Val's Cafe



  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,751

    Hello all, new to the cafe, but an old hand on the forum. Sorry, I’m rubbish at small talk, (I take after my Dad) and not a foodie (Mr LM does all the cooking as an act of self preservation). Just wanted to say @Mike1 I’m so sorry to hear about your cancer diagnosis, but it sounds like you’re being well taken care of, both by the medics and your sister. I hope the treatment isn’t too gruelling and that all goes well for you next week.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 27. Mar 2022, 07:17

    Morning another sunny day here.

    How did you get on Mike? PET scan all done? Did they tell you anything? I expect not now to get to Friday when it really will be a busy day. You will be so grateful for that PICC line even if it feels odd at first. SEnding my usual ((())) and strength xxx

    Morning Joan you are right! Lucy should do better than the nasty girls. Paul still felt rough yesterday i don't expect much improvement today, but he can lie in the garden in the sun getting some vitamin D. I do hope Lexi is ok will the vet take the tooth out? ((())) xxx

    Kitty Epirubicin is like Doxarubicin like in the same family. It's the one (sorry Mike) which pinches your hair. All the kids knew this and used to dread it. BUT it's a very powerful medication and works so at the moment we have no choice and it's worth it.

    That was Paul you saw outside lazing. I have been getting him outside every day in the sun to get his vitamin D bless him and have a change from the four walls of the bedroom. I don't think he minds he is wiped out anyway. I hope your neighbour's leg heals fast for her.

    What a lovely Asda man you have doing that for you. He knows it helps you a lot a little bit of kindness goes along way doesn't it? Sleek says you have cockles for her in your shopping. Did you order them or has she been editing your order like she does mine?

    Morning Toady. Poor old man my husband I hope he turns the corner today, but don't expect a negative result. At least he lay in the sun yesterday. My new neighbours think that 'you can go out' if you have covid! Typical isn't it? The guidelines are still to stay away from other people if you can. It's only really that the Govt can't afford to pay them to stay off that's changed. You can see why it's spreading can't you🙄 I did wonder whether I could go through a drive through and pick up a coffee but wasn't sure I should🤔

    I can hear Sleek purring on the fluffy blanket in from on me kneading. Bless her she was pleased to see Paul outside yesterday. I had a spot of bother this morning with 3 ducks in the garden (on the greenbelt bit) and someone's cat stalking them so I had to go out in my dressing gown to save them! Sleek says may she please have two doughnuts. One jam and one glazed. She may yet change her mind like you do😉

    More than 70 years of P's life and all her treasures to dismantle😓 you are right it's lovely if they can go to people who will remember her and use them as she would have. She loved wildflowers harebells and the like and taught me a lot. I am tempted to try to find some and plant them in one of her pots. I will pass those skills on too to my girls and anyone who will listen! I know you wouldn't pinch anything rare although you may well cultivate more violets from that little one so that is good! Looking forward to seeing it thriving 😊

    I nematoded the pots in the village last year we had vine weevil grubs chomping all the roots of the bedding. Feel guilty as it's not really in the spirit of veganism is it?

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? Not the best day a Sunday post MTX on Friday, but better than yesterday.((())) I am doing ok thank you for asking I enjoyed some time in the garden which cheered me up a bit and as always stick to plain foods.

    Yes getting all our exercise done early is the best way then you feel positive about your day and better for it.

    I am very glad to hear that your sister is ok so far and hope BIL is negative today and tomorrow and can take over looking after the boys. Mind you they would all live on take aways and american pancakes if he is in charge 🤭Paul is ok pretty rough but ok eating ok, but very tired sore throat and sort of brain foggy?

    I eat candy kittens on my walks if i need something or sometimes just fruit pastels now they are vegan. Jelly beans too are excellent Kari says models eat them as they have to watch their weight. Not many calories in one or two of those. To be fair I can't walk past anywhere where I can get me anything there are no shops in the village now the shop closed 3 years ago after the owner died. It is being converted into a house now.

    Paul needs to talk to his tummy as does BIL😁

    Morning Barbara I am so glad to hear Mr B is being so well looked after.

    Oh gosh being stood up😫ouch ouch, but the first 'step' to recovery so essential. I hope you got a visiting slot? He will be so pleased to see you. I expect he will escape home soon maybe Tuesday do you think? Will your son take you over today is it Wrightington? If it I I can imagine the wards.

    My garden has also been a life saver with Paul confining us to base. My hair will wait I can hide my roots under my bandana and I'm not going far anyway.

    Take care and I look forward to hearing how Mr B is doing. Neighbour goes in tomorrow for his.

    @Lilymary LOVELY to see you popping by. Small-talk is not necessary here we often just pop in to check each other are well. So checking in here on Mike is perfect 😊 Lots of gardening chat too I have no doubt you can contribute there if you want to, but absolutely no pressure at all.

    Jason (AKA Jeeves) I do hope you are doing ok an dare on the mend now. Sending ((())) to you have a good Sunday with the family.

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    How did you get on Mike? PET scan all done? Did they tell you anything? I expect not now to get to Friday when it really will be a busy day. You will be so grateful for that PICC line even if it feels odd at first. SEnding my usual ((())) and strength xxx

    Morning Froggie

    yes, PET scan done at last. When I was leaving they said that the report will be with my Consultant in a few days and they were not impressed when I said that I had an appointment with him on Monday morning to discuss the scan and my treatment programme!! Thursday is the busy day, baby sis has taken the day off as I have to leave here about 8am, picc line at 0930 followed by the first chemo treatment at 1120. I will post as soon as I feel able afterwards; mind you I did have a dream on Friday night that the Consultant said he had made a mistake and I didn't have cancer after all!! Talk about wishful thinking. I have been off my food for the past few weeks but I did actually have a fry up this morning: hogs pudding, hash browns and an egg! That will definitely be my last one for a while. Have a good day.

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 27. Mar 2022, 08:17

    Another sunny morning, I rang dad yesterday - he was messing around with a rado he never listened to and was going to alter his clocks ready for today. I hope his carer remembered to alter his, or dad will get himself up before he arrives. I've found a different station on my bedroom DAB. Times Radio, a news station run by the Sunday Times newspaper. Lots of information about what is happening in Ukraine.

    Lilymary, I have noticed you in other threads, and I'm so pleased to see you in the café. You must help yourself to anything you fancy, Cockles and Kippers a speciality thanks to dear Miss Sleek (our favourite puss)

    Barbara, I hope M B is feeling OK, if a little strange. He'll soon feel the benefits.

    Toady, How are you today? Are your bulbs peeping through?

    Joan, I hope your cod is going away.

    Reshmi, I hope you are feeling better too.

    Antoinette, so that was Paul sunning himself. I think we could all do with some vitamin D, especially those whoo are housebound. I chew 2 calcium and vit D tablets a day, called Cholecalciferol. And yes, Seek did edit my Asda order by putting in Cockles and mussels alive, alive-o. Has she been singing that all morning?

    Mike, so you've had your scan and the picc line is in, mine used to make me itch!

    Jason, is your rib improving?

    Arthuritis, Hope you are feeling well today.

    Have I forgotten anyone?

    I've put the recipe in Matron's Munchies. as it was too long to add it here.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) how are your pain’s today (()) sorry about your neighbour it shakes you up when you fall (()) love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (())) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) thank you for letting us know about Mr B (()) he might soon be home they don’t keep you in there long do they.

    Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) the weather man says it will be rain from Wednesday and that will turn into snow we shall see. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) how is Paul feeling (()) yes I can see a birds nest in your hair where ever you go you would hear singing. Have a good day (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Mike (()) thinking of you (()) love to vixen

    Jason (()) how are you feeling.

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    This is a photo of the ice house it’s in the fields where we walk Lexi and pepper it was used in Victorian times to keep people’s food cold you got in side under ground from your home.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    Hi Joan that’s a lovely picture of the icehouse did you and Sue enjoy your walk today? really interesting about the icehouse I didn’t know that that people had to go underground to get ice these days we take ice for granted so much thanks for that hope you have a good day. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    hi t how are you today? I just remembered what you said about tea parties yes that would be quite funny and good idea in theory but like you said maybe a bit soporific, lol. I’m Better than yesterday thanks for asking but I am yawning as I write this oh well never mind nothing can be perfect 😄. Stomach is okay at the moment it seems but I have been eating very safe foods indeed so hopefully I’ll be okay but it may be too early to make a “diagnosis”, lol. Hope things are well with you or as well as they can be take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    Hi Barbara how are you today? I’m not too bad thanks yes my sister is positive but she’s not feeling too bad atm thankfully apart from a lot of fatigue hope you’re having a good day today take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    hi Toni how are you today? plain foods that’s a very good idea yesterday I had relatively plain foods apart from a salad it wasn’t with Mayo or anything like that very simple dressing but yes too much veg seem to upset it nothing is very simple is it Toni? oh dear 🤢. Thanks for Your advice about the vegan sweets good to know oh no sorry that Paul is feeling a bit rough good that he has an appetite though I think my tummy needs to learn some manners as well tbh T lol. I’m Doing a lot better than yesterday thankfully I forgot about the time diff and I went out pretty early but that worked out well for me in the end, lol, New café near Costa it’s not the kind of thing that appeals to me kind of a bit of a like posh greasy spoon type thing but don’t think they have veggie options or anything like that I think you have to like pork to eat there unfortunately but when I walked past it this morning a smell of bacon was wafting through the air not one of my fave aromas either as you know it’s just a good job that Bill doesn’t wander around where I live in writing being seduced by the fragrance of fried pork fat yummy 😄🤢. Bill is doing well as far as I’ve heard tho he may have had one too many espressos see attached picture, lol. Unfortunately though he is being extremely lazy and has to be prompted to make the kids breakfast even his own I think that my sister has really been spoiling Bill too much I mean why can’t he make his own toast? I know now isn’t a normal situation but beforehand well I don’t know what goes through peoples minds mother nature alone knows… more working from memory again so I’ve probably forgotten a lot of points sorry hope you have a good day I’m so glad it’s cooled down take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    Hi Toni forgot to mention did you get any nice presents or video calls or something like that for Mother’s Day? did Lucy give you anything nice? okay bye take care. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,602
    edited 27. Mar 2022, 16:50

    Hello all, no idea what time it is now I never adjust to the clock change for ages without stopping & thinking about what it really is now, but it's the afternoon that's near enough.

    Barbara so pleased to hear from you 😊 I hope you can visit ok I wasn't sure if you could & what the rules are now. Mr B must not be able to believe it's behind him instead of ahead, hope they are pleased with him might he really be home as soon as Toni suggests? Love to both & grapes for Mr B 🍇 and whatever you want, I have opened the 'good' biscuits 😊. Twigwam pictures below as promised only a start!

    Kitty yes plenty of tulips 🌷 although there should be other ones/other colours out and some different bulbs so I have failed at the effect I intended 😂 never mind. Hope your Dad got on ok with the carer, at least phones & radios etc would be right time-wise. Hope everything else not too bad today.

    Joan eek no not snow thank you! But I knew I should not get used to this warmth it can't last at the moment can it. Lovely picture! yes people nowadays hardly think back to no fridges do they especially younger ones. All these things are fascinating but hard times of course we can be nostalgic & not have to live like it. Hope you are both ok and little Lexi not in discomfort. xx

    Frog hope Paul is bearing up.. oh silly neighbours, yes that's just what they would say, that's how other people end up paying for your silliness 🙄 I have been barely anywhere the whole time and that's while not having the covid!.. so odd still, walking through town automatically treating shops as no-go, & so weird at the same time not to go in. What a lifesaver online shopping is, if you believe in there being a pattern to things, then a pandemic that waited for the internet era is a very neat fit. Kitty did well to get all her stuff, lots of things on my list not available! salad & all sorts - so if I buy doughnuts instead of veg it's not my fault, & of course Sleek can have 2 there will be plenty. 😆 I have indeed been cracking on with the twigwam, below stage is only an artist's impression (using the term loosely 😂 ) nothing assembled, just the basics - I have since put in a central bamboo to make it sturdy enough so that the legs don't have to be knocked in so deep - as they're only really just high enough. I could have used all bamboo but I've only got 8 foot lengths and it's a bit beyond me to get them in far enough, and I'm not cutting them down it's a waste. Also the whole border is earmarked for trees as new-neighbour defences so am only doing a few temporary bits (anything that covers the horrid concrete is a step up basically). Vine weevils, oh that's a tricky one, they used to congregate around sedum I had & I knew if I turned any up, my garden robin would beg for them, which isn't far removed from 'growing' them for him & serving them up.. Nature, it's not nice is it. 😕 But we do what we can.. and well done on the duck protecting front 😀 plus another vote for Candy Kittens (and if they can veganise Fruit Pastilles & other brands then more can do it, come on manufacturers 🙄 at least things are improving!). Hope you have a better week keep testing negative! xx

    Hello bosh hope your Sunday is not too bad, sorry that tinkering with the meds did not go well but you know not to do it again (why don't our bodies help out & tell us what to do.. they always say listen to your body don't they but mine never tells me anything useful! a little printout would be handy - eat exactly this, do this, do that. Trial & error is no fun 🙄). Sorry you don't get to go to the gym now too, I often wonder if it's worse to have arthritis when you've been really really fit - more to lose - but at least you've had it while you had it. Yes I can see tea is quite 'heating' if you are already warm indoors, especially if there's more than one opinion on where the thermostat should be at.

    Mike I'm not surprised your consultant is not impressed, I hope they can work around not having the results on Mon although it's hard to see quite how 🤔 unless they can be sherricked along or you can have a word beforehand maybe sort something.

    Hello @Lilymary I never used to do small talk (in real life) now I talk too much (RA fatigue seems to come out that way for me, like a word autopilot that just keeps spooling quantity over quality 🤐 ). Kettle on anytime you're passing 😊☕️

    Love to all hope Jason and Arthuritis doing ok -


  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,602

    Mike, apologies, 'I'm not surprised they weren't impressed your consultant will not have your results on Mon' is how that sentence started out in draft until I over-edited & mucked it up 🙄 all the best for tomorrow & hope things can be coordinated. x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Morning everyone!

    The last decent day for a while so Paul says and he should know he watches more telly than anyone ATM!!! Yesterday's LFT test came back a very strong positive before the liquid had even got right across as we suspected him still being rough.

    Mike the consultant will ring for the results after all it's the PET people who needed to crack on and have held things up isn't it? Oh that dream awful to wake up and find out it was just that I am sorry. Dreaming is something you might do a lot of. They may give you dexamethasone (steroid) alongside your chemo as it helps it work better for some reason. If they do it might just help your bones. Baby sis certainly has her uses bless her Thursday it is now often chemo sessions come in like 3 week cycles so after that you get to rest it off have a bad week then a recover week then a good week then back to it🙄 Kitty will remember. Your consultant will tell you more today all being well. Thinking of you and we'll all be with you for your appointment ((())) xxx

    Morning Kitty Sleek has been outside with me singing 'Cockles and mussels alive alive-o' she has been on her back paws removing dead leaves from plants while I was singing 'Oim bayleaf Oin the gard'ner' what a racket between us.

    Sorry about the order editing, but you know our Sleek.😳

    Well I am glad to see your Dad is so well! Amazing isn't he? Sorting out his clocks as you say though i hope the carers checked before they left!

    A large recipe was it? Sounds intriguing....and Tims radio I hadn't heard of that.

    When Lucy's picc line went in she didn't bend her arm for weeks! Bless her.

    Your vitamin choice is spot on Barbara said they are giving high does vitamin C for COVID in hospitals so hopefully the ones i am giving Paul are helping.

    Morning Joan thanks for the ice house picture it looks lovely. That was one of the original 'fridges' then or freezers maybe?

    Wouldn't it be lovely to hear birds singing all day? I fed ours extra yesterday because i planted my onions and garlic and they can pinch the bulbs before they have time to grow🙄 Hope you and Sue are doing ok how are the carers? ((()) xxx

    Morning Reshmi that's great having such an early start and walk yesterday I hope you are feeling much better today. Sorry to say but things like mashed potatoes appeal to me....and I used to like cheese and onion pasties before I was vegan when I was just veggie. Salad is ok and soups too with a plain roll. What about upma I have never tried that post MTX?

    Nope we'll avoid your new café BIL can go there instead. Oh dear me yes!! He has had far too many espressos!!Loved the picture😂 I was pretty sure he ought to be much better by now and perfectly capable of feeding the boys so your poor sister can get better. His Mum sadly is probably to blame too many Mothers spoil their boys so they are useless when they grow up🙄

    Paul's test yesterday was a vivid red within a second or two so we won't waste a test today.

    Don't worry if you missed anything i do and I am actually checking!

    Toady! I see a twigwam!! I love it! It's so pretty even without any beans/peas/ sweet peas growing up it! I will attach a pic of my veggie patch for you in a bit.... The tulips too! Lovely lovely colour😊

    I am still well as is Lucy so pleased Paul super positive still I just hope the weather hold up for him or he will be very down. His deputy might bring him some paperwork I think. I hope the wages get paid ok I better check how that happens.....or the apprentice and deputy will go hungry!

    Yup vine weevil grubs yukky but oh the birds love them don't they? Last year we picked maybe 30 out of one pot me and another lady in the village. we left them nearby on the pavement and when we came back they were all gone🤢shudder! I'm sure Robin was so happy.That's nature though. I fed my birds extra yesterday as I planted my onion sets and garlic and I need the bulbs to be still in the ground today!

    Tia the middle one bought me a solitary bee house and a ladybird house the bee one will go near the veggies for pollination (likely?)and the ladybird one will probably never be used I tried that before still i will put it up an dhope for the best 😊I 😍 them anyway!

    Candy kittens are super yum! I have no idea why we need pork in our sweeties when other brands can sort them without? ah well.

    Sleek will be over to 'adjust' your online order for you later on she said maybe this evening she has your passwords now sorry. She is at Kitty's this morning and in the garden with me this afternoon bless her. Thank goodness for online shopping is all I can say. Tesco saved our lives although to be fair at first it was the girls bringing us food as getting a slot wasn't easy....I hope you get what you need.

    We will shop again one day and browse and enjoy ourselves I am certain. Life will return to some sort of normal I hope. Paul is trying to book us a holiday! I am very apprehensive, but he is and soon too. I said I need a hazmat suit if he wants me on a plane anytime soon.

    Barbara I do hope Mr B is ok and doesn't have too much post operative pain. I am sure he is up mobilising now in preparation for going home in a day or so if they are happy with his heart.

    I didn't ask did he have a spinal in the end?

    Are you making the most of your time alone and watching all the telly he hates? I always do that when Paul is on site🤭

    Take care now

    Is Jeeves feeling any better today Jason I do hope so I bet the girls spoiled you this weekend. I know the ball has started rolling for your knees too, but I can't remember what and when? ((())) xxx


    vegan option available of course and all sauces...

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Veggie patch. Cabbages hiding under fleece with kale. The lovely labels were a gift from my brother about 8 years ago.

    Can you see the metal construction at the back? Sugarsnaps should grow up it.

    Paul put me some steps to get into the middle without treading on anything and the rhubarb was finally rescued from where the builders put a path last year!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope all is well there and you are both not in too much pain (()) love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) how are you keeping ()) his Mr B (()) getting on alright (()) love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) have a good day thank you for the plants.

    Mike you are doing well (()) love to vixen and your sister (())

    Jason (()) how are you feeling now (())

    Toni (()) I think we have to live with this virus like the flu. Sorry Paul still has it bad (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your neighbours (()) good luck for his operation.

    Reshmi (()) have a good day don’t worry how is your mum’s eyes now (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Just popped in to say that I’ve become a Silver Friend of Skegness Seal Sanctuary. They alsu have other animals.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Just back from hospital and there is good news for a change, I only have Stage 1 Hodgkins Lymphoma, so it was caught in time, and my echocardiogram shows my heart is OK so the Consultant is confident that he can get rid of the cancer with about 3 months of chemo which starts this Thursday.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    hi toady how are you today? I haven’t done my neck physio for a little while but used alternative means of preserving my neck but I really thought I better do some today mainly in your honour and Toni’s 😄. I Like the idea of a printout that’s really funny, lol. I wouldn’t say that I was really fit but I tried and I believe it helped with my weight management plus it was just nice to get out of the house really well away from The explosive house Vesuvius, lol. I hope your day is going well today? I’m not too bad thanks I’ll sign off for now take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    Hi Barbara how are you doing today? It’s quite mild here today but stuffy too, I don’t really like this kind of weather hope things are going okay with Mr B? have you been able to visit him yet? take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    hi Toni how are you today? I also check the messages sometimes but sometimes they’re just too many things going on in HV lol. Sorry to hear that Paul is still positive, But at least he’s enjoying being in charge of the tv remote though, lol. I Found that picture on Pinterest it’s a picture of one of the Muppets called animal in the Muppet show as far as I remember he’s a drummer in a rock band who is completely wired all the time whether it’s coffee or LA’s cupcakes that are causing the “high” nobody knows, lol. LA recently told me about his weekly routine he said that some hitting goes on Thursdays whether he hits Riley and R hits him I’m not sure or more likely no actual hitting occurs at all (this is probably one of his innocent well - meaning lies or “innocent toddler - fabrications” as I sometimes put it) lol, He also said that he cries and cries and cries on Saturdays (aww) and finally he said that he collects his baby brother single-handedly from nursery on Wednesdays, well at least he’s keeping busy, lol. I am doing a bit of bosh - like multitasking atm, so I’ll say bye for now take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325
    edited 28. Mar 2022, 14:06

    Hi Joan how are you and Sue doing today? thanks for your nice advice my mum is okay thank you but she is understandably getting a little bit worried As her cataract surgery is on the 2nd of April mother’s day was nice for her because she saw the grandkids through the glass doors, but hopefully it won’t be too long before she can see them in person again , I hope you’re both enjoying the day take care. Xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all

    Thankyou so much f9r all your kind words I visited Mr B last night they have time slots and ypu have to book one ..he was in pain but to be expected today they will have him walking further and maybe the stairs then it will be home...

    Mike I am so very please for you after all the waiting and worrying you deserve good news xx

    Toni the sun will really help Paul bless hope he feels better the photos especially the labels xx

    Toady we have a twigwham ..brilliant xx

    Joan I have heard of the ice houses but bever seen one .so thankyou .how clever they were xx

    Reshmi hope today a good one is Bill high has a kite ...😅love the pic xx

    Kitty your dad is strong willed like mine was or is it stubbornness like Mr B ..did Chris get his results xx

    Love to all xxxxx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,602

    Hello all, just a very quick line as I have doublebooked myself for one or two too many jobs so to speak - can I borrow the gas toddler bosh, he seems to have everything well under control 😂 glad to hear you're not too bad today; I should be doing my own neck exercises let alone being an incentive to anyone else oops.. not that I'm very disciplined at any physio but necks worry me a bit, rather than just laziness, in case something goes twang.. I don't think anything would get me much movement back in mine now tbh. Hope your Mum is coping with the surgery being quite near, does she have any pre-op appointments or is it just turn up on the 2nd.. glad she had something nice happen for Mother's Day anyway. Hope you wrap up your own multitasking ok xx

    Nice to come in and see some good/better news, v pleased to hear the Lymphoma has been caught early Mike and also that the ECG has come back with the all-clear, small mercies &c, onward & upward x

    Barbara delighted to hear Mr B is doing well, will look forward to updates as they happen xx

    Joan, sad to say I have to agree that the Covid is not really going anywhere, certainly not in a period of time that would let us return to life as it was 😔 it is a lot to come to terms with. Hope you're both well & having a good start to the week xx

    Frog thank you for the picture! 😘 I'm afraid I've just highlight/deleted all my section to you 🙄 so that's put the tin lid on things time-wise, I will reconstruct & get back to it later/tomorrow. Grr. I must go and sort an ebay thing out and finish my grocery shop (not a bit surprised Sleek has my password, as it's one of my past cat's names, of course she'd know 😂😂 (just what you are meant to do, not!) tell her it won't work on any other site though 😉).

    Love to Kitty and everyone see you all soon xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,602

    Right, well, I have shoved my shopping slot on as there was an odd free one, so I grabbed it. I think it would have been a job too far. So a cup of tea and a breather for me instead 😊

    Frog what a lovely veg bed, looking all set & with visions of things to come :) and rhubarb & everything 😊 (toady, you must not have mental images/daydreams of popping your noisy neighbour neatly into a plot like that, naughty toad 😂). I too love your slate labels, and the steps. And your lovely brickwork. 😍 I can see the pea-frame, haven't tried sugar snap, that'll be interesting to hear about. Hope the birdies do decide they are too full from their four-course meal and leave your onions & garlic alone 🐦️🍴. I have not had time to do much today but obviously the twigwam can wait for the sweet peas to be ready; I bought some Maurandya to keep them company (more like, to fill up gaps if the sweet peas don't do well, my track record is a bit hit & miss). But the cup & saucer vine are ready to go out (they are huge, that's my kind of seedling!) and I am looking forward no end to watching them climb. Sorry the weather is on the turn a bit but it doesn't look awful, could probably still do some things? I have looked into bee houses before but there seemed to be a bit more to it than I maybe thought so need to read up on things sometime (you said you hadn't had any luck with ladybirds before but have you with bees?) So sorry Paul is sending the test results up the scale, time & sitting it out I guess, hope he turns the corner sooon.🤞Gosh, imagine thinking of holidays, eek - but I understand people are straining at the leash for normal things - I'm afraid I agree with Joan, I mean yes we'll be able to go back to shops in theory but I'm already nervous enough of flu &c over winter and if that goes up a few more notches I can't see me relaxing & enjoying shopping in person, which is pretty much the point of it. The only thing I can find as a positive is that this didn't happen when I was younger & well-ish and able to have actual fun shopping/socializing &c, now I'm not missing all that much 😶. I feel v sorry for young people in all this. I meant to say this yesterday, but hope Lucy got on ok today :) xx