Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,327

    hi toady how are you today? did you manage to get a good nights sleep and to get some chores done? I’m not too bad thanks but my skin is feeling quite horrible I had my haircut today and I was even discreetly itching my face in the hairdressers it was that bad oh well it can’t last forever take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,327

    hi Toni how are you today? I’m not too bad thanks I had haircut which was good but my skin is feeling quite nasty, you’ve got the bath emollients that’s good, there’s been a change of plan excess family (now poss known as EF) are coming this Friday but not all of them sis and Kids will visit but Bill is staying at home to recover from his self-inflicted stomach prob and possibly and prob to cause himself another stomach problem by eating a couple of sneaky takeaway while wife is in Reading, oh dear! I’m a bit worried about my right foot as I keep getting the pins and needles sensation in it when before that wasn’t happening it’s feeling a bit sprained and then it’s getting better and coming back again it’s a bit weird really I guess I wait till June for my rheumo app to ask the nurse, I could phone the helpline now but the chance of them getting back to me isn’t great sorry Toni do you know anything about this by any chance? I’m just slightly worried in case this is a sign that the arthritis spreading because the pain is happening on my good foot just thought I’d ask anyway thanks, Id better go now as I should shower to try to soothe my raging skin LA is doing well ty but it’s not time for his stories right now otherwise I’ll get nothing done lol so this is a short one hope you had a good walk mine was not too bad thanks but got really warm bye for now Toni have a lovely afternoon. Xx

    ps navigation pic autumn scenery also known as low Pollen count time lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603
    edited 13. Apr 2022, 17:13

    'Lo again, I've just finished my letters so it's a sitdown for me please and I've earned a biscuit or two.

    Just a couple of tulip pics - the later ones have come through just about while the 'Purple Prince still look ok, which I'm pleased about. There are still Schoonoord (white) and Marie Jo (yellow) to come, but I'm not sure which is where, out of those that haven't opened yet. 🤔 Unfortunately as my largest pot that one is usually my dwarf runner bean pot, so that's a bit tricky. And is my ranunculus going to flower, that is the question. Anyway, frog, I have caught up with all but one Monty ep now so by the weekend I will be up to date. Nice to see a froggy in the Damp Garden (ep4) 😊 and I could definitely get into ferns, but alpines aren't for me, don't know about you, one likes what what one likes & there's usually quite a clear yes/no. Our seeds have not really been obedient, have they, I hope the rain helps yours. Mine I will just repeat & hope (in some cases they are self-confessed erratic growers, so there's still scope, but others I'll be quite disappointed if I don't get at least 1 or 2). Yes much drier today and some quite nice days to come with a bit of luck, I must put in a few decent stints. I dreamt last night I was going to be buried near Alan Titchmarsh (when the time came!) and thought well, at least he can 'come back' & keep everything tidy round me 🍃 well when death and gardening have been uppermost topics this week, that's what you get, I guess 😂. Hope everything going as well as poss with you today and will hover around for news tomorrow xx PS I'm not quite clear who's who when you say your neighbour is going up the road with the old chap (95)?

    Hi bosh, I had an ok night thanks, and yes I got some things done. Sorry to hear your foot is still being a bit of a nuisance, I hope someone can advise here or your helpline if needs be (worry is horrible 😔). Hope you feel better for the haircut at least it won't be itching your neck now even if it wasn't much fun having it done. I was just watching Gardener's World and a lady that grows all ferns in hers because they don't give her hayfever, so that's why she likes them, from childhood because she could play in the woods without symptoms. 🌿 Good luck for Friday & the (partial) EF. x

    Hello Joan it's been nice here but a little chilly at times, will be not too bad next few days but not much sun over Easter by the looks of it. I kept forgetting no post on Good Friday so had to go to a further postbox with an afternoon collection - mine used to be 5pm which was very handy but they changed it & now it's just an early morning one. 🤨

    Love to Barbara if she calls in xx

    Lots more hugs for Kitty xx

    & thinking of Mike & Vixen, repeating myself but never mind xx

    Tulips, Purple Prince, Uncle Tom (red) and Angelique (pink & white)

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 14. Apr 2022, 06:06

    Morning everyone.

    I am sat in Lucy's maccies killing time until I can go back and put Sleek in her cat basket for the vets. She is nil by mouth for her GA and of course she doesn't understand bless her ♥ heart😕

    Mike I love Arthur he is so sweet!❤️ Perfect name for him he looks like an Arthur doesn't he? Green is a good colour too. As you said he can go with you to the hospital for treatment where Vixen is not allowed. Yes skimmed is better less 'fatty' I can imagine.

    Thank you for the update on Elliott I am so pleased he is still clear and am certain he will work hard at getting his speech and mobility back that lad is an inspiration.

    Kitty that is a very very sad pusskin picture I think that is how our friend is feeling at the moment.

    Now sorry to say it, but I think Chris is just playing up. It's not fair him reacting like this in my opinion. Does he not realise the effect he is having on you? To be kinder to him now, the chances are that he is in shock and hitting out while he tried to adjust to his new frightening situation. What he isn't appreciating is that he has had OA for some time and the only difference now is he knows what it is and hopefully something can be done to help.

    I hope today is better (some lovely advice there from Mike) for you and he gradually starts to be more reasonable about things and realise you are being impacted by his attitude too.

    Sleek is in 'prison' so she says, but as soon as they let her out she will be running over to tell on me and how nasty the vets are. I know she was with you some of last night before midnight when she became nil by mouth bless her. Did she take her metacam?

    HUGE LOVE and HUGS from me.

    Joan at least you made me smile 'his tummy has collapsed' bless your neighbour. I know what you mean about pilling animals they hate it, but still it is for their own good. Love to you and Sue of course. I took my lovely neighbour a ride in the car yesterday (him) which made a change for him I think. She is in lockdown at the home as there is COVID there.

    Morning Reshmi what a lovely lovely picture that is beautiful I think we should go there later for our walk? How lovely! LA will be on his holidays to Reading tomorrow with his mummy and BR😊 That will be better for you being pre MTX and not post as Sundays often are. Some funny and entertaining tales for us lot here too to come. BIL can wallow in self pity while you all have a good time. Your Mum will really benefit from a visit won't she? How are her eyes? I bet she's feeling much better now and almost has perfect eyesight.

    I am sorry your skin isn't right at all in spite of your haircut, (well done for that BTW) I hope the shower helped a bit? use all your lotions and potions now every little helps. Pins and needles eh? That's odd and definitely worth mentioning at Rheumatology I agree about helpline response being bad these days. Mind you mine was always bad. I do get pins and needles in one leg sometimes - walking fixes it temporarily and lying down is best, but for me I am pretty sure it's to do with my back.

    I hope today is a good day for you take care poor Kitty has CV - Chris vesuvius doesn't she/ So unfair isn't it?

    Morning Toady how are you today? Awake? I am - just and killing time until I can take Sleek for her Xray and dental at 9.30.

    Nope alpines have never been for me either. I feel quite mean about it, but they never have been, sorry little ones😳Of course it's always wonderful to see a little frog isn't it? You have done well nearly catching up on all the Monty's! Your tulips are just lovely.

    Yesterday l planted some seeds; bedding for the village or village plant sale maybe. Probably both. I dropped w hole tray of them though so will have to do more today🙄 we have been unlucky so far but i am sure all will be well soon for us 😊

    Aha the village. There is an old chap who is 95 he walks daily (and lives alone) with a younger villager. My 'lovely neighbours' are a couple (mid 70's) she has RA and a spinal injury to so is a wchair user. He had his hip replaced 2 weeks ago just after Mr B. She has had to go into respite while this happened and he recovers. Those who are the loveliest couple you could ever meet. They adore each other, she always has a smile for everyone and they have lived in the old schoolhouse forever!

    I think I'd rather be buried near Monty don't you? He'll have Nigel his old dog with him and we can tend the graveyard together. You have a lot on your mind strange dreams are probably to be expected.

    Barbara hello if you get in I posted to you yesterday i know you'll find it. Lucy brought Aidan home for tea last night she cooked for him!

    Love to everyone!

    we can all have a maccies breakfast!

    naughty naughty!

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Morning friends, thank you for putting up with me.

    Mike, how lovely of you to think of me while you are going through so much yourself. ❤️

    Reshmi, that is a beautiful photo, I wish I could be there (in spite of the pollen) I need some cam in my ife right now.

    Toady, another beautiful picture, and thanks for the hugs, much needed right now.

    Antoinette, I didn't see Seek take her metacam, but you never know what she does when your back is turned. She was a hige comfort to me, and thank you for the message.

    Sending love to Joan and Barbara and all who I might have forgotten. BTW, Emily and Alex and the boys have al had Covid and been really ill. So has Anita, dad and Val!,0px,828px,752px&resize=556,505 There was an error displaying this embed.

    Sicilian pasta with cauliflower

    By Emilia StrazzantiPublished: February 25, 2022 at 11:14 am Olive Magazine

    This dish originates from Palermo, the capital of Sicily, and draws heavily from Arabic influences. Featuring saffron, raisins and pine nuts, it's packed with flavour and texture


    • 50g raisins
    • 6 tbsp 
olive oil
    • 75g coarse breadcrumbs
    • 1 large romanesco cauliflower, cut into florets
    • 400g turbanti pasta
    • 1 onion, thinly sliced
    • 25g pine nuts
    • 3 anchovies (optional)
    • a big pinch of saffron
    • extra-virgin olive oil (Sicilian if possible), to serve


    • STEP 1
    • Tip the raisins into a heatproof bowl, pour over enough just-boiled water to cover, soak for 15 minutes, then drain. Meanwhile, bring a large pan of water to the boil and add a pinch of salt.
    • STEP 2
    • Heat 3 tbsp of the olive oil in a frying pan over a medium heat and gently fry the breadcrumbs until golden brown, stirring regularly to stop them burning. Season with sea salt and set aside to cool.
    • STEP 3
    • Meanwhile, cook the cauliflower florets in the boiling water for 2 minutes until tender. Drain, reserving the cooking water. Return the water to the pan, bring back to the boil and cook the pasta following pack instructions or until al dente. Drain, again reserving the cooking water.
    • STEP 4
    • Heat the remaining 3 tbsp of olive oil in a large frying pan and gently fry the onion for 8-10 minutes until translucent. Add the pine nuts and lightly toast with the onions briefly. Stir in the anchovies, if using, and cook until they have dissolved.
    • STEP 5
    • Add the soaked raisins and cook for a few minutes more before adding the saffron and cooked cauliflower. Break the cauliflower up with the back of a spoon. Stir in a small ladleful of the reserved cooking water until it has a creamy texture. Make sure all the ingredients are well combined, then stir in the pasta, scatter with the golden breadcrumbs and serve.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) when you get in the black hole you cannot get out very well (()) I have never had it but I know it makes you so miserable you need to find something to smile at every day i hope that helps (()) love to everyone

    Toni (()) how is sleeke that’s lovely Lucy bringing Aidan home to have tea (()) good luck to them (()) love to everyone

    Toady the weather is warm to day and the weekend

    Mike (()) how are things for you I hope they help today love to vixen

    Reshmi (()) have a good day (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,327
    edited 14. Apr 2022, 09:17

    hi t how are you today? thanks for the nice message I love those tulips they look very beautiful ferns are hayfever friendly I didn’t know that that’s interesting to know thanks for that I’m not too bad thanks though HV has erupted this morn im staying in today because I got very tired yesterday im still quite tired today tbh lol.

    Thanks about the haircut yes it was good to get it done and a funny thing happened, the hairdresser he said he saw one or two grey hairs and that it was a delicate question but was it okay for him to cut them out? I said feel free,, lol, I’m not going to pretend that one or two grey hairs on my head bother me not the same for my sister unfortunately she’s only 40 and very very vain she is the type of woman who won’t wear a scarf when it’s cold and her throat hurts because the fashion police might get her or something like that, lol, I have no such qualms about things like that comfort and health over fashion every time, haha. You got a few chores done that’s good hope you have a nice day I’m yawning away here already lol but i can’t rest quite yet take care. Xx

    PS another “navigational” pic that I’ve titled “young or old - there’s no shame in the grey” okay I let you get on with things now lol Tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,327

    Hi Toni how are you today? I’m not too bad thanks apart from feeling a bit tired I do indeed use my lotions and potions as you’re so nicely put it haha but unfortunately I think you’re right it’s just one of those times of year that’s quite nasty for us in general, my back was aching a bit this morn but now I’ve supported it with a kind of back pillow and that’s helping temporarily thanks for asking I see so your pins and needles are prob linked to your back that’s interesting to know I think you’re right it’s a good idea for me to phone helpline but I think I’ll leave it till after Easter if the prob is still there for course HV erupted early this morning as I told toady unfortunately that’s just the way it is poor kitty and Chris Vesuvius I agree indeed - I love that term btw Chris lol, I do have one LA tale to tell you about recently he went to the supermarket with his mother and he told his mum “don’t buy me any chocolate or I’ll throw up again “ a female stranger was listening to this conversation (funny how they’re always female isn’t it T? Lol) she interrupted and said laughingly “that’s right too much choc isn’t good” he replied in his most headmasterly tones “ NOT FUNNY” his caps not mine, lol, to which this suitably chastened stranger said yes indeed not funny I apologise, Dear me so he now has even telling off fairly innocent strangers in supermarkets - the confidence of that three-year-old! Lol. Unfortunately ( or poss fortunately?) EF isn’t coming this Fri because my dad said they should try and make sure that their illnesses have gone as much as Poss because if my mum gets infected of course that’s the worst thing that could happen so the plan is they are coming on Mon whether bill the chilli- pickle guzzler is coming I’m not quite sure atm. My mum is okay thanks at the moment generally speaking but the MV did erupt today too tbh. I’m not walking today as too tired how was your walk? Pic enclosed of bill’s deadly diet, lol, bye for now and Tc. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,327

    Hi Kitty

    Youre very welcome about the picture and our messages I’m sure no one feels like they’re just “putting up with you”, I certainly don’t sorry I don’t always go into detail in these messages they’re so many people on here sometimes I don’t have time to write everything I want to write but my very best wishes are with you I hope the day doesn’t go too badly for you and take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,327

    Hi Joan How are you and Sue today? Im a bit tired but otherwise okay thanks have a nice day and I hope the temperatures the afternoon doesn’t get too warm for you. Tc. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,327

    Hi Barbara how are you doing today? I’m not too bad thanks, but a bit worried about weather forecast for this afternoon, hope it doesn’t get too hot, how’s Mr B doing? Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    Just a hi and a bye to wave at the various cafe kitties 😺 -

    Kitty you are a trouper 👍️ I'm over in the corner, tea and a chat anytime xx

    Love to frog & Sleek, I was awake earlyish & read your post then, I would have waved but I reckon you would have been in transit by that time, hope all's well 👋

    Vixen hope your Dad is doing ok 🤞

    All the non-cats among us I will speak to you a bit later :) xxx

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Where’s me long post and recipe gone?

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    @Kitty if it's the Sicilian pasta with cauliflower I can see it ok..?

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,327

    Hi Everybody sorry made a little mistake before wrote chastened instead of chastised bye for now. X

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all Sorry I can't type m6ch wuth these eyes

    Mr B got out today I ordered a taxi and went for a short walj walk

    Kitty I am sorry you are so down ..I really am but you rant away its good to get it out 💕

    Mike glad you can enjoy your tea..and such good news on Elliott thankyou fir letting us know xx

    Toni I know how much you worry about Sleek 😪..hope all will ge well for her ..xx

    Lucy Brought home Aidan and cooked for him 😍 ..hope he treats her well xx

    Joan Mr B is getting there at least his other pain has gone xx

    Toady I am loving the tulips. What lovely colours they are..hope you feel less tired has the weather improves xx

    Reshmi I do like figs ..the ones in the puture look amazing 🙂not good on tummy though ..hope you gave a nice evening xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,327

    Hi Barbara lovely to hear from you they were actually dates but I know quite similar looking to figs indeed I like both but like you said not easy on the stomach that’s the problem there and also quite addictive I find at least the dates that’s is, that’s great that you and mr B had a short walk really lovely to hear hope you’re having a good evening and that you enjoy Easter take care. Xx

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Hi everyone

    It seems ages since I last posted. Well yes I know it is. I have really had a long period of time where I have not. Been interested in anything most things have seemed a chore rather than something I want to do. This is why I haven’t posted for a long time. Slowly but surely I started to realise that I need to seriously get my life back on track. Also I was the only one who could do it no one else could do it for me. So it was big girl knickers on and get on with it which is what I have been doing for a few weeks now.Today for the first time I popped in on my old knitting groups which opened up a few weeks ago, and was amazed at the welcome I got. I suppose this may be the inspiration for my post on here . And also an email from Yvonne on the community team which also has been an inspiration to me. It’s amazing how these little things work wonders.

    Well what can I say lots of things have been going here our eldest daughter, youngest granddaughter, her partner, and Little Ava, have all had Covid. Prior that our youngest daughter was due to receive a award from St. John ambulance brigade this was on a Sunday, and Mr T was asked to play the organ in the priory church in East London where the ceremonies take place. On the previous Monday she gets a positive test for covid luckily for her by the Friday she had a negative test so she was able to to go and receive her award in person.

    Myself my asthma has really started playing me up my nose seems to be continually blocked and of course disturbs my sleep. Luckily today it hasn’t been too bad so maybe tonight I might get a good night.

    It is eldest daughter’s birthday today. And can you believe this Our little Ava is 9 months old on Easter Sunday where dose time go.

    mr t had his spring booster for covid today as he is 75. I have got to wait a bit for mine as they are only doing 75 + at the moment . I’m only 74.

    Well there not much more to say at the moment as I have missed so much on here it would take ages to catch up with all what’s gone on so I will not try. 😆😆

    Love And Sparkles to you all ❤️❤️❤️🌈🌈🌈

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603
    edited 14. Apr 2022, 21:04

    Evening 😊 short one from me as I've just been for a walk (strange out there because it was sort of, what's that word? warm! at 8ish. should be half decent over Easter :) Also weeded part of the front drive so I am going to cut off to bed early & be good.

    My verbena seeds have come up this very day frog so there's hope for us all :) other than that have just done a final round-up of what's going in what pot where, so I feel a bit more organized. Sorry about your tray of dropped seeds.. did you sweep up the remains.. anyway shame to have to do more but at least it was not something more precious.. I suppose. Thank you for repeating about the village characters, of course once you said it I remember perfectly well what you've said about the 95 year chap & he goes for a walk every day.. Paul went with him on his birthday I think.. anyway I've got it again now, & the neighbours I'm ok with. Hope everything ok with you see you tomorrow for more news 🐾 xx

    bosh that's a bit of a reprieve that the EF aren't coming til Mon., joking aside yes v. good idea that they are all germ free definitely don't want people passing anything round. Hope not too warm for you at least you can spend the weekend more quietly maybe. The hairdresser asking about grey hairs?! I can see some people not being too keen on that 🤨 I might have given him one of my nasty looks haha (if it was a delicate question why ask). Not that I'm vain like your sis 🤥 (oh dear well probably a bit, not really just don't want to look any worse than I need; scarves yes, hats no lol). That hair's lovely, I will swap with that any day. Mine's a bit red-type, apparently I'll just go white, that'll be nice. 😬 Have a good weekend :) xx

    Hello Barbara glad you got out for a spell it was a nice day for it wasn't it ☺️ well done Mr B., less pain, that's brilliant :) Garden for you too over the weekend I expect 👍️ 🌺🌼🌷 xx

    Love to Joan & Sue & dogs, yes it looks like a nice weekend I hope 🌞 xx

    Kitty I messed up my @ thing when I posted before, but hope you can see your post now. Thinking of you & sorry to hear everyone's been so poorly, gosh that's far too many, poor souls 😔 (go away that's enough now Covid 😕) See you soon xx

    Best to Mike & everyone xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Morning everyone😊

    I was quite anxious to check in on Kitty after her upsetting day. Kitty in no way are we 'putting up' with you gosh no we all love you very much that is so true. Sleek was very 'out of it' yesterday when she came home after her general anaesthetic. I had to stay very close to her she was also hungry, but I was worried she might be sick. Tommy brought her over in the end to see you s you know as she didn't feel safe on her own. He pushed her in Winnie's 'pram'

    If necessary I am thinking you may need to 'set ' Social services on Chris or the GP or District nurse because he needs to accept help for your sake if not his own.

    Oh my goodness the whole family seems to have had COVID-19 did they all cope ok with it and who gave it to who?

    Thank you for the yummy cauliflower pasta dish I like the look of that😋

    Mike I hope you are well enough to pop in today. I noticed you took the time to support Kitty even with what you are coping with ATM. Such a supportive member of the forum and café especially. Did Vixen tell you Sleek had her Xray and dental yesterday (apparently she has the teeth of a 4 year old!)and her back problem might not be arthritis but neurological. I hope you are ok and the nasty side effects don't get you quicker this time. I hope can still drink you tea and eat food any food. Huge ((())) as usual and strength xx

    Joan thank you for asking Sleek is doing ok today. She was very drowsy last night as there had been two emergency surgeries so she was later having her procedure. She was hungry so hungry the poor thing! They don't think it's arthritis might be neurological so might need an MRI super expensive😮 Are you and Sue going out today? ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? I am very pleased to hear you lotion (and potion!) up properly unlike me who ran out😳 Quite sensible to wait until after Easter to ring the helplines they will be busy busy and not likely to get back to you. Glad the pillow is helping though that's good. Keeping walking helps too as you already do when you can manage it.

    I think Monday should do it's a long weekend and easy enough for the excess family to visit you then instead of pushing it and risking your Mum's (and your's) health. Families can be hard to live with much as we love them. I was very worried about C Vesuvius upsetting our Kitty, but you cope too with a fair few eruptions.

    Oooooh! Lord A telling off an innocent (friendly) member of the public like that!!! poor lady😯 He does indeed have a lot of confidence for a 3 year old!

    I think I will look at the jar of chilli pickles, but not try any. men eh? Mind i love pickled garlic myself, but only have a very very small quantity at a time. They can certainly upset /unbalance the equilibrium as it were!!!

    Little Sleek is sticking very close to me today bless her Barbara. No definitive results until after Easter but it doesn't look like Arthritis so might be worse - neurological. We go back on Wednesday.

    You should have seen her when we got home! Half drunk and purring eating for England!

    Well done you getting Mr B out yesterday that will have done him (and YOU!) the world of good. Did you go to teh duck pond where you take Niamh?

    Carol it's lovely to see you and hear that you are feeling so much better now. You were down for a very long time COVID had a bad effect on you didn't it? Those big girl britches have been well and truly pulled up and you are back on track.

    Going to knitting was an excellent start and now you have popped in here too to a cafe crew welcome I am certain. You might have noticed that Mike is on chemotherapy now? Kitty has been having a dreadful time with Chris having OA in both hips and knees.Sleek is being investigated for a sore back erm.....anything else?

    Well done Mr T playing the organ and your daughter getting over COVID just in time! Congrats to her.

    How awful everyone having COVID-19 😮I am glad all is well it seems generally much less dangerous now thank goodness. Happy Birthday to your eldest and 9 month birthady to Ava too 😊

    Toady we would indeed have been in transit when you were ready to wave. Sleek yowls all the way to the vets but is always silent on the way home! Bless her She was a sorry sight shaved paw and drunk as a skunk. She was very hungry and ate 2 tins of her ocean tuna. Cat food. they are small tins don't worry. I was worried in case she was sick. She also drank a whole bowl of cat milk. No definitive results yet might not be arthritis might be neurological😕

    You got it the neighbour who is 95 shares his birthday with Paul bless him. 👍️

    My verbena seeds aren't up (good news about yours!!!) but one garlic might be outside so one onion and one garlic so far! I will replant my dropped seeds I think that's for the best as you say not too important.It was indeed warm last night weird eh? We shall see Paul reckons the weekend will be good. We are going to stay close to home.

    The motorhome will be tidied and everything put back inside ready for some trips out

    Paul wants to play with his cars while I garden 😁

    I want my hair to be white in time that would be nice. I will do so gracefully I 🤔 think.....

    Have a good day

    well it has to be

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Long old day in hospital yesterday getting my second dollop of chemo, was there from 0800 to 1615; the appointment with the consultant went well and they were pleased with progress. Little sister (who I normally only see twice a year despite living 5 miles down the road) and her hubby took me this time and waited in Truro all day getting frustrated with the time it was taking and me getting a couple of texts during my treatment asking how much longer it was going to be, needless to say Baby Sister is taking me next time and will be going home after dropping me off and coming back later to pick me up which is what I suggested in the first place for yesterday, I also suggested that one drops me off the the other picks me up. Sue the Home Help had cleaned my place again and changed the sheets but despite taking Amitriptyline last night I have not had much sleep and have been up since 3, probably just too wound up after yesterday and will hopefully get a good night tonight. Have been given extra anti-sickness pills and told I can take them for longer plus the chemo components were adjusted so hopefully the next fortnight until the next dollop will be better. Anyway thanks for your continuing support and kind words.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    A photo of our tulips sorry about the tubs they are difficult to grow

    take care
    joan xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) think about yourself you need help things start topping up in your head and you don’t know where you are (()) take care we care about you love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) that was nice you having a walk did Mr B (()) enjoy it. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) yes we have the big yellow thing in the sky has well.

    Toni (()) how is Sleeke today have a good day how are you after your journey have you got any pain (()) we are going to our café today. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and your lovely neighbours ((())

    Carol (()) it’s nice to see you have a good Easter love to Mr T that was nice he played for your daughter.

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (()) I was born with some grey hair.

    Mike (()) you are doing so well we are proud of you (()) and vixen.

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    Hello everyone 😊 a quick morning visit for me to help keep me off the internet too much later on, so that I will get on with other jobs - sorry Carol, I didn't see you when I posted (another of those funny things where you refresh before posting but still don't see any new posts 🤔) - nice to see you and good for you getting back into the swim of things 👍️ but sorry to hear you too have had lots of family poorly, yikes, the Covid isn't giving up is it 😕 but good to see they are coming up with new vaccines the Valneva sounds quite good.. maybe.. suitable for Val's cafe, anyway! Glad you had a lovely welcome from the knitting group & mods etc it all helps doesn't it :) take care x

    Joan I love your raised bed I wish I had one 😊 and your tulips are lovely! I was originally going for orange with purple, because I'd seen someone else's I liked - but the ones I wanted, a fairly new variety called 'Copper Image', sold out while I was deciding so instead of sensibly choosing another orange I just bought a totally different mixed lot 😂 (which is why I don't know what's coming up where!). Definitely orange for me next year! Have a good sunny day. :) xx

    Glad Sleek is home frog (obviously knows which direction in the car is the bad (yowling required) one and which is the good going-home one, don't we all!!) Poor thing being hollow and having to make up for lost dinners 😔 sorry she has to go again though. Especially as she's fit & well otherwise, isn't it hard deciding what's best. 😕 Hope you have a good day yourselves, and may all your seeds come up (one onion is better than no onions - what sort are they? do you do spring onions as well? Mine didn't do too badly last year but I never do all that well at getting them past the spindly stage).

    Hi Mike nice to see you post and v well done for chalking off another tally mark (according to wikipedia, always known as the gate method in my family), sorry you had a long day but thumbs up for their being pleased with you and fingers crossed for the extra meds🤞love to Vixen x

    Love to Kitty, Barbara bosh and any callers-in xxx

    Have a good day all x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    My scarecrow for the Jubilee it's meant to be her Majesty....