Val's Cafe
Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) sorry you broke a tooth I hope something can be done for it. How is Chris (()) have a good day love to Anita (()) and Val and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Barbara (()) have a good day Mr B (()) is feeling better he has less pain. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toady (()) have a good day back to normal tomorrow.
Toni (()) the writing hasn’t changed. Did you have a good day yesterday your scarecrow is good because you did it. Yes the carers come on time. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Mike (()) you are doing so well you get your strength from being in the Army was it (()) have a good day if you can. Love to vixen
Reshmi (()) sorry that happened to your mum have a good day.
take care
joan xx2 -
hi K you’re welcome thanks for the poem I’ve been meaning to read that one but hadn’t got round to it yes it’s a brilliant one indeed, polenta sounds interesting thanks for the recipe I also love the Arthurian legends and the painting of the lady Of Shallot, Ive read quite a few contemporary fiction novels based on the legends def very inspirational myths I agree hope that you’re having a Nice Easter Monday take care. Xx
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Hi and Thanks Joan that’s very kind she is well now though that’s the main thing how are you and Sue doing today? Tc. Xx
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Hi Toni I’m working from memory again so this may not be a very satisfactory message if so sorry about that yes no sign of Bill I think basically he was eating manly takeaways or something like that, lol, LA was great apart from he had a little fall straight on the wooden floor I was worried he’d hurt his back really badly but he’s okay now think it was more the shock than anything else but hopefully he’s learned his lesson and knows he shouldn’t run about and risk falling but then again even though he’s a great genius lol he’s only three years old so who can tell 😊? BR was on full form too thanks he waved to me loads of times and then said yucky but I think he meant yummy bless him, lol. Sis was okay thanks she never communicates with me a great deal but that’s okay she did ask me if I had Johnson’s baby lotion for a BR after his bath but I don’t use that and she was worried about using Epaderm even tho my dad explained the babies can use it, anyway her choice she knows best as usual 😄. Yeah EF invasion is going to be repeated next weekend oh my goodness Toni help me, lol, plus The addition of Bill himself most likely so MV will def erupt due to the cooking that she does for the great majesty, haha. Thanks for your Bengali New Year wishes I’m terrible at art but I don’t mind looking like it to a certain extent. Yes sun and pollen are so nasty indeed, mum is okay thank you so much for asking but she said she will leave a message tomorrow with nurse if she feels there is a need. Do you know BR went crawling around chasing after a raw potato just like his big bro used to do! lol. I Managed to walk today fairly early morning so that was good thanks how was Your walk? I hope you’re enjoying Easter Monday did you chat with any of your neighbours today? okay I’ll leave it for now Toni take care. Xx
Ps The bookmark pic today is a Faberge egg, lol, purchased by Deliveroo with the profits made from bills takeaways, haha.
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Evening all Another short one frim me
Toni you gave an higher wall ..must say I do like jy privacy..glad to hear your neighbour is doing well ..but so sad he can't see his wife bless 😪 Mr B us doing much better ..just have to remind him to walk 🙂 xx
Toady how lovely finding the toad ..I'm sure they are scarce now mot seen one for years ..the Trueman show 😂😂maybe the neighbour just want a chat 😉 xx
Kitty sorry you have broken crown's dint you worry about having dentures I had one ti replace broken bridge and crown I can hardly feel it ..xx
Joan how are you and Sue doing hope all is well has can be and wuth the little doggies xx
Mike hopefully the side effects won't ge any worse for you ..xx
Reshmi happy benghali new year ..and I love the folk art reminds ne of the inkings they do on the lady's hands xx
Barbara1 -
Evening everyone
Barbara thank you yes I have managed to get myself out the other side of the big black time I gat myself into , not trying to stay positive it’s hard but I am getting there.
Toni Yes the card for the Ukraine is beautiful I agree. I am afraid we didn’t get anyone in at the open morning on Saturday so I didn’t sell any. Mr T and myself are ok , as is Miss Cookie. Our Lillie and Graycie both have covid on day 2 of being positive. A week or so ago my last remaining auntie my dads sister passed away. It never rains but it pours.
Reshmi Sorry to here about your mum I hope she doesn’t have to many bad hypos.
the post is short because I have been so busy the last few days I have not had enough hours in the day to post. I will give you more of an update tomorrow.
Love and Sparkles to you all
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hello from me, and it literally is just hello or almost good morning eek, 😱 it was one of those days where the time just went but got hardly anything done - yesterday was the total opposite. Must go or postie will be here to pick up an eBay parcel before I've even gone to bed. Sorry if you had to make your own cups of tea. Back soon love to all! xx
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Morning everyone feels quite chilly this morning brrr!
Hello Mike it's really good to hear from you even if you are still feeling so rough 😕Lucy found ondansetron better than met. I think the meds work in different ways If you can cope (and don't feel to sick to read this) I know I studied it at length when Lucy was ill:
How many rounds have you got left to go? Can you feel the lumps shrinking yet yourself? Just hoping so so you know it's all working and worth this really tough time ((())) xxx
Morning Kitty noooooo! We do not want false teggies😮😮😮 a gold one will surely last forever. At least you are not too uncomfy, but will you be able to get to the dentist? Sleek says you can go in her side car - I suggest you avoid that. She is back at the vets tomorrow quite late I think. I put in in the calendar in my phone I'll get a reminder today. Doesn't sound as though your teeth are strong even without adding blooming sjogrens😕
Well done taking the tablet in your biccie bless her for 'helping'. Obviously she knows i hide hers in her food that's me rumbled.
I am definitely going to try that polenta dish I love polenta i'll try it on Paul see what he thinks. Lucy will love it she likes anything different.
Toady what a day you must have had! I hope you slept ok and got a few hours in. I hope alos you at least got outside for a while. I see a chard seedling now too!! So exciting! and bluebells (proper english ones) popping up everywhere😊I'll explain why another time.
Now Carol you know where those hours are! Aidan is keeping them for you in his shed. Feel free to grab them whenever you need some😉
I am so sorry to hear the girls have COVID I am sure very sure they will cope well than goodness it's now and not 2 years ago it might have been a different story.
Shame about the open Church. Have you tried cake? We entice them in here with cake and cuppas just put a donations tub out.
So sorry about your Auntie bless her ((())) for you and a tummy tickle for Miss Cookie😻
Hi Barbara I am glad to hear Mr B is doing ok. Yes he needs to keep moving he doesn't want a DVT does he?
My neighbour got his son to take a letter and Easter card to his wife isn't that sweet even though he phones her twice a day. She is bored but ok.
The good thing is that my neighbour is a builder so he will do a good job on the wall and I get more privacy into the bargain.
You just remember to take care of yourself too Nurse Barbara!
Good morning Reshmi. I love the faberge egg! 😂lucky old deliveroo! Does he use them? I have never used any of them but when I pick Lucy up from work there are often cars there deliveroo, just eat and the other one I can't remember ah is it uber eats? Ask BIL he will know🤭
Aw poor little LA having a fall! He may be a genius (did the weight of his head tip him over?), but he is also a little boy and they run about scatty they are. BR is waving bless him and can say yucky! He is the one to watch get the tape measure on his head! Mind I have no idea how to stop too many brain cells developing🤔 Epidem would probably be good for his skin I think. I can just picture him crawling around after a potato😂
No! Not Excess family visit two weekends running! and with the addition of BIL too! How will you cope? MV will erupt surely with the stress of the cooking then DV could join in. What about RV? At what point could you erupt???? I mean a woman can only take so much even if she is a Goddess.
I think hopefully your Mum does know her own body she is good at managing her diabetes normally and she has the nurse's number if needs be. Well done still managing your walk in spite of it all.
Well I'd better get on I took a photo of the bot who mows the grass for you I'll post in in a minute.
Take care everyone!
because I'm cold!
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Our now bot which cuts the grass in the green belt area it's too big for a normal one to cut.
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Morning Froggie, thanks for the info. 2 rounds of 2 to go yet but I cannot feel the lumps neither can the Dr so that is something positive. Rough night and rough start to the day today so I will keep this short. Thanks again
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Good morning everyone
Barbara (()) does Mr B (()) have to have his other hip done. Have a good day (()) love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toady (()) perhaps to day will be better for you (())
Carol (()) sorry they have the virus (()) I hope it does not last two long (())
Kitty (()) I hope you have a good day and Chris (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Mike (()) that is good about your lumps you are doing well love to vixen (())
Toni (()) your neighbour is doing so well it’s a shame his wife got the virus (()) I hope they don’t have to be apart much longer (()) have you got your hedgehog’s. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (() and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your neighbours (())
Reshmi ()) sorry its been a busy time for you have a good day and your mum (())
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi Barbara Thanks for liking the folk art etc how are you today? how is Mr B? I’m not too bad thanks, better now that EF have gone for the time being but they’re back this Saturday oh dear was tired today but had a good rest eventually hope you’re having a nice evening and take care . Xx
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hi turbogran Carol thanks about my mum she hasn’t had another hypo yet so that’s good news for me nice to hear from you hope you’re well take care. X
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Hello all 😊 bit quieter day after yesterday but not such nice weather so not doing a lot - and will have to finish my grocery shop etc in a bit so still a quickish visit. Seedlings coming up for us now frog, that bit of warm was a blessing, as you say - I have new sweet peas, agastache, and delphinium and I think I definitely have some ranunculus buds now. Still some no-shows though. Glad you are having an upturn in the garlic & onion dept!! hurrah and some salad too, good show. Not sure the cooking outside bit will be too much fun yet awhile, temps aren't bad for a bit and dry, but they aren't offering me ANY sun for as far ahead as it gets 😕 maybe it will do a swerve, we'll see. I hope your wall goes well, as you say, it will not be your fault if not. Trust your neighbours to go in for a fancy scarecrow.. had a Louis Vuitton handbag, did it 😉 not really in the spirit, is it. No toad sightings, the only interesting garden 'spot' yesterday was a Flower Crab Spider - I have seen them before, but never one quite this yellowy green - I wondered if it had been on the mahonia and moved on? it was on a bare twig doing its best to look like something growing and I certainly had to look twice. Will add a pic later (clickable just in case people don't want to see it up close although it isn't a very spidery spider). So sorry to hear there is Covid in your neighbour's respite place, oh I do hope she's ok, stupid Covid. 😕 Hope Sleek gets on alright tomorrow I wonder if they will think it is hyperesthesia.. can they diagnose that, or is it a diagnosis by exclusion.
Hello Barbara 👋 no more toads or frogs since, I bet if I sat out later I'd see more, but may see some things I'd rather not. Yes some of the locals probably would want a chat (& I feel quite bad about one or two) but I know some wouldn't want to run into me either 😂 ironically I'd feel more kindly toward them if they didn't insist on driving in or out the second I even touch the front door, it just gets on my wick all over again then, being in a goldfish bowl 🐠. Hope things not too bad with you both today :) xx
Hope Kitty is ok today, I love the Lady of Shalott too I try & recite it to myself when I can't sleep but I always misremember a bit! Same with Poe's The Raven. Hope you and Chris are as well as poss, when is your next Asda, I forget 😳.
Hello Joan yes much quieter today not very sunny but quite nice, will have to try and fit a walk in. Hope your day is going alright xx
Hope bosh has had or will have a nice walk too hopefully all good change of scene/preparation if you are steeling yourself for more EF (yikes!) I am back on kettle duty so tea anytime you need one! Can't decide whether I need waking up or calming down 😂 something with ginger or something with camomile? 🤔 or anything of your choice :) hope your day is ok so far x
Mike you're doing fantastically, excellent news if the bumps are going into retreat :) & Vixen is still OC moral support & kipping I'm sure 👍️, best to you both (needless to say hope you feel less rough v soon and that you can have a cuppa at some fairly soonish point x).
Hello to Carol and sorry about your auntie 😔 sad to lose a surviving relative of a particular generation, I have myself recently. All the best x
& best to anyone not currently about xx
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hi Toni I meant to reply a lot earlier in the day but I felt really tired after EF visit but I’m well rested now at last thank goodness so I’m sending you a late message yes I know what you mean lots of visits happening here worst thing is not being able to rest when I’m tired because of all the various constraints anyway I’m feeling a lot better now thanks asking even though earlier on in the day I was crying with tiredness LA has got into a good school so he’ll be starting school next year nice and also sad aww also he has a new friend who is a girl but she is not a special friend maybe he’s realised that he’s too young for those, lol, One good thing is that the rowdy Riley and the naughty Noel his 2 male friends from nursery will not be going to that school so hopefully bad influences will be gone. LA was v sweet and gave me a daisy from the garden but then he took it away again when I said I might sneeze and went to get something something but then got distracted by something else again probably some jelly sweets and a massive chocolate egg oh dear, i’ve heard that BR has been walking even more and he walked for a quite long distance the other day was just a little bit of help and he was so happy he slapped the radiator so I’ll have to tell LA that there’s nothing wrong with the gasmen looks like you’ve got one in the family!! Lol. Thanks for the picture of a Mow - bot that seems like quite an efficient machine but I won’t tell my dad about it because he’ll go absolutely mad giving silly advice on this and that and tbh he lets the Gardner do the gardening most of the time and thank goodness for that. LA told me that he has really big muscles and that the dogs in the park are scared of them he scared about 100 dogs with the muscles in his skinny arms which he flexed 💪, such a funny chap my goodness, lol. Yes I think you’re right it’s prob Uber eats my bill will eat eat anything that’s advertised as takeaway he’s had some very dodgy Biriani is in the past from some home chefs that he knew very little about and he had the stomachaches to prove it silly guy I’ve got nothing against home chefs obviously you just can’t eat anything you find on the Internet lol, by the way I have phoned the rheumatology helpline and left a message about the weird pins and needles thing in my foot so hopefully they’ll get back to me at some point if not well I’m seeing the I’ve got a hosp app in June anyway so if worst comes to the worst I’ll just talk to them then.
LA told my mum that mummy doesn’t like chocolate Easter eggs which wasn’t quite true bit of a porky pie there, oh dear, hope you’re not feeling too bad today Toni? I went for my walk but then got really shattered and couldn’t really have a proper sleep until well after lunch but anyway I’m sorted sleep wise now so that’s the main thing, lol, got some vegan creamer vanilla flavour no sugar from skinny foods company and it tasted really nice but it went off so badly it’s hard isn’t it really finding healthy products that are good quality and affordable ? hmm, Well at least I’m trying I’m not living on chocolate flavoured chilli shreddies saw something like that like the bill, haha. how are Lucy and Paul are they doing well ? okay I think I’ll leave it there for now have a nice evening and take care.xx
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hi Joan how are you and Sue? thanks for your nice message I’m not too bad at the moment thanks same with my mum hope you’re having a nice evening take care xx
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Hi all , LA’s idea of heaven, or maybe the dentist’s, lol, choc dog cake.. xx
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Morning everyone.
It's rained overnight, but looks better out there now.
Mike two more rounds? that is great so does that mean you are half way? If so very well done! You have been incredible quietly getting on with it. I am even happier to hear those lumps are difficult to find now👍️ Hopefully you are getting nearer to the weekend when you must eat as much as you can while you can. Tummy tickles for Vixen please ((())) xxx
Hi Joan my neighbour is incredible. I took him to the post office yesterday and to the Co-op for one item. He has ditched his crutches indoors already, but sensibly not outside. How are you and Sue doing? Everyone ok your end carers too? ((())) xxx
Morning Toady. Yes we needed that bit of warm weather didn't we? I am so happy to hear you have seedlings appearing too. Yes onions and garlic are essential else l have to BUY them! I didn't go outside at all yesterday I had too much finishing off to do in here. Taking lucy into work and back and my neighbour to the post office. I hope you got your shopping done? Boring stuff was it? Not for the garden😕
Oh yes a posh scarecrow right enough papier mache face beautifully crafted, but I hope it's well sealed it does rain a bit in England! Seriously it's fabulous but not really a scarecrow more of a mannequin. Peaky blinders with a cigarette in it;s mouth too and a beer bottle. Mine is more the traditional 🤭rubbish standard!
Not really nice enough to cook outside yet I have to agree and this comes from one who tried it🙄
Well the vet can see tonight that Sleek still 'reacts' while on metacam to her back being touched so surely that is a waste of time her having it? I will ask. The treatment seems to be gabapentin so maybe a trial of that? Apt is 5.45 if you want to think of us. Poor little soul.
Morning Kitty how are you doing?
Any further news about Chris and his consultant's appointment? I suspect not just yet but I am an optimist.
Do you know whether Sleek knows she has the V. E .T . tonight? If not keep schtum will you. 🤫 Just a check up and the senior vet is looking at her X rays and deciding what to try next. I am going to put forward Barbara's theory about hyperesthesia.
I imagine taking your meds inside a biscuit isn't 100% palatable??? Bless her.
Morning Reshmi how are you doing today? I really hope you are well rested I don't like to think of you crying with tiredness😕 Well done leaving the message with rheumatology and good luck maybe you'll get a reply who knows and June is plan B. I am doing ok I think pretty well My puss is back at the vet's tonight to discuss the X ray and what to do/try next. Lucy and Paul are just fine thanks Lucy is at work and Paul is in Edinburg again.
Those chocolate cake dogs look so nice! very posh indeed. LA might love them, but BIL would EAT them😁I am so pleased he has got a place at a good school and hope some of his nursery friends will be there too. Maybe not (Life of) Riley though or Naughty Noel😃 Bless him I can't believe it! School already. Taking the daisy away in case you sneeze is quite thoughtful really (thinking of hay fever) and getting distracted finding a replacement for it is typical 3 year old! His muscles sound truly terrifying! I hope he only frightens dogs with them (I suspect he is nervous of dogs?) and not pusscats.
BR is doing so well with his walking and yes testing the radiators are working so very young. Plumbers make really good money! Yes go into a trade BR and no need to call the gasman out again ever. Save a fortune that would.
No BIL is far too experimental (risk taking) with his food! Not for me Home chefs unless someone has recommended them who I know. His stomach is testament to the risks.
Of course your sister likes chocolate - we all do even if it's vegan. I know what you mean about getting healthy stuff at a reasonable price. I liked the pea pasta, but it was much more expensive than wheat pasta. Oh well one day maybe?
The bot does a great job she wanders all over the land that the bottom the greenbelt bit we do nothing there well Paul strims the edges. I think your Dad is wise to leave it all to the gardener.
Well you have a good day - off for a walk in a minute? Care to join me?
A quick hello to Barbara Hope you are both ok and Mr B is still being a good boy!
My neighbour has ditched his crutches in the house already and is enjoying his daily walks up the lane with the 95 year old. That he does with his crutches at least bless him.
That's is you reassure our Kitty that a small plate feels ok we can't have her on a fork mashable diet yet can't we she's far too young!!
Love to Carol if she happens by and Hi to anyone else who pops in
Take care
being good today!
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) how are you both today (()) love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Barbara (()) and Mr B ((())) have a good day love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toady (())) I hope you have a good day we have the sun.
Toni (())) I will be thinking about you and sleeke at quarter to 6 tonight (())) yes sue ‘s carers are all well thank you. Love to Paul ((())) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (()) he is good going without his crutches sensible to still have them outside (()).
Reshmi (()) how are you and your mum (())
Mike (()) how are you and vixen (())
take care
joan xx1 -
Hello all, good news from Mike, only two more chemo and he can’t feel any tumours WHOO WHOO!
Chris has an appointment at the Orthopaedic Department at our health centre on May 24 for a assessment pre-op - whatever that means! He’s already being mardy, and driving me screwy. I think he expects everyone to run the NHS on his terms (sigh).
My lips are sealed as far as Miss Sleek’s appointment, I hope all goes well. I’ll try and get in tomorrow. Sending love to you all. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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@frogmorton I am ok… Hope you are too! Just finding out that being on MTX also means shaking off infections is much harder, esp bacterial. Docs seem to have limited experience of what to do in such situations.
Thanks for the brekkie pics!
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How Toni are you today nice? Nice fruit salad that looks good to me I’m quite tired at the moment but it’s post shower tiredness so natural not the kind of horrible tiredness that’s results from the EF situation fortunately sorry that’s your cat is unwell hope that everything goes okay at the vets I think you’re right there most people like choc I have met one or two who don’t that’s def the exception that proves the rule or something like that, I did go on walk this morn but it was a bit disconcerting as I didn’t even wear my winter hat which I do most days my ears did hurt a bit but are okay now thanks👍. Yes Bill is eating all sorts of rubbish that’s not particularly safe I agree at least when we order takeaway online we can look at the food safety and hygiene ratings of various restaurants but just clicking a button because you’re too lazy to boil some rice or whatever that’s quite ridiculous, lol, even if he were living on microwave meals it would be a bit better than what he’s doing silly bill(y) indeed, lol.glad that Lucy and Paul are okay what is Paul’s job please if you don’t mind me asking? You are right nothing wrong with having a plumber or gasman in the family well-paid and useful profession even though Bill is quite snobbish about things like that no surprise there, lol, his own wife’s more educated and intelligent than him so I bet that goes against the grain good old bill haha. It’s going to be cooler tomorrow at least in the south-east I will check the forecast properly but I think that’s right I’m praying that’s right, lol, has it been horribly hot where are you live? okay I think I’ll have to go now T even though I prob haven’t answered everything because I don’t want to get so tired that my sleeping face crashes into the iPad, lol, how was your walk by the way? Okay I’m going for now take care. Xx
ps Bill’s “low caffeine “ beverage, lol.
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Hi all, a short one from me again as I am a bit overbooked and have to finish my grocery shop (yes exactly frog, boring shopping not gardening shopping. food? pah 😉) but it has been a nice day and I have been in the garden between things - if I get a move on I may get a quick evening potter in too. So just a quick good luck wave to Sleek 😽 and a hello to everyone and will see you all another time :) xx
Hope also that bosh will get a useful call back from the rheumy helpline, while I'm doing good lucks, & 'see' you soon x
Love to everyone & am off down the biscuit aisle if there are any requests xx
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Monday's garden 'novelty' - Flower Crab Spider
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hi toady how are you? sorry you had a boring food shopping day I wanted to reply before I think I missed a message somehow it’s annoying when that happens isn’t it? one suddenly pops up in the middle nvm, lol, biscuits are v much a weakness of mine but maybe we should stick to rich tea thanks for that toady lol, as for herbal teas I’m not a fan of most of them i really dislike chamomile though no offence I’m willing to try ginger haha, have a good evening ty about rheumo helpline thing and I hope you have a restful night take care. Xx
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