Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,330
    edited 15. May 2022, 13:36

    hi all just back with another bookmark pic and since I’m trying not to write too much today this is a South Indian sari, so again non-food related , not that I’m judging of course haha, okay bye for now guys. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,605
    edited 15. May 2022, 20:43

    Hello all - hope everyone having a reasonable Sunday evening as far as possible.

    Well frog, that was short-lived.. rain today, dull and well, cold frankly. 🙄 I hope it did dry up a bit for you, I suppose it did a little but it's well away again now. Not exactly been a skipping round the maypole type of May so far has it. Ah well, caught up on a few indoor jobs. Nothing exciting. I opened some post that came yesterday & was about to start tutting that it was yet another wrong item.. but this one was my fault, I ordered the wrong thing. 😳 😂 Silly fool. Hope everyone loves your ribbons if you do sell them on the cart, and I love the idea of the pompoms being in the trees :) talking of craft work, oh dear, the candlewick bedspread incident 😱 you poor things! That Moment.. when you know you've Done Something (irreversible usually).. oh it's awful. I was too mortified for you even to laugh (well maybe slightly, in a horrified way). I think I did make occasional Sindy clothes, if so they are probably still here somewhere; she is, anyway. I remember I loved bits of fabric, having lots of different types & scraps, but sort of in the way I love artists' materials, tubes of paint, pencils, &c but don't really want to do any art. 🤔 Sorry about your neighbour, how mean that he should have a setback from using the crutches, I hope it will sort itself. 😔 I expect it's early start for you tomorrow so hope you have a good night xx

    Barbara I missed your post yesterday, it was that odd thing where I refreshed but it wasn't 'there' 🤨 . The main reason I know about feijoas is they are big in New Zealand and I do a little quiz every day posted on a NZ site - mostly general knowledge but the occasional specialized NZ question thrown in that you have no idea about 😂 but I have learned a few facts & geography. Very happy birthday for tomorrow🎂 😘 sorry it lands on the day of Mr B's appt.. isn't it always the way 🙄 but do hope the checkup goes well 👍️. I have posted a pic of my Mr B blackbird, looking like a good boy here.. but is he.. 🤔 you would probably have to ask Mrs B 😉. xx

    Hi bosh, glad it sort of worked out well that you could take your mtx on a quiet day, hope you're doing ok even if not writing much but that's just sensible. Lovely pictures I would love to be on that boat, how peaceful. More relaxing than trying Animal's meditation pose! 😬 (but it would be fabulous to be able to get into that position wouldn't it). Have a good night :) x

    Joan I've always wanted to turn up something interesting digging in the garden, some pottery or jewellery or something, wouldn't that be nice. Have a good start to the week xx

    Mike so sorry for your troubles 😔 hope some of your just-in-case groceries work out for you (I imagine the bird seed probably looks as much or no less appetising than anything else right now..! 😕 ) The birds will be v grateful anyway, my blackbirds are nesting/feeding at the moment and clamouring for food. Hope things pick up for you as the week goes on. x

    Love to everyone xx

    and thinking of Kitty of course xx

    Mr. B 💕

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230
    edited 16. May 2022, 05:39

    Morning everyone😊

    Hi Mike you have your appointment today with the haematology nurse yes a good chance to talk about the nausea. To be honest Lucy was like you and seemed to get worse. I imagine it's for several reasons including the expectation that you will feel/be sick due to bad memories? Does that make sense? There was one lass who used to have a sick bowl as soon as they sat her in the chemo chair! But my own real theory is just how exhausting the treatment is I am convinced proper exhaustion makes you feel sicker and as the treatment goes on you get more and more worn out. I am so glad you can see light now at the end of the tunnel.

    Well done for eating what you can eat and drinking what you can. Trial and error you are right. Lucy changed her drink choices so often and very often became dehydrated. When they give you a fluids (saline sometimes) drip you do feel better because you are no longer dehydrated and that in itself makes us feel sick. All a vicious circle isn't it?

    Thinking of you today as always ((())) xxx

    Hi Joan how are you today? I hope you and Sue are both well and the carers. My lovely neighbours are now ahving to wait for commissioning to sort out carers for her so she can come home. I will be going again on my own on Wednesday to see her. His hands are easing thank you by resting and ibuprofen gel.

    I am glad to hea🐶r the doggies are both doing well((())) xxx

    Morning Kitty me duckie how are you doing today? I hope you are reading our messages and know how much we are all thinking of you and wishing you the very best.

    As long as you are safe and well and as Joan said happy that's all we want for you.

    Hope to see you posting again soon.

    Morning Reshmi it's raining! That is rubbish I hope it stops soon so I can have my walk. Funny how we both go early then stay in! It's nicer to do what you've got to do early I think especially in warmer weather. This bungalow can get very hot so I like to open windows/close curtains to keep it to a minimum. A June Rheumatology apt hmmm not good. Yes sun hat on and cool clothing. I am in France over the Jubilee for the car show that could be hot.

    Between you and me and anyone else potentially reading this I am very worried about my right hip! At least I think that's what it is. It has been going on a while but worse recently. Not bad enough to do anything about yet to be honest, but I am definitely thinking something is going on here....😕

    I LOVE toasted dosa although I have never actually cooked it I had it on holiday every day once I think in Sri Lanka once was in the Maldives. Lovely I have never cooked it myself does your Mum cook it? If so I might just be after her recipe - not at an inconvenient time of course!

    That boat looks kind of idyllic even though you know we would be bitten to death really!

    We'd better remember today is Barbara's Birthday

    Took me two days to bake and decorate this🤥 hehe!

    Hope you have a great day Barbara and good news too for Mr B at clinic😊

    Toady l love your photo of Mr B! He is so pretty!

    Yesterday was pretty rubbish although the afternoon did improve a bit I tied up some of next door's and my wisteria over the new pergola from last year....if It ever dries up I'll take a pic. I also pulled up half a dozen weeds.

    This May has been a bit damp and windy so far out there now I can see a blustery day and also Sleek has come in from Visiting Kitty soaked so still raining🙄

    The judges came yesterday for Best Kept Village!!!!!!! Eeek! I think we were pretty tidy and that they saw my pompoms too. Two of my 'ribbons' have sold without safety pins and I have made two more and safety pinned all three of those. Every little has to help and it's so important that we don't forget what is happening in Ukraine isn't it?

    Oh no😖imagine you ordering the wrong thing yourself! What a pain that is!

    That candlewick bedspread incident oh dear me...😳I must ask Kari if she remembers it. I can smile now, but as kids my parents didn't have much money so really it was a disaster. It is funny you can smile! Of course you must have made Sindy clothes. We did it all the time and they were probably pretty bad and not at all what we imagined before they tried them on🤭

    My neighbour's hand is easing off a bit now with rest and ibuprofen gel. Bless him he intends to drive today at least he is on his feet and crutchless now.

    I hope you get out today even if only for an hour better than nothing.

    Hi to anyone I missed and to anyone new who pops in!

    healthy breakfast with that cake to eat!

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 16. May 2022, 06:53

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Tried to send a post last night and I when I pressed send button it said my post had to be approved before it will appear. Sorry i have not been posting but the past 2 weeks have not been good here. Eldest daughters partner who left her last year has been diagnosed with lung cancer prognosis not to good. Mr T is going down to Ramsgate today to see daughter as she rang a couple of days ago very upset. He will stay at our usual hotel for the night. And come back tomorrow. I am not going because when things gets her upset like this she always turns to her dad. I don’t mind as I am only to glad she can speak to at least one of us.

    Dose anyone here suffer from hayfever or allergic rhinitis. If so are you suffering more than usual this year mine has been really bad this year. I seem to have a constant stuffed up nose which is my usual symptoms anyway but they are worse this year. Other than that mr T and myself are ok except for the usual aches and pains. Miss Cookie is ok thinks she owns the house 😂😂. She is really funny sometimes.

    love and Sparkles to you all ❤️❤️❤️🌈🌈🌈 and extra love and hugs for Kitty ❤️❤️❤️ (((())))


    Stay positive always👍xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Think my iPad has gone mad it keeps posting things before I have finished.

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope everything is going well for you and you are coping with it all (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (()) and Chris (())

    Barbara (()) have a lovely day Mr B (()) looks a bit different today. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) have a good day with out to many problems.

    Carol (()) sorry about all your problems take care all of you.

    Toni (()) you are so busy you don’t have much time to rest (()) the carers are well thank you. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (())

    Mike (()) good luck for today I hope it goes well. Love to vixen

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,330

    hi toady do you how are you today? thanks for your message I’m not too bad thanks yes it would be good to be a flexible animal muppet indeed lol bit of shoulder ache not extreme but I’m taking it easy really hot and nasty outside just went out of the house for five minutes and came back again GP is meant to be phoning today about the foot pain type thing hopefully I won’t have to wait for till 6 pm take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,330

    Hi Barbara how are things with you? happy birthday hope you enjoy the day. X

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,330

    hi @Turbogran sorry I didn’t read the whole of your post but just wanted to say yes I have hayfever it’s very bad at the moment though perhaps in a different way really dry skin and throat, skin is dry no matter how much I moisturise try this kind of thing it’s extremely irritating i use opticrom eyedrops and they seem to be doing some good but not enough take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,330
    edited 17. May 2022, 09:03

    hi Toni Are you today? I’m trying to keep this short because of some shoulder pain my mum does not have a Dosa recipe it’s something that’s more commonly eaten in South India not north where she comes from she did once use some mix it wasn’t too bad sorry I’m just a bit tired right and trying to be careful because I know how quickly this pain can get worsen.

    GP is meant to be phoning today about my foot. Insect bites are very nasty problem I agree. Ill try to write a bit more later on. Xx

    Early morning pic, xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Hello bless you for all the Birthday wishes..Mr B was in 2 mins then we went to the garden center ..😁

    Toni Thankyou for the lovely caje 😁Mr B drove there for his checkup ..he told them and they saud after 3 weeks if you feel safe you could have drove 🙄your poor neighbour Mr B has had pins abd needles in his hands so I have got him the flexi feet see if they help..xx

    Toady thankyou... we have volunteer litter pickers here but has soon gas they are gone its back ..good for you doing the quiz I would be useless xx

    Reshmi thankyou ..Niamh us our youngest granddaughter shes 9..your mum sounds so nice bless xx

    Joan Thankyou asks well with Mr B ..and I am chilling after a walk round the garden center xx

    Carol I'm so sorry to hear about your sil..hope all will be well xx

    Love to Kitty who is always in my mind and Mike xx

    Gosh I make some typos u go through them then give up 😂

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,330

    Hi. Barbara how are you today? glad Mr B is okay Niamh is your granddaughter I see that’s very sweet thanks about my mum I hope you enjoy the rest of your birthday I went to the GP about foot nothing much is wrong but the waiting was horrible and boiling had Lucozade when I got home take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,330

    hi Joan how are you and Sue today? I’m okay thanks so is my mum, I had GP app today nothing to worry about but waiting room was really hot have a nice evening. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,330
    edited 17. May 2022, 09:02

    Hi Toni how are you? I had the GP app today they were running late as usual nothing much happened I think basically she said I need to do some physio whether I’ll be referred is another thing but I have to think about that later waiting room was really hot tho I felt sick and ended up having Lucozade hope you’re doing well today take care. Xx

    Ps thank Goodness I had my sun hat may need to buy a new one at some point though mine is getting a bit tatty I thought this one looked interesting not sure about the make up though it’s a bit extreme. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,605

    Evening all, not that anyone much will be up I imagine but wishing you a good night's sleep even if you are already there, or thereabouts.. overshot my timing again tonight for the sake of getting a phone call & couple of emails done, and then thought I had better go and clip some of the side lawn & weed round a bit 🌱 (no doubt under the beady eye of 'they who must be obeyed' next door ..). Anyway there will be no getting any sense out of me at this hour so I will see you all tomorrow :) xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Morning everyone 😊

    Morning Mike I hope things went ok with the haematology nurse yesterday? Did she have any ideas about you being virtually unable to eat or drink? I'm sure she was still pleased with your progress though you have done very well even if it doesn't feel like it. Lucy went down to 5 stone! Not the best weight loss diet though is it?

    Anyway you take care and just keep resting and eating what you can ((())) strength winging down to you from me.

    Carol what a nightmare not being able to post! I have something similar going on. Since I updated my email address it keeps logging me out mid-post! Infuriating! I have the box 'keep me signed in' ticked🙄

    My hay fever and Bosh (Reshmi)'s has been pretty bad this year we have been talking about it a fair bit I hope you have something you can take? Perhaps we should wear our masks for it?

    I am so sorry to hear about your (is he Ex?) son-in-law's diagnosis but am glad Mr T is there with your daughter and will support her and maybe the Grandchildren too. What a shock for them all and you ((())). On the positive side you and Miss Cookie can enjoy anything you want while he is away! While the cat's they say. Take care.

    @Kitty I do hope everything is ok with you we haven't seen you here for a while. I'm not nagging just worrying a bit. We are all thinking of you and hoping you are doing ok.

    Sending love and ((())) from me.

    Sleek is just back from visiting you and insists she has things all 'in paw'🌈

    Hi Reshmi I am so sorry to hear about your shoulder they are so difficult to rest. I remember when Lucy had to have hers replaced (and before) so painful. Heat helped - a microwavable heat pad mostly along with pain killers of course.

    So the Dr wasn't a great deal of use and you don't know whether you have been referred for physio?? That's annoying maybe ring the receptionist in a week to check and if not ask if you can self-refer in many areas you can???

    Lucozade was probably very sensible if you felt hot and possibly dizzy. A new sunhat? Oooh! Nice idea I also like that one, but perhaps not the makeup😁

    I loved that morning picture the sun coming in through the plants onto a comfy bed with an open book. Perfect😊 You can get a mix can you for Dosa....hmmmm... might look into that.

    Good Morning Barbara

    I hope you had a lovely day yesterday?

    Mr B was in and out then🙄 did they say how quickly he can have hip number 2 done? I hope very soon. As for driving I think some insurance companies can be funny about it after surgery, but I am so very happy for him😊😊

    So his hands didn't enjoy the crutches either bless him they should warn people don't you think? The nurses put thick dressings on Lucy's handles to help a bit.

    You got to a garden centre! Fabulous I bet life is feeling so much better now!

    Toady That was a late one! At least we know you're ok!

    I forgot to say I went to the Dorothy Clive Garden on Sunday It was lovely so pretty although it was very hard work very hilly. Lots of benches to park myself down though which I did.

    I did my ironing yesterday to Gardener's world - no Monty! Just houseplants that's two weeks running with Malvern the week before how are we supposed to know what jobs to do? Hmm??? I mean!

    Well I'd better get on

    and vegan

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope all is going well for you (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (()) and Chris (())

    Barbara (()) how are you love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) have a good day today. I watched the Chasers last night on tv.

    Toni (()) sorry you have hay fever not nice I’ve never had it (()) have a good day love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Mike (()) I hope you managed to sort your problems out yesterday at the hospital (()) love to vixen Reshmi (()) sorry you have hay fever. Love to your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,330

    Hi Toady how are you? it looks like were up late, did you have a an okay night sleep in the end? Tc. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,330

    Hi Toni how are you this morning? I’m not too bad thanks feeling hot though but I’ll have shower soon. morning walk with okay thanks really needed it after sitting down in the terrible doctors waiting room all of yesterday or so it seemed the doc was not very impressive she said that I need to do a few exercises got in a mood when I asked for details said she only had very limited time for each patient I used to do some physio before that the hospital physio recommended I stopped doing it after significant improvement in my feet but it was v hard work but maybe I’ll just do a less time-consuming version of it plus more or less what the GP recommended wasn’t that great. really, mum said that I can see the doc again if there’s no improvement and then ask to be referred to the GP surgery physio or something like that .

    I didn’t know that you can self refer though I’ll look into that too thanks.

    you could try Tesco for dosa mix, I’m not absolutely you’ll find it there, but it’s poss.

    ordered Book for LA’s birthday “the dinosaurs diary” let’s just hope that when I give it to him he won’t ask me to read it 10 times lol.

    apparently when he is in a mood BR comforts him by hugging him and saying “da da”, how cute, lol.

    You having a nice afternoon Tony take care. Xx

    Ps pic is a story time type illustration lets just so he doesn’t make me read nonstop, otherwise I will need some Duracell batteries just to keep going. Lo. Tc. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,330

    Hi Joan thanks about the hayfever im okay thanks and my mum is ok too at the moment thanks for asking I hope you and Sue are having a nice afternoon? take care. Xx

    ps. Seeing a winter scenery pic because that’s of my favourite kinds of weather in some ways bye for now. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,330

    Hi Barbara how are you today? is there any birthday cake left ? Toni and I are coming over only joking lol, take care. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,605
    edited 17. May 2022, 14:29

    Afternoon all.. just passing the time hanging around for a delivery, where the live tracking put me a couple of stops away at one point & then stopped tracking 🙄 & here's me itching to get in the garden because it is perfect out there. Frog it is probably as well I can't hear Monty's 'jobs for you' as it would almost certainly be prick out something I haven't planted yet, or pinch out something I haven't pricked out yet 😂 but I will go & do something useful when I can. As you will see I have finished my latest project - what to make out of mangy old bits of wood I scavenged (bits of fence I think) now a sort of cold frame cover. Leaves a bit to be desired construction wise, it won't be watertight &c, just a bit of extreme recycling to amuse myself 😂 one bit is made of the inner pieces of some blockboard from the shed, with the outer ply peeling off & suspected woodworm. Just annoyed I didn't take a before and after now. Hope your wisteria let itself be tied up artistically & in a way you're satisfied with. Glad to hear the Best Kept Village went ok, or as far as you know; such a pity it was damp. How lovely is Dorothy Clive Garden 😍 of which I had not heard. I assume the Laburnum Arch was out (or Laburnhum according to the site I looked at 🤨), oh, gorgeous - I used to live near where there was one & never once made it at the right time of year 😕😂. I take it you had coffee and I take it you bought something? 😊. Hope you are having a good day, sorry to hear though that you are concerned about your hip 😔 that's another one of us who will not be able to do the muppet yoga pose, not doing well are we on that front, collectively 😕. Right well there is no change in my tracking so it will have to be cup of tea & leave them to their own devices. I laughed at the mental picture of your Sindies trying on their clothes btw.. 'I'm not wearing this, why can't I have proper shop-bought clothes like other dollies'. But yes same here money was short and I did have some official outfits but Mum made some too, I really must go & look & see what I have here. 👗👚 I need hardly add, the horror of what vintage clothes etc go for on ebay 😱 whole sets in boxes etc I can understand, just about, but what would our parents make of £44.99 for some purple kitten heels for Sindy - basically an inch of plastic (and would Sindy thank you for 2ndhand shoes another Dolly has worn? 🤔). Probably wouldn't spend that on myself haha.

    Hello Barbara 😊 glad Mr B was in & out quickly and you went to the garden centre, I hope you bought something 🌼. I have posted Project Silly Beggar for you to see, a cold frame top thing out of what was very grotty old scrap wood; complete with 'Fork Handle' 🍴🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️😂. I don't do very well on quizzes my geography is hopeless well history too. Love to Mr B he must have been well pleased to find he could have driven sooner... oh dear 😬 xx

    Hi to bosh, glad to hear they didn't think anything much was wrong even if it was horrid at the Drs, good luck if they do sort you out some physio, I guess they can follow up about that at your June appointment too.. hope not too warm for you today well I expect it probably is but at least hope you can keep out of it. Iced herb tea might be nice today?

    Hello Joan I've watched the Chasers too sometime I prefer the normal show to Beat the Chasers, though always think it's unfair that the Chaser has uninterrupted time in the final but the team have to waste time buzzing & having their name called. Lovely weather today :) xx

    Sorry your posts are behaving peculiarly Carol, or your iPad anyway - mostly sorry to hear about your daughter's ex-partner, hope Mr T is able to help or at least that seeing him is a help in itself I suppose it's all he can do, all the best xx

    Love to Kitty do hope things are ok xx

    and thinking of Mike & Vixen after yesterday's appt. xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,605

    Just to mention that (once again) I couldn't see bosh's posts between frog and myself, 🙄 which is why I was only referring to the posts before last, sorry.. I didn't have the best night tbh but I feel ok today, that can happen, as well as having a good night and a bad day 🤨. Anyway have a good evening yourself :) x