Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) good luck I hope you get the place you want you deserve it after all you’ve been through (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (()) and Chris (())

    Barbara (()) how is your knee. Mr B is doing so good well (()) love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) people don’t seem to use money these days it’s cards. Have a good day

    Toni (()) our friend has gone to Benidorm today for a week. Have a good time with your friends later (()) love to Paul and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (()) good luck them getting back together soon (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (()) I have insoles. I like mint sauce on most things.

    Mike (()) I hope everything is going well and your not feeling to bad love to vixen (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi toady Nice to hear from you glad you had a nice walk and saw a squirrel and found a pound lol it’s so nice isn’t it isn’t it when you find a pound or even a few pounds in the bottom of your purse unexpectedly? that happens to me sometimes it’s shame that everything is so expensive these days though isn’t it ? it’s a good job I don’t drink coffee Bill is it addicted to the stuff I think that if I had an addiction like that it might bankrupt me lol. So the doctor gave me as little information as poss unfortunately so I don’t Really know when the flat feet problem started what caused it oh well at least the appointment’s over lol. thanks about the coffee group thing I got a reply from the lady and if all is well with my stomach weather and some other things I should be going on Tuesday 😀. Have a nice morning take care. Xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Morning all excuse any typos especially rude ones 🙄

    Toni thankyou for letting us know about Kitty . What a relief. And I hope she loves her next home..what date will the best kept village be this year ..who know you might win again xx

    Toady found a pound ..not good when you can't use it us becoming obselete..apart from Mr B he has a pocket full ..very strange weather ..we are in for m9re rain after today..mind thoes slugs..eccentric indeed 😅 oh and my books landed yesterday 😁xx

    Joan I hope lexi isn't in pain ..sorry I get lost wuth post ...we are all doing ok thankyou fir caring xx

    Reshmi I hope the person gets back to you ..getting out out and meeting other will really yelp you ..bless says me that needs the same kero on at them about your foot xx

    Love to Mike and eve one else xxxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Toni How are you today? My stomach has recovered for now thanks interesting about mint sorry I’ve had to re-locate in the middle of this message so my train of thought has well and truly left The station haha so I’m just basically writing short - isn’t and prob rubbishy message I apologise but it’s better than nothing so the yarn bombing continues oh dear not that it bothers me of course but it may not be strictly legal to decorate a public postbox in that manner this lady , I’ve seen her once I don’t know her tho, she’s been doing it for years poss before it became fashionable anyway everybody needs a hobby I guess, lol.

    LA is missing me and I’m missing him but we’re going for a kind of birthday related visit around 8 June.

    I thought it wasn’t that hot this morning now I’m getting stuffy and feeling yucky again oh well shower and mxt that’s what I’m doing today exciting stuff is it not Toni? Haha. Hope the garden meal goes well.

    oh yes just wanted to say depending on weather and stomach, I am prob going to the Mental Health coffee and chat group on Tuesday in the town centre, not been to this particular one before it’s at a new coffee shop type place in the town centre i used to go to the old one but that was a long time ago before lockdown on different day with different people. I hope it goes well and if I manage to go it will at least be a bit of a change I’m not sure how long this group is meeting for but I can ask if and when I go there

    Thanks about the poem I’m glad you liked it . okay sorry this is short well short for me ha ha I’ll go now have a nice day take care xx

    PS bookmark pic today is malt loaf one of my favourite healthy-ish sweet treats.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Joan how are you and Sue doing today? my mum is well at the moment thank you and I’m not too bad stomach has got better at least so that’s the main thing so you have insoles too that’s interesting I only discovered insoles very recently I never knew they could help so much 😀. Hope you and Sue are having a nice day take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Barbara how are you doing today? how’s Mr B? the lady did get back to me thanks for asking so depending on my stomach and the weather which are two v unpredictable things ha ha I may be going to the group on Tuesday of next week I used to go to a similar group but that was a long time ago before lockdown and also I think that group eventually disappeared because the café we used to go to became bankrupt due to Covid, but you’re right it’s definitely good to have a bit of a change I understand it’s hard to socialise these days especially with people outside the family and also in a safe way of course I’m really glad that Mr B is improving though

    i just wanted to say thanks about the foot I will go back to the GP if things haven’t improved even though as we all know it is very frustrating because we never know which doc we’ll get my mum thinks she could’ve been a Locum anyway whatever type of doc she was i really wasn’t impressed with her attitude, i’m really glad the appointment is over anyway ha ha.

    I hope you have a lovely afternoon Barbara take care. Xx

    Ps Bookmark pic is dinosaur related balloon decorations because LA’s birthday is fast approaching. Tc.xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,605
    edited 21. May 2022, 21:47

    Hello lovely people - no post from me as such tonight because it's been a rather sad day on account of the demise of a little bird I'd had my concerns about over the last day or 2 but which seemed to be doing ok - a young starling - poor thing 😔 (but nothing to do with a cat, at any rate, thankfully). Will be in again soon I'm ok otherwise just a bit of an emotionally draining day (nature is harsh & all that, I know, but bah to nature all the same). Sorry to make a gloomy post, and love to all for now xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Morning everyone😊 It turned out lovely here yesterday we were even able to eat our takeaway outside with my friends who visited with their two little yorkies. Sleek stayed inside and didn't notice.

    I texted Kitty yesterday and she replied. She is trying to get hold of the Social Worker, but will have to wait until Monday. She sounds ok though very upbeat. I'm so glad we can actually hear from her now and not worry quite so much. Love to you Kitty.

    Mike only today to get through and just wanted to let you know I will be with you tomorrow in spirit (in your pocket as we used to say on here) and have everything crossed all goes well for you I hope you feel well enough tomorrow to pop in and update us. ((())) xxx

    Joan I was wondering the same as Barbara is Lexi in pain is she eating ok with her teeth? Benidorm eh? I have never been but would love to see it. I hope they stay safe. The friends with the yorkies came last night for a takeaway in the garden it was lovely just like lockdown when we were allowed 6 people outside. I hope all is well with you both ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? Not good I should expect. An MTX hangover no doubt.

    Don't worry about forgetting half of my message knowing me half of it is drivel anyway😳

    You will see LA soon now bless him precious little dinosaur boy. Can you belive I will be back from the car show in France by then?! I bet he is getting excited about being 4 big boy!

    The mental health group sounds a really good idea I bet you miss the old one. Kari wants one near here and so far hasn't found one like the one she attended in Scotland. There might be nice people there and ask you say it's something different to do.

    I cornered the postman about our yarn bombed postbox! I think I almost got him to admit it is his wife or at least someone he knows who has done ours. I love it legal or not. I reckon the Queen (and it is Royal Mail) would approve don't you?

    I used to love malt it vegan I must find out.....😋

    Meal out with Paul's family today luckily at lunchtime I'll cope (poor belly) there will be something to eat.

    Oh Toady I am so sorry about little 🐦 I bet he even had a name😓 sending you some ((())) I know you'll miss him and had hoped nature wouldn't take him so young. Darn nature at times.

    Today will be a better day (at least for you) not so for me I have a family meal out so restricted time in the garden. Yah booh! Never mind it's looking pretty good I will post a ic of the pergola now with it's wisteria and next doors starting to grow over it.

    I won something on ebay! A rare handbook for my little pink car (in Japanese so illegible to me!) battered and bruised, but a wonderful piece of memorabilia. Took some winning too I must say!

    Love to you Barbara if you pop by I hope all is well with everyone. Kitty is in touch more now even if once a week it's enough to reassure us that all is well with her.

    A quick wave👋 to anyone who pops by Mig, Carol or anyone new!

    vegan option available of course.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Spot the trampoline next door🤭🤭🤭

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (())) have a good day take care (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (()) and Chris (())

    Barbara (()) Lexi jumps when she bites a bit of food on one side of her mouth the vets cannot fit her in till June she has small food. Thank you for caring about her. Love to Mr B (()) yes I have loose coins most people want cards when you pay now. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady ((())) Sorry about the little bird did he hurt him self. I’m sure you will see another one.

    Toni (()) have a good time with Paul’s family. It must have been nice seeing your friends yesterday. That was good you got the little book. Thank you for saying about Kitty. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours.

    Reshmi (()) I have always had flat feet. That’s good your mum (()) feeling better (()) you enjoy it when you go on Tuesday.

    Mike (()) good luck for tomorrow I will be thinking of you I hope it goes well. Love to vixen

    take care
    joan xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Toni yes I saw the trampoline your wisteria is good and the pergola.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Toni How are you today? I’m just doing a short one today at least that’s my objective ha ha that’s a shame that K couldn’t find any good mental health groups where she lives whereabouts does she live if you don’t mind me asking? Is it near you? Upma pic was great by the way, it’s not drivel at all what you write Toni you should never think, yes stomach is on the dodgy side no doubt with methotrexate but thanks for asking horribly hot today at least where I am didn’t even venture outside but did sleep a lot in the morn which was really good for me

    my dad has bought millions of pastry-based foods today and was trying to goad me into eating them you know he really can be quite evil to be honest.

    yeah, LA’s on the brink of being a grown man haha, yes diff to imagine indeed

    insoles seem to be working thanks for asking , glad the garden gathering went well and nice photos. How Was your walk today? how hot is it where you are? I think its about 20° Here but sometimes it feels hotter inside in certain rooms okay I’ll go for now being organised trying not to write a thesis today lol

    Ps i think soreen loaf is mostly vegan though but you’re right best to check all the details, nice winter scene, auntie goddess Mima can dream after all bye for now Toni have a lovely afternoon take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Joan thanks for your nice message hope you’re well. you’ve always had flat feet that’s interesting okay better go for now a bit busy take care . Xx

    hi Barbara how are you doing today? take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    How’s The amphibian also known as toady🐸? Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,605
    edited 22. May 2022, 18:07

    Hello all :) bit busy today but am just about on top of things.. I think.. have to finish some ebay packing and make a phone call but at least I've already had time in the garden. I did a test run of putting up a metal garden arch (quite a bit bigger than I thought! not sure why, I knew all the measurements when I bought it 🤔). Also cut back a lilac bough that was getting in the way across the path, a bit regretfully, but it will put more growth out somewhere. I dropped a bit over neighbour's side 😱 luckily they were out, & I retrieved it with sticky tape at the end of a pole 😂 heaven forbid a speck of anything from my side falls on theirs. Not the first time I have done something like this haha. I dropped a paintbrush once too, not with paint on, thank god. I love your wisteria frog it looks in lovely condition & very happy 😍 yes we can certainly all see the trampoline, it's probably visible from space 🌏️ I can't remember what you said about the trellis & when that went up - is the bit of higher wall going to be behind that? Oh and needless to say I like your window arch 😊. Sorry you've had to be out today instead of in the garden yourself. It was very nice this morning, not so much now, but a nice day for a little birdy funeral. Sniff. He didn't have a name, no - I'm a bit mystified where he came from too - he couldn't fly but as a fledgling he would still be mostly hopping anyway. If his parents abandoned him I would still expect to see them, and/or with other chicks - but no starlings around. Can only think something was wrong not necessarily obvious 😔 he had been foraging & eating food I put out so I did think all was ok. But yesterday he was just less lively & I don't think there was anything to be done, though you always worry. I do wish birds would expire in the shrubbery if they absolutely must 😥 but I think that as he wasn't flying yet he had almost no chance of staying out of the cat's jaws, and that would have been even grimmer. Thanks anyway (for the sympathy), & yes, silly old nature. Hoped to get a bit more done tomorrow if nice, but it looks a bit damp actually. Ooh, well done with your auction; were you a cunning tactical snipe bidder or did you just chuck the housekeeping at it and hang the expense. 😂

    Hello Joan and thank you for your kind words for the little bird, it wasn't injured I think it was just one of those things where a chick can't thrive for one reason or another, hard to say why. Sad but it happens 😔. Poor Lexi I'm sorry she can't chew on one side we would probably try & remember not to but it's hard for animals. Hope not too annoying for her until time for the vet you'd think they could maybe fit her in. Have a good week xx

    Hi bosh, toady is not too bad today thank you 😄 is that Toad of Toad Hall there I wonder.. with whom I may have certain things in common.. sadly not the Toad Hall part! We'd all like one of those wouldn't we. That nice wintry house would do, at least it has a front gate I'd love one of those. Sorry it's a bit hot for you it looks a bit cooler tomorrow maybe 🤔. Fancy your Dad trying to ply you with pastry goods, how unsporting 🤨 tut. Parents 🙄 Hope you've found yourself something more mtx-friendly, and hope you have a good week :) x

    Hello to Barbara - glad your books got to the US safely 👍️ expensive isn't it, even more since they brought in new Royal Mail Zones this & that. I can't even buy a lottery ticket for £1 can I, if I did go in a shop (they should never have changed it from £1 and one draw, anyway, it ruined it 😕). Love to you both & family xx

    Glad to have news of Kitty 😊 xx

    and good luck to Mike for tomorrow, will be wishing you all the v. best xx

    Love to all xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    hi toady yes that was toad of toad Hall indeed don’t worry I also do not live in a hall or a mansion or a listed building unlike LLF well she used to anyway megabrain is also a very wealthy woman but she doesn’t make nasty comments so I think I’ll forgive her lol.

    Thanks about the weather yeah hopefully it should be a little bit better tomorrow morning that’s if I’ve analysed the forecast properly ha ha. Glad you had an okay sort of day mine was okay-ish thanks in the end I didn’t really eat as much as I normally would just worried about my stomach really but I did nice nutritious supper at the end of the day so that was good fish stew 🐠hope you have a Nice night take care. Xx

    PS the fish stew didn’t look anything like this by the way ha ha but it’s the best picture I could find it short notice bye for now. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230
    edited 23. May 2022, 05:33

    Morning everyone.

    Fingers firmly crossed for Mike who is at clinic today. Mike I hope they have some good news for you and that you feel well enough to feed back to us lot. I think it will be really good news because your have had such a strong reaction to your chemo. I am sure baby sis Susan will also be on tenterhooks until you come out ((())) xxx

    Hi Joan I read your information about Lexi to Barbara at least she can eat that's the main thing. It will soon be June and the little soul will be sorted out ((())). Seeing friends is always good isn't it? It was what i missed most about the 'real' lockdown and decent telly too! Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Hi Reshmi it is hot here too quite muggy (not now but once the day gets underway hence walking early. I think up to about 19 degrees warmer more south of course. What will it be like in France I wonder🙄 Love the winter pic so very very pretty I definitely want to walk into that house.

    How's the post MTX hangover? Easing off I hope. Glad you liked the Upma pic I must prepare some in real life again I love the stuff😋I tend to eat a bit much though! Naughty Dad trying to force feed you all pastries🙄I think I told you mine used to do that to my Mum when she was dieting so we kids used to have to eat her share quickly for her. They get moody if you decline the offer don't they?

    Kari lives about 5 miles from me so not too bad but she hasn't got a car and as you know our buses are rubbish. Maybe now they will be setting up some more groups and one might suit her fingers crossed. She does her art at home lots of it but it's inside.

    Thank you Auntie Goddess Mima I can eat soreen again!!!!!!!!!!!! what great news 😊Those insoles are really helping that is great nothing worse than sore feet. I wear Skechers shoes (trainers) mostly they are pretty comfy or hotters walking boots not a nice look, but comfy enough.

    One day you do realise LA will walk through the door and be taller than you!!!

    A quick hello to Kitty even though you probably can't see to get in I hope you can track down the Social worker today to get an update on progress moving into your own place. I hope it's near some family too🤞🌈

    Morning Toady how are you today? It's going to be an ok day for gardening again I think. We were visiting Paul's siblings and spouses yesterday so I failed to do much more than watering yesterday in the end.

    You did well starting on the arch. Don't worry about the lilac we really massacred ours a year or so back and it's flowering again this year. Gosh no do not drop anything into the neighbour's garden!!!!!!!!! Nice retrieval technique there😉 Thank you the wisteria is looking and smells divine. The trampoline - say no more. The trellis is all we have to help there sadly. The bit of wall is near my veggie patch where he wants to heighten it. I hope he hurries up the sooner the better. I want an arch now!!!! Will you cement yours in?

    Poor baby starling you were leaving him food bless him I have found that with birds I try to help they just suddenly go down and that's it. He is gone now buried and doesn't have to struggle anymore. No cat got him it would have been a gentler death than that at least.

    I am going to eat kale this week - MY KALE!!!!!!!! not sure how yet but I am going to eat it. I am going to alos plant some more spring onion seeds again the ground is warmer so this time maybe......

    As for my ebay winner I was a bit of a sniper cum housekeeping chucker!! It was on at £3 I was prepared to go to £30 got it for £16. The seller has been in touch she had sold her Figaro last year and was so pleased i won it. Having quite a chat with her about Figs now! Well done doing your ebay packaging We need reliable sellers on there.

    Another quick hello this time to Barbara I hope your eyes aren't too bad just now Barbara and everyone is well sending you a ((())) or two.

    and finally a wave to anyone else who pops by maybe mig/Carol 👋

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    I posted but I was not login

    I hope that Kitty would hear from the social worker today

    Toady (()) wondering if little starling had something wrong thinking about you

    Barbara has a good day (())

    Toni (()) is it this weekend you go to the car show

    Mike (()) I hope you have good news today

    Reshmi (()) I hope you have a day with not much pain

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Barbara how are you doing today how’s Mr B? Xx

    hi Joan I’m not too bad today thanks and so is my mum how are you and Sue? I’m planning to go to the coffee group tomorrow as long as the weather is more or less okay I’ve got a bit of stomachache but that’s due to the methotrexate but hopefully my stomach should be fine tomorrow thanks for asking, take care and I hope you and Sue soon enjoy the day, xx

    hi Tony just a quick one today that’s the aim yeah I know what you mean about LA he’s already quite tall to be honest probably gets that from his dad - my sis and I are on the short side , Im glad the garden thing went okay

    You’re welcome good about Soreen.

    another dry skinned day here today and dry throated too tbh does your throat get dry too or is that mainly me?

    i did walk today and quite tired now so I guess I’ll leave it there just wanted to say glad about K’s art must be very therapeutic I’m hopeless at it but I can understand the appeal, bye for now T I’ve just got to get on with a few things take care. Xx

    ps fine art bookmark pic today in honour of Kari and the other artists this is one of Matisse’ paintings Arabesque ( short name) did study a bit of fine art history at uni but its all very much a blur to me now, lol, enjoy and Tc.xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all ..were has the sun gone

    Toni thankyou for letting ys know how Kitty is getting on I do see the trampoline..a good way to spy on the neighbours 😒the mirrow I spotted ...Great minds ..I bought one yesterday frim home bargain 😁but it's black..talking if busses we have lost so many...hopefully you will get one back fir Kari..xx

    Toady so sirry to hear if the littke birdie..i know how uosetting that is..bless just welhen you think they are getting 😪xx I love your initiative 😅sellotape on the end of a stick ..xx

    Reshmi I hope ypu can get yo the cafe. What a shame the other one closed ..I'm sure Lord A will be thrilled to see you in June..must say I love the artwork you put on xx

    Joan hoe awful that Lexi has ti wait to get the thigh sorted..not long now though bless ..I thought it was inly humans having trouble seeing dentist xx

    Thinking about Mike abd hope they gave good news for him xx

    Love yo all xxxx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 23. May 2022, 16:32

    This is our blackbird that comes now when called ..I make a clicking noise ..theeth allowing 😅and throw sultanas ..he brings his mate has well she is more on the brown side

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Barbara Thanks for your message that’s a nice picture. Thanks about the café yes it is sad that the other one closed thanks about liking the art, BR did some painting in nursery today as well, it was already looking very skilful to me, lol, I hope you have a lovely evening. Xx

    ps bookmark pic is some painted balloon art I’m not saying BR is quite this good yet but he was pretty good for a tiny little chap, bless, bye for now tc. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,605

    Hello all - my internet is playing up 🙄 so I am going to post a line now in case I lose it & never get it back again tonight, have had to coax it into letting my have about 5 working mins per each hour of gone-off-again. I always suspect it's the wet weather getting into my dodgy old copper wiring, I kept meaning to get my line/sockets updated but now we're all going over to voip instead of pstn it hardly seems worth it 🤔. Anyway hope everyone has a good night, tipping down with rain here as I say ('light showers' my foot, weather forecast) - I will hopefully be in tomorrow. If not, this is why!

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    hi toady don’t worry about the Internet it will get sorted I sometimes have problems with it when weather is weird too have a good night and take care, and remember at least heavy rain is better than searing heat at night. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Morning everyone ☺️

    Mike I do hope everything went ok yesterday?🤨 no 'likes' on recent posts from you which has me a bit worried. Sending my usual strength and hugs for you and tummy rubs for Vixen. I know Sue will be with you today and hope she is well ((())) xxx

    Joan I heard from Kitty yesterday apart from them missing her steroids for 3 days (!) she is doing ok. She is expecting a visit from the discharge team today so might have an update soon. The French car trip isn't until next weekend I am getting excited 🤗 Hope you and Sue are both ok? ((())) xxx

    Kitty update. All is well with our friend she has been moved to a bed nearer the loo (PHEW!) and the ladies in the bay are lovely as are the nurses. She is receiving visits from her son, daughters and sister all the time as well as being back in touch with her Church so that is wonderful. Sleek pops in every day often twice. She hopes to hear something today about the next steps as the discharge team are coming to see her. She sends her love and thanks to us all.

    Good morning Reshmi I hope you are having a good day? I hope the rain yesterday afternoon cooled things down for you? It certainly did here and watered the garden for me too👍️

    I think it's the meds which make our throats dry I drink a lot and always have a low calorie sweet to hand when I'm out like a fruit pastel or a jelly bean.

    So LA's Daddy is tall then? Chances are LA will be a big lad in time then one day he can look after his tiny Auntie Goddess Mima and read to her😉

    That Matisse painting is one of my favourites it is gorgeous isn't it the colours so vibrant and uplifting. Imagine you studying fine art history! I never knew that about you. If I can find some I must post a photo of some of Kari's work for you. Actually she did me a lovely painting for my birthday which she is now framing for me when I get that I'll show you.

    We need to either walk now or later on this evening today😊

    Morning Barbara you have a pet blackbird then?🐦️ bless him. We do rather get attached to 'our' birds don't we? Back in the days of 'dial up' internet there used to be a bird near me who used to sing the dial up 🎶 tune!!

    I am happy to fetch Kari over and she is happy to come, but likes to be independent so hopefully the buses will improve in time because the whole point of coming down from Scotland was to see lots of each other.

    There's another update on Kitty above bless her. I reckon they all love her in there because she is so sweet and appreciative. She is sure Aidan is keeping an eye.

    Morning Toady how are you doing this fine morning (for now I know rain is due)?

    Yup that rain yesterday afternoon was absolutely NOT light!!! Sunny here just now, but won't last I don't think then this evening will be nice again when the midges are out 🙄 Hope you get outside today.

    I am sorry about your internet and hope today it works. I hope the change over happens sooner rather than later and you can get a reliable connection.

    I am also having tech issues with our humax box so it's naffing up our telly and preventing us from watching it grrrr! It pops and freezes or gives a blank screen. I can get catch up though and am watching all the recorded programs quickly before we have to replace it.

    My Charley has laminated the spare bedroom floor! I am so impressed with her!

    Right better get on

    👋 to anyone who pops by 'new' or 'old' (not that you are mig, Carol etc)

    Don't know why I haven't done these before Staffordshire Oatcakes!