Dorcas Iris-TWR one week on. I'M back!
Wow, this thread has grown by pages since I was last on!!
Iris that is great news about Wally doing his stuff after all - you are just a hard task master ... well done for diligently doing the exercises ... talking of which I didn't do my physio yesterday ... just my distance walk (extra long.)
I always compare my new hip to my rubbish one - it is winning by miles already and saves me being disappointed - which I might be if I started comparing myself to my non-arther friends.
Cris - I hope you are resting too, you will be no use to your brood if you don't listen to your poor body a bit. I'm going to check your thread in a minute.
DD - I'm with Iris and Cris on this one - ironing??!! Wash it, take it straight out the machine and hang it up - no ironing needed!! You can't be taking 3 loads of clothes on holiday surely?! If you must iron, then just iron essentials. (I only iron for job interviews and weddings .. and don't seem to go to many of those these days.)
Plus if it's hot you probably wont even wear them anyway!!
SpeedyI have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.0 -
I had to do The Husband's work shirts. 10 of 'em. I did not want that to be my first chore on arriving home! I sometimes think that female adult life merely consists of taking stuff out, making it dirty, cleaning it and then putting it away. That's all we seem to do. Anyway, one has to have targets. I might be grinding to a halt but work doesn't!
Why are my chews soggy? DDHave you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben0 -
Why are my chews soggy? DD
Ooh - hope it's just a bit of rain and not that they have been half -chewed already?!!!
What about a steam press for the shirts??
SpeedyI have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.0 -
Hi Iris
I can tell by your messages that you are really picking up nicely now - that's great. Be very careful with the dogs - especially if/when they jump up to you just as you are putting your hand(s) down to them and the two connect!!- ouch - I've done that a few times and it's no joke.
Music is great fun, but my violing playing is absolutely terrible now but I enjoy going to my orchestra (not been for 8 weeks but going back in Sept). I'm also going to join a local 'Rock Choir' group n a few months - look it up on Google - I saw it on a BBC programme recently and it looks fun..
Hi everyone
I'm also firmly in the 'no ironing' club.. !!
Marion0 -
DD Iris might have already had a chop on them..... see that's what you get if you pick the wrong ones
Hi Iris,
I didn't go...... weather helped me......
Don't you over work that wrist and hope Wally can type soon.
I saw your lecture... flower its not easy to rest up but am on a go slow except for a bit of stuff I have to do...... :roll:
Hey Bracken has escaped from 'mummy's' clutches.... going to go see if I can talk to him with out killer mare syndrome...... xxx
Hi Marion,
Your right about the dogs......
Hope your ok today and the rain is coming......xx0 -
Ooh - that was what I feared about the chews!!
I'm glad, Cris the rain has done your bones a "favour." Hope you get a lovely chat with Bracken ... who is clearly showing his independent streak!
Iris, forgot about the dogs, must be lovely to have them back. They aren't too over-excited are they?
Marion - wow, sounds fun, keep us posted...
SpeedyI have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.0 -
Hello dorcas, this might be my last message for a while until I get myself sorted out when away. Stay strong, keep healthy, do your exercises, don't type too much on here, and eat all the chews you can, they're all yours! I shall miss you, but I will be thinking of you, my fellow PA-er. DD xHave you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben0
Morning Iris,
Hope you and Wally had a decent night and that the loons were nice to you and are pleased to be home?
I shall fly up in a min... I did unexpected armchairing last night before I had flown. sorry.....
Leaving you a box load of chews, well as you start to feel much better with Wally you will get more bored but the loons will help for that one eh?
I still have to sort out a rail as well....... Least its not raining nowThis rail will haunt me I think!
You go easy on the typing and will flap up later with a cuppa and some saffron and creamLove and ((((( ))))) Cris xxx
0 -
Morning good buddies ....well afternoon now
read about the rail saga...are these people for real . :shock: :roll:
glad you didn't go to the sales but 'rest' does not seem to be possible with all you have to do.....x
hope you avoided 'killer mare' and no more head butts
the 'loons' are amazing around docile...they seem to know that I'm not quite right. (others have told me that before)
Hi Marion,
I am feeling fine thanks! and and Wally getting to know each other bit better and am finally off the morphine! yes!
glad you're a 'no ironer' too.....far too over rated....what's wrong with a few wrinkles anyway?
like the sound of the 'Rock Choir'...will google it and take a peek.
hope you're hip is behaving?
Hi speedy,
I laughed when I read about you 'scootering' without the dreaded 'teds' and the wind blowing around your legs...'set free'... if only for a short time
how's S doing? do you have any help over the hols?
Hi DD, enjoy your holsyou deserve a lovely break but we will miss you!!
eh......about the soggy do know how hamsters carry their food don't you? ha ha! still want a share?? :P
I've started exercising Wally every two hours...that should knock him into shape!... as I read on the net that the outcome of TWR and amount of movement gained depends on the quality of hand therapy post op and the person regularly doing the exercises.
So I am determined to do all I can....Wally looking shocked but has started moving a tad easier. I can tilt an additional 2 'clicks' but turning hand over still very resistant!
OT hosp sent me a bread board that holds the bread in place to allow you to spread butter on without it 'skiting' off the counter.
love to all!
Irisxxxx0 -
Hi Iris
Well Wally seems to be behaving alright - and i reckon you will be totally right about exercising him.
He is getting used to it alreday see??
Soon turn over too - hey is this like babies - how many weeks before they can turn over?
Toni xx0 -
Wow - Iris you are making fab progress - just don't overdo it with too much physio!! I've never heard of anyone doing too much .. just not enough .. but you could be the first.
Bet your digestive system will be glad to off the morphine. Just keep a bit in case you ever need it.
The bread board sounds great.
Yes, I think pets are very perceptive. I could always tell by our cat if S was due a seizure and when we were "out of the woods" again.
PS Can you turn your fused-wrist hand over (ie palm up/palm down) from the elbow - just curious.
PSS did you the dog on the (Bionic vet) programme I mentioned to Cris - how had his wrist fused (front paw)?I have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.0 -
Ooo Iris you are doing so well, glad Wally is becoming more friendly.
Honestly I think you have coped so well with it all.
Glad you have your two mates back with you.
Microwave food and bread!! Things are really looking up. All these treats must be making you heady.
Have a restful weekend and keep up Wallys lessons. Slow but sure.
Lv, Ix0 -
Just calling in with a gentle hug or two and hoping Wally has behaved today. So nice to hear from you earlier, bless you. Do hope all goes well for you and Wally soon learns the ropes for you.
take care ((( ))))
love always
Chris xx0 -
Hi Iris
So pleased to hear about your progress... you must also be thrilled to have the dogs back..
Looking forward to another update soon..
Best wishes
Marion0 -
Hi Toni
I'm not too sure how soon this 'baby' will be able to turn over......or indeed if I'll accomplish full turn...time will tell I guess!! xx
how you feeling? is the bursa still as painful? xx
Hi Speedy
I am very glad to be off the morph :roll: they should combine it with some sort of fibre or lax. you know what I mean! :oops: :roll:
Yep.... I can turn the left fused wrist hand over from the elbow almost completely, there and back, but not without's not because of the fusion...which is a truly great's the ulna head that has further eroded that's the problem; it's going to be 'resected' next year when I get my finger joint replacements on that left hand so should be sorted!.
I'm not allowed to turn the TWR hand over from/using the elbow....I have to tuck the elbow in to my side and then work on Wally doing the turning palm up/'s my worst exercise! so far can get about 40% there but the resistance & shaking starts at that point!
I don't 'feel' the 7 clickety clicks any more that I was getting to begin with, so I think that's progress maybe...
I missed the bionic dog programme :? but will see if I can watch it on 'catch up'.interesting about your cat knowing when S is having a seizure! saw a bit on tv about dogs trained to alert when a diabetic child is hypo....fascinating... hope S feeling better?
Hi Ironic
I am getting used to wally.....I defin think the pressure glove has helped....and the frequency of doing the physio exercises.
I've even used the fingers a little (don't tell anyone) to occasionally press a key on the lappy!
microwave dinners ain't all they're cracked up to bebut being able to put butter on bread is just great!! heady stuff indeed!
Hiya Chris
hugs always welcomed
hope you are having a good Saturday?
I'm slowly trying to get back to replying to posts on the forum.....still more limited than I would likebut I am reading what's happening elsewhere and thinking of others even if I can't express it much yet. x
Hi MarionI think I'll have to go some to match you and speedy's progress post op! been following your news daily.
my two 'loons' are fine after their hols and family & neighbour are walking them for me..bless them.
hope everyone is having a nice n hugs
Iris xx0 -
Hi Iris, thank you for answering my question. Have just experimented turning my wrists over with my elbow tucked into my body and also held away. Didn't realise you had more hand ops on the cards ... Wow! But it is worth it if they work better and hurt less.
Took me awhile to get the anaethestic, morphine and codeine out of my sytem ... and for normal function to be resumed without help from meds.. Think that is what got me reducing the codeine as quickly as my pain would allow!
S has snoozed a lot today, and is clearly under feeling rough, he is handling it well though - thank goodness.
PS sounds like Wally is keeping up well with us hip op folks, especially since he is setting a precedent.I have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.0 -
Hi Iris,
Well done on the movement you have, it was always going to be the hardest I guess? Glad the clicking has stopped now that's got to be cus Wally is bedding in and starting to gel with you.
Been trying the elbow in to side wrist turn.... think your doing better than my left hand and it hasn't got the excuse yours has
Hope you had a decent day and get a good night as well. No rail or other mishaps today(((( )))) and slurps to you and the loons and very well dones to Wally. Carrots and Apples as well as some grass and dandelions xxx
0 -
thanks for the dandelions..was just about out of goodies
wally is def settling in ..less clicking on the palm up/ down exercise but new clicks on the tilting hand back..I guess the clicking is just temporary until I can get past certain degrees of movement..?
I am guessing though as I've nothing to go by but speedy's had the same with her hip (maybe we need some WD40 speedy?)
hey Cris after all this you, speedy and me could run a master class on wrist exercises. ha ha!
glad the rails incident is over...has the mare still got her stripes?
hope S is better tomorrow...did he miss out on sports today?
I do have more ops to come but likely to wait a year or so as my surgeon wants me fully recovered from the TWR before he does any more surgery...that's just fine with me!
I hear you're now TED less....hooray!!!!!
Irisx0 -
You are up and posting late tonight Iris!!
S did miss his sports - he felt quite under-the-weather and snoozed this afternoon. We went out late evening for my distance walk - he loves going out with me walking - even though I am slow - he can see the improvement I'm sure. We walked for half an hour continuously with some slopes and also some rougher terrain!! So that was good.
A year's respite from ops sounds very sensible.
Lovely to see your posts reappearing... are you still using the special tool? Wish we were further ahead with voice operated software ... where are the technical bods to help out?!!
Night, night,
SpeedyI have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.0 -
Glad S managed the walk but pity 'bout the sports.
I'm off to bed (well actually in bed already) so hope you sleep well and tomorrow is a better day for S.
...Irisxx0 -
Hi Iris
I reckon yo will suprise yourself! Nothing like determination is there :shock:
The hip bursa is a pain in the b*m!!
Tying to ignore it at the mo.... :roll:
You keep up the good work
Toni xx0 -
Hi iris,
You have helped me though cus I didn't know much about the exercises :roll: Mine are noted and the reason I have pa but never been exactly looked at beyond a glance and a poke. I would like them xrayed soon though cus they miss-shaping and something ain't right
Hoe Wally is on his very best Sunday behaviour and leaving more grass, dandelions and turnipLove and ((((( ))))) the pigeon who has become a foal toy again
0 -
Hi Iris
Just catching up and sending a gentle hug to you and Wally and hope you have both had a good weekend bonding.Hope you are being patient though and not over doing the exercises there!!
It has been good to see you back and hope each day gets a little easier for you.
Take care ((( )))
Chris xx0 -
Hi Iris, it's good to hear of the progress you and wally are making. Hopefully each week will see you getting stronger and more able to do the exercises. Do make sure you give yourself some little treats as reward for all your hard work.
Big gentle hugs, rita0 -
Hi Dorcas, I'm so glad that you're home and have done so well. It always surprises me, how quickly people come out of hospital after major ops.
I'm sure you get better much more quickly in your own home!
With lots of good wishes (but don't expect to do too much!) for a speedy recovery. Lots of love, Sue(((((()))))0
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