Val's Cafe
Morning gang, on my iPad today. I’ve found out my problem with light is Photosensitivity, caused by dry eyes (Sjogren’s).
Joan, my stalker is still with me and always will be! She will never go away.
Antoinette, Sleek has been complaining about her back for a while now, so I rubbed a bit of Fenbid on it. Don ‘t think it helped much and made her fur sticky. If she licked it off, it would make her tongue sore. Perhaps she ought to have “in-vest-ugashuns” but I know what she’ll say about that!
Yes, Chris has his telephone call tomorrow! That will be fun - NOT.
Mike, that is a problem with anti sickness tablets. Same with my Fentanyl and Oramorph, which is why I stopped using them.
Barbara, I told dad he will have a wet nose that runs, he’s an old man. He laughed, he liked the idea of his old woman daughter calling him an old man.
Toady, so sorry to hear of your neighbour. I’m blowing kisses today.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Afternoon everyone.
Sitting down for a bit.....
Mike maybe they can let you try ondansetron if you take something for the other end??? Or domperidone?? That's another worth a try or cyclizine??They won't want you struggling like you did this last time. Tesco do their own cod in parsley sauce has quite good reviews. It is actual cod too. Shame Vixen won't use it up for you, but baby sis might?
@Loggiemod I will let you have that one it's Fred. Fred was Paul's Dad's name and also as you saw very similar to his number plate!
I am waiting for a call back form the vet Joan. Sleek did eat that little bit of food with the metacam on so hopefully will feel a bit better. Reassuring to hear Lexi takes it and it helps. I am going to see it they think an X-ray would be an idea? Paul loves his cars doesn't he? That car is very old I think 1966? something like that so it is a bit smelly🤢
Barbara this is what the consultant told me:
1) you are not covered for at least 6 weeks post surgery and 2) you must be able to stamp you foot on teh ground as tough you are doing an emergency stop before you can safely drive.
Poor Mr B it's like they have removed your legs when you can't drive though I do feel for him/
The red car is one of Paul's cars🙄 I got in, but getting out was another kettle of fish! Today my back is very cross with me but it will ease off in the next few days I am sure🤞
I am more worried about Sleek I had no idea!! They hide it so well don't they? I am waiting for a call from the vets I want to speak to her vet who has known her since she was a kitten.
Love to you and stay strong you are doing well ((()))
Thanks Kitty
Sleek has told you about her back then? She didn't say a word to me bless her. Of course she can't have topical gels can she as she would try to clean it off😕
I am waiting for the vet to ring I think she needs 'in-vest-ugashuns' too. No she won't be happy but they can do her a dental and her nails at the same time can't they? I know sh isn't getting any younger, but I love her so much 😒 I hate to think of her hurting.
Do try to get the phone on loudspeak when teh Dr rings or you will have no real idea what is said. Two pairs of ears are far better than one. All i hope is they can help him. Sleek says she will be there with you.
I hope Reshmi and Toady will be along later.
Love to all
vegan lo sugar lo calorie😊
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Hi toady thanks for your nice message and glad you had an okay night mine wasn’t too bad thank you by the way this is a public voice controlling session so my content is very much being self-censored lol, bloods went okay thanks but felt a bit carsick on the way back especially also was very hot at that time otherwise things are more or less okay thanks for asking I know what you mean we are meant to monitor this and monitor that but I Think at times that too much monitoring can be counter-productive once a psychologist said that people should time this sleep efforts and if you can’t go to sleep after 20 minutes you’re meant to get up and have a herbal treat to you or something and then after 40 min have another one which I think it’s a bit ridiculous to be completely honest either you can sleep or you can’t if can’t because you’re too warm, perhaps wash your face, if you’re not tired, perhaps do some stretching or something like that but if you time and monitor everything that’s all you think about then you can’t relax or sleep that’s my feeling anyway. It’s a warm one today isn’t it? at least it is at the moment inside this glorious HV, ty about the pic. How was today for you toady? did you manage to get some chores done and have some time to try and unwind? okay better go for now take care and have a nice evening. Xx
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Hi Toni how are you today? just a quick one today im ok thanks but quite tired now bloods went fine we are is not too bad thanks sis is a bit run down though has a temperature parents delivered a food parcel today and it was really hot in the car I felt v carsick mine but better now thanks couldn’t walk unfortunately due to bloods which went okay not too much waiting around at all how did your walk go? did you have a nice time at Goodwood? nice photos by the way.
my family are generally ok ty, apart from sis having temp. LA is being his cheeky self but generally speaking he’s okay he told my mum on the phone he wants the Easter chocolate‘s now he also wants to get my mum remarried sounds like a good idea to me, lol, But I Think he’s just copying something he saw on one of his favourite cartoons PAw Patrol, lol, mum is ok ty, how’s your family doing? how are Lucy and P? I hate hay fever season so does my skin, lol, how’s your skin? Tc xx
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I’m just doing a hi and bye message to everyone else which I know is extremely rude lol but I am so tired today just wanted to say thanks Barbara yes it’s a good job that DV it’s not alone with my mum exercising his complete tyranny okay bye for now have a good evening everybody. Xx
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Just Another “navigational” pic from me, lol. Japanese cherry blossom pic
lovely to look at but torture for hayfever sufferers 🤢.
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Reshmi that is a lovely picture. Yup not good for hayfever, but gorgeous to look at from here.
To be honest I know better than this but I have not been looking after my skin too well lately I have run out of the bath emollient. My own fault, but I am collecting our repeat prescriptions tomorrow afternoon all being well. How about you? Is yours very dry? Lucy's is iffy too at the moment. This time of year is bad for the inflammatory stuff i always think. My worst flares have been in May.
I think that was a lovely idea to deliver a food parcel to your sister and the family. She particularly has had a rough time of it lately bless her I hope she turns the corner soon. The parcel should lift her spirits at any rate at least.
Paw patrol is rather cute you know I have seen it once or twice when my niece has been here not personal choice you understand😁 Your mum needs remarrying does she that's great does that boy have perception or what? Go LA!!!
Well done for having your bloods done and so sorry you felt so carsick. It's just awful you can empathise with Mike can't you? Feeling sick and being sick are the worst.
Lucy is doing ok still loving work ATM she went on a date with a boy from work on Saturday called Aidan we shall see what happens eh? Paul is fine he is happy he had his fill of cars yesterday. Bless him but he's back working now🙄
Take care now and i hope you sleep well
Toni x
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Hi all, I saw cake so I had to call in 😊 but just a very littl'un to say hello, & thanks for your good wishes 😘
Not much of that energy stuff you mentioned frog, whatever that is when it's at home, but not from what I've done, just half asleep from the get go (though I slept ok so I expected better!) - anyway there was less to do in the way of ringing-round relatives than it sounds, as some of those will in turn let other people know. Some bits of our family keep in touch with certain 'camps' more than others which I suppose is not uncommon. Anyway back for a proper post soon I hope (nice car! my friend used to have a Spitfire, I wish they still had it - happy days. I would never ever have picked up the Fred clue, well done Loggiemod). Love to all & Sleek xx
Mike, what a disappointment in the cod department, not to mention Vixen.. there was I painting her in, all help & encouragement, one forkful for you one for me etc. Mine would have mugged anyone for some tuna. Better luck with something else! x
Thank you v much Kitty 😘 same back to you, and all the best for the telephone doings! xx
Barbara, it's only fair I ring the relatives as I'm in touch with that side more than my cousin (& I can be little enough help, heaven knows 🙄 ) oh I can imagine how much Mr B wants to make a bolt for it, my Dad was the same, at least he's following orders a bit more, good show 👍️ love to you both xx
Thank you too Joan, this was not a shock as such but sad as it's the last family on my Dad's side apart from cousins & 2nds. Hope you have a good day tomorrow. xx
I had a good night again bosh thanks which is quite a good run for me in a row :) let's see if contemplating lovely Japanese scenery in my mind does the trick for me tonight (but blah to hayfever 😕), & wishing you the same, will post more when I'm in again x
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Morning everyone :)
Looks like a grottyish day ahead here warmer, but wetter. Having said that I am pretty sure lack of rain is part of the reason my veggies aren't coming up🙄
Mike I hope you are feeling even better today and are able to eat more. I did reply yesterday, but just hope today you fancy more anyway. You have stayed well? At least that is good no infections. Many of the kids would get infections (neutropenic sepsis) some days after chemo so you have done well. Did I tell you my pusskin has a sore back the vet found it last week this week we have tried metacam, but she is going to have an Xray this Thursday under GA and a dental at the same time. Must look after our girls mustn't we? I hope Vixen has stayed close by I'm sure she has. ((())) xxx
Morning Toady well you do sound wiped out🤔 very unusual for you to be so exhausted I hope not a flare although I expect you know what to do if it is. Let me see if i have any energy for you....
Sleek says she will happen along after Kitty's with some stronger stuff...
Well done making the calls - that's good others in the family passing the news along makes life easier and keeps people talking which is a good thing at this sort of time. ((())) Cake always helps doesn't it?
I hope you slept better and the weather is good enough for you to touch some soil today that will do you more good than anything else could.
I do like spitfires yes they are great looking vehicles! Cars are good fun, but I rather think 4 hours was too long for me to be honest. I will be more careful next time and more prepared. Now the garage floor is dry I will bring Penelope back down into it so more easily accessible. I want to be out and about in her attention seeking and making people smile.
Take care now.
Joan i hope you can find my message on the last page, but just in case I am sending my best to you and Sue. Hope all is well with you both ((())) xxx
I mucked everything up by posting a few times yesterday - every time I had a rest!
What shall we have for breakfast do you think?
upma and porridge oats as well
See you all later
Toni xx
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Morning all. I was drinking tea all day yesterday which was a first since the chemo, it still does not taste the same but a joy to drink for a change. I had an Asda Cod Mornay ready meal for dinner yesterday and what a disappointment that was, the fish was all mushed up and if it was not still well in date I would have queried it. Vixen is staying close, alternating between kipping on my wheelchair and my bed during the day with a brief mooch around outside if it is sunny enough. Chicken breast today so that should be OK. Then one more day and it starts again! Have a good one peeps.
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good morning everyone
Barbara (()) that’s good Mr B (()) feels better about his hip. Your poor eyes (()) and your knee. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
love to Kitty and her family (()) and Toni (()) and everyone. and Toady (())) Mike and vixen (()) and
Reshmi and her mum (()). have a good day everyone
take care
joan xx1 -
Chris has Osteoarthritis in his hips and knees. The doc is referring him to the hospital. He is also having 15 days high dose Vit D tablets. I don’t know how jong it will take for the hospital to send for him. Some advice please, this surgery is urgent as it affects so much of his body. Of those of you who have had replacements, how long did it take from start to finish?
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Af5ernoon all not a nice day dark abd wet
I just wish we had a footpath its worse than lockdown at least we could get out in the car and then walk ..Mr B is dizzy going round and round the house but he's getting there will order a taxi in a couple if days and get him out 🙂
Toni I see you went to winder your back isn't happy but you did it hats off to you ..I'm also worried about sleek😪..maybe an xray like you said xx
Toady you are being a big help I'm sure ..not easy letting people know xx
Joan yes Mr B is getting there I suppose I did so well I think he shoukd be the same but everyone's different xx
Kitty I feel fir Chris blinking arthritus ..hopefully the hospital can offer some relief..I'm the same with old people forget I'm one if them 😅xx
Reshmi hope the bloods come back OK..has for your dad having a new wife ..little minds bless xx
Mike I do hope has chemo goes on the sude effects are not has bad for you ..don't forget to keep a list if foods you can enjoy xx
Love to all
Barbara1 -
Hello people - just calling in for a quick tea, one for Mike at the ready (☕️ not surprising if you are pouring it down with a funnel to make up for lost time) - v best for Thursday if I'm not in before. x
Frog don't worry about me, wiped out is my default mode, I probably just mutter about it at intervals rather than all the time but it's always there, give or take. Always glad of an extra potion though.. maybe I've been taking the wakey at night and the sleepy in the daytime 🤔 I must check the labels 😂. Hope the back is de-kinking itself from the drive and of course really hope Sleek gets on ok at the (v- e- t- s 🤫) not nice taking them & handing them over even into good hands, is it. 😔 Tipping it down with rain this morning so not much in the garden line - my sweet peas having come up quickly, as you remarked, after the first few no more followed - in fact I've had a few failures here & there seed-wise (sic transit gloria). I put a few extra sweet peas in a few days ago, cutting it a little fine but ah well. Few more tulips are out now, in fact both my late doubles are out earlier than my early doubles 😂 can't seem to get any decent pictures in this light, I'll have another go. Seeing as you were pining for the garden when you were absent, what have you been up to 😊 or have you had wet weather too. I'm putting in marigolds at the mo. for broad bean purposes (am rapidly passing my '6-8 weeks before last frost' deadlines, where is the time going!) Hope to be in again before Thurs xx
Hello Barbara it's so annoying you can't get out & walk locally 🙄 I hope if you can get out in a taxi you can get a bit of nice weather too and that in the meantime Mr B keeps getting on slow & steady xx
Kitty I hope there are not too many hold-ups for Chris 😕 hope you hear something helpful back xx
Hello to Joan too, wet here today but at least it's making me get on with housework 😉 love to you both & the doggies xx
Hi to bosh and anyone who calls in later xx
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hi Toni are you today? sorry for such a late reply quite tired today really did manage to walk you’re absolutely right skin does indeed feel iffy in this weather there was meant to be an excess family invasion this Sunday but Bill is not feeling too well eating all manner of rubbish like Indian chilli pickles or something like that, these bills, not really renowned for their intelligence are they? Lol. I think the plan is that if everyone is well they’ll come on the sun after. News of the week is that I’ve got a haircut tomorrow, lol, but I am looking sort of looking forward to it in a way because when it gets a bit too long which is not really long it’s goes all over my neck and I really find it itchy and nasty I don’t like relying on putting 1 million clips as they always drop all over the place including the floor not very hygienic . LA is in full form he has recently said that too much choc can make you throw up to you I honestly wish his own dad had the same common sense lol!
So as I said I did walk but just didn’t manage to rest properly I’m pretty tired at the moment but hopefully I’ll have a good nights sleep
Sorry to hear your skin is also bad, well I won’t waffle on too much glad that Lucy is okay and and Paul and that you enjoyed seeing the cars, I hope that the date Lucy’s date goes ok 😄. okay Toni hope you enjoy the evening and take care. Xx
Ps - The only type of dates I’m interested in, lol, haven’t actually used this recipe just thought it looked good tc. Xx
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hi to J k and B and Mike and toady Toni sorry I just wanted to say T you are right that feeling sick and being sick are awful things, and it must indeed be very difficult for Mike feeling both things all the time, Okay this is more or less a general hi how are you bye kind of message sorry for that guys Barbara just wanted to say yeah you’ve got a point there but who would remarry my dad? I have no idea whatsoever anyway yes regardless of who remarries whom as long as people get out of my hair that would be a great thing ha ha only joking okay good night everybody take care. Xx
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Morning everyone😊
Mike I am very pleased to hear you are back drinking your tea even if it isn't quite 'right'. As for the cod mornay. Just a thought it might be your sense of taste which made it seem maybe 'off' Kitty will tell you the same nothing tastes quite right. Lucy couldn't use metal utensils! She also cannot cope with her Indian food as spicy as she used to like it and that has been permanent. Everything else has returned to normal. Have you had any 'hot flushes'? She had those too bless her think it's the chemo , but just as likely to be the steroids. By the way I hope Elliott is doing ok and does he know about you? Good girl Vixen staying close to Dad ((())) and xxx Obviously it goes without saying we will be with you and thinking of you tomorrow.
Joan how are you doing? Is Sue well too? Any more changes with the carers or are they settled at the moment? I am dreading tomorrow morning when Sleek has to go to teh vets for a general anaesthetic with no food. Bless her it will be awful 😕((())) xxx
Kitty me 🦆 That's a shock both hips and knees?!!! Gosh Chris must have been in pain. Men eh? (apologies Mike) He's obviously been ignoring it like Mr B was.
@lindalegs has had bilateral replacements, a fair while back admittedly, so if he has both done at the same time she is your woman for advice on recovery. They will also have to decide whether it's hips or knees first for him.
My own lovely neighbour was diagnosed last year about now....had his pre-ops in August and had surgery just over 2 weeks ago same week as Mr B. He is up now on crutches walking in the village. Admittedly with a 95 year old but he's already mobile.
I hope Chris gets called quickly, but in the meantime will he now accept some help at home it would help you too.
Morning Toadster! How are you today? I hope not too wiped out?
I did no gardening at all yesterday so disappointing, the weather it literally chucked it down all morning and in the afternoon I had to fetch Lucy then take her for an appointment. So the day was a write off....having said that I think my garden definitely needed the rain the wind had dried it out so much recently. I thought it might be relevant to the lack of seedlings appearing🤔
What is it this year with our seeds? Is it us or the weather, mind that can't be it with indoor sowing?? I would also have popped some more sweet peas in. Marigolds are sown too well done. I need to plant some bedding seeds for the village plant sale in May I may just do that later.
I am feeling so guilty upset and worried about Sleek's procedure tomorrow. She will have a GA her Xray then her teeth done as well as nails clipped might as well do the lot. Not sure if I can claim any back from her insurance, but I will try. I am more bothered about her not being allowed to eat tomorrow morning. Difficult as she will wonder why...Lucy is in work for 5am so my plan is to let Sleek out first thing for a wee (4.30am)she comes straight back in. Then I will stay out , go into McDonald's have a coffee and log on here there. I can nip into Tesco when it opens at 6am. I will keep away as long as possible she won't understand why l am not feeding her 😕So when I get home it can be straight in her basket and off to the vets. Not sure she is even allowed water after midnight must check that....
Lucy had a go at doing her own meds when she was ill and took them the wrong way round.....she frightened the life out of myself and Tia as we were Christmas shopping in Brum! Luckily we popped her in the wheelchair so she didn't pass out and I clicked what she'd done! It was the clobazam it proper clobbers you! Check your potions!
have a good day.😊
Morning Reshmi I hope you have woken up well today? I am ok back starting to ease from Sunday's trip to Goodwood. I have my emollient so things will improve for me now. Paul likes it too reckons it helps his skin. Why not? l am sure soap is bad for us all I hope yours isn't too bad and you slept ok.
What a shame that BIL has spoiled the plans for an excess family visit this weekend! Lord A and you all would have enjoyed that. How right is your nephew - to much chocolate can indeed make you throw up or at least make you feel very sick indeed even if it is Easter weekend. Ah to be fair driving this weekend might be a nightmare with it being Easter so maybe next weekend will be better🤔
I am sure you will be very pleased to have your hair shorter today even if it does mean going to the hairdressers🙄I am the same it itches your neck and in my case shoulders/upper back. I had to cancel my last one because of Paul's COVID so I am booked in for 27th now. Fairly desperate like you.
Should be able to walk earlier today it was so wet I only walked a bit in the afternoon. Today it is more or less dry.
Those dates look amazing I often eat dates instead of sweets and chocolate they are just lovely and hopefully a bit better for us. Very wise dodging real 'dates'😂
Morning Barbara. It's drier today maybe Mr B could venture into the garden save his head spinning walking round and round the house!! Bless him at least he is moving now. Will he have physio or do they just have to get on with it nowadays?
A path would be wonderful wouldn't it? We don't have many here and the ones we have are really poor as the tractors drive over them the camber (is that the right word? the angle of them) makes it uncomfortable to walk on them even where they do exist.
In lockdown you could have walked in the road but now there are too many cars. My neighbour is going up the lane with the old chap (95) every day. School is closed for Easter so less cars here than normal.
I am worried about Sleek and hoping it's 'just' arthritis not anything more serious. Don't want her needing surgery like me.
I feel guilty that I can't feed her tomorrow morning too😒
Right well hello to any visitors to the cafe👋
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Morning all. Nothing tastes right but I have found that using skimmed milk in tea makes it a little more palatable. Had my first piece of toast and marmalade this morning! So far as Elliott is concerned he had an MRI last week and there is no sign of his brain tumour which is brilliant news; he still has a long way to go so far as mobility and speech goes but I have no doubt that the lad will overcome that sooner rather than later. He has sent a message or two to me, I have thought of him a lot and am in awe of how he coped with his chemo.
Thanks to Yvonne and the admin gang as this arrived in the post yesterday:
A Dragon to keep me company when Vixen cannot be with me in hospital!! He has not been named yet so if their are any suggestions let me know, all I can think of is Arthur.
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I’m so sorry Chris has Osteoarthritis it feels like you have toothache all over your body. I had my hip before my knee some people say the knee is worse I never had a problem with either. I hope he does not have to wait too long (()) how are you feeling (()) love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Barbara (()) you did well with your operation’s (()) and Mr B (()) is getting used to his hip. Love to your Son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toady (()) have a good day it’s dry here I hope it is there.
Toni (()) I know how you feel the worse thing is giving them tablets. Our neighbour was talking about his weight and said I cannot help it if my tummy has collapsed we wanted to laugh.
Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours he is doing so well (()) Yes Sue’s carers a alright thank you.
Mike (()) you are doing very well and vixen is keeping her eye on you.
Reshmi (()) how did your blood test go. Love to your mum (())
take care
joan xx1 -
Morning, sorry but I’m feeling as though I’m living in the middle of a big black cloud. Now Chris has his results and knows what is wrong with him, he is waiting for his Calcium tablets to see how much they help. The electrician is on hold, the carers are on hold as he doesn’t want to get any arrangements set up. I just feel like throwing in the towel and saying we won’t bother with carers, we’ll let the house fall into rack and ruin, and I’ll give up any hope of having a reasonable life. Or any life at all! All I can say is BRING BACK CANCER, at least I knew where I was then, and who knows. I might just die of it and end this horror I’m living right now.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Kitty Kitty Kitty 😪 I am so, so sorry you are having such a tough time and feel like throwing in the towel, sometimes it's just one thing after another (and we've all been there). It must feel like 2 steps forward 1 back, I do hope things settle a bit for you and can only echo what everyone has posted about here re joint replacements and how well everyone does (this includes my own neighbour, who sailed through his hip op, and he is certainly 'difficult'). I wish I could post something more helpful but do just keep coming in for tea and a vent - my house is going to fall about my ears one of these days too so you're not alone there! xxx Hugs and sympathy
Hello everyone else I will call in again for a later teabreak after I've plodded through the rest of my Easter emails & letters, if I don't, love to everyone til next - frog, your pre-vet plan for tomorrow seems pretty watertight, I remember the logistics well! poor Sleek love & sending her a virtual moral support squeeze of the paw 🐾 (and yours!)
Mike - Arthur as in Pendragon? 😀 Wishing you the best for tomorrow, hope they sort you out with pills & squills and everything goes as well as possible. Box of tea here for when you next fancy it (the good stuff not the cafe budget catering pack). x
See you all soon x
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Hi Kitty, so sorry that you are feeling as you are, it is much easier to fall further into the black hole when you are in it rather than see a way out of it - we all get there sometimes. At least you and Chris have each other which is something. All I can suggest is to try to focus on one little thing that you like doing and are able to do even if it is only a TV programme that you enjoy, or a special meal and take small steps. Don't be afraid to reach out to family and friends for support and either your GP or one of the numerous helplines out there which you can chat to anonymously. I know how you are feeling at the minute - believe me - but there will be light at the end of the tunnel, hang in there.
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Hi Mike glad skimmed milk is helping you, I sometimes have v strong sense of smell and taste, well almost all the time really I guess, I hate whole milk, in tea i usually have soya milk, don’t know if that helps at all. Tc. Xx.
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Hi to Barbara how are you today I am okay-ish thanks but skin is feeling quite nasty so I have a shower soon does your skin also flare up in the heat and hay fever weather? Have a nice afternoon. Xx
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Go to K and Joan bloods went okay as far as I know thanks Joan they only alert me if something is wrong how are you and Sue doing today? take care. Xx
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