Val's Cafe
Morning everyone 😊
It was raining when I dropped Lucy of at work, but it's drying up now a bit windy still though.
Joan I'd just go anywhere life in the boat/ship is just so lovely! Paul wants to go to Vietnam and Cambodia! I'd like India myself. Where would you go if you could just go? ((())) xxx
@mig lovely to see you!!! I'm so pleased to hear you are still doing well after your cancer. On of the café crew, Mike, is battling Hodgkin's ATM so your experience could help him. Something good has come out of the treatment too as they have found Rituximab helped your Arthritis and it should help it now too. How are the family?
You know what Reshmi? A chai latte will do you more good than harm once in a while especially if you have been avoiding having your tea at home due to HV. Having a sore/dry throat too made it a medical emergency🤭 hehe! Hospital prices are bad aren't they? I had a cake the other day too a pastry! from SB sometimes I honestly think we deserve a treat (no good for LA bless him no chocolate!) and like you my stomach is currently under control.
Much more than SB. Bloods went ok that's good. I am having mine at the Drs this week no nice drinks there sadly. Just miserable receptionists.
I know imagine that hugging the wrong Dad! I can still picture the jumper it was mustard colour😦😳
So Mum's tests have come back ok? That's good I hope the pain doesn't happen again🤞
A good time was had by all at Olivia's party then. Bless them all they are just so sweet and innocent (sometimes irrational) at that age. Yup l reckon that dress wasn't so pristine once the party was over.
It's been raining but I will still brave my walk in a bit it has to be done like it or not. I was lucky yesterday one of the Dad's (who is gay) came with me with babies so I also enjoyed some company. It does make a difference.
Mike I just wanted to check in on you and let you know I (we) are all still thinking about you very much and hope today is not too bad for you. Sending my usual strength and ((())) xxx
Barbara are your eyes being naughty? I think they must be.
My lovely neighbour has had restrictions lifted by physio yesterday. He was told though to behave himself and drove to see his wife!!!!!!!! I think they will be wanting her home every soon. His energy levels aren't quite back yet though sleep takes some time to get back to normal post surgery doesn't it? Is Mr B the same?
Oh gosh Toady you washed up pots! I desperately need to do that too. I might start today (as it is STILL windy and has rained) by tidying or at least starting to tidy out my shed. I must prepare the self watering grow bag containers with new wicks as the tomato plants are looking a decent size now.
Back up seeds can only happen if the shed is tidier 😳
Today i am also going to give my hair a wash and deep condition it. Lovely - not! but i look like a toilet brush atm!! an hour or so of my life I won't get back🙄 Actually I might not....I am having the dizzies a bit today. I get vertigo BDV every now and then and today is one of those days it was happening in my sleep even!
You are so right about the blue light just how harsh it is! I have it switched off on my phone mostly not laptop, but ought to. I think it probably helps those of us like Barbara and Kitty whose eyes aren't great though.
Have a good gardeny day!
Kitty I am sending you my love and hoping all is well and you are eating nice food and being spoilt by the staff. I bet they all love you there ((())) take care we are all here supporting you.
Love to anyone who pops in and some
Reshmi will get the tea on I think or Toady, but the coffee machine is up and running!
Toni x
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I hope everything is going on alright for you take care.
Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (()) and Chris (())
Barbara (()) thinking of you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toady (()) we have fine rain for a few hours. Have a good day.
Toni ((()) how is your tummy (())) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Mike (()) good luck with your scan (()) love vixen
Mig (()) it’s nice to see you sorry you are having so many problems (())
Reshmi (()) Olivia enjoying that. That’s good your mums tummy is feeling better and your not too bad (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi all will Reply properly later just thought you might like to see this poha recipe. Xx
ps its a flaked rice type recipe
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Hi toady how are you today? thanks about mum and the dormant volcanoes haha love the volcano emojis by the way hope you’re not feeling too bad today and that the weather is not too warm for you? take care. Xx
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Hi Joan how are you today? how is Sue? I’m not too bad thanks neither is my mum she’s in a bit of a mood but nothing volcano like atm and she said she’s feeling well so that’s the main thing thanks for asking yes I think that all the kiddies enjoyed the chocolate cake or sweetie eating a little bit too much haha I hope you’re having a nice evening both of you? take care. Xx
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Hi Barbara how are you doing today? how are your eyes? I’m not too bad thanks my mum is feeling well so that’s the main thing for me how’s Mr B doing, is he a kind of grumpy patient like my dad can be? or does he smile through through the pain? okay bye for now Barbara have a lovely afternoon. Xx
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Hi Toni how are you doing today? I’m not too bad thanks rather hot but I will have a shower soon to remedy that tired but not unusually so, I know what you mean about complex relationship between happiness and some kind of sugar control but don’t worry I do have tea at home sometimes just not first thing in the morning but believe me if I were losing my voice anything like that which has happened in the past I would be having tea in the morning despite the lava flow lol glad you got to spend some time with the grandbabies that was nice, the plan is if everyone is well which I really hope will be The case that we’re going to see the EF at their place instead of ours which makes a change haha it’s roughly a month from now so that will be nice but I’m really hoping that everyone will be well especially my mum.
the thing is with Bill is that he is quite inconsiderate as you well know and he eats rubbish fine but he also tries to pressurise other people to be rubbish once he said to me at Christmas or something that I should eat some chocolate because it was customary - customary (!!) what the expletive is that about? I can’t pretend I never eat it but if I’m controlling myself that’s up to me yeah bills can be weird there’s no doubt there lol.
I agree it’s important to get the walk done if possible
how are Paul and Lucy is everything good? L must’ve missed you did you get the bus while you were on holiday? just curious
okay got to go for now otherwise I won’t get anything done oh I just wanted to say thanks so much about my mum yet she’s touch wood feeling well at the moment and she’s not like my dad she controls her eating and id having just fairly plain simple food better than the methotrexate diet though lucky her haha but not quite normal as yet but that’s okay she doesn’t seems to be pain
okay I really am going now so have a lovely afternoon Toni and take care.xx
ps my bookmark pic today it’s something I found online the slogan from a T-shirt really applies to my dad.Xx
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Evening all Sorry n9t been around
Toni gosh you di have to get up early to take Lucy ti work ..don't think I could function ...Niamh was asking about the pool..I have to explaun that once its out and filled we need to wait till the weather settles ..Mr B has his checkup on Monday My birthday of all days xx
Joan poor Lexi hope she get them teeth sorted to all of you xx
Mig how lovely to hear from you, bit so sorry you are suffering abd after all you have gone through ..xx
Reshmi si LA us getting really cheeky ..and everyone's a boy 😅children's minds ..I hope you feel a little better today xx
Toady I agree about the fence far more interesting ..not sure what's happening to my bulbs they have given up after the snowdrops ..might be I planred then upside down after all xx
Love to Kitty and Mike xxxx
Barbara0 -
Does anyone recognise these they are growing all over the garden and to nice to dig up
Barbara1 -
I hope Toafy hasn't been in yet...
Toady I need to transplant P"s honesty plant here asap even though it's flowering.....what do you think?
Her daughter and P want and wanted me to have it as the house will be rented put soon and we can't wait until autumn for me to use seeds.
Any ideas?
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Hi Barbara Lovely flowers yes LA is indeed a cheeky one lol, hope that Mr B‘s checkup goes okay happy birthday for Monday. I’m not Feeling too bad at the moment thanks Barbara a bit tired but not unpleasantly so, you have a lovely night. I’ve just attached a picture doesn’t really have anything to do with anything but it just made me laugh I call it my evil nhs queue - jumper female neighbour’s foundation, I am no expert on the make up but hopefully I don’t quite go out of the house looking like this!!
Bye Barbara and everybody else have a nice night. Take care. Xx
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Hi all - famous last words that I'll be in today for a nice quiet sit down & a calm contemplative post 😂 have spread myself too thin, partly because of it being ebay listing day (for promotional fees); greatly helped by internet dropouts, various browser & photo editing crashes, and a soundtrack this evening of the blackbirds going crackers & squeaking their beaks off outside at something unseen 🙄 Tea please!
Ooh, that's a tricky one re the honesty frog 🤔 I have some but I've never tried moving any (at any time), has long roots doesn't it.. but you're more worried about it being the wrong time rather than will it be ok to do.. what a shame it has to be now. If you have to do it now timing-wise though what other option is there I suppose. Sorry I can't be more help I looked up can you take cuttings even to hedge the risk but no-one seems to particularly suggest that either. Is it just the one specimen? Will the renters be doing major things to the garden themselves or won't you know yet. (If not might they be sympathetic to letting you come back for it?! clutching at straws..). Sorry not to be able to post properly, too, back tomorrow (well fingers crossed!) xx (ps my plug plants are here and they are absolute little sweethearts 😍 now I just have to not kill them! 😬)
Barbara, aren't they violets of some sort?! They do spread.. not sure what sort though, Toni might I expect :) I have a beautiful 'viola freckles' I moved outdoors last year, it was fine but snails/slugs have had a real go at it all of a sudden so I'm having to try & save it from the brink. Love to both xx
Right well I must go, I still have to go to the postbox yet 😂 SO sorry to be rude and only do a general hello to everyone else but I'd rather type properly tomorrow than rush through half-garbled replies now.
Thought for the day, in the immortal words of Leslie Sarony (and if anyone has this on their spotify playlist, I salute you) - "You might be a pussycat yourself some day" 😸
And as we know, some of us are already halfway there -
namely Kitty 😘 who I hope is doing well xx
love to bosh, Joan & Sue, Carol, mig & Mike of course - have a good night everyone xx
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Morning Joan How are you and Sue is your pain under control at the moment? My tummy is ok just now thank you I didn't eat too much on the cruise even though I could have done easily! Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx
Morning Mike I expect Sue came yesterday and all must be looking pristine now although I wonder are you managing your normal treats😕Probably not, but I bet you still get something for her. I hope you are doing ok and starting to feel a little tiny bit better maybe🤞 Sending my usual strength and ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi I am very pleased to hear you would definitely have tea and risk HV if you were desperate. I think you will feel cooler today it's much fresher here and will rain steadily all day until 4pm🙄 I have already done my walk! Yes done by 6am only met one other person walking his dog.
I love the pic of the face with the face pack on! That has made me smile. As it's raining I intend to put a hair pack on for an hour myself and probably won't look much better.
So a visit to EF is looming...? How very sweet you are to care more about your Mum being well for it than yourself💗 I don't think there is such thing as a chocolate eating custom nope I do not😁 It's the same with drinkers trying to making you drink alcohol because they want it to be acceptable. 'have a proper drink' they say🙄
I will be cooking the poha it will make a change from upma I think and looks fairly simple to prepare thanks for that. Hopefully your Mum being careful with her diet won't have another episode ((()))
Paul is working away until Thursday but is fine thanks for asking and Lucy yes she missed me. No buses leave here until 7am so she has had to use taxis! Terrible cost hardly worth working, but what else can we do?
Oh yes that pic is highly appropriate for DV🤭🤫 you can smile and think of it when he is particularly grumpy!
I knew your birthday was next Barbara!
I think Mr B should get the all clear to drive. My neighbour has driven twice since he got the all clear this mOnday gone. Both times to see his beloved wife. Now they have to get the care package going again before she can come home. That can take a while.
I am so happy Niamh is still young enough for the pool they just grow up far too fast don't they? Of course we need better weather and ideally Mr B to be fit enough to fill it.
I know 3.45 up is a bit much, but could be worse - honestly she has started at 3 am before now which would mean leaving here at 2.30 so up at 1.45😮
Toady late in again, but it suited me as I needed to post about the honesty issue. I think I might have to leave it there, I just wish there were two so I could try one. I have a cutting in water already and will try another in compost too. It has to be P's honesty though not bought seeds so I may have to leave it and try to steal the seeds if all else fails😳
I know that plant which Barbara has but cannot remember the name I think it's sort of ground cover and can be quite invasive, but it's pretty so I'd keep it.
How lovely that the plug plants are adorable🤗like inheriting toddlers instead of newborns!
'Don't do that to the poor puss cat no no no no no!
you might be a puss cat yourself yourself one day...!' Kitty is indeed half cat.
Hope you got to the post box quickly and home again in time to wind down for bed.
Kitty I hope you could play the song that Toady posted wherever you are.
We are missing your cheerful posts and recipes very much and very much hope that you are doing ok.
Sleek says you are fine and being looked after ok I'm not to worry she has it all in paw, but I do. She is on her way complete with mackintosh and sou'wester as it's raining here and she thinks it might be where you are too.
Take care everyone
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) thinking about you I hope everything is working out has you would like take care (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (()) and Chris (())
Barbara (()) have a good birthday on Monday (()) good luck to Mr B (()) on Monday. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (())and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toady (()) have a good day.
Toni (()) when I was at school in Oxford we went on a trip by steamer to London it cost fifty pence it was a lot of money in those days. That will feel strange having someone else living in P’s house. Have a good day love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours that’s good he can drive now (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (())
Mike (()) hope everything is going on alright thinking about you love to vixen (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Morning all.. early afternoon, anyway.. just making sure I get a line or two in early in case things go a bit hectic again for some unforeseen reason.. especially to wish Mike all the best for tomorrow 🤞good luck with everything and the scan to follow etc x
There was not much winding down before bedtime, no, frog ⌛️ I think I got to the post about half 11, however that doesn't hold a candle to you getting up at 3.45 😱 I suppose the days must seem longer which can be good as well as bad, I have settled into an up late bed late routine but I must say it does make you feel permanently behind. I know if I have to get up earlyish for a delivery or workman I do like finding I have hours in hand all day. Annoying about the rain today, have had some, it looks like it might clear but it's not the best. Hope something works out for the honesty maybe the cuttings will take but as long as you don't think new people would do anything hasty that would be a big help. You don't think Barbara's flowers are wood violets then? 🤔 Good luck with the hair pack etc.. yes I do drag it out between washes if I can partly because it only really 'settles' after a few days anyway, so if you just rewash and go back to square one there's only 5 minutes it actually behaves. I will have to hack a few inches off it soon I suppose - pass the scythe 😂. Dizziness is horrid and definitely would not mix with hairwashing, hope it keeps away. Have a good day and Paul too wherever he's at, and enjoy your shed tidying & greenhousing when you can get to it. Glad to hear your neighbour is doing well :) x
Hello to Joan and thanks you for the previous days' good wishes. I expect it was a nice Oxford trip I've only ever been once, not on the water though. Hope not rainy for you today or at least only light. xx
Hi bosh and hope you're having not too bad a day, bit cooler for you & overcast maybe, also good luck for when you get your bloods back. Do I take it you'd rather go to EF than the other way round given the choice, or is it just that as you say it's a change.. anyway hope it works out and especially that everyone's well enough. x
Quick hello to Barbara and Kitty of course xx
And to Carol and whoever may call in later, I will put the kettle on, it must be my turn now I've been slacking ☕️ xx
quick question, how do people feel about complaining.. I received an item in the wrong colour only about £5, nothing worth sending back really so do I keep it & rebuy the right thing because I still want that.. when something is borderline I never know whether to complain. I don't like to look like I'm just chiselling for a discount (they are probably on a very small profit margin already especially after postage costs), yes it's their mistake but I'm only sort out of pocket because I do have an item just the wrong one; just lump it? ❔
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Afternoon all raining again but boy it's set to be warm soon ..then I will grumble its to hot 🤣got my teeth back frim the dentist ..twice i have broken them ..note to myself leave the midget gems alone
Toady is busy with parcel and ebay ..Nice to be busy but me time is good ..think I have to much ..the plant dies look like violets they appeared last year ..must say they are pretty ..oh noe that is my kind if music not just becase I'm old 😉xx
Toni taxis have cost us a fortune iver the last few weeks ..wgat a shame that no one that works with Lycy lives nearby ..I will keep the flowers they are so pretty and just keep popping up xx
Joan I hope you are all doing ok ..or is that a silly question ..xx
Reshmi the pic made me chuckle..especially that it reminded you of your neighbour 🤣 hope ypu have a good day xx
Kitty I hope things are on the move fir you ..I should imagine you can't wait to be settled xx
Love to Mike hope you are not suffering to much xx
Barbara0 -
Hi Toady how are you today? I’m not too bad thanks bit of backache but had a good sleep which I really needed so that was good, as for visiting the EF in its natural habitat lol, Well there’s good and bad to that but at least it’ll be a change like you said and also the pressure of checking the house for loose earring backs and my dad‘s tablets and all this kind of rubbish will not be there I really get scared before the kids come because my dad leaves his tablets right lying around sometimes True that my mum is the main checker But I do some checking too and things like earring backs and so on are so easy to lose track of oh well oh I suppose the main thing is that I’m trying. My day is not going too badly thanks the morning I was much more sluggish than usual though how are things with you? Take care. Xx
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Hi Barbara how are you today? I’m not too bad thanks glad like the picture of the funny face haha hope your day is going well and that Mr B is more or less okay? bye for now Barbara take care. Xx
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Hi Joan how are you and Sue doing today? I’m not too bad thank you apart from some backpain which is not good but it usually settles down fairly soon my mum is okay thanks she is in a bit of a mood but not mood but not more than usual her stomach is settled so that’s the main thing hope you both have a lovely evening take care. Xx
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Hi Toni how are you today ? I’m afraid this message will be from memory one so I may be missing out on a lot of points and also I’ve got the backpain it’s a bit of a nasty one but not constant and usually settles down fairly soon though so that’s a good thing I had a really good sleep today in the daytime so that was really feel a lot better shame about the bus service where you live and Lucy having to get taxis sometimes that must be a great nuisance. LA said something really funny today I think the conversation went more or less as follows (by the way I’m calling this true story “bill’s God complex” ) LA asked his dad what God is and Bill replied by saying something like “a higher being”, so LA said “oh okay so God is a bit like you then daddy?” and Bill said “yes”oh dear…
by the way today is national receptionists day ha ha. Tc xx
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Morning everyone😊
Looks like a better day out there today thank goodness. Chilly but clear no rain. Happy to get outside in this sort of weather.
Mike Wishing you lots and lots of luck for today🤞 is the PET scan also today? I think Sue will be coming it being Thursday, but you won't see her. Maybe you had the foresight to give her and Susan their own keys so they don't have to make you move even if you are in. I do hope you are doing ok I think you are doing very very well so far no infections and no blood/platelet transfusions - really amazing. I am sending my usual strength and ((())) xxx
Reshmi you have to be joking! National receptionists day? They torture me! They absolutely terrify me; those all powerful beings, the gatekeepers of vital support and services🙄Ok to be fair we do have one lovely one at our Drs but the rest are know!
Right back to normal now how are you today and more specifically has your back eased? A good rest in the day hopefully helped a good bit and i hope you still managed your walk even if it was shorter than you'd like.
Don't worry if you ever miss anything I say I do tend to say a lot and some of it has to be a fair bit of drivel🤭
Too right we are a bit isolated if you don't drive here the bus service is limited. None at all on Sundays. Lucy of course can't drive due to her epilepsy.
Oh no!😫I do not think BIL is in fact comparable to God! LA will be repeating that at nursery 😁
Joan it will be upsetting to see someone else in P's house i think at first, but hopefully they will be nice fingers crossed. Harder for my lovely neighbours as they are directly next door and have been next door for nearly 40 years. That trip on the steamer must have been a real experience I bet you talked about it for weeks. Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx
Kitty me duck I do hope things are ok for you I am checking in every day hoping you can post with an update. Don't worry if nothing much has happened we just care and want to know you are ok.
Sleek keeps telling me you are fine she has it 'all in paw', so I'm sure you are ok. I imagine there are routines you have to fit into and getting online isn't as easy as it was.
Missing your poems and your recipes very much 🌈🌈🌈 ((())) xxx
Morning Toady. I can have extra hours yes if, and only if, the early starts are occasional. When they are every day like this I have to shrink the other end of the day sadly so am in bed for 8pm🙄Lucy has a nap when she gets home and goes to bed later on about 11 so two sleeps. I am busy at 3pm and wouldn't dream of sleeping. Yesterday the best of the weather was bed time for me😕
The scythe is available for haircutting duties anytime! I am the same I drag it out between washes if i can it's such hard work. The hair-pack did help i think, but it's so chilly even with a shower cap on and towel over the top. I want to be one of those ladies who goes to the hairdresser every week for a set! Maybe not. My dizzies are ok atm but I am being very sensible.
My neighbour is a bit of a star really he has so much determination and has really powered through. I hope to have a cuppa with him today or tomorrow so we can catch up.
Gosh yes I do think they are wood violets, Barbara's flowers! Totally! they are lovely, but can become invasive I have had them in previous gardens and couldn't remember the name. I didn't see you'd suggested violets sorry. I am going to have another look in P's garden today and see whether there might be more than one honesty plant if there are (I think not) I will take the smallest now. P's daughter will probably tell the renters when they come that those seeds will be for me and not to cut them back I think🤞if all else fails.
Hmmmm🤔I also hate complaining and being a coward, soft or whatever would probably reorder in the right colour and take the unwanted Item to the charity shop. Such a wimp! Sorry.
Morning Barbara! Leave the midget gems ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm glad you have your teeth back anyway😉
I do think you should keep your violets yes you can always reduce them a bit next year if they go mad which they might.
Taxis are not cheap especially at unsociable hours like Lucy needs them. Never mind she is actively looking at flats near work and I think will get one soon🤞then I will miss her and Winnie a lot 😕
Hope Mr B is still doing well and looking forward to Monday when he should get the all clear to drive again.
I haven't checked in lately on your brother are things still under control for him?
Love to anyone who calls in Carol possibly and any new visitors too.
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Good morning everyone
kitty (()) how are you I hope you are getting on alright take care (()) Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (()) and Chris (())
Barbara (()) Oh dear you need something softer (()) have a good day. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toady (()) good luck with your parcels. Have a good day.
Toni (()) the weather is better today how is sleeke and her tablets getting on. Tomorrow I have a video call from the hospital about my blood test I can’t remember how long it took last time it’s at 9 00. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours have a good chat with him (())
Reshmi (()) try not to worry have a good day and your mum (())
Mike (()) I hope today goes well for you love to vixen
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi all will write properly later, but today is National drawing day, so here’s a bookmark pic of a daddy bear and his son, I’m not mentioning the G word, lol. Tc. Xx
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Hi Tony how are you today I’m not doing too badly thank you my back is back to normal thank goodness for that did manage a normal walk in the morning had a bit of an early one due to some S tuff happening in the house today which is good for me but I didn’t quite get all the rest are needed straight after that I think I’m more or less okay now.
LLF said invited me to the café next week but now she’s suddenly changed her mind and wants to go to this really dodgy student restaurant I’ve been there before and got really nasty stomach few flu which I just thought would never end so I politely declined with explanation and she didn’t mind she’s not that much of a dragon well not always haha but it’s just a bit weird changing plans at the last min like that inconsiderate really but anyway as long as she’s happy and not in full on Dragon mode that’s good with me the doc said that she needs to lose a lot of weight so she baked and ate a whole family sized box of biscuits !she is an odd characters she likes to rebel against doctors, really childish and stupid behaviour.
Mum is well atm Toni thanks but she’s having a big Barney with my dad as per usual and fair amount of Vesuvius activity going on but as long as she is well I don’t really mind so much in some ways they’re both going to babysit the the kids on Sat I think that’s the plan so far.
that must be a massive nuisance for Lucy and people who don’t drive I don’t drive myself I remember when I went to work the bus service was good but smelly, lol.
Great breakfast by the way mushrooms and omelette two of my favourite things. Have a great evening Toni bye and take care. Xx
Ps LA told me recently that he has become a doctor so bookmark pic is one of his recent study aids I guess, lol. Tc
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Hi Joan how are you and Sue doing today? I’m okay thank you and mum is good at the moment a bit angry but feeling well I believe hope you and Sue have a lovely evening take care. Xx
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