Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    hi toady thanks for your message I’m not too bad thanks I did force myself to go on a walk this morn but I needed to do really, glad that you’re not feeling too bad enjoying the gardening, my mum did an antibody test at home from research company, results were inconclusive i told her not to worry about this stupid test Because it was just from some kind of research place the doc would have done the test if it were really that important. Tc. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Barbara and Joan hope you are both okay today? thanks about My mum Joan Hope you and Sue have a nice day. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    hi Toni im glad the trip home went okay and you have a chance to rest now really hope that You didn’t catch Covid thanks very much about my mum, LA’s own manners can be pretty bad, you’ve guessed right there whenever he speaks to my mum he says “do it read it clean it “ etc, so constant use of the imperative oh dear…

    Sorry this is so short, it’s just I have the metho hangover and I’ve got a few things to do so I’ll go for now take care. Xx

    Ps. LA told his mummy that he had won a prize for being a good boy in nurser, whether that was quite true nobody really knows but he’s enjoying his chocolate in moderation I hope well i hope in vain really, lol and BR is enjoying his food and smearing choc all over his mouth in a customary manner do bookmark pic today is a little kiddie sporting the chocolate mouth look of course this is not a relative of mine just a general online image take care everybody. X

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,751

    Oh Mike, that sounds tough. At least you only have one more to go. You'll be so relieved when this is all over. I hope the nausea passes soon and you can start keeping food and water down. xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all today was suppose to be sunny it was for 10 mins

    Kath hopefully it won't be long before they settle you in your new home ,si glad you have your family helping..sending some hugs xx

    Toni glad you are home safe and sound ..very interesting about the Hungarian flag ..

    don't think Mr B will go in soon fir his other hip according to him it was all a nightmare ..🤔I'm sure our Aidan will find a place fir Kath xx.

    Joan no rush for Mr B mind you I left my second one longer than I should have are you and Sue getting on xx

    Toady I will watch out fir you on Sprngwatch ...🤣🤣 ....I only have 2 wooden raised beds could do with the whole garden raising to be honest 😟xx.reshmi my late mum had gallstones like Toni saud the pain come and goes but is awful..hope mum is not to bad and you are feeling kess tired and yucky from your meds xx

    Mike I hope the scan show a massive improvement xx

    Love to Lily Mary xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 7. May 2022, 17:02

    Toni do you remember me buying this my baby Wisteria only had a couple of flowers last year ..look at it now... needs moving back to the wall

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Barbara thanks for your nice message how are you? that’s a nice looking wisteria plant I am so not feeling too bad at the moment thanks as I had a bit of a nap but stomach not feeling too good but should feel better in about a days time don’t think it’s gallstones because the pain wasn’t as intense as that that’s what she told me she seems to be feeling a bit better today I hope it lasts and that the results come soon take care and have a good night. Love Reshmi. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,605

    Hello everyone, I mustn't have another too late night so I will just blow you all a kiss 😘 in an ideal world we'd all sleep as nicely as bosh's lovely picture so here's wishing us all a few guardian fairies and as good a night as possible 😴 and I will see you tomorrow xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Oh Mike! I hesitate to say, but Lucy's tolerance to the chemo also got worse she started out so well convinced she wouldn't be sick at all. You have done so very very well honestly so far you will get there. There are other anti sickness they could try if you wanted to ask? the best is the evil nosinan, but there's domperidone or metoclopramide too. They will not want you dehydrated.

    Is your picc line running free now? It can happen that a picc line fails although they usually last 6-9 months. When Lucy's failed she had a hickman line (in the chest, but they last much longer) which she hated, but it lasted the remainder of her treatment which as you know was just short of 2 and a half years. You won't need a hick some have a second picc if needs be of course, but if they unblocked yours you should be ok. How many lumens (dangly bits hanging off the tube where they attach the needles/drips etc) have you got? Lucy had 2 If they put one in with 2 often one blocks but you can carry on with the other.

    You mustn't worry too much about us (let us worry about you!) just when we see you have 'liked' a post we know you are ok - ish maybe but ok. Thinking of you and sending my usual strength and ((())).

    Morning Joan how are you and Sue doing? All is getting under control here now. Washing done just the ironing left to tackle. That's ok though I can do that when I watch gardener's world. Sleek's back is ok on the new meds she seems quite content and not troubled at all. The girls have looked after her very well. Has Lexi had her dental yet? ((())) xxx

    Morning Kitty me duck are you in Aidan's hospital? The QMC? I know Sleek knows where you are of course, but she sometimes likes to know things I don't!!

    I am sure you are being looked after really well and am very much hoping you will be hearing about somewhere to live ground floor I hope soon. Imagine - some outside space you can easily get to!

    Ongoing love and support coming your way 🌈🙏((())) of course.

    Hi @Lilymary I'm glad you spotted Mike had posted and hope you are doing ok too 😊

    Hi Reshmi I know how you feel I don't feel great either. At least we can really sympathise with poor Mike can't we? Rice cakes. I am eating rice cakes today I am going to try a greggs vegan sausage roll they have often made me feel quite a bit better.

    Cute baby (even if he's not BR) with choccy mush poor mum/dad having to clean him up! Not as bad as that pic @Arthuritis posted on those babies covered in paint at least!

    I am very glad to hear LA is managing to eat his chocolate in some moderation bless him. Well who knows maybe his did get an award at nursery - even if he didn't the incentive might just be there to get one....🤞

    Oh dear me tut tut he uses the imperative all the time! I think they all do when they are little until you 'help' the grow out of it. I'm sure his manners will improve. I am honestly!

    I hope you manage your walk today and a rest too and feel much more yourself soon ((()))

    Morning Barbara are you having a nice weekend? I see the weather has picked up everyone here tells me there has been a lot of rain yesterday was quite pleasant here.

    Has Niamh visited? I do hope she's still young enough to want to play in nanny's pool this year🧐 they grow so fast don't they?

    and of course how is Mr B doing? My neighbour has his second physio tomorrow and hopes to have all restrictions lifted and maybe have his beloved wife home.

    Your wisteria looks incredible! Yes get it moved into it's forever spot ☺️I bet Bill's is growing too we must ask.

    I think Mike has done incredibly well bless him and am sure his scan will show all clear.

    Toady I have come back to weeds everywhere and the need definitely for a

    I made the front respectable yesterday (don't want to let the side down for best kept village) and will tackle the back today maybe....all seedlings have survived though one or two gone leggy and no new ones have popped up🙄

    Veggie bed needs weeding deserately.....must I do this new 'no digging' thing do you think?

    I do hope you are doing ok though? Not like you not to pop in. Hopefully just really busy or too tired (temporarily) to post.

    Love to Carol if you manage to call in and hope that you are all well everyone in your large family ((()))

    and hello! To anyone else who pops in!

    give this a go!

    Vegan option available never fear.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,605

    'Morning all - frog that was an 'I'm here don't worry' line or 2 last night, or meant to be :) it happens sometimes that I purposely opt to post later in the day than sooner but if it gets past a certain time I know I'd better skip it or I'll get sucked into looking at the internet instead of going to sleep. (Annoying that screens too late are bad because it's always when I feel most like being on there.) See you all later :) xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) have you thought what you would like your new home to look like what ever it’s like you will be safe (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) Emily (()) and your Dad (()) and Chris (())

    Barbara (()) thinking of you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) have a good the days go so quick don’t they.

    Toni (()) do you sit down to do the ironing. Thank you for asking about Lexi she’s broke her toe nail last week that’s better now she has to have some teeth out when she can be fitted in. that’s good that sleeks back is alright does she have to stay on pain killers. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (()) I hope his wife will soon be able to come home (()))

    Mike (()) good luck with the scan take care we are thinking of you and vixen ((())

    Reshmi (()) how is your tummy feeling today. love to your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,751
    edited 8. May 2022, 12:45

    Hello Toni, thanks for asking. My radio therapy has knocked the stuffing out of me, even 7 weeks later. I’m hoping the ME hasn’t reared its ugly head again, it’s been a really tough year, one way and another. It’s a shame as my walking had been improving before I had the RT. I’m still waiting for my steroid injection into my groin, as the muscle is still very painful and wooden. I chased up the hospital last week and they said maybe the end of this month? Just hoping it will work, as I’m far from right still. The garden keeps me sane though. I forgot to take my hormone pills yesterday evening so took them before I went to bed. Bad move, I forgot they affect your sleep, and I was still awake at 4am! Feeling pretty foggy now. 🙄

    Your cruise looks amazing, I’m glad you’ve had such a lovely time!

    and hi to the rest of the crew, I’m slowly getting to know you. Kitty, it sounds like you’ve had a really difficult time, I do hope things are working out for you and you’re being well cared for.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    hi Tony toady J K and Barbara hope you’re all doing okay today? hi Toni thanks for the reassurance that LA will learn some manners when he reaches maturity lol, he was especially cheeky today though on the phone he called mum a poo oh dear. I went to the shop today very briefly not bakery though may I add haha and a little boy slightly younger than LA called me dad oh dear not sure if that’s a compliment or not haha.

    I’m more or less okay thanks Toni but not really appreciating the sunny weather but the Sun can’t last forever that’s my theory at least 😄. My dad was cooking a food parcel for the EF so the house was boiling from early on, bit of a DV situation.

    Sorry That your stomach isn’t good either i hopes that the vegan pastry helps. Did manage to walk today thanks yes but because of the heat at home and other HV issues not really feeling so good right now but I will feel better once I have a shower, hope things are not too bad with you in general Toni other than the stomach probs. My mum is in a better mood at the moment but will have to wait-and-see for the results really I hope they come soon.

    Uncle not blood relation but like a close relative fell down on the street he is extremely overweight and has a bit of a weak knee but not arthritis a stranger stopped his car got out and helped him which was very kind of him he was lucky they took him to the GP surgery I think and now he’s okay I don’t know the details tho quite sad situ though his wife is a real piece of work and she sent him out on a walk on his own even though he wasn’t supposed to do that it really wasn’t kind anyway I’m glad he’s doing okay now Im sure someone will give me some details pretty soon down the line.

    LA also told me told mum that he’s going to Olivia‘s birthday party soon and that Olivia is a boy I think atm anyone that he likes is a boy, lol, people he half likes are boy- girls, lol, He was completely outraged when my mum suggested that Olivia may in fact be a girl oh dear, Lucky LA getting to sample birthday cake after birthday cake let’s just hope Riley is not invited then they’ll be no cake for anybody they might have to have dry toast 😂. Okay I’ll go for now Toni take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Toady I think you sent me a message at some point sorry losing track of things a bit today on the message front lol anyway I hope that you didn’t sleep too badly with or without guardian fairies, lol? how are you feeling today? did you manage to get some gardening done? Tc. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    hi all today’s bookmark pic is a close-up of an Oscar the grouch T-shirt I saw online for those of you unfamiliar with Oscar the grouch he’s a grumpy kind of monster guy who lives in the dustbin not exactly welcoming I have renamed this picture DV reasons of great secrecy haha take care everybody.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,605
    edited 8. May 2022, 16:47

    Hi again, such a lovely day now although it was overcast all morning. Opted to wash my hair (no easy or daily task as it's like a particularly unfortunate horse's mane) which takes a fair bit of my energy so not much left over for gardening, I banked on it being not that nice a day so wouldn't matter overly. 🙄 Ah well tomorrow hopefully. Not sure about a scythe frog although it's quite possible I have one somewhere, I do have a couple of rather nasty billhooks or do I mean sickles 🤔 but I'm sure Bayleaf will find you something 😀. Sorry no new seedlings for you. I have some seeds coming as mentioned, inc. some dwarf sunflowers, some more peas, and some herbs including a few plug plants (they were only pence more than seeds so I thought I'd do a 50/50 sow some myself from seeds, buy some). The rosemary cuttings I took ages and ages ago seemed to have done nothing on inspection, even though they hadn't gone brown & crispy - I put them in water anyway, and now they are rooting - glad I didn't chuck them. Still quite a few seeds not coming up.. tagetes, aquilegia.. I wish now I'd doubled up more on sowing.. I can be a bit stingy especially if I don't need many, because on the other hand I have over-successful seedlings with no prospective homes. Not sure about the no-dig method for veg (such as they are mine are mostly in pots now) but I did do a cardboard layer type thing for (pre-arthritis) sweet peas and in general it does seem a sound idea doesn't it. Hope you will not be ostracized if you fall below best kept village standards 😉 even if not 'in it' as such this year. Glad to hear Sleek is getting on ok and is purring / keeping you company on blankie &c. 😺 x

    Love to Kitty I hope things are going to plan and that the house clearing is going ok, not too unsettling, but you probably feel change is all part of a new start I expect xx

    Hello Barbara what a pretty wisteria won't that be lovely when its climbing 😍 when I had the last lot of new fences everyone assumes you'll want the 'good' side but that is the good side to me because ivy & climbing plants can get a nice hold (and the dear sparrows all perch on the ledges) xx

    Hi bosh hope things not too HV and EF ish today what with the cooking and the heat indoors & out, it's cooler here today hope it is for you too. We're all caught up for messages you haven't missed anything 👍️ & thanks to the fairies I did sleep well, thanks. No gardening for me today but maybe a walk later. Have a good rest of Sunday yourself :) x

    Mike so sorry things are tough I wish there was something more helpful to post than just sympathy but frog & others are the ones to speak from experience, so not my place to say much re your circumstances but if anything else would help as distraction.. comic songs monologues games of I-Spy.. you only have to say. DO hope they have nice things to say about you after the next scan. Love to Vixen x

    Hello Lilymary, sorry the RT has given you a bit of a knock back, I have a chronic-fatiguey background and know what it's like (even with RA the tiredness is the worst bit for me) - hope things improve for you and you don't have to wait too long for the injection. x

    Joan yes the days go far too quickly, both not enough hours in the day, and the calendar going by with not much to show for 2022 so far. But it's a lovely day here so must just sit out look at the birds & not fret about undone jobs. 🐦️ Love to both xx

    Have a good evening everyone, Carol, Arthuritis, Jason & all if passing :) xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230
    edited 9. May 2022, 05:54

    Morning everyone😊

    It looks like Barbara's eyes are a bit rough atm it's unusual not to see her for two days running. I hope otherwise everything else is ok Barbara and the family are all well. Must take some wisteria pics soon Wilhelmina is pretty big now. Next doors is still bigger though and I am still pinching the branches to go over the new pergola🤭

    Mike I am sending my best to you as ever. Keep on going I know you have no choice, but i promise it will be worth it. We are having some drier sunnier days although the wind isn't warm yet. I expect Vixen is still staying close to your side bless her😻 Take care ((())) xxx

    Kitty I expect for you getting online isn't so easy in hospital, but as long as you we are all thinking about you and are looking forward to seeing you in your new home. I like Joan's query - whether you've been thinking about what you'd like in your new home. What a positive attitude she has!

    Sleek is visiting for quite a large proportion of the day and now l see how she's getting in so easily:

    I know exactly what you mean Toady! I totally want to go online later on when I am 'chilling' after a busy day. Is it ok if we can work out how to turn the 'blue light' off? I don't think so because even telly isn't great later on.

    At the moment though i am in bed for about 8pm as i am back rising at 3.45 am to take Lu into work.😴

    My hair needs a wash too🙄 and I hate it it takes an hour to get dry and looking (almost) respectable once it's done though i get three days or 4 of peace at least. Is yours similar? You will get garden time today I am sure. I managed a tiny bit yesterday I did a litter pick in the village in the morning then some holiday ironing - one and a half 'Montys' watched so was no hardship really.

    I'm so glad the rosemary is rooting now you are so like me we must keep trying we can't kill anything can we? Same thing with planting too many seeds I cannot, cannot 'chose' the best and kill the others😣Paul helped cut the grass (Reshmi will be pleased) so no scythe needed I bey Bayleaf has one though. I'd have tried your sickle" 50:50 plugs and seeds is fine why not? I need to hoe between my rows of garlic and onion I think onions don't like competition?

    Now I need to clean out the greenhouse ready for the tomatoes and cucumbers to be rehomed for the summer.

    The village won't know I am not keen on BKV this year I shall keep schtum and just keep my end up for now.🤫 I will still be doing more than the majority with my litter picking walks....

    I also read about using grass cuttings as a sort of mulch (dried ones to prevent weeds) between veggies. Not sure about that knowing my luck it will create a dandelion bed!

    Ah well I hope you have a lovely gardening day😊

    Joan I do indeed have a perching stool for ironing and it helps a bit. I never do too much in one go either that's asking for trouble don't you think? Poor Lexi! ouch her paw. I hope you hear soon with a date for her dental. Sleek is staying on her gabapentin yes for her back, but really seems fine bless her thanks for asking ((())) for you and Sue xxx

    Where's Reshmi? ah! there you are☺️near Oscar!

    So we had some DV yesterday due to the food parcel preparation? Oh dear well l hope he felt better once it was all done. I also hope EF appreciated his efforts. Mum's results should come through soon now🤞

    Not sure about being called Dad by a little boy, but probably just a case of you wearing the same colour clothes and being nearby. I once hugged a man in the same colour jumper as my Dad. I have never got over the embarrassment to this day! Well done not buying anything naughty. I didn't try the vegan sausage roll in the end jut had mushrooms on toast instead. Feeling not too bad today and hope your stomach is ok too?

    Go out in the morning it's cooler and rest indoors if it gets too hot/ sunny. That's the plan.

    Cheeky boy LA calling your Mum a poo🤭 they really love to experiment with 'naughty words' don't they at his age. Whilst I suspect Olivia is a girl who knows perhaps LA knows better that us? isn't it nice though that he's popular and gets invited to so many parties even if they are cake fueled 🎂

    I got Paul to cut the grass yesterday so didn't put the barrier cream on. I was nearby though and would you believe it? Prickly arms🙄

    Oh that poor non-Uncle! I do hope he's ok now and how lovely to know there are still good people out there prepared to help and take someone in need to the Doctors.

    Lilymary we just chat in here and eat virtual food and care about each other. I can imagine it is tricky working us all out we wouldn't want to be unwelcoming at all though I hope we aren't.

    You have had a rough time haven't you that injection had better help your groin. Bloomin radiotherapy has put you back a bit hasn't it? our gardens keep most of us sane in here too l do not know where i'd be without mine for definite. I'm sure we are meant to be outside with nature it's so theraputic.

    Maybe it's not the ME just the after effects of the radio? I do hope so that would be the last thing you needed. taking meds at the wrong time is just a disaster😣 Our river cruise was lovely really restful thank you. Paul is planning the next one though i am trying to hold him back! Just worry about COVID until the end of the week then I will relax.

    Hi to Carol if you pop by I hope you and all of yours are well especially Mr T and Miss Cookie.

    Take care everyone

    might go down well for Mike actually?

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty ((())) I hope you are getting on alright we are thinking about you (()) take care. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (()) and Chris (())

    Barbara (()) thinking about you love to Mr B (()) and everyone (())

    Toady (()) yes Arthritis wears you out it’s like tooth ache all over your body.

    Toni (()) Where would you like a to go on a cruise. Have a good day love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (())

    Lillymary (()) sorry you are in so much pain (())

    Mike (()) you are doing so well vixen is looking after you well.

    take care
    joan xx
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154

    Hello everyone sorry not been around for a while have been well for a while but now the chemo drugs are out of my system the ra has reared its ugly head ,my rheumy put me on a reducing steroid pill to see if we could knock it back into submission but its not worked so it looks like i will be on rituxamab (sp) which my haematologist has agreed to as it was in the chemo regime I was ones rheumy appointment next week.

    I hope everyone is as well as could be. X

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    hi t and Toni and everyone v tired had hosp blood test today will write properly later. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    hi again toady I’m glad you had a restful Sunday mine wasn’t too bad thanks but the main news of the day for me today is that doc said today that mum’s stomach prob it’s not serious but if probs persist she should see GP but she’s been feeling better today and yesterday so I’m taking that as a really good sign it’s also of course meant that all the diff “Vesuvii” (what’s the plural of Vesuvius, lol? Now there’s a question) have stopped erupting at least for now have a nice evening, Tc. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    hi Toni how are you today? that’s nice that Paul helped you with the garden shame though that your arms were itchy without cream I’m not too bad thanks been a busy day but not a bad one despite the heat I must admit I did have half a c latte at the hospital café because my throat was feeling pretty uncomfortable / sore and that helped a lot because often I don’t even have tea with my breakfast because I just avoid all the Vesuvius activities and get out of the house asap for the walk was so delicious even though quite overpriced slightly more than SB oh well nvm don’t do it every day and had a takeaway apple cake it was great it was a relatively healthy cake no icing no jam so I think LA would’ve been stomach isn’t feeling too bad today thankfully how is yours doing?

    blood test went okay thanks.

    yets that’s sweet about you hugging the wrong dad bless yes you’re right LA knows everything lol.

    it does make a difference doesn’t it Toni sort of doing something other than walking because I do like to walk and I know it’s good for me but I do like you said socialising or even just having a nice change of environment or something like that doesn’t always come easy at least not these days I don’t usually have a Chai latte so today the fact that I managed to control myself and just have a half was a good compromise 😄☕️.

    oh yes I just wanted to say that my mum’s well stomach wise it seems and I grateful for that okay have a lovely evening bye for now. Xx

    Ps it’s a great time was had by all at Olivia’s birthday party including LA of course Olivia who is of Spanish origin was dressed as a little princess in the customary frilly dress with and she even wore little bit of make up eyeshadow and lipstick no less she looked very beautiful but at the end of the sugary eating spree I think that she probably looked a little bit more like the attached photo oh dear okay bye T and take care Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Joan how are you and Sue? Im not too bad thank and mum’s stomach seems to be okay now thank goodness hope you have a nice evening . Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    hi Barbara hope you’re well? Tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,605

    Hello all, once again I will run late if I don't get on, so it'll be a quick hello & a proper non-rushed post tomorrow. I do have an app to tone blue down on the laptop frog, ok if you don't need colour accuracy, bit dull but I don't mind it too much; what really shows the difference it makes, is turning it off after a while - the blue light then strikes you much harsher & brighter, more than you think it is when you're used to it, doesn't it. But though that's definitely part of keeping you awake, it's as much that if I start browsing I'm likely to go on too long & just not be disciplined. But yes I do my best most fun & creative browsing then, & like you, it's the chilling out side, especially being an evening person anyway. It's finding a balance I suppose. Certainly can't spend the time I used to on things like gaming; my head for that sort of thing just drains down like a cheap battery. 🙄 Back tomorrow for gardening chat, it was rather breezy so I did my 'duty' sowing back-up seeds indoors & washing pots &c. Have a good night :) x

    Just to quickly say I'm very pleased to hear about your mum bosh that's good news indeed especially as she will be less anxious which in turn will help anyone's stomach, won't it :) so long may the Vesuvii lie inactive, like so -> ⛰️ ⛰️ have a good night will say hello tomorrow xx

    and also to say nice to see you @mig though sorry the RA is being a bother 😔 all the best with your appointment and with getting it under control x

    and love to absolutely everyone else, to whom (grammar!) I will reply next time 😘 xx