Val's Cafe
Morning Froggie et al. Chocolate cornflake birds nests for Sue's treat today, I will also be sorting out to have her twice a week as I have news from the hospital at last. The PET scan will be this Saturday which will take around 3 hours. Chemo starts on the 31st which will be a long day as I have to go to the Haematology clinic at 0815, followed by picc line being inserted at 0930 followed by the actual chemo starting at 1120. I will be buying a new bucket for the trip home!
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Good morning everyone
I would like to give my cold and sore throat to anyone who wants it.
Toni (()) my favourite colour is yellow. Thank you for the photo (()) my pain is ok thank you how is yours and your knee (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Toady have a good rest (())
Arthuritis (()) enjoy the ice cream it will taste good I’m sure.
Jason (()) sorry you have done that it takes time to heal I know a few years ago I fell back wards in to the dog bed it took me so long to get up every time I tried my dog was pleased I was in her bed she jumped at me and hit me in the chest it was funny but it hurt the Doctor sat and laughed.
Barbara (()) well the day is nearly here all the best to Mr B ((()) love to everyone ((())
Kitty (()) love to you and Chris (()) I hope you have good news soon.
Reshmi (()) have a good day take care love to your mum (())
Mike ((()) I hope you have good news soon love to vixen.
take care
joan xx1 -
Morning everyone, it’s a lovely sunny day but I keep falling asleep. No news re carers, no news re Chris’s X-rays, no news about anything really. It’s as though time has stood still!
Jason, thank you for mentioning my poems, they were rather old (bit like me really) I’m sorry to hear of your fall and broken rib. It must hurt even to breathe.
Reshmi, don’t worry if you were too tired to read my poems properly, some were a bit long winded anyway.
Toady, I think you might have overdone the gardening a bit so that could be why you are tired. X
Joan, thank you for the good wishes. X
Arthuritis, oh soft ice cream in a cone and don’t forget the chocolate flake.
Barbara, I hope you are as well as you can be and that your eyes aren’t bothering you too much.
Antoinette, yes I thought of dear Aidan when I posted that poem. He was that (very young) wizard in our cafe. (Very difficult to produce an acute accent on the iPad!) Sleek has already given me dozens of tonics, bless her. She came through the magic gate this morning, screeching about the broken glass all over the car park. Good job she was wearing her best boots. Camera at the ready to gather evidence.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi to T J k Barbara and t I’m okay thank you rather tired but I had a nice meal out with my parents because it was early Mother’s Day celebration As mum will be having her cataract operation fairly soon yes I agree Toni constant junkfood can be good for no one, my mum said she was angry and she apologised so that was nice, I’m afraid that’s it for now so as I need to have a shower my goodness it’s hot outside isn’t it? okay bye for now will try and be back later take care. Xx
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@frogmorton Tuesday is my least bad day,… I like Tueaday… Friday MTX blues over and immune suppression benefits kicking in, before the next Friday when I need my next fix.
Yes, Jason’s joke was spot on! I did that today, out with T & shorts, at 10AM, back indoors shivering by 10:30AM… afternoons are better!
Love the brekkie pictures! Tried Yorkshire made Tofoo - a bit pricey but lovely! Like Alpro Dark choc desserts!
@Kitty Thank you so much for the recipes with pictures! They make my day!
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Hello all 😊 lovely day 😍😎🌞
Kitty I wish it was too much gardening but I can't blame that - more likely I've had the temerity to change the bed and do some hoovering usually, something like that - & mostly it's just silly RA tiredness 🙄 Like frog your poems did make me pause & think, I love Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow and often do think along those lines.. and I wish we could all go with the lovely fairies, I used to like choosing which Cicely Mary Barker Flower Fairy I'd be 😊🌺 (as far as neighbourliness; I'm afraid St Peter will not think much of me in that regard 😳). No news you say? soon hopefully at least it is not the weekend yet so may be time. Hope you're both as well as poss. xx
Hello frog, a wee bit more energy today ta for asking :) Glad the NEC went well for all concerned, car safely home I assume, is it the only right hand drive (that you know of) because few made or simply none left on the road? Cars not being my field of knowledge! & as a non driver, but I can look of course & admire. Hope the Easter-card making went ok 🐣 :) I bought a couple of those cards made with wild flower seeds in the paper to send. Yes I will be trying the verbena b. from seed (I was surprised Monty said less people grow perennials than annuals, I like to grow something for longer term, but I suppose he meant grow rather than buy). And I have bought my last seeds now, really I have. Shirtless neighbours, oh have we not all suffered enough.
bosh I'm sorry that HV has its tensions because that is not an easy atmosphere I know, but glad your Mum apologized and hopefully things have been smoothed over, I can imagine she is a bit tetchy with an upcoming op (& do hope all goes well; not sure when it is sorry), & glad you had a nice meal. If you are in later the kettle will be on, almost warm enough for cold drinks, what an odd thought that is after waking up to frost so recently. Will be around 19 degrees tomorrow supposedly! Anyway a bit better day today for me thank you for asking x
Joan oh what a story about the dog bed, I can quite see she thought it was lovely you'd come to join her, not sure the Dr should have been quite so amused but I suppose it would have been rather a comic scene (and Drs have a dreadful & quite dark sense of humour don't they, I suppose they need one!) Yes the warmth today is lovely, so pleased we will have a good run to come they say. Sorry you have a cold though 😔 where do you think you picked it up? Hope it will come & go quickly!
Hope Jason is coping & not too painful, will pass you a cup of virtual tea if you are reading -
likewise Mike - half a league onward 👍️
Arthuritis hello, yes funny sort of weather still, hot water bottles and cold mornings then really warm: I was out in a coat and others were sleeveless, let alone short sleeves! Hard to adjust. Be lovely when it's weather for your ice-cream (patent pending!)
Barbara; will be in again before the off for Mr B but in case something funny happens to me on the way to the forum (aka a couple of errands tomorrow) I'll leave my best here to be going on with, for you both 😘 xx
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Sorry Kitty I was making my umpteenth edit and lost my bold for you, but lovely poems / hope you're coping with the tiredness; if you don't read anything else you won't miss anything :) xx
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Hi again Toni how are you? I had a bit of sleep and thank goodness for that I really needed it. I Think that was a very wise comments you’ve hit the nail on the head about poor old bill obviously it’s not a good thing to have Covid in any form but he does have a habit of overdramatising things to suit him and I remember for example when had quite a minor op indeed and then he pretended the doctor said he needed two weeks of complete bedrest for 2 was and my poor sister was fetching and carrying after him as well as the babies that was very naughty indeed Im sure if he’s got the energy to be constantly ordering takeaway he can do one or two minor things around the house that aren’t harming anyone oh well I don’t interfere interfere it’s v much not my place, lol. Today I went out with my parents for a nice meal in a Japanese restaurant called Osaka it was actually really nice food but I’m feeling completely stuffed now I had chicken katsu curry but the tofu version looked really nice as well, I couldn’t handle dessert although I must admit I did have a nice dessert afterwards teehee hopefully my stomach will cope with this but I’m in mother natures hands I guess - at least it’s not methotrexate day. I want a really tiny walk after the meal because my bones are and back were aching from the lack of physical activity and that definitely helped but my goodness it was warm hate the warm weather really how do you stand on warm weather Toni? How’s your knee doing today? did you manage to have a nice walk? LA said something today like I’m not ready to be an “adulk”, lol, maybe just a little Incredible Hulk but only one he’s having a tantrum, BR seemed to be having a conversation with me yesterday on video call in his own baby language about whether to have Weetabix or porridge for Sunday breakfast I said porridge is better for his cholesterol but everybody needs a change I advised Weetabix as a one off, lol, okay some of that may have been my over active imagination too many imagination - seeds blossoming in the garden of my mind or something like that perhaps, lol, but to be honest He did def seemed to saying something to me in baby language and he got so excited about it and he tried that he took hold of the phone as he thought that might be a better way of communicating with auntie goddess Mima okay I’ll stopped for now just wanted to say hi Kitty thanks for understanding about the poems hope you’re not feeling too bad today? Tc. Xx
Hi Barbara hope all is well in the preparation of Mr B for his Op? xx
hi Joan can’t remember if I’ve properly said hi today to you or not, lol, hope you and Sue are okay anyway by everybody have a nice evening take care xx
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Hi toady thanks for your nice message, glad your day was a bit better , have a good night. Xx
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Oh Mike thank goodness action at last. We will all be with you on Saturday for your PET scan and again on 31st. You must feel so relieved something is happening. Bucket and kitchen roll. they are pretty good at handing out cardboard sock bowls too so if you get offered some take them. Lucy wasn't sick at all for about 3 weeks and was convinced she'd get away with it. If they offer laxatives trust me take them too😣 I hope you are eating as much as possible and you and Sue enjoyed your birds nests - 😋 ((())) xxx
Oh dear me Joan you have a cold I'd rather not have it if you don't mind too much, but do hope it goes soon. (((()))) for that and your pain too. Yellow is a lovely colour so cheerful - good choice😊 Saw my lovely neighbours yesterday (and P's ashes were interred too) she goes into respite on Friday while he has his hip done.((())) for you and Sue.
Kitty I already knew about the broken glass she screeched to me about it too. No-one apart from Pepe can/could screech like our Sleek! She was livid stamped her paw (in her slippers by now) kno wun shud have to poot oop with that!
I am glad you are tonicked up I am rather too at the moment as is Lucy. Who is being transferred to another Maccies due to bullying over her epilepsy. I can't remember if I told you.
I think you ought to ring the Gps surgery perhaps tomorrow for results if you haven't heard by then.
That poem is Aidan through and through. Funnily enough I heard from Bill yesterday he is doing ok car in for service not much else news-wise though.
Morning Reshmi your sister must love BIL very much bless her to wait on him like she does. Lets; hope his LFTs come back negative on days 5 and 6 then he can leave his place of rest and get back and help her. Oh I can imagine him in bed for 2 weeks after he has his nails cut🤭
It sounds as though you and your parents had a lovely meal out (early Mother's day) I am so glad Mum realised her mistake and apologised to you you didn't deserve that, but an apology goes a long way. The cataract op is getting closer scary for her, but then her sight will be 20-20 again 😊 The curry sounded lovely how did your stomach cope?
You are just like me with needing to exercise! I swear if I don't for more than a day my back and joints let me know that I need to move! My knee is ok coping ok and the heat is harder for us in some respects I always walk early if I can so I can rest later on in the day when it gets hotter.
Lucy's boss has managed to get her a transfer to another maccies which is nearer to here so should be a good outcome away from the bullies. She is feeling much happier now.
Even if baby R didn't understand all of that it is soooo good for him that you talked to him like that it will bring his language skills on you know. I have a feeling he did understand his Auntie the Goddess Mima though. LA has a point I don't want to be an adult either!!! Or an incredible Hulk😂
Oh @Arthuritis you didn't?!!! Not shorts🙄 it's March😁 Well that'll teach you🤭
I also love alpro dark choc deserts and the coconut collaborative little choc pots.
Not tried Yorkshire made tofu I usually go for 'The Tofu Co.' the flavoured one if I can i think it's sort of smoked. Makes great egg mayo for butties.
Morning Toady I am very pleased you have some energy back I hope even more today.
The car is rare because there are none left on the road - there is one in Scotland another which is being done up and another left hand drive in the country that's it. Paul had been searching for 12 years for one bless him
I think most people want instant results so prefer to buy their perennials a decent size maybe? I love seeds and cuttings they are my babies I know you understand.
As far as shirtless neighbours it is just outrageous!! Not even just in their back garden, but out and about in the village🤢It is the same ones who have the enormous trampoline say no more.
Lucy is starting at a nearer maccies as from next week. It seems the best thing for her to get away from teh bullies and is also slightly nearer to here. I will get 3 minutes longer in bed😁
Card making went great and oh what a great card that would be to receive! With seeds!!!!!!!!!!!
Thinking of you and Mr B today Barbara huge ((())) xxx
welsh rarebit
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Hello everyone, the name of the care company who will hopefully provide us with carers is GOODOAKS. We told them that Chris is waiting for his X-ray results before making our decision. So she gave me their phone number to call them when we are ready. I’m ready for them now!
Quick message for Mike, as I’ve just found his post. It must have been hiding from me before. At last! Things are moving on. I have to tell you, I was never sick on chemo. I was given anti sickness tablets after every session, but I never needed them. But I was given Ibuprofen for the pain caused by Filgastrim (used to encourage my neutrafils to develop) I had to inject it for three days after each session. As Froggy says, we’ll be with you all through your journey.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I’m sorry you have not heard from anyone yet I can guess how you feel has if they have forgotten you (()) Thank you for the poem’s Aidan will never be forgot. I hope you hear something soon. Love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Barbara (()) have a good day his it tomorrow Mr B (()) has is op don’t worry (()) love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toady (()) have a good day you will never be bored there is always something to do.
Toni (()) all the best to your neighbour for his operation (()) that’s good Lucy has been moved to another McDonald’s (()) how is your knee (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Mike (()) at last don’t worry you can do it (()) I will be thinking about you on Saturday and vixen (())
Arthurits (()) have a good day
Reshmi (()) that’s nice your mum said sorry to you (()) perhaps she’s worried about her operation (()) have a good day.
take care
joan xx1 -
Morning all I tried to read has much has icould
Thankyou so much for all your goid wishes for Mr B it will be strange tomorrow he us struggling so much wuth the pain so this will get him
Mike at last your appointments are through ..wishing you well with your treatment xx
Toni is that Paul's car or someone else's ..the couple are so in love bless ..😅 si glad Lucy has management on her side xx
Toady thankyou hope to see your twigwham very soon ..have o got that right 🙂xx
Kitty I love your poems and the children's especially life is all about dreams love to both of you xx
Joan yes my trowel is always there ready..the garden will give me something to do while Mr B is having his op xx
Jason thankyou fir the chukkle window cleaner says his shorts are not coming out yet can't fool me he says 😂xx
Reshmi hope you are keeping safe ..we have so many around us with covid young and old xx
Love to all xxxx
Barbara1 -
Just to give
You an idea of macular xx
Barbara0 -
Me again had a phone call Mr B is Friday least its on fir now xx
Barbara2 -
Hi Toni are you today? I am half asleep but otherwise okay, on dear there is a poem already, lol. Stomach work coped well yesterday thank you I think one reason it was that it wasn’t methotrexate day and the other was that food was really well cooked it’s not like when I went to Wagamama it was a long time ago and although the food was tasty wasn’t extremely warm and it seemed more processed like someone just whacked some sauce on some chicken or something like that this it was a really nice meal thanks sauce was hot and tasty but not too thick or rich little bit more like a kind of souplike is consistency. I didn’t walk today unfortunately as I had a few things to do but I’m hoping to walk tomorrow even though like you I don’t really like this kind of weather, the nhs queue- jumper Neighbour -Type person phoned my mum today she asked if she should press “book now” in order to book her vaccine online I would’ve said, “ I’m sure you know how to read”, or Possibly something a bit ruder given her bullying and immoral nature. LA said that if mummy put her shower gel on him he was in danger of becoming an “adulk”, because that was an “adulk” shower gel, bless. You’re right about BR he is a clever boy getting cleverer by the day he even brushed his own hair the other day with the hairbrush, lol, his hair is lovely and thick and curly I think he gets it from his dad’s side, whereas LA’s hair is also thick but more or less fully straight like his mummy’s, his granny’s and mine, aww. Just wondering have you seen the series on prime video called nine perfect strangers?its also Pretty, it’s about 9 strangers who go to retreat and a very weird and sinister woman in charge who tries to control them, you could call it a fantasy- thriller I guess, its hard to define precisely but it is very entertaining I thought. Okay that’s it for now Toni or I’ll def fall asleep no doughnuts or nice slippers to console me, lol have a nice afternoon try and keep out of the Sun take care, Reshmi. Xx
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Oh I just need to say hi to toady kitty Joan and Barbara thanks for your nice messages Joan and Barbara - Joan how are you and Sue doing today? do you like this kind of weather? I hate it personally apart from early morning walks I like to hide inside 😄. Hi Barbara how are your eyes feeling today? did you get out in the garden? how are things with you t ? I am not too bad thanks I had a massive bowl of salad as part of my lunch today, even though I do like veg a lot it was unusual to me for me trying but I’m trying eat a little bit healthier at least some of the time - like mum😄 take care everybody have a nice afternoon. Xx
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Hi all, I will leave some of today's post til tomorrow as I feel if I start tonight it will run to chapters whereas by then I will probably self-edit 😂 which will be to all our benefit. Not that much has happened; I had to go for blood test so managed the 'trek' to the Drs & back, eat your heart out Ranulph Fiennes, ha flippin ha, so that's something done. Tried to just relax for the afternoon, with restful little intervals of people lawn mowing & strimming, in between spotting the cat in the garden & having to chivvy it out. Yesterday it had my little mouse that I enjoy watching, or one of, was too upset to write about at the time. 😕 Will be trying out a few harmless deterrents but not with much confidence. I veer constantly between plans to do things to the house & garden & wanting to move which leaves me in limbo really - there are good reasons why I'd like to move but a large part would be to do with other people, & frankly why should I move because of others, is the thing.
Anyway I will just wish everyone a good night & pick up tomorrow - hope everyone that likes it warm has enjoyed it, but sorry for those that don't of course (bosh among others I see - wouldn't wish summer on anyone if it doesn't suit, what a shame we can't just have our own thermostats, then you wouldn't even have to trouble with the HV one! Glad you can avoid the hottest bits anyway by getting a walk in early that's something :) have a good one tomorrow if you go early again & glad it was not too bad a day for you, much the same for me, thanks x).
Barbara oh I'm so sorry for you & Mr B, when you must have reached just the right pitch of preparing yourselves & you of encouraging him, I do DO hope they don't mess around with the Friday 😔 🤞. Thank you for posting the info for us we all try not to take our sight for granted but still slip 😳 I wish they could do more xx
I will try to get to the twigwam over the weekend or so, you will be the first to know 😘 It will not be anything posh with fancy twisted wickerwork bits, just what I can do with what I've got. 🌿 (There is actually a thing named a Twigwam you can buy, apparently, like a small kid's tent made of woven hazel.. for a few hundred quid.. I should cocoa, as they say!)
Kitty, frog, Joan, I will see you tomorrow thank you as ever for kind thoughts, same to all, & have a good night everybody reading xxx
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Hi t thanks thanks for your nice message I did plan to go for a walk early this morning but unfortunately I had things to do things at home, i’m a bit tired now but I just wanted to say I also self edit a lot, lol, otherwise I would be on this website permanently and I also use voice control when it’s working and that needs to be checked for rude language which is extremely annoying hope you have a good night and that its not too hot to sleep ☹️Xx
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Two more appointments came through yesterday, I have to go all the way to Truro for an ECG today as my Consultant is worried that one of the drugs in the chemo pack could affect my heart and I have high blood pressure; I also have an appointment with the Consultant on Monday so he can finalise the chemo after the PET scan and ECG. Luckily my baby sister has the week off so can take me up there, she has even taken next Thursday off.
Thanks to Kitty for the info about her not being sick on chemo, this is one of the things I have been worrying about.
Thanks to Froggie and everyone else for your kind words and support.
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Morning everyone
I hope you all feel well? I do too BUT Paul has tested positive for COVID. I have confined him to the bedroom where he has a TV and ensuite. Woe is me/he I am a bit on edge. It's our wedding anniversary today too🙄
Kitty I am very pleased that things are moving for you too now that is great news I still think you can safely ring the Drs now and get those X-ray results they should have them by now surely?
I don't know if you saw but Paul has tested positive. He has a 'cold' I know what that means so did the test and there it is the second line. Gosh your stomach drops when that happens. We are lucky enough to have an ensuite so I have trapped him in there until he tests clear on days 6 and 7 ar later. I will feed him though🤭Did my peak flow this morning and it was actually BETTER than normal so fingers crossed for me.
Sleek is confused.
Morning Joan thank you my knee is under control now I think. Lucy starts her new job next week and is so relieved. How about your pain though? How are you doing? ((())) xxx for you and Sue
Jason I hope all is well for you and your pain has settled down a bit. I hope your Jeeves duties are not being too neglected! ((()))
Barbara so it's been put back a day then Mr B's op? well that's fine one day is fine. I should think like my neighbour that he is in enough pain to not care too much about one day as long as it happens.
That couple by Paul's care had better be a couple and not one part each of another couple😁
It's our 17 year anniversary today. Charley was 10 Lucy 7 Tia 9 (nearly 10). I will try to dig out a pic of us.
That's really great that macular information people will be able to understand what you can and can't see now.
Morning Mike two days to go and you will feel as though things are starting after all this waiting. I still think you did well to spot the warning signs yourself and take action like you did. What day will be Sue's extra day? ((())) xxx
@Arthuritis my husband has COVID so I am in mild terror....will be investigating today whether on not to take my medication as normal. I can be pretty tough with 'colds' and that seems to be what he has bless him although I knew better. I have confined him to the bedroom avec ensuite and TV. I might leave him food if he behaves😉😁
How are you today Reshmi? I am fine so far, but you have probably read Paul has tested positive maybe he knows your BIL?? I think it was probably from the NEC at the weekend he was there three days and virtually no-one wore masks🙄 I have trapped him in the bedroom which luckily has a small ensuite so he can stay there!
I am very pleased to hear your stomach coped well with the meal which as you say was very well cooked as well as tasty. I have never tried wagamama even though I heard there is plenty of vegan now I definitely won't! I will continue with my walks but otherwise keep my head down in case I am harbouring the dreaded bug I don't want to pass it on do I?
I know what we need to do now to grow up! use adulk shower gel!! Someone could have told me that years ago😁LA is just adorable isn't he? Imagine BR already able to brush his own hair! He is a clever one. My hair is bolt straight too my sisters has a lovely wave to it as does Charleys Tia's is curly and lucy is like me. Funny isn't it hair?
Now I have read a book called perfect strangers about a retreat I really enjoyed it so i might just watch that this week in light of the fact i will be keeping my head down. I suppose that means I shouldn't really go to the hairdresser's myself on Friday if Paul has covid. I'll ring and ask her.
Morning Toady how are you today have you got your mojo? I am so sorry about ickle mouse ((()))
What about orange peel? you will need to eat some oranges first but I heard???? I also heard that in Australia they are thinking about making people keep their cats inside!! Wow!!! Mind you my sister's cat is pretty well indoors (she is ancient though) and Lucy's Winnie too. If I have another after Sleek I will maybe think about that solution.
Crack on with that twigwam I am most anxious to see it even if it's only in progress....
It's our 17 year wedding anniversary today (2nd marriage!) with Paul in isolation in the bedroom! What a day eh?🙄
Take care everyone
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Good morning on this sunny day. Holly is going through the mill at the moment as her nan is in hospital recovering from a stroke and she has been visiting her every day. But the whole ward has covid now so she can't visit her.
Reshmi, LA is so cute thinking he would become an adulk as mummy was using an adulk shower gel on him. And how clever of BR to brush his own hair - even I can't do that, which is why I have it all shaved off - or almost!
Antoinette, NO Paul has covid! But your peak flow is good, my best is 300 and my worst is 250. What is your best (she asked nosily)?
We are such a brave bunch in the café (I'm on my laptop so can do the acute accent)
Barbara, is Mr B disappointed that his surgey has been put back a day?Thank you for the Macular info. Now I have an idea what my dad can see.
Joan, how is your cold? Have you done a lateral flow test?
Mike, I don't suppose you will be having the same regime that I was on, but I do hope you don't get any sickness. Don't wait until you feel sick or start feeling nauseous before you take an anti sickness tablet.
Toady, see you soon, hope you are well.
Jason, I hope your broken rib is mending.
Sending hugs to Arthuritis.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) that’s good you have your carers ready when you need them I hope Chris soon gets his results (()) you need the help (()) love to Anita ((()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Barbara (()) I’m sorry you eyes are so bad (()) I hope Mr B has is operation to morrow (()) love to your son (()) and Niamh and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Mike (()) thinking about you and your journeys through all of your treatments (()) love to vixen.
Toni (()) Sorry Paul has court it I hope it won’t last too long (()) I saw a programme on to with Greg Wallace he was at a factory making ice cream and they put cornflakes in the mixture to make it sweet. That is terrible those girls making fun of Lucy because of that (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Toady (()) I’m sorry you feel that bad that you want to move (())
Reshmi have a good day and enjoy it (())
take care
joan xx1 -
Morning all
frog, no, the Covid 🙀 and after I expressly forbade you! I suppose I should have specifically extended that to all the frog family, but I thought that was taken as read 😕 oh dear I do hope Paul gets a very light dose and you keep testing negative! 🤞🤞🤞. And on your wedding anniversary, life has a grand sense of timing 🙄 so sorry.
I was up early, for me, and did some cleaning in the kitchen so yes I must have got a bit of mojo from somewhere, thank you. I will try a bit of everything in the garden for the cat, (quite happy to eat oranges, me) but for all methods, someone says they worked a charm & someone else that the cat just laughed at it - but at least I'll feel I haven't done nothing. I'm not sure I feel keeping them in is the answer unless it suits the cat in particular, & I'm coming round to the idea more that we maybe shouldn't really keep them at all.. and given the lives a lot of animals lead, dogs left on their own all day etc (not even touching on bad owners here 😠) - but then feral cats etc - all v difficult. Very glad that Lucy is happy about the transfer (I did think you'd get a few more mins in bed than that though! but mainly hope it works out ok. What would she like to do ideally? not to be nosy, only if she has plans she wouldn't mind being spoken of). I will get in the garden today and also do a bit of seed planting - you know you have bought enough seeds when you find you've bought the same delphiniums you already have growing, so I was quite right to say that's enough now. 😂 It will be most unfair if Paul did catch the thing at the NEC, so many nice things like this spoiled, wretched Covid. The car does not look brilliant for its age (although it's still 1987 as far as I'm concerned, so not so very old 😉😂) & it must have been very gratifying to have it be someone's car of the show 🤩. You made me laugh saying let's hope those two are not halves of other couples, if so it will not be a secret now. 😂
Hello Joan, don't worry I mostly don't have a lot to complain about here, it's just I have become more intolerant I think 😳 - everyone was rather noisy in the lockdown and it's made me want peace & quiet, but people have a lot worse places to live than just lawnmowing noises & a pesky cat - the cat just happened to be the last straw. I would prefer to be somewhere where there is less of a trend toward people taking away their trees & lawns but you can't have everything. If I do get new very noisy neighbours it will be time to think again then. Hope the cold is on its way and you are both having as good day a day as possible it should be a nice weekend hopefully. xx
Hi bosh hope not too warm for you today it seems cooler & a bit more overcast. I'm one of the people who like it warm I'm afraid, shame we can't all have what we want (and then you could set rain to fall just on your neighbours 😉). I see that you have some less than ideal neighbours too 🤔 we should all just live further from each other. I never wanted to be an adulk either, if only I'd known! that it was all the fault of shower gel, I would never have touched the stuff! 😂
Kitty hello having a good day thank you (and you are brave 🥇 me, I'm a right wimp, and I don't make any bones about it). Sorry to hear about Holly's nan the Covid has made so many things worse for people, it's so unfair. Hope things get moving for you soon with everything xx
Barbara today's post is all just bits of nonsense, don't bother with it, come back when I'm in less of a silly mood :) Crossing my fingers madly for tomorrow, or what passes for crossing them, when they are already like bent twigs 😉😂 xx
Sorry you have to fit in an 'extra' Mike, all you can do is keep ticking the stages off, everything will pass as they say.
Love to all & any later callers xx
..I am off to add doughnuts to my next shop, & save Sleek from herself.
1 -
part 2: ignore or read if bored, it's the failed self-edit from yesterday 😂 nothing newsworthy.
Yesterday's trip to Drs had its share of oddness (apart from the usual feeling of 'how did this happen? how is this my life?' that you get in waiting rooms 🤨). As the surgery are moving soon they put up a sign saying (in effect) not to worry, just because there were no posters & things up & everything looks a bit empty, the quality of care is the same. Not sure who equates good doctors with lots of leaflets, but personally I'd much rather not see posters with horrible diseases when I'm sitting there, especially ones implying 'YOU could be in danger of THIS, yes you, you're the perfect candidate! Any minute now, I'd say!' Not to mention the video screen ones and all the measley chickenpoxy leaflets. Put on something cheerful and a few nice posters, cool stuff to take your mind off your troubles, I say.
On the walk back I took a slight detour round a country path bit (actually took a wrong turn as well, this is what happens when you're in the habit of looking down instead of up & around you 😂 ) and passed a few people with dogs &c, the usual, nodded at them etc, then a couple of very smiley well-dressed ladies came towards me and one said loudly "Are You Enjoying Your Walk?", which took me aback. And went on to bits about Lovely Weather &c. As I say I was looking down, not exactly skipping along in "Hello clouds, hello sky" mode (for Molesworth fans 😉) & then of course you just babble instead of saying "No not really, I'm trudging home after a blood test for my nasty disease, can't get a taxi because of Covid, I'm self-conscious enough already and hope no-one's taking any notice of me, and the quicker I can get home & get the kettle on the better". Were they saying this to everyone I wonder? Did I look miserable and they thought I needed jollying along (there was something of that tone of those ladies who come and talk to you in hospital waiting rooms if you're on your own). People, I just can't get the hang of them. Or, it's just me? Are they the normal ones? 🤔 Anyway as I had to retrace my steps I passed a clump of tiny violets that I was nearly tempted to dig one up first time round, so I weakened & did (probably not supposed to) - got it home & potted it up, and the scent was unbelievably strong - I couldn't believe it. But only while I was first potting it up. Then while looking them up in general online - I never knew this - I read that violets contain beta-ionone, which temporarily turns off your smell receptors so that it's a few moments before you smell them again, & so there is a legend that violets steal your sense of smell. So I learned something interesting from my walk even if it was at the price of encountering random people - and hopefully the little plant will survive. 🌼
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