ATOS Horrible Medical

elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
edited 11. Apr 2013, 06:48 in Living with Arthritis archive

I have had my letter calling me for a medical next thursday..It is also my dad's birthday...I knew this day was coming and I know what's coming in the future, nil points and appeal like made...
I was having a good week till I got this flipping letter....Now im gonna be made to feel like a fraud...



  • GraceB
    GraceB Member Posts: 1,595
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    you know you are genuine and so do we!
    On the day - if you can - don't take your meds (or reduce the dose). Remember to report everything as on your worst possible day.
    Can anyone go with you to support you?
    Depending on the time of this medical, can you meet up with your Dad afterwards and either have lunch or a drink out? You can then celebrate his birthday and focus on lovely things.
    Please let us know how you get on. I'll send positive thoughts your way.
    Take care,
    Turn a negative into a positive!
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Well I live with my mum and dad so I don't know if he will go with me, he has done enough for me already going to see consultants, etc...The medical is 10am so i have to leave my home over an hour beforehand? I am putting on no make up and taking no medication either as dont take it till lunchtime....
    Last time they failed me on the same day....


    GraceB wrote:
    you know you are genuine and so do we!
    On the day - if you can - don't take your meds (or reduce the dose). Remember to report everything as on your worst possible day.
    Can anyone go with you to support you?
    Depending on the time of this medical, can you meet up with your Dad afterwards and either have lunch or a drink out? You can then celebrate his birthday and focus on lovely things.
    Please let us know how you get on. I'll send positive thoughts your way.
    Take care,
  • maria09
    maria09 Member Posts: 1,905
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good luck
    I went with my husband & the stupid questions I was ask
    How did I feed my cat?
    How do I listen to music?
    Did not ask anything work related & when I tried to tell him he said that he didnt have to know that :x
    I went without make up & no medication
    If you have a stick take it
    Show them how difficult it is to get out of a chair & fidgit like mad
    Just coz i could hold a file then I could use a mouse & keyboard I cant I only use 1 for a limited as pain & stiffness sets in :roll:
    He also said coz I could pick uo an empty cardboard box Im fit for work :roll:
    Jumped up staff nurse he was :roll:
    Not that being a staff nurse is bad Im one myself but you would think a registered doctor would be better
    Whats really strange is 2 days before that letter I got one saying I was accepted for ill health retirement :!:
    Both use ATOS doesnt make sense to me
    Good luck with your assessment

    keep us informed
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Maria

    I have been before but im afraid this just brings it all back to how horrible the whole process was and is so unjust. I will do things like move slower, stroke leg, fidget and ask for a chair with two arms so can get in and out of it little bit easier....
    I just hate how they make you feel, I only had a major operation three months ago.


    maria09 wrote:
    Good luck
    I went with my husband & the stupid questions I was ask
    How did I feed my cat?
    How do I listen to music?
    Did not ask anything work related & when I tried to tell him he said that he didnt have to know that :x
    I went without make up & no medication
    If you have a stick take it
    Show them how difficult it is to get out of a chair & fidgit like mad
    Just coz i could hold a file then I could use a mouse & keyboard I cant I only use 1 for a limited as pain & stiffness sets in :roll:
    He also said coz I could pick uo an empty cardboard box Im fit for work :roll:
    Jumped up staff nurse he was :roll:
    Not that being a staff nurse is bad Im one myself but you would think a registered doctor would be better
    Whats really strange is 2 days before that letter I got one saying I was accepted for ill health retirement :!:
    Both use ATOS doesnt make sense to me
    Good luck with your assessment

    keep us informed
  • maria09
    maria09 Member Posts: 1,905
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I just dont understand their rationale makes no sense to me
    its pathetic the way they treat us!
    I would work if I could as I have done for the last 30yrs!
    Dont look ill then your not ill
    Are they there when the pains so bad you cant get out of bed? NO
    Are they there when you are spaced out on your pain meds? NO
    Are they there when you cant sleep due to pain & spend all night awake?
    My list could go on forever
    Rant over
  • villier
    villier Member Posts: 4,426
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Elaine good luck to you pet, as you know I have just been down that road, I don't think it matters what you say or do as I have it on good authority from a DWP empoyee that they have targets of how many people they have to fail, she told me a man with cancer was told he was fit to work so what chance have we got it's disgusting. Anyone could do the assessment as all they are doing is following guidlines set by the government, I asked the DOCTOR if she knew about my neurological condition as it is extremely rare she mumbled something and carried on, the questions she asked me were all related to the forms that I had filled in, they are only reiterating that to see if you catch yourself out , so be careful, if you fail just be like the rest of us fight them all the way............Marie xx
    Smile a while and while you smile
    smile another smile and soon there
    will be miles and miles of smiles
    just because you smiled I wish your
    day is full of Smiles
  • ShulaArcher
    ShulaArcher Member Posts: 174
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Elaine

    I do sympathise. I'm waiting for the result of my appeal as I scored 0 on my last ATOS. Do you have any correspondence from your Consultant to your GP? I only got mine for the appeal, thanks to the secretary at my GPs. Wish I had been able to give them in at the time of the medical as they do state my case in no uncertain terms.

    Will be thinking of you

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Elaine I do feel for you , still struggling with your knee then this, and the stress they cause you to go through.
    I will be thinking about you , and hope it all goes well...good Luck x
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    They dont use rationale though do they, in fact they act so mechanical its just not believable!....If I could have felt like doing a job I would have done it and its only 3 months since i had major surgery - am I fit enough..Hell no!

    maria09 wrote:
    I just dont understand their rationale makes no sense to me
    its pathetic the way they treat us!
    I would work if I could as I have done for the last 30yrs!
    Dont look ill then your not ill
    Are they there when the pains so bad you cant get out of bed? NO
    Are they there when you are spaced out on your pain meds? NO
    Are they there when you cant sleep due to pain & spend all night awake?
    My list could go on forever
    Rant over
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    The last woman who examined me lulled me into a false sense of security saying she sympathised with me as she too had knee problems...I wont fall into that trap again...
    I will only answer questions I have filled in on form, no more, I won't be going on a consulting table either, no way after she lied about me getting on and off it with help last time as well...
    Its just wrong that they should be hitting targets, this is people's lives they are playing with not some sales pitch...
    I will not volunteer any other information than they ask. Im afraid im going to be very frosty and very defensive...Im angry at being made t go through this again so soon after surgery....I maybe will be ready for work at 6 months but as im not near that, its not an option...

    villier wrote:
    Elaine good luck to you pet, as you know I have just been down that road, I don't think it matters what you say or do as I have it on good authority from a DWP empoyee that they have targets of how many people they have to fail, she told me a man with cancer was told he was fit to work so what chance have we got it's disgusting. Anyone could do the assessment as all they are doing is following guidlines set by the government, I asked the DOCTOR if she knew about my neurological condition as it is extremely rare she mumbled something and carried on, the questions she asked me were all related to the forms that I had filled in, they are only reiterating that to see if you catch yourself out , so be careful, if you fail just be like the rest of us fight them all the way............Marie xx
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    I havent any such information. I saw my doctor when i sent the form off she said the way it works is they ask her for information and then an awful thing happened to her, her daughter hung herself so im not even sure if they write will they get her opinion, doubt she is back at work...
    Im trying not to get worked up but it gets the hackles on my back up already..

    Hello Elaine

    I do sympathise. I'm waiting for the result of my appeal as I scored 0 on my last ATOS. Do you have any correspondence from your Consultant to your GP? I only got mine for the appeal, thanks to the secretary at my GPs. Wish I had been able to give them in at the time of the medical as they do state my case in no uncertain terms.

    Will be thinking of you

  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    You cross one hurdle then another one comes smack bang in your way doesnt it? If they had left me for the full 6 months reocvery then i would go on jobseeker's of my own accord but they cant think that out reasonably that it takes at least 6 months to recover from this major surgery....
    It has caused a wee bit of stress im trying to minimalise though, stress wont do me no good but im defensive already and cautious...Just hope its not the same woman who exmaines me as did the last time...

    barbara12 wrote:
    Elaine I do feel for you , still struggling with your knee then this, and the stress they cause you to go through.
    I will be thinking about you , and hope it all goes well...good Luck x
  • kentishlady
    kentishlady Member Posts: 809
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good Luck Elaine. Hope it all goes well for you. Will be thinking of you. Beryl ((()))
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Thanks for the thoughts will need them...

    Good Luck Elaine. Hope it all goes well for you. Will be thinking of you. Beryl ((()))
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I have decided not to stress out about this but am thankful my dad is coming with me, what I'd do without him I don't know, he is brilliant and the last time I got this emotional was post surgery in the hospital when I was ill....
    I am going to go and insist on things such as an chair with 2 arms so can get in and out of it, am going to refuse to get on the examining couch, am not going to let this person touch my knee an awful lot, am not going to volunteer any more information than what they ask (that's a trick of theirs asking to elaborate then interpreting it their twisted way)....I am annoyed but I'm also proud I had the guts to go ahead with this operation, it is the best thing I have done for a long time....However I am not quite ready for full time work, I am getting there and nobody is going to make me feel anything less...
    I hate the way these ****ers make me feel, I hate being defensive and trying to outsmart them but it's in a way how we have to be, they don't play fair...

  • bubbadog
    bubbadog Member Posts: 5,544
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Elaine, I know how you feel about these medical's, I've been worrying about it since it was announced they where changing it and reassessing everybody. I started relaxing after I was given the DLA for life and now I'm worrying myself sick and it's flared my IBS up so have bad tummy cramps and upset tummy. I hope everything will be fine with your medical and I'm just waiting for the brown envelope to come through the door.
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Bubba

    So why if you have been awarded DLA for life are you being called for a medical too, I don't understand?...
    I certainly cannot see me being the expception to the rule and my medical being any different to the hundreds of other we read about on here...It's the two faced nature my last one was undertaken which annoyed me and she took less than a few hours to decide I was FIT FOR WORK! I shall just have to go and as I said box clever, and that's not being sneaky but they don't play fair so I know a few things to stand my ground on...
    By the way it's no longer a brown envelope that comes through the door from ATOS it is white and it says IMPORTANT THIS IS NOT A CIRCULAR so a white one will be popping through....
    I hate them with a passion, I despise anyone who lies and cheats..How on earth they got the contract I dont know but then again I thought about this and if they are delcaring thousands of us FIT TO WORK then that will please Cameron, IDS and all the other toffee nosed numpties who run this country...What gets me about DC is his father was disabled and so was his son, he ought to know what its like but then again the silver spoon was in situ in the womb long before any of that lot ever had any brains developed!


    bubbadog wrote:
    Hi Elaine, I know how you feel about these medical's, I've been worrying about it since it was announced they where changing it and reassessing everybody. I started relaxing after I was given the DLA for life and now I'm worrying myself sick and it's flared my IBS up so have bad tummy cramps and upset tummy. I hope everything will be fine with your medical and I'm just waiting for the brown envelope to come through the door.
  • Love2Draw
    Love2Draw Member Posts: 15
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Elaine, I will be thinking of you on Thursday.
    I know exactly how you feel because I'm going through this "medical" assessment nonsense myself right now. I was declared "fit for work" after some NURSE with superhuman powers decided that there is nothing much wrong with me. Her ESA85 report is full of false, innacurate and misleading statements.
    I've been left without money for weeks on end over this nonsense, had to depend on a food parcel over christmas and new year, have sat in the CAB office in floods of tears and am now on anti-depressants because of what these villains are doing.
    The CAB managed to get SOME money out of them for me, just before christmas. I'd been left without any money at all for 12 weeks, got a payment on 21st December then nothing again since then until a couple of days ago. They are sending me letters saying "your medical statement is about to run out. Please send another one by *insert date*. If you don't send a current med statement, your money will be stopped or suspended.", when I have been sending these in continuously since the start of my ESA claim. My current medical statement runs out on 11th Feb, but they are saying it ran out on 14th January !
    If anyone is having problems with these crooks, PLEASE get your MP involved. They need to know what these assessments are doing to people and how the DWP are treating us. My MP has already been very helpful, and I sent him another email yesterday because I'm still having problems with this. MP's across all parties are calling for these ATOS assessments to be stopped because of so many people contacting them asking for help after being subjected to the inhuman treatment they are receiving from both ATOS and the DWP.
    I'm actually thinking about sending emails to IDS, Cameron, Osborne and Hoban about how this nonsense is affecting me and many others.
    Take care everyone. xx
  • sbolam
    sbolam Member Posts: 374
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I hope it goes well for you. but I have only just get my appeals papers through and I had my ATOS medical back in April, I have come to the conclusion, that it really does not matter what you say, the computer will say NO.

    Good Luck Hun
  • bubbadog
    bubbadog Member Posts: 5,544
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Bubba

    So why if you have been awarded DLA for life are you being called for a medical too, I don't understand?...
    I certainly cannot see me being the expception to the rule and my medical being any different to the hundreds of other we read about on here...It's the two faced nature my last one was undertaken which annoyed me and she took less than a few hours to decide I was FIT FOR WORK! I shall just have to go and as I said box clever, and that's not being sneaky but they don't play fair so I know a few things to stand my ground on...
    By the way it's no longer a brown envelope that comes through the door from ATOS it is white and it says IMPORTANT THIS IS NOT A CIRCULAR so a white one will be popping through....
    I hate them with a passion, I despise anyone who lies and cheats..How on earth they got the contract I dont know but then again I thought about this and if they are delcaring thousands of us FIT TO WORK then that will please Cameron, IDS and all the other toffee nosed numpties who run this country...What gets me about DC is his father was disabled and so was his son, he ought to know what its like but then again the silver spoon was in situ in the womb long before any of that lot ever had any brains developed!


    bubbadog wrote:
    Hi Elaine, I know how you feel about these medical's, I've been worrying about it since it was announced they where changing it and reassessing everybody. I started relaxing after I was given the DLA for life and now I'm worrying myself sick and it's flared my IBS up so have bad tummy cramps and upset tummy. I hope everything will be fine with your medical and I'm just waiting for the brown envelope to come through the door.

    Elaine, I haven't been called for a medical Yet! I'm getting myself worked up worrying I will be called eventually. So now they are getting clever and changed it to a white envelope! Blimey I will be jumping out my skin everytime the postman comes now!
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Love2Draw

    Why are these people allowed to put their own interpretation of what they think has happened or how they see it, that's not correct...
    How the heck do they expect you to live with no money whatsoever, that is just plain awful and its no wonder your'e on anti depressants...
    I hate what this system stands for and how it can be so unjust, unfair and wrong when its the government that have put it on place...Where's the sense of justice there, isnt it criminal to make up lies, make people do things they are not capable of doing and then bullying them?
    Nobody should have sanctioned this system

    Love2Draw wrote:
    Hi Elaine, I will be thinking of you on Thursday.
    I know exactly how you feel because I'm going through this "medical" assessment nonsense myself right now. I was declared "fit for work" after some NURSE with superhuman powers decided that there is nothing much wrong with me. Her ESA85 report is full of false, innacurate and misleading statements.
    I've been left without money for weeks on end over this nonsense, had to depend on a food parcel over christmas and new year, have sat in the CAB office in floods of tears and am now on anti-depressants because of what these villains are doing.
    The CAB managed to get SOME money out of them for me, just before christmas. I'd been left without any money at all for 12 weeks, got a payment on 21st December then nothing again since then until a couple of days ago. They are sending me letters saying "your medical statement is about to run out. Please send another one by *insert date*. If you don't send a current med statement, your money will be stopped or suspended.", when I have been sending these in continuously since the start of my ESA claim. My current medical statement runs out on 11th Feb, but they are saying it ran out on 14th January !
    If anyone is having problems with these crooks, PLEASE get your MP involved. They need to know what these assessments are doing to people and how the DWP are treating us. My MP has already been very helpful, and I sent him another email yesterday because I'm still having problems with this. MP's across all parties are calling for these ATOS assessments to be stopped because of so many people contacting them asking for help after being subjected to the inhuman treatment they are receiving from both ATOS and the DWP.
    I'm actually thinking about sending emails to IDS, Cameron, Osborne and Hoban about how this nonsense is affecting me and many others.
    Take care everyone. xx
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Well i knew my envelope was coming but it still doesn't prepare me for how ti makes me feel, angry, emotional and hurt...This is my life they are questioning me on and then telling me my body is fit when it clearly isnt....I hope your envelope doesnt come for quite some time yet but the changes are to be made after April 2013 so dont know..

  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry Steven

    I didnt answer you when I answered the others!
    I think perhaps you are right and we are indeed all just sent there to be grilled and humiliated...The government should go in all these bookies each day and get the folk I see everyday who have never worked for decades off their feet and into some sort of voluntary scheme..

    sbolam wrote:
    I hope it goes well for you. but I have only just get my appeals papers through and I had my ATOS medical back in April, I have come to the conclusion, that it really does not matter what you say, the computer will say NO.

    Good Luck Hun
  • sbolam
    sbolam Member Posts: 374
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Ah yes, but to them we are all faking it. I just wish they could have the pain for a day and see how they get on. they would be singing a different tune then I can tell you.
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    They are just cold, slimy creatures who have a conscience of Hannibal Lecter. We aren't seen as people, merely numbers to get off the DWP's scrounger list. It should be fair but it isnt and already im getting worked up about it.

    sbolam wrote:
    Ah yes, but to them we are all faking it. I just wish they could have the pain for a day and see how they get on. they would be singing a different tune then I can tell you.