ATOS Horrible Medical



  • maria09
    maria09 Member Posts: 1,905
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Elaine guess what?
    2 more brown envelopes from our favourite DWP
    First one stating payment had been made into my account
    second stating they would let me know how my appeal was doing and what to do if appeal failed!
    Have you any news yet?
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    We had one brown envelope today and it was to a wrong address! Its got to be in the post somewhere just dont put it paost them to stop money before i hear....

    maria09 wrote:
    Elaine guess what?
    2 more brown envelopes from our favourite DWP
    First one stating payment had been made into my account
    second stating they would let me know how my appeal was doing and what to do if appeal failed!
    Have you any news yet?
  • maria09
    maria09 Member Posts: 1,905
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Any post today?
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Brown envelope - for my dad, from the taxman! Im wondering where mine is now but I ain't gonna contact them..I am due another payment this thursday maybe they will break their necks not to make another payment to a scrounger like me!

    maria09 wrote:
    Any post today?
  • charleeh
    charleeh Member Posts: 173
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I went for an ATOS medical and sat on a chair I couldn't even sit properly on for 2.5 hours in the waiting room. I had to watch all the staff go out for dinner and then come back again before I was seen.

    I complained that the chairs were too low and I can't understand why you are interviewing 'DISABLED PERSONS' and you don't have a single disabled friendly chair to sit on!!! I couldn't hardly move when I finally came to stand up - my husband had to lift me out of the chair.

    No one else really looked ill the day I went to be quite honest. I fully understand that there are a lot of 'rats' that need catching but there are a lot of genuine disabled people being treated terribly. I had a anonymous feedback form come through and I went to town on that form!!! I worried that if I were to make an official complaint that it would have effected my 'decision' - It was a horrible experience for me. Very stressful and stress makes me flare up.

    I do hope that everything has worked out ok for you.

    Best wishes,

  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    ATOS are a bunch of incompetent **ggers and thats putting it politely! So did you pass the medical? That was terrible to be kept waiting for that amount of time....

    charleeh wrote:
    I went for an ATOS medical and sat on a chair I couldn't even sit properly on for 2.5 hours in the waiting room. I had to watch all the staff go out for dinner and then come back again before I was seen.

    I complained that the chairs were too low and I can't understand why you are interviewing 'DISABLED PERSONS' and you don't have a single disabled friendly chair to sit on!!! I couldn't hardly move when I finally came to stand up - my husband had to lift me out of the chair.

    No one else really looked ill the day I went to be quite honest. I fully understand that there are a lot of 'rats' that need catching but there are a lot of genuine disabled people being treated terribly. I had a anonymous feedback form come through and I went to town on that form!!! I worried that if I were to make an official complaint that it would have effected my 'decision' - It was a horrible experience for me. Very stressful and stress makes me flare up.

    I do hope that everything has worked out ok for you.

    Best wishes,

  • charleeh
    charleeh Member Posts: 173
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Elaine,

    Yes I did pass the medical. but I will say that the lady that interviewed me did have a proper medical back ground, I can't quite remember what she said she was, some kind of nurse I think. From what I hear a lot of people have been interviewed by people that do not have sufficient medical knowledge.

    The problem is with arthritis I think is that you can have a run of few good days and feel well, then it comes back very quickly and debilitates you quite badly. On those couple of good days, there is a pile of things you need to do simply to get by in life, like managing to wash your own hair, doing the washing, making a meal for yourself for a change, putting your washing in the wardrobe, dusting etc - things others take for granted.

    If you tell the people who ask you what you can do, they twist it and misunderstand what its like to be incapable of doing what you need to do when you want to - not when you have to. ... if you get what I mean lol

    best wishes
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    You see I dont think just being a nurse is a good thing....I see nurse practitioners at my GP's practice and they are okay but not as knowledageble as doctors and therein lies the problem....They have vague knowledge of certain things and thats not good enough to be assessing people....Its like me saying I have worked in an office, doesnt mean I know everthing about office admin, every firm is different...
    ATOS d twist things to their advantage and its a tick box system that we are caught up in..Wish it was fairer...

    charleeh wrote:
    Hi Elaine,

    Yes I did pass the medical. but I will say that the lady that interviewed me did have a proper medical back ground, I can't quite remember what she said she was, some kind of nurse I think. From what I hear a lot of people have been interviewed by people that do not have sufficient medical knowledge.

    The problem is with arthritis I think is that you can have a run of few good days and feel well, then it comes back very quickly and debilitates you quite badly. On those couple of good days, there is a pile of things you need to do simply to get by in life, like managing to wash your own hair, doing the washing, making a meal for yourself for a change, putting your washing in the wardrobe, dusting etc - things others take for granted.

    If you tell the people who ask you what you can do, they twist it and misunderstand what its like to be incapable of doing what you need to do when you want to - not when you have to. ... if you get what I mean lol

    best wishes
  • MUM1
    MUM1 Member Posts: 79
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    villier wrote:
    Elaine good luck to you pet, as you know I have just been down that road, I don't think it matters what you say or do as I have it on good authority from a DWP empoyee that they have targets of how many people they have to fail, she told me a man with cancer was told he was fit to work so what chance have we got it's disgusting. Anyone could do the assessment as all they are doing is following guidlines set by the government, I asked the DOCTOR if she knew about my neurological condition as it is extremely rare she mumbled something and carried on, the questions she asked me were all related to the forms that I had filled in, they are only reiterating that to see if you catch yourself out , so be careful, if you fail just be like the rest of us fight them all the way............Marie xx
    Good luck Elaine for your ATOS asssement. villier probably true what you say if someone with cancer fit enough for work what chance have the rest of us. My mother passed away with bowel cancer 4 years ago. She wasn't had given up work a few years previous and my father had taken early retirement (2 years) after having had a tripple bypass. She had the cancer 2 years in and out of hospital with chemo and radiotherapy until the last 6 months of her life it had become terminal, and any benefits they were entitled to were only sorted out 3 months before she passed away.
  • villier
    villier Member Posts: 4,426
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    If any of you send for the full face to face report from ATOS be prepared for yet more discrepancies, I have just received mine today after a month of a letter and phone calls, they couldn't even get my condition right after writing it umpteen times on the forms and also asking the Doctor if she new about my rare condition, they also stated that I used to be a chef :lol: maybe they think a catering manager is the same thing, that is only the start of it. I have just spoken to the DWP and they can't change ATOS's report I will have to write to the DWP with all the discrepancies as I am bet your life I will, thought I would pre-warn you all what's in front of you...........Marie xx
    Smile a while and while you smile
    smile another smile and soon there
    will be miles and miles of smiles
    just because you smiled I wish your
    day is full of Smiles
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh Marie

    Thats terrible but the only good thing is it shows them up for being incompetent and you can use it as ammo...You shouldn't have to do their donkey work however, how on earth do these people get the contracts? and also how do they take pride in their work?

    Shamefull...Sending u big ((hugs))

    villier wrote:
    If any of you send for the full face to face report from ATOS be prepared for yet more discrepancies, I have just received mine today after a month of a letter and phone calls, they couldn't even get my condition right after writing it umpteen times on the forms and also asking the Doctor if she new about my rare condition, they also stated that I used to be a chef :lol: maybe they think a catering manager is the same thing, that is only the start of it. I have just spoken to the DWP and they can't change ATOS's report I will have to write to the DWP with all the discrepancies as I am bet your life I will, thought I would pre-warn you all what's in front of you...........Marie xx
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Thats terrible they didnt sort out your mum;s beenfits till so late in her illness...You are right when you say they check to see if what you have put down in form is consistent with what you say in assessment...
    I think it is the worst governement thing ever,,,

    PS...Intersting about benefits thing in news, lass who claimed against working for free in poundland...How quick did the gov move to make sure nobody else could claim....They move when it suits them!

    MUM1 wrote:
    villier wrote:
    Elaine good luck to you pet, as you know I have just been down that road, I don't think it matters what you say or do as I have it on good authority from a DWP empoyee that they have targets of how many people they have to fail, she told me a man with cancer was told he was fit to work so what chance have we got it's disgusting. Anyone could do the assessment as all they are doing is following guidlines set by the government, I asked the DOCTOR if she knew about my neurological condition as it is extremely rare she mumbled something and carried on, the questions she asked me were all related to the forms that I had filled in, they are only reiterating that to see if you catch yourself out , so be careful, if you fail just be like the rest of us fight them all the way............Marie xx
    Good luck Elaine for your ATOS asssement. villier probably true what you say if someone with cancer fit enough for work what chance have the rest of us. My mother passed away with bowel cancer 4 years ago. She wasn't had given up work a few years previous and my father had taken early retirement (2 years) after having had a tripple bypass. She had the cancer 2 years in and out of hospital with chemo and radiotherapy until the last 6 months of her life it had become terminal, and any benefits they were entitled to were only sorted out 3 months before she passed away.
  • lizzieuk1
    lizzieuk1 Member Posts: 302
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    villier wrote:
    If any of you send for the full face to face report from ATOS be prepared for yet more discrepancies, I have just received mine today after a month of a letter and phone calls, they couldn't even get my condition right after writing it umpteen times on the forms and also asking the Doctor if she new about my rare condition, they also stated that I used to be a chef :lol: maybe they think a catering manager is the same thing, that is only the start of it. I have just spoken to the DWP and they can't change ATOS's report I will have to write to the DWP with all the discrepancies as I am bet your life I will, thought I would pre-warn you all what's in front of you...........Marie xx

    Good grief hopeless! Unfortunately pretty typical in most government depts the lack of attention to detail even when they've been told umpteen times! No wonder it takes so long and costs taxpayers so much money to get anything done in this country.
  • maria09
    maria09 Member Posts: 1,905
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hey Elaine im a nurse! Cheek!
    But i do agree As a nurse we have a code of conduct and as i see it Atos dont abide by it!
    They are only trained on the Atos assessment
    im just waiting for them to decline my appeal then out will come the ukcc code of conduct! Im sick of how Atos treat us
    Watch this space
    take care
    maria x
  • maria09
    maria09 Member Posts: 1,905
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    By the way interviews with Atos can and should be recorded this is a legal requirement there's a very good website will put it on here when i find it again x
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    So your;e a nurse eh? I did actually think about recording the interview via my mobile phone but thought read somewhere it was illegal....
    No brown envelope yet...Let me know when you hear about your situation too...

    Thanks for being so nice...

    maria09 wrote:
    By the way interviews with Atos can and should be recorded this is a legal requirement there's a very good website will put it on here when i find it again x
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,593
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi again, you can have your interview recorded by Atos as Maria says without having to resort to doing your own covert recording on the sly lol. I asked to have mine recorded, especially as I knew I would be going on my own - took them a while to sort it, as they only have a piddling few machines to go round I believe.. The delay was welcome in some ways but I did begin to worry it would run on so long I'd run into the April appeal trap instead :? so I'd still advise anyone to ask for a recording (you have to request in advance) but to be aware of the above.

    The machine dual records onto cd and you get a copy to keep. It doesn't get taken into account by the decision maker as far as I know but it's handy backup and at least puts the Atos doctor on a restraint as to what they can say, knowing its not off the record.

    I probably got some of my advice/info about the WCA off the same sites as Maria but I can always post any that haven't been covered. :)
  • maria09
    maria09 Member Posts: 1,905
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello again Its me
    website is
    Many interesting facts
    Did you know 34 deaths recorded of people being foung fit for work by ATOS :x
    Also 44,000 GPs have called for atos assessment to be scrapped
    Ive had 4 yrs of hell at work with one thing or another evil boss evil HR
    Evil HNS trust :x
    You would think hospitals woul be full of caring people but no :x
    its all about targets making money saving money
    So not enough nurses porters domestic staff all the ones on the front line with no support from higher up in what I call carpet land with their air conditioning and posh offices everyone seems to have an asisstant or a secretary!
    No wonder there are more and more complaints
    More front line staff off sick
    As I say who cares for the carers NO ONE
    I used to love my job its was my friends & patients that kept me going and for that Im truely thankful :)
    When I was a mentor for the student nurses I always told them to treat the patients how they would want themselves or family to be treated
    That helped me through 30years of nursing
    What did i get to show for it? A retirement card from my boss saying enjoy your retirement & pop in to see us some time :roll:
    OOps :roll: I went off track slightly
    I was just going to say all the crap I have had so far stands me in good stead to fight for my appeal Its not about the money its our rights & if my little bit of fighting helps others its a bonus
    Let me know if you get any more news Elaine
    Think of Winston Churchill and we can win
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I had my dad with me so anything they say that isnt true, ive got a witness...

    toady wrote:
    Hi again, you can have your interview recorded by Atos as Maria says without having to resort to doing your own covert recording on the sly lol. I asked to have mine recorded, especially as I knew I would be going on my own - took them a while to sort it, as they only have a piddling few machines to go round I believe.. The delay was welcome in some ways but I did begin to worry it would run on so long I'd run into the April appeal trap instead :? so I'd still advise anyone to ask for a recording (you have to request in advance) but to be aware of the above.

    The machine dual records onto cd and you get a copy to keep. It doesn't get taken into account by the decision maker as far as I know but it's handy backup and at least puts the Atos doctor on a restraint as to what they can say, knowing its not off the record.

    I probably got some of my advice/info about the WCA off the same sites as Maria but I can always post any that haven't been covered. :)
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    I get the jist of what your'e saying...Times have changed and nurses dont care as much as they used to in their job...Also GP's the last one i saw basically said you could work even if you had cancer, no reason not to...Rather heartless i thought for someone on an extremely well paid job!
    Jobs are not the same either you dont get rewarded for loyalty or long service anymore, and thats wrong..

    Your messages are encouraging...


    maria09 wrote:
    Hello again Its me
    website is
    Many interesting facts
    Did you know 34 deaths recorded of people being foung fit for work by ATOS :x
    Also 44,000 GPs have called for atos assessment to be scrapped
    Ive had 4 yrs of hell at work with one thing or another evil boss evil HR
    Evil HNS trust :x
    You would think hospitals woul be full of caring people but no :x
    its all about targets making money saving money
    So not enough nurses porters domestic staff all the ones on the front line with no support from higher up in what I call carpet land with their air conditioning and posh offices everyone seems to have an asisstant or a secretary!
    No wonder there are more and more complaints
    More front line staff off sick
    As I say who cares for the carers NO ONE
    I used to love my job its was my friends & patients that kept me going and for that Im truely thankful :)
    When I was a mentor for the student nurses I always told them to treat the patients how they would want themselves or family to be treated
    That helped me through 30years of nursing
    What did i get to show for it? A retirement card from my boss saying enjoy your retirement & pop in to see us some time :roll:
    OOps :roll: I went off track slightly
    I was just going to say all the crap I have had so far stands me in good stead to fight for my appeal Its not about the money its our rights & if my little bit of fighting helps others its a bonus
    Let me know if you get any more news Elaine
    Think of Winston Churchill and we can win
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,593
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi, yes dwpexamination is one of the sources I used as well as 'thefullfacts' i think it's called.

    Re the recording, it is much better of course if you can have someone there, for people that have, I was mainly thinking of the recording being a help to memory (ie I would probably not rely on mine or anyone with me to be exact as to what they said, or even what i answered for that matter :? )

    Stirring words Maria!
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Having read other people under going an ATOS medical
    they won't take the word of your Dad against the interviewer I'm afraid Elaine.


    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh yes they flipping well will! He was there to back me up and listen out for things so his word will be taken.......Not taking any of that nonsense!

    tkachev wrote:
    Having read other people under going an ATOS medical
    they won't take the word of your Dad against the interviewer I'm afraid Elaine.


  • maria09
    maria09 Member Posts: 1,905
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Elaine
    Just remember they are devious B********S
    I found on the website I told you about their points system very eye opening!
    I'm going to work out my points looking at 1 question I scored 7 points they said zero
    All this evidence shows how incompetent they are! And how they cheat us out of points!!!
    Roll on the tribunal
    I'm also thinking of applying for a job on their medical section
    If they say I'm not fit! Then I've caught them out
    Keep strong
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    I know exactly what the hell they are and they are indeed devious barstewards!! I reckon if you went yo work for them it would be no good as your'e a decent person and you would have to don a horrendous persona to become one of them, don't do it!!!

    maria09 wrote:
    Hi Elaine
    Just remember they are devious B********S
    I found on the website I told you about their points system very eye opening!
    I'm going to work out my points looking at 1 question I scored 7 points they said zero
    All this evidence shows how incompetent they are! And how they cheat us out of points!!!
    Roll on the tribunal
    I'm also thinking of applying for a job on their medical section
    If they say I'm not fit! Then I've caught them out
    Keep strong