Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    hi Barbara how are you doing today? I’m not too bad thanks my mum is getting better and is also not too bad, my sis and BR do have diarrhoea and vomiting though but I think it’s getting better gradually at least with my sis, but I haven’t had all the info yet. take care. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603
    edited 5. Apr 2022, 17:57

    Hello all - nothing going on with me (and disgustingly tired today 🙄) so just a speedy hello and a couple of pictures. Elderly shed on the one hand and on the other, very un-elderly seedlings - brand new today, tiny foxgloves (for those of us that get excited about our seedlings 😉). My delivery was lovely & prompt frog so no more problems there 😊 will now be getting on with salad & so on myself, peas, beans &c. The zinc bath will need a bit of work so pics will be later down the line, it's old & a bit fragile (aren't we all...) so mainly hoping it's in one piece when I clean it out (not going to clean it up, it's just got a lot of detritus inside). The clematis is winter-flowering so should be ok outdoors I hope? but in any case I will probably still pot it up as an interim stage to keep an eye on it, so I can always do a bit of acclimatizing, or cold frame-ing. I doubt my chances of getting a hedgehog, rather 😔 it has been known, and I insisted on a hole in the last lot of gravel boards (ugh), but obviously everyone has to do it if you're going to create proper access. I follow what Hugh Warwick the hedgehog highway chap does, you'll know him, excellent stuff 😍. I'm glad the birdies were all singing for you when you went to open the doors to dissipate the 'pen & ink' 👃🖌️- hope it's fading! Oh yes I love your car too of course, anything along that line is streets ahead of the great big things of which you speak (and if I had a £1 for everything I'd grumbled grumpily about the last few years, I'd be able to move house!) Hope everything going well today chez Frog & family.

    Joan my neighbours are fine, well on the one side, as there is no-one there til the house is sold at some point. It's lovely to have the quiet but I jump a bit if I hear noise (various people will be bound to come in & out in the meantime, & you're not expecting it). Hope you are both having a good day. xx

    Hello Kitty glad you have had a few jobs done round the house, my hoover does not come out much 😂 but at least I finally found some compatible bags to fit.. the replacements for mine were some ridiculous amount 💵 but nor did I really want to get a new one.

    Love to Barbara and hope Mr B is coming along steadily 👍️ xx

    and hello to everyone else, I will see you when you are next in (and when I have woken up a bit hopefully) have a good night all xx

    old shed: new seedlings.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603
    edited 5. Apr 2022, 19:06

    ..I almost forgot I took a picture of little 'Vi' a couple of days ago, she seems to be doing fine, the old flower going over but a new tiny bud (to the right), fingers crossed that will come out 🤞😀

    quick edit, hello bosh I don't know how I didn't see your posts when on the laptop but I can now while checking on the phone.. must have been a sort of turn two pages of a book over at once type thing. Anyway sorry & glad to hear your Mum is doing ok & they don't need to see her again unless needs be, I can quite imagine she doesn't want to be not busy frustration is such a big part of unwellness if you are not naturally happy to sit about etc. Yes I know exactly what the non-arthritic friend situation is like, if you are having a good spell and can see people then sooner or later you won't be able to, and so on; I find the stop / start the most difficult thing (unless you don't mind talking a lot about your health, and I like playing mine down - of course then it's not entirely their fault if they don't get it I realize). Thanks for asking I've been tired today from (I think) a bad couple of night's sleep, I will try to go for a small walk in a minute I think & hope that does something useful. Anyway just to say I read all your post instalments so yes of course no need to repeat anything :) and anyway always happy with just a hello from people especially if they're tired too. Btw the optician had forgotten his login details?! gosh it would be funny if you weren't being kept in a Covid-y waiting room, but in that case, no not really funny at all. Maybe that's why there was a very young baby, maybe his mother had only been expecting it when she joined the queue 🤔😂). Have a good night & hope the hayfever type symptoms settle down. x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 6. Apr 2022, 05:33

    Morning everyone. Dark out there this morning but at least the rain seems to have stopped.

    I am really hoping Mike is doing ok. I expect he is having a tough week it's not like him not to at least read and 'like' posts which worries me a little. Mike if you read this we are all here for you and those of us who have experienced chemo(or cancer treatment) really understand, but above all we all care. Sending you huge ((())) and strength 💪 xx

    Morning Kitty

    I expect Tommy has been? He loves vacuuming! Well he loves all housework, but can get the floor a bit wet when washing up.

    How lovely having a neighbour who is happy to help with the washing. Of course you'd cover her costs I'd expect nothing less. Such a help.

    Good idea grating cheese on the muffins they were rather nice the vegan ones had mushrooms and vegan scrambled eggs - yum!

    Morning Joan how are you and Sue today? I expect to see my neighbour today there is a soup and roll 'do' at Church this lunchtime. I think some people haven't had their jabs and they get really ill. Those who have had their jabs get ill like Paul but don't need hospital treatment. The other problem is not wearing masks and not testing. You just stay safe both of you and Sue's carers ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you doing? I hope you are well toady and all aches are behaving. Yes l do have hay fever I think KItty does too at this time of year it's tree pollen at the moment I think. I hope yours is under control? It isn't raining here so maybe we will be able to have our walks at our preferred early time.

    Oh you did your pasta and have a new technique for safely holding the pan. Two ideas here I is what some people do which is to cook veggies (or pasta should work) in a chip basket

    inside your saucepan. Then you can just take the chip pan out (leaving the water behind) it's lighter than carrying the whole saucepan full of heavy boiling water. Just a thought it might help you. I do it when I am in trouble, but took some getting used to. The other idea which I haven't tried is the pasta made of peas! Have you heard of it? I might get some and try it out...🤔I wondered if it might be healthier/better for our stomachs?

    When you both work and have children there should be an equal distribution of labour, but I suspect in most families that isn't the case and in your sisters definitely not!! I agree if BIL cooked we would need a vat load of antacids and 3 days to digest it all!🤭 I hope your sister feel better and no-one else has caught her bug bless her and BR they are so prone to catching things little ones.

    I hope your Dad's arm is ok after his booster? I know he doesn't say much. What about your Mum when can she have hers? Hope she's still doing well.

    Imagine putting a large bag on a chair when the opticians was heaving with people🙄 some people! a baby plus parents and grandparents that is rather overkill isn't it? No wonder it was so busy! Glad you didn't wait too long anyway and now you have your glasses.

    See you later for our walk. Soup and rolls at the Church today (our community centre is in the next village so we use it for events) so that should be nice.

    Toady Vi looks so well! No worries there and she might self seed you some more babies later this. year! I love the wee foxgloves I want to touch them! Your shed oh gosh I will take a pic of mine for you! Just wait!!! I'm sure the clematis should be ok outside if it's winter flowering how LOVELY!

    I hope you feel less tired today ((())). Yesterday I felt quite whacked too I had in total 5/6 migraine auras? If that makes sense one on the way to pick Lucy up so I had to quickly park up at Asda and wait it out 😕 Today will have to be more productive its village clear up then soup and rolls in Church.

    My sister reminded me of this the other day:

    I'm so glad the delivery was all present and correct that's great news. We can wait for the zinc bath....I wish we were so easily repaired🙄 No hedgehogs for you either YET! We will get them. Well done ensuring you have a hole I have hedges so all good here apart from where the wall is. We get them over the road in the Church yard. I do indeed follow Hugh Warwick's advice. One day we may see more. P my old friend who recently died had one in her garden and the dog caught fleas from him😯

    It is still whiffy here and not pleasant garage door open already, but better than last time I think. I taped up the inside of the garage door as it connects with the basement it has helped a bit. Wonder if the smell caused the migraine auras🤔hmmm...

    Right a quick hello to Barbara hope Mr B is doing ok. Whe are his staples out?

    Jason and Arthuritis too.

    and breakfast...

    vegan omelette!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) that’s nice your neighbour helping you (()) how is Chris (()) have a good day love to all.

    Toady (()) have a good day.

    Toni (()) soup and a rolls and a chat will be nice. Your neighbour is doing so well (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your neighbour (())

    Reshmi (()) how are you feeling today (())

    Mike (()) thinking about you i hope you don’t feel too bad (()) love to vixen

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 6. Apr 2022, 10:16

    Morning, oh good grief, did I feel bad today! I think I swallowed some phlegm and it made me feel sick. In fact I was almost sick. But it went away and I felt better.

    Barbara, I hope Mr B is beginning to move more easily.

    Joan, we were so grateful t Rebecca.

    Reshmi, I hope your family gets well soon.

    Toady, I love the picture of little ‘Vi’

    Antoinette , thank you for the omelet. Tommy has been and vacuumed, singing ‘here we go loopy Lou’ all the time bless him. Holly is clear of Covid and went to see her Nan.

    feel sleepy now so I’ll say BFN

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    For Toady

    Sorry it's a mess🙄🙄🙄

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Sorry must keep thisshort..proper squiffy ets ..

    Thanks everyone Mr B is doing much better thabk the Lord..😅

    Hope Mike is doing ok xx

    Toady I love that your shed is closed 😅 the door on my little one is flimsy but the shell is OK xx

    Toni whats being painted ..sorry I'm lost I remember the bubbe cars rolled over in frint if our house years ago xx

    Joan love to all of you

    Reshmi so glad mums etes are improving xx

    and Kittly hss a lovely nrigbour doung the washing how kind xx

    Love to all xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi t sorry for the very late reply it’s been quite a day my dad has backache my mum is recovering from the op and I’ve sprained my foot but it’s getting better now so HV was def erupting I found that really interesting what you said about the stop start nature of things with the arthritis tiredness and pain I think you were referring to if I remember rightly I agree completely some people who don’t have the disease and who are quite ignorant and prejudiced basically think that we are making it up because we have good days sometimes yeah people can indeed be narrow minded I know what you mean people don’t like to talk too much about their own health sometimes they see it as a failing but the thing is in my case it least I know some of my non-arthritic friends are really very Judgmental yet when they have physical health problems then the whole world stops but anyone else who’s unwell, well maybe they’re just in a bit of a mood lovely and charming indeed anyway let’s try not to brood on it and have a nice cup of herbal tea I’ll supply the plain biscuits, lol, about the optician perhaps he’s just a bit of a mega brain, Toni and I use this term, lol, It just means that sometimes some people, in my opinion anyway, are really intelligent like my sister for example in their own fields of work or academic expertise but in other things they just lack common sense like you implied with the optician who forgets every single aspect of his work login details, lol, oh well glad that’s over I love that joke about the woman being in the queue for nine months of giving birth that’s really hilarious, good one toady 😂hope today was okay for you? I think I’ll stop there because I seem to have waffled a lot hope your evening goes okay take care, xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Toni how are you today? I’m not too bad thanks but HV has def erupted, my back isn’t brilliant actually but sleeping on my orthopaedic mattress at night as I always do will def helps thanks it’ll feel bad better tomorrow thanks for asking , hayfever - that’s nasty stuff isn’t it? sorry to hear that you suffer from it too, it’s ok - isn atm thanks, but Ive had a shower not long ago, so that def helps, it’s the going outside and encountering trees etc that doesn’t help does it? Oh well itchy hayfever skin can’t last forever, at least I hope not lol. Thanks about the chip pan tip that’s a great idea I’ll get one soon unfortunately too many peas upset my stomach so Pea pasta is great in theory but unfortunately for me not in practice ☹️, please let me know what it taste like though. BR has learned how to walk by the way and he’s 15 months old today so that’s a lovely coincidence bless. Thanks about my sis and BR, hopefully they’ll get better soon, there’s more to say but not a lot of time unfortunately so I hope you have a lovely night Toni and I’ll “speak “to you tomorrow. Tc. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    hi to Joan Kitty and Barbara Hope you are all doing more or less okay today? thanks for your kind wishes about my sis mum BR et cetera glad that Mr B is doing well Barbara that’s really great to hear hope you’ll have a nice night sorry this is a very short message getting a bit low on energy and time take care everyone bye for now. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603
    edited 6. Apr 2022, 20:38

    Hello everyone, we're all sleep today apparently.. my eyes are shutting.. not so much being bright & perky like Looby Lou, more like tired little teddy bears from the Teddy Bears' Picnic. 😴 I could see me getting v little done today but (with frog as an imaginary invigilator for motivation, thank you 😂) have sown some delphinium, some aquilegia and some marigolds and potted on the clematis. More seedlings up today, sweet pea and hollyhocks. 😊 And a few things happening outside. Funny how something can surprise & fascinate you just doing exactly what it says it will - I'm watching my field scabious & thinking well I never it is putting on 2nd year growth after a winter basal rosette of leaves, fancy that. Well worth going back over some old Gardeners' Worlds I should think because there's probably always something you half-miss and anyway what I do learn I forget almost immediately. I was reading something about something that likes sandy potting soil yesterday, and I have NO IDEA what. 🙄 Hope weather was not too horrid for your church thing, raining on & off & blowing here so not all that nice. Also hope you didn't have any migraine auras today, you'll know what can be a trigger so it's a good job the paint even if potent was a short lived thing that can't affect you further. Thank you for the shed pic 😄 Good choice!! 👩‍🌾👌wonder why bottom right of window seems 'the' place for signs? 🤔 Anyway, that's not a mess, sheds are meant to be like that 😊 (and you have gutters! nice). Right then, I have had a cup of tea and a pink champagne truffle left over from xmas, so after that brief touch of glamour I am going to go and clean the bath and do a few dishes. I think I'll bottle out from an evening walk, it's just not very nice out there.

    Glad you like my sign Barbara, do you think I could get away with one on the front door, it's more or less true 😂 postman excepted. Very very pleased to hear Mr B is doing well 😀 xx

    Hope you have a less tired day as well tomorrow Kitty xx

    Thursday tomorrow already Joan can't keep track of the time going, I must get some Easter cards & letters done or I will be doing it at the last minute. Have a good night :) xx

    Hello bosh not too bad a day thanks but I have spent a bit too much of it on the internet, it's just all too easy to do so when the weather isn't encouraging and you can't quite get going on anything useful. Sorry it was mixed day at HV but glad you haven't done anything serious to your foot. Yes the awkwardness of dealing with people when you have good bits & bad, sometimes it's been because I've responded well to new meds & had a reasonably better long spell (rather than the little ups & downs) and people get used to it - then it's not nice to have to 'disappear' again but as you say we won't dwell on it (or the dramatics of the usually well people who have a sudden nasty taste of what we have to deal with 😉). Luckily I don't know any really unsympathetic types as I don't have a wide circle of friends in any case and the old friend I see most of (when it's not a pandemic 🙄) has an auto-immune thing too which they had before I did. Yes mega-brains I know a few 😂. Hope your Mum keeps improving nicely, have a good day tomorrow x

    Love to everyone and a wave to the not-heres 👋 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 7. Apr 2022, 05:29

    It's windy out there and Lucy isn't in work she has the two-bob-bits!😧

    Sending love and ((())) to Mike I hope you are feeling a bit better today you will soon I promise. I think Sue will be with you today so she will check you are ok so i am less worried, but we are all thinking of you very much here xxx

    Morning Joan I hope you and Sue ate ok today? My neighbour is amazing ! His youngest son (the only one without children) is here ATM helping him. I 'walked' him home after the lunch and fetched him some soup back to have in the week. I tried to ring Mrs neighbour, but no luck she isn't always great at answering her phone and cuts you off her hands are so bad (RA). I will try again today. How are you and Sue?

    Oh dear I think Tommy heard That song here Kitty, but he does have a sweet voice doesn't he? Sleek taught him 'the gate' so he got to yours on his own although she did wait for him this end. He wants to be independent you see bless him. Don't tell Sleek but she is due vaccinations today shhhh🤫

    Guess what a lad at Lucy's work has asked her out and he is called Aidan! You think he's up there stirring the pot?

    Oh you poor thing bloomin chests🙄. It's awful when that happens. Yukky yukky ((())) for you. Kari felt a bit poorly yesterday coughing headachy and tired lateral flow neg so fingers crossed.

    That was weird I lost all your posts from yesterday and though it had only been myself, Joan and Kitty! Found you now by refreshing the page (twice)!

    Barbara I am so glad Mr B is getting on with it now such a relief for you bless him. Paul would be the same some people are just not used to pain and fearful of it.

    My neighbour walked on his crutches all the way to the Church again for the soup lunch and i walked him back...fetched two containers and took more soup up to him.

    My Dad rolled their bubble car over too that's when my Mum made him ditch it she was pregnant with Kari at the time.

    The garage floor was being painted it's a bit fumey! Easing off now though so i can keep the door shut I think.

    Reshmi it is trees at the moment, but if I cut the grass (Not often I can assure you!) I put sudocrem on my arms before I do it that helps as does showering straight away you're right.

    Hope you slept a good healing sleep last night in your bed and your back is a bit easier today.

    It's very windy out there so not sure we'll enjoy our walk today much😕

    I expected HV to erupt with Mum's operation she will be a bit frustrated and he had his jab and probably wants more attention which she can't give him. Bless you though ((()))

    Lucy has 'the bug' now too up all night with it. Back with the antibacterial wipes here and masks in the house until that's gone. It seems a few were off sick at work. She can now sympathise with your sister and baby R. What a clever boy walking!!!!!!!!!! happy 15th month birthday to him for yesterday too🤩little star!

    Morning Toady well done you yesterday you did LOADS!!!! I did a little in the Churchyard went over the 1 and 3/4 graves I did last time again for weeds and finished that 1/4 and another one before the heavens opened.!

    We had 12 people less than usual due to the weather at the soup and roll lunch, but my neighbour made it on his crutches bless him.

    All that potting on and planting of seeds! The sweet peas were fast and your hollyhocks too! Guess what? I have a garlic sprouting!!!!!!!!!!! Yes really l do! It looks amazing! Hopefully it will have more friends tomorrow with the April showers....

    Oh my shed is shameful😳but I love it! I have another shed sign too which Tia got me for Christmas to go up. If it was tidier I could have a tiny chair and a kettle and hide out there like my Dad used to in his. I will not bother with the pipe though😁

    I am more like Brian than Louby Lou!

    Oh guess what????????? I am going to have one or two maybe hedgehogs to rehome! Honestly! There is a rescue not far away they need to inspect the garden, but I actually really can!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think Greenbelt end near the secret pond.

    Right breakfast for us hmmm

    Ready brek I think it's so windy and miserable:

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Dear all, Chris had a call from the surgery yesterday. They informed him that he has a telephone appointment on Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th. The first one is about his xrays and the second one about his vitamin D. So he is to mention the second oe when his doctor rings on Tuesday, so he can get them both sorted at the same time. But when I rang for his blood test results, they said his cacium was low -nothin about vitamin D although they are connected. Oh well roll on next week.

    I thought we might visit Cushendall for the day - an excuse to repost my Poem The Road to Cushendall. I promised Tommy he could come on this trip. First the poem.

    The Road To Cushendall

    Where Antrim's mountains rise and fall

    down towards the grey stone wall,

    there the sea mist casts its pall

    along the road to Cushendall.

    Upon the rocks and crags so bare,

    wild long grasses here and there

    catch the wind like mermaid's hair

    as it blows down to Cushendall.

    Where the dark hills slope and lean

    towards the gentle vale of green,

    here the sea spray falls like rain

    upon the road to Cushendall.

    Beyond the shores of reddish clay

    and out across the peaceful bay,

    the purple hills of Scotland lay

    looking down to Cushendall.

    Beneath the Red Arch hewn from stone,

    a weary traveler all alone

    along the coast road leading home,

    riding down to Cushendall.

    Promise we will walk again

    along the pleasant winding lane

    that stretches out across the plain

    when I return to Cushendall.

    Cushendall (from IrishCois Abhann Dalla, meaning 'foot of the River Dall'), formerly known as Newtownglens, is a coastal village and townland (of 153 acres) in County AntrimNorthern Ireland. It is in the historic barony of Glenarm Lower and the civil parish of Layd, and is part of Causeway Coast and Glens district.

    It is on the A2 coast road between Glenariff and Cushendun, in the Antrim Coast and Glens Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It lies in the shadow of the table topped Lurigethan Mountain and at the meeting point of three of the Glens of Antrim: Glenaan, Glenballyemon and Glencorp. This part of the Irish coastline is separated from Scotland by the North Channel, with the Mull of Kintyre about 16 miles away. In the 2011 Census, Cushendall had a population of 1,280 people

    wall painting in Cushendall

    The Curfew Tower The Curfew Tower in the centre of the village was built by then landlord of the town, Francis Turnley, in 1817, to confine riotous prisoners. Dan McBride, an army pensioner, was given the job of permanent garrison and was armed with one musket, a bayonet, a brace of pistols and a thirteen-feet-long pike. The tower is now owned by artist Bill Drummond.

    Cushendall Beach Seen from the Salmon Rocks, with Lurigethan in the background.

    River Dall

    The Antrim Coast Road with the red arch.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope you feel better today that’s good Holly (()) is better. Love to Chris (()) and everyone (())

    Barbara (()) you go steady (()) that’s good Mr B has more confidence (()) love to everyone

    Toady (()) we have the sun at the moment.

    Toni (()) i’m sorry Lucy has the bug (()) I hope it doesn’t stay to long (()) your lovely neighbour has a new start on life (()) how many hedgehog’s would you like.we are ok thank you.

    Mike we are hear for you (()) and vixen (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603
    edited 7. Apr 2022, 13:10

    Afternoon 😊 technically lunchtime I suppose but it's teabreak time for me as I run late, and anyway it's only gone 12 'in old money', as they say. Nice blue sky out there but still a few hours of black-spot wind speeds to go so it's indoors for me til then. Glad you didn't have to turn out in it for Lucy this morning frog but so sorry she has the nasty 😟 and Kari not too well too, oh dear, bad times! Get well soon all x

    I am very pleased to hear about your hedgehogs and I'm sure you will be approved 😊 look forward to hearing. And things are sprouting for you too, as we speak, oh good. Going back to the subject of sheds I don't know if you have come across (or have) this book but someone got it for me and I think I can safely this is probably your and my dream shed - complete with chair & kettle 😍 and optional pipe 😂. I love all the facsimile bits & pieces design of the book and although it's a fun thing it's also got a lot of genuine gardening proper stuff. (I pinched someone's ebay pic to show you the shed bit). Also note the chimney pots 😂 I took it up with those people at the time (that they had unavailable stuff for sale) - had a limp excuse about it taking time to update things because they have a lot of products, well pfft frankly. It's still there now, for mugs like me to come along and try & buy. Yes I haven't let it go yet 😂 Other people manage to run inventories where things come down as they're sold (or at least take something down once they've had it pointed out). Isn't your neighbour doing well and I'm glad he got to the church lunch. A bit mean, it raining on you when you were doing good works cleaning gravestones (are they properly old ones? or is this a general maintenance rota thing).

    Hello Kitty thank you for the lovely poem and all the pictures 😍 all so interesting, gosh the stuff one doesn't know, shameful. 😳 Hope all goes well with Chris's phone calls and the left hand manages to work out what the right one is doing!

    Love to Joan & Sue, very windy here at the moment not nice at all! - at least my fences don't come out every 5 minutes like they used to before they were replaced, so that's one less job. Hope you're having a good day xx

    Not much else going on with me, so I will do a few mixed odds of chores & then it's just the excitement of putting the bin out later &c and seeing if it stands up, it should be a lot less windy by then (they say).

    Love to all xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hey t how are you today hope your day? I hope your day is not going too badly I am more or less okay thanks I decided not to go out for a walk today because my stomach was quite unsettled yesterday I didn’t want to risk eating rubbish after walking, I’m glad the meds are working for you working well for you at the moment that’s good to hear I don’t really have a very wide circle of friends either tbh the main culprit is LLF / long lost friend / Sue she had a mobility - related problem for a long time and of course I’m not competing with her or anything like that but she is fully well now but yes, as you said, for certain selfish individuals other peoples problems remain just that but it’s good i a way that I’m haven’t met her for a long time because she did have she sometime invited people who are complete almost complete strangers to me with no warning but thankfully that hasn’t happened recently, but still not exactly an ideal way of doing things in these Covid times is it? anyway hope you manage to get some constructive tasks done today I know what you mean about the Internet a curse and a blessing all rolled into one okay I’ll leave it there take care totally nice to chat to you, bye for now. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    hi Toni, how are you today? that was very kind of you walking your neighbour back and fetching the soup for him The poor man being on crutches like that glad his family are helping him too. I didn’t walk today either because there was a weather warning for strong wind and also my stomach really played up yesterday so I didn’t want to risk exercise and then hunger didn’t want to eat rubbish basically. I ate a really lovely cake from the health food shop website Diablo sugarfree chocolate cake not sure sure if it’s vegan though it was really delicious tasted like real cake even my mum had some and so far she’s been okay prob is with her is that certain sweeteners really upset her stomach but this one seem to work well which was good. I got This free delivery code because of a refund situation so I bought some sugarfree stuff online but it was such a hassle using the code am I managed to do it in the end but it made me use my bankcard instead of other means of payment which was okay but just a bit of a procedure it was one of those “blink and oh no has been an admin error “ type situations but I saved to my £3.99 or something like that better than saving nothing at all so I might buy a house or perhaps just a door knob, lol, or just a cartoon snail perhaps that looked really cute was it from one of the kids TV programmes from when you were growing up? My back Is def feeling a lot better after sleeping on the right bed thanks Toni, unfortunately LA has got the stomach bug too as well as Lucy oh dear he asked his mummy for some jelly she said “you can have it at 4 o’clock”, he said “it’s already 4 o’clock mummy” it was actually 3.43 pm aww bless. Poor Lucy those stomach bugs are nasty aren’t ? Good idea about the gloves etc hope she gets better soon thank you very much about BR that was indeed lovely that he’s walking, there’s not really a great deal to report today really Toni it’s a bit of a boring day, I’m glad the soup and rolls thing at the church went well , it must’ve been nice to see your friends and neighbours there I’ll go now because I have to do a few things soon I hope you’re having a nice day take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Barbara how are you doing today? I’m not too bad thanks windy horrible weather so I stayed at home. Xx

    hi Joan how are you and Sue doing today? is it nasty windy weather where you are as well? it’s really horrible here my mum is not doing too badly thanks but still a lot of tension at home though slightly less right at this moment thankfully hope you both have a nice day take care

    hi k how are things with you? beautiful poem and pics. Best wishes to Chris take care

    hi again Toni sorry I forgot to mention yesterday because I was so tired that my dad was in an especially cruel mood yesterday even my mum said so, yesterday my foot sprain was on the bad side all I asked him to do was to help me clear up a bit he blew his top and well I won’t go into a massive rant but so he’s just becoming more and more of a nasty character 99% of the time okay I’ll stop talking for now, lol, Tc. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Morning everyone. It's icy out there so hopefully will be a nicer day all round 😊

    Mike I do hope things will start to improve for you soon. Chemo is evil I know, but it's fighting something even worse so definitely worth it. You have all my good wishes and strength coming your way I hope you can feel it. All the cats are here too to support Vixen who is I am sure supporting you ((())) xxx

    Kitty I am very pleased to hear Chris has not been forgotten. That is good. I think not enough vi D and you can't absorb calcium??? Does that make sense?

    Sleek wants to bring her SAD light I said I'm not sure it would work but apologies if she brings it anyway.

    She had her vaccination yesterday and the vet reckons she might have a sore back😕 So I am worried as you can imagine.I am keeping an eye now. It wasn't our usual vet Clare I will try to see her when we go next week. As you know she is still jumping and climbing.

    Oh how lovely a day out in Cushendall thank you☺️ I love it there and must go in real life one day. I rather doubt that the motorhome will fit through the beautiful arch though🤔 That poem you should see if there is a town record keeper or society they would love your poem it really is one of your best. Yes Sleek apart from yours!!!! Sorry she keeps reading over my shoulder.

    How is Holly's nan?

    Morning Joan I think the bug is going round Lucy is fine now, but unfortunately she has to stay off 48 hours due to H&S with them handling food. I thought two hedgehogs would be ok? Bessie bot wouldn't hurt them she stops if she bumps into anything and doesn't work overnight anyway when they are more active. How are you and Sue? Are you shopping today? I am making cuppas in church for the Mums while the school does an easter egg hunt this afternoon. ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady! It was awful yesterday rain every five minutes then glorious sunshine, then rain again🙄 the wind too! I did not waste the day though I did some planning and ordering for my own scarecrow and for the village display outside Church. I also took poor Sleek for her vaccinations. The vet reckons she has a bad back. I am less sure although she might take after me😉 Seriously I am a bit worried, but she is running jumping and climbing still eating and drinking normally so???

    Today I am going into a SHOP! I am our plastic free shop to get my washing powder and fabric conditioner and some oil (dressing oil for salads) for my lovely neighbour. Then this afternoon Easter egg hunt at Church. How annoying that the stuff is still 'for sale' when it doesn't exist😠rather naughty that.

    I have that wonderful wonderful book! The Broons' book o' Gairdenin' wisdoms! It's just wonderful. I love it including the pipe. I could have my Dad's pipe in there with me even if i don't use it🤨The lovely veggies everywhere and the rosettes won from vegetable shows no doubt. Just need a chair for Sleek....Seriously it is a fabulous book I have it here right next to me a gift from my sister Kari many years ago. Full of tips.

    The gravestones are a mixture of old to extremely old! Our Churchyard wins awards and got silver last year.

    Hedgehogs of my own in my garden I am so lucky!!!!

    Good Morning Reshmi I hope today is a good day for you. The sun is out and the wind has dropped so we can walk today. My back wants me to get out.

    I am so sorry your Dad was so nasty yesterday thank goodness you have your Mum there for you. He clearly has no sympathy ((())) at all.

    I am like your Mum as far as sweeteners are concerned I think stevia is the best one. That cake sounded lovely and any saving is good it all adds up, but Reshmi do try not to spend it all at once! How is your stomach today? I didn't catch Lucy's bug luckily gloves, masks and antibac wipes saved me again! Poor LA it's tough with little ones they don't understand that eating feeds the bug and they will be ill longer. I'm sure he got his jelly on time bless him.

    My neighbour is amazing! He needs a ruck sack like me for when I need to carry things with walking aids, but as it's only temporary that's fair enough I suppose.

    The snail was called Brian I think. I was very little and the programme was called the magic roundabout and ran until 1977. It originated in France.

    Today the school are doing an easter egg hunt all around the Church yard I am helping make cuppas for the parents.

    Barbara how are you doing? I hope you're ok today and Mr B is being a good patient for you.

    When do the staples come out? He will feel better after that I'm sure.

    A visit must be due from nurse Niamh this weekend?

    I am happy because the wind has dropped I am going to have my shower get dressed and go for my walk now.

    Take care of yourself too don't forget.

    👋to Jason and Arthuritis.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) that’s good news Chris has news of his appointment (()) a day out would be good for you both. Thank you for the poem lovely photos. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) have a good day take care love to everyone.

    Toady (()) it was cold yesterday and windy when we went for a walk. Have a good day.

    Toni ((()) that’s good Lucy is feeling better good luck to her with her friend (()) she needs something good. Sue’s head carer retired because of her psoriasis everywhere now she’s been told she has R Arthritis. No it’s to cold to go to town.enjoy your scarecrow hunt. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Mike (()) I hope you are not feeling to bad (()) you are doing well. Love to vixen

    Reshmi (()) how are you today love to your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all

    Sunny and cold here

    Toni I'm sorry Lycy isn't well bless there are so many things going around x

    Mr B sorry but least said ..they're has j6st been to take his staples out and she told him to walk more..I said he doesn't listen to me ..poor miss sleek hope she will be OK bless xx

    Toady yes the sign will work on your front door ..think I will get one 🤣I am loving the pic of the shed all nice and cosy ..😁xx

    Joan I am fine thankyou I hope all is well there ..I meant ask are your new carers nice xx

    Reshmi hope dad is behaving..youcould send him round here to keep Mr B company 😉 you wrap up if you go for a walk xx

    Kitty our eldest son sent us the same picture from norther Irland odd is that ..he is there visting ..glad to hear Chrises blood test are coming through ..xx

    Mike I'm thinking about you xx

    Love to all xxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326
    edited 8. Apr 2022, 14:02

    hi Toni how are you today? glad you didn’t get L’s bug glad you went out for a walk I did too early-ish morning at least for me and I didn’t buy anything even though my mind was saying hot choc from C, lol, Btw just thought I’d mention I was actually looking at the wrong drink sizes and I was right the first time, lol, Costa h chocs are fairly low sugar compare to SB etc but obviously still not exactly a healthy option but lovely for treats, Today is not going too bad so far thank you but I have to have a glorious friend mxt fairly soon, I forgot to mention that LA recently had a cheese sandwich and carrot soup a party with his pals in the nursery the carat taught him how to make a cheese spread sandwich himself so he made one with a lot of enthusiasm and ate it on a table full of lady babies got not another gentleman baby in sight, lol, and the warmed carrot soup was already provided for them I saw a photo of the tea party it was really cute indeed, LA looked highly excited spreading cheese spread on his little piece of bread with his little eating knife, bless, it was like LA or perhaps King A sitting at the round or square table with his ladies / knights of Camelot, discussing important to court matters over mediaeval banquet of rustic cheese sandwiches and carrot soup fresh from the royal kitchen, lol, let’s just hope it wasn’t his methotrexate day as cheese sandwiches as we all know dont do you any favours at that time just kidding of course, lol, neighbour is using you as a rucksack oh dear maybe he actually needs a rucksack? I used to use them quite a lot when my mobility was a bit worse than it is now, could be an idea, mum is doing okay thank you even though my sister is still is phoning her about all manner of silly things like how to defrost fish she’s done that thousands of times I don’t know what a mad - hatter- ish family I live in keep it quiet though, lol 🤐. Your back Needs the walk oh I definitely sympathise with that. Don’t worry i was careful to spending just bought small amounts of stuff but thanks for worrying about it 😄. I just wanted to say I have done your trick of putting a little photo or picture within the message because it just helps me navigate as you said good to limit almost eternal scrolling and potential neck pain. Have a nice Friday Toni and take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Joan how are you and Sue doing today? we are doing more or less okay thanks mum is not too bad at all sister and kids have stomach bug but I think they’re on the mend hopefully at least some of them are, take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Barbara how are you today? it’s also sunny and cold here don’t worry I did wrap up warm thanks though 😄, dad is behaving a bit better today thanks at least so far as for keeping Mr B company I don’t think he’s great company for anyone most of the time to be honest, lol, he gets on with very few people I think definitely less than four lol, how is Mr B doing today by the way? He’s a little bit stubborn that does sound like my dad but to be honest my dad is the most stubborn man I’ve ever met so I doubt he is stubborn to the quite the same extent, haha. I hope That you are having an okay day have a nice Friday and take care of yourself. Xx