Val's Cafe
Evening everyone
Toni yes I am back I know the time away has done me good. We don’t know how Rubie did it is usually caused by a sharp tug on the arm. And she would not have been trying twirling as according to GD she has no interest in that at all. But all is ok now after it was put back into place. I hope all is well with you and your family.
Kath Yes we did enjoy our little holiday thank you. I asked GD how Rubie was and she said she was fine now since it was put back into place. So glad the book has come together it is now downloaded on my iPad. I think as far as the photos are concerned I am doing to have to put the on the laptop from the memory card of the camera I haven’t used my laptop for some time so it will want to do all sorts of updates no doubt before I can get it to do anything.
Joan yes Rubie was in a lot of pain but ok now. Enjoy the holiday very much .
Barbara we must have crossed posts I posted around the same time as you yesterday. Rubie is ok now so I’m told since the put it back in place at the hospital.
i forgot yesterday a couple of days ago I got on the bus with my Walker. There was a lady standing in the wheelchair area with her shopping bags in front of the seat for that area, I asked her if she could move them so that I could put my walker there you would have thought I had asked for the moon she was so rude. I basically got told that I was able to Stand up and walk with it so I couldn’t be that disabled. I politely well maybe not so politely 🤣🤣🤣 not all disabilities needed a wheelchair. I think that is about all for now
Love and Sparkles to you all
Stay positive always👍xx1 -
It's a bit out of focus Joan but they are emerald green (spring) Pale aqua (summer) topaz mist (autumn) and lapis grey (winter) Penelope is a customised colour. Well done Rashid having her jab no one needs to know and she is being very sensible☺️ ((())) for you and Sue xxx
Mike I am glad the new recliner is here, but is it useable if it's 2" too low???? Sounds about the right height for me though😁 Sounds as though Vixen has her own opinion about what should happen to the old chair. I hope it's gone by now.
Barbara what wonderful news! Your GD and her fiancee will be with you soon. 18 months has been far too long that will be one BIG hug!
Not such good news about the roofers.🙄
There are ways and means when it comes to gardening aren't there?
Chris is doing ok taking it very steady her daughters are making sure she's got what she needs so she will just rest at HOME for now.
Kath i have no idea how we can find out how much money is raised. I suppose they can count the downloads? Give them an idea how much? I am just so proud of you for doing it it almost doesn't matter!
Sleek has indeed been selling copies for Cat's protection. She has sold 6 copies so far apparently. That's just local ow she is selling them on Catbook😊
I know exactly how to veganise that lovely flan thank you very much I am looking forward to that!
Enjoy your day off the interweb
Carol oh dear me people are a bit selfish sometimes and a bit odd they can't see that not all disabilities require a wheelchair. let's hope she never has to find out eh?🙄
Oh a sharp tug on the arm is the normal way of doing that. One day she'll tell her Mum what she did bless her. Something she shouldn't have been doing maybe. As long as she's ok that's the main thing.
Thank you yes all is well here we are all fine. Lucy started working at macdonalds of all places! Bless her though she's loving it and made a friend with a girl who works there from the enemy next village!!! Aidan would laugh!
Forgot to say i heard from Bill yesterday he had had to leave their wisteria behind at their old house and bought a new one yesterday. Aidan will be smiling down🙂
Ready for his French breakie?
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Mike I am glad the new recliner is here, but is it useable if it's 2" too low???? Sounds about the right height for me though😁 Sounds as though Vixen has her own opinion about what should happen to the old chair. I hope it's gone by now.
They took the old chair away yesterday lunchtime, I asked them about fitting the 2 inch risers but they said that it was not on their programme and they can only do work which is programmed! The chair is fine as it is but the extra 2 inches height would mean that it would be easier for me to get up without having to fully raise the seat, ordinarily this is not a problem but when someone is at the front door getting there a bit quicker would be handy as, despite having signs on the door asking for patience as it takes me a while to get there being disabled, frequently people, especially delivery drivers, either give up or get ratty even though I always shout "I'm coming" when the door bell rings. What I have to do now, if I can be bothered, is to contact Tremorvah who do the servicing and ask them to come and fit the risers!
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Good morning everyone
Barbara (((())) that's lovely your granddaughter and her fiancé have a lovely day ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and. your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend (((()))
Love to Kath ((())) and family (((())) and Toni (((())) and family ((())) and P ((())). Carol and family ((()))
And Chris ((())) Mig ((())) and Mike ((())) and Elliott ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
I know I'm not supposed to be here today, but we had a problem this morning so I've come to the café to escape. So I might not be in tomorrow, sorry to confuse you all.
Joan, my goodness you have such a lot of hugs to share. Always very welcome I might add.
Carol, what a rude lady on the bus! What would she have done if the bus had jolted and you'd fallen on top of her? Well it would have served her right, but we don't want you getting hurt. 😯
Toni, lovely photo of the Figaro sisters. I rang dad and he's been out to his club pushing his wheelchair. And he prepared two big buckets of water, one for his Rhubarb, the other for his Hydrangea.
- BUNS500 g / 4 cups all purpose wheat flour (if you live in Europe, use 550 type flour)
- 50 g / ¼ cup caster sugar or maple syrup
- ½ tsp salt
- 7 g / 2¼ oz instant / fast-action dried yeast*
- approx. 285 ml / 1 cup + 3 tbsp warm plant milk (I used soy milk)
- 25 g / 2 tbsp coconut oil (optional but highly recommended)
- 2 tsp maple syrup / sugar + 2 tsp plant milk for glazing
- 500 g / 17.5 oz fresh pink rhubarb, divided
- 50 g / 4 tbsp sugar, stem ginger syrup or maple syrup
- 4-5 pieces of stem ginger in syrup, chopped very finely
GLAZE + (optional) ICING
- 1-2 tbsp maple syrup
- approx 70 g / ½ cup icing sugar
- BUNSMix flour, sugar, salt and instant yeast in a large mixing bowl. If using maple syrup do not add it yet.
- Stir in warmed up plant milk. If using maple syrup (or other liquid sweetener), use 60 ml / ¼ cup less plant milk and add maple syrup to the milk before adding to the dry ingredients.
- Stir everything together with a large wooden spoon. You may need to add a tablespoon or so more milk if the mixture is too dry to stick together roughly at this point but do so very gradually. When the mixture has mostly stuck together turn the mixture out on to a work surface or bread board.
- Knead the mixture by holding one end of the dough in one hand and stretching it out with the other hand. You then reform the dough, turn it 90 degrees and start again. Halfway through the kneading incorporate coconut oil (solid not melted) into the dough. It will make the dough slippery at first, you might think it has been ruined – but it has not, it will make for a richer dough. Keep on kneading and the dough will become elastic and smooth soon. In total the kneading should take about 15 minutes for this amount of dough.
- When the dough is smooth, form it into a ball and coat in a thin layer of oil. Place in a large mixing bowl and cover with a clean tea towel. Leave it in a warm place (but not too warm!) until it has doubled in size – about 1 hr. It’s a good idea to take a photo of the dough at the beginning so that you are sure when it has doubled in volume. While the dough is proofing, make the filling (see FILLING section below).
- Once the dough has doubled in size, empty it out on to a work surface and push the air out with your fingertips.
- Roll the dough into a large rectangle that is about 36 cm / 14″ wide. The height depends how swirly you want the buns, the thinner the dough the more swirls and therefore filling your buns will end up with – 40 cm / 15¾” height is what mine was.
- Spread a thin layer (you don’t want the buns to end up soggy) of blended rhubarb all over the rolled out dough. Sprinkle evenly (!) with finely chopped candied ginger and raw rhubarb slices making sure they land on their sides for the most part.
- Starting from the bottom, roll the dough tightly so that you end up with a 36 cm / 14″ long “dough snake”.
- Now, depending on your baking dish, divide the dough into 9 or 12 even (4-3 cm / 1.5 – 1.1″) segments. I find that a square or round dish, like mine, needs 9 and a rectangular one needs 12 pieces. Use a long piece of sewing thread to do the cutting as it does not squash the filling as much as a knife does. Place the thread under the snake and overlap the thread on the top of the snake where you want the cut to be, pull tight to cut.
- Place the segments, swirls face up, on a lightly oiled baking dish, leaving 1-2 cm between each bun. If you can fill the baking tray, this is ideal.
- Leave the buns (covered with a kitchen towel) to prove again for another hour. Toward the end of this time, preheat the oven to 175° C / 350° F.
- Brush the buns with the maple syrup + plant milk glaze and bake them for about 30-35 minutes, until golden brown. Cover the top with a piece of kitchen foil if you find that they are browning too quickly.
- While the buns are baking, create the icing by combining a tablespoon or so of the rhubarb puree with icing sugar and mixing really well. Adding more rhubarb puree will make the icing pinker but it will set a little looser.
- Take the buns out of the oven when they are lovely and golden, and brush them with maple syrup (or sugar syrup) while they are still hot.
- Once they are cool, drizzle the rhubarb icing on top.
- Heat up the oven to 200º C / 390º F.
- Divide all your rhubarb into thirds. Cut one third of the rhubarb into very thin slices – they will be folded into the dough so they need to be thin to cook through as the buns bake. Cut the rest into 1″ / 2 cm long segments.
- Toss the rhubarb segments in sugar (maple syrup or ginger stem syrup!) and bake until soft, it will take about 10 minutes (depending on the thickness).
- Transfer to a blender and blend until super smooth. Set aside.
*If you don’t have instant yeast, make sure to activate it first according to the instructions on the packet, using a portion of the ingredients (sugar, plant milk) allocated in the recipe. If you want more info on some of the ingredients that we use in our recipes, check out our glossary.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all Another hot day but lovely and cool now and I have my new washer
Mike hopefully they will fit the risers you say they do make a difference..xx
Toni thankyou for breakfast it will always he croissants on Saturday
I really love the colours of the figaros ..Nice pastel shades 🙂
Yes 18 months since we saw our GD she has last 4 stone since then ..we are so proud of her xx
Carol I'm glad little Rubie is doing ok ,children are made if good stuff..
How awful of the women..some people just don't care what they say..glad you had your say at least xx
Joan have you had the nice weather to warm your bones ,it makes such a difference love to all if you xx
Kath I hope you are ok ..and its nothing serious..hopefully the mods will be able to say how much was donated fir the book
And good for your dad xx
Love to all
Barbara1 -
Joan could you not see my post yesterday? Try to find it I posted the Figaro colours for you😕Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx
Mike yes do brave making that one last call so things can be as good as possible for you. You are right delivery drivers are on a time limit so they are always under pressure and can be impatient. I am very pleased to hear the old one has gone though and you are less crowded inside👍️
Kath I hope all is well with you enjoy your day off today! ((())) just in case. The cafe is just the place to have some sanctuary anway 🙂
Your Dad is amazing isn't he? honestly he does more than most of us on this forum bless him.
Joan wanted to know the colours of the figaros, but i don't think she could see my post yesterday. Paul took me to a car show in Bicester yesterday it was a lovely few hours managed ok not one single Figaro there. Paul says Penelope would have been a huge hit! I think so too she is the cutest car. Feet up on return it was physically very demanding even though it was flat plenty of good paths etc.
Those rhubarb buns look amazing! Thank you😘 enjoy your day off today at least you had some of aidan's 🥐 croissants yesterday.
Morning Barbara. You have your new washer! I bet it's fabulous and how clean will your clothes be now!! I am so pleased it's finally here with you.
I love the Fig in all of the original colours people customise them a lot now in Red blue even black, but I think patsel 'retro' colours are best.
I've heard from Chris - her appetite is coming back, but not so far her energy levels.
Your GD and her Fiancée did not have 4 stone to lose!! Wow they will be tiny! When is it they are coming? I bet you just can't wait. I know we still have the virus lurking, but this year has been better than last year for seeing family so far I think.
Always croissants on a Saturday for our Aidan. Gosh l still miss him.
Not today though cooked breakfast all round!
and a builder's tea
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Good morning everyone
. Kath ((())) I hope you haven't got to much of a problem there and you can sort it out ((())) your Dad's ((())) Good. Love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((()))
Barbara ((())) that's good you have a new washing machine is it a lot different to the other one. Love to Mr B ((())) your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother (((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Carol ((())) there are a lot of people that can walk that have heart problems the rude lady was lucky not to have a problem one day she will. that's good Rubie's arm is not so painful ((())) love to Mr T ((()))
Toni ((())) thank you for the photo they don't look has nice has yours. love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((())) thank you for the up date on Chris ((()))
love to Chris ((())) Mig ((()) and Mike ((())) and Elliott((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Well, I survived yesterday. We lost 2 Tesco orders we had already booked and it turned out I'd accidently cancelled them Chris was curious - not surprisingly! Anyway, we already had a basket in Asda and I booked a slot for that. Chris copied the shopping list and we booked a slot for that too. So both days (11th and 18th June) now have an Asda delivery booked. Problem is, we know most of the Tesco delivery men and they are vey helpful. We don't know any of the Asda men and we don't know if they will be as nice and helpful. I still feel very bad about it.
Joan, id you find Toni's photo of the Figaros? Of course Toni's is special, but I love the shape and colours.
Barbara, I'm so [leased you have your new washing machine. Can I send mine over? We do have a washer, we rent it from Box Clever, But carrying the wash basket upstairs is dreadful. And I can't hang it outside because I can't get out to the washing line. 🙄
Toni, Yes dad does do well, it's awful not being able to do as much as your 90 year old dad does. Emily and the boys had a luxury day in Yorkshire Friday night and Saturday. Yesterday Holly offered to clear our front garden out for us. We will pay her of course - but how much? I love the pastel colours of the Figaro. The blue one I think, but Dove Grey is lovely too.
Soy Milk Hot Pot
4.36 from 14 votes
Delicious Japanese Soy Milk Hot Pot recipe with napa cabbage, mushrooms, and thinly sliced pork cooked in a creamy and savory soy milk broth.
- 1 lb thinly sliced pork loin (skip for vegetarian)
- 7 oz enoki mushrooms (1 package)
- 3.5 oz shimeji mushrooms (1 package)
- 4 shiitake mushrooms
- ¼ napa cabbage (1.5 lb, 680 g)
- ½ bunch mizuna (Japanese mustard green) (or spinach or any leafy greens)
- 1 bunch shungiku (Tong Ho/Garland Chrysanthemum) (or any leafy greens)
- 1 negi (long green onion) (or leek or green onions/scallions)
- 1 green onion/scallion
- 1 medium tofu (momen tofu) (14 oz, 396 g)
- ½ daikon radish (1 lb, 454 g)
- 1 carrot (3 oz, 85 g)
- 1 gobo (burdock root) (5.3 oz, 150 g)
Hot Pot Soup
- 3 cups dashi (Japanese soup stock; click to learn more) (720 ml) (I use Awase dashi. Kombu dashi for vegetarian/vegan)
- ¼ cup sake (4 Tbsp)
- ¼ cup mirin (4 Tbsp)
- 2 cups unsweetened soy milk (microwave till it’s warm)
- ¼ cup miso (4 Tbsp; I use awase miso)
- 2 Tbsp toasted white sesame seeds
- ¼ tsp kosher/sea salt (I use Diamond Crystal; use half for table salt) (to taste)
Dipping Sauce
- Gather all the ingredients.
To Prepare Hot Pot Broth
- In your donabe (earthenware pot) or a large pot, add 3 cups (720 ml) dashi, ¼ cup (60 ml) sake, and ¼ cup (60 ml) mirin. Cover and bring the soup to a boil on medium heat.
- Once boiling, add 2 cups (480 ml) warm soy milk. On medium heat, slowly heat up until the soup almost boils. Keep the lid uncovered and stir once in a while. Meanwhile, grind 2 Tbsp toasted sesame seeds in a pestle and mortar.
- Once the soup is hot, add ¼ cup (4 Tbsp) miso and ground sesame seeds.
- Taste the soup and add kosher salt if you like it saltier. Depends on the brands and types of miso, the saltiness of your soup will vary. I recommend making the soup a little bit saltier since you’ll add vegetables that will release water and dilute the soup. Turn off the heat and set aside. Keep it covered.
- Hot Pot Ingredients: If your meat is not thinly sliced, you have to cut it thinly on your own. See how to do it (picture is thinly sliced beef).
- Cut off and discard the bottom of enoki mushrooms and shimeji mushrooms.
- Cut off and discard the shiitake stem. If you like, make a decorative cut on shiitake mushrooms.
- Cut napa cabbage into 2” (5 cm) pieces widthwise. Then cut into 2-3 pieces lengthwise on the thick and white bottom part of napa cabbage so that it’ll be faster to cook.
- Cut Mizuna (or spinach) and shungiku into 2” (5 cm) pieces.
- Cut negi (long green onion or leek) into 1” (2.5 cm) thick pieces diagonally. Thinly slice green onion/scallion.
- Cut the tofu block into 1” (2.5 cm) slices.
- Using a vegetable peeler, peel the daikon and carrot thinly as if you are peeling their skin. You can cut these root vegetables into thinly rounds or quarters, but my family loves eating root vegetables in long paper-thin form.
- Peel the gobo (burdock root) same way as daikon and carrot. Soak the thinly sliced gobo in water for 15 minutes to prevent them from changing color.
- Put all the vegetables, mushrooms, and tofu in a platter.
- Start cooking some of the tough/dense vegetables (the tough part of napa cabbage leaves, negi, tofu, mushrooms, daikon, carrot, and gobo) over medium heat, saving some for later batch as well as the leafy vegetables that will cook fast. Cover the lid so it will cook faster. Once the broth is simmering, reduce the heat to medium-low heat so the broth won't curdle. Simmer for 10 minutes, but make sure you won't let it boil. You can either start serving food that’s cooked. Root vegetables take a longer time to cook. Add the meat and leafy vegetables and cover to cook until the meat is no longer pink. Using a fine-mesh skimmer, skim any curdles floating on the soup. You can eat the curdle or discard it.
To Eat
- Each person should have a small bowl of ponzu sauce and chopped scallions. Dip the cooked meat and vegetables in ponzu sauce to enjoy! Keep cooking the ingredients in the pot as you enjoy the meal.
To Store
- You can keep the leftovers in an airtight container and store in the refrigerator for up to 2 days and in the freezer for up to a month.
Toni, could you veganize this?
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all ur eldest granddaughter 22 and fiance here ..gosh I feel so content to see them sorry I said it had been with months it was 8 last September between lockdown
Toni the breakfast was enough fir all of us thankyou 😁
I'm so pleased ti gear Chris is getting there 🙂
Yes I agree the original figari colour ate lovely it a shame to change it.Well done you for getting around the car show ..a shame you didn't take Penelope
We are still getting used to my new washer its the same make..but not has easy but it won't take long xx
Joan I remmet my mum doing her washing in a dolly tub with a posser..gosh we are spoiled 😁love yo all of you xx
Kath what a shame you lost your order I am sure the asda driver will be has nice I have used them a few times
Must say the soya Milk hotpot is unusual wonder what it tastes like ..oh send you washing round but give me a day 8r two to fund out hiw to use it xx
Love to all
Barbara1 -
Evening all
Well what a lovely few days weather wise lovely and warm today has been overcast but still warm and humid. We have started having a prayer morning at our church each Saturday for anyone to just walk in, pray or just sit in the calm and quite. Yesterday we had 3/4 people in. The street that our church is in quite a busy main road. at the moment and until November the road is pedestrianised at the weekends, and the numerous cafes and restaurants are allowed to put tables out into the road and on the pavement for customers. So yesterday after the prayer morning we had a snack lunch at one of the cafes. And again today. think the May become a habit. During the summer months.
Since we went to Ramsgate mr T has been a lot better. He talks more about all the restrictions ect . I think it is because a couple of days before we went I said it that I wasn’t as excited as usual because of how these last months had all affected me, and he opened up a bit about how he has felt about it all. And now he seems to talk more about it all. I glad he dose because it makes it easier on us both.
Rubie’s elbow seems to be ok a photo to prove it
And one of Graycie don’t know what it is they are playing in but they are 2 crazy little girls.that’s for sure.
All the GG children love their belated Christmas presents and it was lovely seeing them open them we don’t normally get the chance to do that.
Barbara I bet it was lovely seeing your Granddaughter and her fiancée today I hope you all enjoyed it. Yes Rubies arm seems to be a lot better as you can see in the top photo I have just put on. They do bounce back very quickly don’t they.
Joan yes your right there so many have hidden conditions that can be classed as disabling. You just can’t see them. But when you use a rollator then it is obvious. That’s what annoyed me most. Hope you Sue and the doggies are doing well.
Toni I expect it will come out how Rubie hurt her arm at some point. Glad Lucy is enjoying her job doesn’t matter where she works as long as she enjoys it that’s all that matters.
Kath yes some people can be so rude but I have learnt not to get upset by them now.
Time for a little potter around before I get stuck in this armchair. 😂😂
Love and Sparkles to you all
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
I have emailed the people to fit the risers to my new recliner so will wait and see how long that takes. The other news is that Elliott did his walk for the RNLI yesterday, completing the 1.5 miles in 5 hours on his walking frame. Needless to say I knew nothing about it until I looked on "Cornwall Live" this morning to get the latest local news. I am so proud of my Great Nephew but am gutted that his parents never bothered to tell me as he wanted me to accompany him. Apparently they sent me a birthday card for last weekend which, surprise surprise, has not arrived (mind you it had to travel 4 miles). Ah well, my Niece has 5 kids, a hubby, several cats, a dog, ducks and hamsters to look after so as long as they are happy I should be happy for them too. Her Mum, my other sister whom I only see for about 5 minutes twice a year (she lives 4 miles away), didn't bother to tell me either and my Baby sister only found out when a co-worker told her that she saw it on faceache. Since relying on my wheelchair more and having my driving licence taken away all but 2 friends have disappeared and now it appears all bar one family member. I am not bitter, just a grumpy old cripple!
Elliott and the Penlee Lifeboat crew on completing his walk to raise money for them, taken from the internet!
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Morning everyone!
Joan thank you I think the pink of Penelope shows off her shape more than the other colours, but i would have had any of them! Paul chose the pink. I think Aidan would have loved her. Bill does! Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx
Oh Kath you can use Tesco again in future just tell them next time you see them that you accidentally cancelled the orders. I'm sure asda will do a good job. I have tesco one week Ocado the next. ☺️
Your Dad has been lucky with his health he hasn't got rheumatic disease nor had cancer. If that bad luck hadn't happened to you you'd be more active than him no doubt ((())) I am pleased for him and you too as it's less for you to worry about.
Can you send pics of your garden? If Holly is happy to do it for a bit of money I think it's a great idea. I'd pay her more or less by the hour. or half day I think maybe 20/30 for a half day at least 3 hours?
Morning to Mike and Vixen of course. I hope all is well with you both and Cornwall is restored to being yours again with half term being over. We lose our village now as the school reopens!
Of COURSE Barbara the girls did come over between lockdowns, but you couldn't hug them and you can now!!💗I bet it's been the most amazing visit. Did they see Niamh? and everyone?
You'll soon suss your new washer be warned Kath is sending hers over. Good idea really it will be so clean!
I like all the Figaro colours too I wouldn't have known which to choose. One of them is more rare than the others but i can't remember which.
Breakfast ideal for you all wasn't it?
Yes Carol truth will out whatever happened to little-uns arm good to see she looks absolutely fine again now though. No doubt some shenanigans or other. Kids eh?🙄 I bet it was lovely to see them all opening their presents for once instead of seeing photos.
Am I to believe Mr T is talking about his feelings?! wow that's great at least he's being more open I am sure that will lessen the pressure on you and your relationship too. Well done for starting the conversation.
Sounds a good idea allowing people into Church for their own quiet contemplation and how lovely being able to have a cuppa outside in this lovely weather. You are a sociable person and need to chat this must have been very hard for you all this covid.
Chris is still doing better eating more but very weak and resting a lot. I doubt it will keep her down for long though!
vegan/veg options available
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Good morning everyone
. I just answered your posts but I could not post it
Kath ((())) having to carry her washing basket up stairs ((()))
Barbara ((())) granddaughter enjoying being there ((()))
and Carol ((()))having a cafe to go to ((()))
Toni ((())) I remember Aidan saying he will walk on tipity toe ((()))
Mike ((())) waiting for his risers to come and Elliott doing his walk ((()))
Have a good day
take care
joan xx1 -
We were supposed to have chappie come about our roof. He was supposed to ring today but as yet no phone call. So we’ve been sat sitting here getting more and more frustrated. I’m not on my laptop, I’m on my iPad. So I ca n’t do owt.
I’ll get back to you when I can. Love to everyone. (((((())))))
Kath, Kathy, Kathleen, Kate, Kitty, (whichever you prefer.) 💐🌈🙏🏽❤️
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Well even my post will be brief today with the builders coming and lucy to run to work.
Joan that is very frustrating I hope it works better today for you.Yes Aidan tippety toeing in the snow!!! Bless him ((())) xxx
Kath (Kitty!) Barbara is also having her roof sorted! How bizarre! I do hope they turn up today it's wrong to let people down isn't it😠
Hope Mike is ok today he'll be talking for England/probably Cornwall as the home help is in. Hope you have plenty of biccies😉
Heard from Chris - she is still doing better no energy but eating a bit better so that is a good sign😊
Barbara is enjoying time with her eldest GD.....but not enjoying having the roofer there. Still Barbara it's better than him not turning up like for Kitty (Kath)!
Hope Carol is well and still smiling from her lovely Margate trip.
Breakfast today pancakes! Yes not American ones of course ours!
plenty to go round!
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Good morning everyone
I found out yesterday I was not logged in.
Kath you have been waiting a long time for your roof to be fixed perhaps he's fixing Barbara's and your in the queue ((())) love to everyone ((()))
Toni ((()))How is Lucy getting on in McDonald's. I've to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((()) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
love to Chris ((())) Mig and Barbara ((())) and her family ((())) and Mike ((())) and Elliott ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Preparing for using my voice quite a bit this morning by quaffing plenty of strong tea!
I had an outing yesterday......all the way to the GP Surgery for my annual kidney function test which is necessary because of some of the meds I am on. Anyway, arrived on time (14:20), only 2 people in the surgery, in to see the Nurse Practitioner on time and all was looking good. Firstly she asked if I had booked a blood pressure test which I had not as I had not been asked to and I assumed both would be done at the same time - wrong! So she told me to make such an appointment on the way out. She then got the needles ready and I wished her good luck and explained that getting blood out of me is not easy, I further explained that over the years one nurse gave up after trying 7 times and got someone else in to help, another had to take blood out of the back of my hand. Anyway she thought that she would be OK, the first try failed to find blood so instead of trying again she just tried moving the needle around in my arm to find some - failed! Next she tightened the tourniquet even more, stuck another needle in, couldn't find blood and wiggled it around again - failed. She then tried getting a colleague in but a patient had just gone in and the nurse I was with said that she could not wait until the other nurse was free as she was going off as soon as she finished with me. The end result was that she made a double booking for me with the senior Nurse Practitioner for Thursday afternoon for bloods and pressure test! So, joy of joys, two outings this week!!
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A lovely sunny morning, the roofer came yesterday afternoon (3:30pm). we have to have scaffolding put up so they can FINALLY repair the roof!!!!!! I'll let you know when that appears, but don't hold your breath.
Joan, I can well believe that, roofers must be a rare breed.
Mike, I have the same problem with my blood tests. I was told that the vein they take it from jumps when the needle hits it. All I know is it blooming well hurts.
Toni, I see we've had seven donations apart from the café dwellers. But there might have been more who just haven't posted about it. If all 7 donated a tenner, that's £70. Lovely.
SCALE 1x2x3x
1 14oz package extra firm tofu, pressed for 20 min-1 hr, (I recently got this tofu press from amazon and I love it!)
1/3 cup cornstarch
1 tbs soy sauce
½ cup vegan mayo
1 ½–2 ½ tbs vegan milk (will depend how thick your vegan mayo is)
1 tbs soy sauce
Fresh cracked black pepper
½ cup light brown sugar
1/3 cup franks red hot
2 tbs vegan butter
½ tsp vegan Worcestershire sauce
¼ tsp garlic powder
1 tbs apple cider vinegar
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp red pepper flakes
Heat oven to 350 degrees F, spray a large (9 x 11″) baking dish with cooking spray or grease with extra vegan butter and set aside
Cut tofu into 1-inch cubes, I like to filet it in half then cut into cubes.
In a large bowl, toss tofu with soy sauce and some fresh cracked black pepper and set aside
In a small saucepan add brown sugar, franks red hot, and butter heat over medium heat and stir until the butter is melted and brown sugar dissolves. Off the heat and add Worcestershire, garlic powder, apple cider vinegar, salt and red pepper flakes. Set aside.
Place the corn starch in a medium bowl and in another medium bowl mix together the vegan mayo and milk. How much milk you need will vary according to what mayo you use. I’ve found that different brands have different consistencies. I used the vegan Hellman’s brand which is the thickest I have found and I needed 2 ½ tbs of milk. You want the consistency to still be thick but not too thick. It needs to coat the outside of the tofu like a beaten egg would.
Take a piece of tofu, toss in corn starch, and then toss in mayo/milk mixture. Place on a clean plate to the side and repeat until all tofu is battered.
Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat and add ¼ cup oil. Once the oil is hot, add battered tofu pieces, cooking 2-3 minutes then flipping and cooking another 2-3 minutes. Remove from pan and place in prepared baking dish.
Stir the franks red hot/butter mixture to recombine, then pour over the tofu in the baking dish. Place baking dish with tofu in the oven, bake for 20 minutes, then flip and bake for another 10-15 minutes. Serve immediately
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hello all sorry about yesterday we had GD here and roofers. The roofers worked till 9 last night and fot it finished..and in that heat
Mike I am sorry they don't keep you informed about Elliott's eh ..thankyou for the pic
Oh gosh the bloods ..i hope the senior nurse has more luck xx
Joan I hope you are all well and getting out in the nice weather..I'm not complaining but it's a bit hot xx
Toni I see bacon buttys and pancakes..Biamh would be pleased ..yes we had the roofers I'm so glad its done now for your garden will come and go has my late mum would say..we did have the biggest hugs 🤗with our gd and fiance ..and today we took them fir a meal and some shopping xx
Carol I'm am pleased Mr T us more relaxed bless ..the break has done you both good..and sitting outside with a coffee nothing nicer ..I am loving the pics if Rubie glad her arm is OK xx
Kath snap we had the roofers in ..I know you have waited a while hopefully it will ge fixed. Xx.sorry my eyes are going now
Love to all xxx
Barbara1 -
I'll be back in a minute just got to take Lucy to work, but for now.....
Mike what a nightmare! Why do they never listen to us and think 'they' can get the blood out?🙄
Having said that l do have some tips which worked when Lucy was on her chemo with all the kids. Drink loads I mean loads so the veins are as fat as possible.....then keep the site warm. They used to use a warm wheatbag like we do for our bones. Might not help, but at least you will have done your best to help them and maybe suggest they use their finest needles if you feel brave.
Oh Joan yes that has happened to me before too not logged in and thought there was something wrong. Lucy is loving McDonalds she really is except for the fact her boots have actually bruised her toenails? can't be good, but they ahve told her to bear with the boots!! Love to you and Sue.
Back in a minute......
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Good morning everyone
Mike ((()))I'm sorry you have so many problems with the nurse getting your blood I do has Toni said drink plenty of water I take so many tabs water helps them to go down. Good luck with your next appointment ((()) love to Elliott ((()))
Kath ((())) I hope you don't have to wait too long for the roofers you want it done before the winter (((())) love to Chris (())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) is your roof fixed now ((())) are your granddaughter ((())) and her fiancé still there ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((())) I'm sorry Lucy has sore toe nails ((())) when is it in June you go to the parade of the Figaro's. Love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia (((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Love to Chris ((())) Carol ((())) and Mig (((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Kath your roof is a big job then? Scaffolding mind you probably health and safety to be fair. I hope it isn't too long and we don't get any storms before they come🤞
7 donations? That's great so at least £70 if not nearer £100 if we are lucky! I am so pleased! I'm going to download one for Bill and send it to him with Aidan being mentioned in it of course. What do you think?
That firecracker tofu looks amazing i can definitely do that for sure. I have ordered some tempeh from Ocado (I heard it has more protein than tofu) and am sure it will work just as well. I have everything else in my kitchen already! Thank YOU!
Barbara I am so happy for you enjoying your GD and her fiancée. a lovely meal out and some shopping you are having such a lovely time and of course the BIGGEST hugs ever😍
Glad you roof is done and hope you are all dry now. Good lads working until 9 in this heat 🔥 poor Kath has to wait for scaffolding 😮
Our garden is ongoing and will definitely be worth it I must post a pic of the digger in the garden....
Joan the Figaro 'do' is 25th/26th and 27th June. I'm so excited. Ironing my 1950s outfit in a minute! take care both of you (((()))) xxxx
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Mike what a nightmare! Why do they never listen to us and think 'they' can get the blood out?🙄 Having said that l do have some tips which worked when Lucy was on her chemo with all the kids. Drink loads I mean loads so the veins are as fat as possible.....then keep the site warm. They used to use a warm wheatbag like we do for our bones. Might not help, but at least you will have done your best to help them and maybe suggest they use their finest needles if you feel brave.
Strangely enough I DO drink loads, in fact my mug NEVER dries out during the day! I am a tea freak I suppose, at least 10 mugs of very strong Yorkshire Gold a day is the well balanced way which leaves a nice thick, crusty brown stain on the inside of the mug with which I could probably make a brew just with hot water! Better luck tomorrow afternoon.
On another matter the risers were fitted to my new recliner yesterday so less strain on the old knees getting up and down.
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