Val's Cafe
Good morning everyone
Kitty ((())) I’m pleased Chris (()) is feeling better I hope you both have a good day when his is appointment. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) they say we could have snow next month. Have a good day.
Toni (()) our booster is booked for this Thursday. When we used to phone our uncle he did not know witch one of us he was talking to. That’s nice going on a cruise you need that. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (()) he should make it on the news.
Barbara (()) thinking about you and your family (())
Mike (()) you enjoy your sausage you deserve it love to vixen.
Reshmi (()) have a good day take care love to your mum (())
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi today How are you today? letterbox biscuits I don’t see why not haha you stayed on the right side of the witches well that can’t be bad either haha yes I know what you mean about certain phone calls I wouldn’t mind phoning the GP surgery so much if it didn’t take so long to get through and also really if the receptionists were just vaguely civil or helpful but that’s generally not the case at least not where I live you need to go through a kind of mental battering just to justify your request for an appointment time or whatever when it really shouldn’t be like that. I’m not Writing a long one now because my mum wanted to go out for lunch so we nice Greek place in town centre it was very nice but I’m really shattered now but I didn’t manage to avoid eating dessert as I knew the witches were watching me as well ha ha hope you’re having a nice day and enjoying the biscuit business only joking take care. xx
Bookmark pic, a witch shaped biscuit online. Xx
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@frogmorton Just love the brekkie pictures! I think Premier Inn is famed for their brekkie!
Yes, I think the paint was a washable emulsion, as to where to start… try not to think about it too much… start wherever you can and keep going!
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Hi Toni, how are you today? That’s v sweet of you to message me before it got light I am sorry about the delay in replying but my mum wanted to go out for lunch so I got quite shattered and then there was not a lot of time, your neighbour certainly has a lot of spirit, racing around the village, lol. That’s interesting that you’ve got some relatives in Hungary it must be nice to see them again 😄.
Germany near the Danube, that’s quite a coincidence because when I was studying I lived in Passau right next to the Danube for three months it was a difficult time with my mental health, but what a beautiful part of Germany I used to read by the Danube every day.How long is the holiday for?
Knee is not too bad thanks but car journey today wasn’t good for my back I hopefully will be alright tomorrow.
bookm pic today is a German glassblown product did my dissertation on it long time ago, while drinking a great deal of coffee which I didn’t even like thank goodness those days are over take care bye for now. Xx
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hi toady sorry I did send you a message but the voice control called you “today”, lol, just wanted to say I feel that I’m getting a bit “messaged out” from time to time as it were lol, I think I’ll adopt a new policy I will try and message you once in awhile and hopefully more than once in awhile if things are going well for me but it’s nothing personal Im just trying to things have a good evening take care, xx
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Hi Joan Kitty and Barbara I hope You’re all well or as well as can be expected? Joan how are you and Sue today? I’m not too bad thanks my mum is well at the moment thank you we went out to eat so I’m really tired now but otherwise not so bad thanks for asking, hi Barbara how are your eyes doing today? It got pretty warm here in the afternoon I didn’t like it was it the same where you are?
How are you doing today King? How are things with Chris today? constipation is terrible I know because I remember I used to suffer from it when I was in psychiatric hospital because they gave me weird meds which caused me to barely eat I think that caused a lot of it, extremely painful, I’m glad though that it looks like it’s easing a bit for Chris take care Kitty and everybody, love Reshmi. Xx
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Hi Everybody just a quick bookmark a pic of a German witch just in case any kiddies you know and love need some international encouragement to eat their veggies hee hee . Xx
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Hello all, just a little one from me - have not had a walk for a day or two so am going to put the internet off in a min and space any other things out so I can fit one in later. I have also had my carrots frog so aren't we doing well? No wicked witches for us 😊 I have been in the garden which was nice enough in the sun - I am going to pretend I didn't hear Joan mention snow! I braved myself to selectively nibble back the oregano in places and tried not to feel too murderous there is plenty left - also sowed some beetroot and a bit more weeding. Beetroot are my bete noir (beet noir?!) so we shall see! My verbena is Verbena Hybrida Apricot will possibly be split between pot and border 🤔 not sure. Apricot seems to figure fairly largely in my seeds actually - the geum is Mai Tai and I have apricot Tip-Top nasturtium, Peach Sorbet eschscholtzia, & apricot foxgloves too; no real reason for this! (sucked in by the pretty pictures I daresay!). At least snow should not be a problem where you're going I hope! but you'll miss the garden, well it won't be for tooo long and the break will more than make up for it 😊 hope it all goes swimmingly (not literally up the Danube! 🏊♂️). All the best for Sleek for tomorrow too xx btw my long phone calls were fine in this instance and spoke to an old friend yesterday too; though sometimes if the spirit is willing but the flesh &c I have been known to unplug the line, I bet we all have at times. (Not mid call, I don't mean 😂 just to have guaranteed quiet time). Having boasted that I never have mobile troubles the other day, I got in a right mess yesterday adding an extra number to my payg account and had to ring & sort it! They were surprisingly good though.
Hi bosh, thank you for both messages, glad you had a nice lunch with your Mum :) nice to have a change. I love the witch biscuits! perfect thank you they're great 😊 ..interested to read that you spent your time in Germany near the Danube too, small world, but sorry it wasn't the best of times. That is beautiful glassware though. Yes please do only message if & when, I'd be much happier to think you (or anyone!) does that; as I said (and as Toni & others always tell me, in turn) don't worry ever about replies (or even reading stuff - I will only be wittering about seeds or nothing in particular). So no worries/no offence I just take as read that you'd wish me a good day & whatnot 👍️ & vice versa :) xx
Oh Joan, not snow, surely 🤐 oh well we'll see, it's been very nice today, have had a quiet day and a nice potter, must go for a quick walk and take advantage of it being nice and not windy! 🌪️ Love to both and the dear dogs xx
Hello Kitty glad to hear Chris is feeling a bit better (the human body may be a marvellous thing but in a lot of ways we're very badly designed; enough said!) I've never tried a tablet or ipad, a friend said to me yesterday you can't replace the batteries? that's not good is it but I can see they would be handy. 🤔 xx
Love to Barbara 😘 hope all's as well as poss with you and Mr B and your garden 🌸 am mid (slightly half-baked) garage project again, pictures to follow no doubt unless it all goes to pot 😂
Good to see Mike and may the human half soon tell the other one where to get off 👍️ all the best x
Hi to Arthuritis and all, I am off roaming in the gloaming (ie walk round the block when it's dark enough not to be seen looking my usual half chucked together self!) xx
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Evening all I do read your post over a couple of days then forget what was said 😏
We are all OK here Mr B behaving .today has been lovely but the garden is so dry..
Toni the queen looks at home there have done a brilliant job xx
Joan we had snow a couple if years ago quite late on eyes d8nt ache just everything moves around ..I hope you are all OK xx
Sorry have to stop
Love to Toady Reshmi Mike abd if course Kitty xxxx
Barbara1 -
Morning Mike lovely to see you😊 typical chemo you just recover in time for the next onslaught 🙄 Well done doing some 'normal' stuff I am pleased and baby sister Susan is a wonderful woman I must say. I hope you had a sausage and egg mcmuffin? ((())) xxx
Hi Joan I love it! You could have fooled your Uncle 👍 yes cant wait for the cruise it will be a rest from these early starts won't it? Vaccine tomorrow for you both? What time? ((())) xxx
@Arthuritis I would grab both kids straight in the bath first then start on the room.
Husband Paul was up in Scotland overnight on Monday he reckons premier inns do a good breakfast and the beds are comfy too.
I know they are all bad for us even though they look fabulous!
Morning Reshmi it's dark again...hopefully light soon. How are you doing today? Today is a good stomach day for me👍
How lovely having lunch out with your Mum I hope she enjoyed it? What about you though? What did you eat? Hope you found something light. Sorry the car journey did your back harm hope its recovered today?
The only thing I am worried about is that there's a bus journey to the boat and I get travel sick on coaches. Oh well. The trip is one week Friday to Friday
I loved the witchy bikkie you posted! But the German glass blown vase is gorgeous. You did an entire dissertation on that subject?. Mine was about disability ironic eh? I drank quite a lot of coffee too and not decaf in those days. I also ate chocolate!
Weren't we mad when we were young?
Posting this will finish messaging to everyone when I get home.
back now Oh and Reshmi - the German witch I'll take with me in case there are any naughty Children in Germany as we go through.....although the cruise is blissfully adults only!
Morning Barbara lovely to see you.
Glad to hear mr B is behaving himself. Soon it will be 6 weeks and he will maybe be able to look at driving again. Tell him he must be able to slam his foot down hard on the floor - like he's doing an emergency - stop though first.
Thanks The Queen looks better with her cardboard face.
We did indeed have snow this late before and hail and all sorts you never know in this country.
I plan to water the garden tomorrow before we go away on Friday it's the wind it's dried it all up.
Hi Toadtser! How are you today? Not tooo tired I hope? Yes turn teh net off and go for your walk much better for you.
I did some weeding at the front yesterday and also deadheaded the Church daffodils and cleared out one village pot ready for planting. Your verbena sound lovely I still haven't checked mine sorry. It actually not verbena it was veronica which had come up but now the verbena is up too🙂 All those colours sound peachy and orangey lovely it will look amazing i think. Oh yes suckered in by the pictures every time that's me too!
I do indeed not be in at times we all need a rest don't we? Not often and never mid call. I read that you can put your mobile on airplane mode mid call and people think you were cut off! That's bad isn't it? Glad the calls were ones you wanted at least.
I am looking forward to the break and promise to keep out of the Danube😁 Something very different it will be as long as they feed me I'll be fine.
Kitty me duck how are you? Sleek is on her way over on her own today she has left Tommy behind, but might bring him over this afternoon he wants to tidy out the kitchen cupboards.
I hope you don't mind he is very careful with china....honestly.
How is Chris doing? feeling more himself I hope. Have they put him on codeine or something? If so would eh drink a small glass of prune juice that always works for me....
Better get on Ocado here any minute I hope!
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I went off the idea of a McDs while at the chiropodist BUT forced myself to have a sausage and egg muffin anyway, Baby Sis had the pancakes and she parked overlooking the Mount so we could have a picnic. I tried it but just got a mouthful of grease so I then tried the individual components and settled on just eating the egg and binning the rest. Roll on when I get my sense of taste back!
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, ,Good morning everyone
(()) Kitty (()) I hope Chris is happier today (()) thinking of you both. Love to everyone (())
Barbara (()) sorry about your eyes it must be difficult reading like that (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toady (()) have a good walk you can sort a lot of things out when you walk.
Toni (()) not long before you go. How is sleeke getting on (()) our booster’s are at 2 o’clock. Love to Paul (())) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Mike (()) all the best for tomorrow (()) love to vixen
Reshmi (()) that was nice going for a meal with your mum (()) I’m sorry It was uncomfortable for you.
take care
joan xx1 -
Morning, Chris refused Codeine as he suffers badly with Constipation. He is NOT being good, he is now talking about drinking a bottle of bleach to put an end to everything. We’ve done nothing but argue today, which I hate. He won’t make any sensible decisions and is leaving it all to me - cheeky monkey. If I miss a day or two, don’t worry. I’ll be sitting fuming!
love to Reshmi, Joan, Mike, Arthuritis, Carol, Barbara, Antoinette and of course MDMe Sleekipus and Tommy. My once beautiful garden.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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hi Kitty thanks for your nice message so Chris has refused Codeine I understand that nasty kind of medicine in many ways made my sister hallucinate anyway glad you seem not too bad today take care. Xx
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Hi Joan how are you and Sue doing today? I’m not too bad thanks a bit tired but in a good way and yes the car journey was a bit of a problem but my backs feeling better now take care. Xx
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Hi Barbara how’s things with you today? Its turned a bit cooler here what’s the weather like where you are? hope your eyes are not extra bad today? take care. Xx
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Hi Toady how are you today? take care xx
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Hi Toni how are you doing today? I’m not too bad thanks but there was a HV incident yesterday and my dad was really rude to my mum in the restaurant in public in front of the waiter I’ve been feeling a bit down and weak maybe time of month coming on or something like that but I was proud of myself that I didn’t eat a dessert yesterday which was good my dad had a massive dessert of white choc ice cream and orange cake when he knows that he gets acidity anyway and caring about him in this respect I had chicken skewer and flatbread with a bit of houmous and some kind of green pea, the paste things were v tasty but I tried hard not to have too much though as those things are quite heavy on my stomach but luckily I managed okay but it was not a mxt hangover day so that’s probably why😄. I’m really tired now though but in a good way post shower tiredness it must be exciting going on holiday how long are you going? we’re all okay thanks including the kids but bit tired now so will make this message pretty short and my backs okay now thanks for asking. coach journey, oh no, that’s a nuisance, how was your walk? mine was okay thanks but really didn’t feel rested for a long time I just sort of collapsed on the bed after the walk but at least I did get the rest eventually lol how long has it been since your last visit to Hungary? LA was saying again that his granny needs to get remarried I almost said look If it were up to me you’d have a new grandfather by the weekend unfortunately it’s not lol, bless him. Barbara expressed an interest in the Asian hand decorations or mendhi, do that’s today’s pic, take care Toni. Xx
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Hello all - hope you're all having as good a day as possible though mostly could be better I know 😔
..sorry things are so tough Kitty.. yes we will assume you are away fuming if we don't see you but hope things will turn a corner.. thank you for the lovely pic.. kettle always on as you know xx
Only a hello & goodbye really as have been waiting for deliveries & things; I leave the porch open for parcels, and some blasted person (not expected) tapped on the door earlier & was gone when I got there 😕 no idea who so I was keen to lock up after my delivery which was then quite late. So I didn't get the rest I intended after lunch. Always something isn't there. Must try & get a breath of air now even if only in the garden so I will just be good and say hi to everyone.
Especially Mike, all the best, good luck hope not too much waiting around etc - downhill all the way after tomorrow ✌️x
Quick hello to frog and see you soon.. the bees will love your veronicas won't they 🐝😊.. hope everyone else well, Lucy & all family since last I asked.. hi to bosh too have a good evening, best to family :) 👋
Yes walking is very good for clearing the head Joan and getting a bit of perspective back if you need it, didn't go far yesterday, but it's a change that's the main thing. Nearly the weekend it has come round really quickly! love to you both xx
Hello Barbara glad Mr B is being a good boy, thinking of you, love (and tea ☕️ ) xx
Love to all xx
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Hi all
well it’s all go here never seem to have enough hours in a day. They days keep racing by to fast for my liking I am still working on getting myself back to how I used to be. I am now back to my knitting group at our local library they are now meeting every week although they have changed the day. I have had quite a bit of pain in the right side of my back more in the hip area recently but am coping with it .l think I over did it a bit over the Easter weekend. And have really felt it since.
Last Week Lillie, Graycie, and Rubie all had Covid . They are all ok now in fact Lillie and Graycie both tested negative in time for baton twirling competition on Saturday and Sunday,
just a couple of photos for you from the competition
yesterday was my aunties funeral I did not go as it is not easy to travel to where she lived from where we live. Also in this passed week my Brother-in-law has lost his mum.
Mr t is still as awkward as ever, but we do actually speak to one another more at the moment. Think maybe it’s because recently when he has said his usual what when he has missed what I said, my reply has been not going to repeat it it wasn’t important anyway.😂😂. And I don’t repeat it. so I think he listens more we will see how long it lasts.
sorry I have read most of your comments but by the time I go to reply I have forgotten what everyone has posted
I must go now as I have some little jobs to do. But before I do I hope you are all as well as can be.
love and sparkles to you all
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Morning everyone
Chilly again this morning brrrr! Wont be any warmer on the cruise....not to worry.
I am at Tia's house with her cats. Lucy dropped off at work first.
Joan I hope your vaccinations went well and your arms aren't too sore. Sleek is doing well the vet is pleased with her so she's staying on the gabapentin for another week. Thanks for asking((())) xxx
Kitty me duck. I hope you are ok yourself even if Chris is being a mardy bum🙄
He will be in pain if he wont take decent meds constipation can be sorted. Oh well don't you bother discussing it with him it's not worth the argument is it? I love the garden photo it's just lovely.
We are here for you to vent if it helps. ((()))🌈🌈🌈🦄🦄🦄
Mike Scrambled egg went down ok with Lucy....maybe something in eggs? Oh and she went through a steak phase too. She still can't eat really spicy foods but everything else is ok now.
Thinking of you very much today just think when you get home you'll be half way!!((())) xxx
Poached egg on toast below if you fancy it?
Morning Carol. Lovely photos of the girls there thanks for posting them💗Incredible how big the eldest baby is now! Well done them chucking covid off too.👍
I am pleased to hear that you are back knitting even if the day has changed a bit.
Your missing hours are where Aidan always kept them still in the shed! I hope your back/hip settles down soon. You must try to rest and pace yourself until it does.
Good plan not repeating yourself to Mr T if he's not paying attention. Do you reckon its deliberate ? Like selective hearing? 🙄🙄
I hope everyone else is well especially Miss Cookie🐱
Morning Reshmi how are you doing today? I hope your aches aren't too bad and your stomach is behaving. Glad the back is ok atm long may that last.
Naughty Dad doing a public HV and showing your Mum up like that! Your food sounded really nice and not too heavy at all for a non mtx day so I am glad you enjoyed it. Well done not having dessert👍 if your Dad got heartburn l think that's karma for upsetting your Mum in public.
Yes post shower tiredness is ok quite pleasant even.
The holiday is one week and shoukd be ok apart from that coach to the boat. Fingers crossed I might be ok. Ah well I forgot now the flight is earlier we have to leave here even earlier than when I drop Lucy off. Had to do a covid test yesterday to fly it was negative and also download our covid passports too. A lot of hassle but if it keeps Paul happy.... last time we were in Hungary was maybe 4 years ago 🙄
LA has sussed out Grandad is mean to your Mum🤭🤭🤭 bless him.
I love that mendhi its gorgeous.
Morning Toady
So frustrating when people knock and don't wait! I hate having to wait in for deliveries. Kari doesn't have a porch so gets ever so stressed when waiting for things to come. She is having a new mower today.
The bees will definitely love my veronica as will l👍😊
Dont worry about the short post do hope you managed some time outside and had an ok day in the end overall.
I am watering the garden before we go....
See you all later l hope
Toni xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I’m so sorry Chris (()) is depressed is there anyone you could phone to help him without him knowing. Your gardens lovely thank you for the photo love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) it’s May bank holiday this weekend have a good day
Carol (()) lovely photos thank you have a good day
Toni (()) our friends daughter has a blood clot in her leg she is on blood thinners. It’s today we go for the boosters. I hope your journey by the bus is not to difficult for you is it this Friday.
love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Barbara (()) have a good day and Mr B (()) love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Mike (())I hope it all goes well for you love to vixen and your sister (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (())
take care
joan xx1 -
hi to Joan toady Barbara and Kitty hi again Joan how are you and Sue feeling today? I’m not too bad thank you time of the month so little bit weak etc okay but other than that good thanks, hi Barbara how are you doing today? hi Kitty how are things with you and Chris? Thanks for the wave toady hope all your days are all going okay-ish bye for now. Xx
hi Toni doing today I’m not too bad thanks other than having the time of month so I’m very tired and feeling a bit weak and a bit more achy than normal but other than that thanks, my stomach is okay at the moment thanks but I haven’t eaten a great deal of rubbish so far.
LA’s birthday party is coming up soon I think almost mid June I will have to check but guess what ? he has invited his current gf and his ex only joking of course he’s far too young to have gfs etc but it’s a funny situation Manon and Olivia will be there, lol.
that’s good that you’ve got all the Covid paperwork and things done my backs not too bad am thanks it tends to ache a bit during this time but I think the pain caused by car journey has more or gone really so that’s good.
i’ve got a GP phone app fairly soon saying basically GP is just going to phone between 12 pm and 6 pm in a few days, it’s worse than waiting for the gasman lol! if she thinks it’s important enough I have to go to docs surgery on the same day not sure how that will work if she phones really late but my mum said not to worry too much because it’s her problem anyway doc can’t expect people to fly there like a veg - monitoring which is to use t’s term, lol, have to wait and see what happens.
Now for a little tale from my childhood, True story the only made up bits are the parts that were invented by me when I was a child with a Childs imagination which felt real to me at the time, so you know this queue jumper lady who I loathe and detest well she lives only a couple of streets away from us with her husband and she’s lived there since time immemorial as it were anyway so when I was a child as I may have mentioned I had to go to their house with my parents every single weekend and I really hated it not just the forced lamb consumption which I have course have already mentioned but just being there with people I really didn’t like Lady was nosy and evil from the outset and I really wished that I could just walk a couple of streets and stay on my own in my room and read books but that wasn’t to be, they had a garden and average kind of garden really but it had a little pond and I used to wonder if maybe my neighbour was some kind of secret ogress👹I also wondered if maybe she threw the bodies of people she didn’t like kids, non - lamb - eaters, vegetarians and yes even vegans, sorry Toni, lol, into this pond? So in my child’s eyes I had made her into real figure of of terror and for quite a while I never went anywhere near the water…
Back to reality now, lo, Toni how was your walk? Mine was ok ty, it’s a shame you have to leave so early in the morning for your holiday but I’m sure you’ll enjoy it when you get there take care Reshmi. Xx
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Hello people 😊 just a lateish one-liner from me, well it will run on a bit more than that I daresay, but have had a deliberately quiet day so will keep up the good work and go to bed early. All deliveries in and thankfully no more phantom door-tappers - presumably cold callers, but that means you'll never know Who It Is, which is unnerving in itself 😕 quite agree with Kari frog that the waiting in is stressful - even having the porch, which is a huge help, means that very often people like cold callers let themselves into the porch and bang on the inner glass if they don't get any joy with the outer door & bell. And if anything makes me want to commit violence, it's that. Anyway should be nothing now til after Bank Hol so everything will be double-locked up. Hope the mower turned up & she likes it, and hope the garden (yours) manages without you. Should be a few nice days from Saturday here so may be able to actually get on with something 😊. Ooer a super-early start, good luck with that 😱 and with the coach & everything. No idea why I thought you'd be significantly warmer than here, but me + geography, tells you all you need to know! Pleased to hear Sleek is doing well 😊 and love to all. x
Will just wave to everyone else, bosh, Kitty, Barbara, and Carol, til next visit xx
hope Mike doing as well as possible, thinking of you & over the next few days especially x
Joan, thank you for reminding me about the Bank Holiday! I truly had totally forgotten, so I have got on with organizing a few things that I might otherwise have run into problems over, post etc - that was a big help! Thanks again. Have a good day tomorrow & weekend xx
Wish you all a good night :) xx
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Hi Kitty, being on morphine I suffer with constipation as well and now that I am on chemo one of the meds I have also causes constipation which verges on impaction and is something that the specialist is keen to prevent (as am I!), they have now given me some CosmoCol which is diluted in water and up to 8 sachets a day can be taken and which does the job. Your other half could ask the GP for that or one of the other meds which help.
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