Val's Cafe
Hi Toady don’t worry about the messages I’m feeling a little bit better thanks but still not that great dad is not too good and is being a terrific pain Mum has it v mild so far thank goodness hope your days goes okay. Xx
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Hi Toni how are you? I’m really tired now already running out of steam sorry about that I hope you’re feeling okay? Enduring the coffee?
bye for now take care, xx
Ps. Sister says Italian coffee is the best so I’ve got a cup ready for you for when you return. Xx
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Hello all 😊 not too bad a day out there today but it should be even better tomorrow fingers crossed. Nothing approaching frog's 28degrees though, oh just imagine. Currently waiting for the Amazon man, I had an offer for some money off yesterday and as always, it came at a time when I'd nothing already in my basket, or if I did it had sold out/price gone up. Then I start poking round for a nice bargain or at least a treat/present for myself, but nothing doing yesterday, ended up with some bird seed and a bag of compost, v. glamorous 😂. Glad you managed to get the picture to post in the end frog, what lovely sugared almond colours 😍 and what neat parking! (Some bold clothing choices as well 🤨). All v interesting, thanks for posting. Just spent a fascinating 10 mins looking up the Tokyo Nouvelle Vague plaques as per the front right hand Fig - ah, the internet 😎. Love the Morgan too. We certainly did have rain here, sorry it put a damper on the street parade but good that plenty turned out in it anyway. Hope you are having a good day today and sorting yourselves out ok for return trip, in fact you must be back or as good as, by now I guess? In which case have a good night and drive back tomorrow. xx
Hi bosh glad to hear you yourself are not too bad but hope your Dad is too and has not been giving you all any more frights with scary symptoms - I expect the GP has called by now - all the best for you & your mum to keep improving. Sorry it's thrown your plans into doubt for now, that will be a shame if things do have to be put off/disrupted 😔. Glad to hear LA is fine anyway & hobnobbing with Royalty in Waitrose 😊 maybe they were hobnobs she was buying, that was a genuine unintentional biscuit reference! Would not be surprising if NHS queue jumping neighbour is behind the Queen's missing lego face would it 🤔 treason would be nothing to her I bet 😂. All the best (don't expect you to post back to people at the moment you're bound to be tired I will just check in & read whatever general update you leave) get well soon all xx
Hello joan Happy Birthday Dear Lexi 😘 hope all's well with you all today. No tea spilling today I am being extra careful! I haven't tried the dolce gusto's I don't think unless I may have had at someone else's house. Still chilly but things are looking up a bit, have just had a lower gas bill than I expected so the next one should be even better, if it turns warmer.
Love to Barbara & Mr B - whose cast iron stomach I too envy, can't put a price on good digestion. Glad it was nice weather for your local garden party they were lucky they had it when they did (no particular disrespect to the Queen was intended by the way, just a slight tendency to be a sourpuss as regards fun & other people enjoying themselves 😉 - "it's being so cheerful as keeps me going"* 😂. Have a good week there should be some sun. 🌞 xx
Sending Kitty my best 😘 xx
and same to all xx
*ITMA, for those too young.
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hi t and everyone dad has a chest in action and has been given antibiotics so that’s good that it’s nothing more serious mum is not too bad at the moment thanks I am okay-ish thanks for asking Wednesday may still be happening but we might have to get a taxi, hobnobbing I like that, oh my goodness you’ve got me into biscuit mode now though have a good night and I’ll try to have one too if I can resist raiding the larder cupboard, lol, Tc. Xx
A bit of late Jubilee cake don’t worry as Toni says calorie free. Xx
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Just to wish everyone a good night & to say now (as I'm usually lateish in) hope your Dad gets on ok with the antibiotics bosh, and they will help quickly, love to everyone and as good a night's sleep as possible - including all frogs that are away from home - 'night all. xx
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Morning all visitors to the cafe old and new!
Mike I am still thinking of you every day I'm sure we all are here. I hope the chemo finishes soon and the treatment has been successful and wirth the suffering. ((())) xxx
Joan thank you yes any pain has been 100%worth it. We will be home today. Happy Birthday to Lexi! I remember she is a year younger than Sleek who will be 13 in September. Teeth soo for Lexi bless her. ((())) for you and Sue.
Have we heard from Kitty in here? I have had a message but she must share her news with your herself 🤗👍love to you Kitty and Hope's for peaceful and happy future now xxx
Reshmi I rather think the Queen does have waitrose biscuits I just love LA's imagination!!! How are you all doing today?
I see yesterday you were coping but really tired😕 ((()))Mum is coping well too but Dad feels very rough. I doubt he can pass a chest infection on so maybe Wednesday can still happen 🤞🤞🤞
I've helped myself to the Italian coffee you left for me it was lovely decaf of course. Much better than this instant stuff!!
Home today and I am ready for a rest for definite 🙄😫
It has been worth it though. My brother has challenged my patience bless him 🤬
Morning Toady I am home today and anxious to check in on my plants a d Sleek of course as well as Winnie puss.
Oooh money off from Amazon! Burden seed and compost both very necessary. I must fill my refillable grow bags for tomatoes a d cucumbers which will need to get into the greenhouse when I have recovered.
We got rain in the end and plenty of it!
There is a youtube vid with me actually driving! I must check whether I can post the link for you all. Or I can PM it. Its about a second of me probably 😁😁😁
I think being cheerful keeps me young to🤭🤭
Will post some pics but first some breakfast.....I have had rather too much french bread belly says no more!!!!
Bro took this pic
Outside the hotel in France just before we left. I took this one
A Quick woo-oo! To Barbara who will probably happen by today. Hope all is well with you all ((()))
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) how are you feeling today take care. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Barbara (()) I hope you are all well (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toady (()) have a good day back to normal now
Toni (()) are you back home now thank you for the photos. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Mike (()) we hope you are feeling a bit better (()) love to vixen
Reshmi (()) I’m sorry about your Dad (()) not feeling well. Have a good day with not to much pain (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Toady, you can have a jubilee any time you want. I hope all are safe and well. I am delighted to say I have been offered a bungalow and am looking forward to the rest of my life.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi toady Toni and everyone, thanks for your nice messages, hope you’re all ok? I’ll keep this short, caught horribly bad cold type thing from dad, I had high temp again, now it’s gone back down, had really painful throat☹️ and v difficult night, I’m COVID negative, d seems a bit better, mums not too bad atm t goodness for that, what’s happening tomorrow not sure atm. Toni Hope return journey goes smoothly.
hope you’re well t .
ps pic is one of my gifts for the Queen’s companion/ LA. Xx
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Hello everyone :)
Kitty! 😊 so pleased to hear your news - deep joy, as Stanley Unwin would say 😀 look forward to updates as & when. I hereby raise a toast to you, The Queen and anyone else that merits it (but mostly you, today 🥂) xx
Hi frog, lovely pictures 👍️ and lovely to see you back this morning, especially with that little inkling of news of Kitty to come :) the nice weather even turned up for you. Hope all well in the garden.🌱 What have you missed here? Well not that much haha but lots more sunflower seedlings, my scabious is out (but I cannot get a picture so you just have my word for it), buddleia growing madly as per usual, and the sparrows are eating my viola Prince Henry. 😂 Oh well, I can't begrudge them. I enjoyed watching them queue up for beetroot leaves last year so much I'm growing some just for them. My 2 astrantia seedlings are a bit feeble looking as yet 😟 but I keep willing them on, cross your fingers for me. Have been out a fair bit today and hope to fit in a bit of pottering later. Hope everything else ok at home and poor ab-Ann-dend Sleek has not taken too much umbrage. xx ps the amazon thing may still be available if you check, £5 off £15 spend.
Hello Joan, yes no more odd bank holiday days now, I just about know what day of the week it is again 😀 hope the weather is just right for you for taking the dogs out etc, nice to have it a bit brighter. xx
Hi bosh, so sorry you didn't have a good night and your temp's been up & down a bit, I hate sore throats they're awful 😣 hope you feel better soon but it's v mean for this to coincide with your plans this week 😕 just another day or so in hand would have helped, really sorry if things can't go ahead. Nice book - Puffin books are great :) I used to be in the Puffin Club years & years ago, you got magazines and a badge LA would have liked it 😊. Take care all & best wishes for feeling better🤞xx
Love to Barbara if passing, probably pottering outside like me 😊 xx
Thinking of Mike & sending best wishes x
Toady's random question of the day - prompted by Toni's nice eggs on toast - anyone else here hold their knife & fork the other way round like me? 🤔 Not upside down obviously 😂 fork in right, knife in left.
Love to all, kettle is going on and the custard creams are being opened. xx
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Thanks toady For your nice message yes I liked Puffin books too, yes no doubt LA would’ve loved the badge etc, I was recalling a Conversation I had with LLF The other day for a minute I forgot she was vegetarian and actually talked to her about which eggs were best on the menu mind you i was mainly talking to Roger anyway her face really got so thunderous not just heavy showers more like tsunami lol, she said people should not talk about eggs I apologised profusely, but really people shouldn’t TALK about eggs? Really are very strange character indeed. I thought the next time I see her I might wear the earrings below haha. I hope your day wasn’t too bad toady? have a nice evening and take care. Xx
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Morning to all café visitors 'old' and new!
The kettle is always on
Still no sign of Mike? He hasn't been well enough to even sign in since 15th May. Mike we are all rooting for you and hope the chemo is finished or if not that it will be very very soon. Sending you my daily supply of strength and ((())) At least we know Sue will have been with you yesterday to fuss over you and Vixen, Take care xxx
Morning Joan it is NICE to be home even though the trip was amazing 😊My brother takes 'odd' photos don't you think? Penelope is the colour in the photo I took. Ah well not to worry. I hope you have been well while I've been away? ((())) xxx
Kitty you have told everyone your fabulous news!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so very very pleased for you. Your new wonderful life is now just around the corner. Just carers to sort out I expect. This is exciting😊 Sleek has already been for a look and reckons it will do 'nyc-lee'🏡The staff will miss you though at the home.
Oh dear me Reshmi you are suffering now I hope you can rest and recuperate ((())). Will you be able to see birthday boy?
I've been up all night icing this cake for him!😉
The book you got for him is perfect LA isn't it?
LLF is very odd. Now I am Vegan (as she must be???) , but at no point would I expect someone to not talk about eggs🤔 Gosh we are just back from France where I have virtually lived on French bread and pringles with the odd banana and satsuma (yes me too LA I love them too!) it being such a meat eating culture. Best not to censor other people I think. Live and let live.
Toady I am home! Madame La Sleekipuss heard the Fig pull up and ran out to greet us. She did not withhold her purr😊In fact she is here with me now on her pink blankie purring.
I did bring the sun home and sorted out some overnight rain too.
All plants have survived all is well so I am very very happy indeed. I have been on Amazon no offers for me you must be a favoured customer. That's nice if it's true. That order I won at a very low price on Ebay? Still hasn't arrived. I reported it and the seller was a tad rude I thought:
"I sent out 8 packages of eBay sale items on 25th May 2022 around the country, all have been received apart from this one can you please confirm that delivery was to (my postcode). Royal Mail postage will not update tracking until delivery is attempted. Thank you"
So I replied: "Postcode is quite correct. I have never had an item fail to arrive from Ebay either. I've given it a week longer than the expected date of arrival due to the extra bank holiday. Our postman is 100%reliable too"
Perhaps seller is cross that i got it so cheap🤨
🌻 popping up all over in your garden and you are feeding the sparrows your seedlings 😁At the hotel there were two peacocks one of whom (the male) kept eating their flowers too.
Isn't Kitty's news fabulous?! She is about to get her life and independence back so happy for her.
If you get in today Barbara (hope those eyes let you) I am home and sending you and mr B my best.
I expect Niamh is back in school this week. They are back here. Lovely life in the village☺️
How is your brother doing I have been wondering?
Best get breakfast on for us all
gorgeous but not great for the belly!!!
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I’m so happy for you at last some good luck for you (()) it will be a happy home. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) i hold the fork in my right hand I’m left handed. Have a good day.
Toni (()) did sleeke get excited to see you. I’m so pleased Kitty has a bungalow good for her.
love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Barbara (()) I hope all is well there love to everyone (())
Mike (()) thinking about you I hope its going not to bad love to viven
Reshmi (()) I’m sorry you have a cold I hope it soon goes and you feel a bit better love to your mum (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Toni toady and everyone, no voice control today, sore throat, temp was normal at last reading thanks, but still not feeling 100 % though def improving, glad you got back ok T and can get back to normal eating again, am seeing the birthday boy yes that’s the plan but just for cake cutting not meal, nice selection of cake Toni 🍰😀. I’m Terrible at making icing myself. LLF is almost vegan I think apart from her great love of cheese, lol, her idea of a healthy meal would probably be a handful of tomato pieces deep-fried in all the cheese of Normandy lol.
Hi Joan are things with you? I’m not too bad thanks
okay everyone sorry that’s it for now I need to take some rest.
Pic is for LA four year old dinosaur today! Tc. Xx
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Afternoon.. and a rather nice one too.. hope everyone else not having too bad a day, & that bosh especially is feeling if not 100% then manageable & seeing LA wasn't spoilt altogether.🤞Hurrah for cake 😊🎂 hope he had a great birthday (I don't really remember being 4, does anyone much? funny isn't it 🤔) and all of you feel better asap. xx
Hi frog sorry no amazon thing for you, they sometimes say by invitation but that tends just to mean a banner on the site - it was first x many customers too but I could still 'see' it up to this morning, but not now 😔. Glad everything else ok and Sleek gave you the welcome home treatment, oh joy 😺 being pleased to see you must have won out over sulking, fantastic. Super day out there but have done enough today really, will just tidy up a bit later. Ooh what a sniffy ebayer, I was wondering what had happened to the late item but thought it may have turned up while away. There's no need for that tone is there, whatever the circumstances you still say oh dear sorry to hear &c, or I do. Yes people can turn very funny to say the least where low winning bids are concerned I've had all sorts. I could entertain myself ad infinitum reading feedback alone (especially now they let you write an essay and not just 80 characters 📖 , and some of the retaliatory comments from sellers are shockers too! 😱 Well either way they should have proof of posting or something so it's for them to sort out. Will be interested to hear what happens next but it's a shame if you don't get it 😧. Have a good day whatever you are doing apart from unpacking & resting & watering 👩🌾 xx
Hello joan, that's interesting how you hold your knife & fork, I know a lefthander who does the same, so that's the equivalent of what I'm doing (fork in dominant hand) I can never imagine how it can feel right to people, doing it the other way. Hope you're both well & the dear dogs xx
Love to Barbara & Kitty 😘 xx
and everyone, Mike, Carol, mig &c &c xx
- if anyone wants me, I am in the corner procrastining some chores over my third cup of tea. ☕️
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Hi toady yes I did manage to go and see LA but had motion sickness plus cough on the way there was actually sick a little bit basically I wish he could have been born in December ha ha was to see nice kids but I couldn’t eat much to be on the safe side which didn’t do me any harm I guess sister and bill seemed to be having a bit of a “Barney” in semi - public 🤭. I Have a headache that prob won’t go till tomorrow morning more details on everything tomorrow hopefully hope you have a good night toady. Tc. Xx
Pic is of one of his edible presents decorated by my mum real pic this time not just something similar off Internet. Tc. Xx
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Morning everyone😊
Kettle is on
Mike I am hoping every day that you have felt well enough with that chemo to pop in😕 I feel as though your treatment ought to be finished now or very soon all being well. You then 'just' (yes i know awful stuff) need to recover. In the meantime we all continue to think of you and send our very very best. Sue will be there today which is reassuring. ((())) xxx
Morning Joan how are you and Sue doing? Won't be long now for Lexi's teeth will it bless her. Sleek heard my car pull onto the drive and came straight up to me when we got 🏡 home! ((())) xxx
Kitty me duck I hope all is well with you. You have and are having a tough time, but there is light at the end of the tunnel and there will be fun times ahead with the family and hopefully some nice new neighbours too😊
Well Reshmi I am so impressed with you all managing to see LA on his birthday in spite of you all feeling so very rough👏 I would have been surprised if you have been able to eat anything. The gingerbread man your sister made is amazing well done her.
How was LA? was he full of it? I bet he was showing off right left and centre bless his 'big boy's heart. Imagine your BIL and sis having a public domestic😯Mind you these important events can make us quite stressed so understandable really.
Have your Dad's antibiotics fixed his chest infection? and you and your Mum how are you both doing today? It sounds like a really nasty bug he brought home to you all.
LLF loves her cheese? So do I it's fabulous stuff isn't it? It's the main thing I miss being vegan. It was tough in France to get enough to eat I must admit so I have to eat extra bread.
Morning Barbara I am presuming you are struggling with your eyes at the moment. Do you find the sun makes things worse or better for you? Just wondering.
How is everyone all well I hope has mr B ditched those crutches yet?
Great news about Kitty isn't it having a lovely bungalow to live in. Might take a few weeks to sort, but she will be 😊
Morning Toady. Are you still procrastinating? I do that all the time! 'I'm busy doing nothing....'
Both Charley and Lucy are a tad ambidextrous and eat with their cutlery in 'the wrong' hands. They have always done this which is fine. Charley also plays two handed sports left handed.
Still no sign of my late ebay item. I am convinced the seller wants to refund me and sell it at a better price for her. The item in question was a total bargain. I have made an offer on a more expensive version of teh same as i do not expect to get it. Ah well such is life. Amazon clearly have favourites😁😁and I'm not one. Toady i need some new pots really I do....where shall I try???
It sounds as though you did quite a bit yesterday the weather was lovely and today looks even better! Did you do any more with your arch? We haven't got much further than researching yet.
Well I had better get some clothes on I 🤔
Take care everyone
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Good morning everyone
I have my check up at the Dentist this morning
Kitty (())) you are doing so well it might not be long before you can start your new life in the bungalow. Love to Anita (()) Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Barbara (()) i hope your eyes are not to bad love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toady (()) i hope you have a good day.
Toni (()) it will be hard not giving Lexi her breakfast on Monday. That was nice sleeke coming to meet you. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) i hope LA has a good birthday love to your mum (())
Mike (()) thinking of you and vixen ((())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi all waiting for GP to ring, high temp keeps recurring, dad’s improved, mum’s not too bad thanks, LA was v full of it was on a massive sugar rush I think, choc birthday cake was v full on had some today, may not have some ever again lol, bill has been getting secret takeaways, thats it for now, Toni toady etc hope you’re all ok? Tc. Xx
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Afternoon all 😊 bit damp & dull out there, not sure how that's the sunny intervals the forecast says but I guess the met office must be right so I must be imagining the plinking of little raindrops 🤨.
Sorry to hear things did not go entirely to plan yesterday bosh but it's something that LA had a good day as far as that side of it went of course, and that you managed some choc cake today :) not good to hear your high temp is recurring (yours not everyone's I took you to mean) - oh dear hope GP has been helpful 👨⚕️he or she 👩⚕️& hope to hear some better news later. (What would we do without 'sorry to hear' & 'glad to hear' it's half of what I post 🤔 bit repetitious but there aren't many alternatives are there only very flowery language - 'I was dreadfully distressed to hear your inauspicious tidings' - maybe not, eh!) I love the gingerbread man 😍
Hi frog, today I'm procrastinating half on & half off, as you do, plodding grudgingly through a chore then do something unproductive, oh well it will be a rare day I nip through all my jobs early. Pots, you say 😊 well partly horses for courses, depends what you need.. how frost resistant.. how plain how fancy/posh.. & if you want to buy in person. I have a fair few 🐝&Q basic ones including the brown terracotta; crocus' vaso 'classic' pots are v similar, & they seem to do 20% off regularly which puts them on a par for price, they also have nice yorkshire terracottas &c as well. Something else I quite liked was the '🏡base' tudor pot & it's a good price for a 35cm pot.. very similar to other more expensive styles - also 20% off too at the moment.. but they don't deliver 😕. Anyway my last purchase was from ebay, just wanted something basic but tallish & happened to see some cheap/quite nice with a ridged band that (may?) deter snails, some sizes out of stock but just search mocha ridged grey if interested (some terracotta too). I was tempted to a 42cm harrogate pot from somewhere til I saw it was £35 delivery. Perhaps not. 😮 Rather like some of the thai salt glazed styles out there too.. I will start shopping again if I'm not careful 😂 ..anyway, as I say, it all depends. (Btw I have no idea if my 'coded' store names are unnecessary or if you can post what you like 😂). The arch is at the finalize position & dig holes stage at the moment 😀. Ah, the ebay hang onto & resell types, yes, you may be right.. did they 'send' through Packlink? they must have some sort of proof in any case. I know someone whose seller queried their address etc for a cheap item & relisted it a year later.. you may not want to stalk yours for that long 🕵️😂. Hope everything else good with you all today xx
Hello joan, hope you got on ok today.. oh dear both you & Lexi with the dentist within a few days of each other.. you will both have to have something nice to make it up to you. It's not nice as you say keeping their breakfasts back I remember it well, and not being able to let my cat out on the morning 😔 she will feel much better for it. Have a good rest of day & Friday xx
Love to all whoever (whomever?) calls in xx
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Afternoon all sorry eyes are really bad so will keep this short
Toni i secind that we are all here for Mike x...what lovely photos of have done really well with the druving and walking wish we had your weather today..rain here eyes are realy had un the sun even with sunglasses xx
Reshmi sorry uou have been pooly ..hope you feel better soon xx
Kitty I am si very pleased fir you ..something to look forward to xx
Joan was it Lexis Birthday ..bless did she get treated ..I am hoping Me B will have his ither hip dine xx
Toady that's me when I treat myself compost and bird seed 😂..glad to hear your neighbours have a nice side did have me worried with tge stick 😅 ..Stably Umwine now that tool ne back xx
Love to all xxxxx
Barbara1 -
Hi toady and Toni too thanks, gp did blood test and examined me, said throat’s v inflamed with white spots and prescribed antibiotics, said not to take mxt this week, silver lining maybe?, toady I love that idea, Dickensian / Austen - influenced language perhaps, lol? Mind you i think people will get fed up with up us in no time, haha. The choc cake was v tasty but v heavy on the stomach, almost became a mxt day stomach prob wise, but seem to have just about avoided it, I hope. Thanks about the gingerbread man. Yes LA had a great time, 3 desserts after lunch apparently (!!) plus extravagant birthday choc cake consumption later of course, my temp is becoming high thats right, no one else’s atm thankfully. BR came close to calling me granny lol, must be ageing more drastically than I thought lol, I just had one dose of antibiotics, I seem to have enjoyed the taste of those tablets for some reason, maybe they had a lot of sweetener in them lol, glad doc took it seriously tho, throat is really feeling like it’s punishing me for something, even tho I’ve never committed any nhs queue - jumping crimes in my life, lol, plus remote control function for heating isn’t working so I’m up and down the stairs adjusting thermostat in morning ☹️
hi again Toni, how are things today? Yes LA was showing off a lot and ran away in the middle of my storybook reading to play in the garden! BR seems to think I’m bills mother! Oh dear! Bill has been ordering secret takeaways and he tried to start a domestic right there and then about control / or whose wearing the trousers or something like that, or who’s wearing the nappies more like. Ok I’ve typed loads better stop soon head is aching. How was your walk?. Xx
Hi again toady How are your pains today? Xx
pic is a bear similar to baby blue teddy bear that was the first toy that LA stole from his poor little younger bro.
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Thanks Barbara and Joan sorry bit tired now but not extremely bad, Hope you’re both more or less okay too. Xx
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Morning everyone😀Old or new visitors the kettle is always on here...
gorgeous kettle that one!
A quick message to our missing friend Mike. Mike we are all thinking about you very much hoping the chemo is finishing soon and you will start to recover from the treatment. Sending my daily supply of strength and ((())) to you and tummy rub for Vixen-puss ((())) xx
Morning Joan was everything ok at the dentist? I hope so. I hate starving animals for a general anaesthetic it feels so cruel😒even though it's for the best. ((())) for you and Sue I hope you get to the cafe today!
Poor you Reshmi. This is not good you being so poorly I could tell just how bad you were far too quiet for you this morning I was worried😕 I'm so glad you got a Dr's apt and are on the antibiotics. No MTX!!!!!!!!!! I am well-jel as the kids say🤭 sounds very nasty but in a day or so you should be back to normal and able to enjoy your MTX free week. You have never committed any kind of NHS queue jumping offences hence getting your treatment as you deserved ((()))
Oh dear me naughty BIL tut tut. Secret takeaways why doesn't that surprise me?🙄 Erm your sister wears the trousers. Of course she does. Whatever made him think any different?😁 BR is very very little, but no way are you old enough to be BIL's mother!!! I remember in Tesco once years ago (aged about 30 maybe) a wee 'un called out 'Nanny!' to me l was mortified!
Of course LA was allowed to overdo things and run around in the garden like a mad-thing! You only have one 4th Birthday bless him.
Love the blue bear - did BR get him back?
Morning Kitty have you got my cat? She is missing ATM I think over at the home. She has been over to the bunalow and been cleaning
for you.
I hope all is well with you all ((())) xxx
Hey Toady. I procrastinated all day yep all day. I was expecting the man who laid the tarmac (has weeds growing UP through it and is still soft) and so did nothing all day. No sign of him Paul is cross.
I think we can name places just don't actually advertise as in I can say I got this from tesco but not put in the link maybe? Love your🐝 and queue though🤭
I am going to buy a TREE a
don't you just love it in winter? It won't grow too tall and Sleek can shade under it in summer. It's a Salix caprea 'Pendula' Tree
I have to order it though it may take a while I know the exact spot. In front of that bouncy thing next door.
How are the holes going? How deep are they? Have you got any blisters? I have one very large one from going mad on my return from France. I wish it would hurry up and dry up.
Lucy is on 9-5 today dead weird. Same ish tomorrow and a night on Sunday.
Right guess what? The Ebay seller has refunded me. Well I never! I fully intend to stalk her for the rest of her life (!). It was done ungraciously I thought:
'Hi, Royal Mail has obviously lost or failed to deliver this item. I have therefore arranged for you to be refunded and eBay is processing this. I should be grateful if you would contact me should the package arrive subsequently as I shall be putting in a claim to Royal Mail. Thank you in advance.'
I have obtained the item at a higher price I paid £6 and the same/similar from another seller had been on for £35 I got it for £20 made an offer and the other seller countered. You can see why the first seller was a bit miffed. I replied nicely, but clearly this isn't a nice person. Never mind.
Ah well....hope to hear sorry to hear glad to hear!! We say it all the time😁
Hi Barbara I thought the eyes were misbehaving😠and the sun makes them worse that's awful.
Paul did 90% of the driving I just did the best bit! the closed street drive because I didn't have to think about driving on the right!
I am really quite worried about Mike I hope he pops in soon.
Mr B will have his hip done maybe in a year??
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Good morning everyone
kitty (()) how are you feeling have a good weekend. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (()
Barbara (()) yes it was Lexi’s birthday she was 12 years. I hope you have a good weekend they come around quick.
Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toady (()) yes the dentist’s went alright sue goes in September. Have a good weekend.
Toni (()) have you read the new driving rules. I remember a few years ago I was pushing sue in a wheelchair a lady said to me you are taking your mother for a walk sue was not happy. What does Lucy think of working through the night (()) yes we are going to the cafe this morning. Have a good weekend. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Mike (()) we hope you are not feeling to bad take care love to vixen (())
Reshmi (()) are the antibiotics working now (()) take care love to your mum (())
take care
joan xx0
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