Val's Cafe
Morning everyone😊
We were all a bit busy yesterday one way or another.
I put the cart out in the village (with help obviously!) Yesterday. Apologies for deleting the name of the village you all know where l live, but this is a public forum isn't it? Safety first!
I have put a box of P's cards on there so far and some new toiletries for sale I also have a load of union jack flags which I'll pop out nearer to the jubilee. One person brings fresh flowers another sweets for the children. On Fridays homemade cakes will appear made by villagers. All funds raised go to keeping the Church going.
Hi Joan all went well at the vets thanks for thinking of us. Sleek is on atrial of gabapentin the vet was happy to run with Barbara's theory about hyperesthesia before we spend so much money on an MRI and put her under a general anaesthetic again. Fingers crossed it helps eh? I had a cuppa with my neighbour after his physio they are so pleased with him when he goes again (6 weeks) she might take away all restrictions and his beloved wife can come home. 😊 Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx
OMG Kitty! A pre-op already they are not hanging about!! he really must be in desperate need of his surgery! Poor Chris and poor you having to cope with his mardiness (is that even a word?! well you know what I mean!) Sleek says she'll make you up a patience draught later and Chris a tolerance one to hide in his tea. I am sending ((())) xxx
Isn't it fabulous news about Mike's tumours shrinking so well? I am so pleased. I know chemo is the most gruelling thing to go through, but it's all we have and it works as we all know.
Sleek is trying gabapentin did you know it's not actually licensed for animals but oddly she was able to prescribe it? I am to keep careful eye on her and review again in another week. Poor Sleek.
Mike I hope you are starting to feel a bit more human I really do. I will tell you all about my puss's exploits ith her 'sore' back at the vet's when you have fully recovered. I hope Vixen is coping and that Sue is ok when she comes today. Some strength and ((())) xxx
Healthy breakkie yesterday @Arthuritis 😊 Now on the subject of MTX and infections I agree GPs do not always know what to do, but have you checked with rheumatology? Sometimes they want us to skip a dose to let our bodies recover from infections. Good to see you and hope you feel better soon.
Morning Reshmi having a shower can be a lot at times l need to in a minute my hair needs washing🙄 Walk first though because my hat will squash my hair back down. Still need our hats early don't we? You proved that yesterday. Soon we might not though for a few months.
You know people who don't like chocolate? they need help that can't be 'normal'🤭 sainsbury's here are selling of nomo (vegan) chocolate easter eggs half price! I got in there!!! Got one for my friend who is vegan and gluten free too.
BIL would probably be better off having the odd ready meal than risking strangers cooking him food he has no idea what's in it. Oh well he is learning the hard way. Now his coffee I bet it's not decaf is it? I had a feeling BIL might want his boys in professions. Paul is an electrical engineer and had his own business. I am absolutely not against tradespeople I actually wanted one of my girls to become a plumber or builder they are never out of work and can be very successful. I said I think a lot of women would like a woman plumber in their house doing work, but none of them fancied it.
It was cold here yesterday today it's already warmer. I have a fan by my chair a dyson one bought off ebay a few years back. I have it straight on me anytime it doesn't disturb anyone else.
take care now!
Oh Toady the flower crab spider looks quite sweet. Just don't be zooming in it's the legs I think and pincers that scare me. Having said that I am rarely scared of any spiders outside in the house well that is a very different matter.
Have you done your online boring food shop yet? I do hope so or you will start to run out! Please can I have some jammie dodger they are vegan. Sleek would like some tuna biscuits????? She is ok thanks trialling gabapentin for a week bless her heart I want her left in peace really I'd rather she didn't have an MRI as it means another general anaesthetic and the last one took it out of her. 2 days it took her to stop clinging to me.
I hope you got your evening potter in the garden? I failed yesterday😕 I had the vets, the cart to put out and a cuppa with my lovely neighbour. He is doing so well after his hip operation and his wife rang from her respite home while I was there so i got to talk to her soon. The home is still in COVID lockdown as they have two cases.
I hope you are ok Barbara? I expect it's those bloomin eyes🙄
I had a cuppa with my neighbour after his physio yesterday. She was so pleased with him she said she might be able to remove all restrictions next time he goes (in 3 weeks).
How is Mr B doing and how about yourself?
Good news is Sleek is trialling gabapentin for her back pain. the vet reckoned it was worth trying in case it is hyperesthesia. Thanks for the tip!
HI to Carol if you pop in I replied to you yesterday I think or the day before 🌈
potato and egg warm salad - gosh what a healthy week! (vegan option available of course)
Toni x
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Good morning everyone
Kitty ((())) a pre opp means Chris will be seen to see what op he needs they give you a E C G and ask questions about the pain take a blood test and they tell you or let you know when the op will be ((())) don’t worry about it Chris will feel better when it’s done. How are you feeling (())) love to Anita (()) Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Barbara (()) how are you doing and Mr B (()) love to your son (())
and Niamh (())) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toady (()) have a good day we have the sun.
Toni (()) how is sleeke do you have tablets for her (()) our next booster is booked for November. Love to Paul (())) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Mike (()) good luck if it’s today you go up the hospital (()) love to vixen.
Reshmi (()) I hope you get you phone call love to your mum (())
take care
joan xx2 -
Morning all, I don’t know whether the appointment Is a pre op or not, I’ll just be glad when it is over.
Joan, thank you for the information, very informative.
Antoinette, mardiness is definitely a word, quite commonly used in Nottm. I hope the Gabapentin is doing Madame Sleekipus some good. I love the photo, and hope you do well with P’s cards.
That’s all I can cope with for now. Love to you all.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi Toni Thanks for message that sounds a nice like a nice idea the village cart, Dyson fan that’s good to know yes showers can be quite tiring I don’t bother so much about my hair I just put clips in it lol, had a “fascinating” live chat with the mobile phone co today, I have been overcharged again the whole thing took ages to sort out and basically looks like I won’t be funded for some of the things They said I would be at least that was my understanding is really annoying isn’t it, mobile phone companies? I have a friend an elderly gentleman he’s a clever guy but not really au fait with technology Which is v understandable I’m not hundred percent expert at it myself, lol, He went to phone shop to get slightly better phone but was swindled into getting the latest model bless him. Yes I had a good walk today thanks must admit I went to the bakery but I’m not doing it every day nor becoming bill not just yet, lol. I’m glad The vets has made some decisions about your cat. I can’t believe EF are visiting again Saturday sometimes they don’t visit for ages and then they sort of go mad on its a bit weird weird I think that prob some of LA’s nursery pal will follow him to school, if not LA is great at making friends 😄.
It was funny the other day because my mum was cooking lamb not for me because I I generally detest it but what happened is that the whole house smelled of lamb and when I went out for a walk even my coat smelled of lamb!! can you imagine that a coat smelling of meat? Lol, It’s a good job I didn’t go to the park and otherwise as LA once said the dogs may have Eaten me, haha, Toni I was just wondering when you did eat meat was there any particular meat which you detested most of all? Bit of an odd day actually I’m feeling hot and cold and one room is feeling vastly different to another not so good at least there is peace in the sense that excess are taking a recess or something like that lol, your day is going okay an electrical engineer that’s interesting I had a friend when I used to do charity work she was in her 60s perhaps and she said that her sister was a plumber that was quite interesting it’s odd isn’t it really have certain jobs even now are predominantly male? okay bookmark pic for today is Birds - nest - hair perhaps a better alternative to the winter hat and flat hair dilemma? Lol. Good day Tony take care. Xx
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Hi to t kitty Barbara J hope you’re all okay today? my mum and I are not doing too badly thanks Joan how are you and Sue? Barbara Hope you’re good how are your eyes today sorry this is really short I might try to write a bit more later take care everybody. Xx
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hi all sorry another bookmark pic healthy folic acid containing almonds take care. Xx
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Hi to kitty toady Barbara Joan hope you’re all okay? Joan my mum and I are not doing too badly thanks, no reply from rheumo helpline as yet, Hi Barbara Hope you’re good today? how are your eyes today? sorry this is really short I might try to write a bit more later. Tc. Xx
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Hi Everyone just found something funny online, true story when Bill was was newly married he and my sis went to Las Vegas on hol and he ate a seven person meal all by himself the meal looked something like this oh dear!! Tc. Xx
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Hello campers :) hi-de-hi 😁 excuse record short post, having been on the internet a fair bit I thought I should have a walk & a rest this pm, but after that got summoned to the eBay packaging corner which took up the leftover time. But I have paced properly, & my shopping is here (help yourselves to jammie dodgers 😉), & am expecting tomorrow to be quiet so I should be around - have a good night all 😘 xx
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Morning everyone :)
I hope you are feeling a bit better every day Mike soon be feeling well enough to eat before the next onslaught. Oh I meant to ask did you take your dragon in with you to the hospital? Sending my usual strength and ((())) for you and strokes for Vixen.
Kitty me duck I can say mardiness and in Chris' case it is bang on I think🙄 I am sorry he's being such a pain in the rear for you you have quite enough to cope with.
P's cards usually do very well indeed and I hope they will do even better now because people will be happy to see they can still buy them won't they?
Madame La Sleekipuss is doing ok on teh gabapentin - not sure how long they will take to work, but we checked her back last night gently and there was a tiny twitch. Still that was day one so very optimistic of us.
I love love love the pusskin pic so sweet🤗
Hi Joan Sleek's tablets are a capsule with a powder i have to shake it out and divide into two piles one am one pm and mix into a tiny bit of food. So far so good 🤞November sounds a long way off doesn't it? Mind you know how quickly that comes round at least the jab is booked that's the main thing😊
Oh dear I have lucy's apron I need to dash straight back to her work asap....
Back in a minute
Toni xx
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I lost my edit went over the hour i expect🙄
Fuming with myself.
Toady l have helped myself to a couple of jammie dodgers hope that's ok with my decaf coffee.
We all have manic days from time to time well done getting the walk in so important. All shopping present and correct and ebay stuff packaged and off all good.👍️
Yesterday I managed to watch Monty while do my ironing. I have my jobs to do now even though some of them aren't really appropriate for my garden this week.
I hope today is an easier day for you.
Reshmi I have lost count of the number of conversations I have had with mobile phone providers🙄 well done to you for getting your sorted out and not being overcharged. That poor old boy I bet he is still paying for that top of the range phone to this day!
When I ate meat my least favourites were; kidneys, liver and heart! Why? why did they do that to me???🤢 How annoying your coat smelling of lamb (my Dad hated lamb so my mum cooked it when he was working away) imagine being chased by a hoard of hungry hounds😮
Well done going for your walk I am pleased you managed it and a quick trip to the bakery once in a while will do you no harm and is unlikely to turn you into BIL!!! Imagine your stomach would never cope with it.
LA will do fine at school he is a gregarious chap and will soon have friends of any gender.
As for gender role jobs. Yes that is true we do perceive certain jobs as being for certain genders a bit wrong really as that lady plumber in her 60s proves. Mind you I have to admit I am not at all keen on male nurses helping me with any sort of personal care not Drs anything to do with ladies stuff.
I must say thank you for the almonds they are so good for us and even safe for your Mum and Barbara with their kidneys.
I had to smile there excess need to go into recess! I reckon they have missed you while they have been unable to visit due to COVID then that bug...
Better get on now have a good day are you ready for an early walk?
Barbara I hope all is well with you and Mr B. I am sure it will have been your eyes which kept you away yesterday, but if you don't appear today I will investigate.
Take care anyone else who pops in! the kettle is ON!
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Too rough yesterday even to get the laptop out, bit better today and about to try some dry toast in a bit. As of next Thursday I will be halfway through the chemo as there are three rounds, each of two sessions, so 6 sessions in all; two done and four to go. I still hope that they will get easier but as yet that is not the case. Vixen is doing a sterling job looking after me, if I am asleep in my recliner she will jump up onto the arm of the chair and either lick my hand or put her paw on it.
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I forgot I was told after you have had the pre op it can be about 6 weeks or they have to do the pre op again I don’t know if it’s still like that (())) love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (())) and your Dad (())
Barbara (()) our neighbour had a problem with his hearing aids from the hospital he sent them back up there they’ve got lost he has to pay them £400 pounds. I hope you are has well has can be (()) love to everyone ((()))
Toady (()) I hope you have a quieter day today.
Toni (()) that’s good you have something to help sleeke (()) our jab has been changed to the middle of May. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely brother neighbours (())
Mike (())) you are doing so well are you beginning to feel a bit better yet ((())) love to vixen (())
Reshmi (()) have a good weekend love to your mum (())
take care
joan xx1 -
Hello all, just catching up back up - I can't believe you had to go to Lucy's work twice frog, let alone the first being at 5-ish I presume 😱 5 am, I mean, just the thought of such ungodly hours for owls like me 🦉 sorry you lost your edit because of it. Not the nicest of days is it bit chilly and damp looking. Will go about some indoor business, though I have been for a quick once round the garden; I think my allium roseum are coming up which will be nice. No lettuce in my grocery order (quicker I get on with growing some the better) nothing else missing though, so the jammie dodgers are not on ration 😊 I have chocolate mallows too but no good to you I'm afraid. 😔 I have posted something nicer/less spidery to look at, ie a snail 3 feet or more up in my rosemary plant. Which is too big and in the wrong place, but the bees love it, same goes for the oregano that has spread over one border.. so the 'perennial' haha question, do you dig up healthy plants which you have let get away from you, always seems a bit mean doesn't it 🤔. I have one Monty to go, some enviable gardens in ep 5, including Mr I Live in Fife with my Wife (aside of those small invasive things he had in the garden.. potential irritants.. what are they called, oh yes, children. Sorry mums and dads 😂) I also really liked the tropical/triangle one, & didn't they suit it! I liked the shady dense feeling of it. When are your main jubilee celebrations & are there May Day things as well? all looking v nice anyway 😊 I don't know why I assumed the neighbours scarecrow would be female too, must have just been the mental train of thought with your Queen, in fact if you say scarecrow most people probably think male anyway.. another one of those gender occupation assumptions that we're talking of! I'm definitely coming back as a plumber or builder in the next life, no question, at least we've moved on from wretched Home Ec & needlework at school for girls, ridiculous and such a waste of girls' and boys' time that would have had a real interest or leaning for each other's classes. 🙄 That's still quite a while before your neighbour gets his wife back isn't it, I suppose it's quick in real terms since the op but must not seem like it. Did you see Hugh Warwick has had a triple hernia op & expected to recuperate quicker from that, picked up an infection too, not nice poor thing 😔
Hi bosh, yes we've probably got a bit out of sequence with posts but I've read back so I'm up to speed I think, and there was nothing newsworthy in any of mine so we can just start over. Sorry about your mobile phone thing, I just have payg because I don't use mine much, people have endless trouble with contracts &c, Toni & your friend just for a start, the tip of the iceberg. It is annoying me that many more places want phone numbers for logins & stuff, I don't want to use the same number for (say) friends & the bank & shops & odd things, so it will mean running multiple numbers that I don't even want. Hope you are having an ok day & you are braced for EF.. as much as you can be.. I expect the weather suits you a bit better today. Yes camomile, funnily enough thinking about it I don't like it in itself, so I guess the reason I don't mind it in the grapefruit one I have is because I can't taste it much lol. Ginger is great though. Have you tried ginseng in tea or anything, if so how did you get on? Good luck again for a call back from rheumy line. x
Joan I have much less to do today thank you 😀 your poor neighbour all that money! why is he liable did he send the hearing aids back by an untracked method and did the delivery co lose them, not the hospital surely then they would be liable. Anyway oh dear 😕. Hope you are both having a good day it is a bit dull & blustery but not too bad. xx
Hello Kitty hope Chris definitely only has to be pre-opped the once that would help a lot, fingers crossed🤞lovely cat picture, aren't people clever, always amazes me, just a bit of paint yet you can create something so real looking. xx
Waves at Barbara, hope things going not too bad with you both :) No news here having a quiet day, well I might turn out a drawer or 2.. I have a box with 17 expired mobile sim & top-up cards in, surely I can part with those.. can't I.. 🤔😂 xx
Mike hope Operation Dry Toast a success 👍️ and hopefully this week will be steady & a bit of a buffer zone for you, love to Vixen x
Best to all xx
Snail & rosemary
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h t glad you’re okay take care. Xx
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hi Toni how are you today? I did go on a walk indeed but not as early as I wanted to but on the plus side I did have a good nights sleep I got up early in the morning felt cold put another jumper on and then fell back straight to sleep oh well we all need do that sometimes, oh no Lucy forgot her apron it’s good that she’s got you to help her😄. Yes no doubt the EF have some good motivations but they’re a complex breed, lol, I can’t pretend I understand them completely tbh or that I understand them at all some days haha, my sis had started making early morning phone calls to my mum about silly things again, I keep telling her that mum is not well she needs to take care of her diabetes and at least get out of bed before you start this phoning but tbh the thing is that even though she’s nice she’s also very selfish my mum was saying how she feels under pressure because of my sisters questions but and if no one wants to change I can’t stop them can I? at least I have the satisfaction of knowing that I’ve tried. Yes you’re right there the LA likes his socialising bless. My sister and I have this mutual friend a girl she met at school not the megabrain person another lady she is very nice but her eating habits are a little bit like bills when she eats she goes for it basically that’s one way of putting it lol she’s always putting pics of cakes and things on Facebook and recently she went to a sort of milkshake plus cake type café and she put the pics of this drink and two diff types of cakes that were meant to be choc and carrot cake but tbh everything well at least the cakes looked more or less the same they were so smothered in whipped cream to my mind it really look absolutely disgusting and in true bill style she had is a massive amount of everything my goodness she must’ve really needed a whole pharmacy worth of antacids after that lol what’s also funny is that her husband is one of these annoying skinny people who keeps his low weight whatever he eats oh well that’s the injustice of life I suppose, haha, what is a bit worrying tho is that their daughter who is only about 10 is being given the same kind of diet absolutely pure sugar oh well I don’t interfere when it’s none of my bizz but I feel sorry for the poor girl she’s getting a bit chubby now but she shouldn’t really be at that age aww bless. as for EF I’m not saying that I completely dislike them of course ha ha but I would say that I can only really cope with them in small doses a bit like cod-liver oil perhaps any more that then they become a kind of evil witches brew but don’t tell anyone 🤐 lol. Bye for now Toni take care. Xx
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Hi Barbara K and Joan how are you all doing today? I am not so bad thanks a little bit tired but it could be worse ha ha thanks Joan my mum is not doing too badly thank you apart from getting a bit stressed with arrangements for excess family visiting tomorrow take care everybody. Xx
hi toady hope that you’re having a nice quiet relaxing kind of day? jammy dodgers oh my goodness toady you are tempting me now lol I have to stick with the rich tea biscuits if you’ve got some please methotrexate day and methotrexate hour are looming take care of yourself xx
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Evening all Sorry for being absent again..yes its these eyes but will give it a ho
Toni I am hoping all will be fine for mumiss sleek ..bless her my ne7ces dog us on gaberpentin ..the village cart is such a lovely idea ti raise money bet the school children like it ..Mr B is doing ok ..can I ask if your neighbour had the anterior hip replacement done by keyhole..rather than the one with the very large scar..mych better they recon xx
Toady I take it you don't care for children little irritants 😂😂oh god I needed a laugh ..naughty neighbours coming out when you do ..I dint like small talk so know wgat you mean ..loving the photos xx
Carol you keep on getting there ..abd u hope the children recover very soon xx
Mike si the lump has shrunk ..that is such good news so glad Vixen is there for a Cuddle ..xx
Kitty I know what you are going through 😟hopefully Chris will behave unlike Mr B look after yourself xx
Reshmi blimey was it your bil who eat all the food 😯goodness knows wete ge put it ..hope you have a good weekend xx
Joan your poor neighbour that us such a lot if money ..hope you are all keeping OK and thankyou xx
Barbara1 -
Hi Barbara really nice to hear from you yeah Bill eats a huge amount of food he used to be quite active and sporty but he doesn’t do any exercise these days and he’s getting quite large to put it diplomatically lol, how are You doing today Barbara? how’s Mr B? bye for now have a nice evening. Xx
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Hi Toni how are you this evening? I just wanted to say I forgot to mention I was looking at takeaway food But not buying and I came across a menu option called pasta Vesuvio! I’m not joking it really is a main course lol, a sort of normal tomato pasta I think but basically with Scotch Bonnet peppers oh no don’t tell the brother-in-law! bye for now. Xx
PS (I’m not sure of this is exactly the right image but it’s a similar one.)
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Morning everyone.
A bit drizzly out there today. I have had to feed Tia's cats after I took Lucy to work this morning then Sleek's gabapentin mixture.... so late in.
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Went over my hour edit time again...
A bit drizzly out there today. I have had to feed Tia's cats after I took Lucy to work this morning then Sleek's gabapentin mixture.... so late in.😳
Morning Mike Vixen is a little angel-puss looking after her Daddy like that. Ok I get it half way next time. As for things getting easier I don't think they really do more like you get better at knowing what will happen and when. How you will feel and when it's 'safe' to eat, what to eat and when etc. You've done well so far no infections I am sure your thermometer is close by just in case you feel chilly/headachy etc.Please don't feel that you must call in when you feel rough we certainly understand, but know we are all thinking of you very much ((())) xxx
Hi Joan that is excellent news the middle of May is much more like it 👍️So far Sleek's new tablets haven't made much difference, but maybe they need to build up a bit. Did you go into town yesterday? ((())) for you and Sue xxx
Toady it wasn't the best day yesterday no rain here, but so much wind the beds were all bone dry so I watered some of the newer shrubs and perloigned plants from the end of last season. I also prepared all my pots for the bedding plants I planted (I have one seedling! a verbena). Kari came over with a visitor and we all spent an hour outside. Kari's friend bought some cards and a jigsaw from the cart so that's good. The cart made £42 this week and was only out for 3 days or was it two?
Oh! your allium is coming up how lovely! and the snail he's a pretty boy isn't he? I don't suppose he'll do much harm up there. Plants which have got carried away and really gone over....hmmmm very tricky no I hate hurting plants. So I try giving them a good prune or take cuttings first ready to replace. they have to go in our garden bin for the bin men, (ours really are men!), if I remove them the day the bin men come or I feel guilty! I can't look in the bin at plants I am letting go and they can't go in my composter either in case I see them😒
You have Monty jobs to do ok that's good. The triangle garden yes it was wonderful. Nothing i would ever contemplate, but wonderful all the same and so 'them'! Kari's friend who came yesterday - she has a wonderful garden it's full of art as well as plants so so so much interest in Cambridgeshire. She and Kari are artists you see.
I will keep helping myself to the jammie dodgers if that's ok them not the choc mallows although you can get vegan ones you know?
My noisy neighbour's is amazing more of a sculpture than a scarecrow it's peaky blinders complete with **** in his mouth🤭I will get you a photo and will be voting for him 100%
Oh poor Hugh Warwick that sounds nasty an infection too😖
I think my neighbour will want his wife home NOW, but he knows he needs to be fit to care for her even with carers coming in. For him it has felt like forever, but it's only 3 weeks.
Oh yes I remember having to do 'sewing' or 'cooking' while the boys good metalwork or woodwork. Kari got metalwork one year by insisting bless her! The future will become more equal I am sure. You come back as a plumber if you can I think it's a great idea😊women power!
Barbara I suspected it was your poor eyes I so wish there was a real cure. Maybe one day eh?🤞
My neighbour had the one with the large scar unfortunately, but he is a tough cookie and isn't planning on wearing his bikini anytime soon😁
What about Mr B?
The cart is a great way of raising money and people love it here. It's like a shop almost a meeting place as we have no pub or shop. On a warm summer's evening I see them at it just chatting and hopefully spending money too!
Is it your lovely niece whose dog is on gabapentin? Did it help? We are trying it for the possible hyperesthesia you suggested.
I hope you have a good weekend planned with maybe a visit from Niamh? Is she enjoying her school break?
Morning Reshmi How are you today? I am well thanks apart from MTX hangover of course. Going to try toast in a mo... You did well sleeping on and getting your walk in😊
EF as you say it is difficult to understand other people we just have to accept them as they are and relate to them where we can - cod liver oil😂that made me smile! Luckily you have those gorgeous boys to help you out with their antics. Your Mum would need to ask your sister to ring later, but I doubt she will because she's a Mum. My Charley rings me sometimes too late (early bed due to Lucy's shifts) I always listen even if i am thinking 'go away I need my bed!'
Yours and your sister's mutual friend does a BIL?! Oh no! Those cakes and milkshakes just how many calories must be in that lot?!!!!😮
I know the shop we have one here too I think they are 1. a waste of money and 2. a huge waste of calories! I would be sick (not vegan anyway luckily) and as you said our stomachs wouldn't cope without extensive pharmaceutical help!🤢
Weird isn't it how some people eat what they want and never gain weight? I have no idea why or how that happens, but at least he might be safe. Ah yes but is he? Is he quietly acquiring diabetes? So wrong to make your children overweight isn't it the poor little girl might get teased at school😕
Kitty I do hope everything is ok? Sleek is on her way so I'll get a report later no doubt.....
I hope Chris is behaving?
Time we had an update from Emily's I think chickens/veggies etc.....
All is well here Sleek is taking her medication well although I see no improvement at all in her reaction if you touch her back yet. Do you think it needs to build up in her system?
Woo-oo! To anyone who pops by - Carol for instance or @Arthuritis
It's Saturday so...
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Good morning everyone
Barbara (()) sorry about your eyes do they ache (()) how his Mr B (()) doing. I hope you have a good weekend. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé ((())
Kitty (())) and Chris have a good weekend. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) have a good weekend thank for the photo’s we have a mock orange plant.
Toni (()) I hope sleeke’s tablets help her (()) I have a scar from my hip op I broke my hip had it screwed then after a year I had a thr all the op’s in the same place it’s 26 years now no trouble at all. Have a good weekend yes we did go to the cafe. Yes she does look like the queen. Love to Paul (())) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Mike (()) and vixen have a good weekend
Reshmi (()) have a good weekend take care love to your mum (())
take care
joan xx1 -
My day
4am get up, struggle to the bathroom and wash. Then clean bathroom in semi darkness.
5 am struggle to bedroom and get dressed and use inhalers while listening to Radio 4.
6 am try to make my bed and dust the room. Say my prayers.
7am clinging to the handrails while carrying my bag of inhalers, struggle downstairs. Then sit down and try to wake up. Take rubbish outside.
10am eat sandwiches Chris prepared the day before.
11am Chris goes to prepare sandwiches for tomorrow..
1pm Go to bed and read my Bible.
6pm go downstairs for cooked meal, prepare tablets for tomorrow.
7pm Go back to bed and wait for 4am tomorrow
Repeat ad infinitum.
I only have one thing to say:
H E L P!
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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