people beside me

    were nowhere around.

    The birds in the sky were

    all deep underground.

    The fish in the tree

    were asleep in their nest,

    and watched the sun set

    as it rose in the west.

    Yes, that’s what I saw

    when my eyes were closed tight,

    one warm, sunny day

    on a cold, snowy night.

     — Kenn Nesbitt

    Mr Nonsense

    My tooth is broken, and it does become painful and the gum feels inflamed, I wish it would fall out.

    I rang dad this morning, he's fine and has managed to cut his grass (before it rained). It was sunny this morning, but it's dark now, so I think we're in for more rain. 🙄

    I remember the slot TVs, but we never had one. We used to have Rediffusion, which was brilliant. You could watch TV through it and also listen to radio. There was a switch on the wall which picked up BBC1 and 2, ITV1, Fadio 1, 2 and 3 and local station. Rediffusion was the trading name of Broadcast Relay Service Ltd, formed in 1928.,tuning%20in%20weak%20radio%20broadcasts.

    Well, thats your entertainment and education done, now for food.

    Szechuan Tofu with Veggie Beef

    Made in honour of a meat-eater who loved eating this vegan dish in Hong Kong. Apparently, it tastes very much like the real thing!

    Serving suggestions - this is nice with a bit of finely shredded pak choi, very quickly wok-fried

    Gluten-free/wheat-free option

    Replace veggiemince with cooked aduki beans or whole lentils - see recipe

    Use tamari soya sauce

    Low-fat version

    Replace the cooking oil with oil spray. Reduce the sesame oil to 1-2 tsp

    Use oil spray to fry the tofu cubes

    Use dried veggie mince - soaked in hot stock - instead of frozen




    • 3 tbsp vegetable oil
    • 225g/8 oz frozen veggie mince eg Linda McCartney (for a GF option replace with ½ a tin of aduki beans or brown lentils)
    • 1½ cup finely chopped spring onions (about 3 sprigs)
    • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
    • 350ml/10.5 fl oz vegetable stock
    • 4 tbsp soya sauce - use tamari for a GF option
    • 2 tbsp chilli sauce
    • 2 tbsp sesame oil
    • ½ tsp red pepper flakes or granules
    • 350g/12oz tofu (firm regular or firm silken), drained and cubed

    Serve with cooked brown or white rice. This can be put on to cook before you start the main dish. Or use pre-cooked rice in pouches!


    1. If using brown rice, put it on to cook now - or heat up pre-cooked rice in pouches, eg Tilda.

    2. Heat the oil in a large sauce pan and brown off the veggie mince for two mins.

    3.Add the spring onion and garlic to the pan, continue to fry for a further few mins.

    4.Stir in the soy sauce, stock, chilli sauce, sesame oil and red pepper flakes/granules.

    5.Bring to boil then reduce and allow to simmer for around 20 mins, stirring occasionally. If using white rice, put it on to cook now in salted boiling water - about 11-12 minutes.

    6. Stir in the tofu at the end, heating it through in the sauce for 5 mins before serving. Firm tofu will keep its shape, silken will break down and blend in more with the mince.

    7. Serve with rice and additional soya sauce on the side

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    I seem to have lost my internet on my lap this data on my phone so just quickly letting you know I am fine.
    Joan I love the idea of the 50p slot and even better getting some money back when its been emptied!
    Barbara had one too! I think they sounded z good idea and I bet they fixed them fast if needs be.
    P's daughter should be here by now permanently while she is ill. I heard from her yesterday she said she was less low probably because her daughter was on her way. Husband still drinking.
    Kath that tooth sounds very painful I am sorry ((())) you may have to brave the dentist. Could be they will extract it for you?
    The meal looks lovely I would love to try it.
    The poem was great yes...for kids and big ones too like me!!
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Back in action so will leave us all some fooooood!

    pain au chocolat!

    Did you know asda's are vegan?!!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Barbara I hope you enjoy your ride out (((()))) love to your brother (((()))) and his girlfriend (((())) and Niamh (((())) and Mr B (((()))

    Kath I'm sorry you broke a tooth (((()))) our neighbour did that 111 would not help they said it was not an emergency so he got in touch with the dentist they did not have all the equipment to do it so they gave him a number he had it done last Friday (((())) love to Anita (((())))and Chris ((())) and your Dad (((()))

    Toni good luck with the Internet (((()))) love to Pom (((()))) and your niece (((()))) Charley ((())) and her friend (((()))) Paul (((())) Lucy (((())) Tia (((()))

    love to Bill (((()))) Mig (((())))Carol (((())) Chris (((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem

    Your Daily Dose Of Debt by Kath.T

    Tired of all those credit cards

    and loans that you can get

    to help you cope with all your bills?

    Your daily dose of debt.

    Do you have a store card?

    Or did you say "No - blow it!"

    Are you sick of people asking

    "What's in your wallet?"

    When you take the dog out

    for a visit to the vet

    and he later sends the bill -

    that's your daily dose of debt.

    Have you planned a holiday

    but don't know which is best?

    Just stop awhile and think about

    your mortgage interest.

    Did you take out more insurance

    for your personal protection?

    It's just one more brown envelope

    to add to your collection.

    While wading through the junk mail,

    how could we forget

    that every day the postman brings

    our daily dose of debt.

    Oh Toni, I'm so pleased you got your laptop working again. It was kind of you to let us know bt 'phone first, in case we worried. I don't have much to say really, so will just visit the veganarian shop for something to complement those delicious croissants.

    Smoky Baked Beans

    Of course baked beans on toast is a quick and easy vegan staple but they're actually very quick and easy to make! Enjoy them as a main served with toast or as a side served with all the breakfast bits of your choice :)


    • 1 tbsp vegetable oil
    • ½ small onion, diced
    • 1 garlic clove, peeled and finely chopped
    • 1 tin chopped tomatoes
    • 1 tsp smoked paprika
    • 2 tsp red wine vinegar
    • 1 tin butterbeans, cannellini beans or chickpeas, drained and rinsed
    • ¼ tsp sugar or ½ tsp syrup (eg maple or agave etc)
    • ½ tsp mixed herbs (optional)
    • Salt and pepper to taste
    • 2 slices of toast with vegan butter/spread (use GF if necessary)


    1. Heat the oil in a small saucepan and add the onion and garlic, frying until soft. 
    2. Add the tomatoes, paprika, vinegar, beans, sugar and herbs and stir. Season to taste.
    3. Bring to a simmer then cook for 10-15 mins or until it thickens.
    4. Serve on toast, spread with vegan margarine.
    5. Option to serve with vegan sausages, wilted spinach, roast tomatoes, hash browns, fried mushrooms, mixed seeds, hummus. 

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Hello all..rIning here on and off more on at the min.
    Kath I like the nonsense made me laugh..and the dept one..well yes I used to get sick of do you have one of our cards...noooo
    Glad to hear dad us OK i hope you can get that tooth fixed very soon.. can you imagine the queues on the phone when dentists do open..xx
    Joan have you been out with the doggies today..i think we are in for hot weather in the week...i will be moaning its to hot 🔥 xx
    Toni thankyou fir the pain a chocolate...our middle gd got us on these...,:) the net here is up and down with the weather...
    poor P but so glad her daughter is staying and how kind its not an easy task...will be thinking about them...i hope her OH can see sense and cut down..xx
    The one sister that was still in hospital has now recovered..its so sad she lost her sister but she is a very upbeat person..and having them all at the home in stitches with her story of covid..bless ...
    Right I'm off our dinner is being delivered...i hope...
    Love to everyone
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    I don't have much to say either other than I am going to 'meet' - socially distanced of course my bro's new kitten!


    So much less is happening to those of us who are staying inside🙄

    Kath that 'Daily dose of debt' is one of my favourites of your poems and think everyone in the world should read it especially kids. Plastic is fine if it is your own money you're spending.

    'Proper' beans on tast those thak you very much. Glad you enjoyed the pain au chocolate yesterday I hope they didn't set your tooth off?

    How's your tooth? are you coping ok?

    I am doing wash-day Monday for some reason....the washer was on before 6. Well there was sunlight on the solar panels and I have 3 loads to do and get dry...

    Might be hot today so I have got the pool out

    Joan thank you for all your kind wishes. I got the internet sorted I think it was actually the lap top which needed sorting because my phone was ok as was the telly because i checked, ((())) to you and Sue.

    Barbara I am so pleased the sister has survived this vile virus even without her beloved sister ((())) Great to hear that she is telling her 'war tale' to everyone who will listen.😁

    Aidan liked pain au chocolat they are everywhere in France. I am missing getting there this year. Paul keeps saying we might be able to go! It is a private house I suppose and in the van on the tunnel.....I do ahve my wee bottle now, but we haven't even been allowed to go to Scotland yet!

    I am so very glad P's daughter is here too permanently in the rented house 50 yards from P's. She sayd it doesn't matter now what her husband does with her daughter nearby.

    Windows open curtains open for now then curtains shut later on or we will all boil I think...maybe i'm wrong - probably will be the weekend wasn't as nice as we were told was it?

    Got hand ache cutting this lot up 😁

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath did you have your shopping on Friday (((())) good poem love to Anita (((()))) and Chris ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara we have a warm week as well I hope it kills the Virus ((())) love to your brother (((())) and his girlfriend (((()))) and Mr B (((())))

    Toni (((())))Love to Pom (((()))) and her daughter (((()))) and Paul (((()))Lucy (((())) Charley (((())))and her girlfriend (((())) and Tia (((())) I hope you all have a good week

    Love to Bill ((()))Carol ((())) Mig (((())) and Chris (((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (one to suit all of us I think)

    Who - Where?

    A broken body,

    an addled brain,

    a different person

    I’m not the same.

    Old age is cruel,

    so is disease,

    lungs that make you

    cough and wheeze.

    Bones that break.

    Blood that’s baked,

    toes that creak

    and bladder that leaks.

    Oh where is that girl

    from long ago?

    I search for her,

    but she doesn’t show. 

    Joan and Sue, If you receive an invitation to a facebook group called RA famous mob, don't be afraid to accept. I sent it. We are making changes such as the name and membership rules to make it more inclusive. Barbara and Toni are members, as was dear Aidan.

    Toni, all that lovely fruit, you could do with a mandolin to slice it up. I'm so pleased that P's daughter is with her.

    Barbara, I'm glad you enjoyed the nonsense poem. I wish I could write as well as that.

    Food that Aidan would have loved.

    Vegan Scones with Jam & Cream

    Fancy a spot of afternoon tea? These scones are very quick, easy and delicious! 


    Dry ingredients 

    • 350g self-raising flour
    • 60g caster sugar
    • 1½ tsp baking powder
    • 75g sultanas 
    • Pinch salt

    Wet ingredients 

    • 60g vegan spread
    • 170ml plant milk
    • 1 tsp vanilla extract or paste (optional)
    • 1 tbsp lemon juice



    1. Preheat the oven to 200ºC(fan)/390ºF/Gas Mark 6.
    2. Line a large baking tray with greaseproof paper. 
    3. In a large bowl, stir together all of the dry ingredients. Set aside.
    4. In a large just, mix together all of the wet ingredients (don't worry at this stage about smoothing out the vegan spread as you will do this later). 
    5. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and stir through thoroughly. Use your hands to work in the vegan spread and form into a ball of smooth, soft dough. 
    6. Divide the dough into 10 equal sized balls and place onto the lined baking tray. 
    7. Squish each ball down and create a round shape around 2cm thick OR use a 5cm/2in cutter to stamp them out. 
    8. Place in the oven and for 12 minutes until lightly golden. 
    9. Cool on a wire rack and spread with butter, cream and jam of your choice. 

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Oh yes Kath Aidan loved his scones! Bless his heart :) So do I though😉

    I have woken up again to glorious sunshine so will leave us all a swimming pool to cool down in later:

    Oh someone has already had a go!

    Loved the poem Kath could be a bit sad but makes a natural part of life quite funny instead! Thank you 😘

    that fruit? I whipped it up in no time 😁 ....fingers crossed behind back.....

    Anyway how is everyone? Anita and Val, your Dad, Holly and the girls?

    Joan How are you and Sue doing? Are you considering a scooter ride into town yet this week? They are saying we can all think about going out soon. I wonder whether the supermarkets are ready for that and have opened up their toilets yet. I must ask someone who goes into them🤔

    Now where was our Barbara yesterday I hope all is well. Her eyes probably, but it's not like here to be AWOL. Or as mellman used to say Off-coms!

    and Carol too. Did those slabs get laid ready for the shed? We shall see when she pops in. I hope so I really want that garden done for her.

    Am I doing anything today? erm......nope I don't think so😂

    Shall we have some food?

    another good old mix-up hopefully something for all of us in here.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath I hope you are feeling has you do and not worse (((()))) yes I saw the RA Group but thought I have osteoarthritis not RA I cannot join that. love to Chris (((()))Anita ((((())))) and your Dad (((())) and Holly (((()))

    Toni how is Pom ((((()))) and her daughter ((((()))) I sent a t message to our local Councillor to ask about the toilets and some are open I hope they are in your town has well ((((()))) how is your lovely neighbour (((((()))) love to Charley (((())) and her girlfriend (((()))) Lucy ((((())))Paul (((()))) Tia ((((()))

    Love to Barbara ((((()))Carol ((((())) Mig (((()))Bill ((((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Morning all..sorry about yesterday but had a phone call from my brothers gf..she was in panic..not surprising...because he was sort of knocked me for 6 and brought it all back what we went through with my eldest brother. ...we went to help and had to sit in the garden..manged to help with fizxy pop..and rang mcmillan...they are going round today bless them ...
    Right sorry about all that.
    .Toni thankyou for all the fresh need fir wonder your hands are achey
    I think you should go to France..its something to look forward to and that is everything..can you wear mask if so take a few that you can wash....xx
    Love to P and her family....xx
    Kath did you write the poem..who.where..its so good yes the other person is still there its just finding her..ooh a poem..hahahaha
    I am going yo have a go ar the easy scones..never had much luck with them xx
    Joan yes its going to be very warm..our gd in London is dreading it ..the mask they wear are so warm anyway..they have to keep going outside to have a breather...i wonder if our cafes open soon.. but think I will wait a few yo all of you xx
    We have a young couple moving in next poor neighbour has sold it.. i wish I had the money so she could buy him out...
    The couple don't have children so Niamh will be sad..
    Right I'm off
    Love to everyone

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (not mine)


    Rheumatoid Arthritis.


    The first thing that I noticed

    was problems with my shoes.

    A painful bunion, a sore big toe,

    whatever style I chose.

    Yet I was only forty-five

    Why were my feet so sore.?

    My elbows became painful

    Shopping was a chore.

    Pain-killers didn’t hit the the spot.

    I found myself referred,

    Blood tests soon revealed the cause

    Rheumatoid the frightening word.

    Soon I felt my pain all over,

    morning stiffness oh so hard.

    Activities I used to love

    no longer on the daily cards.

    New drugs came on the scene

    in nineteen ninety three.

    Trials needed guinea-pigs,

    Doctors approached me.

    I volunteered to be one,

    First, an injection every day.

    In three days my pain was gone,

    a miracle in every way.

    As years went on the drugs improved

    Arthritis no longer to be feared,

    The drug infused just once a month,

    Pain has not reappeared....

    Tens of thousands take this drug now,

    No cure has yet been found.

    I still could get a nasty flare,,

    putting my job out of bounds..

    Control of pain for sufferers

    plus no twisted swollen joints,

    means “arthritics” can lead normal lives,

    But for some, infusion disappoints.

    Medic schools have hard-worked labs,

    A cure they hope to find.

    Some magic potion once applied,

    Will swipe this problem from mankind.


    Eliza Jean

    (University College Hospital)

    Sorry I'm late, been busy administrating the Crazy Creakies facebook group. I changed the name from RA famous mob, to encourage my friends on here to join. OA patients can also join We now have Carol, Toni and Joan. Aidan was also a member too.

    Sorry, duty calls.

    Roasted Tofu & Sweet Potato Rendang Curry

    A firm favourite at all our vegan supper clubs. You will struggle not to eat this as you go along but believe us, it is so worth the wait! Enjoy as your kitchen fills with delicious scents of exotic spices. (Filmore and Union


    • 3 tsp oil of your choice
    • 180g sweet potato
    • 225g firm tofu, drained and 2cm cubed
    • 60g pak choi
    • 45g edamame beans

    For the rendang curry sauce

    • 1 small white onion, diced
    • 2cm piece of fresh ginger, grated
    • 3 cloves of garlic, crushed
    • 1 lemongrass stalk, finely chopped
    • 1 tsp each of ground cumin, cinnamon, nutmeg and coriander
    • 1 tbsp turmeric
    • 20g muscovado sugar
    • 15g each of tamari and tamarind paste
    • ½ tsp chilli flakes (add extra if you like a kick!)
    • 400g tin of coconut milk

    For the coconut rice

    • 150g brown rice
    • 65g black rice
    • 25g desiccated coconut
    • 400g tin of coconut milk

    To garnish (optional)

    • Small bunch of fresh coriander
    • Sliced chillies
    • Crushed peanuts
    • Lime juice


    1. Preheat the oven to 200°c/390°F/Gas Mark 6.
    2. Peel and cube the sweet potato, toss in a teaspoon of the oil and add to a baking tray.
    3. Cook for 30 minutes until tender. In the meantime you can start your rendang curry sauce which should take about 15 minutes.

    For the rendang curry sauce

    1. Add the remaining two teaspoons of oil to a wok and place on a medium heat.
    2. Add the onion, ginger, garlic and lemongrass.
    3. Fry for 5 minutes until the ingredients have softened.
    4. Add the ground spices, muscovado sugar, tamari, tamarind paste, dried chilli flakes and the tin of coconut milk.
    5. Turn the heat down and simmer for approximately 15 minutes.
    6. After 15 minutes, take the pan off the heat and let the sauce cool.
    7. Check on the sweet potato cubes and turn them to prevent sticking.
    8. Drain the tofu, slice into 2cm cubes and then place these on a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper.
    9. Place in the oven for the remaining 15 minutes.

    For the coconut rice

    1. Place a medium-sized saucepan on a medium heat.
    2. Place the brown rice, black rice, desiccated coconut and coconut milk into the pan.
    3. Gradually add 300ml of water until the rice is soft and all liquid has cooked out. Season with a sprinkling of salt if you wish.
    4. Remove the tofu and sweet potatoes from the oven. They should be lovely and roasted by now!
    5. The curry sauce should have cooled a little, so blend using a stick blender until it is nice and smooth. Once you have done this, you’re ready to start plating up.
    6. Reheat the curry sauce on a medium heat and add the pak choi, edamame beans, sweet potato and tofu. Stir until heated through.
    7. Reheat the coconut rice if needed by placing it in a small bowl and place this in the microwave for no longer than 1 minute.

    To plate

    1. Spoon some rice into a bowl and pour the curry around it.
    2. To add a little extra flavour, why not garnish with some freshly picked coriander, sliced chilli, crushed peanuts and a squeeze of lime juice? Delicious!

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Wow that curry Kath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want some ASAP I have to try that I can almost taste it and smell it from here.

    Busy indeed you were on fbook yesterday. I am very glad Joan has joined the group too. Yes Aidan was a member.....sigh 😔 Isn't Elizabeth too?

    Great poem too it felt like it could be one of yours but then it didn't because that clever lady (because of her poetry not her RA) is doing very very well.

    Barbara! you poor girl! That must have been terrifying and brought it all back with your elder brother. I do hope this doesn't mean things aren't going as well as we thought? Or did your bro eat something too solid/big/dry??? I'm so glad Macmillan are going round (or have been) his GF needs the support too. How near are you?

    P was quite lively yesterday, but today is biopsy day. I will be thinking about her all day😕 such a worry isn't it? I bloomin well hate it all I really do.

    Regarding your neighbour it's wrong that they can't stay at least until the children are adults, but such is life these days women don't seem to be as well looked after. Maybe the new young cuple will have ababy in time for Niamh to play with😉

    We shall see about France Paul is already trying to rebook the Orient express for next year🙄imagie that? on a train!!

    Hi Joan thank you for asking P has her biopsy today will be leaving by now and hopefully back for tea time all being well. I've just heard from her she is being brave and is on her way to the hospital. I saw my lovely neighbour yesterday she is doing so well. Like yourselves she has carers in and out in the daytime her husband can't possibly do it all. We had a good old outside socially distant chinwag! I am glad to hear you have some toilets open so braving a run out might be on the cards for you and Sue when you feel ready. No rush like Barbara said wait until the rush dies down.

    Love to Carol I hope all is well with you and Mr T has had his laptop fixed😉

    Something to eat now🤔

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    . Kath good poem ((((())) you have RA and Osteoarthritis (((())) I bet your body don't know what to do next.

    Love to Chris (((())))Anita (((()))) and your Dad (((())))

    Barbara (((()))) sorry your Brother ((((()))) and his girlfriend (((()))) had that worry it's frightening when that happens (((())) sorry about your neighbour it's not right they should do that not when they have children (((())))

    . Toni you need a holiday the Orient express I hope you can (((()))) love to your neighbour (((()))) Paul (((())) Lucy (((())) Charley (((())) and her girlfriend (((()))) Tia (((())))

    love to Bill ((())) Carol (((())) Mig (((())))

    take care
    joan xx