Val's Cafe



  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,606
    edited 2. Jun 2022, 22:47

    Hello all 😊 lovely day, best gardening day of the year so far pretty much - poor, poor frog, having to go and do boring things like living it up on le continent, oh you must be so sorry to be dragged away 😉😄. Hope all's well where you are & you haven't had too much in the way of hold-ups & queues, any more than you were expecting & allowing for, anyway; looking forward to seeing pics :) sleep well and good luck to Penelope for the journey too. ps I may have just bought some more garden pots, I think I may have a slight problem #help 😂 oh and I have a sunflower seedling 🌻 this is not big news but it is to me sort of, will explain sometime. I'm sure everything will survive fine without you with a bit of help from Lucy &c xx

    Hi bosh too, I have been trying to keep off the internet today & have done quite well, just popping in now for a late tea. I have never tried matcha & don't even have an idea of what I imagine it would be like! should try it at least once I suppose for curiosity. Don't worry whatever your opinion of cats dogs or anything else is, you're entitled to it no-one here would say otherwise, cat lovers or not. I am wary of dogs even if 'goodnatured' so I understand that too; yes quite right all that's needed was for my neighbour to be a bit sympathetic even if she can't do much to help matters, I hope I would be. I love the Alice pic 😊 I had a copy with notes & explanations about some of the meanings in the book, very interesting but I have forgotten most of it, so one day I ought to re-read it! Have a good Jubilee Bank Hol, sorry it's too warm for you at the moment & thanks for kindly hoping I'm enjoying it :) hope family all not too bad x

    Hello Joan, I forgot there is post etc on Saturday so I don't know what I was talking about saying it would be nothing now til after the weekend, I knew these Bank holidays would confuse me! Oh well tomorrow should be quiet anyway. Have a good day too yourselves thank you :) xx

    Barbara thank you for luring in your neighbour's demon birder (is it the one you posted, that had his feet up on your fireplace?) - it's such a shame, I'd love a cat visitor otherwise, there are no others around it would be welcome in the garden. Hope weather good for you tomorrow 🌞 and have a good Jubilee Friday. Have you made Jubilee pudding? (Has anybody here?! I might have an out of date tin of mandarins somewhere 😂). xx

    Love to Kitty 😘 x

    and to everyone xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230
    edited 3. Jun 2022, 04:31

    Morning everyone who pops by old ir new!

    Joan all well so far. The hotel in Jent is lovely only half an hour from the eurotunnel. We leave here at 6.45am ((())) xxx

    Mike know I am still rooting for you. Well we all are. I hope Vixen and the rest of your support team The Sues are bearing up to. Much love and strength ((())) xxx

    Reshmi you are so right you did it. The bus the hassle the stress all off it. Next time will definitely be easier. Of course it's the big boys birthday bash on Weds next week so maybe the Tuesday group is worth a try.

    My back is definitely cross are is one of my hips even though we stopped for breaks. Not to worry I'll cope.

    I will be as well behaved as possible en France but won't deprive myself. I am not quite like your sister she is lucky to keep her figure so easily.

    Barbara no motorhome this time hotels here in Kent last night then one rather posh one in France for 3 nights Monday back here in Kent then home.

    Naughty pusskins next door bribery is a good move👍

    Today it was fabulous weather in the way down to Kent so I knew you'd have a great day in the garden. You enjoy it! Ours was tidy and hopefully 'trip proofed' before I left🤞

    We did leave plenty of time for hold ups a big one on m25 Penelope did not overheat. Well done her .

    I saw a fabulous pink VW camper will post pic. That was in the queue so we had a chat!!! Yes you know me I'll talk to anyone!

    Oooh a sunflower. Mine did not come up but was yours from your own seed?

    Love to Kitty me duck if you get in take care now. I hope you have news soon about the flat 🤞👍🤞

    The pink camper on the m25 sane colour as Penelope 🤗

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) it’s nice to know you are getting on alright take care. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) we have the sun here have a good weekend is Mr B (()) in a lot of pain (())) love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) cat’s fur makes me itch dogs are alright. Have a good weekend.

    Toni (()) have a good time what coffee will you have there. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) if you are nervous about something you will feel more nervous about it if you are more relaxed you will feel better what ever it is (()) have a good weekend and your mum (()) how is she today.

    Mike (()) I hope you will soon feel a bit better have a good weekend love to vixen.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335

    hi t thanks for your nice message that’s very impressive keeping off web for so long well done. you’re right sympathy from the neighbours was what was needed hope you have a good weekend I’ve got EF arriving tomorrow 🤢. Xx

    Another Alice - related pic. xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335

    Hi Toni Nice to hear from you glad you’re enjoying your holiday, sorry about your back and hip, excess family are coming on Sun, so I’ll inform you about lava flow, oh dear, load of cooking going on here so you can imagine the temperatures 🤢. Glad you’re having a good time nice picture, bit busy bye for now. Xx

    jubilee cake pic. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,606
    edited 3. Jun 2022, 17:26

    Hello all :) happy Jubilee if you like that sort of thing 🇬🇧 (took me ages to find this in the emojis nearly just posted the Canadian flag and had done with it). Day started well when I tipped tea over myself/the duvet/the bedding and had to strip the lot. Wasn't even frog's fault as I was too late for early kettle-on, so it was all my own doing. Got all the washing out when I would have rather been just sitting in the garden (in any case neighbours were sitting in theirs & I can do without hearing them mumbling within a few feet of me, or the merry sound of strimming from the other lot down the bottom). Just about to go and do something else when it started raining and had to stump out like a harassed housewife and drag the lot back in. Now, of course, it's stopped. 🙄 In short, I am in a Bad Mood and have come in for a replacement tea ☕️ some of that very nice Jubilee cake 🍰 and a couple of deep breaths 😂. Right, that's better.

    Waves to frog who is long since over the Channel I presume, glad the queues not too awful but the M25 sounded bad enough - I would want the ladies' by then, just because I was in a queue - maybe camper van people would have helped out 😂 (or is that not an option with a VW) anway how cool to stop and have a camper conversation! Hope all's well this evening and have a cafe au lait for me :) as you will see not much garden today and the forecast is rubbish for days, I told you all that nonsense about upcoming lovely weather was nonsense. 13 degrees on Sunday, rain half the week, I ask you 😫. Well at least yours is at no risk of drying out & scorching 🙄. Yes my sunflower is from my own seed, year before last's - from one I saved by splinting it together after the wind bent it completely in half and fractured the stem (my fault not enough support) - so I was chuffed when it went on to flower 😀 and I could have the seeds. I have some of last year's too and some dwarf ones not up yet, I will probably direct sow some too. Have a lovely day and bon sommeil :) xx

    Hi bosh, thank you for the cake, just the ticket 😊. All the best for the EF visit and hope everything else not too bad all things considered. See you soon when I am in a better temper hopefully haha not the best day. But like BR I'm not usually downcast for too long. x

    Hello Joan, interesting about the cat fur reaction I've just looked up and it says cat fur allergy is twice as common as to dog fur, I would have thought it was quite a lot more than that actually. A shame but I suppose you can keep mostly away from cats unlike some things. Glad it is not too long now for Lexi xx

    Hello to Barbara and Kitty 😊 not a good morning I tipped my tea over, do you think the Queen would mind having another Jubilee day so I can have a better one 😄 xx

    Love to all and have a good weekend xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335

    hi toady sorry you’re not having a very good day hope you feel better tomorrow in the BR spirit lol, I actually got confused because was given wrong info, so basically I have a day’s reprieve as it were lol, EF are coming on Sunday and then there is a restaurant meal and most probably L.A.’s little birthday festivities on Wed so hopefully my stomach will be okay for that…oh dear I really hope so anyway should I fast till Wednesday? Only joking lol, it’s good old methotrexate Friday for me so I’m not having too good a day myself either unfortunately, nvm hopefully we will feel both better tomorrow take care. Xx

    hi Joan you’re right there best to try and think positively I am a bit of a natural worrier tho lol, mum is ok today thanks 👍 hope you’re both having a nice day? sorry if I have not replied properly , bit tired take care. Xx

    Bm pic is nice pot of methotrexate or is that witches potion? LLF’s potion? Lol, okay I’ll stop there now have a good day everyone. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335

    Hi Everybody hope you have a good night and eat lots of mushrooms because they good for you, Rich in iron and so is looking at a bit of mushroom fantasy art before bedtime at least that’s my opinion ha ha. Tc. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Bonjour mes amis!

    Joan all well here crossing was EASY straight onto an earlier train🤗 decaf black coffee shudder! I'll cope. Except yesterday we found a Starbucks at french services so I got my usual latte decaf soya.

    I hope you and Sue are well ((())) xxx

    Mike I am still sending my love and strength and very best wishes even though you cant see them just now. Hurry up and be finished chemo ((())) xxx

    His Kitty how are you doing i wonder? It's very hot here as Aidan would say I'm melting but he loved France. Bill wants to go back. Any news on your flat yet?

    Reshmi how are you? I'm a bit hot but with the roof down in the car its lovely. The hotel is very posh beautiful walk in shower. Telly all in French so will expand my vocabulary!!!

    EF are coming soon? Again! Well LA will be pleased he must be due a holiday in the well known resort of Stafford 🤭🤭

    Before you know it his birthday will be here bless him❤😍

    I hope your tum holds up. Mine is ok so far not easy being vegan here so today I an wearing my vegan t shirt to help them understand 😉

    Toady very very special sunflower seeds that's great I hope the flower grows tall and strong🤗

    Oh dear chucking hot drinks on duvets!😖 not the beat morning activity!

    Hopefully today will be much better and you can enjoy the garden to your heart's content 👍

    Off for breakfast no idea what I will get probably fruit.

    Take care all

    Not the real gathering yet....

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty ((())) how are you feeling thinking of you take care. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (())) how is your knee now. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and is girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) you must be pleased with the sunflower seed. Sue like dolce gusto cafe au Lait have a good day.

    Toni (()) nice pink camper van thank you. We have rain here. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (())) you are doing well going the places. Love to your mum (())

    Mike (()) how many days have you got to go. Thinking about you love to vixen.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335

    Hi Tony toady and everyone else hope you’re all ok? sorry busy day today dad is not feeling well bit of a temperature that kind of thing Covid test was negative though sorry about this really need to have a shower bye for now. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,606

    Afternoon everyone :) slightly less grumpy today but no thanks to the weather, blowing rather horridly out there and enough rain overnight to warrant a weather warning 😕 wish you were here frog? no, me either 😂 Glad to hear all is going to plan black coffee and hot weather notwithstanding it all sounds lovely 😊. All quiet here not doing much - gave myself a terrific fright earlier because Mrs Blackbird came in the house to get me while I was making her some food - doesn't usually even if the door's open - didn't see her go out again & was convinced she'd gone behind something she shouldn't, washing machine/cupboards etc. No sign but kept checking outdoors & no sign either. Finally turned up half an hour later from somewhere, outside, probably been scuffling for food further afield for a while, still don't know how she got out again without my seeing. So relieved! Hot sweet tea after that I can tell you. Oh btw my garden-pot-aholic buying plans ended with my not being able to checkout from the website for some unknown reason, so perhaps that was divine intervention haha. Enjoy your Sunday, and the French tv, one assumes that must be sophisticated/highbrow but I guess there are soaps & daytime tv everywhere. Look forward to updates x

    Hi bosh, sorry that after all your day was not an improvement on yesterday, I hope your Dad is ok and things no worse? Sounds like it's probably as well EF were not coming til tomorrow, maybe that will have to be changed too it depends I guess. Definitely hope it doesn't affect Wednesday's plans. 😔 Hope not feeling too bad yourself after witches' brew day xx ps a very weak gasman joke for you, I was thinking that if LA were to meet the Queen she would be bound to ask if he was a 'Corgi registered' gas toddler. Sorry I said it would be bad 😉.

    Hello Joan yes I was very happy to get seeds from the sunflower now I just have to try & successfully grow some flowers! The snails were a bit keen on last year's I will have to protect them better. Hope not too nasty weather for you wind is really quite brisk here I am going out to secure anything light. Hope you both have a good Sunday xx

    Love to one & all & whoever may be passing 😘 xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,606

    2 Alliums - 'allium roseum', and chive flowers.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335

    Hi toady that was a good joke actually I liked it , about gas toddler, dad is not too well and I’ve caught it, we’ve both got temperatures, both COVID negative thankfully, mum isn’t feeling too good either but no temperature and is feeling bit better than us at least in this respect. The bird Got into the house I would’ve been terrified I Also dislike black coffee well any coffee really. Hope your night doesn’t go too badly. Tc. Xx

    Hope The rain behaves itself in the night for you it’s welcome to come my way though. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,606

    Just to say sorry to hear the nasty thing has gone around the family bosh, & you & mum have a touch of it too, oh dear 😟 do hope it's just a mild dose of something & things not too bad by tomorrow and you can get some sleep; Toni will be in first in the morning I expect, she will check up on you all & I'll pop in on my phone to see how things are going, take care xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Morning everyone old or new to the cafe😊

    Joan thank you I want that pink camper van but dont know what I'd do with it🤭 love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Mike I hope you are coping as with the chemo as well as possible. It's just dreadful but must be working. I bet you've lost a lot of weight😕 sending my usual ((())) xxx

    Kitty me duck how are you today? I hope coping ok and enjoying the veggie food and many visitors 🤗 Any news yet on that flat? Or any other possibilities? Sleek says you are looking after her while I have ab- Ann-dend her🙄

    Reshmi make sure you do another covid test today or tomorrow it can take a few days to come positive if it is that. All being well a normal bug.((())) take care.

    Just rest up as much as possible you must get well for the big day on Wednesday. Keep in touch if you can you know we will worry.

    Barbara I'm sure you'll be in today to check in on us all hope you are well Mr B too. Is Niamh home and if so has she visited yet? ((())) xxx

    Today the alums look fabulous and the chive flowers will be a real bee magnets😊

    It got to 28/29 here then a storm overnight which was absolutely perfect. Roof down all day for the rally all around the French countryside.

    Arrived at St Quentin then had a French baguette with vegetables (cold but peas carries etc!) And some water free. 100s and 100s of cars.

    Black bird has sense and got bored waiting for you, but I would also have been scared.🐦🐦🐦

    I am 2nd Fig in in the much nicer pink:

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Ok looks like I'll have to post pic in a bit reception in hotel isnt great sorry xxx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) how are you feeling today I feel sorry for you. I hope you are feeling happier now (())) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) is Mr B (()) feeling better now with his hip (()) love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) thank you for the plants. The Blackbird came in to get his own food. We had a magpie come in our kitchen years ago he used to peck the dog on his back and then sit on the fence looking.

    Toni (()) your Figaro would be the best one there. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) sorry that all of you are not feeling very well take care (())

    Mike (()) are you feeling a bit better now take care love to vixen

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335

    hi toady 🐸 Joan and Toni hope you’re all ok? I’m not feeling that great today but thanks for asking about me had some Paracetamol feeling sleepy have temperature bye for now. Xx

    ps LA said that he saw the Queen in Waitrose buying some biscuits lol, I almost just said that’s all very well but what about almonds? even royalty needs her folic acid, haha. He also Talked to the hairdresser about his love of Lego so picture is a Lego queen but she seems a bit scary to me though as it doesn’t really have a face maybe the face was stolen by queue NHS queue jumper neighbour? anything is possible bye for now..

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all Sorry I'm lost with days.

    Horrible cold weather today I'm freezing 🥶 but yesterday was lovely for the towns garden party sort if ..entertament but bring your own food

    Toni Penelope has dine si way going all that way and so have ypu now rest that back nice to to see the traveller in the same colour enjoy xx

    Toady ypu do make ne laugh ..wouldn't do for you to go ti the Queens Garden party 😂yes its the same cat she us lovely but a demon ..can't have enough pots 😁love the pics especially the chive flowers xx

    Joan my knees behaving touch wood my head ..Mr B us struggling with his other hip but his hew ine us fine ..hope you Sue and the doggies are OK xx

    Reshmi yes Mr B can eat anything ..nothing sets his tummy off mine least said ..hope you are not coming down with something ...take care xx

    Love to Mike thinking about you xx

    Love to Kitty xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335

    Hi Barbara thanks for your nice Mr B can eat anything that must be annoying I think my stomach is much like yours rather delicate. Thanks about my temperature it went down then went up now it’s more or less more normal I think but still feeling a bit yucky 🤢 my dad got soaked in the rain no proper coat no umbrella typical dad and I think he just passed it on to me and my mum, she’s is not feeling too bad tho which is the main thing, we were meant to have a meal out for LA’s birthday on Wednesday at a nice restaurant but I don’t think that’s going to be happening now situation is quite frustrating because I’ve just discovered the coffee groups again but anyway the main thing is Mum stays well. I hope you have a nice night it’s rather cold isn’t it? even down here in the south, I don’t think damp air is very good for either. Bye for now Barbara. Xx

    Ps just a little Bookmark pic of Peppa Pig and the rainy puddles LA has been controlling my brain again ha ha take care. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,606

    Hello everyone, I popped in a couple of times earlier to see how bosh was faring.. glad to see things are no worse and if anything a bit better this evening.. it does sound like maybe your Dad picking up a chill and passing it on is the source so fingers crossed that's all there is to it and definitely glad to hear your mum had not had it any worse than you both. Sorry but I planned to come in and post more this evening but I've now been on the phone for a while (friend has a cold too so everyone's 'in the wars' at the moment), I will call in properly tomorrow now hopefully.

    love to frog, Kitty, Joan, Mike & Vixen - and mig, Carol & any visitors xx

    (and yes Barbara freezing today no two ways about it, gosh what sort of a June do you call this 🙄 for tuppence I'd get my hot water bottle back out 😂 )

    see you all soon xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Morning everyone 👍🤗

    Well still no Mike. I am trying to work out when this darn chemo will be done🤔 hopefully soon then once you've recovered Mike and you will. We'll see you here again. I hope you can feel that we are all rooting for you ((())) xxx

    Kitty me duck how are you today? I hope all is well and you will have news for us soon about having your own place. Sending love ((()))

    Joan thank you. My car certainly attracts the most attention! There are two from France with us one from Germany and one from the Netherlands too. Love to you and Sue((()))

    Morning Reshmi I do hope you feel much much better today. If not do do a second test to be on the safe side. Your Mum or even you might be entitled to the antiviral meds if it is covid.

    It does rather sound like a cold though.

    I do hope you are all well enough for LA's big boy birthday bash though😕 I know you are right the main thing is that it's not covid and Mum stays well ((())) for you all.

    Peppa pig in puddles! Adorable ❤

    Morning Barbara. Is Mr. B thin then?🙄 typical man! How is he now has he ditched his crutches?

    All well here will be home soon on Tuesday. I have videos to post but cant share them on here.

    Back and hip are not happy but at least I drove yesterday so very pleased with myself 👍🤗👍

    Morning Toadyi imagine you had tain? We did too so roof up for the closed street parade. Waved out of the window 1000s of people came out and lined the streets Penelope was the only pink car including all the other makes there.

    I took a pic of this Morgan for ny neighbour

    It was next best colour in yellow although there were two purple Figs.

    I expect our gardens will be happy with the rain and very much hope nobody's jubilee celebrations were spoilt yesterday.

    Take care everyone

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) thinking of you have a good day love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) Mr B(()) must be pleased with his new hip perhaps in time he will have the other one done. Sorry you have a upset tummy. Lexi is 12 today. Love to your Son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) you never spilt your tea today good. Have a good day. I’m still wearing my thermals.

    Toni (()) thank you for the lovely photos (()) sorry about your back but it was worth it. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Mike (()) I hope you are beginning to feel a bit better love to vixen.

    Reshmi (()) sorry you don’t feel well is your mum any better and your Dad.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335

    Good morning Joan How are you and Sue today? I’m feeling a little bit better thanks dad is still not too good and being a real pain he told my mum he was blind in the morning which was an absolute lie and she got scared poor lady. The GP is going to give him a call today to find out what’s wrong, mum’s not feeling too bad thankfully so far she’s got a little bit of a cold but it’s pretty mild thank goodness, i’m feeling quite tired though, LA told me that he saw the Queen buying biscuits in Waitrose, lol hope you have a nice day. Xx