Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,243

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) the care company sue is with is called Celtic care. Good luck with your delivery I hope they bring everything you wanted. love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (()) have a good weekend

    Jason (()) that’s a very true poem. yes it made me smile enjoy your day and have a good weekend.

    Toady (()) have a good weekend. I hope your neighbours are not too noisy.

    Barbara (()) what ever is best way for you to do the writing I don’t mind being called John have a good weekend love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (()))

    Toni (()) I used to like gardening and cutting the grass. Now I just do what I can. Have a good weekend and enjoy your coffee. I hope your back soon calms down. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Mike (()) thinking about you have a good weekend and vixen

    Reshmi (()) don’t worry have a good weekend and your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Asda has been (phew) Chris ordered some cheese sandwiches and sausage rolls for him to take to Derby Royal, Thursday at 9:30 if Sleek wants to go. I shal probably sleep, or play games on my iPad. But will be just as happy in Sleek’s company. She could give me a pedicure or a massage. I will have cheese sandwiches and sausage rolls too, and a large bar of dark choccy.

    Joan, we were weighed, but not measured much to my disappointment. I was amazed to find I have lost weight and gone down to 9 stone 10lbs. Chris is the same weight at 12stone. I would really like to know how much I’ve shrunk in height though!

    Antoinette, we have ginger on both sides. I have cousin Jacqueline on dad’s side who has beautiful auburn hair. Cousin Cindy on mum’s side is ginger, cousin Perry on mum’s side who is a red head. I used to have copper hair as a little. My granddad Gregory (mum’s dad) was partly bald, but had a big red tash.

    Love to all cafe dwellers.



    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,602
    edited 11. Mar 2022, 13:50

    Hello everyone, what a nasty old day out there, cold, rain and wind, blah. No sunrise and tweety birdies for me! so not much doing, am just planting some more seeds including the mystery ones and checking my existing trays.. nothing as yet 😔 enjoy your shed tidying frog (if you can get to it, for the washing and the helping people out and the safari supper planning!) - I'm afraid you are overcrediting me in the gardening dept I am a lightweight & a dilettante really, & you can't call someone with an old win7 laptop who can't use their own mobile phone techie either haha, but if you learn even a little about something it's never wasted is it 😊 & keeps the marbles ticking over.. I hope. I can't get on with Chrome I use firefox but they made a terrible mess of the tab system at one point & I can't face seeing what they've done with it since so haven't updated it, bad me. I use a multi-account container tab thing that means you can stay logged into 2 different accounts in the same site, gmail for example, Chrome doesn't have an equivalent.. I can't cope with logging in and out of things all the time. And 2-factor authentication is a growing nuisance, all well & good in theory, they don't think of all the extra clicks and fiddling it is for people. The Paypal authenticator app drives me bonkers as I usually want to buy something just as my phone battery dies 😕 anyway, long story short, I heartily agree with you bosh, that tech is a mixed blessing! But I'm glad you and Barbara find the voice to text handy.

    Kitty all the best with the upcoming arrangements, I'm v glad to hear you are feeling optimistic, your gumption never ceases to amaze me 😀 and good luck for Chris's x-rays🤞xx There is red hair in my family too (mine is nothing but trouble & hairdressers can't cope with it either so Jason's list rings all too true, especially no 9, "what have you done"!) Hope all shopping ok. 🛒

    Barbara it was nice yesterday but today is a nasty old day, never mind, better soon it says. I have planted the mystery seeds so will see what if anything comes up ❓️🌱 Love to you both you are doing all you can with Mr B even if it is uphill work reassuring him 😘

    Joan my neighbours are not there, there will be a bit of coming and going and then the property will be up for sale I think.. have to wait and see! Have a good day not too cold in Wilts I hope xx

    Bye for now all xxx

  • Brynmor
    Brynmor Member Posts: 1,755
    edited 11. Mar 2022, 14:12

    I have now changed my username to @Bryony and all my logins to the Online Community 😀

    EDIT: That' going to really confuse the Moderation Team and various other settings I have on my computer...

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon. All

    Oh gosh I had to laugh at all the mistakes are made with people's names maybe change them by deed poll 😂 Mind you'll probably be called something else tomorrow

    Toner we have awful weather here today raining and very windy

    As for the the talking in front of Mr b i escaped upstairs think I'm about to give up on this speech to text driving me insane hope we can get out into your garden today xx

    Joan sorry I called you John it's my Northern accent 😂 hope all is well for your both xx

    Todi the weather is the same white and Wendy now I will leave those typos just to let you see what it looks like till I change it 😉 oh god I'm worn out ..send us pictures of the seeds when they appear xx

    K kitty I'm so pleased you're getting all the out your need you check out the care company properly gas you have lost some weight hopefully some of the carers are good Coooks xx

    Love to all xxxxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,323

    Hi Toni how are you today? I’m okay thanks but there’s some problem downstairs fuse has blown or something like that so lots of things aren’t working in fact probably everything downstairs isn’t working freezer lights and also heating for whole house, my mum is getting stressed bless her because excess family are meant to be coming tomorrow at least most of them bill is going to be doing some work allegedly which may involve eating a lot of takeaway pizza no comment there lol so I’m upstairs with a flashlight or two letting off a bit of steam here in VC, I actually did have a chai latte today Starbucks takeaway I haven’t had one for months in fact probably since the summer of last year so that was great if pretty evil oh dear the plan sis LA and BR are coming tomorrow for a visit but whether that will actually happen now and how long that takes it’s only really mother natures guess to put it diplomatically. My sister managed to find out that LA has been associating with some naughty boys in the nursery some potential football hooligans by the sounds of it oh dear and that’s where he’s learnt this extra naughty behaviour from oh well at least we know what’s happening now and that isn’t his fault entirely, yes my poor mum did get upset yesterday I think it’s possible she wasn’t feeling that great because her stomach is not okay today she’s feeling a bit bloated etc so not going out for lunch which is good and bad well mainly good tbh with you because no one likes a non-settled stomach just before methotrexate do they? Lol. I must admit I ate a lot of naughty sweet things today T as well as the as consuming the chai latte I had a plant-based cookie and little bit of choc but did not have the whole bar so that’s the main thing that’s what I’m telling myself anyway, lol. So you have to cook a main course for eight people as part of the Safari supper well all the food you make looks lovely to me so I’m sure you’ll do well will you get any help? that’s the question is Paul good at cooking or at least to at assisting or is that not really his forte? I didn’t have a great sleep in the night felt a bit warm but managed to make up most of it at least later on so that something. So your sister makes sweetcorn daal? that sounds interesting be honest with you I thrown all the excess sweetcorn - yes I know I like that adjective a bit too much lol - In the bin because I find it quite addictive quite as much as chocolate although as we all know that too much sweetcorn just causes an upset stomach at worst , for me anyway, whereas too much choc of course can have very sinister implications, I think you’re right this speech to text method is working great for Barbara, btw I just need to say

    Hi Barbara hope you’re feeling well today? do you have to have a varifocals as well? (I was just casually asking).Hope you have a nice day take care. Xx

    Tony I just wanted to about the Safari suppers thing, are the guests the vicar and some clergyman or something like that? just wondering how it works. I don’t know if I’m repeating myself but before Bill got married and had kids he had some very strange ideas about being a parent he thought that on the Internet there was some kind of nappy folding machine so that he’d never have to fold a nappy again in his life, not that he folds that many anyway these days to be honest with you anyway I better leave that subject alone he also thought that after speaking to a midwife for 4 weeks before birth of child, that he had so much medical Info that he himself could become one, loI, so I suppose we must’ve all qualified as consultant rheumatologist many years ago, lol. Ok I’ve have done a lot of vegan, non - vegan and probably fully carnivorous waffling so I’ll stop there bye for now hope you’re having a good Friday Toni, hi also to Joan hope you and Sue are okay? Hi to K and Ar , oh my goodness I must stop there, lol, bye for now ladies and gents take care. Xx

  • Jason1972
    Jason1972 Member Posts: 21

    Hi All,

    Just a short visit today. Had the washing machine repair man in this morning to replace a leaky hose (luckily, still under warranty so no charge!)

    Hope your Asda shopping goes ok Kitty. We have ours delivered as I can no longer drive and my wife works so the last thing she wants to do is go shopping at the weekends!

    Good luck with getting carers. My lovely Mum (in her late 80's) has carers 4 times a day - they're all lovely and it gives me piece of mind knowing she's well looked after.

    Hope you got out in your garden today @frogmorton. I might have a stab at some veggies this year - I don't have a greenhouse or anything so it will have to a bit warmer yet before I do it. What would recommend for a novice?

    Have a great rest of the day everyone!

  • Jason1972
    Jason1972 Member Posts: 21
    edited 11. Mar 2022, 15:17

    I have no idea why a blank post appeared! I must have hit Post Comment wihout realising! One of the lovely gifts my brain condition gives me is lack of coordination so often do things completely at random. Typing these posts is sometimes a bit of a challenge but helps me focus!

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,323

    Hi everybody including Jason sorry there’s so many people on here I don’t always manage to mention everybody by name no offence meant , lol, I just wanted to say I made a bit of a mistake in my previous post actually meant the bill believed there was such a thing as a nappy changing machine that makes a lot more sense doesn’t it? sorry I’m a bit tired right now trying to write logical things in a logical manner, lol, okay bye for now everybody Tc oh and and “happy methotrexate day” if you are taking this horrible med today like I am. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 12. Mar 2022, 07:59

    Morning Mike how are you doing? Another weekend already I take it there is no news yet as i think you'd have told us. ((())) for you and a

    for Vixen xx

    Joan I used to spend 8 hours in the garden at a time I bet you were the same now I have to pace myself. Do a bit then rest a bit and so on. Hope you and Sue are doing ok? ((())) xxx

    Morning Kitty! Sleek says she will do a bit of both she will come with you to see Chris off then she will stay with you then nip over to check they do the x-ray 'rite' and come back. She isn't keen on cheese sandwiches but does like sausage rolls. She said she will bring you (both🤢) a cod latte. She exceptionally good at massages then you will have girly chats together. She reckons it will be ages before any men reappear. She also is partial to old black and white Doris Day films....

    Chris looks nice! Not at all grumpy even though he is sometimes these days (maybe pain?). Jonathan looks lovely he is the one who needs that extra support am I right with his mood?

    How lovely having so much ginger in the family it really is special. I had a friend at school who had auburn hair I was so covetous 😳

    Do you feel as though you have gained weight? If you do then chances are little Kitty you will have shrunk a bit more ((())) Sleek is quite pleased about that even on back paws she isn't so tall....

    Well hello Bryony! Honestly technology is responsible for a lot! The moderators will manage I expect hope everything else will be ok though🤭My mobile used to change Aidan's name to Sudan😁

    Jason this year I am growing things I will eat! So onions and garlic (as they go in most things I cook) spring onions cabbage and kale and the salad stuff. I recommend starting with salad stuff,(lettuce, rocket maybe?),you get fairly fast results with that. Maybe though get something like enviro mesh or fleece to go over the top that keeps a lot of pests off. I do have a small but pretty greenhouse so i will grow tomatoes and cucumbers (if they ever come up🙄) in there. My sister has some of my tomato plants and keeps them inside until it warms up and does very well too with no greenhouse.

    Glad your washing machine is fixed and working again and FREE too best of all.

    No way should your wife have to shop at the weekends I have to agree. I do my shopping online although i do nip in to tesco at 6 am after I have dropped Lucy off sometimes for one or two bits.

    Barbara what are you like you have changed the name of one of the Admins!!! I must say Bryony is a lovely name though...... What will you call Yvonne? 😁

    I think some of it is your accent probably being such a lovely Northern one. I haven't heard Kitty's but reckon she's East Mids and drinks water pop not squash like the rest of us. Do you remember when I once typed something about do a shift and left the 'F' out???

    Aha so your posts are not in public like Reshmi's? don't give up I think you are doing really well. It was a vile day yesterday so I wasn't outside for long ended up practising my vegan korma in my instant pot.

    Oh Barbara! Bryony liked your post!

    Morning Reshmi. You've had a problem not so long ago with your electricity if I remember rightly? I hope all is well now though? Poor you I can imagine MV would be going off excess family visits are something she will look forward to bless her. I am sure BIL will be enjoying his pizza and 'work' bless him. You might have some funny stories for us today. I knew it! LA has made friends with the naughty boys this needs to be discouraged. He has a kind heart and that is far better in the long run for his future bless him

    How is your MTX hangover? I am ok belly a bit iffy but coping well so far. I intend to have a greggs sausage roll. It might not stay in for long, but it will help for a bit! Starbucks chai lattes are the best way better than Costas in my professional opinion. Paul and I often share that plant based cookie! Poor Mum I hope her stomach is better today too I know she is lucky it's not a weekly event, but it's still horrible isn't it?

    Yes I am cooking a main course for 8. Yesterday we tried the vegetable korma made in the instant pot (keeps warm in there) 9 different herbs and spices it was very nice, but I am going to spice it up a little. Paul does not cook, but can run the hoover around and he will be in charge of getting drinks for our guests while I do last minute bits. Rice and reheating my bhajis and samosas. I will borrow Kari's instant pot too and make a non-creamy vegan curry too probably incorporating chana and saag I think so it looks very different. Then the guests get a choice.

    Kari's sweetcorn dahl and soups are lovely. If you can overdo the stuff then bin it I have to agree with you. I have done that with a few things over the years. Kari cannot have bread in the house! Bless her.

    Well I'd better get on take care Reshmi hope your day is good.

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Phoned the hospital yesterday to be told that the PET scan team (which is contracted out to a private provider) normally phone patients on a Thursday or Friday to set up appointments for the following Monday and Tuesday, if I have not heard anything by next Friday mid-morning then phone them again and they will chase it. I just hope that the scan does not take too much longer as treatment cannot start till I have had it and meanwhile the cancer will continue to spread,

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,243

    Good Morning everyone

    Kitty (()) that’s good you have all your shopping. Lovely photo of Chris (()) good luck for his ex-ray enjoy the sandwiches. Yes they only care about your weight. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) you have a lovely accent. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Jason (()) sue my sister does that she puts one hand up and the other one goes up has well we have cerebral palsy. That’s good the washing machine is fixed. You do well.

    Toady (()) we had sun and showers yesterday we have sun today.

    Toni (()) enjoy your coffee tomorrow how is your knee today. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Mike (()) that’s good you have an idea about when it could be. Love to vixen (())

    Reshmi (()) enjoy your day I hope you have good weather love to your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Jason1972
    Jason1972 Member Posts: 21

    Happy Saturday everyone!

    Hopefully youll get your PET scan very soon @Mike1 and your treatment can get underway - sending positive vibes your way.

    Thanks for the tips @frogmorton, I cleared a nice little patch last summer in preparation for some veg so hopefully this year we'll start to see the fruits of my labour!

    Thanks @dachshund - I work on the principle of use it or lose it so I try to keep doing things that require a bit of dexterity!

    Have a lovely day everyone and here's something to make you chuckle;

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Morning allhave given up in speach to text I'm daft enough without all that palaver

    Toni the meal sounds fantastic and how lovely to bring the village together xx

    Jason that's brilliant ..😅Mr B wouldn't say your welcome in a low voice though xx

    Joan you and Sue are an inspiration and carry on regardless love to you sue and the doggies xx

    Mike I hope you hear something very soon, it's awful keeping you waiting xx

    Reshmi I hope today a good one all round xx

    Kitty the picture of Chris is lovely, thinking about you both xx

    Well it was morning and I started this love to all xxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,323
    edited 12. Mar 2022, 12:12

    Hi Toni how are you today? No voice controlling today unfortunately heating went again, engineer is here now, so I’m doing the from memory method again and hopefully briefly, lol.Yes SB chai tea latte def the best, but more sugar than C version, that’s the prob, but glad your teeth are strong enough for the SB drinks tho you def beat me there 🥊, lol. Today not feeling great, excess family has come despite heating being off (??) , mum’s tum still hurts, I’m wearing all the thermal socks that Mother Nature can provide, couldn’t walk outside, how is your knee now T? Ok bye for now. Xx

    hi to J K t Ar j and Barbara, Joan I hope you and S have a nice Saturday, indeed that you all do, bye for now.xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,602

    Hello folks :) ..excuse posting with mouth full, still working my way through the Hot X Buns. Bit of a tiring week, not sorry to see the back of it, me. 😴 Neighbours are making me feel tired by proxy, seeing as I could do none of the pack up tidy up hoover up drive to and fro things they are doing non stop 😕 Oh well. There were about 20 nice minutes of outdoors weather today, not exaggerating, and I did get my runner beans area weeded & a bit of tidying up done - mainly of pots that have lost their name tags, look like there is nothing in them, and you have to play the 'what was in that and is it dead?' game. Gardener's World is back, I don't have the energy to watch it on tv atm so will have to find bits of time to watch it on demand.

    Hope all are doing ok - doesn't feel like a Saturday (and also feel I am forgetting something, hopefully not!)

    Glad you have had some sun Joan - still jolly cold though. Definitely an extra jumper even to nip outside for a while (jumpers are not my favourite things as you all know very well from the amount of times I mention summer haha 🌞). I used to like cutting the grass with a push mower.. into stripes.. now everyone has a power mower. Have a good Sunday xx

    Good luck with your garden Jason 😊 the bit I find trying is dividing things into bite sized manageable chunks, which I am terrible at, but throwing oneself at anything is not an option! as I'm sure you identify with, as frogmorton says, it's a question of pacing, like it or lump it. Look forward to hearing what you start in on. 👍️

    Barbara whatever you type, who cares what actually makes it onto the page.. we all know what you're getting at (mostly being lovely to everyone as always 💕) I'm afraid I may have laughed at 'white and Wendy', oh dear, sorry! 😳 😂 it certainly has been, too, today. Love to both xx

    ..and love to Kitty & family xx

    ..and hello bosh, hope day-after-mtx-day is going as manageably as possible.. hope the power is back on and the thermal socks can be stood down from duty.. I get chilblains the first day there is the merest hint of cold in winter 🙄 wishing you a good Sunday (with more warmth and less family 😉) xx

    ..and hope the scan team come up with the goods preferably by the Thurs. Mike 🤞

    Love to all here & not here xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,323

    Thanks t , hot cross buns are one of my weaknesses too, Not feeling too bad thanks but did have sugary drinks but nothing extreme like Lucozade or anything fizzy, excess have gone thanks and heating is back on (This engineer seemed to know what he was doing so hopefully there won’t be a repeat performance with heating as this is the second time it’s gone wrong recently). Have a nice evening. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Morning everyone. Miserable day here so far.

    Mike you do need to chase it if you don't hear, this is what happens when stuff is contracted out isn't it?🙄What I will say to try reassure you a little is that I think the Drs who have seen you so far would have rushed things through if they themselves were worried the Hodgkins is very advanced. I don't want you to worry too much because that isn't good for you at all. Still I am with you; the sooner treatment starts the sooner it's fighting back at the cancer. Extra (((()))) and strength coming at you. This is so frustrating another week of worry xxx

    Morning Joan how are you both doing today? It's raining here so we are going a drive over to Bicester. Lucy wants to visit a friend over there, but we will enjoy the drive and I can have a hot chocolate from starbucks because it's vegan if i have soya milk. Not going anywhere near that shopping outlet they've got in Bicester though no way. Guess what the other knee is 'kicking off' now🙄 and this time it is the arthritis. Ah well we are used to thsi aren't we? Take care both of you and hugs to the dogs ((())) xxx

    Morning Jason well done clearing your veggie patch ready. If you can you must post photos of your veggies i will post some of mine. Toady does too - a bit I'll show you mine if you show me yours but still😁

    What are you going to try to grow? What are your ideas? My main one is to grow what I eat the most of and which works here.

    Love it!! Totally we ALL do that little 'trip trap' I call it when crossing the rd and car is waiting for us don't we? Thanks you you i have just 'necked back' a lukewarm coffee like a shot too😄

    Barbara! You've given up! No that's sad I was enjoying it sorry🤭

    I say 'its a pleasure' loudly too I agree with Mr B!

    The safari supper is fabulous and we have missed it due to covid even so I am a tad concerned everyone will do LFTs but they don't always show straight away. We are to seat people socially distanced in their couples and we won't go to the final bit which is the party as everyone will be there. We have to be up early to fetch Paul's rare classic back from the NEC where it's being shown next weekend so that will be our excuse.

    Oh Reshmi I do hope today is better for you and your heating is back on. It really isn't warm enough for no heating. All those socks! You do know how to make me laugh😁

    Mum's tum is still iffy? That's not good at all bless her. I hope your MTX hangover is receding or has receded even better. I hope the boys made you all smile at least. Did your Mum spoil the heating engineers with drinks and snacks even though she feels rough. I can sort of imagine her doing that somehow.

    I hadn't checked to see Starbucks has more sugar than Costa oh dear. The only reason I prefer it is because Costa changed their soya milk a month or so back and it's yucky! and their hot choc contains a trace of cows milk too so not vegan.

    Toady yes! 20 minutes but I used them too!!! Bloomin weather and today is worse here. We are going a drive this morning anyway so will cope.

    The garage floor was painted yesterday with some evil stuff so you can wash oil off and it has stunk out the whole house! I will have those windows open any minute because it's horrendous but must get some clothes on first.

    I have pots which may or may not produce life too.....we will watch and see shall we? It is fun, bit sometimes I have plans for those pots really.

    I know yippee!!!! gardener's world is back on and being recorded here for me. How happy does it make me i watch it when i am ironing so paul doesn't have to. BTW I have now 14 snowdrops up no flowers yet.

    Kitty I woke up this morning (Lucy not in work) at 5am to a gentle paw pulling at my sheets chirruping😍 It was Sleek letting me know she was off to yours and not to worry.

    I hope today is a good day for you and Chris ((())) xxx

    Right get dressed Toni so you can air the house!

    Vegan options available.

    Photos to follow of yesterday morning's trip out TOADY might be interested we went to David Austin Roses in Albrighton (nearish to here).

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Right next us he came!!

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Thought I’d pop in for a visit, Asda arrived with a few substitutes, but the main items were there. Rang dad yesterday, he was eating some kind of currant cake he didn’t know the name of. I suggested an Eccles cake,as Anita had. Bought it for him and she’s a stickler for keeping bowels and bladder healthy. Well, when you’re 91!!

    Sleek has just arrived through the magic gate, carrying 2 Shrimp lattes (flipping acute accent won’t appear) and an umbrella as we’ve had rain. How she gets so much tackle in her little paws I’ll never know..

    Reshmi, I’m with you on the hot cross buns, smothered in butter.

    Toady, thank you for the love.

    Jason, that was very funny, especially the ‘tea’ comments.

    sending love to all, I’ll have to send a recorded message to you in a file saying “hay up me ducks, ‘ope your all right” my voice is ‘orribbull’

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,243

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) how are you both feeling today i hope you soon have the help you need. Have a good day. Love to Chris ((())) and Anita (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (()) he is doing well.

    Barbara (())) you do well with your eyes being so much trouble to see. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (())) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) was that a peacock in the photo lovely thank you. Would you have a knee replacement if you could. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Toady (()) have a good day I’m waiting to see the leaves come on the tree.

    Jason (())) your saying are very true sue says to people when she’s been waiting for them to walk by thank you would be nice. Have a good day all of you (())

    Mike (())) I hope you hear something this week. Love to vixen

    Reshmi (())) sorry your mum still has pain in her tummy (()) that’s good you’re heating is fixed.

    take care
    joan xx
  • Jason1972
    Jason1972 Member Posts: 21

    Ive just realised, we've got about a squillion different TV channels (as well as all the streaming services) and yet I can't find a single thing that I fancy watching! Guess I'm waiting for the next Peaky Blinders (my wife likes that too but I'm convinced she only watches it to secretly lust over Cillian Murphy!)

    Hope everyone is well on this wet Sunday. We have the shopping delivered on Sundays so I've spent much of the morning sorting that out. After this, I'll spend an hour or so reading and then start dinner.

    Any of you like the author Ken Follett? Well he's one of my favourite authors (although I'll read just about anything) and he happens to live round the corner. I've met him out walking a few times and he's a lovely chap!

    I usually read books on my Kindle but you can't beat the feel of an actual book and they have a particular smell when they're new!

    How does it work with names in this group? I've seen people referred to both by their screen name and their actual name so which is preferred? Ive worked out who Reshmi and Toni are I think.

    Hope you are both well Kitty & Barbara - Barbara, I tried out speech recognition software just before I had to give up work and it worked quite well however, my employer provided it so I didn't get to keep it unfortunately.

    I don't supposed much gardening has happened this weekend as rain seems to have settled in now! I really need to get out and cut the grass but it needs a good few dry days yet!

    Off to lose myself in a book for a couple of hours with some good tunes in the background!

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,323

    hi k thanks about Cross buns lol, I also like eccles cakes they don’t like me like, they upset my stomach, how are you today? Xx

    hi Joan you how are and S today? I’m ok thank you my mum‘s stomach has settled so that’s good thanks for asking. Tc. Xx

    hi Barbara how are you today? how are your eyes.? Take care. Xx

    hi Toni how are you today? Heating has been fixed thanks yes it’s the second time it went wrong and yes you’re right electricity partially went before too. Mums stomach has settled ty. LA was his usual funny self my mum said he should reprimand the gasman for being late, so as soon as the gas man appeared he said “GO AWAY GAS MAN! “ his caps, not mine, lol, luckily The gasman didn’t take offence, lol. BR played the magnetic bricks game with me, bless. Actually Regarding SB c latte, I’m not 100 % percent sure it has more sugar than C but most prob it has, because C have a policy of using a little bit less sugar for example in the hot chocs, of course even those drinks aren’t really good for us apart from treats lol. I think I’ll leave it there because not a lot of charge right now, I’ll try to tell more LA stories tomorrow depending on energy levels, bye and take care Hope you’re having a good Sunday Toni. Xx

    ps M didn’t make Snacks because she’s immunocompromised so being careful about Covid etc, but my dad did provide gas man with some sustenance, lol.

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 13. Mar 2022, 19:18

    Evening all dentist fir me in the morning if she cant get at the broken tooth then its dental hospital 😔

    Toni I had never heard if safari supper till you mentioned it..I'm sure you will di enough to keep safe ..and most important Paul car us heading home from the show..I know he loves his car ..glad we can all have a laugh at my typos 😂 🤣 xx

    Toady don't you worry white and Wendy made me laugh 😂😂my typos call you tidy 😅 gosh your neighbours.. them were the days ..xx

    Reshmi I hope your boiler is fixed or at least won't be long..xx

    Jason I am using a free one on my android phone..I can't see my laptop now unless I hold it to my face ..hope today's a good one xx

    Joan I will manage has long has I can just takes much to all of you xx

    Kitty glad you order well most of it did ..its so frustrating when things are missing xx

    Thinking about Mike hope you hear something very soon xx

    Love to all xx x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,323

    Hi Barbara thanks oh no poor you I hate going to the dentist - did they manage to fix it? or did you have to go to the dental hospital? Not too bad thanks boiler is working now I think the first engineer just did a rubbish job sort of botched it, but this one was good, thank goodness, I’ve got a blood test tomorrow in the surgery but not arthritis, it’s for mental health meds, I’m going to try and walk there one way haven’t done for a while, but if I can’t manage it I’ll take a bus or something take care have a good evening. Xx