Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,327
    edited 15. Apr 2022, 16:50

    Hi everybody which means J B t and T , abbreviated message here today I’m afraid I’ve had mxt our glorious friend of a medicine haha and didn’t really get a proper rest after taking its unfortunately so this is the kind of from memory generalised thing which isn’t answering all questions sorry about that hi again toady that was funny about what you wrote about hairdressers tbh he was quite a polite kind of hairdresser who just doing his job but you’re right a lot of people would’ve taken it the wrong way lol, so you don’t like wearing hats - hats help us though in the in the winter and even in the hot weather I find at least it saves the Sun going right on your face and of course for people who have sensitive skin etc it’s very much a lifesaver as it were though of course personal taste in the end, but I’m glad you’re not on the vanity level as my sis, but then very few people are lol, I could tell you some stories but I’m telling myself this message must be short so I can find the energy to do other things, so I hope everyone’s having a nice Easter nice scarecrow distressed as Queen T lol, how are you today? I had methotrexate but otherwise okay - ish, but stomach has been upset even before taking a glorious friend of a medicine but that may be time of the month approaching I don’t really know, Toni before I went out I did all the allergy rituals known to man or woman more appropriately I did eyedrops antihistamine Vicks inhaler it seemed to help a little bit but in my house at least with DV and MV erupting it’s just makes everything complicated yesterday I didn’t even do the eyedrops or get to position my back in the least painful way before lava flow i sometimes get angry that I put in this unnecessarily difficult situation, anyway that’s over now till the next time oh I see pickled garlic well that’s not so bad compare to bills pickled chilies and capsicums lol, pickles aren’t good for us in general though of course some people like and can tolerate in small amounts this was meant to be a small message but I’ve already waffled on oh dear okay so hi to Barbara and and Joan Hope you are both doing okay I’m ending it here no offence au revoir. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 16. Apr 2022, 05:50

    Morning everyone. Foggy here so hopefully a nice day ahead!

    Mike well that all sounds much more positive I do hope you got extra of the ondansetron? They can adjust the doses slightly if people have suffered too much I hope this means you can keep drinking your tea albeit with skimmed milk.

    Nah it has to be baby Sis Sue. she is the one with the right attitude for this, forget Little Sister and her husband. Hospitals take as long as they take I mean we have been there all day till 10pm before now if Lucy needed a blood transfusion which can happen. One bag of that alone can be anything between 2 and 4 hours! Platelets not so bad. How are your bloods Mike did they tell you?As you probably know they have to kill off our good cells in order to zap the cancer ones, but our good ones recover quite quickly.

    I am so pleased the consultant is happy. So we all are too😊 ((())) xxx

    Morning Joan I love your tulips and your gorgeous raised beds!! So pretty. Well done going to the cafe did you have anything nice to eat? Sleek is much much better today yesterday she was far to quiet for my liking wouldn't leave me all day only went out when I went out. Thanks for asking. She is taking her metacam well. How are you both doing? ((())) xxx

    Toady that refreshing thing....very odd especially when you 'turn a page' like weird posts slot into place much later on when you come back in. I hope you got lots done?

    You might not have got your original colour tulips but it will be interesting to see what pops up! I did some scarecrowing yesterday so I could stay with Sleek and not much else oh yes some ironing with last week's Monty yesterday's is recorded ready. I also checked in on my garden and planted out the daisy that the chap who came to tea got for me. His days may be numbered Lucy has found out that he has dated a fair few of the girls at work so she's not so sure now....time will tell. I mean we all make mistakes.

    I have done 'normal' onions springies and garlic so lots of them and so far the birdies have been super well behaved leaving them totally alone. Still no chard.....but it's warmer now so fingers crossed. Then I will worry while we are on the river cruise.... that is soon!

    It seems Sleekipuss really does know her way home!!! MEOWWWWW!

    Barbara if you call by I replied yesterday on the previous page. I think Mr B is finally getting there!

    Morning Reshmi I hope you are ok today? Steady day for us all I think eating nice plain foods and taking it easy. Your stomach was already iffy before MTX? Oh dear ((())) for you.

    Hairdressers are all about hair so I expect don't realise some women especially do not want to go grey. Charley my eldest has a lot of grey she has more than Paul! She started going grey really young about 18 her birth father is very grey so it must be genetic. I am not bothered at all as long as I've got some!

    I wear my wooly hat in the winter and have a cap for when I am gardening in strong sunlight. Also the wind can give me earache what a whimp I am!!!! I think some meds do make your skin more sensitive to sunlight. You are very wise taking all sensible precautions known to woman and mankind just now before leaving the house. I am so sorry that HV prevented you from doing so yesterday or even from getting comfortable for your poor back! Of course you will get cross sometimes about it. If there was anything you could do to change it i am certain you would.

    Have you got a meet planned with LLF and Roger???

    I love pickled garlic, but only a few at a time. Goodness no!! not the chillis they would do me permanent harm. Wonder what state BIL will be in on Monday when they all visit🙄I bet LA is excited for his holiday to Reading.

    Kitty me duck how are you? I hope Chris has calmed down a bit and got things in perspective. He needs to remember he has had his OA for a very long time, most likely and hopefully things can be improved for him. Thereby improving things for you too.

    I have been doing scarecrows as you can probably see. Sleek thinks I should do a cat next year so I probably will to keep her happy, but this year it's the Jubilee isn't it?

    Tommy brought her over twice yesterday in the pushchair bless him - when I took Lucy and fetched her from work. Poor Pusskin didn't want to be on her own did she? She said you looked after her really well and even Chris did and she's had a word with him.

    I hope everyone your end is well and send my love ((()))

    Carol if you call in I hope you are well and all our replies to you are on the previous page now. Take care.

    Sleek has done us all an Easter egg hunt!

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Morning Froggie, Dr said that my bloods were fine thanks. Have a good day.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope Chris has come to think that both of you need help (()) have a good weekend love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) have a good weekend we have a bag full of tulips some black but I forget when to plant them those have been in ten years. the raised bed is twenty years old it was built for us when we moved in by the housing association.

    Toni (()) your queen scarecrow looks good. A Greggs food shop was had for dropping a sausage roll on the floor and cooking it again. Have a good weekend love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Mike (()) you are doing so well have a good weekend and vixen

    Barbara (()) have a good weekend all of you (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good weekend take care and your mum (()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Hi everyone

    this will be short as I am currently sitting in our church as mr t and myself are doing one of our open mornings. Been sitting here for just over an hour and we haven’t had anyone in yet. It’s one of those quite mornings. I know some of you have had some of my charity greetings cards before. If any one else is interested pop over to my website and view our current selection.If you like the look of them you can also purchase them on line. at the moment I am trying to raise money for 🇺🇦 Ukraine we have a special card made which selling for £2.40 and all proceeds will go to aid the people of Ukraine.


    special Card for Ukraine 🇺🇦

    I have to go but I will post again later.

    love and sparkles ❤️❤️🌈🌈

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Good afternoon friends, I’m feeling much better today, more cheerful. I rang dad, he’s recovered from Covid and is his usual self. Chris has had a letter from one of our local hospitals acknowledging his referral. He should get a letter by June, inviting him to go for an assessment regarding a hip(s) replacement. I’ve decided I don’t need a carer, as when he has had his new hips, he can be my carer.

    I have downloaded two diary apps for my iPad. One for bible notes and one for personal and health notes. I still haven’t found my post, but as long as you all saw it, I’m not worried.

    love to you all. XxxxX

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,327

    Hi Toni how are you today? I’m not too bad okay this thanks for asking my mum wasn’t very well at all last night she had a hypo blood sugar was really low I didn’t know about it till this morning it was an extremely serious one I do worry so much about my mum but some other families don’t not in the same way anyway that’s all I can say really in this semi - public voice controlling session, EF are due to come tomorrow but whether that includes bill i’m not sure as yet, my back isn’t too bad atm thanks I am I’m having my very exciting plain biscuits and water but that’s def part of our communal methotrexate regime lol, I get earache as well sometimes it’s a nasty kind of pain isn’t it I really? I hate it when that happens I sometimes rub Vicks vapour rub cotton wool ball and put it in my ear for 10 - 15 mins, some people do it for a lot longer but I worry in case the cotton wool gets stuck in the ear canal, it might be worth trying, as for LLF and Roger meet up I did message LLF recently actually just a kind of happy Easter type message and she replied but no sign of a meet up as yet I’m trying not to worry about it too much because as Once said to toady selfish people always put themselves first so what happens happens anyway I do go on tiny outings to Costa sometimes by myself and as you and I both know the days when we can walk a fair amount are great for us mentally and physically so these outings will just really have to do, opticians visits and things like that mean a little tiny town centre outing but those are not that frequent and also like you I don’t like roaming around in the blazing sunshine too much anyway other than taking healthy walks lol, talking of EF something quite funny happened my mum was on the phone with my sis but whether it was a video call or an audio I’m not sure anyway basically it was quite amusing though because my sister was telling bill not to eat the Italian cream cake someone had given him, so because she couldn’t look after him if he got sick so he started eating it anyway and then BR wanted to eat it and started crying and guess what LA did the same, my goodness three boys for her to look after now can’t be easy haha. on the subject of food this is it normal is it to just recover from a bad stomach prob and then eat a cream cake a few hours later? I think you’re right he must really have been spoilt rotten by his mother when he was a child .

    LA is doing well thanks he had a Easter egg hunt a bit like sleek, lol, That was yesterday and it was just him and a few friends it wasn’t a nursery activity so to use toadies idea, thanks toady, the ratio had changed there were more gentleman babies or Lancelots than lady babies or Guineveres for once, lol, unfortunately the lady babies were more interested in the “adulk - sized” Choc ices then seeking any male companionship and tbh from the pics it looks like that looked as if LA was storing as much of the “adulk - sized” corNetto ice cream as he could in his mouth because he was afraid someone else might eat it, like a hamster storing food in its cheeks,lol, and even though romantic love is meant to be a great thing it has to be noted that that’s according to great literature Lancelot did not share his chocolate ice cream with anyone oh dear.. BR is also doing well thank you he had a nice little walk with his mummy and he’s learnt how to smear spag Bol all over his face and clothes bless him. I hope things are okay with you Toni? and also with Lucy and Paul? that’s interesting about grey hair yes people can really get it and any age it’s just that some people tend to have some silly preconceptions I’m at the stage where I can pluck out some hairs but I’m really not that bothered either my mum had really beautiful hair but unfortunately now she’s lost a lot of it I think that some of the steroid medicines she has to take almost probably the culprit she was a hairpiece when she goes out it’s good because it gives her confidence but people can def be very judgmental mental okay as well I thought I wouldn’t write too much but I’ve gone on a - waffling as usual, nvm are you doing anything nice for Easter Toni? Poor you putting SC on before doing the gardening maybe Paul could do the lawnmowing sometimes? I understand your agony with your arms and psoriasis okay I’ll go for now I hope you have a lovely afternoon and take care. Xx

    PS enclosed picture is LA / hamster having a bit of a read after his high sugar snack😄.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,327

    hi to Joan Barbara Kitty Mike toady sorry I’ve sort of lost track a bit of what I’ve written on here and who exactly I replied to sorry about that hi Joan how are you and Sue doing today? that’s interesting about grey hair sorry if I’m repeating myself I’m somewhat tired I hope you’re enjoying the day and that you had didn’t have to go to much in the heat ? Unless you enjoy the hot weather? I hope you and Sue have a good afternoon and take care. Xx

    hi K how are you doing today? Xx

    hi Barbara how are you today? how are your eyes? do they get worse when it’s hayfever season or does it not affect your eyes in that way? how’s Mr B? Tc. Xx

    hi toady again I’m not quite sure what I written and what I haven’t haha - oh yes I think I remember now we were talking about the hairdressers and grey hairs and all that kind of stuff white hairs etc okay so I hope your days not been too bad not too tiring? I’m pretty tired atm but not all the faults of arthritis and similar probs it’s just that didn’t really get chance to rest when I needed it because of MV etc. Unfortunately my mum wasn’t well at all in the night she had a hypo she seems okay now thankfully my dad helped her when she was ill I didn’t hear of it until awhile later it is a pressurising situation because my sister very rarely lets her rest constantly phoning her about every single thing on the planet I know she’s stressed but this is not a solution for anyone anyway I hope your day wasn’t too bad and I’ll join you for some herbal tea and biscuits if that’s still on offer lol, I wish someone had told me is a long time ago what to eat and what not when I have methotrexate oh well that’s part of life I guess my foot isn’t too bad at the moment thanks it seems to be something that gets better with movement but it’s a recent prob and I don’t know really has a sign of things getting worse in general but I can only phone the helpline and pray and hope as it were, lol, okay take care bye for now. Xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Sorry had to give up reading back ..😪

    Joan I love the tulips so colourful and your raised bed is so much easier xx

    Kitty iv been thinking of you stick to your guns men can be so stubborn ..sorry Mike ..glad today is a little better xx

    Toni I love the scarecrow.. wonder what the queen would thinks ..🙂

    Hope whatever is wrong with miss Skeek they get her back to her old self soon xx

    Nice to see Carol bless glad you have come out the other side xx

    Toady it is strange weather yesterday wasn't that warm here diwn south they were on the beaches 🙂glad you had a nice walk xx

    Reshmi did I say dates meant figs ..😁but I like both the pictures you find ..hopevdad is behaving xx

    Mike what a lovely baby sister you have bless her..and your home help.. it all takes some of the pressure off you ..xx

    Love to all xxxxx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    Hello, all, just a quick post and will call in properly tomorrow hopefully..

    but just wanted to tell you that I did not get too far with my gardening yesterday before I was interrupted.. by A TOAD 😍 I had gone out with a list of jobs to choose from and started a completely different one (like you do), clearing/weeding part of a border, and also moving aside or picking up pebbles - and I either touched or began to pick up what I thought was a pinkish pebble, and omg! Well if you could see me get down on the ground you would know it's no quick & easy thing for me to get back up again 😂 not to mention trying to not disturb it in the process. I expect it was slightly shocked & frightened hence it stayed still but I was still v surprised it was there when I got back with the camera, and that I got a half decent shot before it started to crawl away to some cover. Same pic: one for scale and to play spot the toad, another closeup - isn't he/she lovely 😍. Don't know if I will see it again but there is a nice gappy sheltered place under the fence nearby that I can imagine a toad might well like to lurk in. Such a little thing and so, so well camouflaged. Will have to be v careful where I'm weeding etc in future! Have had frogs in the past especially when there were more pondy bits in neighbouring gardens but definitely never a toad. Anyway a toad for toady 😊 that was my highlight of yesterday. (Today's is that Kitty is feeling better 😀💕) xx

    See you all soon and sorry not to do the replying that I would like to now, but have not paced my time out very well and will do a better job of it starting fresh - love to everyone xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Morning everyone 😊

    We had a lovely day yesterday weatherwise. I was outside quite a bit interspersed with chats with multiple neighbours., but in the end i went into the back garden to work quietly! Really good news is my neighbours want to heighten a bit of wall. The bit where I can see into their garden from my veggie patch!!!! So i won't see them anymore I'd have loved to do that, but felt as though it might darken their kitchen window too much.

    Mike I am very glad to hear you're bloods were good. Just high enough for more chemo, but low enough to keep those cancer cells at bay 👌 I hope you are having an ok weekend managing to eat and drink still and the meds are helping. More ((())) and strength on it's way to you xxx

    Kitty you do sound much more upbeat today that's great. I think they seem to b moving quickly with Chris' hips (maybe knees too?) I hope he gets appointment soon and things can move forwards. A carer would still have been helpful in the short term, but I can understand not everyone appreciates the intrusion.

    What good news about your Dad! Isn't he incredible!!!? Imagine at his age chucking COVID off! Back to his usual self that's so reassuring for you.

    Those apps sound like a good idea are they on your tablet or lap top?

    Morning Carol. I hope some people came into your open Church yesterday you are both so good giving up your Saturdays like you do.

    Have you got your special Easter service today like we have here? Preparations have been going on all week with flowers - lilies mostly much cleaning and polishing of wood and brass.

    The card for Ukraine is lovely really pretty. I hope lots get sold it's such a good cause.

    Joan Oh crikey! I had a greggs vegan sausage roll yesterday😮hopefully it wasn't the same greggs as that one that is disgusting 🤢 Thanks I hope the Queen looks like the Queen Kari thought she looked more like princess Anne! Love to you both ((())) xxx

    Barbara thank you I may have to get 'the queen' a mask face because people reckon it's princess Anne (well Kari does) or a corgi😁

    the weather was lovely here! You are pretty close to me and Bill sent pics of a dog they are sitting for in the sun. Maybe it picked up for you or you will get it today🤞

    Sleek seems fine on her Metacam, but I am wondering whether it's what you suggested hyperesthesia. She doesn't overgroom there, but she was definitely sensitive.

    How is Mr B doing? Did he get in the garden at all? If it's warm enough I'd get him out there for an hour will do him good.

    Oooh! Toady what an absolutely smashing Toad!!!!!!!!! I love him he is so beautiful yes you will be careful now and won't need to 'jump' because you will be prepared. I am the same if I come across something unexpectedly. Wonderful pic you must send it to Monty and see if maybe you can sink a little something for a wet corner???? Even a tin plate might do if it's shady and you keep it topped up???

    I hope you get outside again today and enjoy your day! Still only one each of garlic and onion🙄 Did some weeding though so had a good day here.

    Rich tea biscuits Reshmi rich tea👍️. Yes they are on my staple diet too. They are also vegan so excellent.

    Gosh you must be so distressed with Mum having a bad hypo! Who found/helped her😕 of course you will worry she does so well most of the time doesn't she coping with her diabetes?

    So no news on a meet up with LLF and Roger fair enough it is Easter a lot going on. Those little trips to Costa are such a good thing to do and so important the walk and the interactions with others. In addition to that life is busy enough as you say with hairdressers (next week for me I can hardly see through my fringe now!) opticians etc etc...

    All preparations in place for the EF visit tomorrow then? I bet Mum is excited and Dad too in his own grumpy Grandad way.

    Oh LA's Easter egg hunt sounded wonderful! More boys than girls eh? and those huge adulk sized cornettos! The girls (Guinevieres) are very wise indeed to chose choc ices/eggs over boys (Lancelots)!!! Go lady babies!! Erm yes LA be careful too many choc ices can make us throw up! His words not mine😁 What a great time they had and lovely memories for them as they grow up.

    Baby R is doing so well with his walking isn't he? Bless him. Ah yes they spag bol smearing stage. An essential rite of passage through life we all had to go through that phase🤭 messy for Mummy though.

    Paul does the sweeping up of leaves while I mow, but it's only a tiny area I mow because we have a mow bot who cuts the big green belt area so don't worry about me. I can't sweep up leaves or rake it really hurts my back. On teh subject of backs yours seems pretty good ATM don't take any risks will you?

    I just love the hamster pic how adorable just like LA and his cornettos 'adulk size'!

    Well it has to be a thoroughly naughty breakfast today I hope Mike can manage some of it:

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    kitty (()) have a good day both of you your Dad (()) is good.

    Barbara (()) how are you doing (()) Mr B (()) is trying good have a good day all of you (())

    Toady (()) your plants are lovely have a good day.

    Toni (()) we have to go early has the carers are coming at 12 30 have a good day all of you.

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Just popped in to say hello and that I’m thinking of you all. Antoinette, the diary apps are on my tablet but I do have one on my laptop too. I’m pleased to hear that Madame Sleekipus is taking her Metacam. I do encourage her just as she encourages me. But she does tend to bury my tablets in a sandwich or biscuit! Which are either Rich Tea or Belvita Cocoa. I had a Humbug this morning, and broke another tooth. I have a few crowns, and even one of them is broken! Yes dad is doing rather well, he recovered before Anita and Val. Thank you Joan. I hope Mike is having a better day today too.

    Love to all, Kitty is purring today.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,327

    Hi Barbara how are you today? I’m not sure it was a bit confusing I put a picture of dates on but you mentioned figs as well but no worries, they’re both delicious I agree with that, lol, DV rarely behaves to be honest but excess family are here today so at least it’s a bit of a change of atmosphere I guess, take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,327

    Hi Toady so toady was interrupted by a toad that’s hilarious take care will write more later. Xx.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,327

    hi Toni how are you today? I am okay-ish thanks but feeling a bit “ hay fever- y” as I call it did the usual rituals eyedrops and all that but somehow it’s not the best of days for me hayfever wise I’m not quite sure why that’s good that Paul helps you out with the garden and that you have a Mow bot, it was dad who helped with my mum gave her Lucozade etc as it happened at night but you’re right indeed it is extremely worrying though she said she feels okay now this sort of thing really shouldn’t keep happening but she said that if she feels ill again she will contact the nurse so at least that’s is a good thing, sorry I have to be careful what I say as This is a public voice controlling session, I did go for a walk thanks thanks T but it was quite early morning so routine has been well and truly ruined I did have a bit of rest after but not really enough but that’s completely the fault of the EF situation, hopefully I will sleep well tonight🤞. I’m glad you had a nice chat with the neighbours yesterday how was your walk this morning? LA is here as we speak as it were, lol, but Bill did not grace us with his presence because he is doing some work apparently but polishing off several takeaways at home I think that’s the more accurate version, lol. I am being careful with my back thanks for asking a couple of days ago my dad needed some stupid password and interrupted me in the middle of me sorting my back out and everything else so that’s really why my back hurt that day and basically MV + DV = HV to use your brilliant equation, lol. I gave LA an obligatory dinosaur sticker but he seems to have crushed it up into a little ball even though he liked receiving it and stuck it on his shirt initially oh well I can’t win them I suppose😂. BA is being his lovely charming little self and waved at me three times. I’m hiding upstairs and trying to stay awake my mum insisted on the window being open even though I’m one of the colder rooms so it’s not great for my eyes etc but such is life I agree to most things in order to going to reduce lava flow, lol. You’re right it is important to have conversational interaction with people outside the family even though that’s not often not very easy to achieve. By the way as far as I remember yesterday was the beginning of the Bengali New Year, so I just downloaded a little bit of traditional Bengali folk art, it’s not something that I celebrate really it means more to my mum and dad we didn’t do anything much to celebrate yesterday just had some nice fish okay I’ll leave it there hope you’re enjoying the day Toni, Tc. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,327

    Hi Joan how are you and Sue doing today? did you manage to go outside and walk the dogs today? take care, Reshmi . Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,327

    Hi toady I appear to have confused myself I think I’ve caught up on replies do yourself? anyway even if I haven’t I hope you’re enjoying the day and manage to get a bit of rest take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,327

    hi Kitty really nice to hear that you’re doing a bit better today , I would stick with rich tea biscuits like myself and Toni 😄. Sorry about your tooth that must be a big nuisance take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,327

    Hi everyone another bookmark type pic from me still on the Lancelot and Guinevere(s) theme thanks again toady. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603
    edited 17. Apr 2022, 16:40

    Hello all, hope having a good Sunday 😊

    Have been in the garden but just odd jobs really, mostly weeding, splitting heuchera, & shuffling around the configuration of my ersatz cold frames (I forget if you don't move things bricks &c for a while quite how many, many snails woodlice spiders etc will have made their homes in all the crevices, so I felt bad for disturbing them. They will think 'can't you have a bit of peace in the garden without someone making a nuisance of themselves' - which is what I spend half my time saying - poor things, will have to leave that area alone now 🐛). Ooh how nice that you can have a higher wall and block the view next door a bit, frog, (fancy having neighbours that would actually like a bit of privacy! well at least in this one instance. swap you!). I got 5 mins in the front garden til someone came out to wash their car over the road 🙄 I do actually believe sometimes that I live in my own Truman Show because there are certain people that I SWEAR only come out when I do. And this includes people that come out of their house twice a day max, so how do they time it to perfection? Huh. Anyway hope you are getting on well with your outdoor stuff, onions & garlic notwithstanding! No toads today, but being nocturnal mostly you wouldn't expect it & it must have had its reasons for a daytime outing. I have put out a few useful things, water as you say and some nice broken flowerpots. 😀 You have had lukewarm feedback on the likeness of your Queen's face have you 😂 I think it's a very good effort and she couldn't really complain, you have taken a few years off I'd say (and as long as it's not treason or anything then you should be fine 😂 .. are there prizes?)

    Hi bosh, there is always plenty of herbal tea & plain biscuits going 😊 especially Rich Tea actually, as Toni mentioned! I have a couple with normal tea in the morning, sometimes with powdered milk in the tea - that's if I'm using my upstairs teamaking kit because I can't be bothered to go down. Otherwise I have soya in mine like you mentioned to Mike and I prefer it to normal now. Hope things not too bad with you today and sorry your Mum had an 'episode', is it fairly rare that she has serious ones - afraid I'm not familiar with diabetes overly. I know you can't take your eye off things in looking after your condition but also I suppose even doing everything you can to help yourself you can't eliminate every risk 😔 hope she's doing ok today, you too. LA has been having a nice time anyway, at the Round TeaTable, the ice cream van keeps going round here but if I want anything I'll wait til my next grocery order (mad isn't it to have to think of whether it's safe to buy something off a van since Covid!) mind you I've no idea what prices they charge these days but I probably wouldn't want to pay it - I usually get own brand cornets at 4 for £1 or so 😂 . By the way yes there is nothing you haven't caught up with, with me, we're all up to date 👍️ Should I buy a hat for summer, yes probably, to be sensible, I'll have to see if I can force myself (I don't dislike hats, just hats plus me!) Have a good week and hope you can fit your walks in around the weather :)

    Hello Kitty lovely to see you purring (and I do have such a soft spot for tabbycats! 😍) but sorry about your tooth, I wish we all had the teeth of a 4 year old like Sleek! Especially as it would mean in our case we would be getting a second set. That would be fantastic.

    Barbara hope you have had it a bit nicer today and everything as well as poss with you & Mr B 😘 what's next for him does he have followup appts etc.

    Joan gosh haven't your tulips done well, some people lift theirs don't they after flowering but if yours have kept going like that then I might move mine to a border next year & just let them get on with it! Have a good Easter Monday.

    Hope Mike is doing ok and hello to Carol, Jason, Arthuritis & anyone not in today xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,327

    hi toady thanks for your message the reality is that I’m not going to have time to send another proper message today unfortunately but thanks about my mum she only gets really ill with the diabetes fairly infrequently you’re there you’re right there but I think it has been happening a bit more recently and even if that’s not the case it was an extremely serious one last night so I really hope that it’s under control now if not she will phone the nurse which is good glad you had an okay Day you’ve got more self-control than me i generally try not to buy ice cream but good for you lol. okay I’ll go now and try and get some sleep take care. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 18. Apr 2022, 05:51

    Good Morning everyone Easter Monday already!

    How are you today Joan and Sue? Did the carers arrive on time? I expect they more or less do.Did I tell you my poor neighbour can't visit his wife ATM in respite because there is COVID-19 in the home. Made him try even harder to get fit. He is walking so well on his crutches as upright as he can😊 Take care both of you ((())) xxx

    Mike I know you haven't posted, but you have read (the 'likes' reassure me) so I know you are ok (ish at least) I also know the anti sickness don't cure it 100% by any means but make things bearable. Take care I am thinking of you and sending you ((())) and strength. Tummy tickles for Vixen xxx

    Kitty is purring that's fabulous Madame La Sleekipuss is just back form yours having hidden your tablets in a biccie again. A rich tea as we all seem to like them. Sorry about that but that's what I do with her metacam😳 She is on her pink fluffy blankie purring and kneading very very loudly here as I type.

    Your Dad really is amazing! Imagine him recovering before your sister and Val!

    I have a calendar in my phone, but it's not an app I think the storage in my phone might not cope with anymore apps sadly I really will need to get a new one soon. So bad for the environment everytime we upgrade though apparently so I'll hang on a bit longer.

    Oh no a tooth! I do hope it hasn't caused pain though?

    Toady Toni is dancing (ok not really!) I have one rocket seedling, several mixed leaves, 3 or 4 onions and 3 garlics!! We needed heat! and even better it's rained overnight here too😊 If it stays wetter maybe you will see Mr Toad again one day main thing is not to squish him isn't it? I always apologise to any insects myself when I accidentally tidy up their homes😕

    Pottering, weeding splitting all have to be done so good on you. We cleaned out (well I made Paul really, but i think he thought I was helping although i really only fetched brillos!!) the kadai so we can cook outside if we feel like it now. We will too it's such a nice back to nature activity and might save a bit of gas/electricity.

    As for heightening the wall....will take pics if I can without being seen. I am not sure really we are allowed, but he is a builder and they can take the blame if it comes back to bite us/him. Either way I will be so very glad of the extra privacy.

    Are there prizes for the scarecrows? Yes, but I never win I just enjoy the taking part if you know what I mean? My neighbour with the wall, topless husband, trampoline and loud parties has made THE most amazing one! More of a mannequin really, but phenomenal it is...

    A quick hello to Barbara who might call in today eyes permitting.

    Did Niamh call over to see you? Does Mr B still have to wear his Ted stockings? My neighbour has to until he finishes his blood thinning injections🙄

    Good Morning Reshmi. At least your Dad spotted your Mum's hypo and dealt with it properly and all was well. If it hap[ens again she will need to talk to her diabetes nurse and maybe get things adjusted you are right.

    I was with babies last night for a few hours! With the Dads in the village who have two little boys one nearly two now and one about 6 months. I got the youngest off to sleep bless him they are both adorable and their Dads are just incredible with them. Paul gives them plenty of space; he makes them cry just smiling at any young child!!

    I reckon the pollen count was stupid yesterday two and a half sunny days in a row will do that. Sometimes there's not a lot you can do, but it would have been far worse if you hadn't taken all those precautions. As would your back if you didn't try. Shame about the window, but as you say MV+DV= HV and anything to slow the lava has to be good!

    No sign of BIL then? Interesting....🤨no doubt busy doing some manly activity elsewhere. Lovely to see the boys though i bet! I have a feeling LA did love his dinosaur sticker maybe he was showing off a bit and regretted squishing it later on. Lots of waves form BR oh so sweet😍

    Happy Bengali new Year to you all I love the folk art I know my sister would really love it too being arty as she is.

    Interaction outside the family is really good for our mental health, but not always easy to achieve.....although your walks and Costa trips are the best idea. Gosh remember the proper lockdown? That was pretty awful wasn't it? Some unlucky people spoke to no-one apart from the TV for months 😒Counting blessings again.

    Carol if you get in I hope all is well with you and yours keep up the good work and stay positive ((()))

    Love to all

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Morning Froggie et al, was not up to posting yesterday, Metoclopramide not working as well as Ondansetron unfortunately so a bit of a battle coming up for a few days. If things go the same as last time I should be relatively normal by the weekend in time to start again!!

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Good morning my lovely friends, my broken teeth don't hurt too much but they do make it difficult to eat. My two crowns at the front are OK, as is my gold tooth at the back left. The dentist that put it in said a normal tooth wouldn't last long. But I have a massive gap bottom right, and lots of gaps all around my gob. It's mainly down to Sjogren's. Because I have no saliva to keep my teggies healthy. I might have mentioned that my baby teeth all crumbled away!

    Reshmi, thank you dear, and I LURVE that picture of Lancelot and Guinevere. The Arthurian legends fascinate me and my favourite poem ever is The Lady of Shallott by Alfred Lord Tennyson.

    His broad clear brow in sunlight glow'd;

    On burnish'd hooves his war-horse trode;

    From underneath his helmet flow'd

    His coal-black curls as on he rode,

          As he rode down from Camelot.

    From the bank and from the river

    He flash'd into the crystal mirror,

    'Tirra lirra, tirra lirra:'

          Sang Sir Lancelot.

    She left the web, she left the loom

    She made three paces thro' the room

    She saw the water-flower bloom,

    She saw the helmet and the plume,

          She look'd down to Camelot.

    Out flew the web and floated wide;

    The mirror crack'd from side to side;

    'The curse is come upon me,' cried

          The Lady of Shalott.

    Toady, yes a new set of teeth would lovely as I really don't fancy dentures.

    Antoinette, I discovered my medicine tucked inside my Rich Tea so I took it with a glass of milk. I'm glad to hear she is purring on her pink fluffy blanket. a puss after my own heart.

    Grilled polenta with herby mushroom medley

    British Heart Foundation

    Category: Main meal | Serves: 4

    Prep time: 20 minutes | Cooking time: 30 minutes

    1. Lightly brush a 450g (1lb) non-stick loaf tin with oil; set aside. Put 500ml (18fl oz) stock into a non-stick saucepan; bring to the boil, then reduce heat. Sprinkle in polenta, stirring with a wooden spoon; simmer over a low heat, stirring, for about 5 minutes or until cooked, thick and smooth. Remove from heat. Stir in 1 tablespoon oil, oregano and black pepper. Pour into loaf tin; level surface. Leave to cool slightly until firm enough to turn out (about 20 minutes).
    2. Meanwhile, make mushroom medley. Heat 2 teaspoons oil in a non-stick saucepan. Add leeks, sauté for 4–5 minutes. Add mushrooms, sauté for 4–5 minutes. Add wine, bring to the boil and bubble over a high heat for about 5 minutes or until wine has reduced by half. Stir in remaining 100ml (3 1/2fl oz) stock and black pepper to taste. Bring to the boil; reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, for 5 minutes. Blend cornflour with 1–2 tablespoons water until smooth; stir into mushroom sauce. Simmer for 2–3 minutes, stirring. Stir in parsley.
    3. Meanwhile, once polenta is ready, turn it out of tin; cut into 12 even slices using a sharp knife. Preheat grill to medium-high. Brush warm polenta slices with remaining oil; arrange on non-stick baking sheet. Grill for about 10 minutes or until lightly crisp on both sides, turning once.
    4. Serve grilled polenta with mushroom medley spooned over or alongside. Serve with grilled cherry tomatoes and cooked green vegetables.


    1 tbsp plus 4–5 tsp olive oil (or rapeseed oil), plus extra for greasing

    500ml (18fl oz) plus 100ml (3 1/2fl oz) homemade or reduced-salt vegetable stock

    125g (4 1/2oz) quick-cook polenta (cornmeal)

    2 tsp chopped fresh oregano

    Freshly ground black pepper, to taste

    2 leeks (about 200g/7oz total unprepared weight), washed and sliced

    350g (12oz) mixed fresh mushrooms (such as chestnut and closed cup), sliced

    150ml (1/4 pint) dry white wine (choose a vegetarian/vegan white wine if cooking for vegetarians/vegans)

    1 tsp cornflour

    2 tbsp chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein