Val's Cafe
Hi Barbara no need to apologise at all it’s a shame you have to wait for the hospital appointment but I’m sure you’ll feel so much better when it’s all done and sorted out. Heating is well and truly sorted out now thanks for asking the first engineer sort of botched the job as it were but the other one got it right and thank goodness for that as I was worrying about my mum she didn’t want the portable heater upstairs - anyway at least that’s over , the heating fiasco, lol. I Hope you’re having a nice afternoon Barbara you take care. Xx
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Hi Kitty how are you doing today? I’m not so bad thanks staying in and avoiding the heavy rain, lol. Tc. Xx
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Hi again, I didn't realize I had missed people's posts while composing mine, I posted & didn't check back. @Jason1972 I have a feeling you might have to ask a mod to remove your pic once it's past the 1 hour editing slot 🤔 sorry. (I won't comment on your garden as it was an unintentional post but as frog said do post pics of what you're planting etc 😊 I've posted more pics than usual because I'm doing some things that are new to me so I'm slightly overexcited but I don't plan to post every single last seedling haha, will be nice to see others'.)
Hello frog I have a cup & saucer seedling 😀 . It is definitely a bit horrid out there so I will do some indoor planting & tidying - it should be nicer soon. Must stop buying seeds now as I am approaching the telltale signs that I have taken on too much and will get a bit swamped.. 'eyes bigger than' etc.. ooh get you, doing what Monty says even before he says to. I'm just happy to find I understand more things or the topic is familiar to me than would have been at one time. 😀 Hope you are having a good if drizzly day and glad Lucy's incident does definitely seem to have an explanation. 👍️
Barbara glad the tea was welcome 😂 I hoped you would need it because they had done with you.. hope you will not have to wait tooo long 😔 Should be some nice weather in the next few days they say 🌞, but it's always 'jam tomorrow', if you ask me. 😉 Still, I have a new seedling today!
Love to Kitty hope Chris' telephone appt goes ahead ok xx
Joan I don't see myself getting much done today but it's always up & down with RA. Will try and pace myself for later in the week. Love to all xx
Mike hope for the best for an early phone call (& for you to be spoken with a bit more sensitivity than previously, needless to say.)
Love to all xx
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Hi Toni how are you today? sorry to hear Lucy is still feeling quite achy she sounds really brave to me hopefully the aches will abate for awhile soon, not too bad thanks still a bit sleepy after my shower I’m watching TV in an upstairs room which does get quite cold but at least it’s a proper TV so it doesn’t mean me bending my back over my iPad and that kind of thing but I’m not too bad actually because I’ve got my thermal socks on and it’s better this way then of course being in too much arthritic pain related to cold I’m just about awake awake but that will have to do for now, lol, annoying about the specs thanks but it wasn’t really so bad because it was just the spares I’m waiting for and at least I got away from the house etc for a little bit which was nice my stomach is not quite hundred percent today but I’m hoping it’ll settle down if I eat carefully, something really funny I wanted to report on the LA front, lol, so as I said he went to the daddies and sons birthday party recently basically he has two male friends in the nursery who although they looked very sweet and innocent are v naughty and disruptive indeed the birthday party was for one of these little naughty little baby guys - who I’ll call N , The third friend was of course also invited he is called Riley Who is the naughtiest of the bunch it seems I saw the video of some of the party and While the happy birthday singing was going on Riley with a very innocent smiling face was slowly pulling the entire birthday cake towards him hoping that nobody would notice but N’s eagle eyed dad luckily noticed in time and gently took the cake away from Riley my goodness what mischief indeed! I almost said “Toddler Riley, the Life of Riley is just a phrase that doesn’t mean you’re entitled to do whatever you want like eat a whole birthday cake belonging to one of your best pals and expect to get away with it!!”. Oh dear the whole birthday party went well in the end and some of it was based on a farm from what I hear so LA got to sit in a real tractor. let’s hope he doesn’t like the tractor so much that he tries to sell BR on eBay to fund buying a tractor of his own , lol. Okay that’s it for now I didn’t walk today by the way because it was rainy and nasty outside take care Toni have a nice afternoon. Xx
hi toady just wanted to say thanks for appreciating the gas toddler joke, lol. Tc. Xx
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Hi (again), well I still missed seeing some posts between my 1st and 2nd which I don't understand at all.. Kitty's garden &c.. which must have been visible 🤔 and it's not like I just clicked over to next page because I saw Barbara's and Jason's, so I don't get it.
Anyway Kitty I would have commented to your post specifically if I'd seen it.. so sorry it's a bad pain day 😔 and life is very unfair not to let you garden as you'd want to (I only take close ups but if I panned out you'd certainly see all the unkempt bits and the stuff I can't keep on top of!) Good luck for Chris for tomorrow and we'll all be ready on time.. glad it's no earlier than 9.30 though, or I would not be 'with it'. 😉
bosh the herbal tea you mentioned is the same brand I meant haha, you might get on better with the citrus varieties you'd assume they'd be less sweet than strawberry, well they don't strike me as overly sweet. Anyway I will put some in the cafe cupboard.. well when they're on offer anyway, they're a bit pricey for 20 bags aren't they. 😉 I do laugh at all your stories even where I don't mention it specifically (this is despite being not remotely a 'children person' so actually this is quite an achievement on your part 😂). Still a bit tired thanks have deliberately not done much, hoping to pace for when the weather is a bit nicer - I must start going for walks again because you & Toni are putting me to shame being so good at sticking to it.
Have a good night everyone xx
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hi t thanks for your nice message and the advice about the tea bags the other one I like is called Heath & Heather apple and cinnamon, yes I agree the twining ones can be a bit pricey I don’t buy them all the time myself either, I don’t actually have kids myself I just write about my nephews before my sister had kids I just thought that the babies would be just another pair of babies but they are very special people indeed well I do understand I really wouldn’t like to have the kids myself, no offence to anyone on this site of course, lol. It’s a good idea pacing yourself I do that too as well at times anyway hope you have a peaceful night take care toady bye for now. Xx
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Morning everyone.
Mike I would not be able to think about anything else in your shoes! Totally understandable. I hope today is the day you get a call to start the ball rolling. If not you only have to wait until tomorrow to call in the heavies (Lymphoma nurse) who will apply pressure no doubt. I hope you will tell her about the lump growing. Cream doughnuts sound lovely. Keep on eating you need your strength for the days when you won't fancy anything. Sending my usual ((())) and strength.
Thanks Joan Lucy has always been one who likes to work. I expect you remember her working and at college while still on chemotherapy! Your neighbour doesn't realise that the less you do the more depressed you will be and bored🙄 I remember you have too much calcium our bodies are odd things aren't they? ((())) to you and Sue xxx
Morning Barbara I am sorry about your smile 😔 to be fair 20 years is pretty good going when you think about it. At least the hospital will sort you out I am sure even if it will now take longer.
Lucy is ok, but experiencing some bullying by a couple of very nasty girls at work. She is vulnerable in personality and lacks confidence to stand up to them. They have been sending messages while she is off, but she finally plucked up the courage to contact a manager last night who is going to sort it. Her name is Niamh!!! There's a coincidence.
I will take some photos of Paul's car at the NEC I will be going on teh Sunday. He has organised seats for us both. We all have a car we loved as a youngster like 'the one that got away'? This car was his bless him.
I hope all is well the GDs and Mr B as well as Niamh xxx
Jason click near the top of the photo you want gone until you get a little dustbin then click on that voila! all gone! You can't do it now as we only have an hour to alter our posts.
Nice patch of lawn though and sunshine after yesterday's grotty weather.
Do post something funny that's always nice.
I hope your reading yesterday helped you to recover from your busy day the day before?
Toady that is bizarre you netioning nepeta (catnip) lavender in the same post😯 I edged our garden with those and salvia too to deter (nicely) the wild rabbits from chomping my flowers!!!
The lavender.... so you have amended the overwatering issue and increased drainage already? Do you prune it? If you don't prune it apparently it gets leggy dry base and only flowers at the top.
When I am dressed I will go and see if i can work out which nepeta I have !🙄if I even kept any labels but we can hope.
I think its a euphorbia too (where is Aidan when you need him😫) maybe robbiae. Just been cut carefully to look less 'bushy'?
I have too many seeds too, but they are all just so lovely and we need them don't we? Oh we do!
Please don't think I beat Monty to it every week no jsy once or twice ever has it happened, but Oh i am smug when it does😂
Morning Kitty. I can well imagine Chris has packed as though he is away for a fortnight not just an x-ray. Bless him. Of course the cloak of invisibility is ready and aired for us all to go along and support Chris and for you to hear what is going on.
The results of this X-ray will support the need for carers.
Madame La Sleekipuss is ready and waiting and has an immediate pain relief draft ready for you to swig back. It is very temporary and can only be used sparingly, but it will get you through your extra agonies for today ((()))
I love the garden! the broom hing up what a great idea and the ladder what a gorgeous clematis too.
Perfect poem I think I want it on the wall in my shed!
Morning Reshmi. Lucy is ok, thanks for asking, a lot better but unfortunately some nasty girls at work are bullying her because she has had time off work and one called her weird behind her back. She finally contacted a manager last night so i hope things will get sorted now. The manager told her not to go in today until she has sorted it. To be honest i was very worried about the effect it was having on her mental health.
The room may be cold to watch Tv in but it is far better than hunching over an ipad for your neck and probably your back too. Hopefully will careful handling tor stomach will be ok mine is about as rubbish as usual. Did the chickpea and spinach curry yesterday it was YUM! but not quite spicy enough what do you think I should add more of?
Aha The Dad's and Sons party! I knew there were naughty boys influencing LA. The cake thief! That is so funny I wish I'd seen that good job N's Dad was eagle-eyed else he would have had the lot! Or even had it on the 🤣 floor! I bet the Mums were all glad they weren't there. I love it 'The life of Riley'😁
Oooh a real tractor though! I bet Lord A loved it and wants to be a farmer now. Bless him. Your sister had better keep an eye on his dealings on ebay as you said baby R might just raise enough cash for a second hand 🚜
Well I really had better get some clothes in this morning painkillers have all kicked in and i can get on a bit. You take care too.
A quick wave to @Arthuritis if he happens by
potato pancakes
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Morning All, stopped in for a swift caramel macchiato early this morning!
Remember when I had the washing machine repaired? Well, it lasted two days before the same issue occurred so here I am bright and early waiting on the repair guy again!
Mike, I really hope you hear something today. I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through but at least you've got the lymphoma nurse to help if you need it. Strong positive vibes being sent to you.
Frogmorton, I'm sorry to hear that Lucy is being bullied at work. It sounds as if she's going through enough at the moment without that. I used to be an assistant manager in a Police control room. I took a very dim view of bullying - the environment was stressful enough. Fortunately it wasn't something that happened much and I could usually resolve it with mediation.
Thanks for the help with managing pictures. Turns out the the browser I was using (Safari) doesn't play niclely with this forum and nothing was appearing when I clicked at top. So now I'm using Chrome asn it works fine.The weather looks quite nice this morning so looking forward to a change from damp & overcast!
Hi Kitty - I hope Chris' X-Ray goes well and leads to the provision of carers. I'll join Frogmorton under that cloak of invisibility.
Barbara, I hope your teeth get sorted soon!
Reshmi, it sounds as if your family is a colourful cast of characters but I have no idea who everyone is - I'm sure I'll gradually work it out. Hope everyone is well today!
Toady, got your questions re: gardening. Might as well have been in mandarin! Something something, drainage, something else about lavender something something Monty. Sorry I'm no use with gardening questions!
I hope everyone has a positive day (and if you could all send some positive thoughts my way for the washing machine, I'd be grateful!)
Humour for the day;
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I’m sorry you have so much pain I hope you can find some carers soon to help you and Chris (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Barbara (()) sorry you have to go up the hospital I hope you don’t have to wait to long very difficult eating with no teeth I would think. Love to Mr B ((()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toady (()) have a good day we have warm weather coming.
Jason (()) that’s a lovely photo of your garden. Enjoy your rest.
Toni (()) I hope your pain is not too bad today. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Mike (()) I hope you will here something to day. Love to vixen
Reshmi (()) have a good day with not to many problems.
take care
joan xx1 -
Afternoon 😊 nice sunny day, but gosh, cold.
Frog thank you for the input and I have made note of 👍️ ..the lavender I've had trouble with, it has usually set in while they're small.. my lavender in borders I prune in the right way & that's fine, so this is a 'not happy in pot' issue pretty much I realize, will have to keep an even better eye on any I'm trying to bring on & make sure prevention is key as you can't trim back woody bits I know. I'll post a pic of some french lavender I started last year and see if you have any pointers. Thank you for having a look at your nepeta (sometime! going out in your pyjamas would definitely be above & beyond haha). I will look again at the euphorbia, I suspect euphorbia in general may be running before I can walk, but am just having a look around. It did not help that I saw a picture I liked, a stock image (link below); oh nice I thought, what is it.. well it was catalogued under euphorbia images but labelled aurinia saxatilis, well it's not, is it (?!) Why me!! 🙄 drove myself nuts trying to ID it so nearly gave up, but I think Euphorbia helioscopia? (probably? possibly? 😂). Can't have too many seeds, you say? well maybe just a packet or 2 more then.. 😉 I did start GW on my mobile but iplayer kept stuttering so Monty was out of synch which was really not helpful at all. Oh well a few instances of being ahead of his 'what to do's' is still very creditable. I am SO sorry Lucy's had problems at work 😕 nothing quite like the nastiness of nasty girls, grr. I hope it gets sorted so that there is not an atmosphere, but it should not really arise - Lucy of all people too. Spiteful cats (no offence Sleek et al).
Jason - something something Monty 😂 yes, that's about the gist of it! To be honest it won't just be the gardening content as such that's obscure it'll be how I write it, you should see the sort of notes I write to myself, that I think are models of clarity at the time - then I come back to them and it's more like 'what the hell did I mean by that' 🤔😂. Hope the washing machine is ok but you should not have had to have them out again for the same thing - very poor!
Hello Joan, yes it's turning warmer they say, I will have no excuse not to go walking! Hope you're having a good day. xx
bosh thank you I like cinnamon so will give the Heath & Heather a go. I think I have got the dramatis personae sorted out ok, nephews & relatives & brothers in law & so on. 👍️ I do quite see how specific family babies would be different to just any old babies, but yes we agree on the 'not for me thanks' side of things! 👶 mind you pity the poor child that got me as a parent, the feeling would be mutual haha. Hope your day is going well. xx
Best of wishes to Mike, Chris and anyone waiting on updates &c
and Love to Kitty and Barbara as always 😘
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Hi T how are you today? I’m glad L has contacted a manager that’s good now the manager can take action and hopefully there shouldn’t be any more problems about bullying. I read that you’re taking waiting for the painkillers to kick in or something like that? are you feeling especially unwell today Toni, is your knee flare flaring up again? I hope you’re feeling a bit better now take care and rest if your knee is not feeling good. Thanks about the Riley thing that was quite funny wasn’t it? the video was even funnier Riley has a kind of charming rogue type appearance while he’s smiling as he tried to appropriate to the birthday cake it’s really quite hilarious, he’s currently is the naughtiest of the boys in the nursery and I can see why 😄. Mums cataract surgery date has come though, she is having the other eye done done on 2 April so that’s really good for her but she’s getting a bit stressed which I do of course understand in the spirit of early Mother’s Day celebration to my mum‘s upcoming operation et cetera my sister wants to celebrate by going out to eat somewhere in Maidenhead on Sunday so I will be again forced to do something which I feel really uncomfortable with because the methotrexate side-effects will of course be very still be very much with me so if the worst comes to the worst I’ll eat some a sandwich or maybe even some bread before I go and just pretend to eat there.
I had a nice walk Today thanks Toni little bit earlier than usual which was good I like going out early so that I can at least hypothetically walk and rest before everyone is fully awake, before world War three starts basically, regarding the cooking query I asked my mum because she is much more of an expert than me and she suggested other than chilis, perhaps add some extra ginger Cumin seeds or bell peppers, talking of capsicum T , have you ever tried those capsicum heat patch things that you can get in some health food shops? (Some people think that they help with joint pain but I was just a bit wary of them because I thought they could inflame psoriasis, just wondering if you tried them at all? Thanks.) sorry you’re having stomach problems at the moment. I had to phone my mobile phone network two days ago which was really annoying because I noticed on my bank statement but they charged me an amount which related to my old number and this had not happened before when I’d double checked to my new dd etc so it seems like they’ve sneakily charged me for something that they shouldn’t have really and so when I phone them up recently (oh what a joy that is isn’t it really hanging on on hold waiting for the mobile phone person to answer?), I was told that when I changed my phone number and phone I should’ve done is told a certain customer service people?) they said it was related to a diff dept or something like that but that wasn’t made clear to me at the time it’s not a vast amount of money but it is quite annoying so that put me in a bad mood that day anyway they can’t refund it, of course not that will be much too obvious and decent of them, but at least they can stop it from happening again at least that’s what’s at least I hope that’s what the outcome will be. You having a nice day T , take care. Xx
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This is getting quite in person emoji impersonal of me I know but I’m getting quite tired now so I’ll just be quick with the rest of the messages hi Joan hope you and Sue are okay today? I’m not too bad thanks I had a good walk in the morning before everyone else was fully awake, haha. I hope that you and Sue had a nice walk with your dogs. Tc xx
Hi toady how are you today? yes Heath & Heather may be worth trying they’re not as expensive as some of the other types, you can get them health food shops and also I think from eBay.
hi Jason how are you? I hope that all is going well washing machine wise. Yes sorry I use a few initials in an attempt to curtail my waffling, I have two nephews the older one is called Lord A , or LA, and The younger one is known as baby R , BR, my brother in law is rather unimaginatively called bil / bill. Bye For now.
Hi K Hope you’re okay today?
hi Barbara how are you doing today? how’s the toothache at the moment? hope your day is not going to badly bye for now take care I’m going to try and have a nap. 💤 I say “try” because world wars four and five may be about to break out so wish me luck by everyone. Xx
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..let it be known that around 7pm I mustered myself and walked to the end of the road ⬅️ (and back ➡️ obvs) ..not quite a mile but it's probably more than I've done lately as I haven't been further than the postbox since (ooh, better not admit!) - so ta to bosh, Toni, Joan & everyone who spurred me into it by example. 😊 👍️ Almost a full moon too, so I should've had a howl while I was about it. 🐺 Hope peace is just about reigning at yours bosh; and wishing everyone a good night. xx
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Morning everyone.
Lucy is being brave and going in to work this morning. She has spoken to the duty manager and l think probably spoken to the mean girls because they have left the 'group chat'. Lucy has closed her snap chat and opened a new one. The main instigator is not in today and the manager is going to be keeping a careful eye on things.
Mike I have everything crossed that your name is at the top of the list for your scan and you get your call today. Picc lines don't last forever so they will want to leave that I would think until after the scan. Take care of yourself Strength and ((())) xxx
Morning Joan I am ok thank you very much just the usual aches how about you though you rarely moan at all? ((())) for you and Sue. Are you going into town today?
Today well DONE you going for a walk.👏I bet you felt pleased with yourself and etter for it? Proper gardening, which we aren't really doing yet due to weather constraints, is also very good exercise don't forget.
Nope I can't watch much on my phone either sadly it buffers too much and is too small a screen anyway. I do think you can have a euphorbia yes absolutely I see what you mean about the aurinia saxitilis it does look like that doesn't it? I'd stick with your original plan. Ah so the lavender is only 'newer' plants in pots the same plants in borders do not go woody. Hmmmm....need to think about that then for definite🤔
Yes mean mean girls vile they are if I was to write down what they have been saying they would have to ban me from the forum. When I was that age there were few mean girls now there seem to be so many more. I blame it on social media as usual. If I could speak to them I would but they are the type to get me into trouble!
Jason Monty is Monty Don from Gardener's world? Toady and me love that program! If Monty says do something we jump to it (sort of!).
How annoying the washing machine not being fixed! I hope it was done and done properly this time🙄
Ah yes this forum works best with chrome. I sued to use Firefox, but it is best with chrome. Hopefully you can delete unwanted photos now.
Love the joke! believe it or not that is practically my car at the moment not my figaro but my poor Juke has a slightly bashed in door - my fault after a close encounter with a bollard. Honestly it jumped out at me it did😳
Lucy is in work now but struggled to barve going through the door. I think she is going to see about a transfer away from them. Even if they put her on opposing shifts there are no guarantees they won't encounter. Well done for jumping straight down on bullies that really is the only answer. Good management.
Morning Reshmi I hope all is well today with you. I have heard capsicum is good for osteoarthritis so teh patches ought to be worth a try if they aren't too pricey. In an area which is least likely to get psoriasis or eczema though.
Great news about your Mum's 2nd cataract operation she is brave facing it again. Well I can see why your sister wants a meal out but you will need to be careful what you eat on a Sunday. Maybe they might have a baked potato you can 'pick at' on the quiet.
Oh yes Riley is funny very funny and chance are he gets laughed at by family so thinks it's ok to be cheeky. Hopefully nursery will keep an eye and he will turn out to be a nice lad in time🤞
Don't worry about me being in pain I tend to take my tablets every morning and post while they kick in with a drink. Then the day is usually pretty good. Well done going for your walk early today is beautiful but very very chilly.
Thanks please to your Mum I will increase what she advises and things might taste a bit better.
Lucy struggled to go in today she was scared, but let's hope the manager does what he says and keeps a close eye on her.
Kitty I hope all is well and Chris got off and back ok yesterday. I imagine it was quite an ordeal for him and probably you too.
We were all there with you under the cloak (even Jason joined us!) I think Chris did ok. Any results yet?
I hope something is found which can be treated ((())) xxx
Take care everyone!
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Yes, Chris had his X-rays - several actually. I think Sleek’s tail escaped the cloak and appeared on one of the images. All Chris knows is the radiographers we’re muttering something about something being OUT OF ALIGNMENT. Any way he was home PDQ and his doc should get in touch soon. Probably on his phone appointment on 13 April.
Anyway, Asda is 14 stops away and most of our order is coming - yippee. Thankfully my chewing gum is there. I haven’t had any all week and my dry mouth, tongue and lips have been driving me maaaad! Flipping Sjogren’s! @&/#%
Tara for now. X
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) Is Chris (()) feeling worn out and you after his ex-ray I hope he won’t have to long to wait for the results. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (()) have a good weekend.
Barbara (()) have a good weekend love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toady (()) that was good walking that far it makes you hungry have a good weekend
Jason (()) sorry about your washing machine I hope he can fix it this time. Have a good weekend.
Toni (()) that’s terrible those girls upsetting Lucy they cannot find fault with her work so they are finding fault with her. I always think it’s them that’s said it not me I hope it doesn’t make her too upset so she has a bad turn (()) yes I remember when Lucy was at college and working she his a hard worker. Have a good weekend good luck with Paul’s car enjoy your coffee the weekend’s come round quick. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Mike ((()) is it today you will hear the news I hope so (()) love to vixen
Reshmi (()) sorry you had a problem with your phone. Your mum is having her other eye done (()) have a good weekend.
take care
joan xx1 -
hi Toni are you today? I’m not too bad thanks but I had a bit of a stomach problem yesterday in the end so I’m eating in a fairly restrained way today unfortunately plus I should have my glorious methotrexate relatively soon☹️. I See you have your painkillers in the morning before you go out that’s a good idea how’s your pain today? Managed a short walk today because I did not want to be tempted by cakes and supermarkets et cetera but it was definitely better than not going out at all , I also got the coat wrong but never mind, lol. Lucy’s manager sounds like a responsible and helpful person hopefully he’ll sort things out and then she’ll feel comfortable with her colleagues again. I’ve had some terrible managers and supervisors in my time not all of them but a fair amount of them, I remember I had this long-term temp job in London once nothing that great just really language and finance admin really and they let me go early in the end because they thought I wasn’t working fast enough but it was a ridiculous amount of work so I think it was completely unreasonable anyway I didn’t really mind except that they knew that both my parents are really seriously ill and in hospital one after the other and my supervisor didn’t even say sorry that they’re so unwell that’s not even like normal human being is it really anyway? that’s well and truly in the past now and thank goodness for that. See you’ve got a point there formative years still very much what finished for little Riley and his thats, you’re right hopefully Riley will grow out of his bad behaviour, I’m leaving it there otherwise I’ll never get round to getting a few things done before glorious methotrexate time. Hope you had a nice walk and having a good Friday take care Toni. Xx
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Okay I’m getting very short of time here so I would like to say hi and bye to everyone including of course t and Joan and Barbara, J thanks again soon thanks about my phone I’m not too worried now it’s just that I hated waiting so long for them to start sorting it out but it’s good they’re doing something about it or trying to and toady I think that’s great doing some walking is definitely better than nothing Barbara Hope you’re feeling more or less okay today that’s it over and out I am going into methotrexate territory may not be back until Riley lands on the moon. Xx
ps Just also wanted to say hi to Sue as well through Joan as usual okay I’ll stop waffling. Xx
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Hello people.. only a quick hello from me too, it was the first day of what looks to be a really nice run of weather so (naturally) had a call for routine bloods in the post, just to muck the next few days up rather.. normally no problem but as I don't want to risk getting transport and as my surgery is further than it used to be, it's a 2 and a half mile walk all in. Which I can't say I fancy - I did manage 1 & a half tonight but it's not what I'd call easy but I guess I proved I can do it, just about. Ah well mustn't grumble. Did a nice bit of weeding and am clearing one border & hoping to get a run of twiggy wigwams (twigwams) in for sweet peas. I did have a theory for some of my lavender problems frog, which is that thinking about it, some of the ones not doing too well (in nicely drained conditions now), started life in smaller pots; probably before I improved my knowhow, so maybe they had already suffered too much from that. Anyway I will see how some go and just take new cuttings later on if needs be. Bit annoyed about the Ellegance Snow I grew from seed, but you reap what you sow in terms of bad planting/growing practice so you have to learn your lessons. Well done Lucy for managing to go in I can imagine what it took, it would be good yes if there can be a transfer but I hope not in a way that wouldn't have been her choosing otherwise, & really the other girls should be put on a fizzer (sacked if you ask me, because why would you want people like that in your employ? but I suppose they are young & silly and may turn over new leaves, who am I to judge from outside &c. As you say social media is a very dubious influence and in one sense I sympathize because it must be hard for young people not to get sucked into that whole culture). Hope her day was ok anyway. ✌️
Will write more next time (that is a bit less 'all about me' 😳) but hello to Joan and bosh and thank you for the encouragement/moral support xx
Glad your shopping arrived complete with gum Kitty; Chris must have been very glad to get done with & back home, without too much hanging around. Good luck for the next consultation (April 13th seems quite a long time, maybe they will let him know something in the interim?) xx
Love to Barbara and hope you have been out in the garden in the sun too today 😊 xx
and wishing those who haven't posted but may be passing a good night xxx
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Morning everyone it's bright outside so maybe a nice day.
Mike how did you get on? Did you get your call or did you need to ring your nurse this time? Either way I hope things have moved forwards a little for you now. Take care of yourself ((())) give Vixen a belly rub (if you dare!) for me xxx
Morning Kitty. I am glad Chris was back home nice and quickly for you and for him really. I know he packed enough for a month's stay (according to Sleek, but as you know she is prone to exaggeration). I bet it took it out of him though and maybe he understands a bit about how hard your appointments are for you. Not that there have been many recently.
Oh dear Sleek's tail was on one of the images😯they may offer surgery then😁I think he had better get a call before 13th April! That's a real way off.
I am glad to hear Asda have your essentials your chewing gum and Sleek's herrings🤢
Morning Joan how are you this sunny Saturday morning? The manager is going to move Lucy's shifts so she is not on with the bullies. He called it bullying and is going to speak to the girls well he did to one yesterday. The rest of the staff seem to have supported Lucy now they know what has been going on for her. She is a good worker you're right and they are just nasty people thanks Joan. Paul came back from the NEC full of it yesterday and is off there again this morning and the final day tomorrow I will go too. Bless him he works hard. ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi an early short walk is better than none at all 100% Today is not going to be the best day for either of us is it?and it's the safari supper for me tonight so mixing with people😮and eating food not a great combination is it? Paul and I reckon I can get away with looking like I am eating anyway. I hope both of our stomachs (yours and mine) hold up.
Lucy's boss was very kind to her he read the messages and said it is bullying and harassment. He is moving Lucy to afternoons (better for me maybe?) and has already spoken to one of them the other wasn't in but no doubt her counterpart has warned her trouble is afoot. Lucy has the weekend off as she is babysitting the two babies so their parents can go to the safari supper tonight. Thank you for your empathy and understanding. More than your old boss offered to you imagine that? Both parents in hospital and not even an enquiry after them🙄
The formative years are crucial aren't they in forming values and caring for others? Luckily he has nursey as well as his family to try to mould him.
Wish me luck with my dishes for tonight. I chopped and measured and weighed yesterday afternoon so today all I have to do is cook both dishes added extra ginger and chilli as per your Mum's advice. I have Kari's instant pot as well as my own. Once cooked they will keep them both warm without drying them out and the inside can be used to serve from so nice and easy. All i will have to do is put them on the table! Oh and cook the rice. The bhajis and samosas I will pop in the microwave to reheat while the rice is on. Paul can keep the guests out of the way by plying them with alcohol!! hehe!
Morning Toady. I wish it was that easy to sack bad eggs these days but sadly only gross misconduct will do that. I think a warning is the most they can do, but it should scare them a bit. Lucy was supported really well and the boss is going to look at shifts to move Lucy away from them. She came home much happier as the rest of the team have supported her too.
You do indeed reap what you sow....we are always still learning. Did you manage to watch Monty last night? I failed unfortunately, but it's recorded anyway. Makes ironing so much more pleasant. Aha so you think maybe one of your lavenders suffered in it's childhood then? Well done getting a bed ready for your 'twigwams' WONDERFUL! Photos please. I have some metal contraptions which I use for mine I've had them a while and love them as they do show something to look at in winter don't they?
Hi Barbara I hope all is well not like you to be missing so many days. I hope it is 'just' the eyes and nothing else is going on ((())) xxx
A quick 👋 to Jason and Arthuritis and anyone else who happens by.....
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Mike how did you get on? Did you get your call or did you need to ring your nurse this time? Either way I hope things have moved forwards a little for you now. Take care of yourself ((())) give Vixen a belly rub (if you dare!) for me xxx
morning Froggie. No appointment for the PET scan again so phoned the hospital yesterday, spoke to the Lymphoma nurses about 2pm and they have once again chased the scan providers, the nurse said that I should get a call from them yesterday afternoon but DID NOT. She said that they needed the scan before chemo starts and she let slip that it has been programmed in for Thursday 31st March. So I either get a last minute call on Monday telling me to get to the hospital on Tuesday or I get a call next Thursday or Friday for the following Monday. I told the nurse that I now have a secondary swelling on my neck which she has relayed to the Consultant. So there we are, you know as much as I do now. I am just so wound up, no doubt if I had been able to pay for the scan I would have had it a couple of weeks ago! Anyway, on the bright side Vixen has allowed me to tickle her belly a couple of times over the past few days and she was even stretched out on my bed when I woke up this morning. Have a good weekend,
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Recipe to begin, vegan of course for Antoinette.,358px,3188px,1372px&resize=556,505Butter bean curry (Gujarati Rangoon na vaal)
By Maunika GowardhanPublished: November 5, 2021 at 12:22 pm Olive Magazine
- 3 tbsp vegetable oil
- 1 tsp carom (ajwain) seeds
- a pinch asafoetida
- 1 tsp kashmiri chilli powder or mild chilli powder
- 1 tsp ground turmeric
- 470g from a tin or jar butter beans
- 1 tbsp jaggery or soft dark brown sugar
- 2 tsp tamarind paste
- chopped coriander, to garnish
- STEP 1
- Heat the oil in a heavy-based, non-stick pan over a medium heat. Add the carom seeds and asafoetida and, when they sizzle, add the chilli and ground turmeric. Add the beans and stir well for 2-3 minutes. Add 400ml of water and the jaggery, and season to taste. Cover and simmer over a low heat for 25 minutes, stirring halfway through until the beans begin to soften.
- STEP 2
- Add the tamarind paste and stir. Crush some of the beans with the back of the spoon to thicken the curry slightly. Mix well and garnish with coriander.
This butter bean curry recipe is adapted from Thali: A Joyful Celebration of Indian Home Cooking, Maunika Gowardhan (Hardie Grant, £22). Photographs by Sam A Harris.
Hope you're hungry and can do the recipe justice.
Chris was in a lot of pain when he got home, they twisted his legs this way and that and took several xrays of his knees and pelvis, and kept muttering "out of aignment". Don't know if they meant his pelvis, his knees, or the xrays! But I've always told him he had Scoliosis. I know the signs from when I worked with Cerebral Palsy kids and spina bifida kids. His isn't as obvious as theirs were, but most of them had rods in their spine to straighten them. One boy had his removed as it made him ill. But when I used to cut Chris' hair, his head leaned to one side when he was sitting straight up.
He didn't have time to eat his food, or go to the toilet. But Sleek didn't exaggerate!
I hope Barbara is OK and that Mike has some news about his chemo soon.
I hope all are as well as can be.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) Chris (()) should soon know what is wrong and he will have something to help him. I have scoliosis. How is your pain i hope it’s not to bad you have a lot to put up with (()) love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Barbara (()) have a good day all of you love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toady (()) it looks like it is going to be warmer I don’t know how long.
Toni (()) that’s good Lucy’s shift is going to changed (()) the rude girls don’t know what is going to happen to them in their life. Have a good day tomorrow and I hope the car wins. How are you feeling today I hope you don’t have to much pain from tomorrow. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Mike ((()) you are not being treated very well would your Doctor be able to help (())) love to vixen
Rushmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (())
Jason (()) have a good day has the washing machine been fixed.
take care
joan xx1 -
Good morning all! A happy sunny Saturday to you all.
Mike - Please tell me you have some news, I really hope things get moving for you really soon. Nobody should have to wait like this.
Hello Kitty & Barbara. I'll have to try that recipe Kitty. I like cooking & baking (You won't see me on Bake Off or Masterchef though!) Making a lemon drizzle cake for my wife to take to work on Wednesday (they're having a cake sale to raise money for Ukraine).
Morning Reshmi, hope you and your family are well today. And morning Dachshund - hope you are also well.
First some good news. I had a call from the hospital saying my consultant is planning my operation and they need me to go in for some x-rays! Hopefully it'll not be long now!
Yesterday was full on, finally the washing machine saga seems to finally be at an end. It's now spinning properly, doesn't leak and has stopped sounded like a plane taking off when it spins meaning it no longer dances across the kitchen!
I also spent an inordinate amount time on web chat to Amazon attempting to resolve an issue with Alexa which I eventually achieved around 9pm last night!
Toni & Toady, I hope you are both well. Toady - the amount of exercise you're doing is excellent. I can barely manage walking round the house each day. We live in a rural area and there are some glorious walks to be had and I can't wait to get out there and enjoy them.
I'm aiming to actually line dry the washing today (I still have to dry my wife's indoors as she has bad hay fever. Her name is Nicole by the way - seems rude to keep referring to her as my wife (I hate when partners get introduced as 'the wife' - so impersonal)
Have a good day everyone!
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So sorry iv been missing just trying not to use the screen has much
Anyhow good news I have teeth ..they extended my old little denture with 2 teeth to add 2 more the other sude least I cam smile 😁have yo wait to have the roors out though
Mike like Toni say its mot surprising uour mind is concentrated on your tumour..sending good wishes that uou start treatment very soon xx
Toni how awful for Lucy I hate bullies if only they knew what a brave girl she is glad Lycy has seen the manager and faced the girls ..I'm fuming for her ..and having the name Niamh 😔 our Niamh is so caring ..up darnt cough and she says are you OK xx
Toady I have french lavender and it dosent do has well as it should ..I think its my soil..lovely weather here but not been out yet to see I'd its cold xx
Reshmi glad the bolier is fixed ..hope I have that right the party today hope its not too riotous xx
Kitty so sorry you are suffering abd poor Chris ..they do knock you about at hospital..bless
just seen your sausage abd bean pie I'm going to try that xx
Joan thankyou Mr Bs bag is packed but I need to get on the social services for the loan equipment xx
Jason Is the photos you garden its well kept unlike mine thes days ..glad ti hear we can delete wring photos I can never make out the thumbnails xx
Love to all xxx x
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