Val's Cafe



  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,605

    Afternoon all.. looking a bit black out there I must say 😕 according to the forecast it's rain for 3 days including this one but then ever so ever so nice for ever and ever, after that. Oh pull the other one. Jam tomorrow. 🙄 Actually there won't even be jam tomorrow, I've pushed my grocery shop on, I couldn't be bothered with it til the next day. So if anyone wants a doughnut, or anything much, it's hard lines til Wednesday. 😉

    Hope all well today as can be expected. Did fit in a bit outdoors this morning, mostly odd jobs - I put up a homemade gate thing made up out trellis, to see if I can deter the cat from at least coming round the side way by the shed. Will it work? Will the neighbour accuse me of trying to give their cat a splinter or get its head stuck in the trellis? Stay tuned. Also had to invent something to keep (sparrows?) off my pot of beetroot which I found nibbled to the earth this morning - some net stretched across an old fridge shelf. So it's like Professor Branestawm here today, if that means anything to anyone. 😂 Oh, so your bro got the family brain cell did he frog 🧐 lucky him, I wonder where ours went. Planning is fun though, lists, bits of paper, all that 😊. Nothing eventful here today, the lamppost is on a bit of a minor bend but certainly not a blind corner, they were so lucky - especially it being a Sunday. Yes you definitely want a working lightning conductor, while we're talking health & safety. 😬⚡️

    Hello Joan, you reminded me that I used to get a really nice spray from a health shop it was more like a refreshing mist for when it's hot, they don't do the same one anymore such a shame. I have so many lavender self-seeding in the drive (where I don't really want them), I could pot up so many tiny plants I'd have enough to grow a field full & make my own lavender things! too many to save them all. Have a good evening xx

    Hi bosh, oh poor little BR, what a sad sad tale of a little bear 😔 there should be a happy ending to be had somewhere as in all good stories. Hope your day is going as well as possible :) x

    Lovely to hear Kitty has her private room and is seeing family 😊 she must feel twice the person. xx

    Quick wave to Barbara and Mr B & family 😘 xx

    & love to all as always xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,330

    Hi toady thanks for your nice message oh there’s always a happy ending even if I don’t write it down ha ha don’t worry BR is a very cheerful chap and I suppose his just adjusting to growing that tiny bit older and same his brother, LA is extremely proud of little bro and told a lot of his friends that BR can walk now bless

    oh no you seem to have a bit of a nasty neighbour situation a bit like me but at least the queue jumper doesn’t live live next door thank goodness, she would accuse you of giving a cat splinters? that really is ridiculous haha.

    that reminds me once my friend the megabrain complained that the cat had brought some dead mice into the house I almost shouted out “well that’s what cats do! they’re not teddy bears”, I don’t know people can be very silly at times it’s not like you can sit a cat down give it a cup of Earl Grey and play scrabble with it unfortunately no offence to cat lovers of course ha ha.

    okay so I think I’ll leave it there glad your day didn’t go too badly don’t worry I’m strictly off doughnuts always have been really upsets my stomach which is guess what? upset at the moment but maybe partly my fault as today i got so excited it wasn’t methotrexate Friday Saturday Sunday may have ate wrongly, oh well no doubt it will get better in time hope your day continues to go okay take care. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Morning everyone 'old' or new everyone is welcome

    Whose is this lovely kettle?

    Still no Mike😕 Mike if you are up to calling by remember we are all right behind you hoping you are soon through this dreadfully tough treatment. Strength and ((())) on their way. At least we know Sue will be there today xxx

    Joan I am very pleased to hear the carers are all well. I am very chilly still and tomorrow is JUNE!!! It is nice in the sun when it stays out I suppose at least. Thanks for the info on the lavender spray it sounds good ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi thank you for asking I am not too bad at all busy packing up ready for the trip to France leaving on Thursday. We are doing it steadily down towards the tunnel staying in a hotel in Maidstone Thursday night as it's a long way there for my car in one go. Me too actually!

    How about you though? You must be worried about your Mum😕 I hope the diabetic nurse can make some sensible suggestions to sort her out that's two hypos in two days not good at all. Could you get her to have something - a biscuit maybe? - with a cup of tea?

    LA is getting to the age where they are a handful. Never mind the terrible twos what about the tyrannical threes!!! Bless little BR he doesn't ask for much - often the way with second children. How adorable no tantrum just tears bless his little heart. He's a baby Pooh 🐻

    I have to agree about the bakery observations. for a start that is too much food surely for little ones and secondly something like that would have been a massive treat when I was little or even when my girls were little! Lazy parenting I'm afraid. The bakery will have been happy enough more money for them.

    I heard from Kitty again yesterday she is still doing very well. Unfortunately not much mental stimulation for her there, but she has the staff to chat to. She is getting quite excited planning out what she's going to have in her flat when she gets it.🙂

    Morning Toady. Those showers yesterday! I managed a fair bit dodging out and potting on a bit in my shed. I also planted up 3 large planters in the village (done my bit!) and tied up some beans. Watered my tomatoes in the greenhouse erm I think that was it except for some ironing. To Chelsea🙄 No Monty for TWO weeks! Chelsea should be extra.

    You did well there - the cat will probably jump over the 'gate' but the sparrow protector should work very inventive Professor Branestawm 🤭 You might have the family brain cell? You are pretty resourceful.

    No treats until Wednesday Sleek is not impressed. She says she will come over tomorrow and can she take something to Kitty please? have you any choc ices? Kitty likes choc ices and Sleek has a cool box.

    Poor lamp post but the driver had a narrow escape let's hope he/she drives more carefully in future. Yes we do absolutely need an urgent 🌩 lightening conductor😯

    This village loves lavender you could have potted up some for the plant sale and maybe added to the 'save toni from lightening' fund😉

    Have a good day I hope the weather is better than we fear.

    Barbara I don't expect you to be able to get in today no doubt your eyes aren't happy that you posted yesterday.

    Sending love anyway I hope wherever Niamh is that the weather is better than here.

    Love to anyone else who pops by Carol/Mig for instance and anyone NEW too☺️

    warm breakfast salad

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I’m sorry all that you’ve been through it’s been so hard for you so I hope you are feeling happier now. Have a good day love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) have a good day love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) I hope you have a good day with not too many problems

    Toni (()) not long now to your journey I hope it’s fine then. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day I hope your mum gets in touch with the nurse today (())

    Mike (()) I hope all is well there and you are not in too much pain. Love to vixen

    take care
    joan xx
  • Brynmor
    Brynmor Member Posts: 1,755

    Hello to all in Val's Cafe!

    This week is Volunteer's week in the UK and this is a prompt to get you all to say "Thank you" to our wonderful Volunteer Moderators who are here year-round to make sure you all have a safe and welcoming place with Versus Arthritis.

    They are truly fabulous 😍

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 31. May 2022, 12:49

    Afternoon all cold and wet toiday..I have managed to put buntings up though

    Yes its really me I won't ho iver my typos ir will be here all day

    Hi Brymor a big thankypu from me ti all the volunteers they are exceptional 👏👏xx

    Toni how's things going with the best kept village and when will it be this 6ear will always remind me of Aiden him and his bin bag ..

    Niamh is in Soain but comes home tomorrow it was miserable when they got there bit nice and warm now x x

    Toady the boxroom sounds a goid idea I'm in our extension one thought it was a goid idea till our new neighbours came and there drive is under my window..I meant to ask what is the saucer plant

    Joan alk is well here rhankyou ..Mr B walk8ng OK apart firm his other hip and knee but still Sat's he's mot gojng back 🙄xx

    Reshmi when the Birthday party or gave I missed it and did the little one like his present..Baldies pies are 2 young chefs that opend uo nearby gosh they are more than just pies Google them xx

    Love to Mike abd Kitty xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Don't laugh I ran out of buntings 😅

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,330

    hi Toni Barbara K Joan toady Hope everyone is okay?

    very tired at the moment but just post shower tiredness am feeling ok atm luckily

    will post properly later at least that’s the aim

    no Barbara birthday party hasn’t happened yet eighth of June 😀

    hope the packing is going well Toni.

    Joan mums diabetes has settled down so she’s not phoning nurse thank you.

    Hope you’re all having a nice afternoon. Xx

    Toni I bought you some Chanel suitcases on bills credit card sshh it’s top-secret😀

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,330

    Hi Toni sorry forgot to mention that my mum is doing a lot better thanks her blood sugar has settled down so she’s decided not to phone the nurse today hope your holiday goes well I think I’ll try and make this my last entry to you for the day even though this message sending is quite addictive isn’t it? ha ha have a nice evening and night Tc, Reshmi xx .

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,605

    'Lo people - running far too late (not harassed late, am ok, just late) & am still in Tesco metaphorically, chucking last things in my basket so it's just a wave from somewhere in the fruit & veg aisle from me (choc ices - check 😊) - and look forward to calling in tomorrow for a proper sitdown. Sorry it's short shrift & love to everyone xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Morning everyone 'old' or new

    Kettle's on!

    I've started flipping some pancakes (naughty but nice!)

    Still no Mike? Mike I do genuinely send you all my strength and hopes that you are coping just now I am really worried about you. This treatment is nearly done you have done so well. Chemo is vile, but cancer is viler. ((())) xxx

    I heard from Kitty yesterday she is doing ok put herself down as vegetarian in the home and is enjoying so many visits from the family! Kitty Sleek will be bringing you a choc ice from Toady's Tesco order arriving today. Don't worry Sleek has a cool box. ((())) xxx

    Joan yes all set I think for tomorrow had to upload our covid passes to the euro tunnel app that wasn't easy. I will take loads of photos and bore you all to death with them!! Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Hi Brynmor I did post yesterday to the mods to say my own thank you as it's volunteers week.

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? I hope doing ok tired after the effort of a shower is ok. We can risk our walk today I think it's slightly drier though still chilly.

    Message sending can be quite addictive I have to agree we are all like friends here so you want to know how everyone is and share your news. Will you be off to the group today? It is today isn't it? Please don't tell me it was yesterday?

    I am very pleased to hear Mum's blood sugar has settled down and she didn't need to ring the nurse in the end. It was a worry though twice in a matter of days is a lot.

    Oh my goodness thank you so much for blowing your credit card limit on such lovely cases!!!! Won't I bet the poshest there?!Morning everyone 'old' or new

    Oh my goodness thank you so much for blowing your credit card limit on such lovely cases!!!! Won't I bet the poshest there?! The boys in the village wanted me to borrow their posh squishy cases Aston Martin ones. Bless them.

    The big boys birthday party is after I am safely home so I won't miss out on any of the news 



    Have a good day now!

    Hi Toady don't you worry we know you're ok that's the main thing. On of 'those' days for you yesterday I hope today is better. I managed to watch Chelsea (


    ) was ok...and get outside preparing plants for not dying while I am away.....

    Sleek will be over to have her own doughnut and pick up a choc ice for Kitty.



    Barbara your bunting looks fabulous very very festive indeed

    I am so pleased Niamh is having a lovely time in Spain Good job the weather picked up for them☺️

    Best kept village is happening as we go the judges have been already once. We need Aidan and his bin bag! He used to get very competitive didn't he?🤭

    You can find baldies pies online if you google it I did!

    Right better get on

    Take care all

    Toni xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) that’s nice you have food you like and your happy there. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) your bunting looks good. Mr B’s doing well I hope he’s not in too much pain (()) Lexi is booked in to have her teeth done on the 13 June. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) I hope you got all your shopping have a good day.

    Toni (()) you have a good time in France. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) love Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) that’s good your mum is feeling better (()) have a good day

    Mike (()) I hope you are not feeling to bad love to vixen

    Bynmor thank you and everyone for a lovely forum It’s like meeting a family I ‘m very grateful thank you (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Hello everyone, I’m back on the internet. Thank you for your love and support through my dark days.

    All is good here in Queenswood and events are planned for the Queen’s Jubilee with much balloon blowing and countless cups of tea. I have ideas for poems floating around y head, which Imwill attempt to start when I get settled.

    i have new shoes thanks to Jonathan and new slippers thanks to Helen. Anita has given me a new wardrobe all Ineed is a new home and Ihope to get a one bedroom ground floor flat which I have put a bid on. Things are looking up.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,330

    Hi to Toni and everyone I’m extremely tired went to the Mental Health coffee and chat but had a good time great to hear from kitty will try to write more later. Xx

    ps it was a bit of a smoothie day today don’t tell LA lol. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,330

    Hi Toni how are you? I did go to the group today thank you so that was good I went there and I saw a few familiar faces which I think made all the difference I didn’t go yesterday because you know I can’t even remember why I was very tired for one thing but I did enjoy it today even though it was quite unusual for me using public transport both ways (masks gloves hand gel) and I did feel I feel a bit weak but I had a nice shop bought smoothies it’s a bit expensive and evil but it was the low-fat variety and I def needed it.

    do it all the time definitely gave me some energy though that I really needed you know

    I got a Tuna sandwich I know this is may not be exactly newsworthy to many people ha ha but I thought it was better than cheese I stayed off the cheese even though it’s not methotrexate time I think I need a pat on the back please Toni lol.

    Don’t worry about the fancy luggage is on bills cc not mine lol. If I were paying you’d get a Tesco bag for life, only joking lol.

    Nice of the village boys to offer to help with luggage bags 👍.

    I also avoided rows in Danish at least for today

    how was your walk?

    Toni I Hope you enjoy your holiday what is your flight tomorrow? is it early morning? take care. Xx

    Ps Slightly quirky pics today healthy -ish eating according to auntie goddess Mima, lol. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,605

    Hello all - well yesterday it rained and then stopped and rained and then stopped, and yes was chilly frog, so not much got done. It looks nice for the Bank Hol/s, I suppose if anyone can fix the weather for themselves it would be Her Majesty 👑. Really we all ought to be allowed to book rainy weather for when it bothers us least personally - Wimbledon fortnight for example 😉. Not much to report, shopping all in although it was at the very end of the time slot so I wasn't been able to get outdoors during the nicest bit (I can't concentrate beforehand if anyone's due). Anyway doughnuts and chocices (already dispatched thank you Sleek 😺). and plenty of plain virtuous foodstuffs too - oatcakes and fruit and so on if wanted. Looks a bit overcast now but might get a bit done later. The 'cat gate was fine in terms' of her not being to get over it - too high to jump too flimsy to climb - but it hasn't kept her out so obviously she has other modus operandi for getting in 😕. I didn't realize the best kept village visit from before was only preparatory, good luck with the rest of proceedings. Also hope the Bank Hol does not affect your travelling tooo much. xx

    Hi to Barbara 😀 the cup & saucer vine is like the pic (not mine), it's quite a fast grower and can take over - I've kept mine in a pot but I'm starting to think it may be better off in a larger one. Did you see the article "A council [Slough] that declared bankruptcy last year earlier spent £28,000 on indoor plants which a councillor said are now 'dying' ". That was for 200 plants! I think you & I have a way to go before we spend that much! Your bunting is terrific, there is nothing doing round here, miserable lot. Nice pigeon on your chimney too 😊. So Mr B is sticking to his guns over a 2nd op 🤐 well, pleased to hear he is getting about alright in any case xx

    Hello bosh and glad it all went ok at the coffee group 😊 that's really good to hear. Those tuna sandwiches look very nice, oh dear, I can't have those (as a vegetarian like Kitty, & Toni of course) - I miss fish more than meat I think. Sorry your Mum had a couple of episodes together like that but if things have settled I hope they carry on that way 🤞. Have a good Bank Holiday weekend etc :) oh by the way glad to know little BR is never down for long and that for most of the time with he & LA 'birds in their little nests agree' as the poem goes. 🐥🐥. Hope not too tired now after the outing and glad the smoothie picked you up. xx

    Kitty!! Hello & so nice to hear your news 😊 good luck with the prospective flat, fingers crossed for you! I will sit & have a tea with you in spirit over the internet that would be lovely :) xx

    Hello Joan all shopping in thank you and no substitutions, have had quite a few deliveries this week one way & another, I was trying to keep a clear run so I can have a quiet bit with no-one. Should be all ok over the next few days anyway touch wood as no post or anything. Not sure what shops are doing about opening etc hope nothing closed that would be inconvenient for you & Sue. Love to the dear dogs xx

    Best as always to Mike & Vixen xx

    See you all as & when over the Jubilee weekend and bon voyage frog as you will probably be off before my next visit 👋 🇨🇵

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,605

    Cup & saucer vine "Cobaea Scandens" also sometimes called cathedral bells (not my picture).

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,330

    hi Joan toady and Barbara I hope you’re all doing okay today?

    hi again Joan i hope Sue is good too? Thanks about mum she’s ok now thanks.Xx

    hi again Barbara I’ll take your word for it about Baldy pies it’s just that pies can become a weakness of mine if I let them ha ha so I think I won’t google it for the sake of my own stomach 😀. how’s your day been? Xx

    hi to the toad also known as toady thanks about my mum I’m also very relieved that she is feeling better , it was def nice to catch up at the coffee group it’s weird I could’ve actually gone there before but I just had no idea that it was still going on, I think that with some of the mental health support services its a case of left-hand not knowing what the right hand’s doing or that kind of thing, anyway at least I have found them again at long last.

    you’re vegetarian I didn’t know that that’s interesting, I don’t know that poem actually “birds in the nest agree” will have to look it up sounds very cute just like the two little Brothers lol.

    Okay so to finish with staying on the healthy - ish side ha ha during my Internet browsing I found iced Macha tea latte which looks lovely but ive a feeling it would upset my stomach Matcha has done in the past unfortunately nice visual though and of course very much vegetarian have a nice night t and take care, xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,605
    edited 1. Jun 2022, 20:10

    btw I meant to say to bosh, it was a bit of an exaggeration to say my neighbour would say I was putting her cat in danger of splinters 😉 but only a bit of one, we have had a few run-ins over fairly small things or where they have got the wrong end of the stick. (Not a splintery stick of course, heaven forbid.) To be fair I really shouldn't be too 'catty' about them they are not awful people & have good sides, we're just very different. This cat is a good case in point because obviously she didn't take it in to spite me! it's just unfortunate that it's such a hunter not all cats are. I agree with you that it's what cats do & can't be helped - when I had cats I had to be prepared for the odd mouse - but I wouldn't keep a cat again personally & it's just been bad luck & bad timing to end up with one next door now especially when it was lockdown and the garden & birds was one of the few nice things.

    edit: again I didn't 'see' your recent post as you can probably tell, 'scuse, will straighten any out of sequence bits out tomorrow if there are any - going for a v quick walk - have a good night :)

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230
    edited 2. Jun 2022, 05:22

    Morning everyone who calls in 'Old' or 'New'

    The kettle is always on in the café

    A quick message for Mike if he sees it although I am doubting that you are up to it MIke. Remember we are all here for you and missing you so much and rooting for you. Chemo is a swine, but fighting something far more evil. You WILL win this war ((())) xxx

    Morning Joan we are off this morning no rush about how early as we will be staying near the tunnel tonight I don't think my car will manage the whole journey in one go! I am so please Lexi has a date for her dental and it's soon now ☺️((())) for you and Sue xxx

    Kitty me duck how fabulous to see you!

    I knew you'd be running the place before long! You are so much back in the midst of your lovely family I am so very pleased they are all there for you. Lots of new stuff Fingers 🤞 crossed for the flat that would be perfect.

    Enjoy the Jubilee weekend with at least the staff! Don't try to blow up balloons with your lungs will you😉Poems are there in your head that's good i look forward to them.

    I hope Sleek got over with the choc ice from Toady's online shop?

    Morning Reshmi who absolutely deserves a pat on the back👏 for using public transport (well DONE!!!), going to the group, for eating a healthy sandwich and for the smoothie you made. Oh strawberry and banana I love that flavour!!!

    You did so much more than me yesterday I mostly just packed and made sure my plants are all going to survive my absence. This morning I am going to shower and wash my hair and hoover through before the off at 10ish. Only going nearer to the tunnel today it's a long journey for my little pink car who rattles at 70 MPH!!! It's the tunnel we go on (much safer you stay in your own car) luckily not a plane.

    Better for me too to break the journey up. My walk was ok thank you only a short one but better than nothing.

    Ah good BIL bought the posh luggage that's good. At least you didn't offer me a bin bag😁

    I like the pics and the excellent advice about eating sensible(er) food. No pastries. Not sure what i will be eating in France....they eat raw beef😮

    Morning Toady Sleek said she had got the choc ice ok and her own doughnut too. Thank you. I also don't get much done if I am waiting for my shop to come. Lovey I get oatcakes too though a 'naughty' flavour pesto and add a vat load of vegan butter or cashew butter too😳

    Still waiting for ebay delivery which had been due on Tuesday 🙄

    I got in and out yesterday and feel pretty confident that my plants (babies) should all be ok until I get back. Aha pusskin has other entrances does she? That happens they are rather resourceful I'm afraid.

    Plan is to get to teh tunnel extra early, but I think it will be along wait there due to holiday traffic still not to worry. Seeing 42 other Figs will make it all worthwhile.

    BKV judges come in May then again in June. If we get shortlisted again in July. I am keeping my front tidy and litter picking when I can planted up 3 planters and one border so feel like my 'bit' has been done.

    How many of us are veggie?! That's unusual, but nice. ☺️

    Love to Barbara when you pop in probably tomorrow.



    Toni xxx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) it’s good to see you on here again good luck for the flat will you have carers (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (()) have a good bank holiday.

    Toady (()) that’s good you got all your shopping have a goo bank holiday

    Toni (()) have a lovely time I hope you don’t have too much pain (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (()) have a good bank holiday.

    Reshmi (()) have a good bank holiday love to your mum (())

    Mike (()) I hope you are feeling a bit better have a good bank holiday.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,330

    Hi t nice to hear from you from you don’t worry about things being out of sequence I think you’re right I don’t think anyone is 100 % expert at message - answering here lol.

    yes def good and bad In everyone, but your neighbour doesn’t sound v considerate to me.

    To be frank I have lots of allergies and fears about animals I know some people find this ridiculous but they should at least try to respect it, Long time ago I went out to vote and a dog almost ran right into me inside the polling station yes you heard me right INSIDE, postal voting for me from now on 😀 📩.

    be very careful what I say here I know because there are a lot of cat lovers on this site just wanted to say that everyone is different and where is the robbed as they say I’ll be I’ll keep my mouth zipped 🤐.

    I have allergies and to be honest certain fears regarding animals so they’re not really for me but your label should of course be able to see your side of things that’s INSIDE the polling station, its postal voting for me from now on 😀.

    Ive got to go now unfortunately toady got a few things to do I’m not too bad considering the heat thanks hope you’re enjoying the heat have a nice evening and hopefully a good night take care. Xx

    pic today isn’t really directly related to anything just thought it was a nice thing to look, take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,330

    Hi Toni I Hope your holiday is going well thanks so much about your support about going to group etc, didn’t actually make smoothie this time but I do sometimes make them you’re right there, I also don’t do that many things in one day it was v unusual for me and quite scary but it’s good to know that I can do them if I have to, i did have a few more aches and pains the normal from carrying my bag and that kind of thing sitting in the bus try not to touch people etc but i managed and my mum thinks this’ll get better the more I get used to it and I agree 👍.

    definitely right there. France yeah is a bit of a meat loving country isn’t it? But I’m sure there will be some nice vegan options too.

    pastries will be a difficult one to resist but you i ndulge yourself why not it’s not like you’re going to France every day, my sister used to have to go to Paris for work a fair amount but she remained a skinny as ever, life just isn’t fair sometimes is it? Lol.

    I know you must’ve told me this before but when are you back exactly? it on the Monday? I can’t go to the group next week because it’s LA’s birthday celebration but I will try and get to the Tuesday one depending on the weather etc, I look forward to pictures of lots of cars! take care Toni. Xx

    Ps Todays pic is something I just saw browsing online vegan white bean cassoulet is that your kind of thing? let me know if poss. Xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all a nice day today till now its gone black 😲

    Toni have a lovely time are you only taking Penelope ..not the mobile home ..I get Confused

    I am so worried about Mike but sure he knows we are here fir him ..xx

    Toady I'm waving back frim the choc ice Isle...🙌ooh cats I love them... all animals really but the little ine next door is a demon for the birds..I have to keep treats by the door to tice it in 🤨xx

    Kitty how lovely to hear from you ,and a new beginning nice your lovely family are helping out ..hope you get your flat xx

    Joan not long now fir little Lexi bless to all if you xx

    Reshmi ..I'm the same with pastry it doesn't agree with my tum...I would love one of the pies😌,glad to hear mum us doing ok xx

    Love to all


  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,330

    hi Joan how are you and Sue doing today? Thanks about the bank Hol and my mum hope you have a good one too. Tc. Xx

    hi Barbara mum is ok ty, I’m glad someone else has the pastry woes too, lol, so who eats pastry in the family then? Is it Mr B? Tc. Xx

    Hi Kitty how are you? I’m very glad you things seem to be a lot better now. Xx

    Pic of cottage pie ( no pastry of course, lol). Xx