Val's Cafe
Bratislava yesterday gorgeous and yes I did find a Macdonald's!
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) take care thinking about you I’m so sorry about it all. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
And Chris (())
Barbara (()) how is Mr B ((())) take care love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toady (()) I don’t mind what you say. Have a good day
Toni (()) what is it like sleeping on a boat. I hope you are not in to much pain (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) sorry you are having bad nights (()) love to your mum (())
Mike (()) I hope everything is going has well as it can take care love to vixen (())
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi Everybody which includes Tony toady Joan and Barbara my mum spoke to Doc who said that she needs to have some tests done but her stomach prob may be just virus will have to wait and my stomach is okay atm thanks I just ate a bit too much rubbish yesterday T glad you’re enjoying your hol Toni and eating healthy stuff etc hi Joan it’s not always the nights that are bad for my sleep but after walking don’t always get the rest I need right thanks am tired night now though hope everyone is doing more or less okay?
It’s LA’s birthday party coming up soon no doubt he’ll have his mum make a high sugar Dino cake 🦕but thought this was a lovely alternative saw it on Pinterest nice and healthy but would he eat something like that instead of his favourite sponge cake? somehow I doubt it lol, bye everyone have a good evening. Xx
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Hello all - only a quick line mainly to say do hope Kitty is managing xx
Have left things a bit late so must cut this shortish & call in at a better time tomorrow. Glad all's well with frog and you are having some nice warm weather - yes a handy bit of rain yesterday & overnight - & quite nice today. I will update on what I'm up to and where I'm at with Monty soon :) not sure if you will have seen the lady with the acutiloba nicknamed Froggie? Yes perhaps best not bring home 'souvenirs' even assuming they'd let you through customs (remember the seeds-pressed-within-birthday-cards I sent, I had to think twice & stop myself sending one to France). Have a lovely Thursday I hope it doesn't feel to have gone too quickly but as you have had a restful time I expect time has 'slowed down' like it does. xx
Hello bosh thank you for the lovely tea :) isn't it amazing that you can conjure apple & cinnamon scent up just looking at the picture. I hope the docs do find that your mum's trouble has as simple an explanation as possible🤞& hope the tests are fairly soon? so she doesn't have too long to worry beforehand (& you too). Hope you're ok not too tired & everything else not too bad at HV today. Oh, National Password day, and I missed it, haha :) oh well all I can say is that although I don't want anyone trying to get into my bank accounts &c obviously, if they want to steal my identity, hope they have more luck with it than I have 😏 they would probably hand it back pretty quick. Have a good night & some decent quality sleep :) xx
Love to Barbara, yes everything in the garden was quiet the last couple of days, a bit damp for strimming & hanging out washing :) if your granddaughter is visiting (is that right) hope all goes well. 😊
All the best again to Carol for hopefully hearing good news.. quite right for your granddaughters to be silly together, where's the fun in being sensible adults :) x
Love to Joan & Sue, hope you've had a good day, isn't the week going quickly. Nice & warm here :) x
Thinking of Mike & Vixen & will keep an optimistic cup of tea on standby in case xx
'Night all & love to anyone reading x
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Morning everyone
Another lovely day here in Hungary Budapest arrived about 4pm yesterday.
Hope the photo posts it was arriving here yesterday afternoon.
Mike I hope all is as well as possible for you and you are coping sending my usual strength and ((())) xxx
Joan its lovely sleeping on a boat😊 the bed is very comfy and you hard6feel anything unless we go through a lock like they do on canal trips. Then there is some bumping and scraping. I am coping with aches by lying down every afternoon and upping my pain meds. Thanks for asking ((())) for you and Sue xxx
Now Kitty we haven't heard from you for a day or so. Maybe it is safe for you to return home soon? That's of you want to.....maybe with some carers to brighten up your days. Sending ongoing love and support. 🌈🌈🌈🌈 Sleek is with you along with Aidan.
Reshmi how are you? I am doing ok just. Today I am going to wear my Budapest t shirt! Yes I shall be a proper tourist 🤭 we have walked a lot on this trip abs today will be no exception l think. Afterwards serious rest is needed before several more of my five a day. Yesterday I had 10!
Tomorrow we fly home to Heathrow which is fine l feel rested now. It's been fabulous the staff all wonderful all Eastern European all so kind. I will be leaving a 5* review. The only tricky thing has been the heat but that's not their fault it is unseasonably warm and may be coming our way soon too🤔
Now dear little LA (not 4 nearly surely?😯😯😯) would not thank you at all for serving up that beautiful cake. I would but nope it has to be the traditional sticky sponge affair l think!
Sending love to Carol I hope all is well covid free and Miss Cookie and Mr T are well too. Keep up with the knitting what is your current project?
Toady the little patch of grass will be knee length when I get back I think😕 raining at home but I think the warm weather here might be coming. I am trying to tie it to the back of the plane.
I am not up to date with Monty so haven't seen Froggie (not me I assure you!) I will have plenty of ironing to do so will be catching up soon.
I promise not to bring any seeds or cuttings home no matter how tempted l am😕 I do remember the seeds to France incident 🤭
Well I had better get some clothes on dont want to waste today.
Barbara I hope Niamh was well and everyone else especially your brother and of course Mr B.
Love to everyone
Our view now from the cabin
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I hope everything is a bit calmer now for you (()) thinking of you. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (()) and Chris (())
Barbara (()) and Mr B (()) I hope all his well with you. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) have a good journey home love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Toady (()) have a good day we are having good weather I wonder how long it will last.
Mike (()) I hope all is well take care.
Reshmi (()) how big is your family love to your mum (())
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi Joan How are you doing today? how is Sue? my family is not all that big really the basic family are people who I live with are just my parents but my sister lives about an hour away roughly and she is married with two little kids BR and LA so it’s not that many people but when everyone gets together it can be quite a stressful affair I hope you’re doing well and coping with the heat take care both of you. Xx
hi toady how are you doing today? thanks for your nice message I’m not too bad thank you at the moment but things are quite stressful with my mum I did manage some sleep will write more in the message to Toni thanks about the herbal tea pic take care. Xx
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Hi Toni how are you today? glad that your hol is going well even though it’s almost finished yes I think you need a rest after all that walking be careful the picture the dinosaur thing is actually all made of fruit it’s quite clever isn’t it? looks like a cake while being 100% non- cake, but LA is much too clever for his own good as we all know and he would know that it’s not a piece of yummy junk food cake without even tasting it I expect ha ha. Things are quite difficult at the moment with me tbh because my mum is really not well with her stomach prob she’s been downplaying it as usual so basically she is in a lot more pain than I realised and she’s taking it out on me which is something she does and I do understand to a large extent but it still does make things difficult for me especially as I have I have no real outlet because my sister is concerned with herself most of the time I’m not saying she’s a monster or anything like that but she doesn’t talk to me much, anyway I’ll leave that subject alone as I know people much worse probs, yesterday I must admit I’d left napping till the last moment so about 5 o’clock I was just really in desperate need of sleep so I settled down on the spare bed which is a nice and cool but rain made such an enormous noise on the windows it was like a LA and all his female admirers banging on the door at the same time saying “auntie goddess Mima where are our brownies? bake them NOW” their caps not mine, haha. As for for mum’s tests I think that she will get the results in a few days time - I really hope that is that it is the case. Had a quick walk thanks Toni which I really needed and then slept well after that so that was good so at least even if I don’t get any sleep for quite awhile I should have enough to keep me going without the aid of Duracell batteries Lucozade or brownies, lol. Did you have a nice time seeing your relatives in Hungary? it must’ve been nice catching up with them after all those years. This voice controlling session has now become semi public side so I’d better watch what I say I think I cut this short anyway Or I’ll never get anything done hope everyone is doing okay or more or less okay?
hi Barbara Hope everything is good with you how was Mr B doing these days?
how is everyone else ? bye for now take care. Xx
PS. LA is a big fan of his teddy bear even though he’s almost a grown man haha so here’s a teddy bear pic for us all to enjoy take care. Xx
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Hello all :) hope we are all as ok as possible on this quite niceish day - what lovely pictures and views frog, lovely seeing the sun on the water you can almost feel the breeze :) have a super last day and a good trip back, & so pleased it's been a 5* experience. Yes do please 'Bring Me Sunshine' 🌞 it's really quite nice here today anyway, I had a peaceful little spell in the garden earlier planting out although not my favourite thing (I'd rather grow plants than place them). Have a good catch up with Monty; Froggie was the plant's nickname, not the lady's 😀 it was 3 episodes back or so & I thought you may have squeaked it in before you left sorry (but it's not a huge spoiler, is it). I have one or two other comments I will save til you're safely up to date. Love to all x
Hi to bosh and just another little good luck wish for your Mum's tests, and for things in general. x
Hope Kitty is as ok as possible xx
A wave to Barbara of course xx
and hope Mike is managing too x
Hello Joan yes it's very nice today just overcast enough to be not too hot, hope Sue and the dear dogs all fine today xx
Hi to Carol too x
Have a good evening and good Friday everyone xx
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Evening all a lovely sunny day today so appreciated 😊
Love to Kitty I hope you are going looked after and Chris will get the help he needs xx
Toni the photos are lovely especially the view from the boat ..glad you are rested did you meet up with family whole in Hungary ..I think I have that right my brain is mush today x
Toady I'm sure you have a lovely identity when you find it 🤣..I am struggling to get down and plant ..hence 2 home made wooden raised beds ..xx
Reshmi don't think LA would appreciate the cake ..a shame really uts so colourful sorry mum is mot well ..I try and read has much as I can do need some me time xx
Joan Mr B is still on 2 crutches..his other hip isn't good..but doing much better to all of you xx
Love to Mike xx
Barbara1 -
Hi toady thanks for your nice message it was very kind glad you enjoyed the weather can’t say I did haha but I walked early which definitely helped even wore a skirt which is an almost unheard-of occurrence, lol thanks for your kind wishes mum is feeling more settled today so hopefully things are going in the right direction hope you have a good night too take care. Xx
hi Barbara thanks for your nice message I’m glad that Mr B is slowly getting better yes it was a colourful fruit dessert wasn’t it? but you’re right LA likes his junk food bless how’s the rest of your family doing? Yes I know what you mean about me time thanks for thinking of it but there’s not a lot of it to spare atm hopefully when things calm down with my mum‘s health and so on. I don’t really like hot weather and sunshine very much i’d be happy to be a bat in a cave, haha. Hope you have a good night take care Barbara. Xx
hi all I hope have a nice and calming night and have a bit of a opportunity to relax perhaps read a book or something like that, bye for now everyone take care. Xx
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Rightyho everyone I am getting ready for home!
Last minute packing cases must be outside our door by 8am!
Paul is still snoring I am going to have to wake him soon toiletries must go in the case...
Anyway I do hope everyone is ok Mike probably staying quiet and struggling. ((())) Thinkingbof you Mike you are winning xxx
Kitty must be safe I hope ok maybe doesn't have her phone charger? Sending some 🌈🌈🌈🌈 tell Sleek Mummy is on her way I know she is with you.
Toady I do remember that now it was a plant! A bit back I am only last friday's and tonight's behind.
Glad I am coming home to decent weather 🤗
Reshmi hopefully Mum will hear after the weekend 🤞🤞🤞and you will continue to be a quiet and supportive daughter in the background. LA would suss the cake sadly though the adults would all love it! It was fabulous being here in Hungary again seeing everyone! Thank you you can imagine I'm sure.
Joan we leave later on this morning the flight is this afternoon. The airport is 25 mins away. We have had a fabulous time!
Barbara neighbour is on 1 crutch like Mr B the other hip is bad too. Men! They can leave things too long!
Sadly no more window views for a while but I would definitely cruise on a riverboat again👍😊
Love to Carol and anyone else who pops in
The museum where you can see all the Hungarian history including the uprising against the Russians in 1956 which lead to my Dad being here.The flag is which the Hungarian people cut out the Russian centre. Not allowed to take pics or I'd have done that for you to see.
Take care see you all soon!
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Good morning everyone
Barbara (()) how long has Mr B (()) got to wait for his other hip to be done. Have a good weekend love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Kitty (()) I hope everything is going on alright thinking of you (()) take care. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (()) and Chris (())
Toady (()) have a good weekend the weather is warm till Wednesday they say.
Toni (()) it will feel strange when you get into your bed. Have a good weekend ((()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good weekend I hope your mum feels better today (())
Mike (()) I hope everything is going on alright love to vixen (())
take care
joan xx1 -
Morning lovelies. Still incarcerated! But I’m safe, well looked after and well fed. Anita, Jonathan an Dawn are clearing the house out. My social worker and other agencies are working hard to get me rehomed (with carers). While I described how I used to live to various people, I can’t believe how it was. My life has already improved 110% and is getting better every day.
On another topic, Emily is having ALL her teeth out, and dentures fitted!
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi to Tony glad that you are enjoying the last day of your hol, Paul’s still snoring that was funny haha thanks about my mum its a diff situation sometimes she’s not so bad then stomach prob comes back and she’s crying but anyway like you said hopefully will know fairly soon, I’m not too bad thanks really don’t like hot weather but I’m coping more or less thanks for asking didn’t really get enough sleep again because the situation but was a tolerable amount of sleep so I should be okay for awhile I’ve got metho joy is coming up at about 3:30 today that’s your aim anyway. Interesting about uprising and your dad.
LA told my mum that when he goes to school he will learn lots of things and then teach them to BR like sport and manners manners that’s a bit of a joke really ha ha I think maybe he himself could do with some etiquette lessons lol. Hope the return journey goes okay. Tc.xx
Ps Ideally I would like to cross the river at night at least in the dark and so there is a minimum nasty sunlight to hurt my skin and so on and so forth perhaps the image would be something like the following take care, xx
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Hi Joan thanks for your nice message how are you and Sue doing today? I’m not too bad overall at the moment thanks my mum’s health and moods keep fluctuating v unfortunately but hopefully the doctor should get the results for stomach prob in a few days hope you’re having a nice afternoon both of you take care. Xx
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Hello cafe :) I wonder where frog is now 🤔 given the flight was the afternoon.. hope it's a good one.. I will get the kettle poised for when you land, first thing you'll want I expect. So interesting what twists and turns of fate lead to us being where we are! all the lives we could have led instead, it's just fascinating & unknowable of course which just adds to it. Hope all well at home; is Sleek a sulker when you go away hopefully not too much 😾 xx
Kitty you amaze me 😘 good to read that wheels are in motion and this has been your 'light at end of tunnel' in a way despite the circumstances. Lots of cafe hugs and as much tea & cake as you can handle xx
Hello Barbara sorry to hear Mr B's other hip isn't all it should be either 😔 hope things alright as can be otherwise.. raised beds are brilliant, everyone should have them they just make sense. My favourite place for scavenging bricks (for garden use) have chucked out some more so I can resume my collection. I'm assuming they don't mind, for all I know they keep an eye out for me now as a fun little hobby.. like Springwatch but Mad Old Bat Watch 😂 Kettle's on :) xx
Joan Wednesday (to stay nice until) will do me fine, may be a little drop of rain here later but I don't mind that too much. Have a good weekend xx
Hi to bosh and sorry it's a bit ups & downs with you at the moment, I managed a walk too today because the breeze was quite pleasant, no skirt for me though (do I even own one now? 🤔). Just imagine LA nearly 4 and off to school, hope he gets on ok but it sounds like he'll be just fine to me. 😊 Hope the dreaded mtx will play nice today. Plenty of plain bics if required. xx
Love to all and hello to Carol, Mike and any & all who call in xx
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Hi Barbara how are you doing today? Xx.
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Hi Toady 🐸 how are you doing today? did you get much gardening done? Xx
Glad you’re safe Kitty take care. Xx.
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Hi all just got a bookmark pic for those of us with mxt hangover, free dry toast, lol. Xx
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Thanks t I hope you have a good night sleep well. Xx
Carrot soup pic for us while we’re on the plain food kick, lol. Tc everyone. Xx
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Just to wish bosh a good night too thanks :) you're hopefully asleep now I should be too - I had a discount to spend on ebay so have been a bit late, browsing & buying a few things including plants & seeds (does that count as gardening? 🤔 oh well nice try ok it's definitely shopping not work. but I did do some weeding today 🌱). I've been dipping my dry toast in my soup, sorry if that's terrible manners, I don't have an LA to teach me any better ;) Have a good weekend & family too x
Love to any fellow late owls xx
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Thank goodness Kitty! I am so glad to see your name and to read that everyone is helping you now you are 'allowed' to actually take the support. (I do hope someone - not you! - is helping Chris too) your life will spin round maybe 200%!!! I am so very pleased to read they will rehome you somewhere safer (no stairs I hope) and fresh which you can fill with happy memories. I think Aidan will find you the best place to be.
You did say that teeth aren't great in your family so good luck to Emily😣 She will benefit in the long run I'm sure.
Morning Joan it is LOVELY to be back in my own bed although the one on the boat was a good one too you get used to your own don't you? The best thing is having Sleek here purring right here😻 Isn't it great that Kitty is so happy and will have carers now? How are you and Sue doing? ((())) xxx
Mike I am very much thinking of you and suspect things are very tough just now 😒 Sleep sleep and sleep again if that won't come then at least rest and you will get there. You are half way now well over half way really and it's working. That evil disease which would have got you has been pushed back and will be obliterated. Vixen keeps her Daddy. ((())) xxx
I was probably landing about then Toady so that cuppa was most welcome 😋the flight back from Hungary was longer than the flight to Germany. The wait at the baggage area was also a very long one..... I hadn't had enough to drink.
People were very good on the flight wearing their masks I rather think that would be a good 'permanent' policy 🤔what do you think?
You've been buying seeds? Ooooh! I am looking forward to getting outside - anyone got a scythe? How embarrassing with Best kept village going on😳 even though I didn't want us to enter this year I do not want to let the side down either.
Now Sleek a sulker? Sort of. She lets me pick her up and leans into me, but she can withhold her purr. Honestly she can. Not this morning though I am forgiven because I am still here today thunderpuss is back❤️
Morning Reshmi I am home. I managed my last walk on Hungarian soil yesterday morning and now I am safely back here in my own home my own laptop in front of me 😊 It is nice to be 🏡 home.
Your Mum...she sounds like my sister when she had gallstones that came and went but was absolute agony when it was flaring up. I am so sorry for her and you because there's nothing you can do to help. She may need an ultrasound if they haven't done one already that's what Kari was diagnosed with. ((())) for you.
Thanks for the dry toast and soup that's exactly what we need and I think Toady is fine dunking the toast/bread in her soup too.
Ehem! LA will be teaching you all manners?🤣 bless his heart and then of course he will teach BR so he'll be ready for when he goes to school too🤭
I might need his help too - it was very tricky to have good manners for me on the last night if the trip. Would you believe it they did a Gala night 6 courses!!!!!!!!! 6!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness I was just trying to make it look like I'd eaten it by the 4th course to be honest! No-one fancied breakfast after that yesterday morning even though who knew what we'd eat before we got home.
Anyway Reshmi I am home and recovering from a lovely break hoping all will be well and I haven't caught COVID. I will feel reassured when it gets to the end of the week and not before. Rest today it's Saturday post MTX🙄
Barbara how are you? Isn't it good news about Kitty? I think this will be the making of her I really do. They will find her a lovely house maybe even a bungalow that would be great the she can get in the garden.
Like my neighbour Mr B needs the other hip done. Let's hope they can recover from this one first. I suspect my neighbour will try to put it off anyway so he can have his wife home.
It's lovely to be back at home with my pusskin she is happy too right here on her blankie purring and juts peeping at me every now and then☺️
Love of course to Carol and anyone else who has time to pop in.
Take care
Toni xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty ((()) it’s so nice to know you are getting help (()) Chris doing what he did has helped you get a better life good (()). Sorry Emily has to go though that (()) take care. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (()) and Chris (())
Toady (()) have a good day with not too much pain.
Toni (()) now you need a rest from your holiday have a good weekend love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Barbara (()) have a good weekend love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Mike (()) I hope things are not too bad (()) thinking of you and vixen (())
Reshmi (()) I hope your mum’s tummy problems are soon put right for her (())
take care
joan xx1 -
Sorry I have not been on here for a while but I have been as rough as rats, nausea all the time and trouble getting fluids down let alone food; my reaction to each round of chemo is worse than the last! One more chemo on Thursday then a PET scan to decide on ongoing treatment. Plus they could not flush my picc line after chemo last week and after 3 nurses tried about 6-8 times they decided to leave it; needless to say that the District Nurses came on Thursday and could not do it either so I had to go back to the hospital yesterday to have "drain cleaner" put through it, fighting the nausea all the way there and back only to retch as soon as I got out the car at home! Thanks to everyone for their supportive words, it really makes a difference. xx
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