Val's Cafe
Hello all - rather a late teabreak (question: is it still a teabreak if you haven't been doing anything? Well I did earlier but not much since). Anyway I was talking on the phone lateish so I just called in to see what's going on & saw it's the dentist for Barbara tomorrow & I doubt I'll be up early so -
Good luck Barbara xx and do hope you don't have to go to the Hosp, I suppose it's a matter of what's best, but if it can be avoided then all to the good xx
and good luck for your bloods bosh (in case that's early too) x
..and everyone else look forward to seeing you tomorrow at a more sensible time, posting this from my phone which I never do so anybody's guess if it works out). xxx
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Morning everyone.
It is cold out there and was a grotty afternoon yesterday. Some sun due today though I think.
Bit worried about Lucy she woke me up at 1am feeling ' scared' now that happened once (only once before) but is a known epilepsy warning sign. A sense of impending doom..... So I slept in her bed but so far all seems well. I will see how she is when she wakes up. At least she is on a later start today.
Morning Kitty how are you today? Sleek said you enjoyed your latté (control, alt and press the 'e' works for me???) very much so she might bring you another one so be warned. She can carry a lot for a small cat can't she?
Ooooh an eccles cake i sued to love them when I was only veggie. Maybe I can locate a vegan recipe...🤔 As long as your Dad enjoyed it that's all that matters isn't it? even better if it keeps things 'regular'
I'd love to hear your voice I think I can imagine it the East Midlands accent brings back happy memories. I'd love to see how voice to text copes though!
Morning Joan My knee is not bad enough for surgery i am sure I think it's just a slight flare to be honest and will settle down soon. Having said that if i needed surgery i would not hesitate at all. It's wonderful what they can do isn't it? How are you and Sue doing? I hope both well ((())) xxx
That's the weekend got through Mike. I hope you coped ok I think weekends are the worst when you have a condition like yours as the world still seems to shut down. At least weekdays you could chase things even if you probably won't being a polite sort of person. Sending my usual strength and ((()))
Morning Reshmi how are your energy levels today? Hopefully feeling much better and warmer if all is fixed.
Bless Lord A telling the gas man off!🤭 Good job the gas man was a friendly chap. So your Dad got him a cup of tea? Your Mum is probably quite sensible to keep her distance with her kidneys (glad her stomach has settled btw). As longs as the heating is fixed that's the main thing.
Oh a magnetic brick game indeed? That sounds fun. It doesn't take much to entertain a three year old and probably being with his Auntie Mima the Goddess is enough. No dinosaur books?
Costa are trying to be a bit healthier then? Let's hope that it helps a bit because those lovely lovely (treat day) drinks are extremely unhealthy sadly.😕 I will try their oat milk next time that's what Kari said to do; just avoid their soya completely.
You up for a walk today?
Morning Barbara. Paul's car has to get to the NEC on Thursday ready for Friday Saturday and Sunday's 'Classic car restoration Show' as far as we know it is the only right hand drive one on the road in the world. He has to be there every day on the stand.
Good luck at the dentist I do hope they can help. I think it takes a good while for an apt to come through for the dental hospital.
I think you should keep using your voice control on your phone things will get better with practise I'm sure. Either way we can work out what you are saying I would just hate for us all to lose touch with you I really would. That would be the worst thing.
Are you getting organised for Mr B's surgery?
Toady posting from your phone is dead easy isn't it? Only thing is remembering what everyone says. I have that problem whereas on my lap top l can scroll back and forwards no problem.
I also find it easier to post photos from my phone than the lap top.
I hope your day was a good one and that today will be even better - it's set to be sunnier I think🤞
I bought two stone Toads for my garden yesterday.
Jason I expect you had a lovely family day yesterday I hope your wife had a restful day and Jeeves took very good care of her.
You can use your username or own one as you feel comfortable. It's how private you want to be we all respect each other here.
Back to the grind now it's Monday morning 🙄
take care everyone
Reshmi would you mind doing the tea? You do a lovely cup😍
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) have a good day both of you ((())) good luck to Chris for his ex-ray. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (())) and your Dad (()))
Jason ((())) I’m sorry to ask but what is it that’s wrong with you as well has Arthritis. Have a good day all of you (())
Kitty (()) I’m sorry I forgot about big writing for you.
Barbara ((()) I hope the dentist can do your tooth. Is it next week Mr b (()) has his new hip (()) love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (())) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni ((()) have a good day love to everyone (())
Reshmi (())) have a good day love to your mum (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Good morning all! Hope you have a lovely Monday.
Yes Toni, had a very nice family weekend. We tend to spend lots of time altogether watching films, catching up on the TV shows we watch together. I'm in full Jeeves mode over the weekend so wife & daughter can recuperate after a hard week at work/school. I'm glad to pamper them - gives me a sense of purpose.
Good Morning Kitty & Barbara. I hope you get your tooth sorted without too much hassle!
Dachshund - Other than arthritis, I have a rare progressive & degenerative neurological condition known as Spinocerebellar Ataxia type 2. It's a genetic condition that I inherited from my birth mother. I'm adopted so had no idea this was waiting for me! Started having symptoms in 2015 and I have to go to the neurological hospital in London every year. There is unfortunately no cure. Rather than going into detail, if you want to find out more about it, you can here;
I try to keep positive and things haven't progressed too far yet so everyday's a blessing.
Wow - sorry if I've been a bit of a mood hoover!
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Nah not a mood hoover Jason!
All good you are far too upbeat for that😊👍️
I had a feeling you would be looking after the family at the weekend. Lovely lots of good telly this weekend as it was raining here. Still we managed a couple of trips out and some posh coffee from starbucks drive thru!
All is well here Joan yes thanks Lucy had a seizure last night but is doing ok didn't risk work though in case she has more than one.
((())) xxx
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Hi T and everybody how are you all? sorry this is a very tiny little message indeed bit of a busy day will try and post later if I can take care. Xx
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Hi Toni how are you today? I went for a walk a longer walk than usual and I enjoyed it, I ate some rubbish afterwards a bit it could’ve been worse I did eat a fair amount of almonds so nice natural folic acid there of course, had a shower before DV kicks off, lol, so feeling very tired but good thanks for asking enjoying the smell of the boots mint lavender and marshmallow foot Cream, LA went to a dads and sons birthday party seems a bit sexist to me but never mind, lol, he also said that baby brothers aren’t real boys so they can’t go to his birthday party which will be just boys and dinosaurs even mummies aren’t allowed, Oh dear, lol. Im getting second pair of varifocals tomorrow and my blood test today went went okay thank you. I better stop here before I fall asleep just wanted to say hi Barbara Joan toady okay I’ll stop there. Xx
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Hello everyone 😊 bosh I missed out on you being on tea duty, ah well, it's probably high time I made one 😉 glad it was a good walk :) hope it helps with a good night's sleep, it's a better sort of tired to be, isn't it.
Frog, nooo, writing on a mobile is horrible 🙀 I would never given the choice.. my phone's cut copy menu kept manifesting itself on top of the forum's bold italic menu.. it was no fun at all 😂 plus I'd rather have a proper keyboard any day (mind my phone is quite small). It was a nice day today & sunny, you were quite right, I did some weeding and I was almost warm! Not much else though, had a couple of other things to do, and I must sort out some stuff for a charity bag tomorrow. Glad it was nice weather for you to get out at the weekend too 😊 that peacock! 😍 they're just so fabulous, and that call, they can do that outside my window any day, rather have that than the local motorbike. Well maybe not all day and all night. 😂 And I LOVE how they have the roses laid out there, like that (random fact; I recite the Lady of Shalott among others to myself, when I can't get off to sleep.. I should definitely get one of these! I have looked it up, I must say I do like the look of it a lot).🌹I have a tulip out! (yesterday) as you will see, not much else though and no seedlings.. but they aren't ones to come up overnight so will have to sit tight I suppose. I doublechecked the growing instructions for these and it says "SOWING. Season: Perennial. Sowing: late summer, late autumn, late winter, late spring". No wonder I get confused. Yes, you do find yourself eyeing up pots for other uses to the point of being tempted to evict what's in there (or maybe in there), but you do feel rather bad! Still I made a small ebay sale (& a certain DIY store has an offer off a smaller minimum spend than they often do), so I intend to make a small pot top-up shop. Hope your 2 toads like their new home 😃 and hope it carries on staying nice for the NEC! My Dad used to have lovely Austins; Somersets, that sort of thing. Super cars. That garage floor stuff sounds awful btw, how did you sleep with it wafting up, paint can be bad enough. So sorry Lucy had an episode, oh I do hope she has been ok today and it was a random. Hope your knee is settling down too. xx
Kitty it was all 'ey up' when I was at school in Derby, but we moved a fair bit so one minute it was Geordie accent then Welsh then Devonshire.. so you're the odd one out, whichever it is 😂 at least I understand quite a few dialects so it was educational! Hope you're both doing ok xx
Hope Barbara is ok too! 🤐🤞Tea can be served with a straw if needs be & dunking your biccie is perfectly acceptable! xx
Joan it was very nice today! much better for getting things done. Hope you're both well xx
Love to everyone else who has/hasn't been in so far xx
First tulip - wallflowers on their way :)
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Hi toady that’s okay to be honest I didn’t complete my tea duty today because I went on a big walk well big for me so I’m sorry about that, lol, but if you’re making you want you can make one for me too please if you don’t mind I think herbal would be best at this time of night like you said best to be tired at bedtime not wired, lol. Had a nice day take care. Xx
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Hi again Toni I just thought I’d quickly say hello one more time today, Played the magnetic Brick game with BR actually , I did try to read LA a storybook but he said that “peekaboo bear time” is BR’s book and he seemed quite offended that I would suggest reading such a book to a grown man of three years, lol, he’s such a funny character T , he also ran up the stairs to tell the gasman that the radiator was quite warm I think sometimes he just repeats things he hears but he says it in such a funny voice I could’ve sworn that he was the chief gasman or gas toddler if that’s a term, lol, unfortunately mummy had left his dinosaur books at home. Porridge looks great Toni I sometimes put brown sugar in mine but lately I think we ordered the wrong type, it just doesn’t taste as good oh well sugar is bad for us, nuts are good but the combination of both, oh really don’t know - nothing is too straightforward really is it Toni? Lol, anyway have a good night I’m practically asleep myself take care “speak” to you tomorrow.. sweet dreams 💤
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It's right chilly this morning proper icy.
Lucy went into work in spite of feeling like she's done 10 rounds with Mike Tyson or a marathon or a mega first ever gym session.
Reshmi that made me laugh of course Lord A is too adult for peekaboo books🙄🤭 They are indeed for babies even if said baby is a male child he is yet to be a 'proper' boy at least in Lord A's mind! Wonder what will happen when he is old enough to go to 'Dad and sons' parties🤔I bet your sister quite liked it, sexist or not, to have time on her own with Baby R.
Total disaster having no dinosaur books good job the magnetic brick game was there. I bet the gasman thought it was cute having a 3 year old assistant.
Almonds yes a great source of folic acid and rather nice too. I think one of the few nuts my brother is allowed with his kidney disease. I expect they are good for your Mum too.
I hope the brown sugar gets used up fast and you can have some which tastes normal you need it on your porridge or ready brek.
Well done having your bloods done and oh you have got on well with your varifocals! You must be like Kari they suit you very well some people can never adjust to them. Shall I see you later for a walk?
Morning Mike I hope you are ready with some treats for you and Sue today? I expect you will annoy Vixen briefly with the noise of the hoover, but some company will do you good. Take care of yourself I hope you are eating plenty ((())) xxx
Where was our Kitty yesterday? I do hope she was ok....Sleek said she was fine just busy. Thanks Sleek.
Is Chris feeling ok with going off for his X-ray on Thursday? I didn't ask what they are imaging is it his hip like Mr B and my lovely neighbour? If so this could become quite 'hippy' soon.
Anyway I am sending love to you both and fingers crossed all is well ((()))
Toady what a lovely tulip!! With a friend growing next door too! The wallflowers are coming along nicely too something to look forward to. We need to re-label (or in my case label) our pots better so we know what is what for next year. Resist the urge to empty unlabelled ones and of course when they are a bargain buy new ones!
Lucy should be ok I think; it looked as though she had missed quite a few doses of her meds not much else has gone wrong so that has to be it. She is going to request a formal risk assessment at work which I think is essential as she works in the kitchen! Thanks you for your wishes for her.
My new Toads are said on top of my wall looking quite happy, but will probably pop here and there until they settle down.
Wasn't the peacock fabulous? Austin Roses are by far the best. It's a lovely place at Albrighton (they do good food too normally out of COVID season) a bit early in the season, but well worth a visit. Ther peacock can make as much noise as he likes. He was happy as you can see as his tail was calm.
Thanks for the tea. Reshmi does make a good cup I must admit, but this one you made will do nicely
Joan I replied to you yesterday i expect you have seen the message? Lucy had seizure the night before last. She's ok now fingers crossed. Hope you and Sue are ok ((())) xxx
Love to you Barbara reply to you is there somewhere look for the big writing it's either for you or Kitty!!
Right it is so cold I am doing ready brek this morning brrrr!!!!
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I hope you are both getting on alright. Love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Barbara (()) is it next week Mr B (()) has is operation. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (())) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toady (()) have a good day it’s a bit warmer now.
Toni (()) yes I saw your message from yesterday. Sorry Lucy had a bad time I hoped she had finished but perhaps they never finish. (()) that was good you had your coffee. Good luck to Paul with is car. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (()))
Jason (()) thank you for explaining about your condition. You are a very good Jeeves have a good day.
Reshmi (()) have a good day don’t worry you are doing well love to your mum (())
take care
joan xx0 -
A family dinner time favourite! Warming winter comfort food, topped with cheesy mash.
Serves 4-6
65 mins
A Little Effort
314 cals
(Per serving)
10.9 g of fat
- 1 pack of Quorn Sausages (336 g), defrosted, sliced into chunks
- 600g potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
- 2 tbsp skimmed milk
- 20g reduced-fat margarine
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil
- 1 onion, diced
- 1 stick of celery, diced
- 1 carrot, diced
- 2 garlic cloves, crushed
- 1 tbsp tomato puree
- 1 vegetable stockpot
- 1 small tin of baked beans (approx. 200g)
- 1 small tin of kidney beans (approx. 200g), drained and rinsed
- 100 g baby spinach, washed
- ¼ tsp salt
- ¼ tsp black pepper
- 20g reduced-fat cheddar, grated
- Preheat your oven to 190°C/170°C fan/Gas Mark 5.
- Boil the potatoes for 12-15 minutes or until soft. Drain and mash the potatoes with the milk and margarine. Set aside.
- Place a large frying pan on a medium heat. Add 1 tbsp oil and the Quorn Sausages. Fry for 3-4 minutes or until browned. Remove from the pan, and set aside.
- In the same pan, add the onion, celery, carrot and garlic and fry for 8-10 minutes or until soft. Add the tomato puree, vegetable stockpot, spinach and beans. Stir to combine. Stir through the Quorn Sausages.
- Transfer the sausage mix to an ovenproof dish. Top with the mashed potato and sprinkle with grated cheddar. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes or until golden.
Morning peeps, Thought I’d start with the recipe today, it uses Quorn and is one of their own, from Quorn.UK
I rang the surgery for Chris blood test results. ESR - normal
Crp - normal
LFT - normal, but he has low Calcium. So I’ve made him a telephone appointment with GP. He is anxious about his X-rays. They are imaging his pelvis and knees.
The electrician came yesterday, but he left us his phone number so we can ring him when Chris’ X-rays are finished. At least we’ve ruled out RA, but at 74 I thought he’d be too old for that. Oh well, must crack on, I’m glad Sleek is keeping you informed.
Love to everyone and thank you for the messages. XXXXXX
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi Joan how are you and Sue today? thanks for your nice message I went to the opticians but the lady had made a mistake and my glasses aren’t ready today they’ll be ready next week which was a bit annoying but it was still good to get out of the house even though I mainly went to Sainsbury’s in the town centre lol. I was going to get some stuff from Boots but it was so hot in there I didn’t In the end and I also ventured into a coffee shop looked at the high sugar high-fat stuff and walked right out again, which was unusual of me but good I’m a bit tired now so I’ll take some rest in a mo hope you enjoy the afternoon take care. Xx
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Hi Toni how are you today? I’m sorry that Lucy wasn’t feeling well at all how is she now? I went To the opticians but my glasses will be ready next week not this they made a mistake basically which was a bit annoying but at least I got to go to the town centre which was a bit of a change, I will reply later properly sorry just a bit shattered now bye for now. Tc. Xx
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Hi Toni I am just so tired today I’ve only just done the neck physio and even then I could’ve done some more stretches but I only did the Bare min I’m afraid so yes LA’s taste in books varies to be honest but he was happy in the end with the sweets and seeing us all so that was good anyway I’m going to leave it there because it’s a horrible sweaty day at least it is in this house nasty kind of temperature right now have a good dinner have some nuts but not too many and take care. Xx
hi Kitty how are you today! that recipe seems really nice I’m glad some of the blood test results for Chris were normal
hi Barbara I hope you have a nice evening take care
same to toady bye for now xx
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Hi all, I have been doing quite a lot of internet & head-based activities today so had better be good & just say hello :)
I did get into the garden this morning and tidied up a bit, started to cut back the buddleia, rearrange some of my brick-y planting area bits and made bundles of handy twiggy stems of last year's oregano (not sure what handy for, but twiggy sticks, well they will for something.. can always burn them if the gas bills get any more noughts on the end 🤔). So I probably haven't done any of what Monty would be recommending but as I haven't seen the ep. yet I don't know what he's recommending; ignorance is bliss 😂. Yes I will be good and hang onto my pots frog, & not start grave-robbing the old ones :) have a couple of things to ask your advice on so will come back to that. If Lucy has missed some meds then hopefully that is the reason :) ('likely reasons for something', they are a great comfort, aren't they). Hope everything goes on ok even if she definitely felt the after-effects, poor thing.
Joan hello to you & Sue & Lexi & Pepper :) I expect they are looking forward to walks in the nicer weather too.
Hello Kitty and Barbara, just a quick wave this evening will make time for a longer sit-down & cafe chat soon 😘
and bosh, sorry you are tired too, the second half of my day wasn't the best either, herbal tea again I think - I found a couple I like better than some others, Grapefruit & Camomile is one. How annoying about your glasses 😕 even if as you say, it made a change - at least it wasn't raining. Have a good day tomorrow (& I just have to say - 'gas toddler' 😂😂 still making me laugh today lol.)
All the best to Mike, Jason, Arthuritis & any late callers - take care all xx
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Morning everyone. Warmer today and raining still such is life.
Joan I suppose Lucy will always have epilepsy, but things are much better only maybe one or two seizures a year now. How are you both doing though? ((())) xxx
Mike I do hope you are bearing up ok. Sue will have been yesterday what treats did you both have I wonder? Have you agreed the likely second day for when chemo starts? Sending my usual strength and ((())) xxx
Morning Kitty. Thanks for the sausage and bean with mash recipe I can veganise that easily enough. It looks healthy and hearty 😋
So Chris has low calcium (Sleek says she could have told you that and that it wasn't RA.) will they consider a dexa for him do you think too? Even men can get osteoporosis can't they? Do tey suspect his hip I wonder🤔 Bless him things are moving albeit slowly.
Electrician sounded lovely to leave you his number so once Chris is sorted a bit you can contact him direct.
My lovely neighbour is going into respite (her choice) while he has his hip done on the 28th. They have her a bed for up to 3 months but she can go home as soon as he can manage.
Reshmi no specs😒 how disappointing still at least you got out which is good.
As for your neck physio it's better to do something than nothing so well done for that. It rather sounds as though the heating was on too high for you yesterday. It was a cold day here, but today is way milder. Hope today is better ((()))
Lucy is ok thanks just a bit (well a lot) achy? You can imagine it's like she was in the gym for 10 hours with the addition of a banging headache. Chemotherapy has a lot to answer for even though it did save her life. She will live with the effects forever bless her.
Lord A is always happy going on his holidays to Reading I mean who wouldn't be? With the addition of lots of 'friends' and some sweets thrown in (Grandad?) he must have been in heaven🤗
Toady I do like an explanation for things you are quite right. Lucy has learned her lesson and will keep on top of her meds now. I always do her a monthly dosette which means we can look at what is still there which shouldn't be. She often misses one or two a month which seems to be safe enough, but she had missed a LOT!
At least you got outside even if it wasn't for long! Oh imagine the smell of burning oregano? Makes my mouth water😋. Today is miserable, but l will get outside for a bit if it kills me. You will soon be able to see two Monty shows in one go. You know my favourite is when he says' things to do this week' and i have already done them!!
Ner ner ner ner ner Monty!! You know I met him once? At the NEC Garndener's world show.
Reshmi does have a way with words doesn't she? 'Gas Toddler' indeed😁
I hope all is well with Jason today and Barbara too of course.
lo sodium for Barbara of course
vegan cheese spread on toast.
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Mike I do hope you are bearing up ok. Sue will have been yesterday what treats did you both have I wonder? Have you agreed the likely second day for when chemo starts? Sending my usual strength and ((())) xxx
Morning Froggie, we had cream doughnuts yesterday and a good natter. I am a bit wrapped up in my lymphoma at the minute; no news on when chemo starts, no news on when I get the scan, no news on when they put the picc line in, meanwhile the lump on the side of my neck which started all this off has doubled in size in the past fortnight which presumably means the cancer has spread. I have to phone my Lymphoma Nurse on Friday if I have not had a scan appointment by mid-morning.
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I’m sorry Chris (()) has low calcium I have too much. I hope he must be in pain having all that wrong. Thank you for the recipe we have quoin sausages every week. love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Barbara ((()) have a good day love to everyone (())
Toady (()) you have busy days take care
Toni (()) (()) I’m sorry Lucy has to go through all that some people would do nothing we have a neighbour like that he spends the day in bed because he is bored. Lucy is someone to be proud of. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbour good luck to him.
Mike ((())) they are keeping you waiting they are not thinking of you worrying about it. Love to vixen
Reshmi (()) sorry about your glasses have a good day.
Jason (()) take care have a good day.
take care
joan xx1 -
Morning all
Sorry been awol but thanlyou for kind words about my teeth and Mr B especially the tea from a straw thankyou Toady😂😂oh u love this cafe.. teeth have to be hospital so have to wait ..its a bridge that I had fitted bearly 20 years ago and came away with my not d8ne bad really
Toni ooh Paul's car so rare bet he is proud to be on the podium ..I am hoping Lucy us OK ..good idea the monthly meds bless xx
Love to kitty and Chris hope they can get his calcium up xx
Toady thankyou fir the tea via a straw 😂hoe nice to see your flowers growing I love this time if the year xx
Love ti Joan and Sue xx
Mike I really feel for you ..nothing worse than the waiting xx
Reshmi hope you are nice abd warm very soon xx
Jason you keep popping into your garden ..nothing nicer xx
Sorry if I have forgotten anyone
Love to all xxxxx
Barbara1 -
Good morning all (well, nearly afternoon now!)
Pardon the picture, I had intended to add something funny but accidentally picked this one and can't seem to remove it (anyone know to do this by the way?)
Hope you're all well. It's a bit overcast today but yesterday was lovely! Having a bit of a lazy day today after a busy day yesterday.
Positive vibes to all on the forum and your associated loved ones. Off to get lost in a book for a while!
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Morning.. just to jot down my couple of gardening questions for anyone while I remember (all internet searchable but personal experience is always useful too). I never get on well with trying to get lavender to be happy in a small to medium pot, which I'd like to in order to stand them around looking pretty as well their supposed snail deterrent-ness etc. I used to fall foul of overwatering (the amateur 'it looks crispy it must be dry' syndrome), but even now I see to proper drainage &c I end up with dry twiggy stems then just new growth at the top. Also I'd like to grow some nepeta and I'm not sure which? I've grown nepeta cataria but I'd like a prettier variety like in the pic I've linked, that article just mentions Nepeta spp which I understand the meaning (I think) but reading up on it I find things like "Since there is some confusion about when it is “mussinii”, “faassenii”, or “racemosa”, a gardener would do well to simply buy the named variety that has the qualities desired" 🤔 so I'm not sure what to go for. Also can't seem to ID the euphorbia in the picture - if it is one.
Back later 😊
edit: it would help if I linked to the picture 🙄😂
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Hello everyone, pain is awful today, spine, hips, knees and feet. Oh well. No news about the carers yet, tomorrow Chris is off for his X-rays, is the cloak primed and ready for a major pick up? We’ll see you there, and Madame Sleekipus too. Of course I have to help him get dressed, but his bag is ready. Anyone would think he was the first person ever to go to hospital with all the fuss he’s made!
Jason, you might have posted the wrong photo, but it’s such a lovely picture. Can’t help with deleting it though. I’d copy all text, discard the whole post, pasting the text in a new post, then put the correct picture in there.
Big huge to Mike, Reshmi, Joan and Antoinette. XXXX
memories of our once beautiful garden.
Gardeners Lament We cleared out the garden today: it really was time as the weather was fine and the grass was looking like hay. The Roses were all overgrown: while the Dandelion weeds had spread all their seeds among the Potatoes we�d sown. The Slugs and Snails had a rave: they all gobbled through every plant they could chew. There wasn't that much left to save. And so we built a bonfire: chucked everything on, our gardens now gone. One allotment, half acre, for hire!
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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hi toady how are you today? thanks about the tiredness and I hope you’re feeling less tired today too at the moment I’m pleasantly tired because I just had a shower though my stomach’s become a little unsettled again but that’s really nothing new for me and I’ll try to be more careful with food today😄. Thanks for the herbal tea lol I know what you mean some of the herbal flavours are really horrible at least in my opinion, lol, The only I enjoy these days is apple and cinnamon I also liked one of the Twinings teabags I think it was strawberry and something else but it was really sweet so I thought I had better nip drinking that in the bud as it were, I was a bit annoying about the glasses but they were just the spares so it’s not too bad and like you said at least made a bit of a change from roaming around going to the local shop and things like that. Hope you’re having a nice day today take care. X
hi Joan thanks about the glasses, it was just the spares that I’m waiting for so it’s not too bad thanks how are you and Sue doing today? it’s heavy rain here in Reading unfortunately but at least I didn’t need to go out today. Tc xx
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- 9.9K Living with arthritis
- 792 Chat to our Helpline Team
- 437 Coffee Lounge
- 28 Food and Diet
- 230 Work and financial support
- 6 Want to Get Involved?
- 184 Hints and Tips
- 405 Young people's community
- 12 Parents of Child with Arthritis
- 39 My Triumphs
- 130 Let's Move
- 34 Sports and Hobbies
- 245 Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- 21 How to use your online community
- 39 Community Feedback and ideas