Val's Cafe



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Hello all we have sun then darkness and thunder ⛈

    Toni so glad the weather was good to you and your aunt..was going to say I love chatting to older people..especially the interesting ones but forget I'm old now😅

    Not a clue what we will do ...ooh it rhymes..if it youngest brother both neices dad is coming we will have to be carful for his sake

    Thankyou fir the fried eggs I have brown sauce with mine xx

    Joan it's Saturdays that my neice, that we hasn't seen since she was 3 so 40 years ..its a long story but she didn't know she had a sister my other to all of you xx

    Kath yes add that poem to the cafe ones glad your dad can now get back to his club it will make a big difference to him xx

    Love to all


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223


    It's chilly but sunny so all far until the hail comes down again.

    Oh good news lucy got the job (of course!) I know it's only MacDonalds, but there is very little work here for young people since COVID so we are all pleased.🙂 She has her 2nd vaccination this morning so should be as safe as possible.

    Joan I have to agree my Aunt has a heart condition and those stairs are a nightmare. It took me several goes to get up the ones I did bless her. I think she is having it delivered ATM, her shopping, from Iceland. Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Kath thank you i have your email and will get my thinking cap on and hopefully some of my ideas will inspire you. I think the play on words with 'Cat's Tail' is brilliant and in fact it's purrfect so Sleek says. the cafe I all about food, chat, friendship and of course cats!

    Glad you have your paracetamol now well done Holly. Did she say is the shop back to normal now after the break-in?

    Looking forward to Coronation Street tonight Paul says Asha is going to try to trap Corey into confessing, but I think that's a dangerous game.

    Hahaha! Barbara you are not old, but you are right chatting to older people is lovely. Their stories a life well-lived are so good to hear. I hope it helped my Aunt too i think it did. Bless her. I think i will get some flowers sent to her and will try to ring more often.

    Oh dear...Your bro is coming too and is on treatment still🤔 might be that he sits in the summer-house and you sit outside it? You could easily be lucky like we were and it be dry the entire time. The weather is just so unpredictable. Is it the day after your birthday she comes to meet you all?

    Yesterday i was in my car outside waiting for Lucy to come out from her interview. the sun was shining then all of a sudden the hail!!! Bashing on the roof then thunder and lightning. I was a bit scare can't remember whether a car is a conductor of electricity or not. Anyway I am still here!!

    Chris - I hope you had a restful day yesterday and feel ok today? Did you see Joan has a scooter which opens electronically! How wow is that?!?

    Mike do you have any news on Elliott? No pressure, but know we are all still rooting for him.((())) xxx I hope the weather has been kind to Vixen it hasn't to my puss, but she managed a few 'rounds' outside late on when the sun came out.

    Love of course to Carol, Miss Cookie and Mr T xxx

    I fancy this today, because it's COLD!! P is virtually living on it ATM

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Mike do you have any news on Elliott? No pressure, but know we are all still rooting for him.((())) xxx I hope the weather has been kind to Vixen it hasn't to my puss, but she managed a few 'rounds' outside late on when the sun came out.

    Morning Toni, no I have not heard anything about Elliott. My baby sister came round yesterday so I asked her and she has not heard anything either. Showers on and off yesterday which did not put Vixen off, even when my Home Help fired up the vacuum cleaner!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) that's good you have more paracetamol it's not nice when you run out. love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad (((())))

    love to Barbara ((())) and her family ((())))

    Toni ((())) and her family (((())))

    Chris ((())) Carol (((())) Mig ((())) and Mike ((())) and Elliott ((())) and Bill ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 12. May 2021, 11:46

    Barbara, considered the Hunter poem added. I have quite a selection now, and our Froggy is helping as I'm sure Miss Sleek is whispering in her ear too. I can't wait until it's finished and if it raises some money for Versus Arthritis I will be pleased and proud. I've just realised my awful eyesight made me call you BANANA - 😚 Barbara the banana in a bandana. Don't worry, I won't add that one.

    Joan, Yes it was a pleasant surprise when Holly pushed the paracetamol through my letterbox.

    Mike, did Elliott do his fundraiser? He's such a brave boy.

    Toni, By now you should have received my email, I've found from lovely outline sketches to add to the pages. They are delightful and you will love them. I'll give you a sample. Sleek asleep

    Tommy -

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Mike, did Elliott do his fundraiser? He's such a brave boy.

    Hi Kathleen, I don't think so. So far as I am aware there was a problem in giving him his last round of chemo due to his blood counts etc; I think he has had it now and I presume that his walk has been rearranged but I do not know for when. His Mum, my Niece, only updates people (even family) on Facebook and I do not have an account with them and do not intend to have one as in my opinion it does more harm than good.

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all very strange weather

    Toni thankyou for the porridge like you say the sun is out one min then hail and thunder..

    Not sure what will happen on Sat.. my brother is determined to come think ge just wants out of the 4 walls ..we will all have to wear mask and spread out..

    Good on Lucy ..she has always worked even when poorly bless boys worked at MD till they went to college and then in holidays for your aunt would ge lovely xx

    Mike I hope your family update you soon on Elliott I know you and your sister must worry xx

    Joan will you be able to get to your cafe next week ..I do hope so ,I am not sure if ours will reopen xc

    Kath how kind if you to raise money for VA..I am looking forward to reading all the poems ..I'm sure Toni will come up with some has well xx

    Love to all


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Morning everyone 🙂

    Mike it must be frustrating for you and your baby sister not knowing how Elliott is doing. That's young people for you it's all facebook. Shan't tell you what I call it. I suspect the walk will be rearranged without too much trouble for when he is feeling a bit better. No news as they say is good news.

    Vixen is a cool cat for sure! Sleek seems to know the weather forecast and stays in on the whole on bad days and can even come in before it rains like she knows!

    Hope your home help is ok and you had some biccies or cake.

    Morning Joan did you miss my post from yesterday . Sometime I thought you hadn't been in too when you had. I have an idea about that I will test it out and tell you if it works.... I was asking about your scooter with the remote control it sounds really useful does it fold itself up and down? Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Kath i have some ideas for definite as does Sleek, but she is actually helping me do a special poem about YOU at the moment. So watch this space....

    The only other thing is she wants to do one about mackerel lattes and cockles🤢

    I adore the line drawings of pusskins! they really are good. I have sent you an initial email back, but there are more things spinning in my head.

    I am very pleased you have your paracetamol. You know P swears by them always has. Only problem I have is that I can't take them for more than a few days or they give me (odd but true) a headache!

    Barbara I rather think you'll manage whatever happens as long as it's not the real drenchings or that hail! get hold of some golf brolleys if you can.

    Gosh yes do you remember Lucy working at the nightclub pulling pints when her shoulder was collapsed!? This is far more her and she will be much happier. 2nd jab for her today i thought it was yesterday 🙄

    Oh yes I have some ideas, not a poet like our Kath, but have plenty of ideas.

    Love to our Chris I hope you are feeling ok and not overdoing it. How many weeks is it for your holiday now?🐱

    Thinking also of Carol and hoping she is doing ok.

    now what shall we eat today? Hmmmm...

    you chose! But we can all use these bowls

    or Aidan's ones!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) that's good you have your paracetamol and Radio times (((())) Good luck with your poems ((())) love to Anita ((())) and val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) Good luck on Saturday ((())) the days go so quick don't they. Love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((()) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((())) I looked for your post yesterday but never found it. It's Chris (cat lady ) who has the remote wheelchair not me. Good luck to Lucy with her new job is it pulling pints (((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Mike ((())) sorry about Elliott's problems ((()))Good luck to him ((()))

    Love to Carol ((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((())) and Bill ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    . Toni ((())) I just found your post from yesterday and it's MacDonald's Lucy's job not the pub Good luck to her she's a good worker ((())) I hope her jab went well ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Howdy pardners, oooh eck where did that come from? Silly me.

    Toni, thank you for the very informative email. I love Aidan's bowls, I would like ALL my breakfasts in those. I think I will send you a draft copy of the book (heretofor known as "The Book") you can critique it for me and keep a copy safe in Sleek's ickle house. But it's TOP SECRIT tell her.

    A poem about moi, well I never. Can't wait to see it.

    I'd better get on with THE BOOK, but first

    Easy huevos rancheros

    An easy Mexican breakfast that'll keep you going all morning, it's got everything you need to pep up your plate


    • 1 tbsp vegetable oil or sunflower oil
    • corn tortilla wrap
    • egg
    • 200g can black beans, drained
    • juice ½ lime
    • ½ ripe avocado, peeled and sliced
    • 50g feta, crumbled
    • hot chilli sauce (we like sriracha)


    • STEP 1
    • Heat the oil in a frying pan over a high heat. Add the tortilla and fry for 1-2 mins on each side until crisping at the edges. Transfer to a plate.
    • STEP 2
    • Crack the egg into the pan and cook to your liking. Meanwhile, tip the beans into a bowl, season and add a squeeze of lime, then lightly mash with a fork.
    • STEP 3
    • Spread the beans over the tortilla, top with the egg, avocado, feta and chilli sauce. Squeeze over a little more lime juice just before eating.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Toni I am loving the bowls ..I had a spoonful of each 😅feel like a kid again

    The weather us so up and down but we will do our best..Lucy is a strong young lady i am sure she will always do well xx

    Joan Saturday will be strange but really looking forward to are the little doggies doing..hope lexi is OK now xx

    Kath howdy 🤣

    And a Mexican breakfast very fitting cowboys and all that

    So you have a draft of the ikkle book well done you xx

    Got an appointment today face to face about my knee think it's the 25th June..

    Love to all


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Morning! Overcast but not raining so maybe there's hope?

    Had an extra leaflet about the AZ vaccine with Lucy being young yesterday after her 2nd. I have to watch for this brain haemorrhage thingy from 4 days to 4 weeks!

    Finally an appointment for your knee Barbara a little while yet to wait (I really have to wonder what is going on at the Drs????)

    I bet you CANNOT wait for Saturday if it was me It would be all I'd think about. Are you doing food or just cuppas? I bet you really want champagne!

    I should have found these for breakfast yesterday:

    I used to like them all!

    Mind you Kath's breakie was lovely too although I ditched the egg in mine.

    Morning Kath those tortillas were amazing - I just left the egg off mine thank you!

    Sleek said you had already told her about THE BOOK being a secret she has promised when she did your obs, but wonders whether she might be allowed to tell Mrs Darcey because she is her 'bestist frend' and very 'trustible'

    There are 5 lines in your poem so far Sleek added the 5th yesterday. Sorry but I'm sure everyone here will agree there has to be a poem about YOU!

    How is the allotment coming along - any news or updates?

    Good morning Joan thank you yes it's Macdonalds!! It's a job though, good honest work and Lucy is very excited she has a training session on Thursday evening. So Chris's scooter has a remote then? Gosh that will come in handy won't it?

    I'm glad you found my post from the other day in the end! Hope you are all well sisters and dogs too? Seeing my lovely neighbours later this afternoon.

    Hello to Mike and Vixen I hope you are doing ok. I am still sending strength down to Elliott and family ((()))

    Hi Chris I hope you are doing ok not overdoing it? How is the ankle and the new scooter?

    Love also to Carol of course and Miss Cookie.

    Mushrooms spinach and eggs😋

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Hello to Mike and Vixen I hope you are doing ok. I am still sending strength down to Elliott and family ((()))

    Thanks petal. Vixen is asleep on my wheelchair at the moment having stuffed her face earlier. Clear blue skies down here at the moment so may sit outside later. Have a nice day!

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Morning, although it's more like night here, so overcast.

    Toni, I know I haven't sent you a draft copy of THE BOOK yet, but I'm not happy with the layout so I'm starting again and I'm not happy with The Summerhouse poem because it's too boring. So more editing I'm afraid. 4 days to 4 weeks - that's a long time scale. I do hope Lucy will be all right. And yes Sleek can tell her bestist and most trustible friend. So if I hear them both whispering in corners, I'll know why. Thank you for the Mushrooms spinach and eggs, I've nicked the egg you took off my breakfast. You know eggs never go to waste when I'm around. I'm surprised you can find 5 lines to write about me. I can't even think of 5 words.

    Barbara, those bowls are lovely aren't they. I had no idea my post would turn out to be so Mexican, glad you like it.

    Hugs to Carol, Joan, Mike and Elliott, Chris and anyone else I've forgotten.

    Aztec pattern.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath (((()))) I hope you all have a good weekend (((())) how is Chris's leg getting on. Love to him ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val (((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad (((()))

    Barbara ((())) I'm sorry you have a problem with your knee ((())) the end of June is a long time to wait when you are in pain ((())) yes our cafe opens on Monday. Love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your Niece ((())) tomorrow have a good time ((()))

    Toni ((())) I'm sorry Lucy could have that wrong I hope she don't ((())) Good luck to her on Thursday ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((())) have a lovely time with them this afternoon ((()))

    Mike ((())) love to you and Elliott ((())) and vixen

    Love to Chris ((())) Carol ((()))) Mig ((())) Bill ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    I've just posted a new recipe in Matron's Munchies that Aidan would definitely approve of.

    The Best Vegan Banana Pancakes

    Delicious even though Aidan wasn't keen on bananas.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 14. May 2021, 16:30

    Afternoon all lovely and sunny here can't quite believe it😁

    Toni I have always enjoyed my cereals some good ones there Mr B think its bird food 😅

    It will be the hip hospital with this leg at least I know the place well

    We had the Oxford jab and my neice has just had her she is 36 so she got the same warning put the fear of God in her

    I think Lucy will love MDs all young and nice and busy plus lots of different jobs to do xx

    Kath you find some good recipes I will go and have a look ..I am sure your summerhouse poem isn't boring .

    Maybe just a tweek 🤔xx

    Joan how are you all doing ..its my leg that us painful and they think its a knee that boiler behaving xx

    Love to Mike Elliott Chris and Carol


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Barbara I have known two people spend a night in hospital over their knees so they can be incredibly painful. Makes sense it could be. I take it it will be Wrightington? Excellent!

    Yes the extra warning is scary with AZ. 4 days to 4 weeks so it's a long time to be 'on guard' isn't it? Lucy has done really well this time only a headache to contend with no temperatures over 40 degrees this time 👍️ Things is we get moreclots with 'the pill' and no-one seems to worry about that do they?

    We had a sunny evening not day but late afternoon/evening was gorgeous!

    Hope you are ready for your special visitor?

    Kath so far I think 'the book' is looking great. The five lines is now 7 and mrs Darcey is well-impressed. Much whispering I expect you've heard it? Tommy is not to be told as he will tell anyone who will listen. Winnie can't be told as she fancies Tommy!

    I love banana and pancakes so will be very happy to try those. Aidan liked pancakes I reckon he would have tried them.....

    I think even 4 weeks might be pushing yourself you know. Having said that you do work hard when you are on a roll so you'll probably manage it.

    Loved the Aztec pattern and the gorgeous red sparkly 'Aidan' heart!

    Morning Mike I am glad you have had some lovely weather we didn't overcast, but then the sun showed it's face late afternoon/evening which was lovely. Did you sit outside? We can't here in the evening to late or the midges will get us. Go Vixen chilling and why not? Bless her.

    Joan I was late seeing my neighbours - their doing as they had been stuck at outpatients - I am watering their plants for them as they are going up to a self catering adapted bungalow near their family. They will have a wonderful time I know. I hope you and Sue are well? Are you going to brave the cafe then when it's open?

    I heard from Chris yesterday she is ok and managed to get OUT yesterday on her scooter (not sure if it was the new one) she had a lovely time looking at this and that.

    Love of course to Carol, Mr T and Miss Cookie.

    Paul's 2nd vaccine today! We will all 3 be double-jabbed after today.

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Morning Mike I am glad you have had some lovely weather we didn't overcast, but then the sun showed it's face late afternoon/evening which was lovely. Did you sit outside? We can't here in the evening to late or the midges will get us. Go Vixen chilling and why not? Bless her.

    Morning. I didn't bother sitting outside yesterday as it was a bit chilly. The girl is 6 today and has had her favourite turkey breast for breakfast, hand fed of course. Surprisingly she is kipping on my wheelchair as usual.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) I have never tried Banana pancakes I like Banana and marmite sandwiches. Have a good weekend all of you ((())) love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) when are you going into hospital ((())) have a good day with your niece to day((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((())) that's good Paul's having his second jab ((())) sorry your lovely neighbours are moving that's a ideal place they are moving to (((())) we are hoping to go to the cafe you have to spray your hands before going in and before going to the toilet and when you come out of there and show your jab card. Love to Charley ((()))and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P (((())) have a good weekend all of you ((())))

    Lovato Mike ((()))Happy birthday vixen love to Chris ((())) and Carol ((())) and Mig ((())) and Bill ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • CatLady1
    CatLady1 Member Posts: 64

    Morning to all my favourite people

    Not been on for a little while. I've been having a lot of ups and downs with my various conditions.. I am fine today. Yesterday, I had to go and pick up my small prescription. Sods law, after queuing for over 20mins I got to the front of the queue only to find they had to order it and it wasn't in yet.

    I then thought it's a lovely day so I decided I'd have the first of many, I hope, day of exploring. I looked into a couple of charity shops. One was very clean with everything laid out perfectly. The second was clean but the layout was messy and they were much more expensive. Iceland was next just to get my big tub of yogurt to put on my breakfast. I was going past a coffee shop and it was telling me to stop have a latte and something to eat. The 3 cheeses and onion pickle panini was first class. I went into the Shambles and two pieces of cartoon patterned material told me to buy them. A face mask is on the agenda for Monday.

    Onward I went down to the wharf and saw several smart barges. I then took the bull by the horns and went on the canal path, hoping it would bring me out into the main road just below my lane. That is the first I hope, of many trips out. Once I can fold my scooter and open it, my aim is to go on a bus to several places. Swindon. Bath, Trowbridge to name a few.

    14weeks today I will be getting on my way to Southampton to join my cruise. Think I have got plenty of new clothes for it now. It will soon come round.

  • CatLady1
    CatLady1 Member Posts: 64

    Pressed the wrong button again.

    Gentle hugs to Toni, Kath, Barbara, Joan, Carol and Mike. Take care and stay safe.

    Chris aka Catlady

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Had a lovely day seeing my long list neuce and my other niece that are half sister gosh you would think they were twins ..they like the sane things look alike laugh the same there were many tears but what a day 40 years since we last saw her its a very long story

    Toni glad Paul is having his second jab and so pleased to hear Lucy has been OK with here's like you say there are more clots with pill...I go to my little hospital to see the consultant from Wrightington your neighbours are moving hope they will be happy in thete new home xx

    Joan I'm just seeing the consultant to see what's what but I know they have long list if people to see to but things are moving on xx

    Mike Vixen is so lovely and has got it made with you 😁happy 6th Birthday to her xx

    Chris no you can't go past a coffee shop ..what a nice treat for you getting further a field..Will make a big difference when you can go on the buses ..xx

    Right that's my eyes dine

    Love to all


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Don't worry anyone my lovely neighbours are just going away for 3 weeks but they will be back - it's just a holiday🙂 I would hate it if they left and no way would they. They love their home it's a lovely lovely old building with a through-lift now so adapted.

    Mike a very happy belated Birthday to Vixen

    Turkey for breakfast to celebrate! What more could a cat want? a sleep in her Dad's wheelchair of course😁

    Oh Barbara! What a wonderful day you have had. I am so very pleased thank you for letting us know how it went so quickly! I bet you were exhausted emotionally. I can believe the girls are so alike because mannerisms are very often inherited not only acquired. I bet it was noisy at yours yesterday and hope you took a million photographs 🙂 I can imagine our Aidan was watching with the biggest grin and of course your older brother, your parents too....

    Don't worry my neighbours are only going on holiday. Well to visit family they haven't been able to see for so long. I am plant watering.

    Wrightington I am glad they are so lovely there. Of course once they have told you want can be done it will be a while before they can do anything I expect the lists are longer than ever 🙄

    Will Niamh be over today?

    Joan Please don't worry my lovely neighbours will never leave this home of theirs they are devoted to it as well as each other. they are just visiting family, but have to stay in an adapted property to be able to manage.

    It sounds as though your cafe is well organised with cards and hand gels etc. Should be safe enough🙂

    Kath I hope you had a lovely restful day yesterday away from pressures of the internet. I didn't have time to look at any more poetry yesterday and hope you didn't either. Sometimes we really should have a rest day.

    Chris! Well what a really lovely day you had! You sound as though you just decided to get back out there and did it with gusto! Well done👍️I am very impressed. Did you go on the new scooter?

    You know which charity shop to go to again if it was all COVID secure and well-organised. So you are going to make a face mask then? That is a great idea. I prefer them to the paper ones which just cannot be good for the environment can they?

    Paul is in Swindon this week working so get on the bus and pop and see him!!!

    Imagine you finding the wharf and the canal tow path and not getting lost😉 Well done I am impressed.

    16 weeks and counting to your holiday!

    We are having 2 days away next week in our motorhome in Dorset visiting Paul's sister who has moved there.

    Reminds me we haven't heard from Carol for so long. I really hope she is ok.

    Better get my act together and get showered and dressed.

    Love to everyone

    Two sizes available today!