Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,328

    Hi Toni how are you today? I just wanted to say i understand about it being diff for mums etc but what sis isn’t understanding is that the med and insulin are essential for my mum so that she can stay alive basically but my mum will always put herself in second place and listen to my sister rabbiting on about whether the chickens gone out of date or whatever while she is doing very important things like medicine and sometimes things go wrong that’s all I’m saying anyway but like we said you can’t really change other people but I do find it v stressful indeed.

    I’m glad that The village community enjoy shopping from the cart it must be nice to live somewhere where there is a sense of community, going back to your previous message that must’ve been horrible having to eat hearts and things like that yuck I remember one of my moms friends are used to force-feed me lamb when I was a child it was disgusting. Other People are mysteries generally speaking there is no doubt there and we have to try and find some common ground I get that but when people are selfish it’s always counter-productive that’s all I’m saying. I just Wanted to remind you I sent a little pic of pasta Vesuvio that was hilarious let me know your thoughts, lol. Yes I agree with you completely extremely unhealthy eating is bad for us in many ways even if some people are naturally slim, diabetes cholesterol and so on and so forth as you said it’s also sad in many ways about their little girl anyway what you can’t control best to leave it alone or you’ll have an angry bill calling you on the phone sorry just making a nonsensical half poetic effort there lol. I read a bit of your message to B about The neighbour who “won’t be wearing a bikini anytime soon “ lol! gtg bye for now Toni have a nice morning well almost afternoon take care. Xx

    ps bill loves tacos so enclosed is a picture of the worlds biggest taco, lol. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,328

    Hi Toady how are you today? I’m really sorry but I’d almost finished a decent sized message when the EF situation began so I have to try and send a proper one later just wanted to say to you I agree with you about phones contracts and passwords and I’ve got a bookmark smashed phone pic to help my navigation as it were I’m sorry about that got to rest bye for now. Xx

  • Arthuritis
    Arthuritis Member Posts: 495

    Thanks for the croissants…

    This made my day… hilarious! - see image

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,328

    Hi Toady 🐸sorry looks like the long message is not going to happen today but I just wanted to say that yes passwords etc tremendous headache I know, I remember once pre - arthritis I went to the gym and got so tired I forgot my own pin number when trying to get cash out of the ATM and I had to contact the bank by phone and they of course wanted DNA blood sample and all the rest of it ha ha, though there is of course a rumour that the Mona Lisa used her mobile to buy her Tesco veggies , lol, I hope your Day is going okay? Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,328

    Hi Joan how are and Sue you doing today? I’m not too bad thanks mum’s okay too thank you but Excess Family are here so it’s a bit of a difficult time I hope you are both having a nice afternoon take care.xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,328

    hi Barbara how are you today? how are you eyes? I’m not too bad thanks but the Excess Family have come so it’s a bit of a difficult time take care, Reshmi. Xx.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603
    edited 23. Apr 2022, 16:38

    Hi all, not at all a nice day again, yes so windy frog! yesterday I was calling it blustery & it was no worse up to a point then it just dug itself in and by the time I was thinking of a walk it was really not on, so cold with it, I just chickened out. Rough tomorrow I believe then a bit of merciful quiet again hopefully. Things were certainly suffering in the garden I can't imagine my tulips will be standing up to this but as long as it only takes the things that are already nearly passing over, fair enough, please leave the new stuff alone 😪. What verbena is yours? I see you can't look your plants (that have to go) in the face, oh dear, we're not fitted for this hard cruel world are we 😂. Nice update to the Queen, even though I liked your old face, you are looking very good there Ma'am 😊 wouldn't she look great standing next to the cart it might make someone look twice 😀 not surprised it's popular it's awful that villages have slowly ended up with no shops & POs like they have. Have I complained out loud before about the Milk & More service, probably yes, I top up sometimes with them (not very often!) and every time they get worse - guess what the best they can do for a pot of cream is - a fancy brand glass 250ml bottle for £2.35. Madness 🙄 I will never ever forgive them for taking away the proper doorstep service it should be 😕. Hope Sleek is ok I left her out of my good wishes yesterday, fingers crossed there is improvement by her next visit.

    Hello joan very windy today will be glad when it stops, the noise is annoying apart from anything. I'm very tempted by the mock orange now I've looked up a bit about it 😀 it's a nice height, and easy to grow and care for they say. Hope you will both have a good weekend. xx

    Kitty you do ever so well to keep going even if your routine is not 9 to 5 & I hope you credit yourself for what you do manage - it's a rare day I wash dress and make the bed & whatever I do do it's a sketchy half a job usually. I know you have to dust for medical reasons sorry you can't let it go a bit - I think of people I know who do housework fanatically and it's so unfair for them to have the energy. 😒 Love & hugs xx

    Barbara glad you are getting on alright with Mr B.. just about (or despite him).. 'you've all done very well' as Young Mr Grace would say 📺️ 😊 .. as for children, 'the little dears', you only have to look at Arthuritis' picture, enough said 😱 😂 they would be still paying me back for that in 20 years. In fact I would pay to not have those two anywhere near me 😂 (mind you even as a child they wouldn't've been my cup of tea, I was good & tidy 😇 probably explains a lot). Love to you both 😘

    bosh I hope the EF is under control🤞& hope pasta Vesuvio is not the 'house special' today 😬 ..don't worry ever about replies btw - after a certain point, reading back & replying (especially when you've got stuff going on), could get a bit too much like homework, so just pick up again at random 😊 Yes plenty of rich tea biscuits here I'm never without a packet in the house (true!) if that ever happened Rome would probably fall, or am I thinking about England and the ravens at the Tower 🤔 just ignore me 😂. See you sometime when things have quietened down all the best x

    Best to Mike too hope you & Vixen have a quiet Sunday x

    Love to all as & when/if they call in xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230
    edited 24. Apr 2022, 05:43

    Morning everyone.

    Joan I am pleased you both got to the café on Friday i hope you had a good meal there what is your favourite and do you both like the same foods? Is that a twin thing too? Thanks Sleek is at least taking her meds well let's just hope they help eh? ((())) xxx

    Oh Kitty that sounds to be a very demoralising routine you have there, but you deserve a pat on the back for doing it every day and keeping going.

    I take it the only breaks to routine you get are when Asda bring your shopping or a DN nurse comes to take blood etc. (Or Madame La Sleekipuss calls round of course)

    Does no-one call from Church ever?

    Does Chris not feel sick of it himself? Surely he would appreciate seeing a different face (thinking of carers again) at times?

    Morning Reshmi How are you doing today? All is well here no work for lucy today so a lie in for me although I still woke up at 5🙄 Typical!

    I loved that pasta! imagine that pasta vesuvius (ish!) 😂although scotch bonnets🤧would have my eyes running do NOT tell BIL whatever you do! Your sister clearly doesn't think about your Mum's needs just her own at times, but sadly she won't unless your Mum was to say nicely 'I've got to go I need to take my insulin' for example, but she won't do that because she is a Mum. So frustrating for you to have to stand by and watch I think?

    I have a friend who is so so lovely she was extremely overweight she lost 7/8 stone, but her daughter was obese too and her eldest son (middle one is ok) she always said it's a family thing like she can't do anything about it? and then she did! All that weight gone on her own - no surgery just sensible eating and her daughter (she's about 11 now) started to lose weight just by virtue of there being less junk in the house and meals being healthier. It can be done. Oh and my friend can breathe better too her asthma used to be appaling.

    Oh yes my neighbour is about 77 and male he cares not a jot about scars, just wants to get well enough to get his beloved wife home bless him.😁

    The village is a lovely one on the whole unless some of them fall out. Gosh when they do you want to hide in the house until they make friends again🙄 Honesty like kids they can be!

    That taco just looks gross to me! BIL likes too much doesn't he? Like almost anything unhealthy🤭

    Sending ((())) to Mike and hoping today is a good day and you will be able to eat and drink ok. Oh yes I meant to ask I presumed really that the diorama has had to take a backseat just now? Take care Mike we are all here for you xxx

    OMG @Arthuritis I sincerely hope that paint was emulsion😖 The one on the counter looks quite terrifying don't you think?

    Just where would you/could you start?

    Toady we did have a scarecrow by the cart the first year, but I think it scared the kids.🤭and we need their parents buying stuff! Watch this space there may be a pic later of this years's Church display. If i find any previous ones I will post them too. I know milk and more come here (or something like that), but the cost is ludicrous! and I think you have to order in advance which just isn't practical. We need the real milkman back!

    We have a bus every half hour (20 mins walk from my house not in the village up on the main road) from 7 am to 7 7 pm. That's your lot. Thank goodness for the school being here and bringing life.

    Are you the same if you have to 'let plants go'? I am such a whimp this includes, by the way, tomato plants which have gone over😳 Today we must inspect the damage outside (your poor tulips!) and hope nothing is too badly harmed by those bloomin winds😠 I can't tell you which verbena they are just now I am still in my PJs and the packet is in my shed! Some plants I have already protected like Monty said last week. I had already done it of course (goody goody!) for the peonies because they never survive a battering well do they?

    Sleek is fast asleep here I will post a pic in a minute from my phone.

    Better get on I need to feed Tia's cats!

    Toni x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Good morning lovelies, sorry for the rant, but I think Chris is heading for another breakdown. His mental state has never been good and the stress he's under now is killing him. But thank you for your support and generous comments.

    Reshmi, I ove the picture of the Mona Lisa with that healthy bag of delicious vegetables -I WANT THOSE VEGGIES!

    Toady, I do try to do a bit each day, but today we seem to have reached a crisis and I haven't done anything. Chris is in a terrible state. But thank you for reminding me that others are also struggling.

    Arthuritis, what on earth! Some mothers do have em comes to mind. How does the poor woman cope?

    Antoinette, oh how sweet Sleek looks on her fluffy pink blankie. I do look forward to her visits. Emily hasn't posted a blog for ages, I think she is too busy with work and congregation stuff, so I don't know how Hennifer and co are faring - I do hope they are stil providing her with eggs and that a fox hasn't taken them! My congregation would be a great help to me, but as Chis is a non believer, I'm not allowed to contact them. 😪,1526px,4259px,1832px&resize=556,505 There was an error displaying this embed.

    Save recipe


    Wholemeal pitta pockets

    from O;ive Magazine Published: February 17, 2022 at 11:03 am


    2 x 7g sachets fast-action dried yeast

    2 tbsp date molasses or runny honey

    300g strong white bread flour, plus extra for dusting

    250g wholemeal flour

    3 tbsp vegetable oil


    STEP 1

    Tip the yeast, 200ml of warm water and the date molasses into the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the dough hook attachment and leave to stand until foamy. Scatter in the flours and 1½ tsp of fine sea salt, then start mixing on a low speed. Add enough warm water (100-150ml) to create a smooth dough, then add the oil and increase the speed for 5 minutes to knead. Cover and rest for at least 30 minutes or chill for up to a day. 

    STEP 2

    Heat the oven to 240C/fan 220C/gas 9 with your heaviest baking tray or a pizza stone inside on the middle shelf. Cut the dough into 12 even pieces (about 70g each). Roll each into a ball using your palm, then put on a lightly floured baking tray, leaving space between each one. Leave to prove, uncovered, for 20-25 minutes – this will allow the gluten to rest before rolling out. 

    STEP 3

    Dust the worksurface with a little flour and, using a rolling pin, roll each ball out into a 10cm round. Carefully put as many dough rounds as will fit in a single layer on the hot tray in the oven and quickly shut the oven door. Once the pittas have puffed up – this will take 2-3 minutes depending on how hot your oven gets – quickly remove them from the oven. They shouldn’t colour much and don’t need turning. Repeat with the remaining dough, keeping the baked pittas warm in a clean tea towel before serving. 

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,245

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I’m sorry you have such a struggle you need help you feel worn out and you’ve only just started the day (())) love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) have a good day.

    Toni (()) I hope you have a good day how is sleeke doing (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (()) I hope they are soon reunited (())

    Barbara (()) have a good day love to Mr B (()) your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Mike (()) have a good day how are things love to vixen

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,328

    hi Kitty how are you today? thanks for your nice message no need at all to apologise for ranting I remember when I was also lying in bed in pain and waking at 4 o’clock in the morning, sorry about chris too maybe he could see the psychiatric nurse? You wants Mona Lisa’s veggies okay fair enough, lol. Take care Reshmi. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,328

    hi toady how are you? I’m feeling a lot more settled now that EF have left the building with Elvis or something like that haha thanks about the rheumy helpline as you call it haha, nurse just left a message saying I need to see GP so that will be a nice hanging on the line adventure that I will postpone for some point on Monday or Tue, like Toni I’m not a massive fan of phoning up for bloods and apps and things often feel like avoiding all together but I will do my duty at some point as soon 😄. Yes Aren’t the passwords and all that stuff extremely annoying? I remember once I thought it was a good idea to have the same password for more or less everything but then I was told this wasn’t secure but then I was all again told also told that you have to be able to remember them really easily so basically variety is not quite the spice of life when it comes to passwords so I must admit I have lots of v similar ones plus a few different we shouldn’t have to feel like we’re doing a PhD in it, lol, I agree.

    Special pasta dish was not served thanks for asking at least literally though as for figuratively well I can’t quite say I can’t quite say for legal reasons, lol.

    Rich tea biscuits always in supply at toady’s okay I’ll remember that though you may regret having told me when I tell everyone else on the Planet 🪐just joking lol, maybe you could start being a Deliveroo Restaurant supplying rich tea and cups of tea throughout the land? I would say charge at least £500,00 delivery fee so we can buy the Jammie Dodgers factory, haha, okay bye for now t hope your day is going okay take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,328

    hi Toni how are you today? I take your point about sister etc but the thing is that it’s not just frustrating and stressful for me to have to watch what’s going on but also when my mum is ill it’s my dad and I who have to pick up the pieces well mostly me to be completely honest it’s always been that way wherever sis has been living whether she’s been attached or not that’s the reality of the situation generally speaking but anyway like you said or someone said anyway lol it’s best to try not to worry about what you can’t change though a certain amount of worry def makes us human. That’s a shame you But you had the potential for a lie in but woke early it’s v irritating isn’t it when you get used to something and then you can’t relax? Never mind. feeling, don’t worry about PV shall we call it i hid it from Bill as I’m pretty sure he’s having more than enough of unhealthy or spicy pasta dishes LA was his usual glorious but naughty self yesterday I did manage to scare him though with the mention of an evil witch that lives upstairs and leave eats all the LAs she can find if they don’t eat up their carrots worked a treat that one haha BR was great even said bye to me with his wave when I went when they went home which was lovely sis actually dumped the kids here an visited megabrain my mum got so exhausted yesterday but she wouldn’t let me help her usual story I just feel sad that sis takes this attitude anyway they’ve gone for now and that’s the main thing for me oh I see so all is well in the village unless some people have a bit of a Barney oh dear yes I can imagine that perhaps not ideal if you want a bit of peace and quiet .

    im a bit tired today Actually but not excessively I dread to Think what Bill was eating yesterday he was absent due to bad cold which was true ,but he was probably eating all the Deliveroo tacos on the planet to make up for the time when my sister made him eat a salad or something like that lol, that taco didn’t look particularly tasty did it? Maybe It was mainly the photography. my walk was not too bad thanks how was yours? I better go now as I’m running out of steam.

    PS my bookmark pic is say Japanese lantern scene because I’m watching another Japanese movie and it was very enjoyable , okay enjoy the pic. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,328

    Hi Barbara and Joan sorry bit pushed for time right now just wanted to ask if you are both doing okay ? I’m not too bad thanks neither is mum okay take care have a lovely afternoon. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Village Church scarecrows!

    Supposed to be a jubilee street party

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    Bit too late for me to make a decent attempt at a coherent post 😉 so just a hello to all, and will 'pick up song' (I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue fans) tomorrow I expect - have as good a night as possible folks (oh to sleep like Sleek on her blankie! the lamb 😘 ) xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Morning everyone!

    Toady was right it looks far less windy out there today. Wasn't easy doing the scarecrows in that wind up there yesterday! I will check to see whether they are still standing in a minute!

    Mike I think you are still struggling which is just awful for you😕 I know you would call in if you could manage it. Please don't worry your little 'likes' are enough for us to know you are ok (very 'ish' I'm sure). I really hope you get a few days respite before Thursday. Sending my usual strength and ((())) xxx

    Joan how are you today? I will try to get a better photo of the scarecrows 'Jubilee street party' later but i hope you get the gist of it? Sleek seems fine though getting less keen to eat the foo with the meds in it! Vets on wednesday Paul is going to speak to her. Hope you are both ok and the carers? ((())) xxx

    Morning Kitty me duck.

    I am so sorry your congregation can't visit is it that Chris doesn't want them in the house or because they can't come (surely not?) with a non believer in the house? I know how much their support would help you with all you are coping with. You a have your bible and you have us and you don't rant!

    Rarely do you complain, but it does sound as though things with Chris are reaching some sort of crescendo😥 You must be living in a state of anxiety. Just be careful and try so hard to look after you.

    Sleek has been I know and wrapped you up in blankies (hers are all pink as you know) she is worried about Chris too.

    We have no news of Hennifer or her sisters? That's a shame, but maybe soon. It's getting lighter so I think eggs will be being laid😊

    Thanks for the pitta recipe they do sound rather tasty and so simple too I had no idea even I could probably do them!

    Morning Reshmi how are you doing ATM? My walk was short and windy I expect it was windy with you too yesterday still better than nothing. We keep on don't we? I am ok just too busy....we are away this Friday coming and I am feeding Tia's cats as well as running Lucy too and from work all week🙄 I need to start packing! Help!!!

    That is the tough part for you watching your Mum and picking up the pieces when things go wrong because other people (mentioning no names) are being thoughtless with her time and thereby her health. ((())) You are right a bit of worry makes us human although it would be nice if others didn't add to our worries/work wouldn't it🙄

    Those Japanese lanterns are just lovely I want some! I'll behave myself though I have enough stuff to be fair. Glad the film was good.

    PV! That's great I am worried about Kitty though with CV going on. I can't see him accepting help, but knowing Kitty she will just see it as her cross to bear bless her.

    I can imaging LA being pleasantly scared by the evil witch! How much to they love being sort of frightened little boys? 'Glorious naughty self' that sums him up so beautifully Reshmi! A bit cheeky sis leaving the boys and visiting someone! 😯 BR waving oh so adorable. Heaven only knows what BIL was up to without your sister's beady eye on him!

    The two little boys in the village came into the garden yesterday as their Dads did the scarecrows with Paul and sort of me too and Lucy. We all needed a drink and sit down afterwards it was so windy up there on the Church lawn. The boys were so good the eldest was fascinated by the mowbot!

    On the subject of village disagreements. Best to try to keep out of them in my opinion. Is that VV for Village vesuvius 😂

    Toady what a day you must have had i really hope today is better for you no need to try to do a lengthy post sometimes it just can't be can it? Sleek nows how to get comfy. 💗 I am off to feed Tia's two in a bit and then get on with my own jobs....It's Monday so going to be busy busy.

    You were right about the wind it's much much better today out there!

    Barbara I hope you are ok and all is well in the B12 household. I replied to your post yesterday. You'll find it l expect.((())) xxx

    Hi to Carol Mr T and Miss Cookie if you call in ((()))


    this should appeal to Kitty pikelets and a dippy egg!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,245

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty(()) I’m so sorry that you have all that worry (()) could you ask the Doctor to come and see Chris (()) you cannot carry on like that. Love to Chris (())

    Toady (()) we have a lot of magpies in our garden have a good day.

    Barbara (()) I hope all is alright there and Mr B (()) is still improving (()) have a good day

    Toni (()) yes we like the same food we will think what to have and we both say the same thing. How is sleeke I know what you mean Lexi got in the end she would not eat her breakfast because of the tablet and I had crushed it. Thank you for the photo’s good luck when you go back to the vets. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day how is your mum after her op now (())

    Arthritus (()) thank you for the photo how are you.

    Mike (()) I hope everything is going along alright you are doing so well (()) love to vixen

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,328

    hi Toni are you today are you today? Dippy eggs and Pikelets my favourite only I can’t eat crumpets and pikelets anymore they upset my stomach for some reason ☹️. please be careful careful in the wind though Toni won’t you? I know what it’s like when it’s extremely windy outside and you just trying not to topple over really basically ((())). yes it was a bit cheeky of sis dumping her kids at the paid babysitters’ house ? (or whatever we are are nowadays lol). My poor mum bless her she’s a proud lady and she won’t ask for help it’s difficult but when she’s tired and ill and tbh I’m not feeling too great either, but at least the bad moments on constant for both of us.

    l like your new abbreviations Toni VV and also CV I see about kitty and Chris it’s sad that he doesn’t feel able to ask for help and I think that K is another lady who is perhaps sometimes overly stoical but nature’s our are natures and we can just do what we can do I really wish her well though of course I’m not too bad today thanks it’s a little bit cooler today at least where I am thank goodness my room is still rather warm but I’m staying in a diff one most of the time must admit so that’s good.

    When LA was v little he used to say “doog” when he meant “good”, he used to get some of the letters around bless him.

    A funny thing happened when the kids left the other day I patted top of LA’s head law days and then copying me we so did BR it was really funny as was expression on BR’s little face heavily influenced by auntie goddess Mima whoever she is haha a few months ago if BR had had the audacity to pat his big bro’s head LA would’ve completely exploded or should I call it LV? no not Liverpool Victoria ha ha but LA Vesuvius, lol, this time he didn’t seem to mind so I think it’s one of the indications that he is growing closer to his baby bro aww bless.

    The scarecrows really looks good and it’s a nice idea putting them in different positions well done Toni, whereabouts are you going on Friday are you going on holiday?

    How’s your knee doing at the moment is it feeling worse in the windy weather? are using a knee brace? I need to phone the GP about my pins and needles prob btw and what fun it will be my goodness lol but I will leave that till tomorrow as they are pretty busy on Mons do you ever get your blood test done at the hospital? I do it it’s it’s not too bad an idea at least for me but then I do sort of have a special Login situation because of my mum but still it may be worth investigating if you want to of course because I know that when I phone the GP for any reason the waiting just goes on and on but things seem to be maybe a bit more efficient at the hospital and the hospital staff in those situations have never been rude to me anyway just thought I might mention it .

    the megabrain friend messaged me the other day saying her shower is not working properly I was busy sending messages but I enjoy like these ones although I did reply to her I forgot to write “ maybe u should call a plumber”, my goodness these megabrains really can be stupid can’t they? Lol, soon LA will be telling them what to do and as we know his brother is already a gasman and good for him! Bye for now Toni, I Hope you’re enjoying the cooler weather and that the wind has gone down a little take care. Xx

    ps The bookmark pick for this message is the witch lives upstairs and eats all the naughty boys and naughty Lords who do not eat their veggies oh no take cover, lol. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,328

    Hi To Barbara Joan Kitty and toady am I repeating myself ? hopefully not getting a bit tired now though so not sure Hope you’re all okay or more or less okay today? my mum is not too bad at the moment thanks Joan how are you and Sue doing ? I’m feeling a bit better now the weather is cooler hope it’s the same for you all bye for now everyone take care. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603
    edited 25. Apr 2022, 16:37

    Hello people 😊 not a busy day yesterday for me as such frog, I had plenty of free time earlier on, it's just that I pencilled myself in to post later and that's the bit that got derailed by a couple of long phone calls - so I abandoned you all & skipped off without a backward glance (that's not at all how you would put it I know 😄 I don't feel I must post but just like to let you all know I'm around the place somewhere :) I didn't have anything to write anyway much). Hope things going ok with you today and your scarecrows are still standing - they are a bit exposed there aren't they (lovely setting though - must say I miss churches 😔 ) - is there any point my trying to whitewash and say I can only remember 1 or 2 previous Jubilees? Probably not but I'll give it a go 😂. Yes the wind has dropped so much now, thankfully! I don't think I've lost anything much, of course if I was watching Monty at the proper times I could have heeded his advice too - OR - looked outside and just Used My Common Sense 🙄😂 . Oh the news is, my geum seeds are up 😊 I had become a bit despondent about those, it's turned the tide back in my favour for only a very few failures, and they may still come good yet. Hope dear Sleek is bearing up despite having her meals interfered with and a looming appointment (which she luckily knows nothing of). And good luck with the busy schedule and the packing 🧳👖🧦 etc.

    *saves as draft while I go and throw a bit of lunch together.. better include carrots.. you never know who might be upstairs! 🧙‍♀️

    Right, back. I cannot confirm or deny if my lunch was sensible or not, but I don't seem to have fallen foul of any vegetable-monitoring witches 😉 perhaps they only like tasty little boys, not scrawny old birds. Anyway hello bosh and glad things are calm(ish) now the EF have departed, hope you're having a bit of peace & quiet (btw I like the bit about you can't comment on figurative PV 'for legal reasons', haha). I agree entirely about putting off phone calls especially medical ones 😕 I want to avoid them but at the same time I want to get them off from hanging over me, ugh. Hope you get yours done but sorry if it leads to you having to see your GP, unless you can get away with a phone consultation. Passwords, I was happy until you started having to have a capital and a number and all that jazz! - a few of my very early internet days ones are still very simple, all lowercase etc, they'd never let you set one like that now would they. Anyone is welcome to a Rich Tea biccie on the planet or even from other planets 👽️ but best warn them I'm not very sociable so don't expect hospitality, I may just rudely pass their biscuit through the letterbox 😂.

    Kitty I hope in the way of crises yours has peaked and will simmer again, am so sorry things are difficult, keep coming in & getting things off your chest. My friend keeps ducks I have had the occasional egg but they are quite rich xx

    Hello to Barbara if she calls in, no news here, a few new seedlings that's about it 🌱 xx

    Joan magpies are beautiful aren't they - don't see many here it's a shame but at least it's one less threat for the other birds, round here we get mostly the usual blackbirds starlings sparrows etc but the occasional less common visitor, goldfinches or long-tailed tits sometimes they are lovely flittery little things. Hope you've had a good start to the week (it feels like Sunday to me I have to keep reminding myself).

    Thinking of Mike & Vixen of course x

    & Hello to anyone in the cafe corner minding their own business with a cup of tea & the crossword xx

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Things have been calmer today, I think he was in pain from constipation (which can bother him for for days) and of course having to sleep on the settee because he can't get upstairs to bed, his tummy gets all scrunched up. But he's 'been' today, so is feeling a tad better 😑.

    I' m using my little Lenovo tablet today. Not as fast as he iPad, but it is smaller and easier to hold. I think I'd better settle down now, so love to you all. 🌈💕🙏

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230
    edited 26. Apr 2022, 05:28

    Morning everyone

    I am at Tia's feeding her cats....well they are eating but it's too dark to let them out yet so thought I'd post on my phone.

    I knew it Joan! You like the same foods👍 you two are so close its lovely. You feel guilty giving your animal medicine when they dont like it don't you? Even though you know it's for the best. ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you this chilly Tuesday morning? I hope you're warm enough?I am sat on Tia's sofa while her cats eat and hopefully the sun rises and I feel safe to open their cat flap for them.

    Its definitely LAV for LA in a bad mood. Bless him I'm sure he is more often 'doog' than LAV! Imagine him letting BR pat his head😯 things have improved and he probably loves his little brother now. Unpaid childcare that's what you were but it is good to know the boys are happy to stay with you without their Mum. That witchy pic is very good if rather scary!

    I have my bloods done at my surgery usually unless I have a clinic appointment. I can imagine it is annoying and scarier to go to the hospital for yours. Having said that I am convinced they have better tests there not sure why I think that though.

    We are going on a river cruise Paul got it cheap on his phone while he was off sick with covid. UP the Danube from Germany through to Hungary where I will see some of my family😊 it's my birthday on Saturday so I'll be somewhere different sure where though🤭

    So BR has sussed out that you are the favourite Auntie Goddess Mima! They are so sweet. Pretty soon he will be able to go and fix megabrain friend's shower for her.

    My knee isnt too bad atm how about you though? How are your aches? I am careful in the wind. My neighbour and his 95 year old friend are competing to walk the furthest! I think a good blast of wind they'd both be over!!!

    Right its light so I am going to go home and message everyone else from there


    Kitty I am so glad Chris is feeling much better I can't imagine it being good for him sleeping downstairs at all bless him I hope he knows surgery is his best option?

    The little tablet works for you sometimes maybe it's better for your hands?

    Sleek and Tommy have decided to do you a little dance today to cheer you up

    They have been practicing for ages. Rosie was the choreographer.

    Tommy is after hoovering for you afterwards too?

    Morning Mike I am still very much thinking about you. I hope Sue coming today will help a bit to keep your spirits up. You are having such a hard time at the moment, but I know you know it's worth it. I bet you feel so much for Elliott now you can totally understand what he went through. Sending ((())) and really hoping you can eat at the moment but don't worry if you can't eat much just drink, make sure you drink xxx

    Toady yes it's nice just to know you are ok I get that i might be doing a bit of that this week coming when we are away. Long phone calls i hope they were with people you wanted to talk to!

    The scarecrows are still standing and people are approving of them. We like having something there just as you come into the village. I don't remember either of the last two jubilees at all nope nope🤥 The Church is beautiful and I love living right opposite we are very very lucky.

    I didn't lose much either with the wind it just dried the soil out so much which probably slows down germination of things like the sunflowers.... and the growth of those salad leaves.

    Gosh i should have said I ate my carrots (carrot and coriander soup) yesterday🧙‍♀️

    Geum seeds are up!!!!!!!!!!! lovely! What colour will they be? today i plan to help in the village deadheading the daffodils.....

    Barbara I do hope your eyes aren't being too annoying? I think they might be.

    Does Mr B have to see a physio like my neighbour?

    He is bombing round the village with the 95 year old (and a younger villager keeping an eye) they are competing to see who can go the furthest!

    I am sorry I haven't asked lately how is your bother getting on is he doing ok?

    Love to anyone who pops by @Arthuritis Jason and Carol to name a few.

    vegan option...

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Morning Froggie et al, feeling half human today just in time for another dose of chemo on Thursday!! Baby Sister will be round this morning to take me to the Chiropodist, my appointment was last week but I changed it for fear of throwing up! I may ask her to call past McDs on the way home for a sausage and egg McMuffin, whether I will be up for it or not we'll wait and see. Have a good day all.