Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 6. May 2021, 06:19

    Well Sleek has been dancing all morning! 😻 She has seen her ill **** tray shun!! So the computer is whirring and a copy will soon be framed and inside her ickle house. She said we have very talented café visitors indeed. I know Kath will be thrilled too. Now it is complete!!

    Thank you so much Chris you are so very kind and have everything just right....nothing is forgotten and her life, ickle house, beloved jars and even friends passed not forgotten too!💖I love it so much☺️ I hope your hands haven't suffered and it didn't take you too long. Your first illustration commision and you didn't get paid!!!

    Kath I bet you love it too - your wonderful poem is now complete.

    Poor Holly and poor sister I suspect they will have to stay off for next week and test before re-entry maybe🤔

    That poem is so funny I love the confusing madly scatterbrained ones they make you smile 🙂 Great photo too to go with....recipe? Excellent I shall look later.

    Glad you like the socks I can make 15 different 'pairs' with them apparently so I am planning on trying to do just that!

    Mike you got your sister dog socks like mine?! Fabulous fun aren't they? Cheeky doggies taking her socks off😁

    Well done adding tomato sauce to your food yes one of your 5 a day! I buy cauliflower hash browns naughty but I really think they are lovely. Lucy adores them.

    Joan how are you today after your vaccine? Sore arms maybe a little I hope nothing else. Mine is 1:12pm today. I also have to take Lucy for bloods at 11 and Tesco order coming and choir practise (on zoom) and somehow vote?? help!! ((())) xxx Hope your friend does ok I bet she will be happy to be home though.

    Barbara I am so pleased you love Chris' illustration too isn't it fabulous?

    Oh so my socks are fashionable? Woo-woo! get me!!! That'll be a first😁

    Meeting your long lost niece is exactly what your niece needs just now it will help her so much Just get ready for the tears. Oh and take lots of pics.

    Paul has booked a hotel in Brighton and it has a car-park so all sorted. Spoke to my half Aunt and she is so excited to see me. Last time we went kari and Lucy came too, but that wasn't for work it was for a proper visit and we were able to see the other half Aunt too in Hove.

    We are so incredibly lucky to be able to have our vaccinations 💉 2nd one for me today!

    look at that cheese on toast! Mike you can add some more tomato sauce on yours🤣

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    look at that cheese on toast! Mike you can add some more tomato sauce on yours🤣

    Thanks but for some strange reason I do not like the combination of cheese and tomato! A light sprinkling of mild chilli sauce is nice as, like mustard, it enhances the flavour of the cheese.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) sorry about Holly's sister Elayna not being able to go to school it might not take to long to clean ((())) love to Chris ((())) Anita ((()) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Mike ((())) I hope you have a good day ((())) and love to Elliott ((())) I hope he is getting on all right ((()))

    Chris ((())) that's a good picture well thought of have a good day ((()))

    Barbara (((()))yes we've done our best so have you and everyone who's had the jab ((())) love to Mr B ((())) your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend (((())))

    Love to Toni and her family ((()))

    love to Bill (((())) Carol ((())) Mig ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Joan, I saw Holly this morning. She says Elayna is in school today but theyy are supposed to have a meeting tomorrow about what happens next week. I don't know what's going on. Holly could only get us one box of Paracetamol on Tuesday. She says the Co-op has been robbede and all the shelves have been stripped. Anita and Val are clearing the rockery out and they have found an Anderson Shelter underneath it.

    WOW, what a wonderful drawing. I love the Memory Tree. Sleek can hang all her happy memories in there. I love it Chris. 💖

    A poem in memory of Sandra, who lost her battle with cancer in 2014.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all well its was nice and sunny then hail stone 😏

    Toni glad you are having your second jab today its our eldest GDs has well..

    Having an hotel with parking will he lovely I just wished we had stopped there ..cheese on toast thankyou and I like the sound of cauliflower has brown's

    I will certainly take lots if pics can't wait 😊xx

    Joan you are right we have done what was needed ..hope you are ok after your second one xx

    Kath wow fancy Anita finding the shelter..we used to play in one in my aunties back garden ..

    I love the Sandra's glade poem very sad she lost her battle bless her xx

    We went voting this morning and ventured for some shopping home made food to take away 😋

    Love to all


  • CatLady1
    CatLady1 Member Posts: 64
    edited 6. May 2021, 22:25

    Evening all

    Just a quick post. Just thought I'd pop in and have a read of all your lovely posts. Pleased you liked the poem with my drawings on it. Never done anything like that before but I was quite pleased with it. Today it's been a busy catch up day. Still got everything done. Spent nearly one hour on phone to the cruise people. I have to upgrade my cabin if I want to take my scooter. I'm not taking it on my August one as we aren't stopping anywhere. I've managed to get an accessible Canon on my November one. Going up to the fjords. They have put me on the waiting list for the Christmas one. Excuse this if it sounds disjointed

    Hope you all manage to get a good night's sleep. Take care everyone

    Gentle hugs to you all

    Chris aka Catlady

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 7. May 2021, 05:46

    Now Mike I do not like tomato sauce at all except on cheese on toast or eggy bread, neither of which I eat now, aren't we all odd?! I will try the chilli sauce on my vegan cheese 🧀 even though it does not grill well I still have it sometimes.

    I think you couldn't see my post yesterday Joan. I was asking how you and Sue were after your vaccines? I had mine yesterday and only a sore arm to show for it so very pleased about that.🙂 Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    No problem - I could understand your cruising plans Chris.Definitely no need for the scooter on the August trip but the others it will be ideal. I like to have an outside cabin anyway whenever we have cruised (I say it like we do it all the time!!) you get so much more out of it don't you?

    Now there's a christmas one too? Where does that one go?

    I think you can quite safely say your illustration went down very well with your café friends😉👍️and Sleek to be honest the most important one in it all!

    No rush to get everything done you know there's always tomorrow - you've had a busy week.

    Kath Sleek has made you and Chris a present each I expect she's dropped it off already? It's some 'perfume' it's one of Tosca's recipes again and I am really not sure about it at all it's called 'eau de macrool'

    I'm so glad you loved Chris' illustration too. Yes the memory tree! Lovely isn't it? Funnily enough I sent Bill an adorable tiktok video of some ragdoll kittens one pure white yesterday. He said that's what Tosca used to look like! Pure white until her markings came in. I told him about the poem and illustration too.

    Oh my goodness what a find! Anita and Val must be so excited and positively thrilled! I would love one! Have they been inside yet? I bet they have.

    The poor Co-op owners being burgled that's dreadful I hope they were insured ok. Very odd Elayna being in school in the circumstances I bet Holly doesn't feel too happy about that🤔

    Oh my gosh did you write that poem Kath? It's really beautiful. Fair brought a tear to my eye the photo is just perfect with it too. Have you been in to BLF lately? I may have some sad news for you.

    Barbara the cauliflower hash browns are made by strong roots and probably count as one of our 5 a day unlike the potato ones which often have milk in anyway. They really are yum. Lucy and me like them more than our chips!

    I am looking forward to seeing my half-Aunt, but it will be raining Paul said so we will need to wrap up warm. The pub nearby has outside seating under a sort of shelter she said so we will use that to meet as she is in a flat with no garden at all. At least you have your summer house outside if it's wet when you have your family reunion. It will be just like long lost family!

    Missed you at zoom choir last night. Next week we are singing in one of the ladies' back gardens.

    I voted too of course and saw a couple of neighbours. Instead of at school we had to go to the community centre in the next village which took longer to get to, but is much much bigger and safer.

    I am so pleased your eldest GD is fully vaccinated too. I think who is left in here? Mike have you had your 2nd?

    Cakes today on our village cart I am wondering what goodies will appear.

    Take care everyone

    Vegan/veg option available as required of course! as well as all the condiments!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    All we had with our jab was a little lump and a bruise we think we have done the best we can. Sue's carer who is deaf won't have any injection her husband has tried to take her but she won't have it.

    Kath ((())) I'm sorry Holly could not get all the paracetamol you wanted perhaps she can get some today ((())) that was a good find for Anita ((())) and Val (((())) thank you for the photo ((())) love to Chris ((())) and Emily (((()))) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara (((()))) we have the sun here early this morning when we had our Sainsbury 's order the driver saw fox's and their babies running a cross our little side road ((())) love to Mr B (((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend (((()))

    Chris (((())) that's good you can take your scooter on the cruise ((())) have a good weekend.

    Toni (((()))) that 's good you have a place you can park at Brighton. That's good you've had your jab we feel safer now. Did Lucy's blood's go OK (((()))) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carer's ((())) Lucy ((())) and Tia ((((()))) and Kari ((())) and P (((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Leave to Mike ((()))Elliott (((())) Bill ((())) and Carol ((())) and Mig ((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Toni, no I have left Health Unlocked. They expected a new poem every day and didn't like it when I repeated them. Unlike you ovely lot on here who just enjoy them time and time again. But I must start writing again as I'd like to begin a new collection called "Poems From The Café" I'm sure you would all love that. Now, do I want to hear the bad news? Is it Pete, or Cass? They all had such awful lung problems, it could be any one of them. Please tell me - gently. I was close to tears the other day (if I was able to cry I would hae done - **** Sjogren's) watching Corrie as Nina and Seb were beaten up by Corey and Kelly. It was tragic and the acting was incredible. Anita and Val are filling the shelter in! It's partially demolished any way so it's a danger. I think whoever built the rockery must have damaged it.

    I'm now using 2 note taking programs, One Note and Evernote. I love them

    Yes, I did write the Sandra's Glade poem. It was heart breaking when she fell asleep in death. Sadly the first, then there was Annabelle, Kim and baby Jo who left an year old son behind. Here's another for Sandra. The reference to February Valentines, we all began our chemo in February 2013So we called our group that. Each month ha a new group formed - January Jewels, March Marigolds, April Angels, June Gems etc. We were February Valentines.

    Any way, hop you all have a good day in spite of having sore arms.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 8. May 2021, 06:31

    Morning everyone I hope you are all well. It is totally precipitating here and looks set to do so for many days to come Rondetto said this time last year it was 27 degrees! Poor Sleek is really upset she keeps attempting to go out then bottling it!

    Kath no a poem (new!) a day would be too much for anyone that's 365 a YEAR!! Are you ready? I'm afraid it's Hacienda (Carolina) who has gone 😕 I hadn't been in for a week so was equally shocked. I am so sorry (((()))) Bless her.

    I should think Anita and Val are right to fill the shelter in safety has to come first. They have photos that's enough🙂

    Oh my dear Kath Coronation street was dreadful last night such a shock such an awful shock poor poor Seb. We cannot believe how they kept it such a secret that he was leaving the series Lucy says he has another part in something. She was watching it with us too.

    Now that poem is truly beautiful fir Sandra I really love it - and relate to it too. As you know Lucy lost 14 children but one main member of the original 'chemo-crew' of 4 girls all with leukaemia. Sandra would be Pagan to Lucy. RIP both of them and Carolina too.

    Do you think you could do some cafe poems? I do. I have loads of ideas and remember you have already got, I would think, half a dozen already written (I have one💜) and Aidan has too.....Sleek. If your writing mojo is back I think you should go with it see where it takes you. That's what Kari does with her art and then rests when she needs to too.

    I hope you have a restful 'day off' today.

    Are you in shock too Joan? with the storyline in Coronation Street? We all can't believe it here poor Seb of all people. I am sorry that Sue's carer won't have her jab bless her. Lucy's is next week and Paul's is next weekend. Like you it was really only my arm causing any trouble. This morning l have to brave washing my hair though😣 Love to you both ((())) xxx

    Good morning To Mike I hope all is well and that Elliott will soon be home to begin his recovery proper bless him. Love to you and Vixen.

    Barbara must be resting her eyes.....I hope it helps. It's chucking it down here I am pretty miserable about it as I am going to Brighton tomorrow and don't want my aunt soaked on Monday meeting me outside 😕

    Love also to Chris I hope all is well with you. When will the new scooter arrive and do you have enough storage at your flat or somewhere in the building? Lucy's Winnie went in Sleek's ickle house yesterday when Sleek was out (they still haven't met except through glass) she saw Sleek's poem up on the wall inside and her jars, potions and photos of Pepe etc....

    Love of course to Carol very much in my mind with my imminent trip to Brighton and yours to Margate this month. I hope it will be dry when you do and that you are all well. ((()))

    Take care everyone it's Aidan's breakfast today:

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) have you got your other pack of Paracetamol I hope you don't have to wait to long for them ((())) yes we watch Coronation street but I can't just sit so I do solitaire on my iPad while I'm watching programmes. love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val (((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad (((())))

    Toni ((())) have a good time tomorrow I hope the weathers better than to day ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    love to Barbara ((())) and her family ((()))

    Love to Chris ((())) Bill ((())) Carol ((())) Mike ((())) and Elliott ((())) and Mig ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Oh ek thought I had posted yesterday only just seen that I didn't 😳

    Toni thankyou for the breakfasts..not sure about having people in our shed come sumner house it only fits will have to have a think, both neices are taking test before they come so that's good

    I am sure you will sort something for Brighton..won't be long till the end of lockdown xx

    Joan how lovely having so many foxes and there babies they must be happy around there .I think the carer us so silly not having the vaccine ..but if she has made up her mind to all of you xx

    Chris i hope you manged ti upgrade to a bigger cabin for your scooter ..something to look forward to makes all the difference xx

    Kath you have been through so much and on top of it losing good friends but it's made you stronger I am sure ..the poem is very is clever and so moving xx

    Niamh has just gone home she's a love when she hugged me she said I love my life bless her ❤

    Love to everyone. Xxxxxx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223


    I hope Kath's 'day off' went well and she is feeling suitably recovered? are you Kath? we had rain all day but i still got my posh coffee and we caught up with 'This is Us' on Prime in the afternoon. If anyone likes life in the 70s it's a great series.

    Chris did it rain with you too? I suspect it did like it or not 🙄 what a day it was much localised flooding here, but the farmers are happier at least.

    Joan Coronation street was so sad and such a shock. No one warned me Seb was leaving😕We won't do much in Brighton just drive straight to the hotel you can eat there in your room apparently. Then in the morning Paul will go off early to his job I will take my time then walk to my Aunt's there is a pub with outside space with shelter over it so we will meet there. Saw P yesterday she was having an ok day. ((())) to you and Sue

    Mike Did you get the rain we did? I suspect not the weather is always lovely in Cornwall. Poor Miss Sleek had to wait until about 7pm to go outside bless her. It just didn't stop but eased off a bit then. ((())) to Elliott and family.

    Oh Barbara your summerhouse looks a little bigger than it is.....well there are brolleys and if you've all been vaccinated just try very very hard not to hug each other even though you will all be desperate to.

    Bless Niamh she is definitely a ray of ☀ It doesn't take much to make her happy does it?

    Glad you enjoyed breakfast today's is even better!

    Brighton will be just fine rain or not we won't be 'going out' as such so should be safe enough. Like you we have done out twice weekly tests and Paul has had to stay in hotels a lot over this whole 18 months and says they are safe enough. Wipes are packed!

    Right better get my hair washed, but first breakfast!

    Family sized!!

    Love of course to Carol if she pops by.

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Mike Did you get the rain we did? I suspect not the weather is always lovely in Cornwall. 

    Morning petal, we had showers all day but nothing heavy, it did not stop Vixen going out and having to be towelled off when she came in. Joy of joys though I did get a cuddle for about an hour yesterday morning which is rare for her.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Barbara (((())) how are you feeling and Mr B ((())) Rashid the deaf lady who won't have the injection has dark skin ( I can not think of the word for it ) love to your son ((())) and Niamh (((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((())) have a lovely day with your Aunts (((()))) try and put the world to right ((())) love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((())))

    love to Chris ((()))Carol ((())) Kath ((())) and family ((())) and Mike ((())) and Elliott ((())) and Bill ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Well, I'm annoyed now. I've just typed a massive post, and I've lost it!!!!!

    Here's the gist of it, I've started 2 poems to work on to start my book which will be called either Poems from the café or Tails from the café. That's not a spelling mistake, as I hope to get about a dozen poems about our puskins and friends as well as arthritis. Any ideas will be more than welcome Toni, so send your ideas to me via a message or I can message you my email address. When the book is finished, I hope to post it and ask our fantastic mods to arrange a way for anyone downloading it to donate to VA. It will be in PDF format.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223


    Its actually sunny atm.....whether it will stay this way is another matter!!!!

    Mike only showers Lovely and Vixen went out anyway. I bet she sat in your lap to dry off fully after her towel drying Skeek is exactly the same!!! Cheeky things but we still love them.😻🐈🐾

    ((())) for Elliott and family.

    Joan thank you we got here quite late just in time to eat (hotel delivers food outside the door) and have a quick shower before bed. I think maybe Rashid's ethnicity is Asian? Seeing my Mum's half sister this morning! We will do our best to put the world right 🙂 how well you know me!

    Kath what a fabulous idea! I can think of loads of ideas for your book. One of your cancer ones must go in of course. The one about Aidan......

    Leave it with me!

    Autoimmune is a great start. An excellent poem. BTW I love the play on words for the book title👍🙂

    Sleek wants an upright Tail on the title page at least she said. And will bring more cockles as a bribe😁😁😁

    Its sunny here we actually have a fabulous sea view! I will get a pic later if I can. Trying not to disturb Paul. The kettle was too noisy and I am gasping 😒

    Hope Barbara is ok and just resting her eyes. And that Chris is too and had a restful day yesterday .

    Love of course to Carol

    Hope this works....

    Hang on...

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Pancakes! Love em! I am hoping for at least toast here this morning 🤞🤞🤞

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) I'm sorry that is good your explaining and diagram do you have all that wrong with you (((())) you do need a new body.

    Love to Chris (((())) and Anita ((())) Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your dad ((())) from today we can start to hug people I have not stopped hugging Lexi a d pepper.

    Toni ((())) a sea view everyone usually likes to have that ((())) it must have been a long drive to Brighton ((())) yes Rashid could be Asian.

    Have a good time this morning (((()))) love to Paul ((())) and Charley (((())) and Annie (((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) Tia ((()))Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    love to Barbara ((())) and family ((())) and Chris ((())) Carol ((())) Mig (((())) and Mike ((())) and Elliott ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • CatLady1
    CatLady1 Member Posts: 64

    Good morning to all my lovely friends

    Guess I've been away from here for long enough. It's strange how I set out to have a lazy day, but in the end I end up doing more. I really must take more time to relax. It's hard at time as I've got OCD as well as all my other conditions. I must have been over doing it as on Thursday, it decided it had had enough of me burning the candle at both ends and it made itself known in an horrendous flare up of my fatigue and joint pain.

    I took this time to catch up on my online course that I'm doing. It was a mistake buying this one as I have been making cards for about 20 years. It was about making greetings cards and I didn't realise it was one for beginners. The voice which is on the video has the same time all the time and it grates on me. Plus it is based on things which people use in America and they seem to have different to ours. Thank goodness I got it at a hugely reduced price. I am following it, with the TV on, in case there may be something I can use.

    My scooter arrived and was packed with so much packing to protect it that I ended up with a large black bag full. I found it very hard to fold down but when my daughter turned up she explained it and showed how to do it. Thank goodness for the younger generation. I can do it easily ow.

    Just !liked at the time. I must fly. I have a taxi coming at 11.10.. A blood test and a doctor appointment for a change.

    Gentle hugs to you all.

    Take care

    Chris akaCatLady

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 10. May 2021, 10:53

    Yesterday's post revisited, I must make use of the 'save draft' option.

    Dad has started going to his Friday club again. He has a small manual wheelchair which he uses as a rollator, and as the club isn't far away, he can also stop for a short sit down if necessary. I'm pleased he is going (weather permitting) as he enjoys the company, and the opportunity for a game of cards or dominoes.

    Joan, Holly offered to get me another box of paracetamol last week, but I told her to leave it until this week.

    Toni, I was so upset at the Nina/Seb storyline. Especially when Seb died. I didn't know that Harry Visconti was leaving. The story is based on a real life killing of a couple who - like Nina - were Goths. The girl's mother gave Corrie permission to use it in the show. I was a blubbering wreck in spite of the fact that I don't make tears because of Sjogren's (pronounced showgrins). I'm loving your ideas and the cat's tail is a distinct possibility. and a dedication to Sleek, Miss Cookie, and of course Pepe,. you'll have to send me your ideas by email, I'll send my address In a message.

    I enjoyed the rice milk, but will start with soy milk next week.

    Recipe today

    Vegan Lemon Garlic Soy Curls

    10 ingredients, 20 minutes to make. The tender juicy soy curls are smothered in a creamy garlic sauce bursting with fresh lemon. The most delicious easy meal! Serve over pasta, on rice, with mashed potatoes, alongside a baked potato or in anyway you enjoy!


    For the marinade:

    • 2 cups warm vegetable broth
    • 2 lemons, zested and juiced (about 6 tablespoons juice)
    • 6 cloves garlic, minced or pressed
    • 2 teaspoons agave or maple syrup
    • ½ teaspoon salt
    • ½ teaspoon black pepper
    • 2 cups dry soy curls (4 oz)

    For frying the soy curls:

    • ½ cup all-purpose flour (gluten-free if preferred)
    • 2 tablespoons light oil (such as vegetable or canola)
    • ½ cup plant-based milk (see notes)
    • chopped parsley for garnish

    US Customary - Metric


    • Warm the vegetable broth in the microwave or if using a vegetable broth powder (like I did) use warm water to prepare it. Combine all of the marinade ingredients together to a medium bowl. Add the soy curls and let soak for 10 minutes, stirring half way through to make sure all the soy curls get softened in the marinade.
    • Add the flour into another medium bowl and set aside. Remove the soy curls from marinade and squeeze them to release any extra liquid. Save the leftover marinade for later. It's ok if there are still little soy curl bits leftover in the marinade. Place the squeezed soy curls in the flour and toss to coat.
    • Heat the oil in a large skillet or frying pan. When hot, shake off the excess flour on the soy curls and add them to the pan. Fry, turning as needed until the soy curls are golden brown, about 5 minutes. Pour over all of the remaining marinade and stir in the plant-based milk. bring to a simmer and cook for 3 - 5 minutes until the sauce has thickened. Serve hot with sides of choice, over pasta, on rice, with mashed potatoes, or in anyway you enjoy!


    Plant-based milk: I like to use an extra rich plant milk such as canned coconut milk or cashew cream, but any plant milk will work here.

    Make ahead: Allow the prepared dish to cool before storing in the fridge for up to 3 days. Gently reheat in a pot on the stove, adding a splash of water, vegetable broth, or plant-based milk to loosen the sauce if needed.


    Serving: 1-serving (recipe makes 4 servings) | Calories: 296kcal | Carbohydrates: 33g | Protein: 14g | Fat: 13g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Sodium: 778mg | Potassium: 667mg | Fiber: 8g | Sugar: 8g | Vitamin A: 366IU | Vitamin C: 32mg | Calcium: 109mg | Iron: 3mg

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all It's poured diwn all and some hail

    Did I not post yesterday sure I did but can't see it ..sometimes I don't press send

    Toni you have a nice time whatever the weather ..I'm sure your aunt will be pleased to see you ..and all book fir something to eat outside..I bet hotels are safer than ever ..breakfast was lovely thankyou ..yes our summer house is only small 2 chairs and a little table..Will have to have a think xx

    Chris I see your scooter has arrived how nice and much more light weight fir you xx

    Mike had a cuddle off Vixens bless..they are strange creatures and and have there own mind xx

    Joan I hope the carer will be OK ...I should think carers should have to have the vaccine ..thankyou for all the hugs love to all of you xx

    Kath I'm so glad you are getting some paoms together fir the cafe I love reading them even if it us bit by bit 😀 xx

    Right I'm off to bed sleep well all xxxxxx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Morning everyone a lovely sunny start - not a cloud in the sky here, but for how long?

    It's good to be home it always is isn't it? Tomorrow I will do a COVID test to be on the safe side.

    Barbara it was lovely to see my half Aunt we were extremely lucky it was sunny the whole time although a bit windy being by the coast. She told me lots of stories about her childhood and caught up on my half cousins news which was lovely too. We didn't eat but had 3 drinks before Paul finished pricing up the job and fetched me to go home. I am a bit worried she lives in top floor flat (only 3 stories) but has to go up probably 30 steps to even get to the flats and she has a heart condition too.

    You won't quite be allowed inside will you when your long lost niece arrives.....hmmmm.....get Jimmy on to it he will think of something.

    Lucy has an interview today - at Macdonalds. She doesn't care just wants to be doing something and work is hard to come by ATM for young ones.

    Mike I am allowed a 'roper' lap-cat cuddle when Sleek is soaking wet too. I suspect they are stealing our warmth cheeky pusskins!!!

    Those Soy curls look loooovely! and nice and easy too Kath. I might just give them a go. Although i enjoy all the cheat vegan foods like the beyond meat etc it is lovely to cook from scratch and know exactly how much salt and sugar has gone into your food isn't it?

    YES use the save draft button it's a good idea. Carol will use it when she calls in too I suspect it will help her like you and me who talk a lot😁😉

    That is fabulous news you Dad back at his club!!!! He is an absolute star 🤗

    It was so upsetting the Seb and Nina story they kept his leaving so quiet normally you know and even you didn't. Heartbreaking for the parents of the young people in the real-life story which it was based on. I was so upset too. Such a relief that Asha got out yesterday and I hope those kids all get good sentences for what they've done😡

    Thank you yes I do have ideas if I could I would even write a poem myself! Can't draw or write but i can think of ideas!

    Morning Chris - Good to see you i thought you would be resting and recovering not easy when you have OCD is it? Your stamina is definitely still down after that time in hospital. I hope the Dr's apt went ok and nothing any more serious than you already have going on ((()))

    Well done daughter demonstrating the scooter folding technique it sounds easy once you've been shown and doable for you? Not too strenuous?

    I'd love to see a photo of it up and down too if it's easy enough.

    Oh dear so the course wasn't the bargain you thought it would be🙄Best to watch the telly at the same time then!! I hope you got something out of it at least.

    Joan we had a lovely time. My Aunt is a very interesting lady just into her 70s and lots of stories to tell. From here for us it's about 4 hours to Brighton so not too bad. Like Barbara I think all carers should have the vaccine to protect themselves, but if Rashid is adamant it is her right bless her.

    For Kath (and other fried egg lovers) and Mike too the hashbrowns

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) I hope Holly can get the Paracetamol next time ((())) that's good your Dad's ((())) club has started again when you live on your own it's nice to go out and meet friends ((())) love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and Emily ((()))

    Chris (((())) I have seen a fold up scooter that has a remote to control it. (())) sorry about your wrong course ((()))

    Barbara ((())) the days go so quick when is it you see your niece ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni (((())) that's must be hard work for you half Aunt carrying shopping up all those stairs ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy (((())) and Tia (((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((()))

    love to Carol ((())) Mig ((())) Mike ((()))) and Elliott ((())) and Bill (((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Morning all, not raining - yet - but not very sunny either.

    Joan, just to put your mind at rest, Holly got us some Paracetamol today and a Radio Times.

    Barbara, I won't post any poems until my book is finished. It's called Tails From The Café. Tails as cat's tails.

    Toni, I sent you a message with my email in it if you want to send me any of your brilliant ideas.

    This one is for free as it's an old one, should I add it to my new collection?

    The Hunter

    Through the undergrowth he steals,

    In grassy jungle creeps,

    Belly down, eyes like slits

    Pretending he's asleep.

    Wary, watching all the time

    Ears twitch at sounds unknown.

    Searching skies where clouds flit by

    And many birds have flown.

    With haunches up and muscles tense

    His gaze fixed on his prey;

    He pounces on the Butterfly

    Which quickly flies away.

    So yawning nonchalantly,

    He lies down to have a rest.

    As hunters come and hunters go,

    My cat thinks he's the best.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein