Val's Cafe



  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,602
    edited 19. Mar 2022, 12:11

    Morning all, up quite early so I've made sure to come in & wish frog good luck for the safari supper in good time 🥘 🍚 I'm sure all will go to plan 😊 and hope leaves you energy for tomorrow at the NEC. Have a good time 👍️ :) Pleased to hear that Lucy was backed up by her fellows because that's all the difference (to just the manager intervening), isn't it. Hope it all works out and certainly would save the very early mornings (I forgot that it's not at all simple to dismiss employees now, that's me being out of touch! once you pointed it out, yes of course I do know that's the position, rightly I suppose compared to past times when it was more of an imbalance for workers). Twigwams, oh lordy, now I actually do have to do them, don't I 😂 more fool me stating my intentions out loud 😉 no seriously, it's good for me I do it sort of on purpose to stop me slacking off. Right, I'm definitely going to plant my sweet pea seeds today. I didn't catch Monty but I intend to watch the first today definitely. 📺️ Next door's cat has brought something unpleasant up in the dug over border.. there is something wrong there I worry, it does seem to have a problem in that line, over & above normal - of course it comes here for grass, because they don't have any 🙄.

    Hello Jason, & thank you for the kind words. So sorry you cannot enjoy your lovely countryside 😔 most of what is near me is beyond my usual scope, so most walks are a matter of my local streets - which used to be not unattractive but are slowly losing their trees &c & being given over to gravel drives & cars. 🙄 More than anything, I miss cycling - I never had a bike til my 20s & I loved it for the (couple of years!) I was able (though I never seemed able to build on it if you know what I mean - where others talk of upping their fitness to so many km, I hit a very limited upper level of stamina, something which in hindsight was maybe a telltale sign). I never wanted to drive, which ironically I could probably still do, but cycling is off as even at my best joints-wise my neck has very little give and not being able to look up (or around) is not really on! But I appreciate being able to do some walking (even if my knees are fixed at a bit of a 'dog leg' bend!) as it is a precarious state of affairs at best and one is at the mercy of what the meds care to do ⚖️. Glad your wachine machine has stopped dancing round the room 😀 I got nonslip feet for my new one because my old one did a lot of that sort of thing towards the end & I feel now that stopping any movement sooner may have helped. Nice to 'meet' Nicole. 😊

    Joan the sun is shining indeed and going to keep it up apparently. Hope you will soon see those leaves on the trees now! Have a good weekend xx

    bosh what horrid employers, 'not like normal human beings' indeed, how could you not show any sympathy, it's second nature - isn't it?! - not to everyone apparently. I hope you are having an ok day and the mtx is being as kind to you as it can manage. x

    Kitty hope Chris has not had too many after effects from all the manhandling! None too gentle were they but I suppose they have to do what they have to! All the best xx

    Hello Barbara if you are passing, the kettle is on of course ☕️ xx

    edit: Barbara I missed you while posting, I have one French lavender too they are less hardy in general than English varieties aren't they.. mine survived winter (I think) probably because it was mild enough, do you overwinter yours 🌱 or as you say soil, maybe yours isn't gritty enough/ not enough drainage 🤔

    Mike 😔 so sorry you are having this extra stress of no-show phone calls, will be looking out for updates & in the meantime sending good wishes, inadequate but such as they are.

    Well I will try and get into the garden, if I can run the gamut of the neighbour who is brooming, someone who's drilling, another who is intermittently popping their head up and sticking some cobbled-up trellis up.. and the cat.


  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,324

    Hi to Toni Barbara Joan j and t ,hope you’re all okay today? No worries about the moral support toady you’re welcome. Barbara heating is fine thanks party was not at our place thankfully unfortunately Bill has Covid just heard his symptoms are mild at the moment so I’m really hoping they stay that way. Hi Joan Hope you and Sue are both okay today? Hi again Tony sorry this is a short and sweet one because I need to do a few things have a methotrexate hangover also have a shower plus women’s problems strike again unfortunately. Formative years very important indeed. This Is a from memory one so won’t be answering everything sorry about that. Mum said you’re welcome about cooking tips. Oh dear I said I’m working from memory but memory was seems to be on holiday, lol, it is good indeed that Lucy has a sympathetic boss, is she feeling a bit better in herself now? I didn’t walk today thanks due to the aforementioned but never mind every day can’t be the same as you want so wisely said okay leaving it there may come back depending on HV and several other factors - HV stands for house Vesuvius by the way for those who haven’t encountered my made up term before, lol. Oh I Remember one more thing Toni I saw an advert for Netflix film or something like that called “the bad vegan” I don’t know but it was about lol, do you have a criminal past that we do not know about? Hmm 🚔, I have to alert the authorities, lol. Bfn. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,324

    hi Toni just back extremely briefly at least that’s the plan Paul is plying the guests with alcohol that sounds funny, lol. I sympathise with you there samosas are enough to unsettle anybody’s stomach 🤢. What is an instant pot exactly? Is it like a pressure cooker? Or is it a kind of heated serving pot? It seems that Bill probably caught Covid from the dads and sons party but thank goodness sis and BR weren’t invited otherwise they would’ve got it too most likely I think LA is having his Covid test tomorrow (PCR) its def a stressful time and MV has really gone through the roof and I’m the scapegoat that’s how it is in this family but anyway I’m taking refuge in the cold room except it’s not that cold today at the moment thank goodness no you’re right today isn’t going so great is it? I ate Chicken and chickpea burger for lunch it wasn’t my intention but my mum lovely prepared them not from scratch this time but it was still really nice I really hope my stomach forgives me for it tho how’s yours is it still a bit dodgy? I’ll go for now really need to lie down soon and here’s to good gastric health or at least tolerable gastric health, should I send a few cheese toasties your way so the Safari supper guests can have them in the doggy bags? oh my goodness so much tempting food I’m doing better at resisting it than my dad though he had two or three massive heavy pastry almond tarts yesterday🥮!! He knows it will make him ill but I am tired of supervising him I’m not his mother and he’s not a three-year-old at least he’s not supposed to act like one okay I’ll stop this semi rant and leave it there have a nice afternoon Toni. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Morning everyone

    It's achilly one out there brrrr!!!

    Mike well done you have done all you can do now. So chemo starts on 31st March they will be fuming with the private pet scan people they want to get your picc line in too yet. Of course you are right if you could afford to pay you'd have had it by now at least your start date has no yet been delayed. I am convinced our cats know when we are poorly bless Vixen. I bet she has a lovely soft belly😻 Sending ((())) and xxx

    Morning Kitty. Thank you for the recipe nothing like a good curry is there we had it last night. I now have a new recipe to try. Butter beans - well all beans are so good for us aren't they?

    Sleek knows your Chris she was telling me all about his packing and actually had a word to get him home ASAP. I do wonder what is out of alignment. Maybe it is his spine mine is slightly they used tio traction me as a wee one, but I think it's very very sight and hardly noticeable.

    Well i hope today is a nice peaceful day for you Kitty. I am watching the Good Karma Hospital we recorded it it's just lovely.

    Joan you are just so spot on!!! Those girls are stupid really what goes around comes around and ANYONE can start having seizures at any time without warning. It could be them or someone they love. Lucy babysat for a neighbour's two little boys last night and loved it she is off now until Tuesday so hopefully time for the shifts to be changed. Thanks you ((())) xxx

    Morning Jason. Nicole is such a pretty name. I had a friend at school with the same name we all called her Nicky as you can imagine - kids! That's great raising money for Ukraine. We must all do our bit.

    I haven't braved my washing outside yet, but ought to it would save on power although we have got solar panels so on good days it ought to be free.

    Oh WOW!! your operation is getting closer too. 😊 Is yours knees if i remember rightly? It won't be long before you are walking with myself Toady and Reshmi.

    I am pleased your washer is finally fixed that's great you can catch up now. Alexa playing up was she? 🙄How much of our lives is spent resolving issues🙄

    Oh love to Niamh Barbara! She is a gorgeous girl. So is the one at Lucy's place she is the first manager Lucy spoke to.

    Lucy is doing ok her self esteem is getting back up especially after babysitting for the boys in the village last night. She had a great time bless her. She wouldn't take money so they got her some flowers and a voucher for Dunhelm.

    You have your smile back!! Is this permanent or will you still have to go to the hospital? Sounds perfect Barbara I bet you are thrilled.

    You'd better crack on and get Mr B's essentials (new PJs too want him looking respectable) it's getting closer....

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Morning Toady

    Thank you so much the safari supper went really well. my curries went down a treat and the bhajis all got eaten and i had made LOADS!!! There were 8 of us here bit tough, but we coped. My dishwasher (Paul has been working 10 to the dozen this morning. The NEC later and then I will be on edge for a week in case someone has given me COVID. But it was lovely to see everyone again even if it was with windows open and cautiously.

    Lucy's self esteem was boosted again as she babysat for the little boys in the village so their parents could do the safari supper. they bought her some flowers which she loves.

    Yes I am waiting now to see the slacking😂 As for the cat's contribution to the border - think of it as fertilizer. 'Oim Bayleaf Oim the Gaaardner'

    Paul did indeed ply the guests with alcohol Reshmi and it worked! Hah! They were all in good spirits before they sat down bless them. Your Mum's ti[s did the job perfectly the korma didn't need much spicing as it's mild anyway, but the chana and sag one did and was much better😊please do thank her for me.

    Yes an instant pot is a modern pressure cooker. Once everything was chopped (I think I have a blister!) and all my spices measured out it actually cooks the food in minutes! For the korma about 6 minutes the chana sag maybe 7? The inside lifts out and can be a serving dish so perfect 👌

    Mum Vesuvius will be through the roof she will be so worried about them all. I think it is very easy to catch COVID now it;s much more infectious but for most milder. You and Mum must keep away. I do hope the rest of them keep safe. I will be on tenterhooks myself too until a week has passed from last night.

    Your burger sounded nice I hope your stomach coped. I did ok I am very good at dodging food, well practised like yourself, without making it obvious. I avoided the samosas an bhajis too sadly (onions nope!) and stuck to mostly rice had soup for a starter and a tiny bit of fruit salad. Fingers crossed we are both ok today!

    Yes some safari guests do have doggy bags. They are very welcome😊 I do hope your Dad survives his close encounter with pastry🙄

    take care today

    Right well not for me I am full but for everyone else it has to be Sunday breakfast!

    Vegan veg option available.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope all is well there I hope Chris does not have to wait too long for his results (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) that’s good you have your teeth again you can have what you want to eat now good. Love to Mr B (()) not long now for his operation. love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) did you have a good day yesterday (()) I hope you don’t have too much pain from the journey. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours ((()) not long now for him.

    Jason ((()) that’s good you have news about your operation you might soon have the date. So the washing machine is now working again good I hope it goes longer than it did last time. You are good husband (()) love to Nicole (()) and your daughter have a good day. I’m Joan

    Mike ((())) I feel so sorry for you they are acting has if it’s not to bad (()) love to vixen.

    Reshmi (()) have a good day love to everyone (())

    Toady (()) have a good day.

    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all still smiling 😃 😁pack Mr Bs bag for Thursday bless hes very quiet bit I understand the feeling

    Sorry if I miss things I read in sections each day ..

    Toni I've supoer will he brilliant like the last time you enjoy with this lovely weather

    Ooh I thought niamh was the bully glad she's not..and these knock backs fir Lucy are makung her stronger xx

    Mike I am so relieved you have a date wishing you well xx

    Toady well done you for the walk we have country around us..not much these day houses are encroaching..I have alwa5s loved walking bit we dint have a footpath on our side if the rd abd it's a winding busy rd so we ate stumped fir now..

    I take notes but like you xant read them after iv never been good at shorthand 😂xx

    Reshmi hope your tummy behaves..dud the oarty go OK I see it wasn't at yours thank goodness xx

    Joan yes I can eat 😅never have trouble with that though hope you are all doing ok xx

    Jason goid luck with your op hope it make a big difference for you xx

    Love to Kitty and Chris xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,324

    Hi Toady how are you today ? Yes you’re totally right it would be a normal reaction to show some sympathy in that kind of situation but maybe my supervisor etc were actually robots in human form feasting on heavy pastry tarts and methotrexate? nobody knows, lol. I’m not Too bad at the moment thanks but feeling pretty drained due to methotrexate and female probs I promised myself I would not have any Lucozade today so I’m sticking with squash and things like that consequence is that I am pretty much shattered but I realise I’ve Been over doing the sugar a bit really but I’m hoping to feel better tomorrow thanks for asking. I Hope you’re having a nice Sunday take care.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,324

    hi Toni how are you today? I’m glad your Safari supper went so well I will indeed thank my mum on your behalf, do onions give you heartburn like the apples do? Not too bad thanks Toni but on fortunately it’s my time of the month on top of mxt hangover stomachs okay atm thanks but I haven’t really eaten a great deal so I have to see what happens how is your stomach after the dinner? Decided today that I wouldn’t have any Lucozade whatsoever so I’m having squash etc consequence is unfortunately that I’m really shattered but I’ll have to live with this feeling hopefully I’ll feel better tomorrow😄. I’m not sure if you saw this as I waffle so much but I saw on NF there is a series called “the bad vegan” so I was wondering if this is about Toni and her criminal past shall I alert the authorities? only joking of course, lol. It’s a strange title tho I’ve got to admit “bad vegan”? - so what’s the definition of a good vegan or a mediocre vegan? Lol, sounds very peculiar indeed. I’m Extremely tired right now so afraid cannot be the chronicler of LA at this juncture bill is not doing too badly fairly mild symptoms as you mentioned so thats good thanks, okay I’m going to go now and try and get some sleep. Tc. Xx

    i also wanted to quickly say hi Joan Hope you and Sue are good today hi Barbara Hope you’re not feeling too bad and I’ll just have to say hi and bye to everyone else otherwise I’ll never get off this site demonic device take care guys. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,324

    Hi Barbara nice to hear from you, what lovely flowers! Tummy is ok at the moment thanks just about, the party was actually at LA’s friend’s parents house and then at a farm, it seemed to go ok but the prob is some people caught covid from there incl bill , but so far LA’s dad just has mild symptoms, I’m quite tired bye for now tc. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,602
    edited 20. Mar 2022, 18:42

    Hello all 😊 nice day but mixed warm in the sun very chilly out of it. I seem to have missed some key happenings yesterday, Barbara's teeth, frog had (previously) had a run in with a bollard - oh no, fixable I hope. And bosh's BIL has covid (though that was after I posted) also oh no! 🙀 do hope things are ok, no-one else testing positive? & that his symptoms stay mild. Sorry not the best Sunday for you in other ways either, hope things upturn for you soon.

    I have rounded up the wherewithal for the twigwam, that's as far as it goes today. And I did catch up on Monty ep 1. Of his 3 suggested perennials, looks like it's verbena bonariensis for me finally then (Carol Klein will be pleased she mentions it every 4th sentence, when not mentioning euphorbia or crocosmia 😂) I'm not that much of a cyclamen fan but the hellebores were looking lovely, must put on the list - and I spotted a verbascum which I wouldn't have recognised until recently. Thomas was cool wasn't he 😎 (certainly hadn't spent any of his valuable gardening time ironing lol, me either). As for Patti, in that basket! omg 😍. Glad yesterday evening went well and there was enough you could select from yourself (and do not get the Covid, that's an order) and that it had the added benefit of the babysitting for Lucy.

    Barbara lovely to see all your bulbs 😍 - Spring is definitely upon us 🌷😊 clocks go on soon too! I have not done much today but unlike Toni I did dry some washing outdoors. Glad you have got as far as you have with the dentists & that they could work with what you already had 👍️ ..Thursday has suddenly come round hasn't it, poor Mr B, he probably wishes it was further away but then would still have it hanging over him, that's the trouble with appointments 😔 xx

    Hope Kitty & Chris are doing ok 💕

    Joan yes it's been a nice quiet day thanks, hope same for you too xx

    Best to all / anyone not posting xx kettle always on

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,324

    Hi t thanks for your nice message luckily everyone else has tested negative in Bill’s house including the very young baby BR, my parents are dropping them off a food parcel tomorrow of course it will be a “contactless” food parcel delivery. A herbal tea would be great toady ty, have a Nice night. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Morning everyone.

    Gosh it's cold out there!

    Morning Joan the journey was ok thanks to the NEC and the show was great i will post a pic of Paul's car in a minute so you can see it. Everyone loved the car. I can't believe it's Monday already can you? ((())) xxx to you and Sue.

    Morning to you Mike another Monday has come round and you are still waiting. Sue won't be happy come tomorrow morning when she finds out. I can imagine how upset Susan (baby sister) is. 🤬I have to stop watching cat videos on Youtube or tik tok. Help! Take care and keep eating plenty ((())) xxx

    Morning Barbara the Niamh is a nice manager who first helped Lucy along with one slightly more superior to her. Niamhs are usually nice not nasty I 👍agree😊

    I bet poor Mr B is getting quietly very very anxious bless him. He needs to understand that it won't be fun, but it's the first step towards much much less pain. My lovely neighbour goes into respite on Friday and then he goes into hospital on the 28th. There is a lot to sort for her.

    How many days will you be on your own? How you do you feel about that yourself?

    The crocuses look so pretty spring is finally here :)

    Hi Reshmi I do hope today is better for you time of the month along with MTX hangover is just not a great combination is it? ((())) Although my stomach was sore it did hold up (good being at the NEC and the loos obviously being public!!!!) onions are ok more or less apples are sadly dreadful, but I love the taste of them. Ah well. What is worst for your stomach? Lucozade is fizzy I suppose that is the problem although it is good for energy🙄can't win can you?

    Do not tell anyone, but this cafe has it's very own bad Vegan! hehehe! I will have to look for that series it sounds good! I think there are two types of bad Vegans the ones who eat animal products and those who are criminals probably?

    I am very glad to hear that so far BIL is doing ok with COVID and hope that everyone else stays well. I she hiding in the bedroom away from everyone? I an't see how that would be easy with LA and BR in the house🤔

    Toady my close encounter with the bollard (honestly it jumped out at me!) was a bit back, but is on the way to being fixed very soon.😳

    Verbena bonariensis is lovely i tried to get a plant last year are you going to do yours from seed? Craol Klein has her favourites bless her and don't we know about it🤭 Well done getting your supplies for your twigwam😊Thomas is great and well even on the telly who cares about ironing. I have my overalls now remember?

    I am doing my best to dodge COVID (yes siree!) although today I am seeing my sister who has asthma we are making Easter cards for the village. I offered to delay, but she wants to go ahead. Maybe she wants her instant pot back! We are going to mask up and open windows. and sit at least 1m apart.

    The sooner Mr B gets his op over the better don't you agree and Mike that bloomin Pet scan😠

    Morning to you Kitty me lovely🤗 I hope all is well you know just a though you can ring the Drs for Chris' results they will have them this week if you can't wait or they don't ring you. If they ring get the phone on loudspeak so you can hear too.

    Sleek wants to know when the carers are coming so they can help you a bit.

    Love to Jason aka Jeeves. I hope your family day/weekend went well? It was a lovely day yesterday I will post a pic of Paul's car at the NEC in a minute.

    A wave to @Arthuritis 👋

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 21. Mar 2022, 06:51

    Aw look at the couple on the right!! No idea who they are!

    One chap here with his TR something....not TR7 was it TR8??? pronounced it 'the car of the show' for him!

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 21. Mar 2022, 09:34

    Morning my loves, I'm too tired to chat today, but sending you hugs and thinking of you all. I have sorted some old poems out that I don't think you've ever seen them. First one written for children.

    Castle of Dreams

    Come to the castle in the air, 

    Far away from the Dragon's lair. 

    Where glistening snow is never cold 

    And Rainbows lead to pots of Gold. 

    Rising early to greet the dawn 

    We'll catch sight of the Unicorn. 

    He'll gallop by and leap the stream J

    ust like a creature from a dream. 

    Next we'll search for quiet shade; 

    And spy on the secluded glade; 

    Where Fairies flit so wild and free, 

    On dazzling wings of Filigree. 

    Their laughter echoes all around 

    As we creep away without a sound. 

    Who owns this castle? You ask of me; 

    You won't believe even if you see; 

    When the Wizard in a flash appears. 

    Will you stand before him without any fears? 

    Will you be scared if he asks you to stay 

    And make your excuses to run away? 

    I'll tell you now, he's a friendly old man; 

    Who makes dreams come true whenever he can. 

    So fly with me to his castle of dreams 

    Where nothing is quite the way it seems.

    Second one is historical

    Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (Spinning the thread of time)

    How often did some Middle English woman tread this way? 

    These concrete pavements then, were fields. 

    These houses, hedgerows. 

    No electric street lamps lit her path 

    which wound through marshy land towards All Saints whose bells can still be heard. 

    But in the distance: no M1 would she see, no bridge across the Trent, no railway, 

    or power station spewing steam which rises Heavenward as did her prayers. 

    Yet still I sense her emotions 

    as she gazed at Willows, 

    watched the weir and listened 

    as Martins gathered for migration. 

    Linked by a silver thread of time, 

    yesterday, today and tomorrow. 

    Who knows what will be here for those who follow 

    when its their turn to spin the thread?

    This one is tragic

    Just One More Runaway

    She wakes up in the morning to another dismal day 

    and turns towards the window where the early light shines grey.

    She almost tastes the mist that creeps into the room 

    as she stares up at the ceiling through the sad, depressing gloom.

    She notices the cobwebs that hang around the light; 

    she knows the bulb's not working - it blew a fuse last night.

    Reluctantly she rises to lean out across the sill. 

    As she rubs her sleep-filled eyes the air hangs cold and still;

    and on the lawn below the frost lays thick and white, 

    as though a fall of snow had settled in the night.

    She stumbles to the bathroom not noticing the grime. 

    She'd like to have a nice long soak - if only there was time.

    She washes in cold water as the heater's broken too 

    and the cistern's cracked and leaky when she tries to flush the loo.

    She looks beneath the towel rail at the fluff that gathers there 

    and a beetle scurries through all the dust and bits of hair.

    Her jeans could do with washing and her sweater hs a hole 

    where she caught it on a nail in the cellar, fetching coal.

    But she'll wear them anyway; she doesn't really care 

    as no-one else will see her. They'll never know she's there.

    She knows she's all alone now, the others have all gone 

    leaving her with shadows that stop her moving on.

    She wears the scruffy parka, the one her boyfriend left 

    when he walked away, deserting her: pregnant and bereft.

    She hears the baby crying; the one she never had. 

    She hears her all the time now and knows she's going mad.

    She thinks about her mother and wonders how she feels 

    in her house out in suburbia. Is it true, time really heals?

    She sits beside the river and watches as it flows 

    heading off towards the sea and then - God only knows.

    They found her three days later they didn't know her name 

    but it doesn't really matter as nobody's to blame.

    She wakes up in the morning to another dismal day 

    and turns towards the window - just one more runaway. 

    Even more sad

    Did You Know We'd Had Snow?

    Did you know we'd had snow? 

    And your curtains were still closed

     when I looked out at eight o' clock. 

    Their dull, beige lining reflected the sun 

    as it shone upon the white, glistening path 

    which leads to your back door.

    Did you know we'd had snow? 

    And the early Primroses peeped from their leaves 

    when I looked out at nine o' clock. 

    Their petals closed against the cold, still air 

    which made my breath form a mist 

    as I carefully crossed the frozen lawn.

    Did you know we'd had snow? 

    And the Dunnocks scrabbled beneath the Hydrangea 

    where I'd tossed crumbs at ten o' clock. 

    Their brown, ruffled feathers kept them warm 

    as they picked their way between Snowdrops, t

    hat hid beneath the snow laden Oak.

    Did you know we'd had snow? 

    And the Co-op was empty that frozen morning 

    when I went to buy Hovis at eleven o' clock. 

    The misted windows showed the remains 

    of Christmas tinsel, and the closing times 

    obscured by an advert for Lotto.

    Did you know we'd had snow? 

    And I watched clouds gather outside my window 

    as I ate my cheese sandwich at twelve o' clock.

    They hung overhead and blocked the sun's rays, 

    as the Primroses shrank into their leaves again and the Dunnocks 

    fled to find shelter elsewhere.

    Did you know we'd had snow? 

    And I saw the ambulance outside your door 

    as I watched fresh snow falling at one o' clock. 

    You lay on a stretcher, in blankets and foil, 

    your face hidden among the swathes 

    as with worried eyes, they took you away.

    Did you know we'd had snow? 

    And we stand by your grave with its mound of soil 

    while Father Thomas says prayers at two o' clock. 

    We call ourselves neighbours, though we hardly speak 

    as we go about our lives, not interfering. 

    What more can we say? How could we know?

    Did you know we'd had snow?

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Jason1972
    Jason1972 Member Posts: 21

    Lovely poems Kitty, thank you. Have some rest and I hope you feel less tired soon.

    Hope everyone else is well. Love that car Toni - hope you had a fantastic time at the NEC and glad that the safari supper went well.

    Hope your BIL feels better soon Reshmi. Both Nicole & my daughter both had COVID just before Christmas. Luckily, I managed to avoid it!

    Had a very busy weekend. My daughter loves her dance and does just about every kind (except Ballroom!) and at the weekend, she took part in her dance schools bi-annual show. The dance academy that she goes to has a few ex-students in the West End and one currently on the Strictly Come Dancing tour! She loves it but the weekend of a show is very tiring bless her.

    It looks as if this week is going to be a pleasant one so hopefully I'll get some bits done in the garden.

    Meanwhile, your Monday chuckle;

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope you will soon feel a bit better (()) you have so many problems to cope with has well as Chris’s pain(()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) the trowel is there for to let the weeds know you are ready for them. Not long now for Mr B (()) love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Paul’s car is lovely how old is it. I’m glad Lucy had was happy last night (()) not long now for your neighbour (()) I’m glad you enjoyed your self with everyone. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Toady (()) yes we need the sun everyone seems happier don’t you think.

    Jason have a good day and a rest (())

    Mike (()) thinking about you and vixen.

    Reshmi (()) have a good walk love to your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Arthuritis
    Arthuritis Member Posts: 494

    @frogmorton Thanks for the well wishes. Good idea on the extra sleep after MTX! I try to take it at night to “sleep it off”, and delay the folic acid as much as possible, to avoid joint pain but accept the exhaustion & sometimes mouth ulcers due to lack of folate.

    HOME MADE VEGAN SOFT ICE CREAM (Anyone any ideas/suggestions?)

    This summer I want to try home made anti inflammatory keto ice cream! Not sure if anyone has tried this, but I want to try, maybe put some of my lab background to work! (Ice cream is a colloid, so just need the right mixer speed)!

    My proposed (experimental) recipe:

    Two Ingredient Ice Cream


    Reduce 1 litre almond/hemp milk over low heat to get “condensed milk” consistency. Sweeten with Stevia to taste. Leave in fridge overnight to chill.


    Whip 2 cups of ground flax and flax oil, with an electric mixer, until stiff peaks form.

    Slowly drizzle in the reduced almond/hemp milk.

    Add desired flavorings or mix-ins.

    Pour thick mix to an airtight container and freeze at -22C.

    Hopefully someone has tried this and can tell me if it will work or will I be disappointed badly!

    I so miss the soft ice cream cones from the ice cream vans of only last Sept! 🍦🍦

  • Arthuritis
    Arthuritis Member Posts: 494
    edited 21. Mar 2022, 15:34

    @frogmorton 👋🌊I hope all is well in the café.

    Summer’s nearly here and I am looking forward to doing the very french “être en terrasse avec du pain et du vin “ 🍷🥖(alcohol free red)

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,324

    Hi Everybody I’ve read everything I think more or less but I cant comment too much today HV - house Vesuvius- has most definitely erupted I know I talk about in a humorous manner but it really gets me down to be honest sometimes especially when my mum makes “mental health jokes” I won’t go into it now because it’s a bit disturbing but I don’t think that mental health is anything that people should laugh about I’ll just leave it there. Nice Pic T I’m glad you enjoyed the car show, “ bad vegan” seems to be crime related as far as I can remember, but sounds like it could be interesting viewing I agree, I Think that Bill has hidden himself away in one of the upstairs rooms eating a lot of takeaway is and watching a lot of rubbish on TV, to be honest when he’s not working that’s mostly what he does anyway, lol, I think the doc said before that he has some kind of acid reflux problem or something like that I think anyway but my point is I’m not sure that his stuffing his face on takeaway is it’s going to help his health but that’s very much not my place to comment so I keep silent🤐. I really liked the poems Kitty though to be honest I didn’t read them properly because I’m so tired what I could concentrate on I enjoyed 👍. Hi Jason thanks about Bill glad you have also avoided Covid so far. Hi toady how are you today? I did walk today but it was later than planned because of several Vesuvius related matters so that wasn’t good hi Barbara and Joan how are you ? Hi everybody else got to leave it there sorry about that bye for now take care. Xx

  • Jason1972
    Jason1972 Member Posts: 21

    i’m going to be absent for a little while. I had a fall today and I think I’ve broken a rib. Just typing this was painful! Hopefully be back soon

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,324

    Hi Jason so sorry to hear that don’t worry about writing messages now I hope you get better soon take care. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,602

    Hello boys & girls, it seems to be the day for cafe tiredness/off-day-ness/or otherwise being in the wars (Jason - ouch! 😣 Get well soon!) - I am among the tired camp so will post tomorrow but just to say my hellos & will save the rest of my two penn-orth of replies & news & whatnot for then.

    'Night all & have a good as night as possible 😘 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Morning everyone!

    Are there treats for you and Sue today Mike? I hope so the only thing you can do practically is to keep eating build yourself up ready for your treatment. At least having a good chat/vent with her should help a bit. Sending my usual ((())) xxx

    Kitty what fabulous poems! the one for children is for Aidan it totally is for him bless him he would have and probably does love it.

    I think I remember two of them one is 'The runaway' and the other is the historic one, but they are all really really good. Thank you so much for making me stop and appreciate something. My day yesterday was just too busy.

    I hope you feel a bit better today and maybe you (and Mike) hear some news today he for his scan and you for Chris love and ((())) xxx

    Morning Jason the weekly smile did just that and is bang on! Word for word what we say here😁 With the addition about the new neighbour taking his shirt off.....eeeuuuwww! Why??😫

    I thought you might like the car and suspect Mike does too Paul had such a great time. I enjoyed it as well I like chatting to people but got a bit of neck ache looking up at them from my seat!

    How wonderful your daughter dancing oh I think that's fabulous. Bless her I bet you are both so proud of her i know I would be. Who knows one day she might be in the West End or on Strictly when she adds ballroom to her repertoire 😊

    Oh no no no no!!! Jason😮 I do hope you are ok please take it easy and know we are all thinking about you.

    Morning Joan that car is 1974/5 so 40 something years old bless it and runs really well. I'm glad you like it Paul has two other old ones one which is '73 and one which is 1966! How are you doing? Is your pain under control at the moment? ((())) xxx

    Morning @Arthuritis Always take MTX before bed to sleep some of it off absolutely although I neck back teh folic acid as per instructions I must admit, but I am under control pretty well now most of the time so safe to do that.

    I cheat with my ice cream and buy the swedish glacé which I can get from the co-op and Tesco I think Sainsbury's too. A person needs some ice cream. I have never made my own vegan or otherwise so please do give it a go and let us know how it goes

    All is indeed well here hope with you too?and oh yes recent weather makes us think of sitting watching the world go by avec du pain et du vin and some vegan fromage aussi! But did you read jason's 'joke' that is so true of the UK at this time of year....

    Morning Reshmi! BIL is wise to hide away upstairs to protect them all, but takeaways do NOT help with acid reflux gosh no they do not! Well they don't help mine anyway. Sounds as though - dare I say it? Yes l do! He is living the life of riley up there. Seriously I do hope he does ok.

    Your Mum shouldn't make comments about mental health I suspect that might be because her own isn't too great at the moment and maybe she is displaying diversionary tactics. I am very sorry though that MV and HV are erupting it must be so tough for you so am sending you some ((())).

    Well done for going for your walk anyway in spite of everything other than that I reckon you are just keeping your head down I hope. I saw my sister (also vegan) yesterday and am really cross that I forgot to tell her about the Netflix series. Oh well that's some news I can save for another time.

    Oh dear me Toady is exhausted too! I do hope you have an early night and feel much better today yourself. Thanks for letting us know you are at least ok. Gosh our poor little cafe is in the wars isn't it? ((())).

    Hi Barbara how are you today? I hope well obviously you need to read back and see what's what. Everyone is either in the wars or exhausted I think I need to send Sleek on her rounds with her tonics!

    I hope you are ok and coping with a very anxious Mr B? ((()))

    Take care everyone