Dorcas Iris-TWR one week on. I'M back!
'queasy' is the correct version, but yours is better!
Take great care of that wound, dorcas, it doesn't sound too good and we don't want any infection getting in! Thank you for your special mention of me - you are very kind. Yes, I am going thro the mill somewhat at the moment, I see no point in denying it or in making a great deal of it, it's artthritis, it's what happens. But - the pain is astonishing! I am still trying to adjust to having it in my feet, every step sends twangs all thro my toes, and the ball of my right foot, across to the outside of the foot, well, what that does is unprintable here! I think I need to master the art of levitation, that will stop my increasing hattieness hurting my feet.
You sound quite cheery in your post and that is pleasing. I hope your spirits are genuinely good at the moment, because that does help. DDHave you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben0 -
Hi Iris
I hope that wound is OK .. make sure the nurse at the practice washes her hands very very well before going anwhere near it..
Hi Cris
I didn't realise you had sales on - no wonder you are shattered.. but I think you lead a really interesting/rewarding life Cris.. Hope you pick up again soon.. good idea of Iris's to get more x-rays and MRI scans done..
Hi Speedy
Have a quiet/restful day today. Don't worry about doing any walking today - you have had a busy weekend. Does S have the long school holidays or is his school open throughout the summer??
Marion0 -
Hi Iris,
Hey I am ok... just suffering from a combo......Shearing (kills me mind to not have done them in this heat might have killed them :shock: ) the sale and getting a washing machine in doors.. my money is on the shearing though I did a lot of it sat with my legs under them and got the bruises cus they walked all over physically... they normally only do it metaphorically
he stery thong what dd the nurse say and how open is it? You must keep it clean and dry...... depending on how deep it is......
Hey topped up your healing draft cus I shall be ok I got someone working here today so will as him if he can do up my laces.... how embarrassing ..... i mean embarrassing but I got to go out in a min so can't wait for it to ease off.
They are unlikely to mri me (funding issues abound) but might xray ... I should like my wrists and elbows done if not the hips. The hips were done about 3 years ago but the movement is why he wanted me on the list
Love ((((( ))))) and for a change a bit of guinea pig mix as well as carrots, apples and dandelionsxxx
Hi Marion,
Oh flower this way of life may be very wrong for my bones but its so right for me
Hope your woofities are behaving better today, side glance at Frayer (I love that name) my old Hop's just gave me a scare..... she has 3 legs (lost a front one) and couldn't stand up. her leg was very cold so I rubbed it and well put a sling under her and took the front end weight for about 12-4 feet and than she was fine..... I hope she doesn't do that too often.
You have a good day and thanks for making the hip thing look easier than I thought it might be. ((( ))) Cris xx0 -
Hello Iris, Speedy, Marion, DD and of course Cris,
You all seem to be having an interesting time of it.
I so hope things improve all round. That goodness for the forum. At least you can give instant support and advice to each other.
Iris, hope you and Wally get to be the best of pals asap. Thank goodness for microware meals.Glad the pain killers are working for you.
Cris, my dad had similar eye probs as you and he got a lot of help and good information when joined the institue. I think is worth trying.
Sending hugs alround.
Lv, Ix0 -
ironic wrote:That goodness for the forum.
Iris, hope you and Wally get to be the best of pals asap. Thank goodness for microware meals.Glad the pain killers are working for you.
Sending hugs alround.
Lv, Ix
Hi Ironic
thanks for your good wishes and hugs..much
your so right.....thank goodness for the forum indeed! I'd be lost without it!
The microwave meals were a great idea....but found to my embarrassment/ horror on my first night alone that I had a fridge and freezer full of food but couldn't open any of the packaging. :oops: :x so I had no dinner and instead a jam cream scone!. failed miserably but have learned from the experience and had my sis open the next couple of meals in advance.....had to listen to a lecture though!!!!!
& hi all,
GP nurse not happy to remove the remaining steri strips ...although I suspect they'll come off with the next shower anyway!.
She looked at the wound where the strips have come off and agreed looks not healed...not huge gape..more of a thin open line from top of wound to the remaining steri strips.
(Rita, I wish you were nearer to have a look at it for me x)
She said I? should see what it's like tomorrow and if still the same (or worse.. gawd forbid :shock: ) I should phone the Western to be seen/ get advice.
well......I could have done that without seeing am feeling bit let down by that waste of time. :roll:
Have drank all the healing draught and eaten all the healing greens so fingers crossed.
otherwise I am AOK!going out to my daughter's tonight so looking forward to that.
hope you all surviving the's raining cats n dogs here
Irisxxx0 -
Iris, would you not just get someone to pop you to A&E this evening?
SpeedyI have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.0 -
just read your post - the state of your feet sounds dire .... you'll just have to sit on your btm, with you feet in a bowl of cold water and type lots of posts to keep your mind off it ...
Aw Cris - what type of dog is she ... was she just stiff do you think?
Marion - reduced physio and just done lying down physio on new hip today, can't avoid using both legs for standing up ones though - so had to involve rubbish hip in those. Haven't distance walked today and am sat on an ice pack (as have pain in the btm!!) I think it is all the bending whilst balancing on the old THR and the new leg lifted up at the back (to avoid breaking 90 degree rule) that has set it off . So I am using the pick up stick today instead.
SpeedyI have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.0 -
As a matter of interest, speedy, what else would I sit on?! My blasted sacro-iliacs are giving me gyp today, lots of sitting on hard seats yesterday - I just can't bl**dy win!
dorcas - rain! How lovely! I am tottering about with washing up water in order to give the plants a drink. What a jolt with the microwave food - it's always the little things that seem so bl**dy obvious afterwards that cause the most problems. You poor girl - all sorted now, though? I hope you have a lovely time tonight. DDHave you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben0 -
As a matter of interest, speedy, what else would I sit on?! My blasted sacro-iliacs are giving me gyp today, lots of sitting on hard seats yesterday - I just can't bl**dy win!dorcas ... I hope you have a lovely time tonight.
SpeedyI have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.0 -
Hi Speedy,
Iris is off to her daughters tonight. I hope Wally doesn't get in the way.
She is a lurcher x collie and bless her insists on coming with and well I think the sale is too much for her so she will stay at home Thursday... boy will she sulk ..... less she is a lot better on it. She is nearly 16 and I think her leg just gets tired and she slept as long as I did and it maybe became a bit of a 'dead leg' thing?
She is a very elitist dig and don't half let you know your a) doing it wrong and b) not pandering to her every need
Sorry to read your hip is being iffy you take good care and maybe rest it a little bit? ((( ))) Cris xx
Hi Iris,
Hope you had a good time
hope Wally and you will soon gel and he behaves and does as he is told. You will d the 20% flower and we have rain coming in tonight which maybe we do need...... though..... the hay will be good just a bit light so he girls will need more bas but will at least eat them
Leaving ((((( ))))) and have topped up your bowls and fingers crossed the wound will be ok. Keep it clean and dry though! Grass and dandelions and I managed to find a decent lettuce as wellxxx
0 -
Hi Cris, sounds like you are both struggling and feeling tired from the sales then. Hopefully she will benefit from a rest then, she must have been heavy to support whilst her leg got going. What are you selling/buying?
Hope you catch some sleep.
My new hip is fine, it is the older THR (that is playing up,) rest, ice, wine and tablets are helping...
Iris, hope that scar looks more healed tomorrow and that you had a lovely time a your daughters.
Take care.
SpeedyI have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.0 -
Hi Speedy,
Animal feeds..... I found a cheap supply but sadly they don't have sheep nutsor hay
Sorry your old hip isn't happy, its the extra your having to ask of it while the new one settles in I guess? My brother has had to have both his re-done and the first one made the second one more likely. He got good mileage out of his though.
Fingers crossed it will soon be less achy and pain full. xx
Hi I,
Sorry forgot to say i will ring them, promise. I got a mate who might kick me if I don't. ((( ))) ad will get back to you... I know I am late xx
Hi Iris,
I know you had a good time (just had a text from her) now get your head downI will now as well.... the silly film has finished
Love the hijacking pigeon
0 -
There must be joke about sheep nuts . . . . .hee hee!
Hello dorcas, it's me, I hope you had a lovely time last night and you are OK this morning. I humira'd yesterday, so I do feel a little brighter today, pain is still there but then it never really goes. One adjusts! The psoriasis is trying to put in an appearance at the moment, most unusual for me. I think it's something to do with the increased steroid dose, but that's only a theory. I'm good at them! DDHave you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben0 -
Hi Iris
I do hope you are OK today.
Hi Speedy
Sorry you are going through a rough patch. Please have another day or two of resting up. It won't matter if you don't do all your exercises every day - in fact - you know - I haven't been told to do those standing exercises - I have just been told that walking will provide the necessary exercise..
Hi Cris
I am having my hair cut this morning - thanks for the offer -but it has got to the stage where even an experienced sheep shearer like yourself would struggle with it!! Interesting to hear about your dog.. they are amazingly adaptable creatures . My Freya has been upstairs during the night and scoffed my little cat's food - which I keep on a shelf supposedly out of her reach.. No breakfast for her this morning!
You are not going to like this - but is it worth increasing the prednisolone?? The pains in your feet sound really awful.. sorry..
Marion0 -
Hello Dorcas, Just to say I'm glad you'r back.
Lots of love, Sue0 -
Morning Iris, hope that scar has improved ... and wally is listening to your instructions today.
Hi Cris, that is a nuisance about the hay and sheep nuts ...
Hi Marion, I think the standing up exercises are to improve the limp/pronounced sway I have (as the muscles are too weak to keep my body upright as I swing leg through.) Shall keep massaging those trigger points in the muscle ...
SpeedyI have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.0 -
speedalong, the limp/pronounced sway is probably linked to gin. Add tonic to it woman!
marion, thank you for the suggestion but I suspect the increased preds of recent weeks is the cause of the flare. Dermatology told me that oral steroids are not recommended to treat psoriasis as they boot up the body and therefore could trigger more P. I think they're right! I have now reduced to 15mg daily (a week earlier than the consultant said, but she ain't got psoriasis on her right sole.)
dorcas, we do chat about many things on your thread, don't we? Naughty us! Diabolic DamselHave you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben0 -
Hi All,
Iris just text me and bless her the fused wrist is giving her real grief today so she can't post. She is sending her love and ((( )))'s to all and hopefully a bit of rest will make it better for her.
Hope your all ok? Cris x
Hi Iris,
If you look in leaving ((( )))'s and huge buckets of healing drafts and so many hopes Wally will soon behave and be able to lighten the strain on the fused one. Another ((( ))) and more hopes. Grass, fresh pulled dandelions and some chew sticks to help with the boredom. xxx
Hi Speedy,
I wonder if trigger jabs could help you? They seem quite effective though my neck is up to something...... might ask for the forums help on hat one actually....
Hope your having a decent day? ((( ))) xx
Hi Marion,
That made me smile. I used to have a Harrier till very recently and he was a heller for stealing! Didn't matter where you put it he was up there... the cooker top, the fridge freezer top he went everywhere and no here was safe.....It a bit recent and do miss him so much but am able to use the work surfaces for the first time in 12 years
Hope your having a decent day? xx
Hey DD sheep up and down the country want to know why they can't have their own nuts but can eat each othersxx
0 -
Thanks for the update Cris
And Iris
If you are able to read this I do hope that rest helps your poor wrist
LOve and hugs
Toni xx0 -
Hope you are soon feeling better, Iris. Reading this thread has so far made me laugh, shudder and hide in the wardrobe!
Better than a book.............and it's educational, too.
Annie0 -
Hi Iris
Hope you wound is healing. Sorry to hear your fused wrist is also not good today.. really really hope you are getting good pain relief.
Hi Speedy
Have you had an easier/relatively restful day? You know, I am still only just weaning myself onto one crutch outside - I carry my other crutch when I'm doing my walk and use it on the way back. I also intend to use my 'grabbers' for a long time yet - I am not taking any chances (after my near disasters over the last couple of weeks) - I only do the 'leg stretched out behind me' bend occasionally. (eg shower).
Today has been my best day so far. Walked to the hairdressers this morning and also got into the car this afternoon (using your instructions) and moved it from the end of the road (where it has been for 8 weeks) to outside my house... hip was absolutely fine..
I'm having an early night though - don't want to overdo it!
Marion0 -
Hi Iris,
Sorry your other wrist is playing you up.
Just to say I'm thinking of you and hope your evening out took your mind of Wally for a little while at least.
Have a good nights rest and hope to see you around soon.
Lv, Ix0 -
speedalong, the limp/pronounced sway is probably linked to gin. Add tonic to it woman!
Durr!! Never thought of that :roll:I wonder if trigger jabs could help you? They seem quite effective though my neck is up to something...... might ask for the forums help on hat one actually....
Hope your having a decent day? ((( ))) xx
I have had a manic day, juggling visitors and school stuff, then youth club this evening. How about you?
SpeedyI have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.0 -
Hi Iris, I'm sorry that your fused wrist is protesting ... my old THR leg (as opposed to my fab new one) sympathises ... but at least it doesn't stop me typing away- it does make life more long winded though. Hopefully some rest will help - frustrating for you though.
Take care,
SpeedyI have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.0 -
Hi Marion,Have you had an easier/relatively restful day?You know, I am still only just weaning myself onto one crutch outside - I carry my other crutch when I'm doing my walk and use it on the way back.I also intend to use my 'grabbers' for a long time yet - I am not taking any chances (after my near disasters over the last couple of weeks) - I only do the 'leg stretched out behind me' bend occasionally. (eg shower).Today has been my best day so far. Walked to the hairdressers this morning and also got into the car this afternoon (using your instructions) and moved it from the end of the road (where it has been for 8 weeks) to outside my house... hip was absolutely fine..I'm having an early night though - don't want to overdo it!
Sleep well.
SpeedyI have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.0
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