Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) that is much safer for you having the hand rail down stairs. You did well with the big C (()) love to Chris (())

    and Anita (()) and Val (()) and your Dad (()) Sorry about Holly (())) not being able to see her Nan (())

    Barbara (()) that’s good Mr B (()) being home (()) I liked hospital food. Love to your Son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) you are right you have to plan your day. Sorry about your problems.

    Lillymary (()) nice to meet you have a good day

    Toni (()) sorry your having to sleep on the settee very uncomfortable ((())) that’s good Paul is feeling a bit better (())) and Lucy is enjoying her new McDonald’s (())) my blood pressure is good thank you. Love to Paul (()) Charley (())) and Annie ((()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours he’s doing well (())

    Mike (()) good luck for today you will do well you are determined (()) love to sue and vixen (())

    Reshmi (()) don’t worry what is your mum having done (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    hi t sorry that you felt tired yesterday how are you feeling today ? I’m not too bad thanks but something upset my stomach yesterday so I’m eating very exciting food like dry toast etc today 😄. Sorry It’s a very short message my day took a while to get going really so I’m trying to catch up on things have a nice afternoon and take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    hi Toni are you today? this is just a short message I didn’t walk today because of the weather, but did yesterday but there were lots of the HV related probs so wasn’t such a good day in some ways. Love your equation by the way DV + MV = HV , that’s so funny, lol, thanks for that. Glad that red line has faded a lot on Paul’s test hopefully that means he’s getting a bit better i’m no expert but that’s what sounds logical to me 😊. everyone is okay thanks family members more or less ok this is a public voice controlling session again btw so I can’t say what I really want to but never mind my stomach is not so good today today maybe I had a bit too much malt loaf, oh well never mind, how’s your stomach today? LA sang a nursery rhyme medley that was captured on video he was singing at the top of his voice to try and help baby brother sleep, aww bless. My mums Op is on Sat of course so lots of worries about that, I hope you’re doing okay in this cold weather? I also wanted to say briefly hi to Barbara and Joan, i hope you’re both okay today ? Tc everybody. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    hi again Toni just quickly wanted to say my sister sent me some photos of her eating ice cream so she must be feeling better bit of a cheeky madam though really, lol, Tc xx

    Also just wanted to say a quick hi to Kitty sorry I forgot before sorry you’re having a rough day with your rash hope it gets better soon take care xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Joan thanks my mum is having cataract surgery on her other eye done on Saturday.xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603
    edited 31. Mar 2022, 17:14

    Hello all -

    Kitty that picture! talk about sweet, of course if Kitty was just having a nice tray of tea in bed then lovely, but if Kitty is under the weather it becomes too sad for words. 😔 So sorry you're having a bad time, blah to your pesky 'unwanted visitors', do hope Sleek's ministrations are doing their magic. Get better soon 😘 xx (hope Holly not too bad also).

    Hello bosh I have got more done today thanks and (I think!?) am gaining on my list of things to do, must remember to send a few Easter cards in good time but haven't actually bought any yet. 🐣 (although I have bought myself a small Easter egg, funny how I remembered that bit 😉) Sorry you are feeling on the dry-toast side of things today, a bit of eating plainly will do the trick hopefully to balance things back. Lullabies sung at top volume, wonder why that hasn't caught on before 😂 hope everything goes as well as poss with family over next few days. x

    Hope the wage-paying visit went ok frog & there are not too many headaches arising from Paul being absent, or for him to have to sort when he's back in the ranks, do hope his recovery comes on now in leaps & bounds. No snow here & there really was only bits of rain we missed it even though it was forecast. Cold though! and rough, today. I have swiss chard (rhubarb) from last year to carry on with, just for salad leaves though I might try letting some get to cooking-as-spinach-y size, though I probably have spinach here too I think, also corn salad. 🌱 Lovely to see Little Weed 😊 yes perhaps she had hidden wiry strengths and was actually a tough little weed, so maybe not such a bad role model. Doughnuts all shared out and sent Sleek back to Kitty's post haste, poor Kitty. Not much else doing with me - hope things ok in general with you all. x

    Thinking of Mike x

    and of course of Barbara (St Barbara should we say 👼) another day nearly behind you anyway, keep up the good work both xx

    Nice to see Joan and hope the Drs went ok (I have not so much to complain about really one would like more energy that's all, but if I paced myself better I would probably have some!). Have a good Friday it will be a cold night first apparently.

    Love to all :) including anyone not currently posting but 'hereabouts' xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Hello all I'm still sane..

    First sorry I'm late Mike but have been thinking about you...people are so different with chemo hoping yours us not to bad ..xx

    Toni so you are officially on Maccies workforce..😁I'm so please Lucy us happy there ..and the other place we'll irs there loss ..

    Think the nice weather is back next week ..maybe ablanket in the summer house for Paul bless hope he feels better soon ..and yes the food was good in Wrightington I didn't want to come home😅xx

    Toady so you have plans fir 2 more flowers beds 😂 I agree st Barbara I deserve a medal ..sating that he's doing well but I'm shattered all the fetching and carrying..mind you save me doing my exercises ..xx

    Joan I really enjoyed the hospital food eh ,sorry Mike and Jason xx

    Reshmi yes 2 pasties are enough 😅I wish not fir a while now

    I adore malt loaf and make a really mean one you take care xx

    Sorry Lilly Nary I keep forgetting g you its so kind of you to pop in to support Mike and you have gone through it all xx

    Love to Kitty 😺 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Morning Everyone😊

    Well Mike I do hope you are ok and day 1 went really as well as possible. I am sure you did really well and everything is crossed that you feel ok today. Later this week you must watch out for a high temperature and really now keep away from anyone who is at all germy. Your immune system will be down. I used to have hand gel by my front door and my friend had a sign saying 'If you have a cold please do not come in' on her door when her husband was on chemo. Take care we are all thinking of you ((())) xxx

    Kitty! Sleek said she was on nursing duties and had Tommy Thumb with her. She came on her broomstick; Tommy is learning to fly and they were both covered in a sprinkling of snow😊 Did you see their snow cat-angels they made in your garden?

    How are you doing today? is the vasculitis any better? What about the other flares? It's no coincidence at all that everything is flaring at once is it😕

    You take care of yourself and rest up.

    Gosh it's April fools day. You are safe Sleek is 'nott in th muud for silly gaimz' and isn't bringing Tommy today. ((())) xxx

    Joan I am very pleased to hear your blood pressure was good 👍️Paul is much much better and I expect him to test negative today finally on I think the 11th day (10th official you aren't supposed to count day 1). Dare i go back to my bed? I will change the sheets any everything for definite first. Maybe tomorrow? ((())) xxxx for you and Sue. Oh I nearly forgot!! My neighbour is home! Behaving much better than Mr B and just getting on with it because he wants his wife home from respite as soon as possible.

    Did you get any snow Reshmi? Or was it just freezing with a biting wind yesterday? We had sunshine and then heavy snow showers all day. I am sure you did your physio yesterday even if a walk wasn't possible. Sometimes not the best idea with a dicky tum anyway. MTX last night🙄

    I thought you'd like my equation! Hehehe! Even with a public voice session no-one in the family will know what you mean😉

    Paul had a really sore throat with his COVID and I meant to (but forgot😯) give him some ice cream so maybe your sister needed hers. Certainly the extra calories will do her no harm.

    How adorable is LA singing to baby R to help get him off to sleep.🤗You have to love him don't you?

    I hope anxiety levels aren't too high at yours today with Mum's op tomorrow. Everything will be crossed for her.

    Morning Toady. I hope you didn't get the snow at ALL it was pretty though and Sleek loves it. Kitty had plenty we has showers and sunshine but the wind was biting so I stayed inside pretty well all day. If paul tests negative I am planning on kicking him out and cleaning the room changing bedding etc. I am desperate to be in my own bed but rather apprehensive about it.

    My chard is the salad type too, but I might copy you and get some to spinachy size good idea. It's getting so exciting isn't it? I need to get some more fatty balls (well the stick ones) out to my birdies later the thick frost is not good at all here for them and make sure the bird bath isn't frozen solid. Sleek loved her doughnuts thank you😊 she still has cream on her nose when she got home after checking back in on our Kitty.

    Little weed was a tough flower wasn't she? maybe though Bill and Ben were a tad creepy what do you think? What was the Frog one Kiki the frog??? Can you remember?Hector's house! I've got it! So many based in gardens!

    Life was simpler then that will be why.

    Morning Barbara how is the patient today? I hope more patient and not needing too much prompting form you to move. I am sure it;s sore, but he needs to to heal bless him. I am also shattered with all the fetching and carrying it's a lot isn't it?

    I did give Paul a blanket in the summerhouse he coped ok just wants a change from the bedroom. His test was almost invisible, but today I expect it to be negative.

    I need my bed and hope to be back in it maybe tomorrow. Does Mr B complain if you move in bed? Does it hurt him?

    Thank you Lucy is really happy at Maccies and they asked her to be one of the trainers already.

    Love to everyone who pops by or who is absent temporarily, Jason, Arthuritis and of course Lilymary.

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Well, I did not expect to be up to posting on here today BUT I feel a bit spaced out and tired (which is nothing unusual) but that it is at the moment ......... touch wood!

    The hospital changed the picc line insertion time at the last minute and when I queried it they said it was to save me hanging around before having my chemo which was scheduled for 11:20. My sisters arrived early to take me to Treliske as there was a multiple pile up on the A30 with diversions in place which would increase the time to travel to Truro. As forecast we got stuck in traffic but I arrived there at 10:10 for a 10:30 appointment only to sit around until 11:15, the nurses said that the woman having a picc line before me was awkward and it took them a long time to get it in. Anyway all my anxiety that had been building for weeks beforehand disappeared, I hardly felt a thing and all that is left is a bit of a pinch where the line goes in. Chemo itself went smoothly, (all 6 drips taking about 3 1/2 hours!) and I got home just before 5. I know that everyone is different and that everyone is affected differently by chemo but the dozen or so cancer patients that I met yesterday, all with different forms of cancer, had similar experiences to me and there were no horror stories at all and only 3 had lost their hair. Vixen was pacing around waiting for food when I got home then promptly jumped up on my bed for a kip. I had a couple of brews, some microwave chips, yogurt and dried fruit for dinner and, joy of joys, Vixen lay on my chest for cuddles later in the evening 😊 something she has not done for a very long time. This morning I have taken my anti-sickness pills and steroids, both of which I am on for only 2 days, and later on the District Nurse will be coming to change my dressing. The hospital said that they have booked the District Nurse to attend every Friday to flush the line through and that it is down to me to tell her not to come the day after chemo as there will be no need for his/her services that day! Anyway, touch wood, all good for now.

    I had a lovely message from Yvonne and her gang which was very supportive as the rest of you have been, even offering to send me a Dragon whatever that is. Since I was diagnosed I joined a cancer forum but after a couple of posts I have stopped using it as the responses did nothing whatsoever to negate the anxiety that has been building, you lot on here are far more supportive for which I am extremely grateful.

    All for now, have a good day peeps.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I’m sorry you don’t feel very well (()) you cope with your problems so well. How is Chris (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (()) have a good weekend

    Barbara (()) how are you coping with your problems has well has Mr B’s (()) you are doing well (()) love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (()) have a good weekend

    Toady ((())) I think Arthritis wears you out has well so it slows you down doing what you want to do. Have a good weekend

    Toni (()) I hope you can soon have your own bed his Paul a good patient (()) Lucy (()) is doing so well they seem to care about her more there (()) I saw snow showers yesterday. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours that’s nice he’s home and trying hard so his wife can come home (()) have a good weekend

    Mike (()) you are doing so well it’s good you have help from Toni and Kitty when you are worried. That’s nice vixen lies on you again (())) take care and have a good weekend

    Reshmi (()) take care all the best to your mum for tomorrow ((())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Morning all,

    Mike, sounds as though things went pretty smoothly and Vixen was obviously pleased to have you home. Yes, the Dexamethasone is only for two days each session. Will you have the injections to rebuild your neutrophils? Or will the District Nurse do them? You will soon be ringing that bell. Xxxxxx

    Joan, thank you, these things are sent to try us, but I just stick my tongue out at them - figuratively speaking.

    Antoinette, things seem to be calming down today, although my shoulders ache! Sleek was a darling, and she can bring Tommy any time. He’s growing into a very polite and caring nursing assistant. I think he has the making of a grand Matron in the style of our beloved Aidan. I’m pleased Paul is recovering and all will be soon back to NORMAL (whatever that is).

    Love to Saint Barbara, Reshmi, Aurthuritis and Jason. Have I forgotten anyone? Probably oh yes apologies Toady. Asda is on its way with a full complement of supplies. :-)

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Arthuritis
    Arthuritis Member Posts: 494

    @frogmorton Hope hubby feeling better now. Covid according to ZOE is approaching a maxima, & unfortunately crowded though it is in London, nobody is listening to Chris Whitty’s sage advice.

    Come the weekend people working in London, will take the train and the bug to the home counties😖

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,751

    @Mike1 , I'm glad the day went well, despite the traffic problems, and that your worst anxieties are allayed. I avoided the cancer forums too, I found them terrifying, and made me feel more anxious, not reassured.

    We nearly got wiped up on the Mway to one of my RT sessions when a clown in a van smashed into the side of our car at 70mph! We all survived and the car remained driveable, but after Mr LM and Van Man exchanged details on the hard shoulder (while I went into meltdown), I verbally eviscerated him. Nothing zen about it at all, this wasn't a time for being calm and polite, he needed to be told. I had the NHS spending a fortune to keep me alive and that idiot trying to finish me off for free! Then we hit a trafic jam just outisde the hospital so I had to get out and walk the last bit. I got there a bit late but the nurses were fine about it - they said traffic often makes people miss appointments but they will still do the treatment anyway, even if we're late. Mr LM was waiting for me when I came out of the treatment room.

    Cats know when we're not well, so I'm not that surprised that Vixen gave you the VIP treatment. I'm sure she'll take good care of you. I hope you continue to not to feel the effects too much. Keep eating the chips - I decided diets were for healthy people, chocolate got me through mine!

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi t thanks for your nice message dry toast regime seemed to work thanks for asking but I have to have methotrexate again today in poss half an hour‘s time so unfortunately that will work it’s a diabolical magic again on my stomach as usual, lol. I’m glad you’ve got some more things on your to do list it’s good to be organised 😄. A little Easter egg for yourself that sounds like a good idea thanks for your kind wishes about my mum etc hope you’re having a good day? take care. Xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all sunny bit freezing and I badly want to escKe to the garden

    Mr B is behaving for now..but still won't take all his paun meds at night so he's sat downstairs around 2

    Mike I am so glad the pic is out the way and your first session happy your anxiety us better now it's all go..just think if the forum has online diary..when you are well you can read back xx

    Toni I'm sure Paul will be negative today ..its so strange watching the line fade ..just shows these test work..I'm glad yourneighnour is home hopefully his wife will be soon then they must get some help you look after thatback while gardening xx

    Joan I'm doing ok thankyou Mr B takes my mind off me 🤭glad yourblood pressure us fine xx

    Kitty sorry you are suffering 😢 yes stick you tounge out to all of it xx

    Kettle on for Toady and Reshmi xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hey Toni how are you today? Yes we did have some snow yes but it didn’t settle for long thankfully I didn’t venture outside yesterday, I see you had methotrexate yesterday oh no that’s nasty I know what you mean I don’t walk the day after I have methotrexate because I just get too exhausted unless I have had a really good rest of course and and feel refreshed but that’s extremely unusual, okay so are codes are becoming more and more cryptic and involved I love it thanks for that Toni lol! Yes maybe she needed the ice cream who knows but at least she’s feeling better now how is Paul doing at the moment? has his sore throat completely gone? LA yeah he’s great no doubt of course I’m a bit biased lol, his heart’s def in the right place even though the Riley hitting day or whatever that was was of course somewhat mischievous haha. Thanks Very much about my mum hopefully things will be okay I really hope they will be anyway this is a public voice controlling session so I can’t really be open about my fears unfortunately. Something funny to report Bill told his wife that he was having a healthy eating week and but the reality was that he ate a massive amount of prawns chocolate fondant desserts and a whole box box of lamb curry that my my mum had made for the whole family oh dear!! That really makes me wonder what happens on unhealthy eating week? Is that a bowl full of porridge with whipped cream chocolate and bacon in the middle? With a side of cheese and onion pasties soaked in triple shot espressos?? Only bill knows the answer to that one , lol. Anything is possible with Bill, lol. Managed to walk today even though it was quite windy and I wore the right coat so that was a good thing, lol. So does Lucy work five days a week or does she more days than that? How are her new colleagues? I think I’ll leave that leave it there Toni otherwise I’ll never get things done nice to “talk” to you as always have a good afternoon take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Joan thanks for your kind message about my mum I’ll let you know how’s things going hope you’re doing okay today and that Sue is too? have a nice day and take care Reshmi. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Barbara Hope you’re okay today? how are your eyes? I’m not too bad thanks my mum has her Op tomorrow morning so hopefully things will go well hope you’re enjoying the sunshine even though the weather is not ideal at least it isn’t here take care. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    Hello all

    Just a quick line from me - no snow here but perishing cold, my word, the difference :( raining in fact & a rainbow earlier (will happily swap for some sunshine).

    Mike I was so so pleased to read your post 😊 for a starting point that's everything we could have wished to hear, hope District Nurse & so on all straightforward, v well done indeed (you & Vixen) & thanks for letting us know :) x

    LilyMary, gracious me what an episode.. one never ceases to ponder the random nature of life & these split second things.. maybe Van Man drove a little more carefully after that & who knows what effect in turn that may have had. Just to add my thumbs up too 👍️ to others for your own positive outcome :)

    hello bosh and hope this afternoon's mtx is behaving as well as can be.. plenty of toast here if needs be and Barbara has put the kettle on.. all the best for your Mum tomorrow🤞

    Thank you for manning the kettle Barbara, sorry you are having disturbed nights 😔 I suppose throwing a cloth over Mr B would not work like it does with budgerigars 🤔 (joking aside hope you are coping and glad to hear he is going on well, fingers all crossed things get easier every day). xx

    Joan, glad your BP is good (I missed that you had already said so). Hope you have had a good if chilly day, any snow for you? Yes the RA does cause fatigue but then I don't have OA pain to contend with so it's swings & roundabouts. xx

    Kitty glad you are a bit better today keep it up 😛 and shopping all in I hope 🤞xx

    and hello frog, yes I remember Kiki well, I had a boxed soap figure of her 😂 and knowing me I STILL HAVE in a cupboard god knows where. Bill & Ben yes you do wonder what effect early viewing has on one's psyche 😂 nothing like today though as you say. No video games no nasties just the Clangers. Beastly cold today no garden for me no walks no nothing, hot soup & grumbling, and paying bills (yikes) but no snow whatever and birdies all fine & accounted for. Glad to hear Paul is truly on the up and wonder if you have done enough fumigating to feel you could risk quitting the sofa? 🤔 hope everything else ok and it's lovely to hear Lucy has been asked to be a trainer 😊. Thank you for the egg on toast this morning it was just the ticket. (Btw the only April Fool I saw was for tomato flavour toothpaste - lucky to get the tomatoes!) More of a post soon, have a good weekend. xx

    Arthuritis; blah to those spreading this about blithely & affecting the rest of us 😕 hope you are doing as ok as possible otherwise

    all the best to Jason & love to all xx

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Morning all. Kitty I do not know about neutrophils as they have not been specifically mentioned, well from what I can remember as there has been so much information slung at me lately. Yesterday went pretty smoothly with no sickness although I did feel a bit queasy about 3pm so took one of the pills they gave me, apart from that just a bit woozy and more lethargic than normal. Another good night with Vixen keeping me company on the bed until about 5am and this morning I have noticed that if I move too fast my head takes a while to catch up so that is a good excuse to sit here in front of the box for the day!! (As if I need an excuse!) District Nurse came to change my dressing yesterday about 4 and was very nice, they have changed their days now to every other Thursday to fit in with the chemo, henceforth they will be flushing my line and changing the dressing, from the questions she asked me yesterday she is also looking after welfare issues as the first thing she asked was whether I felt safe in my bungalow. Baby sister came over after she finished work with another selection of food bits she thought I might like/tollerate. The depressing thing is that I appear to have gone off tea, up to yesterday I would have at least 10 brews a day!! And for all you ex-forces out there today is the 40th Anniversary of the Argentinian invasion of the Falklands and the start of Operation Corporate, I was 24 and was involved although being in the RAF I was not all the way down there until afterwards. Anyway there we are gang, thanks for your continuing support and kind wishes, they are all greatly appreciated.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Well that has about made my day!!!!!!

    Mike you are amazing just getting on with it and coping so very well! I had a feeling you would and I hope the steroids ease your arthritis pain a bit too it can you know so that could be a positive! The lady before was maybe frightened of the picc insertion? In the end you know they let me yes ME!!!!! do the line flush and pop in the warfarin to keep the line clear. I had all the gear, little vials, dressings and a sharps box. Get me nurse Toni eh?! I suppose 2 and half years is a long time for them to keep doing it.

    I'm so glad Vixen was ok she will soon get used to the new (temporary) routine and so far so good. So only a few lost their hair! That's great news I hope you keep yours. Now all you need to do is keep an eye for raised temperature at or about 38.5 which if it happens will be in a few days time. It is a sign of infection which can honestly happen so easily. They have special 'cancer only' antibiotics for that if it happens not given out to the general public.

    How lovely hearing directly from Yvonne. See we are noticed and valued. Maybe dragons are for good luck🤔 Either way it's nice to feel cared about and to know that this little café is helping you as it helped me too. How great is this forum? Enough soppiness Toni! WELL DONE you Mike😊

    Thanks Joan Paul has been an excellent patient I must say although the extra work has been tough. I think my neighbour is being an excellent patient too as you know he has the incentive of getting his beloved wife home. You saw the snow showers too? So pretty especially if it doesn't settle! Lucy is just happy again and yes they have noticed her there and value her. ((())) for you and Sue please say hello for me xxx

    Kitty I am so pleased things are settling back down for you you didn't need that. Tommy is turning out rather sweet isn't he? He is dating Lucy's Winnie now too and politely calls at the door for her. Aidan would be very pleased to hear that tommy is taking after Pepe Longstockings as he is.

    I hope we are helping Mike a bit, I think we are he said so and it's lovely that the Admins appreciate a regular poster like him isn't it?

    You take care and I hope Holly is doing ok and will be able to visit you soon. She will have to do the full 10 days sadly because you are CEV.

    @Lilymary you are so right healthy food for healthy people you eat what you can when you are poorly. Incidentally you are being a good support to many of these multiple newbies with your threads☺️

    Barbara thank you Paul is happy now he is clear we can go a ride and have our posh coffee again today! the line does fade and fade until it's gone so yes they do work. I prefer the ones for teh throat and nose they are better I think.

    He was a good patient unlike naughty Mr B. I am glad to hear he is getting there now. Silly boy not taking his pain meds. You have to keep ahead of the pain in the early days🙄 they won't be told will they?

    It was bitterly cold yesterday wasn't it? Gosh we knew about it if we went out. No gardening in the end it was just too cold for me.😕

    Morning Reshmi I must confess I didn't walk in the end yesterday did enough steps doing housework between resting. Paul is fine now much better throat normal and this morning no line on his test. That's good he has to work at a prison on Monday and they will test him before he's allowed in. I am glad your sister is coping so well are the boys still clear? Not everyone catches it though; l mean I didn't and Lucy didn't though we were very careful.

    With public voice controlling sessions it is very necessary to have codes. Much safer and quite funny too for those of us in the know😉

    Well I think BIL's healthy eating week sounds very nice for him, but I have to agree what on earth would be an unhealthy week😮

    Fingers crossed for your Mum today I am sure she will do well she knows what to do and is a very strong person bless her. Hope DV is calm. Of course you are biased about those boys it is in the job description of the Godess Auntie Mima. Riley does sound as though he deserves the odd bop though🤭naughty Toni!

    Technically Lucy does 5 days a week but she will always help out and do a 6th if they need her or an extra hour or two like she has this week.

    Take care and see you later for our walk! Coats on!

    Oh the Clangers!!!!!!!!!!!! Toady the Clangers! I loved them the Soup dragon too. I think i am the soup dragon here.

    Much simpler times much kinder too i think although there was an awful lot of plastic wasn't there? Dried food oh gosh vesta🤢 Chicken supreme.

    Wasn't it bitter? You saw a rainbow! How lovely! No gardening for me i was just too cold and didn't think i could manage it so instead cleaned the house (not a good swap) ready for my patient to resume family life😊 I have fumigated and disinfected and bleached. I think all will be well remember I am a strong woman🏋️

    Lucy is pretty tough too so we are very happy to have him back.

    Tomato flavoured toothpaste? gross! Alexa had Rylan Clarke on instead yesterday morning as an April fool.

    Morning @Arthuritis no one believes Chris Whitty nor listens I think Boris shunted him out of the way as soon as his words didn't fit with the economic policies.

    I know Tim Spector says it as it is too, but remains reassuring doesn't he? I hope you stay safe down there yourself and so wish everyone would 'do the right thing' but they won't they only do what is right for themselves.Well taht was a bit negative wasn't it?

    I hoep at least you are doing ok?

    Right it's Saturday so our usual

    for Mike!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Everything is going up even peoples blood pressure.

    Kitty (()) that’s good you are feeling a bit better (())) what about Chris (()) love to Holly (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara (()) it’s very difficult to make someone understand. they think they are right ((()) love to your Son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) yes it’s so cold. I just saw a fox walk past the window good job Pepper is a sleep. Have a good day.

    Lillymary (()) sorry about your fright with the white van man let’s hope he’s court next time he does that. Have a good day.

    Mike (()) you are doing so well you have your strength from being In the R A F ( our Dad was one of them ) have a good weekend. Vixen is keeping her eye on you.

    Toni (())) that’s good Paul is better will you be in your own bed tonight (()) Lucy (()) is a good worker (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours is wife could soon be home (())

    Reshmi (()) love to your mum I will be thinking about her (())

    Arthuritis have a good weekend (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603
    edited 2. Apr 2022, 16:54

    Helloooo 😊

    Brighter today and a slightly more productive morning, although even though I did a lot of little odd jobs I then checked my list and none of them were the ones on there, which does make you wonder about your list-writing skills (and your grip on things). Oh well, went through all the bits of paper by the telephone with odd numbers and meaningless gibberish on (WHY no telephone pad and why no ability to write coherent notes 🙄), sorted some other paperwork and turned out a couple of drawers so that's something.

    How lovely to see a fox Joan, is that unusual where you are or maybe not so? I've only ever seen one or 2 here, first time I thought I had heard a cat in pain & went out to look (mind you that was nothing compared to when I first heard a barn owl - absolutely bloodcurdling!) Yes probably better for Pepper to be asleep 🦊. Hope you all have a good weekend xx

    Hello to Mike - keep up the good work (sorry about the tea! oh no, of all things 😕)

    bosh hope all went well with your Mum and things not too bad with you in general today after the mtx, I wonder when you next see anyone and if they will raise the idea of injections with you again (I do tend to be a bit evangelical about them because I was so pleased to be offered a get-out from the tablets - & I hate for anyone to have to feel iffy if it maybe could be avoided - but everyone's different I realize). Have as good a Sunday as poss I will see about a walk round the block later but it is still jolly cold, will be minus 4 tonight apparently - but better after that. 😊

    Frog hope you got your coffee and all's going well with Paul's de-exiling, back at work Monday, gosh, he's done well to get from testing positive to here in that space of time. Hope he feels properly up to it by then he does seem to have recuperated very gratifyingly🤞. Have sorted out a few seeds and notes - garden soon? It should be picking up again now by all accounts. Mentioning foxes to Joan, do you get much of an unusual nature round your way? I was just thinking it's been a long time since I heard an owl, it's well into Tawny breeding time I would have thought I'd have heard the odd courtship call at least. Maybe not enough attractive territory. 😕 I am just catching up on Monty week 2, gosh, Val & Dave, what didn't they have in that garden! (and climbing up to do that pruning, nothing wrong with his joints..! 😂) Plenty of brickwork there. And Monty loving his rusty tin shed, I can imagine the horror on my neighbours' faces. Better than plastic, absolutely✌️my mother was ahead of her time where plastic was concerned, good for her x. I was looking at those little sentry sheds btw (Thomas had one the week before), they got terrible reviews though (that dreaded word flimsy again), I feared as much. Might have one in the house though, for when I go even more eccentric & start growing ivy up the walls on the inside 😂. I bet Rylan was fab as Alexa, I'd much prefer him, assuming I had such a thing in the house. Have a good Sunday 😊 xx

    Love to Kitty and Barbara 😘

    & anyone passing by xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi toady how are you today? today got took a long time to get going for me but my mum had her operation and things have gone well as far as I can tell but it is of course a stressful time as she needs a week of physical rest and mental Rest really need to fully recover and as Toni v wisely said MV + DV = HV (Mum Vesuvius + Dad Vesuvius =House Vesuvius), but really MV wasn’t really that active today more a case of DV to be honest, I ordered some low cal but high sugar Choc type bars that were meant to come today but they didn’t which was probably a blessing really 😄. My Stomachs not 100% but it’s not as bad as it sometimes is thanks for asking me and thanks for the offer of dry toast and thanks to Barbara for the tea, lol. I Managed a very quick walk late in the day to the local supermarket but I didn’t buy anything in the end it’s not the greatest of shops mainly quite unhealthy stuff and anything healthy is really overpriced only thing good about it really that it is nearby how are the shops where you live? do you have to travel quite a while to find a decent supermarket? I hope your day didn’t go too badly? take care xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    hi Toni? how are you today? I’m very tired tbh I did go for a walk but only a tiny one and v late in the day, my mum had the op and things seem to have gone well thank you but of course now it’s now the crucial time of one week’s rest for her both mental and physical really but as I was saying to toady with the Hv situation well mainly DV atm it’s going to be a difficult thing I was helping my mum‘s today until I was crying with the tiredness and I just had to lie down my dad is being a difficult piece of work is always watching cricket and anyway I won’t go on too much because this is a semi public voice controlling session but you can imagine the thing kind of things he’s doing today generally things that make him happy and being as lazy as possible but anyway I did eventually get a little bit of rest in the afternoon not as much as I needed really but like I say managed that little walk so that was definitely much better than nothing it did start to rain though and it looked like hail but it was only for an instant or so it seemed then it went to back to rain so thank goodness for that Toni you’ll be really proud of me I went into the supermarket I held a packet of crisps in my hand and then put it back I bought nothing at all even though there’s not much food in the house today but if I get really hungry I can eat some sweetcorn - in moderation though I know as it’s mxt hangover day and all the rest of it, lol. I was planning to write so much more but I can feel myself getting tired so I will just say the basic things the boys are fine as far as I’m aware thanks Toni that’s good that Lucy is flexible regarding her job she seems to enjoy it quite a lot is that right do you think? I’m glad that Paul is a lot better looks like a great breakfast there and but perhaps not an image to gaze upon on mxt hangover day only joking and that’s it I’m tired I’m going I hope your day went okay? take care. Xx