Dorcas Iris-TWR one week on. I'M back!
Hi Iris
Glad to hear that Wally is still behaving himself.
Yes, honestly, handrails, door handles and supermarket trolleys are full of bugs - from people who don't wash their hands!! .
Hi Cris
Hope the pain has been bearable today. Poppy has eaten my Viscount biscuits, but otherwise a fairly well behaved day!
Marion x0 -
Hi Iris
Am still checking in here, though this thread appears to have a life of it own which is lovely. You did make me laugh with your "we have managed to blow dry my hair"
Glad you and Wally are becoming good mates and hope the recovery schedule is soon back on track. Will be so nice when you are able to drive again.
take care ((( )))
Chris xx0 -
Hi Iris,
I am so late tonight... the unscheduled armchairing is a problem today.... it falling asleep in the armchair
Glad Wally and you are bondingPlease to the white choc cake and will provide the cuppa.
Leaving you a special ((((( ))))) and hope you got some sleep?
Oh the leg is fine, no more than 1/2" of red now and its responded really well. I was so lucky cus it went in at an angle and missed the tendons but also the day after his spurs were disgusting and covered in 'stuff' ...... when he got me they were clean so I was lucky. He seems a bit weary of me just now.... can't think why! I was carrying a bucket at the time.
You take care flower and another ((( ))) xxx
Hi Speedy,
Oh Something does that to me all the time! he crisscrosses in front of me while I am walking... mind o do the chicken... and he will throw him self on his back right as I step forward. haven't tripped oer him yet but always wish he was less kamikaze cus I would hurt him if I fell on him! Like Iris's mine are all ex feral and deep own they never forget their roots..... Ambush is good sport they tell me!
Hope you and S got dinner made and hope you both have a good Monday. xx
Hi Marion,
see ts the name cus Pop's is a terrible thief.....Course she also has collie in her and well.....the other bit is lurcher so she is quite intelligent though at her age she is beginning to be forgetful.
She has had a lovely weekend cus she has had a lot of love and attention from Toni's kids. You have a good Monday and hope the hands are a bit better? xx
Hi Chris,
You hang in there and have big pockets Thursday! ((( ))) xxx0 -
Morning Iris, I've been catching up on your progress and am delighted to hear things have improved in some ways for you and wally. Fingers crossed you won't have any more set backs and you will get stronger and better by the week. Hopefully you'll be fully healed and on the new med (can't spell at this time of the morning) soon.
take good care, big hugs. rita0 -
Hello dorcas, I hope all things are well with you today. Apparently you've managed to blow-dry your hair, well done! That can't have been easy. I let the air dry mine! And it shows!
My flare continues unabated, such are the joys of PA. I've discovered that the P cream I've been putting on my sole (with some struggle!) is two years out of date - shows how rarely I get the P bit! It doesn't seem to be causing any extra harm tho and I cannot be bothered to go to the doc to get more. Take care. DDHave you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben0 -
Hi Iris
It IS nice to be home back with Daisycat, but We already miss Cris and her mad lotSlept like a log last night and I beleive so did the dogs
Poor Pop - she is the one with three legs and she gets so tired, but wants to 'keep up' with us all
I am well impressed with the blow dry too DD - isn't she clever?? And Wally is quite talented tooNot too happy about the flare, and not in the slightest bit suprised about the Psoriasis cream :roll: Typical.
So long as its doing the job? You can get some more when you feel able?
Toni xx0 -
Hi Iris
Just been reading all your well wishes and oh my what you have been through. glad you are on the mend and well done for doing your hair. I have a dryer stand and sit infrount of that. mmm not great I end up with it stuck up all over and big gaps. (I look a picture). When I want to look ok I get my hubby to aim the dryer, and for a manual worker he doesn't do too bad. (well ok i am just greatfull)
have a good day
Juliex0 -
He tells you he's a manual worker julkie, but in reality he has a salon in town and goes by the name Maurice (pronounced mor-ees).
Hello dorcas, sorry for the late post, but it's still not going that well. I hope you are OK and wally is behaving. Any spare chews going? DDHave you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben0 -
Hi good it is to see you posting around the forum
thanks for your good wishes. Hey we could exchange 'bad hair day' pics.
how is your arther behaving?
Hi Marion..oooh! all those bugs I hadn't thought of. what about public loo doors :shock: maybe we should be wearing gloves when we go out? does your friend cope?
hope your toe is better with the antibis?
Hi Chris..I know what you mean about the thread...we are all ever so slightly mad...but wally really does have an identity all his own. I mentioned to my therapist last week about the wrist having a name....she just looked at me very strangely..can't understand why
I am so missing being able to drive but not sure when I'll be 'allowed'...need to have patience until then.
hope you are doing OK? will be thinking about you on Thursday.x
Hi Ironic..Wally is behaving himself really more splint at night and most of the day. He can brush my teeth (which I tell you is such a great thing) and even helped peg out washing.
I do have to think about what I'm doing so as not to put too much strain on wally...but so far so good! The only thing I'm scared falling. My ortho has warned me not to fall and reach out to save myself with the wally hand or I'll break him. :shock: :roll: so I'm scared stiff on the uneven pavements around here that I'll come a cropper. :? :shock:
Hi Cris...glad your leg is healing and hope you enjoyed the white choc burnt bits!
hope you're not taking too much out of yourself :?: the loons send their wags and best slurps. they destroyed my brand new plastic bin yesterday (Ruby blamed Jake but I have my suspicions) and ate all the cat's food. She..smudge.. is not best pleased. :?
Hi Rita..Hooray!!! the wound is now healed.but, just to be on the safe side I'm going to leave it a couple more days before I phone rheummy to get started on the infliximab.
I hope you enjoy your time off with Jenny and that arther and the fibromy are a bit more under control? what meds have they given you over and above the amatrip?
Hi Damsel....hope you're feeling a bit better this morn. :roll:
did you get more P cream for the soles of your feet? that must be an painful place to have P :? think you may have to give up the lap dancing. :?:
Hi Toni...glad you got home safe n soundmust've been lovely for the kids to see Rowan and Primmy...quite a lot to talk about on the way home. :!: how's that bursa? any ease with the meds yet?
Love to all and hope you have a good Tuesday. I'm gonna try wally with using scissors today....anyone want a haircut?
Oh DD...just saw your post....honey chews and turnip.... well I've got to get rid of it somehow...on their way by cyber express. remember to 'pace' yourself :!: :!: hope this damn flare will pass soon
0 -
Hi Iris,
Probably a joint effort re the bin? Hope said you can cut my hair if you like... she is my principle hacker and it could do with a tidy upMuch more thinning and I going to shave it I think
I understand him having his own name and self identity..... but then I might be a full card carrying loon anyway, I only say might cus its never been proved
Hope you will be able to drive soon and when do we see Mandy again? Greens and chew sticks and a ((( ))) Cris xx0 -
Hi Iris
The kids loved it at Cris' - then they always do
As for me birsa - still the same but you know the pain patch (i went back on it and its been three more weeks) HAS taken the edge off it
I just take a bit extra of something else at night so that's really good
no news on physio yet :roll:
Daisy is here with me and says 'chirrup!!' Not sure what it was but i think it was she hopes you are doing ok??
Hi Julie!
I think your husband Maurice has done ma hair!!! In fact he was rather good
Take care all
Toni xx0 -
Hi Cris...take it from me, you is not a 'loon' just are some of the best people I know.
We's off to see mandy tomorrow at 1pm...if you come up early wally'll cut your hair quick as a have the dubious honour of being his very first (maybe last) customer.
but who knows? Think we could persuade Julie? she's used to 'bad hair days' too so might be up for it
Thanks for the healing food. I'm gonna share the chews with Damsel to aid her recovery from the dreaded arther flare lurgy. :roll:
Iris x
Hi Tonijust seen you there.x
hey get on the phone and chase up physio...been waiting too long.:?
glad though that the patches have taken the edge off the bursa...still some way to go. :roll:
tell daisy thanks for the chirrup....unusual but much appreciated.(thought at first you had dream daisy with you...and she had finally gone over the edge.
iris x0 -
Darling, I went over the edge years ago. DDHave you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben0
Hi Iris
Glad to hear that Wally is geting more 'adventurous' - just don't let him venture too far!!
My consultant microbiologist friend tries to avoid grabbing toilet door handles and always carries antibacterial gel with her which she uses several times a day, as well as frequent handwashing. I do the same now! I must say, last winter, I think I was the only person in my Dept who didn't go down with a cold or flu and I'm sure it was because of my frequent handwashing and spraying with antibacterial stuff (I was worried about catching something because of being on methotrexate).
The 500 mgs of erythromycin x 6 times a day has sorted out my toe infection, but this morning I got up with a urinary infection - terrific - just what I was worried about! Am trying to treat it conservatively -I really dont't want any more antibiotics..
Have left a posting on the Working Matters Forum about my Access to Work assessment today.
Hi Cris
Hope you had a good weekend and you are not in too much pain today.... My dogs need a good brushing but at the first sight of the brush they run round off the house and I'm not quick enough to catch them as yet.... I feel another visit to the professional groomer coming on, but will have to take out a 2nd mortgage to pay for it I think!!
Best wishes
Marion x0 -
Hi Marion
I saw your other post...great that the assessor was so professional and helpful.
AGhhhhh!!!! urinary tract infections are the worst...after being on such a hefty dose of erythromycin too.. :roll: although they do say that some antibis can destroy the 'good' as well as the 'bad' bugs...who knows ....but nasty to have this now Marion :? by 'conservative' do you mean cranberry juice and lots of fluids?....I do hope that works.X
BTW I bought a new grooming 'comb' for my two loons.....looks like a mediaeval torture's a metal loop with a handle...has teeth all around the edge of the loop on both sides. It's based on a horse grooming strip knife?....easy to use, doesn't hurt , and very effective at removing the dead hair.(so my sis told me when she groomed my two loons for me :roll:)
Iris xx0 -
Hi Iris
Yes - just drinking lots of cranberry juice and water at the moment. I was worried that the erythromycin would leave me prone to developing other infections!!!
I must look out for that dog comb.. I think I need to buy a lassoo as well!
Marion0 -
Ooooh marion, how uncomfy. I hope you can flush it all out soon. Lemon barley water is good for such matters too. I wish you well. DDHave you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben0
I felt like jumping for joy when I read that wally has healed completely Iris. How wonderful
Onwards and upwards for you now.Do be careful not to overdo things 'tho especially now that the splint is off for a fair bit of the time. We don't want wally to get in a huff do we.
Apart from the amytriptyline I'm not on anything extra just taking my usual painkillers. I've read here about Lyrica but would'nt have any idea how to get it. Would I just suggest it to the Consultant when I see him do you think?
big hugs always, rita0 -
Wow Iris, things have moved on a pace. Hair and teeth sorted and washing out
You will be telling us next that you have been practicing the hand jive
I think Mandy will be very pleased when go to see her tomorrow.
Fab news about the wound healing up.
Lv, Ix0 -
Hi Iris, sounds like Wally is making great progress at the moment. Great news about the wound finally be healed. It just needs to stay that way!! I think all the little daily living tasks are the best physio of all - ie the brushing teeth and hanging out the washing ... it's funny how tasks we wouldn't even attempt a few weeks ago, suddenly are fine to attempt ... lots of little triumphs along the way.
Oh Marion, dratted nuisance a wee infection. I definitely swear by the cranberry juice for that.
Cris, Toni and crew sounds like a great weekend had by all ... Try not to let that armchairing become a habit at bedtime - Cris - I know first hand how easy these "I'll just rest for 5 mins" snoozes can turn into a most of the nighter!
SpeedyI have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.0 -
Hi Iris
This is turning into a nice time for us all to gather isnt it??
So Glad Wally is still doing so well - what a releif eh? Worth it now for sure
Speedy Cris does know how risky armchair duties are....wakes up witha bad neck so she does
Anyone think Maurice can fit me in for a cut and blow dry this morning??
AND...... Daisy DOES chirrup a little 'hello' I thinkTo think you thought Damsel was here.....blimey she would be mad if she was here in the middle of the summer hols :shock: anyone would be.
Toni xx0 -
If by damsel you mean me - I know my limits. I value my peace and quiet. I really don't think I could cope. :oops:
Morning dorcas, I hope all is well with you and wally this morning. Take care - don't over-do things, I'm beginning to feel that you area at serious risk of that as it's all going so much better. Please be careful. Your Diabolic Damsel.Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben0 -
Hi Iris and every one else
Wondered why hubbys hands were so clean nowadays.
All that shampoo and finishing rinse
Hope you are all in high spirits and have a fab day
Put arthur in the cupboard I have, I can here him screaming to come out.
Love julie xx0 -
Well done my pinkflamingo! Barricade him in there for ever. DDHave you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben0
Hi Damsel, Julie, Toni, Cris, Chris, Ironic, speedy, Lynn, Rita, Marion and all
hope the sun is shining where you isn't herebut at least it isn't raining
Marion....hope that blessed UTI is responding to the vasts amounts of cranberry, lemon barley and H2O. :!: :roll:
Poppy and Freya's wooly coats can wait until another day or rest up...but if you're feeling poorly with this infection or have that dreaded painful urgency...then off to the docs's with you. :!:
Rita...I keep on looking at wally wound...half expecting it to 'dehisce' again (what a great word the doc's use eh?) far so good
Hey asking the consultant rheummy about Lyrica is a good idea! I haven't had this med but why not post a topic about it.....sure to be peeps who know more. then you can go 'armed' with info to your appointment ...17th? isn't it?
Hi ironic....'hand jive' sounds fab if I only could dance...that's one of my life regrets that I never really learned to dance :roll: I always had the 'boy' part when we were being taught at school as I was one of the tall I always want to lead :? :roll: think it's too late now..bah humbug :!:
Hi Lynna hat won't save you from wally's scissors :!:
It's a definite bonus having properly clean teeth see :arrow:and the hair being under control means I won't frighten the neighbour's small children any more
hope you are feeling bit better?
Hi speedy...yep you're right..things I couldn't possibly do a week or so ago..I can do now. It's surprising even me what wally's willing to try.role on hand therapy this afternoon
hope you and S enjoyed your swim yesterday...good for you !!!! when were you last able to go swimming together :?: S must be so happy having you in the pool with him:!:
Hi Toni. ..mornings seem to be a good time for us lot eh?
I love that your daisy can 'chirrup'...clever girl. :!:
hope you are surviving the hols...anything planned for today?
Hope you get that phys appointment through soon :roll:
Hi damsel....I will exercise caution with wally, promise.
don't want to do anything that sets me back that's for sure. :!:
hope you're getting on top of your awful flare :roll: :?: will check over on your thread for an update.
Hi Julie....I like your style! ....locking your arther in the cupboard...any more room in there.
have we to call you Pink Flamingo from now? sounds lovely...colourful and graceful. well done DD
hope you have a fab day too to you and Maurice.your hubby will have a fit if he knew what we get up to here and how he's 'joined' this loony bunch. Mind you he's built up quite a clientèle already so he might be happy with a career change
Cris :!: :!: our Cris :!: how are you today :?: hope you're not suffering with your neck today flower. sending you (((hugs))) just in case. :roll:
iris xxx0
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