Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    Hi to Joan Barbara and Kitty. Kitty yes LA And BR have are indeed very cute personalities, I’m not up much of a hair brusher myself either, lol.I hope you’re having an okay day? I hope you're having an okay day? Tc. Xx

    hi Joan how are you and Sue doing today? I really don’t like hot weather so I did my early morning walk and now I’m staying inside take care. X

    hi Barbara how are you today? are you going out in the garden? I’m not too bad thanks yes it is alarming how many people we know have Covid isn’t it? I hope you have a nice day and enjoy the garden if you’re going out there take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    Hi Toni how are you today? very sorry to hear about Paul hopefully it will be mild symptoms for him like it seems to be for Bill maybe they do we know each other who knows but to be honest I think that Bill really likes associating with birthday cake addicts and takeaway addicts all sorts of addictions going on there but I’d better keep quiet about that, lol. I think that’s the problem isn’t it? we will try to be careful about Covid but then if we don’t do anything we enjoy mental health definitely really suffers yeah it’s a difficult quandary I agree you take care as well - possibly don’t go to the hairdressers? I know when my hair was long and I couldn’t be bothered with the hairdressers I just used to tie it up with 1 million pins, I don’t know if that helps at all… by The way Bill has had a big argument with his mother who is a really nice person by all accounts so goodness knows what’s happened there his grandfather also died recently and he doesn’t even talk to his mother about or try to comfort her yes something really odd is going there in his family but I will keep silent in my customary manner 🤫. That’s interesting about the restaurants do you know you can get those Wagamama noodle kits to make at home if you can’t get to the restaurant? they’re not too bad actually but I’m not quite sure of the vegan or not. Okay I’m going to leave it there as I’ve got some things to do and HV has erupted what fun have a nice day and you take care of yourself Toni bye for now. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    Hi t how are you today?that’s interesting that you walked to the doctors and back that’s what I do sometimes , it’s a good walk for me and I felt better for it hopefully it was the same with you? I was going to write a longer message to you yesterday but the voice control went a bit crazy in fact it’s not really properly functioning now it seems to have become hypersensitive somehow so I have to be very careful not to mumble to myself otherwise it will come out as a kind of a mad as a hatter type message oh dear, lol. Yes that’s interesting about you liking the hot weather and me disliking it so much I think one problem for me the effect it has on my psoriasis is really nasty, however much I moisturise and have antihistamines, eyedrops etc it just never feels quite right anyway spring and summer can’t last forever, I’m a bit tired at the moment but not horrifically so I’m taking that as being progress some of the neighbours are nice, but the others can be noisy, I hope you have an okay sort of day t about the cold drinks I’m trying to be good and just have water but I may need a fruit juice if things get on top of me take care, lol. Xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all..

    Toni I'm so sorry to hear Paul has covid I hope it's a mild ine like our granddaughter had can inly do your best ti keep safe..

    Dud I read Lucy is changing jobs or getting a transfer..she has always been such a goid worker bless hope she like her mew place xx

    Mike thinks are moving at last glad Kitty had put your mind at rest .suppose like she says everyone us different ,my brother was fine on ut just really tired ..and sleep heals I say xx

    Reshmi sorry you didn't get your walk and the weather is so lovely you say sometimes irs easier to stay put xx

    Kitty things are getting there now for you and Chris it will take some presure iff you both.. poor Holly will be thinking of her xx

    Joan thankyou I still don't know how you remember everyone ..hopefully ypu have this nice weather and can get out on your scooters ..with pepper and lexi ifcourse xx

    Toady your post always make me chuckle ..especially your little trip out taking a wrong turn 😅 sorry i shouldnt laugh ..hope thebloids are OK xx

    Love to Jason and Arthritis xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    hi Barbara thanks for your nice message, how are things with you today? Did Mr B go in for his Op today? I hope it went well take care xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    hi all hope you’re all doing okay this evening just a quick poem from me


    I dread the evening it’s not a soirée just a soir

    Life seems to be like some sort of sinister “film noir”

    without the gripping plot lines and twists

    just my peace of mind evaporating into the mists

    but sleep and a fresh morning keep me going that’s true

    And soon the worries of the evening will be hidden from view

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    sorry pressed wrong button oh dear by again by again, lol.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Morning everyone!

    How are you doing Mike today? All set for tomorrow's scan? Soon it will be all go for you, but the sooner this thing is treated and hit with the sledgehammer which is chemo the better. ((())) xxx

    Kitty I am very similar to you! My best peak flow is usually around 300 but yesterday I pushed 320!! If it goes too low we are in trouble....

    I know - what is Paul like? Imagine bringing that into the house🙄 The good news is I am testing fine as is Lucy. I didn't attend the funeral of a lady from the village yesterday even though I knew her very well because I didn't want to risk giving it to anyone. You don't know when you are infectious do you and I think it starts before you have symptoms or test positive so safety first 😕

    Gosh yes...ondansetron, metoclopramide, cyclasine, the one we used to call Dom Perignon? Nosinan in the end was the best, but a but lethal! I agree with you head it off at the pass.

    Sleek is making me take high dose vitamin C🤢

    Morning Joan. Paul is doing ok in his isolation bless him. I have been passing food through the window as we live in a bungalow it works well. Those girls ought to be careful because anyone can suddenly get epilepsy and it could be them or someone they love. Cornflakes in ice cream?! Wow that's interesting. Coronation street tonight for us😊 will you and Sue go out today? ((())) xxx

    Toady you did forbid me and so far I have adhered to your instructions not so Paul but he really doesn't listen🙄 So far so good for myself and Lucy at least and the patient is behaving.

    Some cats are happy to be indoors aren't they? I don't think Sleek would be but all of Aidan's were Kari's is and Lucy's Winnie too. If you never let them out i think, but to suddenly trap them in that can't be good. I agree with you though about bad owners no it's upsetting too upsetting. Try a bit of everything and maybe something will work🤔

    Lucy is happy to be changing workplace, but was actually training to do beauty before all this COVID malarkey. We shall see time will tell won't it?

    I have more than one packet of the same seeds too, but will plant some for teh plant sale later this year. There's an excuse to plant more eh?!

    Sleek wants to know when she should come over for a doughnut?

    What an eventful walk you had (going the wrong way well who hasn't done that?!!) and managing to half-inch some violets. How interesting about how violets turn of our smell receptors 😮 I do hope it does ok and you get to keep it. Did i tell you that P's daughter is giving me a whole load of P's garden pots😊I'm so excited!

    I have to admit I always say hello to people when I am on my walk. Not those who don't make eye contact to be fair, but those who smile at me and it's only a quick 'good Morning/afternoon' or something like that. As for those depressing posters well I reckon all they do is make a load of hypochondriacs out of us all!

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? Another lovely day for a walk and doing our physio and stretches methinks.

    Paul would eat cake he would and takeaways if i didn't cook without a doubt as you know he travels a lot with work so maybe he does know BIL😁 who ought to be released soon from his isolation? If they test negative on days 6 and 7 they are free!

    I think I should not go to the hairdressers even though she says it's ok I do not see how it can be personally. I'll just wash it!

    Oh dear me BIL should not fall out with his Mum she will be grieving for her Dad surely? If she is lovely it is most likely him at fault but we shall say nothing on the subject as is wise.

    I do hope House vesuvius has settle down to no more than a spit now?

    Maybe I will look into the Wagamama home kits they sound fun. See if they are vegan.

    Sending best wishes to Jason I do hope things are less painful now ((())) xxx

    and a woo-ooo to @Arthuritis 👋

    Barbara very best of luck to Mr B today and best wishes to you I know how stressful it is being the person waiting and worrying. Trying to distract yourself wishing time would speed up.

    I do think Paul has it mild really all I can think is if this had been two years ago he might well have died now he will be ok even if he feels dreadful now. So I am grateful very grateful.

    Anyway you take care and let us know how things are going ((())) xxx

    Better get in the 🚿


  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Good morning, waiting to hear that Asda is on its way.

    Reshmi, lovely poem.

    Barbara, I think things are being delayed by Chris insisting on waiting for his X-ray results. The care co wanted to start on April 11, but his telephone app isn’t until the 13!

    Antoinette, I was given metoclopramide.

    oh well, my Asthma is playing up - or is it Bronchiectasis. I can’t tell. TTFN Xx

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) sorry about Holly’s Nan (()) i hope she’s not too bad. Has Chris heard anything yet (()) how are you feeling today worn out. My cold has calmed down sue gave it to me. love to Chris (()) and Anita ((())) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) how is the little violet doing. The other day when the carers came to sue I asked if one of them could shake a bottle of tomato sauce I could not get any out he shook it the lid flew off the sauce flew everywhere including his uniform the other carer came in and said this looks like a crime scene we just laughed. We do have fun here. Have a good day.

    Barbara (()) is it today I will be thinking about him(()) don’t worry (()) love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) how are you feeling today (()) how is Paul coping with it (()) It should have been the rude girls that were sent somewhere else not Lucy (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Mike (()) don’t worry we are here for you to shout at (()) love to vixen (())

    Jason (()) how are you feeling I hope it’s easing a bit (())

    Reshmi (()) how is your mum feeling (()) have a good weekend

    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon thankypu everyone .. we were up at 5ish Mr B had to ve at hospural fir 7 and its quite a deuve our eldest son took him ..he text around 9 .30 to say he was going down soon..gosh it's strange here ..I have been pottering round the garden .

    Toni that's good news that Paul isn't to poorly..and I least you are feeding him through the window good thinking ..bless it's like being in jail ....xx

    Joan yes Mr B has gone in ..he doesn't believe in hospitals his whole family were the same ..he will he glad if them now

    Blimey the tomatoe sauce I can only imagine what it looked like 😅 xx

    Reshmi today for Mr B they delayed it a day ..I am hoping uts over with now..apart from the recovery the way I keep forgetting u like your poems xx

    Kitty hopefully everything will be in place fir the 13th xx

    Love to Mike xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    Hi Kitty how are you today ? thanks about the poem that was very kind sorry to hear your asthma / lung trouble is playing up again take care xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    Hi Toni how are you today? how is Paul doing? I heard from my mum today that my sister has tested positive for Covid to so things are difficult all round unfortunately I know that bill doesn’t really talk to his dad but his feud with his mum is a new one, it was really sad when his granddad died his mum would phone anyone to get some comfort she phoned my mum which was normal but she also phone lots of other people like my dad she was crying and phoning people she didn’t really know that well I felt very bad for her, Also his mum worships the ground he walks on, so I agree I would say that most likely it’s Bill’s fault of course we have taken our monk-like vows of silence again so they’re zipped mouths all around lol. Sorry I got a bit confused with the names of all the tests did you say that you have tested negative? You be careful with yourself how long do you have to stay in the hotel for? One funny thing to report on the LA front he said to his mummy “at lunch and breakfast time my tummy says I’m hungey I’m still hungey, so I say tummy have some manners!” My goodness he’s learning all sorts of funny things this little one, lol. I did walk this morning yes and I didn’t buy any food at all on the walk so that’s a good one for me lol I did physio but not extra stretches I’m afraid but still the walk was definitely a good thing plus the normal physio. Okay that’s it for now T , I Hope you are enjoying the day as much as you can take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    Hi Barbara how are you today? I see Mr B’s op was delayed for a day I hope it’s gone okay, thanks very much about the poem take care take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    hi T, also hi Joan Hope you and Sue are good today? my mum is in a bit better mood than yesterday thanks but I agree I think she must be worried about the Op also she was really tired yesterday bye for now take care. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,602
    edited 25. Mar 2022, 16:49

    Hello all - just a quick call so that I can man the kettle, I will keep a lid (teapot lid or otherwise) on the trivia for today & tomorrow while we have people with ops & appointments going on, & resume general posting another time

    Love to Barbara I expect you have had news by now I do hope all's well, yes it must be strange I hope the garden and the birdies & nature have been helping you - such an early start too - all the v best 😘 xx

    Mike same to you for tomorrow & hope you & Vixen are keeping each others' morale up 👍️

    Hope Jason is managing ok too & not too uncomfortable, will make sure your cafe tea is in v easy reach ☕️

    Oh dear bosh sorry your sis has Covid.. and there is a family feud.. life never simple is it 🙄 hope you're doing ok despite these things, I'm alright today thanks for asking, as you see I am passing out the drinks hot cold or as you prefer 🥛🥤 'see' you soon all the best for the weekend x

    Hello Joan glad to hear the cold has been a mild one hopefully that means Sue's has been too. The little violet seems to be alright touch wood 😀 not drooping, just hoping it had enough roots to 'take'. I'm picturing your tomato sauce crime scene 😂 good job you did not have an unexpected visitor, yes you have to laugh don't you, much better to find fun in things than be 'po-faced' as they say! Have a good weekend both xx

    Frog hello & will post more soon as well but glad Paul is ok at present (pity more people aren't as responsible as yourself, not going to the hairdresser &c) - I did think Lucy was or had been doing something beauty-related - hope she can pick it up again someday. Tell Sleek she should be alright for a doughnut around Wednesday next (just the one mind 😉 ) that will give her time to decide what sort & let me know. (Btw I am off to one of our usual online garden/diy stores where there is 10% off, if interested :) 👨‍🌾 #Bayleaf).

    Kitty hope you have your shopping, mine is next week haven't even started 😬 all the best to you & Chris for the weekend x

    Love to all see you soon xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    hi t thanks for your nice message I’m not too bad thanks my sister said she’s mainly feeling tired but symptoms are generally mild atm so that’s good to know def. I think the family feud mainly affects bill my sis and her in-laws but it is def upsetting because I’ve met that lady and she’s really a very nice and kind person it seems cruel to continue with some silly feud when someone has passed away, but people can be v strange and unpredictable sometimes can’t they really toady ? I’m going to Try and have my mxt over just aft my mental health meds or 15 minutes after Max later on today to try and sleep away some of the side effects as T puts it, The prob is that mental health meds also make me tired and it’s a case of getting used to a new routine and drinking a whole load of water when stomachs not 100% anyway I’ll give it a go 😄. do you do you like having nice cold drinks in hot weather or do you just stick to all that water in a super healthy manner? I sometimes have fruit juice but I like no added sugar squash a lot my dad seems to think that diet Coke is good for him well polite words eludes me elude me, lol. Good night take care. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Morning Everyone. Looks like another cold start with a sunny day to follow😊 CLOCKS FORWARD tonight???

    Only thing is I feel guilty going out for a walk in case I might be harbouring the dreaded virus😥 Not to worry plenty to do in the garden.

    Mike all the very best for today I hope the PET scan goes well and they get exactly what they need to proceed with your treatment next week. I/we will all be there with you as you know we always are. ((())) for you and your baby sis Susan too xxx

    Morning Kitty was the shopping all present and correct? Asda have been pretty good to you haven't they while this has been going on?

    I have managed to secure an Ocado shop so I don't need to go out.

    Chris is delaying the carer's start date and no doubt won't ring the Dr for his results either? Methinks maybe he is in a bit of denial?

    Well Kitty I think it is getting to be allergy season about now so it might well be your asthma causing you extra trouble🤨are you coping ok? Were you impressed that my peak flow was better than normal the other day? I reckon shear determination that was I WILL NOT get Covid this time!!

    You had met did you? Lucy had them all except for cyclasine (sp) because of her epilepsy and the nosinan was out of shear desperation to stop the sickness. Sleek says she has far better 'nachural auntie siknas'. I can't imagine Mike taking it though can you? I think he will have doxarubicin/donrubicin (the red one?) as part of his treatment that makes Lucy sick just looking at it.

    Joan thank you for asking I am coping ok with the patient. He is fairly well behaved. He came out in the garden yesterday and lay down in the sun for a bit and had his lunch out there. To be fair though he was worse yesterday than the day before. I am a bit miffed missing my hair appointment, but not to worry I have another booked with Kari for April. I know what you mean those girls ought to have been moved, but Lucy was very very happy to get away from them and is looking forward to starting there afresh. Did you or Sue get out yesterday? ((())) xxx

    Barbara I am so glad Mr B will be all done and dusted by now bless him. You can relax now and rest before your patient arrives home. Is he entitled to any aftercare with you not being fit enough to help much or will the lads help?

    My patient can at least shower himself! He was worse yesterday I can't see him being clear on his first test tomorrow can you? He does feel like he's in jail bless him I can tell, but he can go in the back garden in the sun a bit in the sun.

    Good idea for you to potter in the garden while you are trying to keep busy. Get Mr B one ready for when he gets home although someone did say next week isn't so nice 😒ya booh!

    Anyway you take care of YOU too if you can.

    Morning Reshmi. I hope you are well this lovely sunny chilly morning? Thank you for asking i am very well still and negative. Fingers crossed it stays that way. What about your sister though? how is she and (of interest to me) how many days after BIL did she get it so I know. I hope BIL is now looking after the boys so she can recover herself.

    Paul was a bit rougher yesterday bless him. Don't worry we are at home although it's like a hotel for him with me like servant waiting on him! I can't see him testing negative tomorrow which is the first day he is supposed to check. I had ordered an extra pack of tests and they arrived yesterday so now I have two boxes in case Lucy and i get it. Better not though as she starts her new place on Monday.

    It sounds as though BIL's mum really suffered when her Dad died she must have adored him. BIL ought to try to be more sensitive. Families eh?🙄

    Awww bless LA keeping everyone's spirits up little ones can do that can't they? I think BIL and Paul need to tell their tummies to have some manners too😂

    Well done going for your walk and buying NOTHING!! I often take a sweet in my pocket when I am out just a low calorie vegan one I don't know if that will help?

    Jason gosh I do hope you are on the mend now after the broken rib and your pain is easing ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady 😊 I am with Joan and want to know how your stolen violet is doing? Stay strong little one!!

    Thanks for staffing the drinks here it is definitely needed. I don't think any of us actually drink although i used to pretend to neck back the cooking sherry do you remember? back in the day

    I'll have a coffee please a posh one as I can't have my ride out this weekend with Paul😫

    I will wear my hair with a bandana on it if I am out for a few weeks managed to get an appointment at the hairdresser's for April (with Kari my sister having hers done too) just before my birthday. I don't even feel I ought to be out walking in the village. Silly probably it being outside. Paul says I should go for a drive in my little pink car and not get out. I might I am thinking about it, but also enjoying the garden so should cope.

    This forced jail time is making me think of shopping....10% off you say for our gardening 'needs'? Hmmm tempting🤔#bayleaf!! Love it!

    Sleek likes all doughnuts unfortunately hence her name.....she is thinking either jam (quite traditional) or a glazed one. She says she'll let you know tomorrow.

    Right it's Saturday again already so it has to be Croissants and coffee

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone the clock’s go back tonight

    Kitty (()) sorry you have a problem with your bronchitis (()) ( sorry if that’s the wrong word ) I hope it is not to bad (()) perhaps Chris will be happier when he gets his results of his ex-ray (()) love to Holly (()) love to Chris and Anita (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) have a good weekend don’t worry about Mr B (()) he will be relieved it’s over (()) Lexi went to the vet she has a bad tooth she goes back on Wednesday. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni ((()) does Paul (()) feel better (()) sorry you are not having your ride out this weekend and your coffee (()) Lucy is good she will get further than those other girls in life. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (()) yes we went for a long ride yesterday.

    Mike (()) good luck for today love to your sister (()) and vixen

    Jason (()) thinking about you

    Toady have a good weekend

    Reshmi (()) have a good weekend

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Morning, my it’s warm. I just looked out or the window to see someone lazing in a deckchair. Another neighbour was carrying washing downstairs and fell down the lot, spraining ligaments in her ankle and is using crutches at the moment.

    Yes all our shopping arrived, delivered by Michael, who puts it all in bags for us, and uses a Covid as an excuse.

    Antoinette, I had Epirubin and it makes your wee red.

    Joan, I hope Lexi won’t suffer too much with that tooth.

    Sending everyone love and hugs.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    hi all incl T , t , Joan and Barbara sorry but I did not have a good night last sorry T I just wanted to say Bill got positive result last Friday I can’t write any more now sorry. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,602
    edited 26. Mar 2022, 16:36

    'Afternoon :)

    Sorry to hear Paul has been feeling fairly ropey frog 😔 hopefully just giving a bit of a kick on its way..? hope you are all coping you're doing all you can anyway🤞. Sorry you couldn't go for your usual drive today maybe you did go out quickly yourself? any wavy have made you a nice coffee whenever you want it, it is from a bird friendly brand that donates part proceeds to the rspb 🕊️✌️. My shopping will be Tues now Sleek still has plenty of time to choose doughnuts, tell her she can change her mind back & forth as often as necessary, I always do 😉. The violet is looking good :) I will post a pic when I'm happy it's going to be ok (there were plenty; I know it's a bit iffy to do but I wouldn't take a special or rare thing ofc). I went for a little walk yesterday but didn't come back with anything.. well just a brick, and a handy piece of wood, but they were being chucked (once a scavenger always a scavenger 😂). It's nice that you will be having some pots of your friend's, sad too obviously but at the same time you will be the ideal person to appreciate them and the association which is as much as anyone can do for someone's possessions. xx

    Hello bosh, ashamed to say I don't really drink water, actually hardly at all.. I should of course, can't really explain it except that I nearly always want tea or coffee at the obvious times & there aren't really other times I want anything extra (& not being that physically active). I don't drink fizzy drinks either except occasionally in summer (& I have no idea how people get through the amount they do! Does your Dad drink his Diet Coke by the large bottleful?) Yes as far as families go (& people in general) can only heartily agree from experience that they are strange to put it mildly.. you try to think well they have reasons, that make sense to them, but it's a stretch at times to put yourself in people's shoes; sometimes you can't think why they would do (whatever the thing is). If everyone behaved sensibly like me haha (obviously that's some sort of awful ego thing 😂 ) it would save a lot of trouble, at least, if they put me in charge, I could not possibly be worse than our world leaders! just do as you would be done by, what's so hard 🙄. Hope your family feud will simmer & your sister's symptoms are still mild. Sorry to hear you had a bad night, too. Also (going back to previously) I can appreciate that your psoriasis will not like the heat, a friend suffers similarly with it 😔 it will be turning cooler again now for a bit I think. Sorry if the speech thing tries to make you write Mad Hatter posts but we may as well just go with the theme and have Tea Parties - we will probably both nod off like the Dormouse, let's face it. Hope you have a better day tomorrow x

    Joan thanks for the extra reminder about the clocks, I will probably still not remember to change them all there is usually at least one wrong for a few weeks afterwards. Poor Lexi! 😥 sorry she has to go to & from the vet, hope not too many more appointments & she doesn't hate going too much poor thing. Have a good Sunday. xx

    Kitty glad you have your shopping ok and that's very good of your driver to get around the bags thing that way, it has made things more difficult hasn't it. Oh dear your poor neighbour, ouch. 😫 With everyone talking about hair, I was going to say mine has become a kind of a piled up bird's nest affair & then saw a headline today, "I let a baby bird nest in my hair for 84 days"!! Not quite how it sounds, but the timing was funny! 😂

    Barbara DO hope everything is ok today🤞

    and best to everyone as & when they visit xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    Hi Toady thanks for your message, I agree with you it’s it’s definitely hard to put oneself into somebody else’s shoes we just see the surface of things and don’t know all the facts even though things definitely seem very weird From the outside, I def see what you mean about fizzy drinks etc, the prob is in theory we can eat and drink a lot of things but when we are not able to move like we used to things get difficult I agree completely I used to go to the gym most weekdays really before the arthritis but anyway that’s the way life is for us now I guess, I had a Bad night because I experimented on the way I take my meds I took the mental health ones in the night as normal and then straight afterwards I took the mxt just to see if that would help with mxt side-effects but somehow it made me feel really bad affect in general I feel really weak and had sort of palpitations type feelings that kind of stuff anyway it’s over now but I def won’t be doing that again but at least I’ve tried though, back to drinks, I like tea too, but sometimes our kitchen gets so hot and oft it is the tendency to become “Argument Central” One of the warmest spots house Vesuvius, lol, so sometimes I go without it completely or almost fully, diet Coke by the bottle, lol, actually toady you’re not wrong at all there - left to his own devices like a toddler he would probably be bathing diet Coke or something like that fathers my goodness difficult people at least in my world if I told him not to have it he would have it all the more the logic of a three-year-old indeed😄 . Glad you’re not feeling too bad today take care Reshmi. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    hi T I am feeling a bit better now thank you sorry for not writing a proper message before my sis had positive test result yesterday, the kids seem okay so far thank goodness as I wrote to toady I didn’t really have a great night having one set of meds aft the other really had a terrible affect on me but at least that’s over now and I’ll just have to bear with it taking it at the normal kind of time sorry I thought I do it by memory kind of message but bear with me if I’ve I forgotten a lot of points, the tummy thing LA’s little gem there that was quite hilarious i agree, lol, oh yes - vegan sweets low-calorie that’s not a bad idea actually what which brand of sweets do you buy if you don’t mind me asking? I never used to eat or drink while walking due to covid fearsbefore but now I suppose there’s no harm in it if I really need to I’m never sure exactly what to eat or drink though drinking squash or something would be okay but I’d have to be a bit more organised as for eating things I like sweets but obviously the no sugar variety ideally but the thing is I just find it cost a lot of money and I don’t always I don’t always find the taste that good but I do find like you I think if I get things done really early morning everything is better I make better choices of what I eat and drink don’t buy rubbish this kind of thing have a whole lot more energy but that doesn’t happen every day in my house for obvious reasons, anyway I would be interested in your thoughts about the vegan sweets thank you I think I’ll leave it there actually apart from of course asking how you are and how Paul are doing? Also of course how your day went? Mine was not too good mostly but I’ve recovered a bit now just before supper time and the old mxt stomach problem is very much with me yes has a glorious prob we both have to endure, lol. Tc. Xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Not git yo see Mr B yet but he has rang and text in a fashion ..they kept him on a recovery ward till today at 4 ..just to keep an eye on him..something to do with the heart murmur they found..he sounds really good and today they stood him up ..I rember that well 😲I he to book a slot for visiting tomorrw todays were full

    Toady thabkyou the garden has really helped take my mind off things it's been glorious here xx

    Toni thankyou Mr B is recovering well sorry you had to miss your hair appointment..hope Paul will test negative soon xx

    Joan thankyou ..I'm glad Lexi has got that tooth out poor thing to all of you xx

    Reshmi sorry to hear your sister has covid ..gosh it's taken iff again take care xx

    Kitty us all organised with the shopping something I need to do..your poor neighbour what a shock fir her hope her injuries are jot yo bad xx

    Sorry for the stunted typing ..

    Love to Mike and anyone else I may have forgotten xxxx
