Val's Cafe
Hi Barbara how are you doing today? how’s Mr B doing? hope you have a nice evening take care. Xx
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hi toady how are things with you today? was it a day of bad fatigue? or will your energy levels are not too bad? I’m not too bad thank you and mum is well I’m good thanks a bit tired but not excessively so take care. Xx
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Hi all, just a fairly quick one from me.. not too busy today but have had grocery shopping and caught up on some small things, must go & get a breath of air now in the garden or a walk. Didn't fit in much in the garden because the breeze picked up again in the afternoon, and pretty cold in fact. But did a bit more seed planting & odd jobs - the 2nd batch of tagetes I put in have come up, in 5 days frog! so I'm gaining on the success/failure side now. Having said that.. something is eating a nice clump of my chive flowers, and (worse) my wild garlic in a pot is looking sickly & it took me aaages to get any from seed 😕. I do hope your honesty plans A B & C will work out, & it would be nice if you did find a spare when you looked. I meant to mention (as a gardening & internet-browsing topic combined) that I've been trying out alfalfa as fertilizer this year.. not sure where I got onto it first but then I saw a good Youtube video too & it all sounded a good option. Then I came across such an interesting site, of a chap who'd been encouraging the growing of feijoas in the UK, but had the all too depressingly frequent problem of someone selling up the land he was renting & the new people hiking the price up way out of range 😒 He also had some health issues so that affected his plans too but still it was all v interesting and he had a lovely instagram of wildlife photography etc. So just what we've been saying about how one thing leads into another online, well we all know how that goes. Hope everything well with you today :) Btw thank you for your input on returning items, probably will just keep the wrong one (it's still ok) & rebuy, partly because I received another wrong item yesterday & did have to be refunded for that, so I'm sort of in pocket & will offset it (I do a lot of that sort of mental juggling none of it very sound maths, usually 😂).
Hello bosh, not too tired today just middling I suppose after a couple of busier days, probably 'more or less ok' sums it up as you say yourself. Sorry things are not quite as inactive at HV as they might be but if everyone's ok your mum especially then that's good. I never gave a thought to having to worry what the kids would pick up at your house! you don't think when you don't have any around, that would certainly make me anxious. I only thought things like is it less stress for your mum going to see them ('in their natural habitat'; I lol'd 😄) than having people to the house, or less cooking going on (better for you), etc. Anyway hope whatever goes on at the weekend turns out ok too. I love baby bear's mittens on strings, what a cute detail :) Have a good sleep I hope. x
Not too busy today Joan but it was a bit cold really not the nicest day. Good luck with your video call with the hospital, I've never done that! I wonder if they'd let me do that for my next appt so I don't have to go? Worth a thought, I don't really want to go in person. Have a good day I hope it doesn't take too long for you & there's not much any waiting. xx
Barbara I haven't been busy today, in fact I haven't done a 'hand's turn' hardly, never mind eh. I love all sorts of music, stuff on cd vinyl & 78s, if you like something you like it never mind 'your era'. It's interesting when they use (for example) someone like the Ink Spots in film & computer game soundtracks and you get kids commenting 'Wow this is great, they should make music like this now' - a whole new audience. 😊 Hope you & Mr B both alright today (parky isn't it!) xx
Thinking of Kitty xx
and Mike & Vixen of course xx
and all regulars/semi-regulars - have a good night everyone. Grocery delivery 'subbed' me 4 pints of milk for 2, so if anyone wants milky coffees, cocoas, or custard on something, I'm your person. 😀 xx
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Hi Everyone it's rained overnight and is a bit windy but dry at least now. I have the weekend off of these early starts yippee!
I hope Mike got on OK yesterday and isn't feeling too dreadful today. Hopefully the scan will be soon and you can stop this harsh, but vital treatment now. I am sending my usual strength and ((())) to you and a tummy tickle for Vixen- puss.
Morning Joan how are you today? and Sue? are you going to the café? I am going to visit Kari I left it w hole week after coming back form the cruise in case I might have picked up COVID , but all seems well at least. Good luck with your video call I will be thinking of you. ((())) xxx
National drawing day Reshmi? You are a hive of information! I wonder whether my sister knew that her being an artist...
I'm so pleased your back has settled for now and hope it stays that way and well done walking I will be off in a minute too. Glad you had your rest even if not quite as much as you'd like.
I was wondering whether LLF would be in touch soon what a shame she's changed the venue
It would have done you good a trip to the café. I can understand why you'd dodge it though after you last experience there. Maybe it's cheap? Maybe it's nearer to her or nearer to where she wants to go afterwards? Whatever i think you probably made the right call and good that she was nice about you not going.
I rather hope her being silly after the Dr told her she needed to lose weight was just a one-off! Honestly they don't tell us that for the goodness of their own health it's for us!
Awww! LA is a Dr! That is cute I think the would be a very useful study aid for him. I remember when Lucy was in hospital my brother visited (he manages casinos so in a suit) all the parents and kids thought he was a Dr!! Next time he came with a plastic stethoscope and a book entitled 'Doctoring for dummies'!
I am pleased your Mum is well in fact it's probably a good sign that she has the energy to argue with your Dad!
If Lucy gets a flat where she wants to it's opposite work, an Aldi and the bus station. I will miss her though
Hi Kitty me duck how are you today? I do hope you are doing ok and the family are able to visit you. I am thinking about you and we all miss you very very much. Maybe you are writing poems to share when you get home in your head.
Sleek must be with you because she isn't here?
Sending you lots of love and ((())) xxx
Morning Toady today I can go to be a little later. No work for Lu tomorrow or Sunday. Yippee!
You know I washed my hair hair pack and everything and it was looking respectable? Not anymore it doesn't! I went out for a litter picking walk first thing and the wind blew it like a toilet brush again😕 So you were probbaly wise to dodge the garden. Hmmph!
Yesterday I did very little - well I must have done I have nothing to show for it!
Marigolds in 5 days! Wow!! I must get some planted to keep my tomatoes safe. I will do that today and weed my veggie bed. Sorry about the poorly wild garlic though. I will keep you in the loop about the honesty....I need it!
Oh gosh yes that is me! I go on youtube for one thing then before I know it I am looking at kitten videos and an hour is lost never to be recovered again 😳 Today I must be more productive. Well done the figures are ok for reordering your item in the correct colour get it done. Oh I did order a scraper for the fish tank I am struggling with green algae on the glass.
If your eyes let you come in Barbara hello! You'll find my reply on the page before. Hope all is well though.😊
Hello too to anyone who calls by including Carol who might just appear about now i think. Any new visitors WELCOME you can just say hello no need to try to understand all of our chatter!
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Morning all, I have not been on for a few days and there were 42 posts since my last!! Fourth round of chemo yesterday and I was still feeling ill up till my lift arrived so I took it upon myself to have an ondansetron before leaving at 0745 which worked except that when I got out of the car at the hospital I nearly blacked out (lack of food). Had bloods at 0900 and appointment with the Registrar at 0930, needless to say she was as thorough as usual and gave me a ticking off for not eating and a bigger ticking off for not phoning the help line instead of trying to fight the nausea for the past couple of weeks. She has put me on ondansetron every day for the next fortnight as well as cenlax to keep the rear end clear. Anyway as the first saline drip went in I started to feel better. Midway through the chemo the Registrar popped along to say that she had now had a more detailed look at my blood results and she wants to see me in clinic on Monday as there is a problem with my kidneys and has taken me off my lisinopril which I take for high blood pressure. My next PET scan is on Monday 23rd and if that is OK it will be followed by a couple of reduced chemo sessions and a dollop of radiotherapy. So that's it for now.
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Thank you all for your welcome back,i,m so stiff and sore this morning can hardly move hubby had to soap my hand to get my wedding ring off ,roll on tuesday for my app.
The family are really good none of us have had the virus, grandchildren are both at uni and enjoying the life, thank you for asking Frog how are your family doing ?
Will be in touch on tuesday after my app. Love to all Mig
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I hope you are getting on alright (()) take care love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (()) and Chris (())
Barbara (()) thinking of you and Mr B (()) love to your son and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toady (()) thank you for thinking about me it went alright its because I have too much calcium. Have a good day.
Toni (()) yes that would be good for both of you of Lucy got a flat but you would miss her (()) thank you for thinking about me I have to have another blood test in August I could see him in the video. Have a good time with Kari. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good weekend and your mum (())
Mike (()) glad that’s over for you your doing so well love to vixen
take care
joan xx1 -
hi toady how are you? Im glad that it’s not a extreme fatigue day for you anyway. I think the thing is with the EF situation you’re definitely right when it comes to my mum is that less cooking etc is def good for her but the prob is my sister it is very scatty not to say somewhat self absorbed as we all already know lol so when my mum goes there I tell her to take some dextrose tablets and all that stuff with her because only Mother Nature knows when she’ll get something to eat there so is a complex thing anyway seeing the grandbabies makes her happy and that’s the main thing atm, I’m glad you liked the natural habitat joke joke haha thank you.
today has been one of these days which hasn’t really got off the ground so to speak I have stomach probs unfortunately so just really staying inside try not to eat too much rubbish plus I should’ve methotrexate at some point today though I am wondering whether I maybe should have it tomorrow instead anyway I’ll wait till later on this afternoon and see how it goes. I’m glad you Liked the drawing very observant I didn’t even notice that detail about the mittens for a long time well I’d better go for now toady hope that the afternoon goes okay take care. Xx
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hi Toni are you today? I am sort of okay thanks bit of stomach prob I didn’t go out for a walk today as I’m trying not to eat too much rubbish and just feeling a bit groggy and horrible in general really thanks for asking, it will of course be sad and if Lucy moves out but then again it’s probably not that far away and she can still visit you very frequently and maybe it will be good for her confidence.
thing is about the LLF and the biscuits I also hope it’s a one - off but I’m not sure so as she’s v odd and Likes to rebel against doctors.
possibly she changed venue because she is pals with the lady who’s the manager there but it’s very difficult to know what goes through the LLF’s mind.
R Dahl inspired pic today because it reminds me reading LA stories, he interrogated me much like an English lit prof haha I’d better revise, this illustration is of course inspired by “the witches” but I could also rename it the cabbage - monitoring witch , lol. bye for now Toni take care and eat your green veggies otherwise who knows what will happen, lol. Xx
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Hi Joan how are you doing today? I’m sort of okay bit of stomach problems hope you’re having a nice day, mums well ty, Tc.xx
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Hello all.. Mike four rounds down is brilliant and really hope the extra ondansetron/meds combo will make things better for you especially as you have a Monday appt - sorry they are quibbling with your kidneys, best of luck with that and the PET scan (& beyond of course). x
Hi frog & hope you have been or are out in the garden weeding your veg bed or whatever; it is (grudging) not bad out there but the wind, it will not give up will it.. still hovering around & the minute I think it's calmed down & venture out it whips up a bit. Yes it would make short work of hairdos 😕 what can you do though, we should all have hair like Tressy (if you remember her); many the little girl that gave dolly a haircut in the trusting belief it would grow back infinitely 😂Anyway you had yours blown about in a good cause tidying up I suppose but annoying. I've had a few little spells outside as I say but not much doing, my cup & saucer is twining up its support so that's exciting 😊I also have a couple of tiny maurandya seedlings, finally. I've split the garlic, half in a pot with some better gritty mix & half outside, so we'll see - if no go I'll have to start over but it's not the time for seeds is it. Then I must must start putting up at least one of the 2 arches I bought for climbers. Did I know you keep fish? If I did it's 'gone' where things go these days. How's the pond plan, too btw? Hope you had a nice visit with Kari if you were definitely going today, good to see Covid figures going down don't suppose they'll go all the way down where we want but small mercies I guess. Have a good weekend especially as it's without the 'earlies' xx
Hello Joan glad the video appt went well good they don't want anything til August, hope you both have a good weekend and the dear dogs x
Hi bosh, good luck for mtx day if you decided to go ahead or if not for tomorrow instead.. if your parents are babysitting tomorrow will you go too on this occasion.. hope your weekend is not too bad either way. It's not too warm for me thanks (going back to what you asked before I think), it suits me better than cold unless it it gets really hot & stuffy/humid. Hope you either get a chance for a walk if you feel like it or if not maybe a rest instead. Do you ever listen to the radio or tapes etc when you're resting I wondered, or things like meditation/relaxation, or just prefer to sleep if poss. x
Hope Kitty is ok and Barbara too 😘 xx
Hello to mig too and sorry you're suffering 😔 hope all goes well on Tuesday🤞they don't offer me Rituximab being seronegative which is sort of a pity it always sounds to be a well-tolerated med, hope it's what works well for you. All the best x
Hi to Carol and any old/new visitors etcetera etcetera xx
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hi toady 🐸thanks for your nice message no I don’t think I will be going they’ll be gone all day and I need to have methotrexate tomorrow also my stomach is not that good right now. Going to sleep techniques nothing special springs mind you pre- arthritis I found it harder to sleep in general so that’s one good thing for me anyway, I like music I sometimes listen to it on my phone or whatever when I am very tired but not quite physically able to get up yet I find it helps to a certain extent relaxation - wise. Ive Tried meditating but haven’t really managed to do it at all properly tbh with you I’m not quite sure what a blank mind means lol is this something that you feel works for you? Okay I’d better go for now, hope you have a better day tomorrow too take care. Xx
Ps Ive called this pic I found “time to count some sheep”, lol, xx
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Hello to you all.
I still read most of your news and think of each of you, especially when life is throwing unwanted debris in your direction/s. At present, of course, my thoughts are with Kitty and Mike particularly as well as with everyone who is struggling in different ways.
It's good to read that Lucy has confidence to search for a flat for herself although she will leave a hole in the family home and that others of you manage to cope so well with your numerous challenges. Good, too to read about gardening ventures as the very barren patch we inherited when we moved here last year is rapidly transforming into the loveliest garden imaginable.
Just 3 months short of his 80th birthday I am more than astounded at what my husband has achieved despite his own health blips with help from our younger son and grandson. Thanks to the generous gift of garden tokens from our previous church we have purchased dwarf fruit trees (hopefully to become escalier trained) and an abundance of climbers to screen the perimeter fence. The shrubs and soft fruits we brought from the old garden are relishing this south facing space and a border of marigolds and pansies cheerfully tops the breeze-blocks that front a raised bed along the fence line - filled with bags of topsoil and compost. Best for me is the fact that I can easily reach right across this raised bed so am involved with the planting and am appointed 'chief weeder' - without aggravating my dodgy back too much.
So, other than the inevitable limitations of the two OAs (old age and osteoarthritis) I'm thoroughly enjoying our new home in Durham and looking forward to celebrating a year in it next month. There will be a further celebration in July when our elder son, his wife and family return to live in the UK after four years teaching in Dubai following a previous three years in Indonesia. Like our daughter who lives in Cornwall they won't be close to us but will be nearer to her, in Wiltshire. By comparison with the two years plus separation during Covid, however, it will be great to catch up with them during school holidays. They will also reclaim their cat, Mackerel, who has been lodging with us for the past four years so we will be back to being a dog-only family with our super-softie retired racing greyhound. Happily she has tolerated the feisty feline far better than predicted but we are looking forward to having a bird table again!
I hope you won't think I'm 'gloating' by reporting such good news but it's great to share it! It's taken me a long time to become 'settled' in this new area but I now feel that the 'slog' of moving is history and I've no desire to return to the Peak District, lovely as it is. I'm thankful that the positives in life help me deal with the less exciting stuff - about which I can do very little except continue to adapt in whatever ways are possible and concentrate on the many things I can still do, knowing how very blessed I am in having supportive family and friends.
My best wishes to you all and my thanks for interesting recipes and other scrummy eats from Val's cafe. 😋
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Morning everyone! A lovely start to the day I can see my little pink car going out today - she came out yesterday too.
Mike thank you so much for the excellent update. I should think your BP is low enough now anyway given how little you are eating surely you have lost weight. For Lucy she got acute liver injury, but it was temporary as should be your kidney blip. I'm so glad you are allowed ondansetron every day now I didn't think they'd want to hear you could hardly keep liquids down! Imagine you nearly fainting really you were lucky there and it's easy to solve 'the other end' issues isn't it?
PET scan next then (23rd) and some top up chemo which hopefully won't be as bad and you will have as they say kicked cancer in the rear! Fabulous😊 Still sending you strength and ((()))
Morning Joan I'm glad to hear the video call went well and you could see him ok. More so that they are keeping a close eye on you. That's good. I will miss Lucy definitely, but she deserves to live her life doesn't she? Ah well she wont be far away I can see her every day if I want to. Take care ((())) xxx
Kitty we are all still very much thinking about you and hoping you are doing ok. We are here when you can get in I am sure it's not easy where you are.
I hope the family have been again and that rehousing is happening as quickly as it can.
Sleek is on her way with a choc ice for you ((())) xxx🌈🌈🌈
Mig it is lovely to hear from you. I'm so sorry you bones are struggling though. Well done Mr Mig removing your ring for you I hope it's safely on a chain round your neck now?
How long before you can start your new meds then? Lovely news about the family it all sounds really positive😊
Thanks for asking Charley married her wife Annie in January, Tia is still happily married and Lucy is still in remission looking to leave home this summer all three will still be in the same town as us luckily.
Reshmi I had cabbage yesterday and peas so two green veggies? Will that do?
I'm quaking in my 👢 👢 😁
I very much hope LLF was just being a rebel as a bit of a one off and will now behave herself and maybe even (on the quiet) try to lose a little weigh. There's hope who knows? She sounds a bit daft really shooting herself in the foot like that. Mind you Kari says if people nag her about her weight she actually wants to eat more🤔
I think you are right she will have changed venue if she knows the manager at the student café that will be it.
Lucy will be about 15 mins drive from here when she gets her flat so I am sure I will see her regularly. I will miss her of course, but not the early starts!!! Gosh no🙄 It will be bliss waking up naturally.
Are EF coming today? I think if they are your reading skills and knowledge of English literature may well be put to the test. Beware the arrival of the tiny tyrant😯
I hope your stomach isn't too bad today though ((()))
Toady it was windy! It fair ruined my day as did spotting litter where I had picked 😡 some people! It's mostly drink cups from the next town's costa and maccies which gets wanged out. We are a short cut through to the M6🙄Me and Lucy had to stop the car and pick up some more we were fuming!
I did much less in the garden than I had hoped due to the wind's nice out there today. Hat on (if I can find it) and roof down in the Figaro for a blow through. No Tressy hair for me today sadly. Back to loo brush looks😳 I cut my Barbie's hair I did and had one whose hair 'grew' well you wound it out? Even that went tatty. I just must accept I am no hairdresser!
Ooh maurandya! I have never grown those they look lovely I would like to see yours flowering. I am happy to see many hardy plants growing well the Fuscias and peonies, the cornflowers and geraniums etc Mind you so are a lot of bloomin dandelion seedlings🙄
Pond today I need Paul for that.
Kari and I enjoyed a good cackle! A lovely catch up. She has very very bad asthma so I wanted to wait a whole week. Our figures are going down nicely, but as you say not going away which would be wonderful.
This is what i really did yesterday:
Oh it won't let me shrink the pic grrrr! dusty table😳
Crinkly how lovely to see you and to hear your garden exploits too! Your husband is doing so very well I am super impressed and would love to see pics if you can. I think Durham is the place for you😊1 year already? Many congrats and even better to hear your eldest will be home soon! There's me feeling sorry for myself that Lucy wants to move a whole 2 miles away🙄How have you coped? You must be so happy now. It doesn't matter if they aren't in the same town, but the same country will be enough!
Will you miss Mackerel? I bet you will even your old retired Greyhound will (SIL has two they are characters!)
Aidan's Saturday brekfast
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) has long has you are being looked after that’s all that matters take care (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (()) and Chris (())
Barbara (()) have a good weekend love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) have a good weekend how is sleeke getting on (()) enjoy your nice coffee tomorrow. Lovely Pom poms. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Crinkly (()) nice to see you. you feel you have achieved something when you see a difference in what you have done well done to both of you (())
Reshmi ((()) sorry you have tummy ache I hope it soon calms down (()) love to your mum (())
Mike (()) have a good weekend and vixen
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi Toni how are you today? I’m not too bad thanks but very tired had a massive dose of MV just now so that’s how things are in my house atm but stomach is just about okay thanks but I have to have glorious friend mxt in an hour or two roughly don’t worry about dusty tables Toni I think we’re all beyond caring about that kind of thing haha v impressive knitting btw yeah bullying is never good but if a doc just gives you advice in a neutral way I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that but like I said LLF has a very large ego indeed so large I’m amazed she can even fit inside the café haha tho of course she’s not all bad I’m glad in a way that I didn’t that venue was changed because I hate going out in the heat when I don’t have to if she invites me again then it’s close to 40° or anything remotely extreme in my eyes I’m just going to decline politely parents are going to see the EF at their place and I’m not going due to mxt etc glad you’re enjoying the weather I’m not sure I am haha but I’m taking refuge inside till tomorrow morning, Toni got to go now I’m afraid sorry about that hope you’re having a nice afternoon and that you get to enjoy some nice lie- ins the near future take care. . Xx
Ps. Pic today is Kale cake because I remember we were talking about veggies haha don’t know what it taste like certainly looks very strange bye for now. Xx
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Hi Joan I’m not too bad thanks how are you and Sue doing today? mum is okay at the moment thanks if a bit angry. Tc. Xx
hi Barbara Hope you’re okay today. Xx
sorry this is a bit rushed bye for now everybody. Tc.xx
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Hello all what a lovely day ..we have Niamh si we got some picnic foods and sat in the garden 😋
Thinking if Kitty hope things are moving forward fir you xx
Toni u can imagine how much you will miss Lucy ..but glad she won't be far away thus time 🙂..yes Mr B can drive Monday we hope xx
Toady I love it children in there own abitat 😅I was always on edge when we had other children I need to Google feijoas..the poor man working so garden then having it taken away xx
Reshmi I hope your mum stands up to dad bless her ..Nice that you can go to your your room..hope your dad us going ok xx
Crinkly lovely to gear frim you and what a star your husband is ..I'm the gardener in our house ..but I love it xx
Joan I'm a begger fir sweets ..not good us it ..I blame my Kate mum she was the same 😅love to all of you xx
Mike I feel fir you ..hoping the new antisuckness meds work ...xx
Love to all xxxxx
Barbara1 -
Hello all :) ooh, what nice weather.. this is more like it isn't it frog 😊 not to wish it on the ones that don't like it, but the warmth is lovely & even better, it's still. Have been out & planted some oregano lavender, potted on a couple of things, poked about a bit and also (in tipping out an old pot) found something alive that I thought was dead - no idea what! No label, sorry Monty. So that's something else saved for those of us who never knowingly kill anything off! As you were saying about thinning seedlings etc. (I hear someone say 'plant several and then select the strongest specimen' and just think yes but those ones want to grow too, now they've started!) Glad your 'hardies' are coming on nicely! I would like to see my maurandya flowering too 😂 we'll see! with a bit of luck being fast-growing means it should take off well & be sturdy not one of these things you have to coax along? Anyway, will aim to do a bit more later outdoors depending if I feel a walk is more overdue/virtuous. Oh wretched litter droppers 😣 lazy selfish stupid people. No real answer to it is there though, apparently some people think it's ok because it keeps someone in a job, among other excuses (I remember reading that in an article about David Sedaris, to do with a House of Commons enquiry. You've probably heard about his litter-picking). Of course who wants to take someone to task on it if you see them.. not me/you I guess 😬 & understandably. Or maybe you would? 🤔 Hope you had a nice drive later, & less to spoil it. I love your pompoms & knitted ribbons 😍 🇺🇦 are they for somewhere/time in particular, eg going on sale etc. Thinking of crafts (& going back to Monty), if you've nearly caught up, wasn't it a bit of a shock Adam moving house! Wonder if he took that chiselled wooden herb planter, that I never really forgave him for, it was a bridge too far to see someone make that and then (because with such a small garden & plenty of spare time..!) do all that decoration too, like it was nothing. 🙄😂 I love what's going on with the Dry Garden and it was interesting about the honesty and how happy it is in that one spot! Btw I had a Sindy not Barbie but I do remember a hair-growing Barbie.. I think a friend's brother cut theirs, rather than the friend herself, either way mother not happy of course. 🤐 Have a good rest of day & Sunday :) x
Hello crinkly, how nice to hear of your garden coming along so nicely 🌱 and they sound lovely fruit trees. Glad you are settled as you say; I lived in the North for a couple of years when young but although it had its positives I would not like to be central these days. Would have liked to go back for visits though but RA & now Covid have put spokes in that between them. I expect it has changed of course. Best wishes with everything & especially for July when you will see family 😊
Hi to bosh who I hope is enjoying the quiet of an empty HV even though there have been some rumblings with MV, sorry about those 😔. Hope you can keep cool too, maybe a walk in the evening when its better. I'm a bit hopeless at proper meditation too as such, I sometimes listen to guided mediation type things but even then have to really summon up enough patience to do the breathing etc (even though I know it's supposed to be such a good thing). Mostly I just put on music or often audiobooks etc, when I had noisy neighbours I tried things like just bland recordings the sort of thing people use as white noise and they're quite good for going to sleep too. Have a good Sunday I hope. xx Shall I try a bit of cake while I'm here having some tea? Oh may as well it has icing how bad can it be 🤨
Hello to Joan and Sue and have a good Sunday :) xx
and thinking of Kitty, & Barbara xx
& Mike & Vixen who I hope are doing ok today. xx
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Hi B Glad you had a nice picnic in the garden sometimes my mum stands up to my dad but other times she just gives in I think that’s the prob really she’s too nice and kind to truly stand up to herself yes upstairs I have the refuge of my own room and the spare room I use the spare room in the daytime unless it’s too cold and my room to sleep in.
who is Niamh? sorry I keep losing track of these things. I had a takeaway tuna sandwich today which is the news of the day i rarely get to tuna because I worry about mayonnaise but to be fair this was a really nice sandwich was just minimal mayo, no cheese so that was good for me despite Toni’s pictures of cheese all throughout VC lol, I think she’s trying to brainwash us, lol. Glad you enjoyed the day take care. Xx
ps bookmark pic is a tuna sandwich completely devoid of cheese real or vegan Toni take note just joking, lol. Xx
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Hi toady How are you today? I don’t really like walking in the evening tbh I’m more of a morning person very much so by evening I’m fighting tiredness and waiting to go to sleep lol,, I know you mean about meditation and things like that but I agree it doesn’t work for everyone.
ive got to go off and do a few things now so i hope you have a nice night take care. Xx
Ps. bookmark pic is the animal muppet doing yoga if I were forced to meditate and do yoga pretty soon would start looking like this, lol. Tc. Xx
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Morning everyone
Raining here which is good for the garden, but hopefully will stop this afternoon.
Mike if you are up to popping by I do hope you are ok and not feeling too nauseous thanks to the ondansetron. A week tomorrow you will see the results of this dreadful treatment. Hold on to that. I am sending you my usual strength and to Vixen a gentle belly rub for being such a good nursemaid. ((())) xxx.
Joan I am going to see my lovely neighbour (her) in the nursing home today I am taking him to see her this afternoon
They are finally COVID free. His hands are now agony from using the crutches and he can't drive again bless him. Thanks for Asking Sleek is doing really well running about you'd think she was a kitten! How about Peppa and Lexi? are they both doing ok? ((())) xxx
Kitty me duck I do hope you are doing ok? Although I'm sure you are being fed and cared for well I hope you aren't missing home too much. I also hope the family are able to visit you and it won't be long before you can get to your new home.
You being you you will soon make friends and be much happier.
Take very good care our friend
((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi it's raining! It's still warm but lovely and fresh out there. I can say that with authority as my pusskin had made me have the patio door open here as i type so she can go in and out instead of using her cat-flap!
I think Drs are obliged to tell us if we are carrying too much weight don't you? After all it affects almost everything else if we are and costs us dearly and the NHS and state money too. LLF sounds stubborn. I hope her head goes through the door ok
Oh dear MV 🌋 I do hope that has settled down now. I'm sure it has
At least today you get a break while they visit excess family even though I know the boys would have made you smile it's probably best that you rest while you can. I hope your MTX hangover isn't too bad. Poor Mike he has a 'super' MTX hangover every day at the moment bless him. Now doubt you will hear all the EF family news in due course.
I got tooooo hot yesterday! Yup too hot. I even had shorts on in our own back garden so this rain is bliss.
I love the kale cake I bet it's really nice and can I have a cucumber sandwich too please I have always liked a cucumber butty and you've cut the crusts off too
Barbara lovely to have a garden picnic with Niamh - how is the sweetheart doing?
Now bad news my neighbour has had a setback he woke up with a numb hand (right) which won't make a fist and it painful. They think it's using the crutches I tend to agree. So the good news is I can take him to see Mrs this afternoon and i get to see her myself!
I will be thinking of Mr B tomorrow and hope the day will be a double celebration. I am not sure e'll be up to taking you out for your birthday though I bet outpatients will take it out of him bless him.
Make sure you pop in tomorrow if you can I am 'baking' a cake!
Morning Toadster how are you today?
Wasn't it lovely yesterday? I managed to get the front garden straight and mowed ready for today's ☔ rain. My garden was desperate for it. I thoroughly enjoyed being outside it was still a good day although i did get very hot I had a bright red face! My age probably and the unexpected heat. I think it will be dry this afternoon all being well.
I think exactly that about my seedlings - the weak ones could be the best! They deserve a chance too. I wonder what has come back from the brink for you? A lovely surprise to come
I Won't tell Monty don't worry.
I am too scaredy-cat to tell someone off if they leave litter unfortunately not at all confrontational me. I'd rather spend my time with nice people and plants than have altercations. All I can say is they must have been brought up badly to litter like they do. There is no footpath where they do it single track road through from a busy road to the M6. Keep your d**n rubbish is what I wish l could say, but no I won't. I'll just pick it up and shut up.
Oooh you had a Sindy! Did you sew clothes for yours? I did (badly) as did Kari and one day i accidentally cut through my candlewick bedspread cutting out something! Oh no!!!!!!!! I was in trouble
Kari tried to help me cover it up - epic fail
I thought Adam made the right decision to move house I think we can take on too much of we aren't careful. I loved that wooden planter sigh....Yes Monty's honesty placement has made me thing of the right spot for mine when I get it - and i will get it! Not where I want it ideally - I'd rather be able to see the seed heads in winter from in the house but still it will do better there I think.
The pom poms are for hanging in trees in the village and the notice boards (I have made more) the 'ribbons' l Might sell on the village cart
Well take care everyone and hello to anyone who pops in who I have missed...
vegan/veggie options available of course.
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Thanks petal, despite the new med regime I was violently ill yesterday morning and struggled to keep anything down all day, I was thinking of phoning the special hospital number I was given but decided that as I am there tomorrow anyway I would not bother. Baby Sis brought a few items round that she thought I might like so I had about 1/4 of a tray of special fired rice last night and half a glass of still lemon which was not brilliant. Just a case of trying things and if it goes down and stays down all well and good, if not try something else! Got an ASDA order this morning but it is basically bird seed, fat balls, meal worms and cleaning materials that my Home Help has asked for; I put a couple of ready meals in there just in case including a chicken dinner that I thought I could pick at later or else Vixen can have a bit. Have a good day.
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) take care has long has you are happy (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (()) and Chris (())
Barbara (()) Happy birthday for tomorrow (()) good luck to Mr B (()) for his scan (()) love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toady (()) you never know what you will find in the garden I heard some one lost their hearing aids in their garden. Have a good day we like the warm weather it helps the pain.
Toni (()) that’s lovely you can take your neighbour to see his wife sorry about his hands (())
have a good day today. Pepper and Lexi are well thank you. Love to Paul (()) and Charley and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) how is your tummy now. Have a good day and your mum (())
Mike (()) sorry you have been so bad good luck with the appointment. Love to vixen
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Toni Joan kitty Barbara, hope you’re all doing more or less okay? xx
Hi again Ton I am okay-ish today I guess but mxt tiredness is caught up with me I like it when it’s nice and fresh outside too yes docs have to say certain things def I agree she is pretty stubborn the LLF you’re right there that’s a shame that you got too hot yesterday I usually do a quick walk around in the morning like yourself and then stay inside all day if at all poss I’ve got a rheumo app coming up in June so that’ll be tremendous fun I think it’s a case of sun hat and and prayers , lol. I had a Tuna sandwich yesterday really enjoyed that because haven’t had tuna for long time may be a bit strange but true haha. Sisters new friend cooked her masala dosa south Indian breakfast this morning alright for some hey Toni? Lol. Have you ever Tasted dosa? sort of savoury rice and lentil pancake thing is prob best way to describe it’s one of my fave foods. Did Walk this morn but that energy has completely gone now so I’m keeping this relatively short. Has Rain stopped yet? it’s still going where I am but when I went out luckily it was just light rain not heavy have a nice Sunday Toni, take care.Xx
PS my pic today is a south Indian landscape I thought it was better than putting the picture of dosa and tormenting everyone haha bye for now. Xx
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