Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    hi toady don’t worry about vanishing posts lol, something similar happens to me sometimes at least posts appear where there weren’t any before and I’m not sure why that happens and I don’t always pick up on it either 😄yes it is quite hot today isn’t it but I did manage to stay inside after the morning walk yes thanks about the GPs yes it’s def a relief that nothing too bad is wrong but the doc really did have an attitude problem the way she reacted when I asked her to say exactly what the recommended exercises were was quite offensive she went on about limited time but I wasn’t talking for that long don’t like it when they take that attitude you know? Well at least it’s over with now yeah hopefully they’ll be able to sort out some physio also I might just mainly try the old exercises if she had told me exactly what was wrong like which area of the foot or muscle or something like that was weak then I could’ve looked it up looked up physio exercises quite easily but she didn’t do that she was just in a rush to have lunch or something probably lol poss she had a Starbucks iced coffee in the waiting for her in the surgery fridge or something like that ha ha just as long as those don’t mix it up with my blood samples that’s okay with me oh dear it was a terrible waiting room as well with fluorescent lights right above my head.

    I’m not tried iced herbal tea actually I suppose I get a bit lazy because I’d have to make the tea then let it cool down and so on so forth I might try making it one day tho thanks for The tip I usually just drink water or squash and occasionally fruit juice on the hot days really bill on the other hand opts for milkshake almost any time if not an ice cream sundae oh dear oh dear, that was a shame that you had a bad night but at least your day wasn’t too bad so that’s good bye for now take care. Xx

    Ps Pic is just a type of squash. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230
    edited 18. May 2022, 05:34

    Morning everyone what a lovely start to the day😊

    Morning Mike I hope you are doing ok today somehow. You will get there just keep on going I am so impressed with how well you have done so far. Take care I hope you and Vixen can get outside in the garden for a bit today it's going to be lovely. Srength and ((())) on the way xxx

    Joan I don't have hay fever too badly compared to some people, Lucy has it too not the others they are all fine. How are you and Sue doing? I am visiting my neighbour today they are trying to get the care package restarted now so she can come back home. ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? It was warm yesterday almost 'stormy' weather today will be slightly cooler I think. I have friends over on Saturday for a takeaway curry in the garden, but we have a summer house if it's raining.

    Drs are very often not that helpful I find I wish they understood how long it takes me to pluck up the courage to even go to see them! We don't enjoy it - it's not a day trip for us! Can you remember enough of the foot exercises from before? Is this any help?

    As your Mum says if it persists go back and ask to be referred to their physio.

    BR is so sweet natured. 'Da da' sounds like 'there there' doesn't it? oh dear me a book is a very very good present, but

    you better get yourself ready for a reading marathon!

    Morning Toady.How much? For a pair of Sindy shoes? Second hand ones?! Might even have dollie verrucae germs in them?!🤭My Mum made clothes too to be fair honestly wasn't childhood simpler then? You had dolls till you were probably 12 now they are on phones long before that age😕

    Your sewing might not have been great, but that cold frame cover is gorgeous I love it you are so clever doing all that! I am seriously covetous I want one. When you have 5 minutes😉

    Monty will be back on Friday with a loooong list surely? Prick this pinch that yes. We must be ready for it. Today is lovely I am a bit too busy though ucy is off and wants to go into town to 'get her nails done' then I have a zoom then I am visiting my lovely neighbour in the nursing home if i can... I say that genuinely because i made a mistake with a lateral flow test and when I uploaded it put positive when it was negative so have to ring 119 for help. How stupid am I?

    The Dorothy Clive garden was fabulous (too hilly really though) and yes the laburnum arch was out and so so so pretty I want one now. Typical me whenever I visit a garden🙄 You'd have loved it and it had vegan ice cream as well as coffee and soup in the cafe! What more can a woman want I ask you? There's wisteria arch I went to once now where was that? A plan for the weekend if i can remember🤔

    Ignore the hip I am. All will be well whatever happens won't it? Steady as we go!

    Kitty I know you haven't been in for a good while now I hope that's because good things are happening in your life for you. Know we are all thinking about you in here and care very much.

    Sleek has been to see you and insists she has things under control 'in paw' as she says. 🌈

    I made a lovely vegan pasta dish last night which we had in Bratislava on the river cruise it was YUM. Missing your recipes and ideas though ((())) xxx

    I will try to get some pics this week/weekend of our pergola the builders made last year with the Wisteria over it.

    Barbara if you get in I hope all is well and you are out again today in the CAR!!!! isn't it fabulous having your life back😊 You don't know what you've got till it's gone eh?

    Take care and I replied yesterday so you'll have to look back.

    If you pop in Carol I posted a reply to you yesterday. I hope your daughter and Gchildren are coping ok ((())) xxx

    breakfast quesadilla 😋

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) thinking about you take care we hope you are happy (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (()) Chris (())

    Toady (()) I hope you don’t have to wait too long for the delivery.

    Toni (()) I read yesterday that Monty Don had something wrong I’m not sure if he was in hospital. Sorry I should have took more notice. I hope your neighbours wife will soon be able to go home (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) how are you feeling today love to your mum (())

    Mike (()) have a good day you are doing so well love to vixen

    Barbara (()) have a good day love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    hi Toni how are you today thanks very much for finding those exercises that was very kind of you I’ve had a little bit of a look but im sort of in the middle of a few things but will have a proper look later it did seem v helpful tho ty for that I’ve been looking I’ve been doing a bit of research on the Internet and I found out that this kind of numb feeling can happen to people with psoriatic arthritis I think it’s called symptoms that are similar to peripheral neuropathy in other words it feels like we have those that we have a prob with nerve endings but we don’t or I don’t anyway so I found some physio exercises from dr Jo online because she’s really good, nhs physio ex have expired unfortunately but i remember part of them and of course will properly look at the things you’ve given me. and I’m sure they’ll be something that will help the doctor the GP also did say to me something about balancing on one foot but I’m not sure that’s such a great exercise but I’ll try it. Sorry not feeling well., like a panic attack. Xx

  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154

    Hi everyone, I am starting rituximab next week I hope it does some good I had to get it okayed by my haematologist it was in my chemo so i was given the ok to have it but because of the cancer there's so many I can't have so fingers crossed .

    Hope everyone is doing ok.Mig

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Toni sorry about well I don’t know if it’s really a panic attack but it felt like one very stressful afternoon but anyway I’m okay now thanks btw dada means big bro in Bengali but my sis doesn’t like us to mention that in front of Bill because he speaks only English and Hindi (??) its just a bit weird it’s not an offensive word, but little sisters can be odd creatures can’t they? lol I hope you enjoy the garden thing I’ll go for now my pic is Indian tea in clay cups really delicious but very high sugar . Tc. Xx

    also hi to the toad or toady as she calls herself lol hope you’re okay? sorry this is such a short one bit busy right now take care xx

    and hi also to Barbara and Joan and Kitty Hope you’re all well bye for now. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,605
    edited 18. May 2022, 18:30

    Hello all.. Well apart from the fact that eBay decided my phone won't support the app as of today which will mean a new phone, and that my laptop had a blue screen and shut down on me.. and ironically the back door wouldn't shut and I had to stop & fix it when I wanted to be in the garden.. and that it's just started chucking it down with rain and I've had to go & rescue the gardening stuff I'd left outdoors for later.. it's all going terribly well 😕😂.

    Am going to have a cup of tea and a KitKat and I don't care who knows it 😸 - I may be back later it depends what else happens! but if I'm not love to all and will pick up the threads next time xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 18. May 2022, 19:06

    Evening all dare I say it was to warm 😉

    Toni I have never heard of the garden sorry forgot the name ..its sounds si nice but like you say gard work thank goodness fir benches..yes Mr B was fuming 😅I'm j7st glad to have my driver back 😄

    Toady I love the make do and mend satisfying..even if you do have woodworm...😅I have just sent a parcel to America some rare books we had ..I am proper pleased with myself they have actually landed 😄 xx

    Reshmi I hope you can get some treatment fir your foot..must say our gp has improved in the last few weeks ...xx

    Joan we are all fine thankyou ..not just staying in 4 walls makes a difference ..apart from when we used taxis .how is Lexi getting on with her teeth xx

    Mig good luck with your treatment hope it makes a big difference to your pain xx

    Love to Mike and Kitty xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,605
    edited 18. May 2022, 20:51

    Hi again 😊 well it's sort of stopped raining but it's too late to be much help.. very 'heavy' feeling so no surprise people finding it thundery and warm/close.. can't even go for a walk after rain as there are snails everywhere and I have to pick my way along the pavement looking eccentric 🤪. Anyway the tea helped ☕️ yours looks very nice bosh, I love the cups.. I expect it is spiced is it.. actually the squash might be better today, something with mint in it would be nice for the stuffy weather. glad you feel better now after the stressful bit of today. Interesting what you read about your foot sensations as if it's like nerve ending problems but not, I have a friend with PsA they haven't mentioned this but they don't necessarily discuss their symptoms with me. Fancy not recommending some specific physio 😕 what you said about doing a halfway house version of the ones you used to do sounds sensible though or maybe you'll find something equally suitable. Bye for now - Toad/Toady/Toadster as Toni would say haha xx

    Frog I was kept from the garden as you'll see, well I did fit some in earlier but I wanted to do some this evening too 😣 (tantrum). I had not heard what Joan mentioned about Monty so I googled, and he has had Covid - eek! and most of the team apparently. Oh dear! I thought the different episodes were just planned ones, ie for the Show etc. Sorry you put your test results in wrong, we all do this stuff don't we but trust it to be that! .. hope they could sort it for you to go in🤞and your other plans went ok. Yes quite agree life was simpler 'back when', I would hate hate to be at school now or even 10/20 years & more ago - at least all you used to be picked on for was your specs or something, not your mobile your trainers your instagram followers (your eyebrows probably!) & you didn't get catty text messages! Though if a few nicer suitable clothes could have been sent back in a time machine I might have some better old photos 😂 never understood the logic of jumpers right up to your chin yet very short hemlines for small girls 🤨. Thank you for your kind words re my woodwork, I don't want to put it out of doors now 😂 ridiculous when the scrap wood was lying discarded in a lane for god knows how long til I swiped it. Oh a sad thing for me, I think my silver birch tree has had it 🙁 it's also part of my privacy at front, I might ask your opinion re. a couple of redesign possibles (replace, extend hedge, etc). Have a good evening/night :) xx

    Joan I hadn't heard about Monty Don, thank you for mentioning! He has had Covid I didn't know, he had not been on Gardener's World but I thought that was for other reasons. My delivery turned up ok thanks it was still when they said. Now I have to buy a new phone, I don't really want to but I don't like the one I have now either! Oh well I will have to get the least worst! Hope you have had a good day :) x

    Hello Barbara, well done sending your books to the US, postage & customs are a right fiddle 😬 my grumble when I buy books is no-one packs properly even if you ask and I'm constantly sending complaints 🙄 . Hope weather will be right for you the rest of the week, I've got dry but overcast til next Tues apparently ☁️ oh well it may change. xx

    Love to Mike, Kitty & everyone - very good luck with the rituximab Carol 👍️

    Have a good night everyone xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Thanks Barbara that’s very kind glad you and Mr B are getting out and about a bit more that’s great to hear I’ve contacted a lady who is one of the people in charge of the mental health coffee group here in Reading and hopefully she’ll get back to me soon and I can start going out getting out and about a bit more myself in a more constructive way if everything goes okay with that I’ll go there once a week just for a bit of a change and to meet some people also have mental health problems which really would be a lifeline for me because I sometimes find things v difficult at home , just wanted to say BR has made a special lady baby friend already my goodness he a fast worker lol, he’s only got one tho, unlike his older bro which is good to know haha. The Lucky lady is called Valeria which of course reminded me of valerian root and white witches and love spells not that I believe in such stuff , no offence to anybody, but this is a white witchy kind of image I found online have a good night and use your herbs carefully, lol. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230
    edited 19. May 2022, 05:26

    Morning everyone

    Mike I hope you are coping ok and managing a little to eat and a little more to drink. Sue will be with you today I bet she and Susan worry about you and are feeling very relieved that the treatment is starting to near it's end. SEnding my usual strength and ((())) and tummy rub for Vixen your feline nursemaid/carer xxx

    Morning Joan poor Monty Don! It's COVID😮 I do hope he recovers quickly bless him. He is healthy so I think he ought to. My lovely neighbour was in great spirits when I visited yesterday hoping the care package is sorted soon so she can come home. love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Kitty me duck I am thinking about you very much and hoping all is well. That you are still safe and well and hopefully things are or are being sorted for you so you are or soon will be in your own - maybe new - home.

    Sleek is obviously with you now she has been shuffling out with bags and supplies not sure what of, but I'm sure you understand Huge ((())) xxx🌈🌈🌈

    Morning Mig great news that you finally have a start date for your new biologic. I really hope it will help an din fact am sure it should as I remember how 'well' you felt with your Arthritis while on your cancer treatment🤞 xxx

    Oh dear me Reshmi that sort of panic attack sounded pretty scary. I have had lots of panic attacks I think due to hormones. They are terrifying ((()))

    Good idea to try those physio exercises anything will help. If you do teh standing on one leg ones I think you should hold onto the kitchen work surface while you do them. Safety first.

    Awww Dada means big brother in Bengali how adorable is that! He is a bright one as well as caring. I think it's great to learn new languages at a young age why ever not? Silly BIL in time he can teach them Hindi too if he wants.

    The Indian tea in those sweet cups sounds lovely I think I'll have one please😋

    Take care of yourself now I hope today is a better day for you ((()))

    Morning Toady it is 'close' the air it was 10 degrees at 4.30 am! It's going to be hot today poor Barbara she won't be happy nor Reshmi nor me to an extent.

    As for snails on paths I get it and the worst thing is it can actually hurt us arthritics to jump/weave around them they are a nuisance, but part of the ecosystem so have to just lump it.

    All went well with my repeat test yesterday morning thank you I got the all important text to confirm I was clear and managed to see my lovely neighbour (Mrs) and let him (Mr)stay at home resting his sore hands. Today I am going to help Mr split some plants for the village plant sale at the end of the month.Mrs was in great spirits! It was fabulous to see her after probably 7 weeks I have missed her. I took her some flowers from their garden in a tiny glass jar just like P used to when she was in hospital. So she has a little bit of home with her.

    I think the episodes were planned maybe??? They go to Malvern, Chelsea and Gardener's world live every year and muck up my viewing. Bless him though Monty needs to be careful I hope he will recover quickly and the team too.

    You must use that gorgeous wooden cold frame cover it's too lovely you can varnish it annually.

    Kids these days can be hounded and bullied day and night in their own bedroom it's just terrible really. I think they will cringe when they see their own eyebrows and clothes on 'old' photos in future too! Did you have specs at school? I had a patch, but no hassle I was only about 5/6/7 so all was ok.

    Oh no not your silver birch😒 you poor thing. It will need replacing ASAP as it is also screening.

    Hello Barbara lovely to see you

    I am so glad you have your driver back and can get out again. I bet Mr B is far easier to live with now!!!!

    The garden was lovely (Dorothy Clive - she had Parkinson's and her husband built it for her), but hard work worth it though as you say than goodness for plenty of benches. I expect he knew that with his wife.

    Reuse, recycle, replace. That's the order I think it should be don't you agree? I am a big fan of not wasting myself.

    I hope everyone is well Niamh (GDs) the boys, your niece and your brother and his GF. Time they got married we need another wedding! Maybe your GD and her fiancée will do the honours?

    Well I'd better get on another busy day ahead here.

    Take care everyone

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) how are you feeling I hope you are being looked after well after all you’ve been through (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (()) and Chris (())

    Barbara (()) it’s nice you can go places again. Lexi had to wait 3 weeks so they could fit her in. Love to Mr B ((()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) we had thunder storm’s last night. I watch Alan Titchmarsh. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) that’s good your neighbour will soon be home her husband has done so well you can tell that by his hands being so sore does he wear gloves with his crutches. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Mig (()) all the best with your new medicine.

    Reshmi (()) sorry about you having panic attacks you don’t need them. I had to stand on one foot it makes it stronger it takes time love to your mum (())

    Mike (()) how are you feeling today love to vixen

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Toni how are you? I will reply Properly I just wanted to say that BR has a gf lol, she’s called Valeria, which reminded me of valerian root white witches and love spells lol. Potion bottles pic follows be careful what you put in the babies milk…xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Toni Looks like a nice healthy breakfast and v delicious thanks about the panic attack type things and the exercises that was kind I’m not too bad atm thanks though very hot will have a shower soon , the NHS queue jumper evil neighbour type person is going on holiday abroad soon for four weeks starting on 2 June I will celebrate, I may even move into her house lol 😄.

    not much news today really my dad had a toothache yesterday not sure if it’s still there today I need to ask him at a time when DV is not likely to erupt lol

    i saw a film called it’s a wonderful afterlife on Amazon Prime kind of comedy about a Indian lady in Southall who has to do with the ghosts of potential son in laws she killed because they rejected her daughter, the film is quite amusing and features S Bhaskar, may be worth checking out

    okay I’ll go for now Toni because I need to do a few things have a nice afternoon take care. Xx

    Ps recently I’ve been having Swedish glace raspberry ice cream it’s very delicious low sugar low-fat and vegan so my bookmark pic is the aforementioned but it’s not an evil kind of food at least not 100% unlike some of Toni’s breakfasts only joking ha ha take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Joan how are you? Thanks very much for your kind words I agree the panic attack type sensation is quite nasty and unnecessary today I’m okay thanks just to getting a bit hot thanks for your comment about the foot exercise too, hope you both have a nice day take care. Xx

    ps when I walked today I saw a bit of a strange sight there is a lady of the neighbours I guess who knits woollen hats for the public postbox by her house is a bit odd but if it keeps her happy that’s fine lol I noticed today that she’s made a new one of the Queen and her corgi dogs etc a Jubilee version of the hot weather hat I suppose it’s really good actually but I’m not much of a photographer at the best of times so I found this picture online of a woollen corgi bye for now Tc. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230
    I have news Kitty has phoned!

    She is ok still in hospital waiting to be rehoused she would love ground floor ideally sheltered housing where she can meet other people.

    She wants me to say thank you to everyone for caring about her - she can't see to post easily on her phone, but she really appreciates all our messages.

    She has her family back so she is really happy.

    I'll post properly later to reply to Reshmi and anyone else who pops in.

    Toni xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,605

    Hi all, too late for me to post in anything sensible so it's just a hello really, but just wanted to say v. pleased to hear there has been news of Kitty 😊 so glad she's getting on ok and really hope they find her the ideal sort of place🤞thanks for letting us know frog and I will post any news tomorrow not that there is any, have been for a walk and in the garden, but will post anyway and catch up with everyone.

    Love to all have a good night 😴😘 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230
    edited 20. May 2022, 05:33

    For Reshmi! Anything like what that lady is knitting? We have a Ukraine crocheted hat on ours (not me). It's called 'yarn bombing'

    Awwww BR has a gf already? He is such a sweetie Valeria eh? made me think of valerian too. I promise not to add anything I shouldn't to the babies' milk🤭

    Get in the nosey queue jumper neighbour's house and squat there that will do nicely! Near enough to see Mum and Dad and support them, but far enough away to dodge any HV!

    We are away again soon this time much more complicated it's to the Laon Historique in France with my little pink car. She was in the garage yesterday for her MOT and a check over for the long journey ahead. Paul will do most of the driving. It's over the jubilee weekend there will be 42 cars like mine there and I don't know how many MX5s like my brother (who is also going) and loads of other cars if you like that sort of thing.

    How are you doing today? No more panic attacky things I hope - it will be cooler today ((())) I hope Dad's tooth is ok we both know he ought to go to the dentist but will he? 🙄nope.

    That film sounds great and right up my street I love Sanjeev Bhaskar he is a funny and good actor.

    I have swedish glace vanilla ice cream I didn't know they do raspberry! Wow thanks for the tip😊

    I forgot to say importantly Kitty sends her love to everyone and thanks us all for thinking about her. It's just difficult to post on her phone with her eyes.

    Mike I do hope you are ok and coping it will soon be Monday an;y the weekend to get through now and then you'll know exactly what's next. I hope Kitty's news has at least made you smile a bit. Sending my usual ((())) and strength xxx

    Barbara Such a relief to hear from Kitty I bet you are relieved to hear it.

    Get outside and sit in your lovely garden while it's nice😊

    Good morning Toady another hectic day for you!

    Mine was pretty busy too, but included two lovely stints in the garden so I am feeling mentally charged and ended about 6pm. I hope your walk and gardening yesterday at least helped you too in spite of it obviously being a long day for you.

    I helped my lovely neighbour (him) to split some black mondo grass for the village plant sale at the end of the month. we made up 8 pots which have time i hope to settle in before they are needed.

    Morning Joan how are you today and Sue? My neighbour didn't wear gloves (now he doesn't use them at all!) nor pad the handles even though I did suggest it. The district nurse is helping with the care plan so they can get CHC to agree it then start looking for a care agency who can do it! I do hope it's soon🤞 I hope you saw Kitty's news it was lovely to hear her voice she sounds really well. The hospital are helping with her pain too. Love to you both and enjoy your trip out of you go today ((())) xxx

    Hi to Mig if she pops in and of course to Carol too.

    Take care all

    upma for breakfast today one of my favourites.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty ((())) thank you for phoning Toni I was getting worried I thought you had gone to the place of no return because I did not know how bad you are. That’s nice to know you have your family with you (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (()) and Chris (())

    Barbara (()) have a good weekend love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) have a good weekend I think it’s rain then.

    Toni (()) thank you for putting Kitty’s message on here for us I was getting worried about her. That will be nice going to the car display sue likes the old cars that have running boards. I hope your neighbour and his wife will soon be together (()) have a good weekend. love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) how is your Dad’s tooth ache. And your mum’s tummy ache and your foot have a good weekend

    Mike (()) have a good weekend and vixen (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Toady thanks for your nice message yes you’re right today is def a better day for me so far, cooler and less family stress at least atm.

    I see that’s interesting about your friend with psoriatic arthritis, I looked online a bit more about tips for flat feet as well and one really good tip was insoles I have some comfy insoles but I’ve never worn them in my trainers before I did do so today , felt a lot more comfortable 😄.

    im also doing some bits of physio but doing it slowly so I don’t risk getting cramps etc seems to be helping a bit thanks for asking 😄. Those teas look nice but are indeed quite heavy on the stomach you’re right and there’s probably a bit of spice in there too, yes mint is a very fresh refreshing flavour I agree, i like it in cold drinks and soups sometimes. Hope your Day is not going to badly toady? take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Toni how are you today? much cooler weather today isn’t it? and thank goodness for that you’re welcome about the raspberry vegan ice cream it is very addictive though I must admit I think I’d better stop buying it for a little while ha ha don’t want to risk becoming a female Bill i think that the world is not quite ready for that lol, you’re absolutely right we both know dad should see dentist but he’s unlikely to do so at the moment 🤷‍♀️, I hope you enjoy your holiday - the French car show - so that will be a nice change I was saying to toady I put some insoles in my trainers that seems to be helping a lot already with my flat feet and I’ve been looking at all sorts of physio exercises including the ones that you sent me thanks again for that and am doing a certain amount of it each day but I’m being careful not to overdo it because I know how easy it is to get cramps and muscle pain and all that from overdoing it. I See yarn bombing that’s interesting you’re right there the middle image is quite a lot like the one on my local postbox, v impressive. LA told his granny that auntie goddess mima doesn’t visit that much because she becomes bored she becomes a bored boy bless him I’m lucky he was in a good enough mood to call me a boy it’s one of the highest of compliments from the Lord apparently lol. Toady was talking about mint being a refreshing flavour which is true so my mind went to French mint tea after you’re mentioning the French car show so that’s my pic today are you a fan of mint tea? I like the smell of mint but not mint tea so much my sister loves it though hope you have a nice day Toni take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Joan how are you and Sue doing today? I’m feeling a lot better thanks because it’s nice and cool today here where I live not sunny and nasty weather my dad said his toothache is a little less I still think he should see the dentist but he’s a stubborn old chap really😡. My mum’s stomach has settled now thanks for asking I’m so happy about that my foot is a little bit better thanks as I put some insoles in my trainers which seem to have helped a lot and I’m doing physio gradually so I think I’m “getting there” thank you hope you and Sue have a nice day bye for now. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Everybody hope you’re all okay? My day wasn’t so great actually stomach problem again even though haven’t had methotrexate yet but am feeling a bit better now after the shower I wrote a little poem, just about summer psoriasis eczema hayfever the list goes on lol. Tc. Xx

    Poem for VC Called 

    Fair - weather fiesta?

    I have to slap on a thousand creams just so that I can leave the house

    I Keep scratching my head but I know there is no louse,

    I say “summer?” you say “ Yippee!”

    But look there is a dermo prescription,

    There’s one for you and one for me,

    For daily use, for occasional use, the whole jamboree.

    ps Pic is snow-white with allergies, lol. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,605

    Hello people :) odd kind of weather all round today, I went for a walk earlier and I was cold on the way out and hot on the way back, ad it was meant to be raining but wasn't - looks like it would do some now for tuppence, when there isn't any forecast. Blowing now. C'est la vie.

    It wasn't too busy a day for me yesterday I just did a few small things but took them slowly, approach to time management varies round here sometimes I try to be very efficient but sometimes just purposely try & aim for a calmer time slowing down feeling, can't be helped sometimes of course. Anyway quite a nice walk and I saw a squirrel and found £1😂 - the latter being not much use to me as I'm not going in shops! Glad to hear insoles are helping you bosh, do your flat feet date from having arthritis? Good idea anyway! these small things can make all the difference. Also just to say your idea to go to the local coffee group meetings sounds great and I hope it works out it would be a really good thing to do 😊. How convincing is that little woolly dog! I may have to get one! I miss having an animal around all I have is my horrid neighbour's horrid cat 😾 enjoy your horrid neighbour being away! Ooh lovely, a whole month. Have a good evening :) x

    Hi frog I have not been out in the garden much but I am going for a last potter now - I have attached an artists's impression of my garden troubles in case you have any suggestions from experience - the tree is on the corner of lawn as you see with a small 3-conifer hedge which is slightly further forward. Have to decide whether to extend the row of hedges? and maybe put a new tree in a spot behind the old one, it would then be behind the hedge, still near the corner of the lawn/border - would need to be about three feet from the old one. Or do something else? Mainly just don't want that gap there. 😔 (Pavement/road is in front of the hedges obviously.) Yes poor Monty hope he recuperates properly and doesn't take on too much.. people have 'inundated' him with pics and videos of their gardens to cheer him up - although should be resting really, not looking at things - mind you lots of fans advising him to do that too, to be fair. You will be gardening ahead so to speak with your next trip in mind I expect. Glad you were able to do some nice plant splitting with your neighbour and all is going to plan with them both. And with Kitty! 😺 Have a good weekend x

    Hello Joan, must we have rain 🤔 oh dear rather not. Oh well we have had a few decent days. I will need some building maintenance work soon I will save up the fine weather for that if possible and make do without for now. Hope you both have a good weekend. xx

    Love to Kitty even if not reading, will just send good wishes out into the atmosphere so to speak xx

    Love to Barbara too and hope things going on steadily with you all xx

    and best to Mike, Carol, Mig & anyone reading xx

    garden troubles

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Morning everyone another good day I hope We have friends over for a takeaway in the garden today.

    Mike I do hope you are ok. No need to post, but I'm not even seeing your little 'likes' which normally reassure me that you are ok(ish at least) I wish there was something to help you, but you are nearly there now and have done incredibly well. No transfusions or infections you are a strong man ((())) xxx

    Morning Joan. You can tell Sue I love cars with those running boards too. Penelope doesn't have them but she is pretty. This year she will be having some body work done so that she is rust free. I have to agree I really hope CHC sort out my neighbours' care package very soon so she can come home. He is absolutely not allowed to do any manual handling yet. ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you today. Has your stomach settled? I do hope so😕 Insoles? What a great idea! It was a much better temperature here yesterday and today I think too. I loved that poem it actually made me smile.

    You won't become a female BIL! Never fear on that front it's not in your nature. I do wish they sold the ice cream in smaller containers though it is lovely. Nice in hot weather.

    Nope I can't see your Dad visiting the dentist anytime soon my Dad was the same I think they are actually scared.

    Our village has been yarn bombed again - I think it's the postman's wife. I will post a pic for you from my phone which I took yesterday.

    I am looking forward to France and hope my car is up to it. Paul will do most of the driving there will be 42 Figaros from the UK not sure about from abroad yet.

    Oh LA!!! Auntie Goddess Mima is not a boy but he prefers boys so that is indeed a compliment coming from him. It sounds as though he has missed his Auntie.

    I am the same I love a little mint but not too much and definitely not in tea although it is good for stomachs....

    The Princess has a bad case of rosacea I think bless her.

    Morning Kitty if you are able to pop by at all (I doubt it, but I am happier writing this) I am thinking about you and knowing you are safer makes me happy ((())) xxx

    Toady that is a fabulous drawing! I can't do those I need lessons! I can certainly see your problem. that tree will leave a huge gap and have to come down too another big job. Shame it has fulfilled a dual purpose; screening and being pretty otherwise you could have done what they did at the garden last weekend and kept the stump, carving into it. Like this:

    Not enough screening there for you. Extending the conifer hedge would be quickest of course they can grow fast can't they? a new tree takes longer but trees are just so invaluable for wildlife so maybe a tree? as you say back from where the current one is.

    I got outside yesterday and for now the garden is tidy enough (visitors for an outside curry later on today). I hope you managed your late potter and didn't get bitten to death? Potting on later if I have time.

    Monty will rest it sounds as though he has little choice. I will watch yesterday's GW in the week with my ironing I almost look forward to ironing!

    My walks always start out cold like yours and end up hot on the way back. I blame my age or getting the metabolism going which is a good thing.

    Barbara I hope you are enjoying your new found freedom now Mr B is free to drive! I bet he is happier too.

    Makes life all round much more pleasant.

    Isn't it good to know Kitty is ok?

    Enjoy your weekend in your lovely garden.

    I must prepare Aidan's breakfast!

    Hi to anyone I missed or who pops by unexpectedly💗