Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) we are all thinking about you we miss you it must be such a worry all that’s happened to you but you will get through it (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) have a good weekend how is Mr B (()) doing. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) thank you for the photo’s have a good weekend

    Toni (()) I feel sorry for P’s sister life can be so hard at times love to her daughter (()) have a good weekend all of you. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Mike (()) I hope you are beginning to feel a bit better love to vixen

    Reshmi (()) have a good weekend all of you love to your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,331

    Hey Toni how are you today? glad you’re what you did you walk early I hope the haircut goes well.

    I’m feeling a lot better today thanks haven’t gone outside and had a bit of Lucozade to get me through the morning unfortunately but that was not something that I always do of course.

    yesterday really was feeling horrible but at least that seems to be over now.

    BR had a horrible surprise in nursery then made him touch a snake and I could see the fear in his eyes bless him oh gosh I doubt there would be many people brave enough to touch a live snake with the exception of toady. poor little baby boy but at least They don’t do that every day in the nursery.

    my parents are going to babysit the kids tomorrow so they’re having a cooking extravaganza today excess family will be coming here on Sunday the fifth there is some sort of Indian brother-in-law day I think really it’s just an excuse for Bill to stuff his face on food that someone else has slaved away making ha ha no surprise there but the best thing is of course L.A.’s birthday celebration Wednesday the eighth I’ll be going with stickers in hand storybook presents and a card maybe I should buy a few satsumas ha ha.

    i just thought I’d ask one thing Toni not that I’m assuming you’re an expert or that anybody is an expert but in your opinion is fruit juice good or bad for us?

    sorry about Kari that must be so difficult not being able to sleep at night.

    Of course it’s not long till NHS queue jumper neighbour and her spouse go abroad on holiday yay. Her Husband is a very odd character too he is extremely miserly for one thing, once a long time ago they had a sort of dinner party and he would takeaway the guests’ plates of rice after about 15 minutes where they had finished eating or not, lol, so that no food was wasted and he had made the best value of the pounds in his wallet - What?! And one of the auntie‘s said “one minute I haven’t finished eating yet!”, but he said it was too late 15 minute window for eating had gone, thats One way of losing weight I guess, lol.

    are you having a new style done at the hairdressers? or just the same kind of style for now?

    bye for now Toni take care.xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,331

    hi t Barbara Kitty Joan sorry just a very quick hi and bye type message today I’m afraid hope you’re all more or less okay? bye for now take care. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,606
    edited 27. May 2022, 16:08

    Hi all - not soooo early for me today, yes a morning post was definitely some sort of an anomaly wasn't it frog😂 😉 I don't suppose it will happen all that often, but then again it does guard against running out of time later. Anyway, lovely day! Bolted into the garden like a rat up a drainpipe and got on with some stuff while it lasts. 😊 Finished weeding a border, potted up some little agapanthus, few odd jobs and starting sizing up the lie of the land for the arch. More to do later if poss, and if I can make a few decisions.. what's being planted out where.. not my forte. Hope you have had the benefit of some of this too and not had to spend too long in a hot hairdressers. Oh do hope your honesty seeds will hasten along 🤞mine has made masses but green still and as you say, definitely not there yet. The winter flowering clematis was chosen along the lines of what you say, wanting something later flowering, well that sort of thinking. I think I might heighten my canes where the cup & saucer is to give them an extra 'storey' laterally at the top.. would save me seeing the head & shoulders of my neighbour cutting their hedge as I could today. I suppose at least they aren't shouters like yours 🙄 I haven't seen their cat for a while.. and I spied a brand-new-out-today baby robin yesterday.. I don't suppose they have made other arrangements for it 🙏 well it would be too good to be true, so probably not. I will be putting in spring onions too by the way, good luck with yours.👍️ As far as the spare bedroom goes, yes it is currently fairly full, but deliberately (not that I'm not a hoarder elsewhere, definitely yes!) - because I turned it over to a nice book/music/spare clothes &c room. Last thing I want to do really is undo my arrangement to put a bed in there.. which is all there will be room for once that's in.. but have to be prepared. Note to silly builders, why not configure houses with the living areas to the outer sides and put the staircases etc to the centre.. cost, or some other 'who cares about the occupants' consideration, no doubt 😾. Well it will get the room painted I suppose in case of a miracle and I get a single occupant from a silent religious order. 😀

    Hello to Kitty and hope everything goes swimmingly for you 😘 xx

    Hi to bosh too, I'm not too sure about me touching any snakes 😬 I have a feeling some prey on amphibians so maybe best not haha! Although as a straight choice between that & spiders, oh snakes every time. The thing I was going to say was, after I read your post I randomly saw a news article about a snake species that hadn't been seen in the UK in the wild for 10,000 years but a zoo somehow let some escape so now they are living in a little colony at Colwyn Bay. Not sure I'd fancy a neighbouring community of snakes if I was Welsh but I suppose it could be worse at least maybe they wouldn't queue jump the NHS. Or use trampolines. How very peculiar of your nasty neighbour's husband to take away people's plates, how did that save waste?! Oh there really is nowt as strange as people as they say. Glad LA liked his satsuma & sticker 😊 happy days I remember loving stickers in fact still like them now but it's not quite the same as when you have school books & pencil cases to stick them on. Nice that children still like something that's simple & fun in these techie sophisticated times. Hope things not to bad with you today despite there being cooking & family stuff going on. xx

    Love to Joan, have a good weekend yourselves too it's very nice today 🌞 now will just have to remember to water the garden or things will soon start wilting. xx

    Barbara summer has reappeared for you 😀 hope you can make the most of it. xx

    Time for tea I think and love to everyone xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,331

    Hi toady

    it’s Nice to hear from. the snakes are living in Colwyn Bay - sorry that sounds really funny somehow lol.

    It’s interesting how simple things still please kids the first “toy” LA loved unreservedly was a raw potato not great to look at and obviously dangerous to eat but somehow the potato was more than a teddy bear to him lol.

    Not Sure about the miser’s logic there either maybe he ate the leftovers…Who knows the workings of his extremely strange mind lol.

    sorry I’m a bit tired so I’m leaving it there hope you have a good evening take care Reshmi. Xx

    Ps Picture today is Mr potato head lol. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Morning All regulars or new visitors all welcome! The kettle is on!

    Still no Mike😕Mike if you are reading this the treatment is so tough and does indeed seem to get 'worse' as time goes on. I just think our bodies are so exhausted with it all and we are expecting to feel so ill....etc etc. It will be finished soon you have done so well. Here for you as always with a bucketful of strength and some ((())) and tummy rubs for Vixen if I'm allowed. xxx

    Morning Joan. How are you and Sue doing? It will soon be june and Lexi can have her dental. P's sister has a son and daughter (not nearby but f course they are visiting) and P's own daughter too. love to you both ((())) xxx

    Kitty me duck how are you? I haven't heard how you've settled in, but hope you are there now and able to settle at least for a while. Ground floor properties flats/bungalows don't come up very often so it might be a liitle while hopefully not too long.🤞

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? I hope the lucozade did the job and you are now feeling much better. Fruit juices now in my own personal opinion I think they are quite good for us - in moderation like most things. They do have a lot of calories and no matter how many glasses we drink only ever count as one of our 5 a day. Probably one glass a day is good then stick to satsumas😉

    BR met a snake at nursery?!! BR??????!!! oh my gosh I thought you meant the 'big' ones like LA! Well he did very well indeed to touch it and i hope he realised it was lovely and soft not at all cold and scary. Interesting how our instincts warn us that a snake means 'danger' even at his young age.

    You have busy times ahead. Brother in law day? I have to tell Charley and Lucy that they must do something for Tia's husband then ASAP! How odd why o earth do the deserve a day? Unless sisters do too as sister in laws another day that would be fair😊

    I will be back from my French car trip by the 8th to hear all about LA's birthday celebrations. Yes indeed please don't think stickers and a dinosaur book will be adequate! No a basket of satsumas will be just the thing for a newly 4 year old boy!

    What on earth! Your miserly neighbour taking away people's food because they weren't quick enough😮 that's just mean. Tia would have starved at his. BIL would have been alright and my Paul, but really!😄When are they off on their hols?

    I look exactly the same same hair as usual just trimmed really so I can see.

    Hope you get out ok today for your walk MTX hangover day...

    Morning Toady ☺️that was a much more civilised hour to be calling in!

    Plant sale this morning in the village. Hopefully lots of smiles today cups of tea etc...I need to sustain maximum self control. Somehow.

    My morning was wasted in the hairdressers🙄 so boring but necessary I know - my sight is restored! You did well all of my borders are currently weed free (more or less) Paul did the mole hills yesterday so that was nice (ish). I have a lovely agapanthus from a neighbour which has settled in beautifully. Your honesty hasn't seeded yet either? Won't be long here, the first pod in P's front garden has tiny tinges of brown on it.

    You'll make decisions when the time is right and then the arch can be positioned and planted there is no rush a garden evolves doesn't it? I live fairly near David Austen roses (I've probably said before?) so chosing the right rose for my arch will be easy. Have you got one in mind?Your winter flowering clematis is such a great idea....hides the neighbours and gives colour when there isn't so much going on in the garden.

    Did I tell you that the builder who had done all the building work in the garden last year called round and I was so proud to show him how wonderful a job they had done? I said they must all come and see it now the plants are growing 😊I do hope your baby robin gets off the ground ASAP before the neighbour's cat has it😫Hurry up little one🐦️

    You have a properly organised room - nothing like mine where Lucy is getting ready to find a flat and move out. I don't think it will be long she was thinking of this summer so watch this space. I will miss her of course (and Winnie), but she needs to have her life out there. I promise to organise mine when she leaves. You must look towards swapping round and moving into yours. Much quieter. Maybe teh bed will fill it, byt your wardrobes could stay where they are? A bit odd maybe, but for peace.

    You are right there🤔why do they put bedrooms next to each other in semis??? What is that about? Ease of plumbing maybe???I'm going to think about that all day now!

    A quick woo-ooo to Barbara if your eyes let you in today. I hope you have plenty of sunlight and maybe a small visitor😊 or the engaged couple maybe with a planned date? Wouldn't that be fabulous we need a wedding soon.

    👋to Carol or mig if they call by with an update on their loves.

    Take care everyone.

    It's Saturday

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) that’s good news have a good day. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) I’m sorry you have to take antibiotics. Yes we are going out every day on the scooters. Have a good day and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) that’s good your broadband is working better we do the card games solitaire. Have a good day

    Toni (()) I’m sorry P’s sister has it now(()) that’s good news Kitty will soon be moving in to residential care (()) yes I’m worried about Mike (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) yes you keep to the Wednesday one I don’t know what you would be like climbing steps I would be no good my balance would go. Have a good day love to your mum ((())

    Mike (()) I hope things are not too bad there love to vixen

    take care
    joan xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Toni (()) I don’t understand why what I write the day before is in the place you write I have to press the submit for it to go again so it’s on there twice. Sorry to bother you with my problems.

    Toni (()) you do the same has me at the hairdresser’s just a trim. Not long till next weekend. I think the men that did your raised beds would be pleased with what you have done. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Toady (()) have a good weekend the weather is good.

    Kitty (()) have a good weekend take care love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) have a good weekend love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Mike (()) i hope you are alright thinking about you (()) and vixen.

    Reshmi (()) you will have a house full have a good weekend love to your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 540

    Good afternoon.

    Im not a chat person. I think I am just escaping from some inevitable changes of circumstances for as long as humanly possible. I hung out the flight sox to dry otherwise I would be wearing them, but the communal garden this year. Wow. Its absolutely amazing. Green. Lush. Bees buzzing in the flowering shrubs, and no need to wear a mask. Some of the black splurges here are bees moving around, if you fancy trying to spot one.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,331

    Hi Joan how are you and Sue today? I’m not too bad at the moment thank you didn’t feel very well last night though very nauseous that kind of thing but a lot better today,

    house will be full soon that’s true don’t worry I didn’t climb up the steps just climbed down sorry to hear you have balance problems hope you’re enjoying the day and that it’s a bit cooler take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,331

    Hey Toni how are you today? I’m afraid this is a from memory relatively short one today I really felt bad last night very nauseous indeed and just not good in many ways but it was okay my mum helped me anyway I won’t expand on this but I’m feeling okay now at least 90% thank you.

    I know I was quite shocked to that such little babies touched snakes very weird but that was just a one off so at least it’s over now

    Sorry got it wrong actually I meant to write son-in-law day it’s sort of religious thing but really it’s just more of an excuse for mother-in-law is to spoil the son-in-law‘s even more rotten or something like that lol, you’re absolutely right tho there should be a sister day and a sister-in-law day but some of the traditions are very sexist unfortunately

    how was your walk today? glad the haircut went well I’m not too bad thanks compared to yesterday Id better go now unfortunately because still feeling a bit weak and got a few things to get on you have a nice day Toni take care and thanks for the advice about fruit juice. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,606
    edited 28. May 2022, 16:45

    Hi all, chilly start today but very nice thereafter 😊 have been in the garden doing (as usual) not the jobs I went out for, in this case, recreating a brick-edged flowerbed where the previous bricks have now more or less crumbled. This is the sort of job that I either enjoy enormously or start arranging and rearranging til I drive myself slightly round the twist 😂 but all went well today.

    Thank you for calling in with that lovely picture @Baloo which I should know.. but can't name.. hmm. 🤔 Hope your day is going as well as possible, sorry you have been having issues with swelling, not nice in this weather. Hope you can enjoy the garden from a relatively shady spot & glad the bees are enjoying it too. 😊

    I was very very glad to see that lovely whistling kettle this morning frog, and after my morning tea I did indeed have croissant as suggested. Partly because stores are running down now til next shop & it was that or not much else to choose from. Last of the jam too. How was the plant sale and what did you come home with (you can tell me, just between ourselves 😉). I have also been looking at a David Austin rose, in a roundabout way though by seeing it in a another garden centre leaflet first - Wollerton Old Hall, very tempted - depends if I feel I want an evergreen but I could find it a home somewhere else I expect. How nice the builders called round, I expect they also appreciated your appreciation etc! Nothing much else going on with me, got a bit further with the decorating prep, making good the previous not very good job - I try to do zen & the art of polyfilla, and manage it sometimes, but mostly underneath I'm itching to get on to the 'next bit'. Hope you have managed outdoor time yourself today 😊 xx

    Hello bosh & sorry you had a bit of an iffy night but if you are feeling better at the moment that's good & I hope that means you managed to get through your things to do. Sorry, I mixed up LA & BR in the snake story, didn't I. Hope all the family ok today and as there were babysitting plans as you mentioned you have had a quiet day hopefully. x

    Hello Joan yes a lovely day and a good forecast 😊 sorry your posts are behaving a bit funny I think I've sometimes found that my previous post is still in the box but not sure what I did.. probably just took it all out the long way by deleting it.. expect there's a better way, Toni will know. I like solitaire too, and any word type games, not numbers - hopeless with maths or anything like that. There are lots of card games I've never played in real life, bridge and whist and things like that, I feel I would be no good at those either. Or chess! gosh I tried it at school I was terrible. Have a good Sunday both, & the dear dogs xx

    Love to Barbara and Kitty 😘 xx

    Thinking of Mike & Vixen xx

    & wishing everyone a good Sunday xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,331

    Hi Toady thanks for your nice message yes I’m feeling a lot better today thanks and did the things I had to do it was a quiet day today even though of course a day of relatively restricted eating it seems to have cooled down a lot at least where I am and at least at this time of night hope you have a good night too take care. Xx

    ps don’t worry about getting LA and BR confused I do tend to speak a bit too much in code language, lol. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Morning everyone. Welcome anyone who pops by 'old' or new! The kettle is on

    Welcome @Baloo is that after the bear? Lovely username☺️ Escaping from our troubles is exactly what we all do here so please feel free to come in and have a moan or share a lovely photo like yours. My garden went from an expanse of grass with no insects or flowers to a haven form them now it was buzzing with life yesterday just so gratifying isn't it?😊 no masks required and nature at it's best. I have a huge smile on my face.

    Still no sign at all of our Mike? Oh gosh Mike I am sending you all my strength now and wishing you the very best with this gruelling treatment ((())) xxx You will soon finish you treatment and the cancer will be gone - FOR GOOD!

    Kitty me duck hello if you manage to pop by. Just to let everyone know Kitty is doing really well her lovely daughter spent the whole afternoon with her yesterday which was wonderful and is enjoying the food very much 🍽️

    Morning Joan that's very odd don't worry about telling me I wonder whether it's a glitch i the system? I know Carol (Turbogran) had trouble a few weeks ago. I kept getting logged out but that's settled....if it carries on maybe have a word with @Brynmor he seems to be the techie one.

    The builder was so pleased with the garden. Not as pleased as me of course I just love it and was saying to Baloo it's gone from a green space with no bees to a haven for them full of flowers☺️ Gosh yes just a trim at the hairdressers I am not one to fuss much with my hair as long as I look respectable! ((())) xxx

    Barbara I hope you have time and good enough eyes to pop in today if so hello! Love to you and hope all is well now? Has Mr B completely ditched his crutches now? How is his other hip? Can you see it's still needing doing?

    Hope you are or have seen Niamh💜

    Reshmi hello! How are you today I hope well? I am glad to see the nausea went off (thanks Mum for helping Reshmi) was it a bad MTX hangover? ((()))

    Thank you for the glass of apple juice. I forgot to say I often dilute mine with warm water from the kettle I can't remember who advised that, but it tastes fine!

    Son in law day? Oh no! I've got one of those myself with Mikey Tia's husband! Well maybe I'll just leave it he doesn't need spoiling too much although it is his birthday next month. Same with Christian Churches a lot of sexist stuff goes on and is said as 'fact' when it can't be. Ah well.

    Talking of Churches our plant sale raised £491 yesterday! It was busy!

    I know you have family stuff today so I hope it goes ok. My brother and sister in law came over last night for food in the garden and to plan our French trip next week in the cars.

    Morning Toadster! How are you today? I was just saying to Joan and Baloo how lovely it is the our garden is now full of 🐝 bees it makes me so very very happy. Baloo's pic was lovely wasn't it?

    Glad you enjoyed the tea or coffee just what we need sometimes and a croissant why not?

    Repairing the brick edge is a good gardening job. I did no more than BUY more plants and help out at the village plant sale! £491 made for Church funds😊 A fabulous morning of tea and cake and above all PLANTS!!!!!!!!! I got 6 or more hostas for a friend, a lily of the valley, 2 runner been plants and I can't remember what else, but I could have kept going!!! Then my bro and SIL came for food and to plan our French car trip next week I felt so proud of the garden so that was enough for me.

    Zen and the art of polyfilla 😂love it! At least you did something! be pleased with yourself.

    David Austen Roses are fabulous as it their café the food is to die for lots of fabulous vegan treats. Evergreen for the arch? Hmmmm... I am greedy and want both flowers and everygreen not sure we can acheive that though🧐 what about a jasmine? Hmmm...

    Love to Carol and mig if they have time to call in.

    I bet Kitty is getting this today!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    kitty (()) have a good day thinking about you take care. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) have a good day how is Mr B (()) love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) what ever job you do will be good have a good day.

    Toni (()) not long now till your trip. Has Charley (()) tried lavender spray to relax to go to sleep you can get it in Boots the chemists. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (()))

    Reshmi (()) have a not too hectic day love to your mum (())

    Mike (()) thinking of you. I hope you have a good day love to vixen (())

    Baloo (()) have a good day it’s nice to see you.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,331

    Hey Toni how are you today? I’m not too bad thank you big drop in temperature isn’t it? at least here it is, Yes the problem with methotrexate hangover plus feeling too cold and things like that hard to put succinctly but I’m very glad my mum helped as you said and I’m feeling a lot better now thanks for asking

    I made one of my half home-made no cheese pizzas today fish version though was not far from being veggie tuna was the only non - veg component perhaps could’ve done it a bit better but I was hungry and I ate it and of course it wasn’t raw ha ha so was it nice change for me even made one of my home-made hot chocs, as I just had so much sugar recently during due to dad being a bit of a Vesuvius, so just trying to sort of atone for my sins, I’ve got the time of the month but just glad it’s not hot at least not right now

    glad that the sale raised lots of money Church.

    I know what you mean about these kind of traditions I think what it is is that sometimes a little bit of superstition perhaps or maybe just old-fashioned ways of thinking get mixed in with some of the religious traditions well in some of the religions at least yeah I agree completely

    babysitting went well my mum said apart from LA was rather naughty as per usual he tried to get his granny to give him a second smoothie when she refused she got called a big bad wolf and also a bogey oh dear who is teaching me him these things? I’ve got a feeling it might be Noel - Noel‘s mother is the head of the nursery so none of the carers dare tell him off I think that’s the big prob - that spoiled little guy is also the ringleader by contrast my mum said BR was a good boy and woke up smiling from sleep and had a jelly without complaining at all well he did of course try and complain in his own baby language when LA took all his toys again my goodness he’s is indeed being a very naughty guys anyway I won’t get distracted into writing a massive LA BR anecdote as I am still feeling fairly tired.

    Nice to see family and plan the holiday.

    tony’s I’m afraid that’s as I’m really fighting tiredness at the moment hope you’re having a nice Sunday okay, bye take care.xx

    ps LA loves little red Riding Hood story so I thought that should be my visual as a big bad wolf would be very scary at least for me ha ha, xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,331

    Welcome Baloo

    hi Joan how are you? I’m not too bad thanks very tired just trying to relax a bit today and rest my mum is okay at the moment thank you hope you’re both having a nice day bye for now take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,331

    Hi Barbara

    how are you? take care Reshmi x.

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Helloo all sorry I didn't know I had been missing for that long

    Baloo welcome its nice to cut off from things I am loving the pic ..did spot the bees xx

    Toni thankyou for the update on Kitty and her lovely poem ..I am really worried about Mike jyst hope ge is being looked after... I am so sorry ti hear about Ps sister ..gosh I wish they would find more cures Niamh she has gone on holiday ..but seen plenty of our eldest gc and partner ..don't think they are bothering with a wedding 😒xx

    Toady yes I am a member of the don't knock on my door 😅I love the pics you have put on ..😁your a proper gardener unlike ne that keeos going to asda for plants 😒..I am like the little weather people at the moment one min it's nice the next cold and wet xx

    Joan the ABs are for my water works to stop it attacking my kidneys more ..Mr B is doing ok thankyou xx

    Reshmi you will ge busy with family time birthdays and meals..hope you have a nice time and not to tiring xx

    Love to all xxxxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,331

    Hi Barbara thanks for your nice message yes it will become busy soon I hope that I’m not forced to eat too many rich meals though because it really upsets my stomach I don’t think there’s anything wrong with going to Asda for plants lol good to have an enthusiasm for things I like looking at plants but preferably from through a window after having had hayfever tablets haha

    glad Mr B is okay yes weather is changing a lot isn’t it? really weird I didn’t walk much today because I just had one jumper and a light coat on and I was for absolutely freezing! yeah very strange indeed .

    I think LA told my mum that he needs at least two smoothies a day to help him keep his muscles big so he can scare off the dogs, lol, he is an imaginative creature my goodness, BR was also in a good mood yesterday, i hope you’re having a nice restful Sunday, where has Niamh gone on holiday? take care. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,606
    edited 29. May 2022, 20:05

    Afternoon all - I don't know what I was thinking saying there was a good forecast for the day, I was glancing ahead obviously - 12 degrees?! I thought I must be seeing things, they meant the nighttime temps, surely 🤔😂 and rain first thing too. Nice quiet start to Sunday - someone took out the lamppost over the road with their car.. not for the first time.. it has no luck, that lamppost! No-one hurt thankfully.

    Hope everyone having a good day thus far - it dried up enough to get in the garden but just for a while, had to do a few other things. I meant could I manage to get an at least semi evergreen rambler rose for the arch frog, I was still on the rose theme, but yes plenty of other options too - hopefully can rely on the ivy for greenery anyway. I'm partway through the recent Monty ep; lovely bearded irises I didn't know about reflowering varieties, I might need some of those. Also looking forward to the veg in containers bit as that's very 'me'. Glad the plant sale did well, that's a very good sum 😊. Hope you got on well with the trip planning. If the weather doesn't pick up soon, take me to France with you and chuck me into a hedge by the side of the road, would you? I probably wouldn't last 5 minutes but at least I'd be warm. 😂 Nothing much else to report so I will try & organize myself into an early evening and hopefully a more useful day tomorrow.

    Hello Barbara 😊 yes it's definitely like the weather people at the moment 👫 mine would have scowls on their little painted faces most of the time! I would buy plants too if I was going anywhere it's only the covid that's stopped me, I do still buy some plants online I just like seeds too and they don't cost much. Plenty of failures and tatty bits of garden you just can't see them from here 😉. Hope family all well & Niamh having a nice holiday xx

    Joan thank you for having faith in me to do a good job, I'm not a natural DIY-er but I am pernickety it runs in the family 😉 Just another thought about finding your day before's post still in the box where you write, I wonder if it got saved as a draft; you could always click on your top right profile picture where it says if you have any drafts. Hope you have a good week it's odd having a Bank Hol that isn't a Monday, I will probably get confused. xx

    Hi bosh hope things not too busy & everyone well. Yes it was cold today 😮 I knew you would prefer it but a bit cooler would do, it didn't have to go to the other extreme. 🙄 Cold in a jumper and a coat and nearly June, very odd weather. Thanks for the sort of reminder about kiwi fruit I think I'll get some, I couldn't get grapes in my online shop, well not cheap ones anyway haha. Maybe I too could get some muscles 😂💪 that would be nice. Have a good week :) xx

    Hello to Kitty 👋 glad to hear how things are going, from news through Toni xx

    Best to Mike & Vixen of course xx

    Love to all - mig, Carol, Arthuritis, baloo Jason &c &c xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230
    edited 30. May 2022, 06:00

    Morning everyone 'old or new'

    the kettle is always on

    Good Morning to Mike who has still not been well enough to call in. Hang on in there Mike chemo is such a tough thing to get through, but you are ex military you can do it huge ((())) and strength coming at you xxx Mike was last active on the site on 15th May that's a long time ago😕

    I heard from Kitty last night she doing well. She has her own room with it's own loo and handbasin so much more private than the hospital. Food is good although she is currently veggie with fish at times. She had her son and DIL visiting yesterday I think she has never seen so much family so is very happy🙂Missing us lot of course.

    Now Charley hasn't tried the lavender sprays Joan have you? Do they work? It sounds a lovely idea much better than drugs. How are you and Sue and Sue doing and the carers are they all well? ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi it was definitely chillier yesterday; Paul and I were back to blankets when we watched some telly. Brrr cardy back on and vest too. Hope it improves soon. We nearly put the heating on and it's almost June!

    You did feel rough the other day, but at least your Mum was there and you are ok again now apart from the time of the month. Shame DV causes you to eat/drink less healthily than you would naturally. The pizza and hot choc sounded much better with all the veggies on. I am glad things are better now at least.

    I didn't alert my son in law that he has a 'day' nope his head is quite big enough🤭 I think a fair bit of religion goes back to times when people didn't understand reasons for unexplainable things so fear and superstition.

    Oh dear me naughty LA babysitting duties sounded a little tough and poor sweet BR having his toys purloined!!! Could be naughty Noel or Riley the bad influencers imagine being called a bogey😮🤢If no-one is allowed to discipline Noel he will know he can get away with anything. Not healthy is it? You can tell me LA and BR stories all day they are adorable and so funny.

    Liked the little red riding hood pic and the smoothie you made for Barbara I will have me some of that please. I know too much can be unhealthy, but a small amount would be lovely😋

    Have a good day and I hope you manage your walk between showers!

    Morning Barbara I hate cancer I really do. Look how Mike is suffering now on the treatment (and your own brother too) and poor P's sister getting it as well. It is definitely far more prevalent now.

    We need to put pressure on eldest GD and her fiancée we need a wedding! They probably are thinking of the cost, but could do it quite cheaply???

    Ah Niamh is on her holidays I am sure she'll have a good time bless her.

    You can get your plants from Asda why not as long as they are healthy enough. Are you getting out to Asda now Mr B can drive?

    Toady I know!!!!!!! freezing! 12 degrees indeed! It's almost JUNE! It is an outrage😡

    What about Jasmine? I was thinking of Jasmine it is getting ready to flower now maybe with some evergreen weaved through although the actual arch will still provide winter interest won't it? Roses are a definite they flower as long as you can be bothered to deadhead almost some types....

    Oh dear me your poor lamppost what a shame still it can be fixed and luckily everyone was unhurt. I sit a blind corner or a narrow bit of road?

    I will pack planty of T shirts for France it should be much warmer. You can fit in the back the car is a 2+2. You can join us on some of the drives. The planning went ok some of the paperwork we had been sent was a bit confusing, but we sorted it over some mediterranean couscous, fruit salad dipping breads and lemonade. A few brain cells required, but my bro had our family's brain cell.

    Oh the plant sale! It was fabulous so many plants! You'd have been in heaven tea and cake too and the sun shone. The Church needs a new lightning conductor? now given it is directly opposite me it's in my interests to help don't you think???!

    I had better get on places to go people to see....

    Ironing to do Monty to watch!

    ready brek I am COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty ((())) that’s good having your own room. Take care we miss you (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) sorry you have that problem with your kidneys (()) how is Mr B getting on (()) love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) thank you for your help I will look. I hope you have a good day.

    Toni (()) yes I think it’s cold at times it’s the breeze. Yes we use the lavender you can spray it in the room or on the pillow I spray it on my nightgown I don’t need it very often. Yes thank you Sue’s carers are well. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) yes it is chilly out of the sun I still wear my thermal’s. Love to your Mum (()) take care.

    Mike (()) how are you I hope you are feeling a bit better ((())) love to vixen.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,331

    Hi Toni how are you? I read a bit of your post to Barbara does anyone really need a wedding? only joking all I meant is that people may see things from a diff perspective that’s all one person’s bliss is a another one’s nightmare.

    Short from memory store message today that’s the aim at least haha, it was great that my mum was there for me indeed thank you she had a hypo yesterday in the daytime though and another the day before getting quite worried she said she’ll phone the diabetic nurse tomorrow I couldn’t persuade her to do it today or to let me make the phone call for her anyway hopefully nurse will do something constructive.

    LA is being pretty naughty these days sometimes he plays with his brother but sometimes he takes his toys.I Indeed feel rough that day but I’m glad it’s over.

    BR got upset the other day apparently because he wanted his brothers teaspoon of honey when he was denied this he walked away and cried bless him he doesn’t have many demands does he little innocent BR? just to be allowed to play with his own toys and steal a bit of honey from time to time aww bless. Reminds me of a tiny little bear actually probably a teddy bear though craving honey and just a little bit of attention.

    Not A great deal happened today, oh yes I just thought of something, a lady was in the bakery with her two little daughters who I think are about seven and she said what do you want? you can have anything so for her kids she ordered two massive steak slices three sausage rolls! there was another lady there with her son who was younger than LA I believe and he got a massive chocolate frosted slice I mean there’s being a lazy parent and taking things a little bit too far maybe they need a daughter-in-laws’ day to try and provide ego - massaging and awaken their senses of responsibility? oh dear. How was your walk? okay that’s definitely it from me for now take care Toni have a nice afternoon . Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,331

    Hi toady how are you today? Glad that my smoothie pic accidentally reminded you to buy kiwifruit haha I like kiwi fruit too but only a little bit at a time because it upsets my eczema unfortunately 🤢. Not really so much to say today bit tired but not excessively so hope your day is going well? take care xx