Dorcas Iris-TWR one week on. I'M back!
OOh Iris - sorry that the wound bled a bit but glad that no damage was done.. perhaps it will heal quicker now that you are off methotrexate..?
I asked my GP for Tramadol but he thought it would make me more sick than the 30/500 of Cocodamol did, so he suggested I try the lower dose codeine combination first, and if that doesn't work, to go back to him ..
I hadn't thought about amitriptyline .. I will ask about that if I get no relief from teh co-codamol..
Thanks for the tips about positioning the hands overnight..
Marion0 -
Hi Marion, if you are worried about the codeine and haven't taken it for years - then why don't you experiment with 1x 15/500 and 1x paracetomol ... and that will count as one of your paracetomol doses of the day .. you've probably thought of this already ... but just incase you haven't ... Then if that is no good increase to the 2x15/500 tablets. Better start eating the prunes ....
Hope the hands improve soon, what a nightmare.
SpeedyI have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.0 -
Iris -
what a shame about the wound leaking again - maybe that was why your usual therapist avoided such a wide range of exercises. Also wonder if Wally just couldn't do the tilt today because he had done so many other exercises. Is the scar sore? It does feel like 3 steps forward, 2 back for me too with my hip ... I think that must be a recovery from joint ops thing... we're an impatient bunch, aren't we?! (and I can't see us changing!!)
SpeedyI have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.0 -
Hi Iris,
Well you have had a mixed week haven’t you? Hope the bloods calm back down as soon as possible.
It’s so confusing with the exercises, first you get wow you have done so well pushing yourself. Here are some brownie points. Then you are overdoing things and should be more careful. Minus brownie points. Then what do you know you really have to push passed the discomfort to get all the benefits. Grrrrr.
Iris you are doing so well and I know you and Wally will find the correct level to proceed forward. Maybe a day off might be in order?
I doing ok thank you for asking. Over doing this week at work covering for sick leave, plus it has turned out to be a very busy time. Just one more day then I can crash land over the weekend.
How’s the hair cut holding out? Bet you wish you had gone for the perm and the purple rinse now!!
Thinking of you and hope the weekend is kind to you.
Lv, Ix0 -
Morning marion, speedy, cris, rita, ironic and anyone else popping by:D
ironic,how did you know I want a purple rinse?...I told my granddaughter that when I go grey I fully intend getting a purple rinse...but not the perm thanks!
hair still brown the short haircut stays.
glad you are doing ok but watch the stamina levels with working so hard...arther don't take kindly to being pushed. :roll: hope you do have a restful weekend though I suspect as a working lass you'll catch up on the dreaded (thankless) housework??
it is difficult to know how much exercise to do...and I did get the impression yesterday that the therapist didn't know either...I asked her a few questions about how often I should do the exercises and also whether I could/ should be removing the splint at other times and not just for 'doing' the exercises..... therapist really doesn't know and said she will have to phone the Western physio to ask and will let me know next week. There is also a question about how much movement they've to aim for when getting me to do the palm up/ down exercise (pronation/ supination) as the therapists think that I have shortening of the tendons from the time I had the radial head op in 2002.
everyone confused yet? me too. :? :?
hi speedy, you've no idea how helpful it is for me when you tell me how it is for you with your own post op experiences (3 steps forward 2 back). is frustrating though isn't it when you think you're making progress ..then you ain't!!!
the scar isn't sore...nips occasionally and feels tight that's all. the bleeding soon stopped and am sure is nothing to be worried about. just a wee blip.
hi marion, please be careful about the amount of paracetamol you are taking...if you're taking the cocodamol 2tabs x 4 times then I think that's your full quota of paracetamol for 24hrs so you can't then take paracetamol tabs as well.... that's what I was told when I was on a compound codeine/ paracetamol med but please check it out for yourself with your doc or pharmacist. apologies if I sound like a bossy madam :oops: just checking you're ok.
hope pain in your hands eases up and that you get some restful sleep. :roll:
hi rita, so glad you're off for a couple of sure to rest.if the amatriptyline does make you very sleepy try taking it a bit earlier in the evening?...I take mine at later or I can't shake the sleepy headedness the next morn.
am sure other peeps have the same experience with it! but it is a good med.
I am now sleeping well thanks and have worked out a good way of keeping the wally wrist elevated...complicated arrangement of pillows either side and one under my arm so I can turn and still have it elevated.
The hossie repeated my bloods on Wed and phoned me yesterday to say the LFTs had come down enough to let me stay on the Mtx...phew!. Inflam markers getting higher.... but I knew that with the other jangling joints. waiting for the steroids to 'kick in' and pinning hopes on starting infliximab in next few weeks.
Cris and Toni....hope things are better for you today....and that arther stops being such a bully . :x
iris x0 -
Hi Iris,
Hell he did dummy spit on you yesterday but please don't let it make you think your not dong too well. You may have overdone it a bit and Wally has just 'asked' for time out.....
So glad the LFT is down enough to stay on the mtx, but remember the mtx will be working against the healing side though so it will be a bit slower.
Iris I don't know if they are appropriate... but I wonder about pregabalin...... its a good drug and it really helps with both my oa and pa pain..... better and safer than morphine and I wonder if its worth asking about them?
I do hope Wally stops being silly and just heals for you very soon! Tell him haz will be up to bark at him... and show the Loons how to do it.... he will you know.... the ultimate threat
leaving you the last of the burned cake and taking a lovely bit of white choc cake... fair exchange and all that though the legalities of the word 'fair' is open to discussion
Some greens and some dandelions best guinea pig((((( ))))) xxx
0 -
hi Iris
you are not at the bottom of the calss is she everyone??
No you are doing fine.
Poor therapist though :shock: bet she was scared!
I think elevating is a very good idea and think that you will have your moveement back by next week no probs
I been back to eye hosp and decided wAS migraine - I failed the colour blind test on monday when I couldnt see but today I passed 100%Aparently migraine auras can do that :?
You keep up the good work
Toni xx0 -
Hi Iris,
it's no wonder us mortals don't always get it right with exercise levels when the medics don't seem to know either!!
Glad you can keep taking the mtx, even though it will slow down that scar a bit. Hopefully a few easier days will see that scar healed shut fast.
Re that "pulling" feeling - I realised last night that I haven't felt that for awhile - which I'm pleased about as although not painful it wasn't one of my favourite sensations. I can still feel some internal pulling though when I do some of my harder physio exercises, sometimes I place my hand on the outside of the leg (over where the pulling feels) which seems to help.
Glad you are sleeping better, makes a massive difference, doesn't it?
SpeedyI have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.0 -
Hi Toni, glad eyes have settled down.
The doc once gave me a steriod nose spray for sinusitis and I had "visual disturbances" as a very scary side effect ... Decided the only place for that med was in the bin!!
SpeedyI have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.0 -
Forgot Dorcas to say that I had a text from DD today....she was asking after you
Toni xx0 -
Hi Iris and Speedy
Thanks for the advice about the co-codamol - the GP suggested I 'mix and match' it with ordinary paracetamol - eg just take the co-codamol a night - but I am actually still only just plucking up the courage to take the first dose - I keep hoping my hands will settle down 'soon' and I won't need it.
Iris - when I get disheartened about my hip progress (or lack of it, sometimes) I think about how I was 'this time last week' and that usually puts things into perspective for me.. My scar has stopped 'pulling' now (9 weeks post op).
Speedy - I have been across the road to talk to a neighbour today, without my crutch, and felt fine. I am still limping though - both with and without the crutch - and kind-of kicking my right leg/foot out a bit ... but I'm not worried , I'll sort that out in due course - it's just marvellous not to have that 'knife-like pain' in my hip anymore....
OOh it's lovely in my house today (not) - my youngest dog, Poppy, has rolled in some fox poo in the park whilst out with the dog walker.. what's so attractive about fox poo I want to know?????
Marion x0 -
Hi Marion, at least you have the tablets if you need them ...
That was great that you crossed over for a chat without the crutch and felt fine. I ache very quickly if no crutch out of the house. Try short walks where you really focus on your gait and think heel, toe as you place your leg on the floor. Try lifting the leg up rather than out - it might be just habit the swinging your leg out ... It will feel strange at first. My new hip is walking fine it is the old one that is not so good.
How are your hands today?
SpeedyI have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.0 -
Hi Marion,
I so sympathise with you over the wrists and hands. I wonder if an anti emetic would help with the feeling sick? They seem quite effective flower so maybe give than a go?
Well done on crossing the road without a crutch. its all getting there and you are doing so well. A ((((( ))))) Cris xx
Hi iris,
Hope you and Wally had a reasonable day? Sending herup with some grass that she has in a bag on her back... otherwise she might just have a snack on the way..... she also has some very nice bourbon's in her pockets and some dandelions as well
Really do hope its been a reasonable day for you and a ((((( ))))) xx
Hi Speedyxx
0 -
hello all..x
Toni, that migraine was fierce :roll: can't imagine how painful that was to so affect your eyesight...the colour blind test...forgive my ignorance but what do they do? show you spotty pics or what? :oops:
thanks for the encouragement and DD's message...she's some girl! hope she's enjoying her hols and arther isn't too punishing.
I've decided not to be too uptight about wally's progress (or lack of) and hope this next week will see a difference. I have started using my fingers a little and even some typing just with the middle am feeling positive about that!
speedy, glad you've not got the 'pulling ' feeling in your scar any more.....another milestone for you in your recovery!.
The LFTs & blood tests as you know can go up and down especially after an op...but it is good that I can continue the Mtx .
marion, it is great that you were able to go across the road without your crutch!
I'll keep in mind your advice about remembering the progress already made in other ways...thanks! good to keep a clear perspective on things.
dogs and poo :roll: what is that about...the smellier the better.poor you...hope poppy was ashamed of herself.!
cris, burnt cake? 'fair swap' for white chocolate cake..are you serious? ha ha!
haz has arrived and causing havoc...are you [/i]sure he's trained?
will watch out for your gal skipping along the road...and make sure she recovers after that long journey north ......I suspect the bourbons are long gone......
hope you are better today :?:
Iris X0 -
Hi Iris,
Hey you are doing really well! Haz has instruction to bark till you say itHe can bark fr Britain so.......
She said she gave you some bourbons but I suspect she ate them before CarlisleActually before Plymouth if I know her
Glad your able to type with a few more fingers now as well, see you are improving all the time and Wally just got a bit tired and dummy spat for a second. You haven't lost the movement and he will be back to doing it again soon as he feels a bit better. Hope the wound is ok?
Just left you a pasty with your greens and carrots tonight as well feeling a bit guilty for nicking the cake :oops: I did say a bit
Hope your sleeping ok and will try and work out a way to elevate these stupid wrists cus it might help eh? ((((( ))))) and fingers crossed for a good day. xx0 -
Hi Iris
Will pass your wishes back to DD if Cris doesnt do so first
She is a good un I agree. mind you you are a trouper too
The colour blind test is dots red and green. Red dots making numbers. When you are having migraine and eyes blurred (I describe it as a huge bit of my vision cut out, then chopped up in to bits - put back in the wrong oder and then shaken.
So the dots were not in the right place.
Yesterday when i went back and eyes were ok I could see all the numbers
Clever eh?
Hope Wally is behaving :?:
All is well here sunny again
Going to bribe Lucy (youngest) to water my tomatoes
Toni xx0 -
Hi Toni.....clever eye test you're glad to see 'normally' again.
mind you I wouldn't mind a little blurring when I look in the mirror these days
not exactly glam with not being able to put any makeup on and the hair...well.. :shock: ....
hope your youngest waters you toms for you :!: you've got all the sun and heat's raining and a 'high' of 16% here!
morn have no shame! that white choc cake was somebody's finest...but hey I am more a pasty girl anyway soagain.
I am sleeping very well these days...combo of one tramadol, one paracetamol and amatriptyline at 8pm works for me (under doc's guidance only of course) and wally scar ok. don't think helps healing to have to wear a dressing and pressure glove plus the orthotic splint? hoping the hossie will let me remove them for more than just doing the exercises (told not to exercise wally more than 4 times a day...I was doing it every 2hrs. :oops: )
will put my thinking cap on about your poor sore wrists and how to elevate them with the back not co-operating to boot.. :roll:
love n hugs peeps...Damsel too!!
Iris x0 -
Hi Iris,
Come on my stealing of food was taught to me by a LabradorMind their idea of exchange is even less fair eh
Toned down the LW site ........ :oops:
Glad your sleeping and in my case pressure gloves etc would mean no healing cus it would restrict the circulation too far......
The fluid isn't as bad first thing but within an hour..... Iris at least they hurt less when they are swollenI might see if Speedy's idea of a roll behind me would work..... I do get so tired of waking up cus of the lumber all the time. Hey wouldn't it be good if they could do lumber replacements
You have really over worked him but a couple f days rest and he will be ok again.
((( )))'s, greens, more pasty, carrots, apples and dandelions xxx0 -
Hi Iris, how fab that you are sleeping well at night - makes a real difference doesn't it. Glad meds are working in that department anyway.
Is Wally preferring the 4 times a day physio sessions arrangement better?!
Is the glove a nightmare to get on and off? Some of my pupils wear lycra suits/gloves and so on provided by the physios ... is this the same sort of thing? They do really work - but are a nightmare to get on and off.
SpeedyI have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.0 -
dorcas wrote:Hi Toni.....clever eye test you're glad to see 'normally' again.
mind you I wouldn't mind a little blurring when I look in the mirror these days
not exactly glam with not being able to put any makeup on and the hair...well.. :shock: ....
love n hugs peeps...Damsel too!!
Iris x
I agree about the eyesight fading - at least mine is and good job too as the wrinkles come - the eyesight fades
I too am glad you are sleeping well - so necessary when you are recovering I think
Take it steady
Toni xx0 -
..Hi Cris, speedy, Toni,
I have been a good little rodent ad reduced the exercises to 4 times a day.can't see any improvement in movement in the 'tilting back and forwards exercise (disappointing) but palm up/ down exercise I think is getting a little bit easier and turning a smidgeon more.
now doing 'theraputty' exercises too, as suggested by the therapist, so that makes the exercising more varied overall... and concentrated on the tilt' which definitely needs improving.
the edema glove is easier to take off than put on and uncomfortable but I am getting used to it..swelling still the same though I do feel more 'connected' to wally (if that makes sense)
overall the wally wrist is definitely less painful and I could cut down on some of the heavy duty meds during the day if it weren't for the knees and neck arther ...but that's ok. I seem to have got the med balance right....and so am sleeping well which is great (does make a huge difference).
morning exercises most difficult as everything stiffens up during the night...guess that's the same for all post opers?
5 weeks tomorrow post op...heading in the right direction but need to learn more patience!.
hope you all have a good day and may be doing something nice? it is raining heavily here and quite cool..
love n hugs
Iris x0 -
Hi Iris,
5 weeks, where does time go eh?!
Glad he is feeling more part of you and I still think he is just taking a bit of time to settle after the over working you gave him...... Don't you dare get dependent or disappointed cus he hasn't finished healing yet either. Your doing really well there.
Glad its a bit cooler, pain and wounds don't like heat do they? We had a bit of rain last night, it felt really muggy, the phones receptions became useless but still no thunder but that's what it needs to do! Maybe later it will.....
Leaving a pasty (guilt again) greens, apples, carrots and dandelions with a special healing draft and a huge bucket of patience
Drink it while its hot.....
((((( ))))) xxx
0 -
Iris it's almost impossible to believe you're 5 weeks post op this week. Have you found that with having so much to deal with and exercises to boot, that the time has gone by on wings?
I'm glad to hear you've cut back a bit on the exercises, every 4 hours seems more than enough to me. Maybe leave your morning exercises for a bit until your body has loosened up before doing them. Try not to be so hard on yourself and instead remember how far you've come, as my physio constantly says to me, "its a marathon you're running, not a sprint".You are doing really well and I'm happy to hear Wally is less painfull for you, if only everything else would settle down for you it would be great. Still hopefully you'll be starting Infliximab. Are you feeling any benifit from your steroid injection? Thank goodness your bloods have settled down and you're continuing on the Mtx.
Thanks for the tips about timing of the amytriptyline, I'm now taking it around 8/8.30pm and not feeling quite as drained out the next day. I'm starting to sleep better too which is wonderful.
Bye for now, big hugs, rita0 -
Hi Iris
Glad to read that you are sleeping well.
5 weeks - gosh time is absolutely flying by!!
I'm continuing to use the paraffin hand wax 4 times a day - it is wonderful! My wrist nerve pain has been a bit less over the last 36 hours so I am coping on just the 8 paracetamol. Still got claw-like hands and sausage fingers though..
Hi Speedy
Hope you have had a good weekend and not been overdoing it.
A friend who is as builder put some pipe lagging on my crutches today (it's only 62p per per 3 ft piece from B & Q!) and it's really done the trick for cushioning them. My new hip is getting better every few days - I DO need some comfortable shoes though - I have had to cut the elastic on my one and only pair of slip on shoes but they are still too tight for my swollen feet.. What shoes are you wearing??
Marion0 -
Hello Iris, Have you had a reasonable weekend? Glad you have given Wally a bit more time off. Five weeks! I think you have so well.
Have you had family over this weekend? How are the two scamps doing? Animals seem to know when you are not up to playing and fussing.
Good news that the wound is healing.
Look after yourself.
Lv, Ix0
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