Val's Cafe



  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Yesterday's chemo was brought forward to 0920 with the appointment with my Consultant being at 0845 which was preceded by blood tests. The nurse could not get blood out of my arm and had to get another nurse in as their protocol dictates that they can only have 2 goes each! Anyway the second nurse could not get blood either so in the end they had to call in the Haematologist Specialist Nurse who ended up taking bloods from the picc line. Anyway, this made me late getting into see the Consultant which, in turn, made me late getting to chemo and giving the pharmacy less time to get my drips ready so I did not start chemo till midday which finished about 15:30. Meanwhile my baby sister was waiting in the car park accruing a £9 parking fee and getting a numb bum, luckily she took some craft stuff with her and said she was quite happy making butterflies although she missed being with her dog Daisy:

    I mentioned the bad nausea I had for 12 days following the last chemo so I have been told that I can have the Ondansetron for 5 days this time round but had the warning about constipation it causes, the Consultant did agree with me that as there is little food going in there will be less to come out! Anyway that is it for now, thanks for all your continuing support and kind words, it helps a lot and is appreciated. xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,245

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) have a good day and a good weekend.

    Mike (()) have a good day and weekend vixen is keeping her eye on you (())

    Toni (()) have a good day love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (()) I hope his wife can soon come home (())

    Kitty (()) does Chris feel happier today (()) love to everyone (())

    Barbara (()) have a good weekend (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good weekend and your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,328

    Thanks Joan I hope you and Sue have a good weekend too. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,328
    edited 29. Apr 2022, 16:28

    Hi everyone, You know I did something very silly I forgot that Toni is on hol somehow I got it in my mind that it was next week she was going away oh well hope she’s enjoying herself she needs a break doesn’t she? bless her!

    hi toady How are things? I feasted on rich tea biscuits today okay slight exaggeration there haha not really so much news today not feeling so great due to time of the month so delaying mxt a bit, there’s a limit to how sick I want to feel in one day🤢. Btw I’m having a Semi - public voice controlling session so I have to be careful what I say. Bank Hol weekend is here, I couldn’t go out for a walk early this morn as I like to so I had to go for on one far too near lunchtime for my liking but It was just where I live in the suburbs but not in town centre so it could’ve been worse crowd wise😄. Bill has been stuffing LA with crisps and choc to prevent a mood while he was meant to be responsibly looking after his son oh dear! thank goodness I’m not married lol no offence to anyone I won’t try to pry but I’ll just ask in your house do you have the opportunity for a lot of solitude toady? Or is there family popping in and out making your life a bit of an ordeal to put it politely? Is your day going fatigue wise? mine hasn’t been that glorious but I did manage to have a bit of a rest an hour or so ago which was good. Tc. Xx

    ps Toni was asking what I ate the other day in the Greek place so I’ve put a pic here of green pea fava paste which I have not tasted before but was quite yummy but I def wouldn’t eat it today or on one of our glorious mxt hangover days bye for now. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,328

    Hi Barbara how are you feeling today? how are your eyes? How’s Mr B doing? It feels odd being here in the café without Toni doesn’t it? Aww bless i hope she’s enjoying herself you have a nice evening Barbara and take care. Xx

    Ps just putting a bookmark pic on here because apparently it’s international peace rose day or something like that. Tc. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,604

    Hi all :) hope everyone having not too bad a day, I have thought all day that it's Sunday & can't get off that idea so if I finish up by wishing you all a good Monday or something excuse me.

    Nice to see Mike post on a Friday - sorry you had to wait around (and have a rather Carry On Nurse time of it with the phlebotomists) but third chemo day behind you is fantastic 🏅 and glad baby sis was able to wait it out one way & another - Daisy is gorgeous - hope she was not too put out to be left. All the best for the weekend x

    Hello Joan it has been a nice day but a much better second half than first, still quite chilly this morning - got some washing on the line though 😊 (all saves electricity!) Hope you have a good weekend yourselves xx

    Hi bosh, yes it is odd to be 'frogless' in the cafe isn't it, hope Toni is getting on ok especially with the travelling &c. 🚐 Have not had too bad a day thanks, did not sleep well especially but made myself do a few things anyway - then had a sleep in the afternoon which I don't much like doing (you can wake up feeling better for it or worse sometimes, as I expect you find yourself). Glad you got a walk in I will go out again in the garden for some air that's about all. As far as family goes mine mostly live further away so I don't see them much, some of that is down to me not encouraging them as I don't like being visited as the 'poorly member of the family' (I haven't taken being ill with a very good grace 😉). When my parents were alive things could be difficult so yes then I was often glad of time alone (I would have wanted to be back home with a book too, & not round at the nasty neighbour!) Oh dear, Bill taking the easy route to keep LA quiet, who'd be a parent. 🤐 Have a good weekend as far as mtx &c will let you x btw I have just read up on the Peace Rose you mention and what an interesting history behind it, did not know the story.

    Hello again to Carol it was a hasty post yesterday for me so just to say glad family got over the Covid well, numbers are going down.. a bit.. that's something. Sorry your brother-in-law lost his Mum, too. All the best with your knitting and activities.

    Love to Barbara and Kitty, thinking of you.

    Without Toni to get us some breakfast I have made some easy overnight oats we can have tomorrow 😉

    Love to all xx

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Hi all

    Toady thank you yes the three great granddaughters that had covid a couple of weeks ago tested negative in 5 days. In fact since November last year all 3 of our grandchildren and 5 of our 7 great grandchildren and both of our daughters have all had covid, at some point. I love overnight oats. I do a few crafts namely Knitting, card making , cross stitch and crochet (which I don’t do a lot of) unfortunately during all the lockdowns I stopped doing most of them I just could not be bothered with them. But am slowly getting back to them. My knitting group at our local library only reopened 4weeks ago after closing at the star of the first lockdown.

    Yesterday for the first time since Easter weekend my pain level were not bad the intense pain in my hip area has almost eased to normal. Think it’s because I am doing more things I used to do. So hopefully things are looking up.

    i think that’s about all for this evening folks so I will say

    Love and sparkles to you all ❤️❤️❤️🌈🌈🌈

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Morning everyone!

    I'm here! Well in Austria Linz to be specific.

    It's just lovely. We are probably the youngest people here but that's fine. I met a lovely couple he has RA so he is on MTX too Reshmi!

    They are catering really well with the vegan diet. The suite is fabulous not at all claustrophobic the shower and storage is excellent.

    Mike you are so kind supporting others while you feel so awful yourself. Lucy had fibogel senna and something else I cant remember. Half way👍 I hope your new meds can counteract the ondansetron for you. Baby sis is not worried at all just happy to help her brother in the only way she can I'm sure. ((())) xxx

    Hey Joan l hope you and Sue are ok? ((())) xxx

    Kitty you may see a bit more of Sleek this week she says Lucy is ok but she wants some Adult company and Chris behaves for her.

    Toady all plants watered and safely in my shed out of the greenhouse (must sort shading). Yes our porch is unlocked too and some cheeky people do open it! Hmmmmph😠

    Nice to see you again Carol it sounds as though all that lack of your usual activities didnt help your hip! Have you ever done a river cruise? If not it's worth trying I love it!

    Take care everyone

    Can I post food? I'll try but those overnight oats! Well lovely thanks

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Our room and ny birthday flowers and fizz organised by Paul

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,245

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope things are not to bad there love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) have a good weekend love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) we have the sun again have a good day

    Carol (()) that’s good everyone is better now.

    Mike (()) you are doing so well I drink 3 pints of water a day it helps when you have a blood test.lovely little dog love to vixen.

    Toni (()) you enjoy it what is the coffee like love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) what is the weather like there love to your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,328

    hi Toni you nice to hear from you! I hope you’re enjoying Austria “can I post food?”, lol you’re doing it all the time Toni only joking I’m not too bad thanks so a person you met it’s on methotrexate that’s interesting I haven’t even had mine yet to be honest I wasn’t feeling well yesterday with other things but I’m going to have it this afternoon glad that your hotel is nice, nice pictures I’m a bit tired now happy birthday by the way take care. Xx

    Was going to post a birthday cake but thought it was a bit boring so instead here are some delicious Mozart Kuglen choccies which you may have sampled at some point. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,328

    Hi Joan I’m not too bad thanks weather is a bit weird actually hot but with some quite cold breeze so I was wearing my winter hat and taking it on and off on the walk never mind how are things with you and Sue? hope you’re enjoying the day take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,328

    Hi toady how are you? I’m not too bad thanks a bit tired other than that doing though i do have to have mxt in in under three hours 🤢, glad you like the roses had a very quick look at the peace rose a story not a proper one I must admit but it does seem interesting true I know what you mean about resting sometimes it works out well sometimes I just feel more groggy I understand about other people sometimes they’re sympathetic sometimes they think that maybe you’re just making it up when you feel like its not a good attitude also thing that people who smile all the time when they’re not feeling ill are just leading up to a big explosion a Vesuvius situation no less, which can’t be very mentally healthy, lol, I’ll go for now Hope your day is still going okay - ish, just take care. Xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all

    Happy Birthday Toni 🎂🥂🧊💕and what a lovely place to visit for enjoy every minute..the room looks so lovely xx

    Toady I have many an half baked idea 😅😅has fir waiting in I'm thr one that jumps every time anyone kn8cks at the door 🙄now carry on with your ideas 😁xx

    Joan all is fine thankyou but these eyes are getting worse hence me not being on every day ..hoe are you all doing .you have my num ring whenever you want xx

    Kitty bless I do feel for Mike Say's thete is good stuff now for constipation..but Mr B is the same with meds ..hard work they are but you take care of yourself xx

    Mike your sister us a star ..can you not get free parking when it's chemo or other regular treatment ..we do here ..xx..

    Carol what lovely photos of the children boy they ate growing up glad they are covid free now xx

    Reshmi my Indian neighbour once inked my hands its so artistic but hard to get off ..hope you are all keeping well xx

    Love to all


  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,328

    hi Barbara that’s interesting about the Mendhi, how are you today? I’m not too bad thanks managed a good sleep after taking mxt which is a bit unusual but good sorry to hear about your eyes do they get worse during hayfever time? take care Reshmi. Xx

    hi again Toni just a little non-food related birthday image in case people are looking at the food saying “well I can’t eat that for centuries I’m on Methotrexate”, no comment there only joking hope you’re having a great day. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,604
    edited 30. Apr 2022, 21:31

    Hello all - just a quick line to wish Toni a Happy Birthday 😊🎁🎉 and hope you are enjoying your day every bit as much as you are enjoying not being at home while your neighbour has hers 😉 (hope they are not being too noisy for Lucy). Well I'm sure you have been enjoying it because everything you have posted looks lovely and very glad to hear how well things have been going :) it must be strange going to sleep and waking up somewhere totally different! All the best for tomorrow and the rest of your trip and thank you very much for the eggs as it means nobody called my bluff and found that rather than prettily presented oats, in reality they would have to scrat around for what they could find in the cupboards. Have a good night both :) xx

    Hello joan it has been very nice here. I have been out tidying up a bit and spotted a little mouse, so here's hoping it keeps itself safe and tucked out of sight. Have a good Sunday and love to the dogs xx

    Hi bosh :) hope you're coping post-mtx and will have an ok day tomorrow & Bank Hol, if you are doing anything different to usual. Or especially that it's not too busy for you to go out for a walk when you want. Had a very quick rest today, they say how you feel afterwards is something to do with how long you sleep and shorter is supposed to be better.. after 20 mins you go into a deeper sleep phase and coming out of that makes you feel bad.. or something like that anyway. I can't seem to nap for only 10 or 20 minutes personally though. Have a good night I hope x

    Carol how good that your hip has felt better for doing more, that's very heartening isn't it 😊 I've never been very good at crafts but I'll sew a bit if I feel like it or need to - I have my Gran's Singer machine - I haven't been to the opticians since Covid though and could definitely do with some better reading glasses for hand sewing!. Good luck keeping up with yours I'm glad they have been able to reopen, everything's been so disrupted hasn't it. 😔 Have a good Bank Hol.

    Lovely to see Barbara 😘 may no-one tap on our doors over the Bank Hol, well they shouldn't have to, no post etc! Pottered a bit in the garden admiring the view - my neighbours' line of washing to one side, and the bald head of the chap (who built the huge shed 2 doors away) doing something up on some scaffolding on the other. Very scenic 😂 take care & don't read back more than you can someone will always bring you up to date with the gist xx

    Thinking of Kitty & Chris xx

    Have a good weekend as possible everyone and do hope the Ondansetron will do good works for you Mike, all the best xx

    & best to anyone else not here today, Arthuritis Jason &c. x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230
    edited 1. May 2022, 04:53

    Morning everyone!

    Thank you all so much for your birthday wishes balloons and posh chocs Reshmi!

    I had a lovely day. I had some of the fizz Paul got me and some lovely white gold earrings which I put straight in!!

    Today we are in Melk Austria and then sailing this afternoon somewhere else l cant remember where but we are going wine tasting?? Paul assures me it's just a taste. It had better be I cant drink in the daytime at all. Would like to see the vineyards though.

    I am up in deck having a fruit tea thinking of you all. They are looking after me really well.

    Of course I miss my pusskin and my garden but its certainly a fabulous experience 👍🤗

    I wonder how noisy my neighbours were....hope Lucy survived ok.

    Love to you all...Kitty, Barbara Joan, Reshmi, Toady, Carol anyone else who pops in

    Strength and ((())) to Mike. Keep taking the tablets.

    Ps everyone can post pics of food after all this is a cafe🤗👍

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Found a McDonald's! Didnt eat anything but did use their loos in Linz Austria.

    We had use of the wellness area on board yesterday afternoon you have to book it due to covid restrictions but it was worth it 100%

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    No free parking down here Barbara!

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Morning, Chris and I are in A & E. The police, Gas Board and Paramedics are involved. Can’t go into detail right now, so will explain another time. XXXX

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,245

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) how are you and Chris doing have you got any help (()) love to everyone

    Barbara (()) I’m sorry your eyes are causing you so much bother (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) yes I saw a little mouse he came to visit us the thing was he brought is family with him they were Rats they wanted to stay we were told don’t leave water down they went.

    Reshmi (()) have a good day sorry you have to take so many tablets love to your mum (())

    Toni (()) it’s nice you can go to shops has well. Thank you for the photos love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Mike (()) I hope to day is a good day for you (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,604

    Kitty 😮 omg! I hope you are alright? Well silly question given where you were posting from, but as you were able to post I'm taking it you're ok as far as it goes & do hope you both are! Post only when you can but mainly just thinking of you & all the best! xx

    Back later everyone, better make a hot sweet tea all round I think! xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,328

    Hi everybody sorry I’m doing a sweeping blanket generalisation message no only joking a blanket message that’s what I’m calling it or make maybe a cosy duvet? Lol, Toni glad you appreciated my small birthday gestures nice pics really glad you’re having a nice time hi toady how are you feeling today? hi and thanks to Joan and hi Barbara how are you today? Hi to kitty really sorry for what you’re going through don’t feel you have to post until settle things settle down that’s it au revoir maybe Auf Wiedersehen bearing in mind T is in Austria I’m going for now everyone take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,328

    Hi everyone just wanted to say this is my bookmark pic of the moment a nice cosy duvet which is described as a “turmeric - striped duvet” so is that good for joint pain?? mother nature alone knows about that one…bye. Tc.xx

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Hope everything is OK Kitty or at least works out OK.