Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Morning everyone it's definitely cillier out there well it feels it anyway! MIght just be me who knows it's getting colder this week.....

    Mike I am so very very very 😊 happy! I did hope you had caught your Hodgkins early you seemed to spot the worrying signs really quickly and didn't bury your head, you dealt with it. So well done you. I remember at least two of the kids coming into the ward with advanced Hodgkins which had caused fluid build up in their lungs and they had to have drains in to clear it. I was so worried for you. Now I know you will get rid of this with the chemo and your own determination NO PROBLEM!!👍️

    Morning Joan. Lucy had a great first day at the new Maccies. She worked the window all day and worked over too to help out. Paul is still testing strongly positive, but reckons he is starting to feel a bit better. You are right we will have to cope with it like 'flu from now on it's not going anywhere is it? Neighbour messaged from his bed hip all done with a photo of his tea - looked good! Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? Did you manage your walk yesterday? My back isn't happy not being in my own bed you know. Paul is doing ok watching car programmes mostly🙄 how are your BIL and Sister? I do hope your Sister is coping ok? He must be out of his isolation by now and able to take over so she can rest a bit and get better quicker. I have everything crossed the boys don't get it. I bet your Mum is worried.

    I do indeed remember Animal from the muppets gosh that was innocent telly wasn't it? Adults watching puppets. Our parents all watched it us too!! Miss Piggy was a bit of a one wasn't she? I liked Gonzo

    Lucy loves the new job so far and the staff all seem very friendly and supportive so fingers crossed all will be well for her now.

    Lord A's routine is very busy such responsibility! Picking up Baby R on Wednesdays I am sure that will be single handedly 🤭and hitting Riley day. Well it has to be done of course I mean we all do we? I am a little sad about crying on Saturdays maybe he misses nursery🤨

    How is your Mum doing it is getting closer now for her operation isn't it? I hope MV is not going off just yet🤞

    Barbara I am so pleased you saw Mr B in real life!! So you know he is ok. You will manage his pain better at home. I used to overlap mine post op. So painkillers first then two hours later anti-inflam then two hours later pain killer - well roughly like that. He will be home very soon now if he can do those stairs they feel terrifying don't they when you look down at them?

    My neighbour is all done now too😊 He is doing well sent me a pic of his tea! Well he would food is very important to him! He had managed to ring Mrs neighbour and tell her that all is well. They had run out of spinal blocks so he had to have a GA - with his pacemaker in too! I bet they did his quick!

    Remember to look after you a bit ready for the patient coming home.

    I love those labels from my bro I wonder if he remembers giving them to me.

    Toady Sleek knows all our passwords and mine is also a cat's name. She knows all about all of our past cats as their stories become cat legends. Her doughnuts are ordered and eagerly anticipated.😸

    The veggie patch is looking good now we have to wait for the babies to grow. I can't wait! The sugar snaps are new on me too so we shall see. That bit of wall is very very old back from when this bit of land was on the edge of the farm and open land for the villagers and had chickens loose on it. I love love love walls and gates i love gates too. Paul has since put up my solitary bee house and ladybird house which I had for mother's day. They may not 'work' as such, but who knows. We have a huge one in the the Church grounds built by the school kids and our lovely Church warden. I reckon if any will succeed it will be that one!

    Maurandya an excellent 'plan B' my sweet peas could go out they are ready, but the weather is not is it? If we are getting snow later this week. We can go out as long as it's not too bad us hardy Bayleaves! We don't need sunshine do we?

    Paul will test again today he is desperate to get back to work you see. He booked the holiday so my stomach is turning already. It will be good to see the family in Hungary though that part I will enjoy. Wonder whether buying a hazmat suit is going a step too far🤔

    Oh Kitty!!!!!!!!! A seal! What a lovely idea I love them - so does Sleek she is going to visit them later today and report back to you. I wish we could have one in real life even though it wouldn't be fair on it....

    Total cute alert though I agree.

    Great news about Mike's cancer stage - we will help him get rid of it pronto won't we? Bless him.oihujjj - that bit was Sleek's typing not sure what it means, but she said you will understand????

    How is Holly doing is her Nan ok?

    Jason I do hope you are recovering ok from your broken rib. I know things were moving as far as your knees are concerned too any news?


    eggy bread oh I miss this....

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone. I have a Blood pressure check at the Doctors tomorrow at 9 30.

    Kitty (()) the animal’s in the sanctuary look very healthy and clean a good cause. How is Chris (()) getting on love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad ((())

    Barbara (()) that was good you got an appointment to see Mr B (()) he’s doing well you will be able to help him with his exercises if he lets you. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (())) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) your life is a bit hectic have a good day

    Mike (()) that is good news hooray ((())) love to your sister (()) and vixen

    Reshmi (()) its colder today love to your Mum

    Toni (()) Is Paul (()) feeling any better. How are your knees and back coping (()) love to Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (())) and your lovely neighbours (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,602
    edited 29. Mar 2022, 12:33

    Hello everyone 😊

    Well my ebay customer appears to have wandered off having messed me around yesterday, and with my grocery shop put off too, I have time back in hand again. So life is less hectic today Joan thank you, although all that being busy means in reality, is that I have about enough energy for 2 small tasks and 3 is one too many - for anyone fit & well, it'd be about an hour's worth that they would polish off in their spare time. But you have to cut your coat according to your not very big bit of cloth don't you! 😉 🧥✂️ hope things well with you today, bit chilly but actually not too bad out there. Til it goes to -2 overnight Thursday, that is!

    Hello frog, as some of my workload has dropped off I am in slightly less frothing-at-the-mouth mode today - you will not be surprised that Beaker is my absolute favourite Muppet (not just because I identify 😂). I was not planning to do much today but heavy rain tomorrow it says 😕 so I better go and finish any half started fine weather dependent jobs. Ooh aren't you ahead with your sweet peas, I take it this is one of the things you did even before Monty said to. 😛 As you say, too cold for things to go out, even if they'd like to, like my cup & saucers; they will have to bide their time yet. I have clematis literally climbing the walls & nowhere to put them out to, I haven't put their arch up 😳. V glad to hear Lucy got on well at work hope she has a nice set of workmates 😊 and your neighbour is done & taking an interest in his tea! can't be bad. The holiday is booked then 😬 ooer. Well Paul thinks he is feeling better that's the main thing.👍️ Doughnuts are on order, I have got Sleek one with pink 'miceing' 🍩 I may have put a couple of jam & cream ones in too. 🤫 Tell her she is not obliged to hang about & help, she has enough to do as it is, she can swipe her doughnuts & go. 😸 Hope your day is going as well as poss and back not grumbling too much from having to bunk down 'off campus'.

    Love to Kitty and Barbara 😘

    & hello to everyone else see you all as & when, and wishing you a good day xx

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 29. Mar 2022, 12:41

    Just a short visit to let you know that Holly has Covid, so won’t be able to visit her Nan. A carpenter fro EMH (my landlord) to fit an extention to the top of my handrail as requested by Hannah the OT. It means I can steady myself before attempting to go downstairs. Hope all are well. Good news indeed for Mike, I was stage 3. Madam Sleekipus’s comment was too rude for me to translate! Cheeky madam!

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,751
    edited 29. Mar 2022, 14:30

    That's great news @Mike1 , what a relief for you (well relatively speaking that is... even better news would have been that you didn't need to have any treatment). I hope the chemo isn't too gruelling and Vixen gives you some special attention. I've just kicked The Big C into touch too (RT, no chemo), it's great when it's all over. xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    Hi Barbara thanks for your nice message I’m glad that Mr B is doing okay and that you got to visit him that was funny you’ve got it absolutely right Bill is as high as a kite and there is another poem right there, lol. I’m Not too bad today thank you did you manage to To get out in the garden today? take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    Hi toady how are you today? I’m not too bad thanks gas toddler for hire that sounds a good idea to me, lol. I Know what you mean about physio if it works it’s great but taking risks with it can be dangerous indeed and I also agree that the risk of a neck going “twang” is indeed a large one, lol. Yes Multitasking done more or less successfully thanks sorry to hear that your own neck is a bit of a problem area. My mum is coping okay thank you more or less but she has the PCR test tomorrow about lunchtime so hopefully that will go okay thanks for asking Im a bit sleepy at the moment tbh but that seems to be nothing new for you and I lol, I had a good morning walk which was nice I did do a bit of junk food consumption but it was “scheduled” at least that’s what I tell myself, lol. Have a good afternoon toady take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    Hey Toni how are you today? I did the neck physio but I’m also doing the technique of putting my iPad on stand v carefully not bending forwards and using voice control which seems to help like you said if it’s one of those days when your back is playing up it really doesn’t help at all sorry to hear that your own back is playing up are you staying with some friends? sorry I just got a bit confused because you said your back doesn’t like not being in its own bed or something like that? Mum is More or less okay thanks but she has PCR test tomorrow so I really hope it’s negative, test will be done about lunchtime. Bill is not too bad at all thanks my sister did a lateral flow test recently saying she is negative and she said she’s feeling a lot better so hopefully she’s okay now Covid wise thanks for asking. I think Bill is doing a bit more helping with the boys etc than usual but whether he’s really doing a great deal or not I am not at liberty to comment😄 only joking I think basically he’s doing a bit more but nowhere near as much as he should do. Something funny happened today I went to the bakery after quite a long time of resisting and there was a young couple in there and they ordered three cheese and onion pasties each!! Oh yes I have hit Riley many times on my hit Riley day lol, actually was a hit LLF day, which is indeed the best form of physio, lol. Don’t Worry too much about LA apparently crying incessantly on Saturdays he’s a bit of a drama queen/ king bless him, but he once cried and cried and cried when his mummy put up the baby gate so he couldn’t follow Auntie goddess Mima around the house while she was doing private things like changing and using the bathroom, lol. I’m glad Lucy is okay and that Paul isn’t doing too badly miss piggy and gonzo yes definite heroes of my childhood too, got to go now before I run out of steam take care T have a good afternoon. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    Hi Joan how are you and Sue doing today? I hope the blood pressure check tomorrow goes okay yes it is colder thank goodness for that I don’t like hot weather hope you’re having a relaxing afternoon take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    Hi Again Joan sorry forgot to mention thanks about my mum she has PCR test tomorrow. Xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Thankyou for all your good wishes Mr B is now home..Nice to see

    him but least said 😅 foid was so was tea soup like wallpaper paste..ivbeen in there twice and loved the food 🤭

    Toni I'm so please Lucy likes the jew MDs..and doing overtime you go Lucy .hope Paul revovers soon xx

    Joan I'm biting my tounge here..but he us doing well but he dosent think so

    .hope your blood oressure us OK xx

    Toady so you are thinking naughty thoughts about your neighbour...😅dint forget to label him ..I know what you mean busy and getting nothing done keep plodding on xx

    Reshmi 3 cheese pastys each gosh mind you I could eat 2 did you get something nice xx

    Kitty small changes maje such a difference don't they..I have heard of so many with covid kero safe xx

    Love to Mike and Jason xxxx


  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    Hi Barbara I’m really glad that Mr B is back home, my dad was the same when he was in hospital complaining about the food that everyone else liked, lol, Cheese pasties I must admit I could eat 2 as well, if I let myself, lol, but like you say three is a bit much, plus it wasn’t even lunchtime, lol, must admit I did indulge in a cheese and tomato toastie and an iced bun but it wasn’t an everyday occurrence of course, lol. I hope You’re doing okay? have a nice night and take care, xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,602

    Just a last call because it looks like Barbara could do with a jolly good strong hot cup of tea ☕️ oh dear it's 'like that' is it with Mr. B, obviously someone has not been photographing their hospital tea like Toni's neighbour! Hope you are bearing up 😘 take care xx (p.s. ooh yes, the plant labels, I must 😂 then I won't get mixed up.. I have a shortlist for the other 2.. 🤔😂).

    Hello Kitty so sorry to hear about Holly, she will be sad and cross not to see her Nan 😟 hope she gets well soon. Glad you are getting some things done hope it helps. xx

    Hi bosh, glad you have had an ok day & a walk, I only fitted in a quick one this evening it will probably rain tomorrow 🌧️, just to say hope your Mum gets on ok tomorrow, not long til the 2nd is it (can't quite believe it's nearly April, I mean, already!) Definitely sleepy this evening & it feels 'heavy' & overcast so that's not helping, I won't be up for long. Have a good night and hope you & the junk food didn't fall out, but it doesn't sound like you went over the top, not like the cheese & onion pasties (nice to have the digestion for it! lucky things) It's herb tea & a plain biscuit or two for me, not quite the same is it 🙄 but feel free to join me in my corner. x

    All the best for your morning appt from me too Joan x

    'Night all xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 30. Mar 2022, 06:22

    Morning everyone :)

    I enjoyed the last day of sunshine yesterday we shall see what the weather brings today. Paul will have to retreat to the summerhouse (A bit chilly I suspect) bless him he has been enjoying the sun and getting his vitamin D.

    Morning Joan we will be with you for your BP check this morning I hope it's good for you and as they want it. Paul is still improving but testing positive so will have to do the full 10 days in isolation. I think he's out on Thursday but will probably stay away from work until Monday anyway. Love to you both ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady - I am now an official member of mcdonald's staff well my car is so safe to park there as long as I like.😊 I am not rushing though Lucy is ringing me when she's ready now only 15 mins by car.

    I was also finishing weather dependent garden jobs yesterday and Paul did a few when I fetched Lucy so looks pretty well ok out there. Poor clematis no trellis and ready to go and cup and saucers too. I have some fleece so to be fair I could let the sweet peas out maybe - yes an 'I beat Monty to it' job you are right😉 Oh how smug am I? I will give it until after this last really cold spell

    Naughty ebay customer though even if it did give you more time. Hmmmmph! Beaker!!! Oh the sweetest muppet!

    Yes my neighbour ate his tea with gusto so he said - yesterday he was on his feet, but he is pretty determined to get back to her and not much stops him eating!!

    The holiday is booked hazmat outfit ordered joking although i would like one! Maybe i have some sort of natural immunity as i haven't caught it from Paul???? Gosh i hope so.

    Sleek will be over to help unpack she always does for Kitty as you can imagine. She is happy to earn her treats. Pink Miceing!! Oooh! She'll love that😋

    Oh Kitty poor Holly! She will be so upset she can't visit her Nan! Her poor Nan too. I hope the girls stay clear and she keeps well away from our Kitty too ((()))

    An extra handrail is such a good idea I am very pleased for you much safer. We had a second in at the old house when Lucy was ill.

    They didn't stage Lucy you know just said she was 'high risk' so she had extra chemo which was just lovely. BUT it worked didn't it? Next Mike must get well then we will all be happy again in our little café.

    Sorry about Sleek's language that girls knows how to cuss she learned it from Mrs Darcey.😳

    Mike are you all set for tomorrow? We will all be 'with you' as you know for your busy day i hope your sister can be with you at least some of the time. You can buy special arm covers for the picc line for showering, but we got by pretty well with cling film and tape. Quicker than usual showers too. Hope Sue was on yesterday and ready to start her extra day. Sending my usual ((())) xxx

    @Lilymary I am so very pleased to hear you kicked cancer's butt too well done you👍️

    Morning Reshmi. Good girl doing your neck physio. That Ipad trick is a good idea too as is the addition of voice control so much much less hunching.

    I am sleeping on the sofa😫 big ouch as paul has the bedroom because it has ensuite and he can stay away from us. There is the basement with a bed in but no window and I would panic I think down there we gave Charley the other bed when she bought her house! Oh regrets! Back will survive I am sure only a few more days surely.

    I am glad to hear Mum is doing ok and getting ready for her surgery. BIL is doing more well that's something at least! I hope he doesn't slide backwards. I suspect he will.....I am so glad your sister has got over it so quickly - another strong woman!🏋️

    I am so glad to hear LA's crying and crying is just amateur dramatics. No you must not have a hit LLF day it's not so easy when you are a grown up is it? Much as sometimes we'd like to😁 Auntie Mima needs her privacy for sure at times. Stair gates are a fabulous privacy invention. I bet your sister hardly ever gets an peace in the bathroom. I never did when the girls were little🙄and Sleek also likes to join me!!! When she was a kitten sh used to sit on the edge of the bath i was always scared she'd fall in!

    3 cheese and onion pasties? Oh yes please!!!!!!!! (except i am now vegan) I used to love them when I was pregnant and had morning sickness all day. Perhaps we should advise Mike to try them they certainly helped me along with mashed potato. See? All carbs.🙄

    ah well not now. Have a good day see you later for our walk.

    Oh dear poor you Barbara!!! Mr B will not be an easy patient methinks? The food was great at the Wrightington they even fed me as well as Lucy! My neighbour loves the food here at Stafford. Yes the hospital which was on the news for killing patients off.....good hospital in my opinion. They found Lucy's cancer after all.

    Your tongue will be bitten right off soon you know. I hope the family will take turns visiting so you get some respite. Get back outside if you can patience is a virtue as they say. I am sure he is doing just fine.🙄 ((())) for you. I will struggle today if the weather is bad as I can't chuck Paul outside. He can sit in the summerhouse with his paperwork and a blanket.

    Lucy is very happy indeed and nowhere near any fryers with her epilepsy too. Everyone so far is lovely and they have put my car reg into the system as a Maccies employee so I can park there anytime.

    Take care of yourself and I used to be able to eat two cheese and onion pasties too when I was pregnant. they actually stayed down!

    Love to Jason and a woo-oo! to @Arthuritis

    See you all later

    Toni xx

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Mike are you all set for tomorrow? We will all be 'with you' as you know for your busy day i hope your sister can be with you at least some of the time. You can buy special arm covers for the picc line for showering, but we got by pretty well with cling film and tape. Quicker than usual showers too. Hope Sue was on yesterday and ready to start her extra day. Sending my usual ((())) xxx

    Thanks, looking forward to tomorrow like a hole in the head only because I am worrying about how the chemo will make me feel and whether I will be able to look after Vixen as she has become accustomed. Will search for the picc arm covers in a minute as I have never heard of them, I got a couple of new flannels in case I have to make do with a strip wash whilst on my perch stool. We had eclairs yesterday which are apparently Sue's favourites. She will be coming round on Tuesday mornings as usual and her extra day will be Thursday afternoon so that she can make sure that the bungalow is clean when I get back from chemo every other week, she is also on-call to cover for any mishaps in the meanwhile!! I will not be posting on here tomorrow but will be back as soon as. Thanks again for all your good wishes and the fact that some of you have gotten through similar is a real shot in the arm. (Pun not intended!!)

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    Hi all haven’t got my iPad with me right now I’ll send a proper message later sorry tc. Xx

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,751

    Hi @Mike1 , hope all goes well tomorrow. A friend recently had chemo for prostate cancer, although I know not all chemos are the same and affect people in different ways. But for him he said he felt rubbish the first week, not too bad the second week and felt fine the third week before his next 3 weekly session. I bumped into some chemo patients during my visits, including having a session myself on the chemo ward every six months for a different type of infusion. Everyone was very kind, the patients were all chatting to each other, and it was a surprisingly relaxed atmosphere. I'm sure they'll look after you really well. Cats know when we're not well, so I'm sure Vixen will look after you too. xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    hi t how are you today? Herbal tea and plain biscuit sounds good to me, lol. I’ve just done the neck physio even though it’s quite late in the day, lol, yes they had good digestion that’s true, but high cholesterol buildup is no good for anyone as we all know😄. How are you feeling today? did you manage to get a good nights sleep? Also I have a feeling that three cheese pasties would upset almost anyone’s stomach, lol. Tc. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    Hi Toni how are you today? this is a public voice controlling session, HV or to be more precise at this moment in time MV has def very much erupted, DV has also erupted too be completely honest, that’s very much an every day occurrence in this house, I prepared some pasta today not from scratch, just the squash thing, but it Felt good at least to be doing something in the kitchen. Aww your poor back hopefully it won’t be too long maybe you should buy a mattress topper? it helped my back, but it can slide about a lot and isn’t as good as an actual new mattress. Ive Had to relocate so I am trying to get back my train of thought that’s as long as there’s not too much congestion at the station as it were, lol, so what was I thinking about oh yes thanks about my sister that’s very kind glad L is enjoying her new job too. Yes Bill is doing something that’s got to be progress I agree, how’s Paul doing atm? Baby gate is a great thing that’s true but LA has grown so tall I’m worried how long the baby gate will work for him, oh dear, it’s ok I am only hitting LLF in my mind, lol. Okay thanks Toni how was your walk? Mine was good thanks, it’s a cold one tomorrow don’t go out in the morning unless you have to take care. Xx

    ps I knew I forgot something as usual regarding pasties tbh I think that’s more of a comforting eating tip than a healthy eating lol, I do understand the lure of the pasty, but it’s not just carbs sat fats and so on as we unfortunately all know 😄, carbs are not necessarily a bad thing as long as we don’t overdo them but yeah two or three pasties are a bit much at least for most of the time, lol, I like Mash too but you could try the sweet potato version perhaps? okay that’s my advice giving over for now, bye for now. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    Hi to Barbara how are you feeling today? hope your eyes aren’t extra bad? I went For the walk but I was fairly disciplined only bad thing I bought really was malt loaf do you like malt loaf? it’s not something that everybody likes but I enjoy it quite a lot because it’s sweet but also relatively good for you I can’t buy anything other than small portions though otherwise I get a bit carried away like poor erstwhile pregnant Toni and her pasties, lol, have a good evening and I hope that you’re able to stay in the warm tomorrow because it will be freezing by all accounts take care Reshmi.xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,325

    I am running out of time and steam, lol, but I will definitely say hi to Joan, hi I hope you and Sue are well today? I hope you’ll keep warm tomorrow in the cold stay inside if poss, okay take care. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 30. Mar 2022, 18:50

    @Mike1 I just want to post before tomorrow's big day.

    I hope you do NOT get/feel sick. for some it's the next day so be prepared.

    Please know you will still be there for Vixen and she will be there for you she will know that you need her.

    You have done a fabulous job getting sorted no-one is more organised than you. We will be here for you in the café I promise every step of the way and you will do Soooo well I know you will. Those of us who have 'been there' especially will help all we can.

    Lots of hugs to you and see you very soon when you can manage.

    Love and ((()))

    Toni xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,602
    edited 30. Mar 2022, 19:38

    Hello all, just a call to wish Mike all the very very best for tomorrow; there will be a chilled eclair in the cafe with your name on on the other side of all this (Ice Cold In Alex but with cake, though I will certainly line you up an ice cold beer too 🍺 x) and whatever Vixen's having. Kudos for the way you are going at this ✌️

    Too tired to post at length, even with a not bad night's sleep, and a sleep this afternoon so I will cut it short and finish a few chores & plan for an early night again.. bosh hope the lid has been kept on HV as far as possible and well done for getting in the kitchen. No walk for me today though the weather was ok actually. See you soon have a good day tomorrow x

    Frog what happened to the rain 🤔 it was more like a little dribble here. Either way did not get much done, I wrestled with a potbound agapanthus and could not budge it, well finally, but you don't half feel feeble being beaten by a plant pot 🙄 less Bayleaf, more like Little Weed 😂. Off to the DIY store to put my order in before the end offer date tomorrow, finish my grocery shop - still no tomatoes no lettuce - even more incentive to GYO. Expect Sleek back around 3, I have a late slot. So pleased to hear things are working out well for Lucy 😊 you must be very glad she is nowhere near fryers, delighted that everyone is nice & has been helpful re parking & all that, it all sounds v. positive. Best to Paul and have as good a night as you are able! 🛋️ see you soon x

    No Joan today? hope everything is alright x

    Love to Kitty and Barbara xx

    and all xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Morning everyone super cold this morning serious de-icing needed to get Lucy to work.

    I know we are all thinking of Mike today and have our fingers or paws crossed for him.

    Morning Reshmi what a cold start you were 100% right. Had to take Lucy into work, but in the car so was warm enough. Walk this afternoon? Well done going yesterday😊

    I do hope MV and DV which equals HV has settled to a gentle spit by now? poor you though it's just not good is it? Mum is no doubt anxious about her impending procedure and about COVID being at your sisters which means she can't visit them at all for a while.

    I am very pleased to hear LLF only get's an imaginary bop! I thought that would be the case really. I haven't got you down as the violent type😉

    How is your sister? On the mend I hope. BIL pulling his weight even a small amount is an improvement and a help for her I am sure. As for LA being tall enough to climb the gate I'd be more worried about him being bright enough to suss out how to open it!

    Paul's Test was positive yesterday, but it looked a little 'fainter' if that makes sense? Today I have to go and pay the wages while he remains indoors here.

    You'll be glad to know I don't eat pasties anymore now being vegan ( but i miss them!) and I love carrot and swede mash and sweet potato especially the white flesh kind? Well done cooking some pasta yesterday It doesn't have to be fancy cooking just doing it is good👍️

    Hi Joan did you get on ok yesterday? Was your BP at an acceptable level for them? I hope so. I heard a rumour about snow today and am hoping it's wrong🤞 ((())) xxx

    Morning Kitty me duck how are you today? Sleek will be over early doors actually she might already be there? She is getting cross about Chris' results not being phoned through by the surgery. She knows there is an appointment in place, but isn't impressed.

    I don't know about you, but Mike going through chemo has really upset me. I feel awful upset for him and wish it wasn't needed. I do know however that it will work even if it is dreadfully tough in the short term. Anyway in case you feel like me here are some ((())) for you xxx

    Morning Toady.

    Little weed! AHA! was actually quite big don't you think? Bless her hiding from the gardener. Weeeeeed! Little weed!

    It started raining here about 11 and did not stop before bed! It was pretty darn wet🙄 You did well to only have a spit of the stuff. they are threatening snow today which had jolly well better NOT happen!

    Poor Agapanthus needs to get out of that pot and into something more comfortable bless it. When this last cold patch is over I will plant some lettuce (and I thought some chard?) in my self watering planter there are definite shortages out there though luckily not of doughnuts.

    Sleek is at Kitty's this morning and will be with you by 3pm. I expect she will bring her basket for any doughnuts she can't fit in!

    Joan had a Drs apt for a BP check yesterday so hoped that was the delay in posting??🤔

    Barbara I hope you are still sane and coping ok with Mr B.? It won't be too long before he starts to feel the benefit of his operation. It's having disturbed nights I think post surgery which makes it tougher.

    I haven't checked in lately but how is your brother doing?

    and will Niamh be over this weekend to check up on her Grandad?

    Love to everyone Jason and Arthutitis.

    Toni xx

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Morning all, wishing Mike the very best for his chemo. Like Froggy, I hope the sickness doesn't kick in. Drink plenty of fruit juice, I believe that eating pineapple is supposed to be good. Sleek is here, in spite of the flecks of snow! Well. I had hoped for a long visit and a comment for everyone. But I am having a massive flare, RA, Sjogren's, and Vasculitis - they are all making themselves felt. My hands keep cramping, my salivary glands are swollen and painful, and my Vasculitis rash is back with a vengeance showing as bisters on my calves, ankles and feet, which are hot, itchy and sore. So I'll love you and leave you for another day.

    Nurse Sleek caring for Kitty as Tommy looks on.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein